Subnets. What is a subnet? How does it work?

Subnets. What is a subnet? How does it work?

Subnetting is the process of dividing a network into several smaller, independent subnets. Each subnet is a portion of the core network that follows a specific logic. We know the definition of the use of subnets in local networks that we could use in our company, y, since the benefits of using subnetting are several:

  • Increase of network performance: The amount of data traffic on a network with subnets is reduced, as traffic can be directed only to the necessary subnet. This also decreases broadcast traffic (packets that are sent to all devices on the network), being able to send them only to specific subnets.
  • Improved network security: Subnets may be isolated from each other, making it easier to establish boundaries between different network segments by means of a firewall.
  • Ease of network management: Having multiple subnets increases flexibility in network management compared to working with a single network.

Process for creating subnets

Before you start creating subnets, it is important to know three key concepts:

  • Original IP Address: This is the base IP address from which you will start to create the necessary subnets. IPv4 addresses are divided into classes (A, B, C, D and E). In LAN networks, Class A ( –, Class B ( –, or Class C ( – addresses are generally used.
  • Subnet Mask: It indicates which part of the IP address corresponds to the network and subnet number and which part corresponds to hosts. In addition, it also tells devices to identify whether a host is within a local subnet or comes from a remote network.
  • Broadcast address: It is the highest address of a subnet and allows simultaneous traffic between all nodes of a subnet. A packet sent to the broadcast address will be sent to all subnet devices.

Once these concepts are clear, you may begin to calculate the subnets.

  • Choosing the source IP address: The choice of this source IP for a local network will usually be class A, B or C and will depend on the number of hosts you need on your network. For the example, we will use the class C address
  • Determining the number of subnets: You need to decide how many subnets you wish or need to create. The more subnets, the fewer IP addresses will be available to hosts. In our example we will create 4 subnets.
  • Subnet Mask Calculation: Starting from the IP, where /24 indicates that we use 24 bits for the subnet, which leaves 8 bits for the hosts. This translates to binary as:
    subnet bits (24) host bits (8)
  • Borrowing bits for subnets: To create subnets, take bits from those available for hosts. The formula to calculate how many bits you need is:
    2^n >= N
    Where N is the number of subnets (4 in our example) and n is the number of bits needed. Here, n equals 2, since: 2^2 >= 4
  • New Subnet Mask: By taking 2 bits from hosts, the new subnet mask will be:
    subnet bits (26) / host bits (6)
    This translates to /26 or
  • Assigning source IP addresses for each subnet: Using the two borrowed bits, you get the following combinations:
  • Calculating IPs for each subnet: For each subnet, calculate the first and last usable IP address and broadcast address:
    • Subnet
      • First IP:
      • Last IP:
      • Broadcast address:
    • Subnet
      • First IP:
      • Last IP:
      • Broadcast address:
    • Subnet
      • First IP:
      • Last IP:
      • Broadcast address:
    • Subnet
      • First IP:
      • Last IP:
      • Broadcast address:

Summarizing in a table:


First IP

Last IP

Main IP

Broadcast IP

To make the task of performing these calculations easier, there are online calculators such as this one.

Subnet-to-subnet communication

Although subnets may be part of the same local network, let us not forget that now each subnet is a different network. A router is required for devices on different subnets to communicate. The router will determine whether the traffic is local or remote using the subnet mask.
Each subnet connects to a router interface, which is assigned an IP from those available for hosts. This address will be the default gateway that we will set on the computers in that subnet. All computers must have the same subnet mask ( in our example).

IPv6 Subnets

Creating IPv6 subnets is different and often less complex than IPv4 ones. In IPv6 there is no need to set aside addresses for a network or broadcast address. Considering that IPv4 sets aside addresses for the main network and the broadcast address in each subnet, these two concepts do not exist in IPv6.

Creating an IPv6 Subnet

An IPv6 Unicast address has 128 bits in hexadecimal format. These 128 bits are divided into the following elements:

  • Global Routing Prefix: The first 48 bits indicate the portion of the network assigned by the service provider to a client.
  • Subnet ID: The next 16 bits after the global routing prefix are used to identify the different subnets.
  • Interface ID: The last 64 bits are the equivalent of the host bits of an IPv4 address. This allows each subnet to support up to 18 quintillion host addresses per subnet.

To create IPv6 subnets, just incrementally increase the subnet ID:

  • Global routing prefix: 2001:0db8:000b::/48
  • Subnets:
    • 2001:0db8:000b:0001::/64
    • 2001:0db8:000b:0002::/64
    • 2001:0db8:000b:0003::/64
    • 2001:0db8:000b:0004::/64
    • 2001:0db8:000b:0005::/64
    • 2001:0db8:000b:0006::/64
    • 2001:0db8:000b:0007::/64

Point-to-point networks

A point-to-point network is a particular type of network that directly communicates between two nodes, making communication between them easier, since each data channel is used to communicate only between those two devices.

Point-to-point subnets

A point-to-point subnet is a type of subnet with a /31 mask, which leaves only two addresses available to hosts. A broadcast IP is not needed in this type of configuration, as there is only communication between two computers.
These types of networks are usually used more in WAN than in LAN, and have the particularities that they are very easy to configure and at low cost, but they are not scalable nor their performance is the best, since all devices may work as client and server in a single link.

Subnet disadvantages and limitations

Although subnets provide several advantages, they also have limitations:

  • Network design complexity: The initial design and configuration may be challenging, and it is necessary to maintain a clear outline of the whole network for proper maintenance.
  • Waste of IP addresses: Each subnet needs to set aside two IPs (primary address and broadcast address) that cannot be assigned to devices. In addition, if subnets are isolated and all have the same size, unused addresses in one subnet cannot be used in another.
  • Appropriate router required: A router capable of handling the infrastructure is required, increasing complexity in routing tables.

Despite these limitations, the benefits of subnetting often outweigh the disadvantages, making it a common practice for many companies to improve the performance and security of their networks.

What do the different parts of an IP address mean?

This section focuses on IPv4 addresses, which are presented as four decimal numbers separated by periods, such as (IPv6 addresses are longer and use letters and numbers.)
Each IP address has two parts. The first part indicates to which network the address belongs. The second part specifies the device on that network. However, the length of the “first part” changes depending on the network class.
Networks are classified into different classes, labeled A through E. Class A networks can connect millions of devices. Class B and class C networks are progressively smaller. (Class D and Class E networks are not commonly used).

Network Class Breakdown

  • Class A Network: Everything that goes before the first point indicates the network, and everything that goes after specifies the device on that network. If you use as an example, the network is indicated with “203” and the device with “0.113.112.”
  • Class B Network: Everything that goes before the second point indicates the network. If you use again as an example, the network is indicated with “203.0” and the device within that network with “113.112.”
  • Class C Network: In class C networks, everything that goes before the third point indicates the network. If you use the same example, “203.0.113” indicates the class C network, and “112” indicates the device.

Importance of subnets

Building IP addresses makes it relatively easy for Internet routers to find the right network to direct data to. However, on a Class A network, for example, there may be millions of devices connected, and the data may take time to find the right device. That is why subnets are useful: subnets limit the IP address for use within a range of devices.
Since an IP address is limited to indicating the network and address of the device, IP addresses cannot be used to indicate which subnet an IP packet should go to. Routers on a network use something known as a subnet mask to classify data into subnets.

What is a subnet mask?

A subnet mask is like an IP address, but only for internal use within a network. Routers use subnet masks to direct data packets to the right place. Subnet masks are not indicated within data packets traversing the Internet: those packets only indicate the destination IP address, which a router will match to a subnet.

Subnet Mask Example

Suppose an IP packet is addressed to the IP address This IP address is a class C network, so the network is identified with “192.0.2” (or technically, Network routers forward the packet to a server on the network indicated by “192.0.2.”
Once the packet reaches that network, a router on the network queries its routing table. It performs binary mathematical operations with its subnet mask of, sees the address of the device “15” (the rest of the IP address indicates the network) and calculates which subnet the packet should go to. It forwards the packet to the router or switch responsible for delivering the packets on that subnet, and the packet arrives at IP address
In short, a subnet mask helps routers classify and route traffic efficiently within a large network, thereby improving network performance and organization.


Subnetting is a kay technique for dividing large networks into more manageable subnets, thereby improving network performance, security, and management. Although the process can be complex, online tools and calculators can make it significantly easier. Understanding and effectively applying subnetting is essential for any network administrator.

MELT: Understanding Metrics, Events, Logs and Traces for Effective Observability

MELT: Understanding Metrics, Events, Logs and Traces for Effective Observability

The infrastructure must be “invisible” to the user, but visible to IT strategists to ensure the performance and service levels required by the business, where observability (as part of SRE or site reliability engineering) is essential to understand the internal state of a system based on its external results. For effective observability, there are four key pillars: metrics, events, logs, and traces, which are summarized in the acronym MELT

Next, define each of these pillars.


What are Metrics?

They are numerical measures, usually periodic, that provide information about the state of a system and performance.

Examples of useful metrics

Response times, error rates, CPU usage, memory consumption, and network performance.

Advantages of using metrics

Metrics allow IT and security teams to track key performance indicators (KPIs) to detect trends or anomalies in system performance.


What are Events?

They are discrete events or facts within a system, which can range from the creation of a module to the login of a user in the console. The event describes the problem, source (agent), and creation.

Event examples in systems

User actions (user login attempts), HTTP responses, changes in system status, or other notable incidents.

How events provide context

Events are often captured as structured data, including attributes such as timestamp, event type, and associated metadata, providing greater elements and information to the IT team to understand system performance and detect patterns or anomalies.


What are logs?

They are detailed records of events and actions that take place in a system. Also these collected data provide a chronological view of system activity, offering more elements for troubleshooting and debugging, understanding user behavior, and tracking system changes. Logs can contain information such as error messages, stack traces, user interactions, notifications about system changes.

Common log formats

Usually, logs use plain format files, either in ASCII type character encodings or stored in text form. The best known formats are Microsoft IIS3.0, NCSA, O’Reilly or W3SVC. In addition, there are special formats such as ELF (Extended Log Format) and CLF (Common Log Format).

Importance of centralizing logs

Log centralization ensures a complete and more contextualized system view at any time. This allows you to proactively spot problems and potential problems, as well as take action before they become bigger problems. Also this centralization allows to have the essential elements for audits and regulatory compliance, since compliance with policies and regulations on safety can be demonstrated.


What are Traces?

Traces provide a detailed view of the request flow through a distributed system. This is because they capture the path of a request as it goes through multiple services or components, including the time at each step. That way, traces help to understand dependencies and potential performance bottlenecks, especially in a complex system. Also traces allow to analyze how system architecture can be optimized to improve overall performance and, consequently, the end user experience.

Examples of traces in distributed systems

  • The interval or span is a timed, named operation that represents a portion of the workflow. For example, intervals may include data queries, browser interactions, calls to other services, etc.
  • Transactions may consist of multiple ranges and represent a complete end-to-end request that travels across multiple services in a distributed system.
  • The unique identifiers for each, in order to track the path of the request through different services. This helps visualize and analyze the path and duration of the request.
  • Spreading trace context involves passing trace context between services.
  • Trace display to show the request flow through the system, which helps identify failures or performance bottlenecks.

Also, traces provide detailed data for developers to perform root cause analysis and with that information address issues related to latency, errors, and dependencies.

Challenges in trace instrumentation

Trace instrumentation can be difficult basically because of two factors:

  • Each component of a request must be modified to transmit trace data.
  • Many applications rely on libraries or frameworks that use open source, so they may require additional instrumentation.

Implementing MELT in Distributed Systems

Adopting observability through MELT involves Telemetry; that is, automatic data collection and transmission from remote sources to a centralized location for monitoring and analysis. From the data collected, the principles of telemetry (analyze, visualize and alert) must be applied to build resilient and reliable systems.

Telemetry Data Collection

Data is the basis of MELT, in which there are three fundamental principles of telemetry:

  • Analyzing the collected data allows obtaining important information, relying on statistical techniques, machine learning algorithms and data mining methods to identify patterns, anomalies and correlations. By analyzing metrics, events, logs, and traces, IT teams can uncover performance issues, detect security threats, and understand system performance.
  • Viewing data makes it accessible and understandable to stakeholders. Effective visualization techniques are the dashboards, charts, and graphs that represent the data clearly and concisely. In a single view, you and your team can monitor system health, identify trends, and communicate findings effectively.
  • Alerting is a critical aspect of observability. When alerts are set up based on predefined thresholds or anomaly detection algorithms, IT teams can proactively identify and respond to issues. Alerts can be triggered based on metrics that exceed certain limits, events that indicate system failures, or specific patterns in logs or traces.

Aggregate Data Management

Implementing MELT involves handling a large amount of data from different sources such as application logs, system logs, network traffic, services and third-party infrastructure. All of this data should be found in a single place and aggregated in the most simplified form to observe system performance, detect irregularities and their source, as well as recognize potential problems. Hence, aggregate data management based on a defined organization, storage capacity, and adequate analysis is required to obtain valuable insights.
Aggregating data is particularly useful for logs, which make up the bulk of the telemetry data collected. Logs can also be aggregated with other data sources to provide supplemental insights into application performance and user behavior.

Importance of MELT in observability

MELT offers a comprehensive approach to observability, with insights into system health, performance, and behavior, from which IT teams can efficiently detect, diagnose, and solve issues.

System Reliability and Performance Improvements

Embracing observability supports the goals of SRE:

  • Reduce the work associated with incident management, particularly around cause analysis, by improving uptime and Mean Time To Repair (MTTR).
  • Provide a platform to monitor and adapt according to goals in service levels or service level contracts and their indicators (see What are SLAs, SLOs, and SLIs?). It also provides the elements for a possible solution when goals are not met.
  • Ease the burden on the IT team when dealing with large amounts of data, reducing exhaustion or overalerting. This also leads to boosting productivity, innovation and value delivery.
  • Support cross-functional and autonomous computers. Better collaboration with DevOps teams is achieved.

Creating an observability culture

Metrics are the starting point for observability, so a culture of observability must be created where proper collection and analysis are the basis for informed and careful decision-making, in addition to providing the elements to anticipate events and even plan the capacity of the infrastructure that supports the digitization of the business and the best experience of end users.

Tools and techniques for implementing MELT

  • Application Performance Monitoring (APM): APM is used to monitor, detect, and diagnose performance problems in distributed systems. It provides system-wide visibility by collecting data from all applications and charting data flows between components.
  • Analysis AIOps: These are tools that use artificial intelligence and ML to optimize system performance and recognize potential problems.
  • Automated Root Cause Analysis: AI automatically identifies the root cause of a problem, helping to quickly detect and address potential problems and optimize system performance.

Benefits of Implementing MELT

System reliability and performance requires observability, which must be based on the implementation of MELT, with data on metrics, events, logs, and traces. All of this information must be analyzed and actionable to proactively address issues, optimize performance, and achieve a satisfactory experience for users and end customers.

Pandora FMS: A Comprehensive Solution for MELT

Pandora FMS is the complete monitoring solution for full observability, as its platform allows data to be centralized to obtain an integrated and contextualized view, with information to analyze large volumes of data from multiple sources. In a single view, it is possible to see the status and trends in system performance, in addition to generating smart alerts efficiently. It also generates information that can be shared with customers or suppliers to meet the standards and goals of services and system performance. To implement MELT:

  • Pandora FMS unifies regardless of the operating model and infrastructures (physical or SaaS, PaaS or IaaS).
  • With Pandora FMS, you may collect and store all kinds of logs (including Windows events) to be able to search and configure alerts. Logs are stored in non-SQL storage that allows you to keep data from multiple sources for quite some time, supporting compliance and audit efforts. Expanding on this topic, we invite you to read the Infrastructure Logs document, the key to solving new compliance, security and business related questions.
  • Pandora FMS offers custom dashboard layouts to display real-time data and multi-year history data. Reports on availability calculations, SLA reports (monthly, weekly or daily), histograms, graphs, capacity planning reports, event reports, inventories and component configuration, among others, can be predefined.
  • With Pandora FMS, you may monitor traffic in real time, getting a clear view of the volume of requests and transactions. This tool allows you to identify usage patterns, detect unexpected spikes, and plan capacity effectively.
  • With the premise that it is much more effective to visually show the source of a failure than simply receiving hundreds of events per second. Pandora FMS offers the value of its service monitoring, which allows you to filter all information and show only what is critical for making appropriate decisions.
Cisco Meraki Monitoring with Pandora FMS

Cisco Meraki Monitoring with Pandora FMS

In a business world increasingly oriented towards efficiency and mobility, network management becomes a critical factor for success. Cisco Meraki stands as an undisputed leader thanks to its ability to offer a fully cloud-based technology, allowing companies of any size to manage their network devices remotely and centrally. This platform not only ensures the security and scalability required in enterprise environments, but also optimizes network performance by adapting the available bandwidth to the demands of the devices. However, to take full advantage of Cisco Meraki and ensure optimal infrastructure performance, proper monitoring becomes essential. In this context, Pandora FMS emerges as an end-to-end solution that allows adding a customized monitoring layer to the Cisco Meraki platform, facilitating early problem detection, performance analysis and scalability planning. Next, we will explore in detail why the combination of Cisco Meraki and Pandora FMS is the ideal choice for companies looking for efficient and proactive management of their network.

The great advantage of Cisco Meraki, which has made it stand out as a leader in its sector, is that it allows companies, regardless of the size of their network infrastructure, to offer 100% cloud-based technology. Of course, this allows you to manage devices from multiple locations remotely through a centralized tool, which has an API through which you may query through Pandora FMS, to add the whole monitoring of the environment in an easily and quickly, through plugins already designed for this function.

Why to Choose Cisco Meraki?

It is worth mentioning that the great advantage of Cisco Meraki is the technology of its cloud-based platform, which is widespread among companies of all sizes, and which includes the following advantages:

  • Security: It offers malware protection, state-of-the-art firewalls, and data encryption. The standards comply with PCI level 1 regulations.
  • Scalability: Cisco Meraki integration can be done both for one site and for thousands of devices distributed at different points. In addition, once deployed from the beginning, tools are offered to make the growth of the environment as efficient as possible.
  • Performance: It provides network administrators with optimal performance by adapting the available bandwidth to the devices available.

Why monitor Cisco Meraki?

  • Network Troubleshooting: It includes equipment malfunction or network overflow through traffic analysis tools.
  • Environment Performance Analysis: Equipment that appears to be working properly but is actually flapping at its ports or a network interface whose speed is not enough to meet bandwidth needs can be as disruptive to your infrastructure as a device that is downright down.
  • Infrastructure Scalability Scheduling: Are you sure that your devices are enough to meet the needs of your network? Monitoring the environment is key both to find out if it is necessary to add more devices, and to know whether there are lots of them for your real traffic.

Why choose Pandora FMS to monitor Cisco Meraki?

Let’s face it, Meraki’s own Cloud already includes infrastructure monitoring tools such as dashboards. So why should you worry about monitoring your Cloud devices with external software like Pandora FMS?
Here are just a few of the advantages you would enjoy by adding Cloud devices to Pandora FMS:

  • Fully Custom Alerting Settings: Defining an alert when a problem is detected in a sensor (module) in Pandora FMS goes beyond notifying you by email or other notification tools, such as SMS or Telegram, the number of times and in the period of time you need. This section also includes the possibility of performing custom actions, such as trying to reboot a device automatically, writing on log files, opening an incident ticket on a ticketing platform…
  • Custom Infrastructure Definition: Differentiating between groups of agents, agents and modules is fully definable depending on how you want to define computer division in your infrastructure.
  • Stored Event History: Any status change and alert triggering from your sensors generates an event that is stored in a history that can be checked to perform a problem analysis in your network.
  • Creating custom services, reports and visual consoles: Pandora FMS services allow you to assign importance to the different computers through a weighting system, visual consoles allow you to build your whole network infrastructure through icons that may change color according to device status in real time. Reports can be configured to prepare a summary of availability of a equipment or a network interface in an estimated time… these are just some examples of the analysis that you may get by storing your device data in Pandora FMS.
  • Ease of integration between platforms: We have a plugin with which to add the devices within the Meraki Cloud with a simple execution. It is also possible to customize the modules you wish to add if you have direct access to the equipment using the SNMP protocol.

Pandora FMS Modules for Cisco Meraki

A Pandora FMS module is an information entity that stores data from a numeric or alphanumeric individual check (CPU. RAM, traffic, etc.). That is, if in a switch you wish to monitor its general CPU, and the operating state and input and output traffic of two of its interfaces, you will need to create 7 modules: one for the general CPU, two for the operating state of the two interfaces, two for the input traffic of the two interfaces and two for the output traffic of the two interfaces.
Modules are stored in dummy entities called agents. Generally, each agent represents a different device.
Finally, an agent always belongs to a group. Groups are sets that contain agents and are used to filter and control visibility and permissions.
By knowing these terms, we can get to know the structure of devices and checks that are automatically created in Pandora FMS with the execution of the “pandora_meraki” plugin that we have to add to our monitoring the information that can be retrieved from the cloud.

Meraki device agents and modules created using plugins

We have an official PandoraFMS plugin that will hugely improve the task of adding devices from the Meraki Cloud to your monitoring.
The plugin documentation can be found at the following link.
It is a server plugin (it must be located on the machine where PandoraFMS server is located), which must be indicated through parameters the URL of your Cloud, the organization ID of the company and the name of the group to add the agents that will be created through the plugin. With a simple execution, agents will be created for each appliance, switch and wireless device within a Network that matches the name of the group indicated by the parameter.
The modules created will be the following:

  • For each appliance device:
    • Device status
    • Operational status of its interfaces
    • Performance percentage
  • For each switch device:
    • Device status
    • Operational status of its enabled interfaces
    • Inbound traffic from its enabled interfaces
    • Outbound traffic from its enabled interfaces
  • For each wireless device:
    • Device status

Meraki device agents and modules created through SNMP checks

If it is necessary to add an extra module to those created by the plugin and there is connectivity between Pandora FMS server and the Meraki network devices, it is also possible to add monitoring through SNMP check polling network modules.
SNMP version 1, 2 or 3 protocol must be activated in the configuration of the Meraki devices and a network server module must be created for each check that is needed, as in any other network device.
This video explains how to create these types of modules.


Delving into more extensive monitoring than that offered by Meraki’s own Cloud-native systems is necessary to detect medium/long-term problems such as network saturation and perform a performance and scalability analysis. And it is downright essential for the configuration of a custom and immediate alert and the automation of tasks such as ticket creation.
To delve into it, it is necessary to have a system specifically oriented to monitoring and that offers the integration of this system with the devices added to the Cloud.
Pandora FMS allows, not only all this ease of integration and analysis tools for the Meraki Cloud, but also in the same environment it is possible to add the whole monitoring of the rest of the company’s areas and devices, such as servers, or the addition of metrics from other manufacturers.

Distributed Systems Monitoring: the Four Golden Signals

Distributed Systems Monitoring: the Four Golden Signals

What are the Four Golden Signs?

In the IT Topic “IT System Monitoring: advanced solutions for total visibility and security”, in which we present how advanced solutions for IT system monitoring optimize performance, improve security and reduce alert noise with AI and machine learning. We also mentioned that there are four golden signals that IT systems monitoring should focus on. The term “golden signals” was introduced by Google in 2014 in its book Site Reliability Engineering: How Google Runs Production Systems,where Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) is a discipline used by IT and software engineering teams to proactively create and maintain more reliable services. The four golden signs are also defined:

  • Latency: This metric is the time that elapses between a system receiving a request and subsequently sending a response. You might think of it as a unique “average” latency metric, or perhaps an established “average” latency that can be used to guide SLAs. But, as a golden signal we want to observe the latency over a period of time, which can be displayed as a histogram of frequency distribution. For instance:

    This histogram shows the latency of 1000 requests made to a service with an expected response time of less than 80 milliseconds (ms). Each histogram section groups requests according to the amount of time they take to complete, from 0 ms to 150 ms in increments of five.
  • Traffic: It refers to the demand in the system. For example, a system might have an average of 100 requests HTTPS per second; but averages can be misleading. Average trends can be observed for problems or averages over time. Also, traffic may increase at certain times of the day (when people respond to an offer for a few hours or inquiries are made about stock prices at market close.
  • Errors: It refers to API error codes that indicate something is not working properly. The tracking of the total number of errors that take place and the percentage of failed requests allows you to compare the service with others. Google SREs extend this concept to include functional errors of incorrect data and slow responses.
  • Saturation: There is a saturation point for networks, disks, and memory where demand exceeds the performance limits of a service. You can do load testing to identify the saturation point, as well as restrictions, when a request failed first. A very common bad practice is to ignore saturation when there are load balancers and other automated scaling mechanisms. In poorly configured systems, inconsistent scaling and other factors can prevent load balancers from doing their job properly. For that reason, monitoring saturation helps teams identify issues before they become serious problems by taking proactive actions to prevent these incidents from happening again.

The Importance of the Four Golden Signals in Monitoring

The relevance of the four golden signals in IT systems monitoring lies in the feasible tracking on latency, traffic, errors and saturation of all services, in real time, providing the elements for IT teams to identify potential or ongoing issues more quickly. Also, with the single view of everyone’s status, the work of the team devoted to monitoring IT or third-party systems is streamlined. Instead of performing different monitoring for each function or service, monitoring metrics and records can be grouped into a single location. All of this helps to better manage issues and track the whole lifecycle of an event.

How to Implement the Four Golden Signals

The four golden signals are a way to help SRE teams focus on what’s important, so they don’t rely on a plethora of metrics and alarms that might be difficult to interpret. To implement them, follow these steps:

  • Define baselines and thresholds: Sets normal operating ranges or service level targets for each signal. SLO help identify anomalies and set up significant alerts. For example, you may set a latency threshold of 200 ms; if it is higher, an alert should be triggered.
  • Implement alerts: Set up alerts to receive notifications when signals exceed predefined thresholds, ensuring issues can be responded to promptly. Combination with AI streamlines alert and notification management and escalation.
  • Analyze trends: Review historical data periodically to understand trends and patterns, as well as gather information for proactive capacity planning and identifying areas of opportunity to optimize them. Advanced analytics and AI are valuable tools to give the correct reading to these analyses.
  • Automate responses: Try to automate responses to common problems so as not to overwhelm your IT team and so that they can also focus on more strategic tasks or incidents that really deserve attention. With AI, automatic scaling can be established to help manage traffic spikes.

Monitoring Tools Open Source or Commercial Solutions?

To choose a Monitoring tool, the question may arise as to which option is more convenient: an open source one or a commercial solution. The answer should not depend only on an economic question (whether or not to pay for resources), but also on taking into account that almost all IT products cannot do without open source, since they are constantly used and that is why we do not question their value. Of course, it should be borne in mind that, to use open source, you must choose monitoring solutions supported by professional and reliable monitoring, in addition to support for correct configuration.
It is also important for the open source solution to be intuitive, to not represent a consumption of valuable time spent on configuration, adjustments, maintenance and updating tasks. Remember that agility and speed are required.

Importance of Golden Signals in Observability

Monitoring allows problems to be detected before they become critical, while observability is particularly useful for diagnosing problems and understanding the root cause. Golden signals enable site reliability engineering (SRE) to be implemented based on availability, performance, monitoring, and readiness to respond to incidents, improving overall system reliability and performance. Also, monitoring based on golden signals offers the observability elements to find out what is happening and what needs to be done about it. To achieve observability, metrics from different domains and environments must be gathered in one place, and then analyzed, compared, and interpreted.

The Golden Signals as Part of Full-Stack Observability

The full-stack observability refers to the ability to understand what is happening in a system at any time, monitoring system inputs and outputs, along with cross-domain correlations and dependency mapping. Golden signals help manage the complexities of multi-component monitoring, avoiding blind spots. It also links system behavior, performance, and health to user experience and business outcomes.
Also, golden signals are integrated to the principles of SRE: Risk Acceptance, Service Level Objectives, Automation, Effort Reduction, and Distributed Systems Monitoring, combining software engineering and operations to build and execute large-scale, distributed, and high-availability systems. SRE practices also include the definition and measurement of reliability objectives, the design and implementation of observability, along with the definition, testing and execution of incident management processes. In advanced observability platforms, the golden signals provide the data to also improve financial management (costs, capital decisions by use of technologies, SLA compliance), security and risk prevention.


The digital nature of business has caused IT security strategists to face the complexity of multi-component monitoring. Golden signals provide the key indicators that apply to almost all types of systems. In addition, it is necessary to analyze and predict system performance, where observability is essential. In this regard, MELT (Metrics, Events, Logs, and Traces) is a framework with a comprehensive approach to observability, gaining insight into the health, performance, and performance of systems.

Pandora FMS: a Complete Solution for Monitoring the Four Golden Signals

Pandora FMS stands out as a complete solution for monitoring distributed systems and implementing the Four Golden Signals. Here we explain why.

1. Versatility and Flexibility
Pandora FMS (Flexible Monitoring System) is known for its ability to adapt to different environments and business needs. Whether you’re managing a small on-premise infrastructure or a complex, large-scale distributed system, Pandora FMS can scale and adapt seamlessly.

2. Comprehensive Latency Monitoring
Pandora FMS enables detailed latency monitoring at different levels, from application latency to network and database latency. It provides real-time alerts and intuitive dashboards that make it easy to identify bottlenecks and optimize performance.

3. Detailed Traffic Monitoring
With Pandora FMS, you may monitor traffic in real time, getting a clear view of the volume of requests and transactions. This tool allows you to identify usage patterns, detect unexpected spikes, and plan capacity effectively.

4. Error Detection and Analysis
Pandora FMS platform offers a strong feature for error detection, both application errors, network errors, such as packet loss, network interface errors and device errors through SNMP traps in real time or even failures in the infrastructure. Configurable alerts and detailed reports help teams respond quickly to critical issues, reducing downtime and improving system reliability.

5. Resource Saturation Monitoring
Pandora FMS monitors key resource usage, such as CPU, memory, and storage, allowing administrators to anticipate and avoid saturation. This is vital to keep system performance and availability under control, especially during periods of high demand.

6. Integration with Existing Tools and Technologies
Pandora FMS integrates easily with a wide range of existing tools and technologies, enabling easier deployment and greater interoperability. This flexibility makes it easy to consolidate all monitoring data into a centralized platform.

7. Custom Reports and Intuitive Dashboards
The ability to generate custom reports and interactive dashboards allows IT teams to look at the status of their systems effectively. These features are essential for informed decision making and continuous service improvement.

8. Support and Active Community
Pandora FMS has strong technical support and an active community that offers ongoing resources and support. This is crucial to ensure that any issues are quickly solved and that users can get the most out of the platform.

9. Cost-Effectiveness
Unlike many commercial solutions, Pandora FMS offers excellent value for money, providing advanced features at a competitive cost. This makes it an attractive option for both small businesses and large corporations.

What are SLA, SLO, and SLI?

What are SLA, SLO, and SLI?

Learn the differences between SLA, SLO and SLI and how to implement these metrics to improve the quality of service offered by your company. Also, learn about the challenges and best practices for implementing them, along with some real-world examples.

Importance of SLA, SLO and SLI in user experience

Talking about SLA, SLO and SLI means talking about user experience. Each of these acronyms (we will explain them later) is on the minds of developers, who are looking to achieve increasingly reliable and high-quality IT services and resources. To achieve this, they must understand and effectively manage objectives at service levels, relying on defined indicators and formal agreements that lead them to achieve user satisfaction.

Objective of metrics and their application in system performance

What is measured can be improved… so metrics help ensure a service meets its performance and reliability goals. They also help align the goals of different teams within an organization toward one goal: the best user experience.

Differences between SLA, SLO and SLI

  • Definition and scope of each metric.
    Imagine a base where SLI (Service Level Indicators) refers to the quantifiable measurement to evaluate the performance of a service. Above this base you may find SLO (Service Level Objectives), which set objectives for service performance, and SLA (Service Level Agreement), which are legally binding contracts between a service provider and a customer.
  • Example and applications in different contexts.
    For example, a cloud service provider may define latency as the amount of time it takes to process a user’s request and return a response as SLI. From there, an SLO of no more than 100 milliseconds is established for a consecutive period of 30 days; if the average latency exceeds this value, they will issue service credits to customers.
    If an SLI is set on the e-commerce website based on the error rate as a percentage of failed transactions, the SLO could set the error rate to not exceed 0.5% during any 24-hour period. The SLA agreed with the cloud service provider would include this SLO, along with penalties or compensation if it is not met.

SLI: Service Level Indicator

Meaning and function

Service Level Indicators (SLIs) measure the performance and reliability of a service, to determine whether an offer meets its quality objectives. The SLI also helps identify areas for improvement. Examples of indicators include latency (response time), error rate, throughput, and availability (uptime). These metrics are usually monitored over specific time periods to assess performance. As it can be seen, SLIs are the foundation for setting performance and reliability benchmarks for a service.

Challenges and strategies for their measurement

Based on the fact that SLI refers to metrics, the main challenge is to achieve a simple approach to the indicators, since they must be easily analyzed and compared in order to speed up decision-making based on the results. Another challenge is choosing useful tracking metrics that correspond to the actual needs of the product or service.

SLO: Service Level Objective

Definition and purpose

Service Level Objectives (SLOs) set performance and reliability objectives that service providers aim to achieve, in line with a service’s SLIs. So these SLO help to evaluate and monitor whether the service meets the desired quality level. For example, a cloud provider may say that their goal is to achieve 99.99% availability over a specific time period.

Challenges and recommendations for implementation

The main challenge is that objectives must be clear, specific and measurable, so it is recommended that the service provider works closely with stakeholders to define SLOs and their scopes.

SLA: Service Level Agreement

Concept and purpose

A service level agreement (SLA) is a legally binding contract between a service provider and a customer, outlining agreed SLOs and penalties for non-compliance. SLAs ensure that providers and stakeholders clearly understand the expectations about the quality of service and the repercussions in case of non-compliance (financial compensation or service credits) with the agreed standards. SLAs include SLOs such as latency times, error rate, and availability. Of course, before service begins, the service provider and the customer will negotiate Service Level Agreements. SLAs help to have a clear understanding of performance expectations, channels and courses of action, and service reliability, safeguarding the interests of both parties.

Challenges and best practices

One of the most important challenges of an SLA is that it does not go along the line of business priorities, so a best practice is to involve the business areas where the greatest impact on the service level is generated in the agreements. Also, monitoring the SLA and updating them can be a complex process that requires reports with data obtained from multiple sources of information. In this regard, it is recommended to acquire the technological tools that help to retrieve data from multiple sources in a more agile and automated way.

Comparison between SLA, SLO and SLI

As we have seen, SLIs are the foundation for SLOs and SLAs, with quantitative metrics to assess service performance and reliability. SLOs use data derived from SLIs to set specific objectives on service performance, ensuring that the service provider and stakeholders have clear objectives to achieve. Hence, SLAs incorporate SLOs into a contract between the service provider and the customer, so that both parties have a clear understanding of performance expectations and consequences in the event of non-compliance.
To be clearer, it helps to look at these tables that compare differences, challenges, and best practices:

Table 1: Differences between SLA, SLO and SLI






Actual measurement of service performance.

Internal, paid.
(actual number on performance)

High flexibility.


Internal objectives that indicate service performance.

Internal and external, free and paid.
(objectives of the internal team to comply with the service level agreement)

Moderate flexibility.


Agreement with customers on service commitments.

Payments, availability.
(the agreement between the provider and the service user)

Low flexibility.

As it can be seen in Table 1, to the extent that the metric is more specific (SLI), there is greater flexibility for its definition, AND, the more specific the metric (SLA), the more parties involved the commitment is.

Table 2: Challenges and best practices



Best Practices


Definition of product or service associated with business needs.
Accurate and consistent measurement.

Another challenge is choosing useful tracking metrics that correspond to the actual needs of the product or service.
Track system evolution and visualize data.


Balance between complexity and simplicity.
Define the objectives must be clear, specific and measurable.

Close collaboration with the parties involved in the service to define SLOs and their scopes.
Continuously improve and select valuable metrics.


Alignment with business objectives.
Collaboration between legal and technical teams.
Retrieving data from multiple sources to measure compliance levels.

Define realistic expectations, with a clear understanding of the impact on the business.
Reach consensus with stakeholders and the technical team to define the agreements in the SLA.
Use technological tools that help to retrieve data from multiple sources in a more agile and automated way.

In Table 2, you may see that the challenges for the metric are different, due to their internal or external nature. For example, SLOs are internal objectives of the service provider, while SLAs establish a commitment between the provider and the customer (service user), as well as penalties in case of non-compliance.

Real-world applications

Examples of how these metrics are applied in different companies and services.

  • SLI:
    • Service availability/uptime.
    • Number of successful transactions/service requests.
    • Data consistency.
  • SLO:
    • Disk life must be 99.9%
    • Service availability must be 99.5%
    • Requests/transactions successfully served must reach 99.999%
  • SLA:
    • Agreement with clauses and declarations of the signing parties (supplier and user), validity of the agreement, description of services and their corresponding metrics, contact details and hours for support and escalation courses, sanctions and causes of termination in case of non-compliance, termination clauses, among others.


Service metrics are essential to ensure the quality of the service offered. Whether you are working with the service provider or you are on the other side of the desk, the service user, you need to have reliable and clear information about a service’s performance in order to generate better user experiences, which in turn translates into better responsiveness to internal customers (including vendors and business partners) and external customers of any organization. Additionally, do not overlook the fact that more and more companies are adopting outsourcing services, so it is helpful to be familiar with these terms, their applicability and best practices.

We also recommend these tools that Pandora FMS puts at your disposal:

Why business continuity belongs in the cloud?

Why business continuity belongs in the cloud?

Resilience in today’s liquid business environment demands flexibility. The term “observability” replaces monitoring, reflecting the need to adapt and be agile in the face of challenges. The key is to dissolve operations into the cloud, integrating tools and operational expertise for effective resilience.

I remember that when I started my professional career (in a bank) one of the first tasks I was handled was to secure an email server exposed to the internet. Conversations around coffee were about these new trends that seemed suicidal, they wanted to take away service exploitation to servers on the internet!

There wasn’t even talk of the cloud at that time. The first steps of software as a service were already being taken, but in short, everything was on-premise, and infrastructure was the queen of computing, because without a data center, there was no business.

Two decades have gone by and the same thing that happened to Mainframes has happened to data centers. They are reminiscences of the past, something necessary, but outside of our lives. No one builds business continuity around the concept of the data center anymore, who cares about data centers anymore?

The number of devices worldwide that are connected to each other to collect and analyze data and perform tasks autonomously is projected to nearly triple, from 7 billion in 2020 to over 29.4 billion in 2030.

How many of those devices are located in a known data center?, furthermore, does it really matter where these devices are?

We don’t know who they are, who they are maintained by, or even what country they are in many times, no matter how much data protection laws insist, technology evolves a lot faster than legislation.

The most important challenge is ensuring business continuity, and that task is at the very least difficult when it is increasingly harder to know how to manage a business’ critical infrastructure, because the concept of infrastructure itself is changing.

What does IT infrastructure mean?

The suite of applications that manages the data needed to run your business. Below those applications is “everything else”, from databases, engines, libraries, full technology stacks, operating systems, hardware and hundreds of people in charge of each piece of that great babel tower.

What does business continuity mean?

According to ISO 22301, business continuity is defined as the “ability of an organization to continue the delivery of products and services in acceptable timeframes at a predefined capacity during an interruption.”

In practice, there is talk of disaster recovery and incident management, in a comprehensive approach that establishes a series of activities that an organization can initiate to respond to an incident, recover from the situation and resume business operations at an acceptable level. Generally, these actions have to do with infrastructure in one way or another.

Business continuity today

Before IT was simpler, infrastructure was located in one or more datacenters.

Now, we don’t even know where it is, beyond a series of intentionally fuzzy concepts, but what we do know is that neither the hardware is ours, nor the technology is ours, nor the technicians, nor the networks are ours. Only the data (supposedly).

What does business resilience mean?

It is funny that this term has become trendy, when the basic concept of the creation of the Internet was resilience. It means neither more nor less than that it is not a matter of hitting a wall and getting up, but that of accepting mistakes and moving forward, in other words, being a little more elegant and flexible when facing adversity.

Resilience and business continuity

In these liquid times, where everything flows, you have to be flexible and change the paradigm, that is why there is no longer talk of monitoring but of observability, because that of the all-seeing eye is a bit illusory, there is too much to see. Old models don’t work.

It’s not a scalability problem (or at least it’s not just a scalability problem), it’s a paradigm shift problem.

Let’s solve the problem using the problem

Today all organizations are somehow dissolved in the cloud. They mix their own infrastructure with the cloud, they mix their own technology with the cloud, they mix their own data with the cloud. Why not mix observability with cloud?

I’m not talking about using a SaaS monitoring tool, that would be to continue the previous paradigm, I’m talking about our tool dissolving in the cloud, that our operational knowledge dissolves in the cloud and that the resilience of our organization is based on that, on being in the cloud.

As in the beginnings of the internet, you may cut off a hydra’s head, but the rest keeps biting, and soon, it will grow back.

Being able to do something like this is not about purchasing one or more tools, hiring one or more services, no, that would be staying as usual.

Tip: the F of FMS in Pandora FMS, means Flexible. Find out why.

Resilience, business continuity and cloud

The first step should be to accept that you cannot be in control of everything. Your business is alive, do not try to corset it, manage each element as living parts of a whole. Different clouds, different applications, different work teams, a single technology to unite them all? Isn’t it tempting?

Talk to your teams, they probably have their own opinion on the subject, why not integrate their expertise into a joint solution? The key is not to choose a solution, but a solution of solutions, something that allows you to integrate the different needs, something flexible that you do not need to be in control of, just take a look, just have a complete map, so that whatever happens, you can move forward, that’s what continuity is all about.

Some tips on business continuity, resilience and cloud

Why scale a service instead of managing on-demand items?

A service is useful insofar as it provides customers with the benefits they need from it. It is therefore essential to guarantee its operation and operability.

Sizing a service is important to ensure its profitability and quality. When sizing a service, the amount of resources needed, such as personnel, equipment, and technology, can be determined to meet the demand efficiently and effectively. That way, you will avoid problems such as long waiting times, overwork for staff, low quality of service or loss of customers due to poor attention.

In addition, sizing a service will allow you to anticipate possible peaks in demand and adapt the capacity appropriately to respond satisfactorily to the needs of customers and contribute to their satisfaction. Likewise, it also helps you optimize operating costs and maximize service profitability.

Why find the perfect tool if you already have it in-house?

Integrate your internal solution with other external tools that can enhance its functionality. Before embarking on a never-ending quest, consider what you already have at home. If you have an internal solution that works well for your business, why not make the most of it by integrating it with other external tools?

For example, imagine that you already have an internal customer management (CRM) system that adapts to the specific needs of your company. Have you thought about integrating it with digital marketing tools like HubSpot or Salesforce Marketing Cloud? This integration could take your marketing strategies to the next level, automating processes and optimizing your campaigns in a way you never imagined before.

And if you’re using an internal project management system to keep everything in order, why not consider incorporating online collaboration tools like Trello or Asana? These platforms can complement your existing system with additional features, such as Kanban boards and task tracking, making your team’s life easier and more efficient.

Also, let’s not forget IT service management. If you already have an internal ITSM (IT Service Management) solution, such as Pandora ITSM, why not integrate it with other external tools that can enhance its functionality? Integrating Pandora ITSM with monitoring tools like Pandora FMS can provide a more complete and proactive view of your IT infrastructure, allowing you to identify and solve issues before they impact your services and users.

The key is to make the most of what you already have and further enhance it by integrating it with other tools that can complement it. Have you tried this strategy before? It could be the key to streamlining your operations and taking your business to the next level.

Why force your team to work in a specific way?

Incorporate other equipment and integrate it into your team (it may be easier than you imagine, and much cheaper).

The imposition of a single work method can limit the creativity and productivity of the team. Instead, consider incorporating new teams and work methods, seamlessly integrating them into your organization. Not only can this encourage innovation and collaboration, but it can also result in greater efficiency and cost reduction. Have you explored the option of incorporating new teams and work methods into your organization? Integrating diverse perspectives can be a powerful driver for business growth and success.

Why choose a single cloud if you can integrate several?

The supposed simplicity can be a prison of very high walls, never take your chances on a single supplier or you will depend on it. Use European alternatives to protect yourself from legal and political changes in the future.

Choosing a single cloud provider can offer simplicity in management, but it also carries significant risks, such as over-reliance and vulnerability to legal or political changes. Instead, integrating multiple cloud providers can provide greater flexibility and resilience, thereby reducing the risks associated with relying on a single provider.

Have you considered diversifying your cloud providers to protect your business from potential contingencies? Integrating European alternatives can provide an additional layer of protection and stability in an increasingly complex and changing business environment.

Why choose high availability?

Pandora FMS offers HA on servers, agents and its console for demanding environments ensuring their continuity.

High availability (HA) is a critical component in any company’s infrastructure, especially in environments where service continuity is key. With Pandora FMS, you have the ability to deploy HA to servers, agents, and the console itself, ensuring your systems are always online even in high demand or critical environments.

Imagine a scenario where your system experiences a significant load. In such circumstances, equitable load distribution among several servers becomes crucial. Pandora FMS allows you to make this distribution, which ensures that, in the event of a component failure, the system remains operational without interruptions.

In addition, Pandora FMS modular architecture allows you to work in synergy with other components, assuming the burden of those that may fail. This contributes to creating a fault-resistant infrastructure, where system stability is maintained, even in the face of unforeseen setbacks.

Why centralize if you can distribute?

Choose a flexible tool, such as Pandora FMS.

Centralizing resources may seem like a logical strategy to simplify management, but it can limit the flexibility and resilience of your infrastructure. Instead of locking your assets into a single point of failure, consider distributing your resources strategically to optimize performance and availability across your network.

With Pandora FMS, you have the ability to implement distributed monitoring that adapts to the specific needs of your business. This solution allows you to deploy monitoring agents across multiple locations, providing you with full visibility into your infrastructure in real time, no matter how dispersed it is.

By decentralizing monitoring with Pandora FMS, you may proactively identify and solve issues, thus minimizing downtime and maximizing operational efficiency. Have you considered how distributed monitoring with Pandora FMS can improve the management and control of your infrastructure more effectively and efficiently? Its flexibility and adaptability can offer you a strong and customized solution for your IT monitoring needs.

Contact our sales team, ask for a quote, or solve your doubts about our licenses. Pandora FMS, the integral solution for monitoring and observability.

How to update your PC BIOS

How to update your PC BIOS

Every computer has its BIOS, short for Basic Input/Output System), which is a firmware installed on the PC’s motherboard. Through the BIOS you may initialize and configure hardware components (CPU, RAM, hard disk, etc.). Let’s say it’s a kind of translator or bridge between computer hardware and software. Its main functions are:

  • Initialize the hardware.
  • Detect and load the bootloader and operating system.
  • Configure multiple parameters of your PC such as boot sequence, time and date, RAM times and CPU voltage.
  • Set up security mechanisms like a password to restrict access to your PC.

Importance of understanding how to access and update the BIOS

Since its main function is to initialize and check that all the hardware components of your PC are working properly, if everything is working correctly, BIOS looks for the operating system on the hard drive or other boot device connected to your PC. However, accessing‌ BIOS may be an unknown process for many users, preventing its update, which can guarantee the performance of the equipment and its security. Later in this blog we will explain how to access BIOS.

Clarification on the non-routine nature of BIOS updates

It is recommended to update BIOS to maintain performance, stability and computer security. Your PC manufacturer can send BIOS updates to add features or fix some bugs. The process is overall simple, but it must be done with great care to avoid irreversible damage. Also, it should be avoided to turn off or cut off the power in the middle of an upgrade process with serious consequences for the equipment.

Accessing the BIOS from Windows

To access BIOS, there are several options, from the following buttons, depending on the brand of your computer:

  • Dell: F2 or F12
  • HP: F10
  • Lenovo: F2, Fn + F2, F1, or Enter followed by F1
  • Asus: F9, F10 or Delete
  • Acer: F2 or Delete
  • Microsoft Surface: Hold the volume up button pressed
  • Samsung/Toshiba/Intel/ASRock/Origin PC: F2
  • MSI/Gigabyte/EVGA/Zotac/BIOStar: Delete

Instructions for accessing the BIOS from Windows 10 or 11 through Settings and the Advanced Start option

Just follow these instructions:

  • Restart your computer and wait for the manufacturer’s logo to appear.
  • Press the key one of the keys mentioned above when viewing the home screen to access the BIOS settings.
  • Once in the BIOS, you may navigate through the different options using the arrow keys on your keyboard.

You may also follow this process in Windows 11:

  • On the login or lock screen, press the Shift key on your keyboard and tap the power button (or click the power option at the bottom right of the login screen). Then choose the Reset option from the menu.
  • When Windows 11 restarts, you will be shown the advanced startup screen (choose an option).
  • Then scroll to Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > UEFI Firmware Settings and click Restart.

Since BIOS configuration can have an impact on the operation of your PC, it is recommended to seek help from a professional.

Alternatives to using the Windows 10 and 11 method if the operating system loads too fast to access BIOS.

An alternative to start Win11 BIOS configuration is from the Settings application. Just follow these three steps:

  • Open Windows 11 Settings
  • Navigate to System > Recovery > Restart now.
  • Before you click Restart Now , save your work.
  • Next, go to Troubleshooting > Advanced Options > UEFI Firmware Configuration and click Restart. (we will talk about UEFI later in this blog post)

Another alternative is to use the Windows Run command:

  • Open up the Run box (by pressing the Windows + R keys).
  • Then type shutdown /r /o , and press Enter . A shortcut is to type shutdown /r/o/f /t 00 and click OK .
  • Then select Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > UEFI Firmware Configuration and click Restart to boot into the system BIOS settings.

By the command line, also:

  • Open CMD, PowerShell or Terminal.
  • Type in shutdown /r /o /f /t 00 o shutdown /r /o and press Enter.
  • Then go to Troubleshooting > Advanced Options > UEFI Firmware Configuration and click Restart to get to the Windows 11 BIOS/UEFI configuration.

A more customized option is by shortcut:

  • Right-click on the Windows 11 desktop and select New > Shortcut.
  • In window Create Shortcut, enter shutdown /r/o /f /t 00 or shutdown /r /o to locate it.
  • Follow the instructions to create a BIOS shortcut.

Once the BIOS configuration shortcut is created, just double-click it and choose Troubleshooting > Advanced Options > UEFI Firmware Configuration and click Restart to boot your PC into the BIOS environment.

What does UEFI stand for?

UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) has emerged as the most modern and flexible firmware with new features that go hand in hand with today’s needs for more volume and more speed. UEFI supports larger hard drives and faster boot times.

UEFI advantages:

  • Easy to program since it uses the C programming language. With this programming language you may initialize several devices at once and have much faster booting times.
  • More security, based on Secure Boot mode.
  • Faster, as it can run in 32-bit or 64-bit mode and has more addressable address space than BIOS, resulting in a faster booting process.
  • Make remote support. easier. It allows booting over the network, and may also carry different interfaces in the same firmware. A PC that cannot be booted into the operating system can also be accessed remotely for troubleshooting and maintenance.
  • Safe booting, as you may check the validity of the operating system to prevent or check if any malware tampered with the booting process.
  • More features and ability to add programs. You may also associate drivers (you would no longer have to load them into the operating system), which is a major advantage in agility.
  • Modular, since modifications can be made in parts without affecting the rest.
  • CPU microcode independence.
  • Support for larger storage drives, with up to 128 partitions.

Additionally, UEFI can emulate old BIOSes in case you need to install on old operating systems.

Continued use of the “BIOS” term to refer to UEFI for simplicity

BIOS is still used to initialize and check the hardware components of a computer to ensure proper operation. Also, as we have seen, it allows you to customize PC behavior (which boots first, for example). So BIOS is still helpful in troubleshooting issues that prevent the PC from booting properly.

When should you update your BIOS?

Reasons to perform a BIOS update

Updating the BIOS (or UEFI), as we mentioned before, helps the system work with better performance, in addition to checking and adjusting the installed hardware, which in turn ultimately impacts software operation. It is recommended to update BIOS only if there is a necessary improvement in the new version.
Sometimes, it is necessary to update BIOS so that the motherboard supports the use of a new generation processor or other type of hardware.

Warning about the potential risks of a BIOS update

The recommendation to update BIOS only when it is a necessary part of the possibility that the updating process​ fails, leaving your computer inoperable (!). Another risk is data loss if something fails during the upgrade (a connection outage, power, incomplete process). It considers that there may be unexpected errors that may result in a direct impact on the operation ‌of your computer. That is why it is recommended to ask for professional support to do so.

How to update your BIOS

Although each manufacturer recommends a process and their own tools for updating BIOS, you may say that the first step is always to back up the most critical data on your computer, in case something goes wrong in the process (hopefully not!). To do so, the following is recommended:

Identification of the motherboard model and BIOS using Windows system information

The BIOS update is based on the model data of the motherboard or computer. To find out, press the Windows key on your PC and type System Information . The service window will open in which all the details of the installed software will be listed. You will see the System Model and BIOS Version and Date, for the BIOS manufacturer’s name, BIOS version, and release date. With this data you will know which version of the BIOS to download (it must be later than the one you installed).

However, the most common method of updating BIOS is through an update wizard program, which takes you by the hand throughout the update process and runs from the operating system. Only indicate where the BIOS update file is located and restart the PC.

Steps to download and install the BIOS update according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Generally, the manufacturer of the motherboard of your PC has not only an update wizard program but also the BIOS update file, such as the wizard program itself, which you may download from the support page of the manufacturer of your computer or motherboard.
Once you obtain the BIOS installation wizard and the latest version of the BIOS, download them to your computer. It is important to mention that it is not recommended to use Beta versions of BIOS updates. It is preferable to keep the latest stable version, even if it is older.
Let the update wizard take you by the hand and use the BIOS update file to indicate that this is the new firmware to be installed. In case the downloaded update file is invalid or more updated to what you already have installed, the wizard software will detect it and will not perform the update.
Once this is done, restart your PC. We recommend that you check the main settings, checking that the date and time are correct, the boot order is correct (i.e. which hard drive is checked first for a Windows installation) and check that everything else is correct.
Now, you may continue working with the new BIOS version.

BIOS Update Considerations

Before making any BIOS updates, it is always recommended to back up the data so that this does not become your nightmare. For BIOS update, please consider these considerations:

  • Updating the BIOS generally does not improve performance, so it should be done only if necessary.
  • As we have seen, there are several methods for updating the BIOS, increasingly intuitive such as those in which the manufacturer itself offers an update wizard program that takes you by the hand throughout the process. It is important to follow the instructions that the manufacturer of your equipment indicates to prevent it from becoming unusable.
  • Always investigate BIOS corruption recovery options and have that information handy. That is: get ready for any contingency. Many times, despite precautionary measures, the upgrade may fail, either due to incompatibility issues or an unfortunate blackout or power outage. Should that happen, and if the PC is still working, do not turn off the computer. Close the flash update tool and restart the update process to see if it works. If you made a BIOS backup dtry selecting this file to recover it.

Also some motherboards have backup BIOSes that help restore the BIOS. Or, the manufacturer sells BIOS chips from its online store, at a good price.
Finally, we would like to repeat once again the recommendation that you rely on an expert to update the BIOS.

XZ Vulnerability

XZ Vulnerability

You drink tap water every day, right? Do you know who invented the filtering mechanism that makes water pure and clean?… Well, do you actually care?

Do you know that this mechanism is exactly the same in all the taps of all the houses of any country? Do you know that this specialized piece is the work of an engineer who does it just because? Can you imagine what could happen if this person had a bad day?

Let’s talk about the XZ Utils library and why it is not a good idea to depend on a single supplier and make them angry. Let’s talk about the XZ Utils library and its latest developer, Jia Tan.

Yes, open source software can offer a series of benefits in terms of prices (because it is actually “free”), transparency, collaboration and adaptability, but it also entails risks regarding the security and excessive trust that we place as users.

What happened?

On March 29, Red Hat, Inc. disclosed the vulnerability CVE-2024-3094, with a score of 10 on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System scale, and, therefore, a critical vulnerability, which compromised the affected SSH servers.

This vulnerability affected the XZ Utils package, which is a set of software tools that provide file compression and decompression using the LZMA/LZMA2 algorithm, and is included in major Linux distributions. Had it not been discovered, it could have been very serious, since it was a malicious backdoor code, which would grant unauthorized remote access to the affected systems through SSH.

The vulnerability began in version 5.6.0 of XZ, and would also affect version 5.6.1.

During the liblzma building process it would retrieve an existing camouflaged test file in the source code, later used to modify specific functions in the liblzma code. The result is a modified liblzma library, which can be used by any software linked to it, intercepting and modifying data interaction with the library.

This process of implementing a backdoor in XZ is the final part of a campaign that was extended over 2 years of operations, mainly of the HUMNIT type (human intelligence) by the user Jia Tan.

User Jia Tan created his Github account in 2021, making their first commit to the XZ repository on February 6, 2022. More recently, on February 16, 2024, a malicious file would be added under the name of “build-to-host.m4” in .gitignore, later incorporated together with the launch of the package, to finally on March 9, 2024 incorporate the hidden backdoor in two test files:

  • tests/files/bad-3-corrupt_lzma2.xz
  • tests/files/good-large_compressed.lzma

How was it detected?

The main person in charge of locating this issue is Andres Freund.

It is one of the most important software engineers at Microsoft, who was performing micro-benchmarking tasks. During testing, they noticed that sshd processes were using an unusual amount of CPU even though the sessions were not established.

After profiling sshd, they saw a lot of CPU time in the liblzma library. This in turn reminded them of a recent bizarre complaint from Valgrind about automated testing in PostgreSQL. This behavior could have been overlooked and not discovered, leading to a large security breach on Debian/Ubuntu SSH servers.

As Andres Freund himself claims, a series of coincidences were required to be able to find this vulnerability, it was a matter of luck to have found it.

What set off Freund’s alarms was a small delay of only 0.5 sec in the ssh connections, which although it seems very little, was what led him to investigate further and find the problem and the potential chaos that it may have generated.

This underscores the importance of monitoring software engineering and security practices. The good news is that, the vulnerability has been found in very early releases of the software, so in the real world it has had virtually no effect, thanks to the quick detection of this malicious code. But it makes us think about what could have happened, if it had not been detected in time. It is not the first nor will be the last. The advantage of Open Source is that this has been made public and the impact can be evaluated, in other cases where there is no such transparency, the impact can be more difficult to evaluate and therefore, remediation.


After what happened, we are in the right position to highlight both positive and negative points related to the use of open source.

As positive points we can find transparency and collaboration between developers from all over the world. Having a watchful community, in charge of detecting and reporting possible security threats, and have flexibility and adaptability, since the nature of open source allows adapting and modifying the software according to specific needs.

As for the disadvantages, we find the vulnerability to malicious attacks, as is the case with the action of developers with malicious intentions. Users trust that the software does not contain malicious code, which can lead to a false sense of security. In addition, due to the number of existing contributions and the complexity of the software itself, it can be said that it is very difficult to exhaustively verify the code.

If we add to all of that the existence of libraries maintained by one person or a very small group of people, the risk of single point of failure is greater. In this case, that need or benefit of having more people contributing is what caused the problem.

In conclusion, while open source software can offer us a number of benefits in terms of transparency, collaboration and adaptability, it can also present disadvantages or challenges in terms of the security and trust we place in it as users.

What is alert fatigue and its effect on IT monitoring?

What is alert fatigue and its effect on IT monitoring?

Talking about too many cybersecurity alerts is not talking about the story of Peter and the Wolf and how people end up ignoring false warnings, but about its great impact on security strategies and, above all, on the stress it causes to IT teams, which we know are increasingly reduced and must fulfill multiple tasks in their day to day.

Alert Fatigue is a phenomenon in which excessive alerts desensitize the people in charge of responding to them, leading to missed or ignored alerts or, worse, delayed responses. IT security operations professionals are prone to this fatigue because systems are overloaded with data and may not classify alerts accurately.

Definición de Fatiga de Alertas y su impacto en la seguridad de la organización

Alert fatigue, in addition to overwhelming data to interpret, diverts attention from what is really important. To put it into perspective, deception is one of the oldest war tactics since the ancient Greeks: through deception, the enemy’s attention was diverted by giving the impression that an attack was taking place in one place, causing the enemy to concentrate its resources in that place so that it could attack on a different front. Taking this into an organization, cybercrime can actually cause and leverage IT staff fatigue to find security breaches. This cost could become considerable in business continuity and resource consumption (technology, time and human resources), as indicated by an article by Security Magazine on a survey of 800 IT professionals:

  • 85% percent of information technology (IT) professionals say more than 20% of their cloud security alerts are false positives. The more alerts, the harder it becomes to identify which things are important and which ones are not.
  • 59% of respondents receive more than 500 public cloud security alerts per day. Having to filter alerts wastes valuable time that could be used to fix or even prevent issues.
  • More than 50% of respondents spend more than 20% of their time deciding which alerts need to be addressed first. Alert overload and false positive rates not only contribute to turnover, but also to the loss of critical alerts. 55% say their team overlooked critical alerts in the past due to ineffective prioritization of alerts, often weekly and even daily.

What happens is that the team in charge of reviewing the alerts becomes desensitized. By human nature, when we get a warning of every little thing, we get used to alerts being unimportant, so it is given less and less importance. This means finding the balance: we need to be aware of the state of our environment, but too many alerts can cause more damage than actually help, because they make it difficult to prioritize problems.

Causes of Alert Fatigue

Alert Fatigue is due to one or more of these causes:

False positives

These are situations where a security system mistakenly identifies a benign action or event as a threat or risk. They may be due to several factors, such as outdated threat signatures, poor (or overzealous) security settings, or limitations in detection algorithms.

Lack of context

Alerts must be interpreted, so if alert notifications do not have the proper context, it can be confusing and difficult to determine the severity of an alert. This leads to delayed responses.

Several security systems

Consolidation and correlation of alerts are difficult if there are several security systems working at the same time… and this gets worse when the volume of alerts with different levels of complexity grows.

Lack of filters and customization of cybersecurity alerts

If they are not defined and filtered, it may cause endless non-threatening or irrelevant notifications.

Unclear security policies and procedures

Poorly defined procedures become very problematic because they contribute to aggravating the problem.

Shortage of resources

It is not easy to have security professionals who know how to interpret and also manage a high volume of alerts, which leads to late responses.

The above tells us that correct management and alert policies are required, along with the appropriate monitoring tools to support IT staff.

Most common false positives

According to the Institute of Data, false positives faced by IT and security teams are:

False positives about network anomalies

These take place when network monitoring tools identify normal or harmless network activities as suspicious or malicious, such as false alerts for network scans, legitimate file sharing, or background system activities.

False malware positives

Antivirus software often identifies benign files or applications as potentially malicious. This can happen when a file shares similarities with known malware signatures or displays suspicious behavior. A cybersecurity false positive in this context can result in the blocking or quarantine of legitimate software, causing disruptions to normal operations.

False positives about user behavior

Security systems that monitor user activities can generate a cybersecurity false positive when an individual’s actions are flagged as abnormal or potentially malicious. Example: an employee who accesses confidential documents after working hours, generating a false positive in cybersecurity, even though it may be legitimate.

False positives can also be found in email security systems. For example, spam filters can misclassify legitimate emails as spam, causing important messages to end up in the spam folder. Can you imagine the impact of a vitally important email ending up in the Spam folder?

Consequences of Alert Fatigue

Alert Fatigue has consequences not only on the IT staff themselves but also on the organization:

False sense of security

Too many alerts can lead the IT team to think they are false positives, leaving out the actions that could be taken.

Late Response

Too many alerts overwhelm IT teams, preventing them from reacting in time to real and critical risks. This, in turn, causes costly remediation and even the need to allocate more staff to solve the problem that could have been avoided.

Regulatory non-compliance

Security breaches can lead to fines and penalties for the organization.

Reputational damage to the organization

A breach of the company’s security gets disclosed (and we’ve seen headlines in the news) and impacts its reputation. This can lead to loss of customer trust… and consequently less revenue.

IT staff work overload

If the staff in charge of monitoring alerts feel overwhelmed with notifications, they may experience increased job stress. This has been one of the causes of lower productivity and high staff turnover in the IT area.

Deterioration of morale

Team demotivation can cause them to disengage and become less productive.

How to avoid these Alert Fatigue problems?

If alerts are designed before they are implemented, they become useful and efficient alerts, in addition to saving a lot of time and, consequently, reducing alert fatigue.


The best way to get an effective alert is to use the “less is more” strategy. You have to think about the absolutely essential things first.

  • What equipment is absolutely essential? Hardly anyone needs alerts on test equipment.
  • What is the severity if a certain service does not work properly? High impact services should have the most aggressive alert (level 1, for example).
  • What is the minimum that is needed to determine that a computer, process, or service is not working properly?
    Sometimes it is enough to monitor the connectivity of the device, some other times something more specific is needed, such as the status of a service.

Answering these questions will help us find out what the most important alerts are that we need to act on immediately.

Avoiding false positives

Sometimes it can be tricky to get alerts to only go off when there really is a problem. Setting thresholds correctly is a big part of the job, but more options are available. Pandora FMS has several tools to help avoid false positives:

Dynamic thresholds

They are very useful for adjusting the thresholds to the actual data. When you enable this feature in a module, Pandora FMS analyzes its data history, and automatically modifies the thresholds to capture data that is out of the ordinary.

  • FF Thresholds: Sometimes the problem is not that you did not correctly define the alerts or thresholds, but that the metrics you use are not entirely reliable. Let’s say we are monitoring the availability of a device, but the connection to the network on which it is located is unstable (for example, a very saturated wireless network). This can cause data packets to be lost or even there are times when a ping fails to connect to the device despite being active and performing its function correctly. For those cases, Pandora FMS has the FF Threshold. By using this option you may configure some “tolerance” to the module before changing state. Thus, for example, the agent will report two consecutive critical data for the module to change into critical status.
  • Use maintenance windows: Pandora FMS allows you to temporarily disable alerting and even event generation of a specific module or agent with the Quiet mode. With maintenance windows (Scheduled downtimes), this can be scheduled so that, for example, alerts do not trigger during X service updates in the early hours of Saturdays.

Improving alert processes

Once they have made sure that the alerts that are triggered are the necessary ones, and that they will only trigger when something really happens, you may greatly improve the process as follows:

  • Automation: Alerting is not only used to send notifications; it can also be used to automate actions. Let’s imagine that you are monitoring an old service that sometimes becomes saturated, and when that happens, the way to recover it is to just restart it. With Pandora FMS you may configure the alert that monitors that service to try to restart it automatically. To do this, you just need to configure an alert command that, for example, makes an API call to the manager of said service to restart it.
  • Alert escalation: Continuing with the previous example, with alert escalation you may make the first action performed by Pandora FMS, when the alert is triggered, to be the restart of the service. If in the next agent run, the module is still in critical state, you may configure the alert so that, for example, a ticket is created in Pandora ITSM.
  • Alert thresholds: Alerts have an internal counter that indicates when configured actions should be triggered. Just by modifying the threshold of an alert you may go from having several emails a day warning you of the same problem to receiving one every two or three days.

This alert (executed daily) has three actions: at first, it is about restarting the service. If at the next alert execution, the module has not been recovered, an email is sent to the administrator, and if it has not yet been solved, a ticket is created in Pandora ITSM. If the alert remains triggered on the fourth run, a daily message will be sent through Slack to the group of operators.

Other ways to reduce the number of alerts

  • Cascade Protection is an invaluable tool in setting up efficient alerting, by skipping triggering alerts from devices dependent on a parent device. With basic alerting, if you are monitoring a network that you access through a specific switch and this device has a problem, you will start receiving alerts for each computer on that network that you can no longer access. On the other hand, if you activate cascade protection on the agents of that network (indicating whether they depend on the switch), Pandora FMS will detect that the main equipment is down, and will skip the alert of all dependent equipment until the switch is operational again.
  • Using services can help you not only reduce the number of alerts triggered, but also the number of alerts configured. If you have a cluster of 10 machines, it may not be very efficient to have an alert for each of them. Pandora FMS allows you to group agents and modules into Services, along with hierarchical structures in which you may decide the weight of each element and alert based on the general status.

Implement an Incident Response Plan

Incident response is the process of preparing for cybersecurity threats, detecting them as they arise, responding to quell them, or mitigating them. Organizations can manage threat intelligence and mitigation through incident response planning. It should be remembered that any organization is at risk of losing money, data, and reputation due to cybersecurity threats.

Incident response requires assembling a team of people from different departments within an organization, including organizational leaders, IT staff, and other areas involved in data control and compliance. The following is recommended:

  • Plan how to analyze data and networks for potential threats and suspicious activity.
  • Decide which incidents should be responded to first.
  • Have a plan for data loss and finances.
  • Comply with all applicable laws.
  • Be prepared to submit data and documentation to the authorities after a violation.

Finally, a timely reminder: incident response became very important starting with GDPR with extremely strict rules on non-compliance reporting. If a specific breach needs to be reported, the company must be aware of it within 72 hours and report what happened to the appropriate authorities. A report of what happened should also be provided and an active plan to mitigate the damage should be presented. If a company does not have a predefined incident response plan, it will not be ready to submit such a report.

The GDPR also requires to know if the organization has adequate security measures in place. Companies can be heavily penalized if they are scrutinized after the breach and officials find that they did not have adequate security.


The high cost to both IT staff (constant turnover, burnout, stress, late decisions, etc.) and the organization (disruption of operations, security breaches and breaches, quite onerous penalties) is clear. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution to prevent over-alerting, we do recommend prioritizing alerts, avoiding false positives (dynamic and FF thresholds, maintenance windows), improving alerting processes, and an incident response plan, along with clear policies and procedures for responding to incidents, to ensure you find the right balance for your organization.

Contact us to accompany you with the best practices of Monitoring and alerts.

If you were interested in this article, you can also read: Dynamic thresholds in monitoring. Do you know what they are used for?

NoSQL Databases: The ultimate Guide

NoSQL Databases: The ultimate Guide

Today, many companies generate and store huge amounts of data. To give you an idea, decades ago, the size of the Internet was measured in Terabytes (TB) and now it is measured in Zettabytes (ZB).

Relational databases were designed to meet the storage and information management needs of the time. Today we have a new scenario where social networks, IoT devices and Edge Computing generate millions of unstructured and highly variable data. Many modern applications require high performance to provide quick responses to user queries.

In relational DBMSs, an increase in data volume must be accompanied by improvements in hardware capacity. This technological challenge forced companies to look for more flexible and scalable solutions.

NoSQL databases have a distributed architecture that allows them to scale horizontally and handle continuous and fast data flows. This makes them a viable option in high-demand environments such as streaming platforms where data processing takes place in real time.

Given the interest in NoSQL databases in the current context, we believe it is essential to develop a user guide that helps developers understand and effectively use this technology. In this article we aim to clarify some basics about NoSQL, giving practical examples and providing recommendations on implementation and optimization to make the most of its advantages.

NoSQL data modeling

One of the biggest differences between relational and non-relational bases lies in the approach we took to data modeling.

NoSQL databases do not follow a rigid and predefined scheme. This allows developers to freely choose the data model based on the features of the project.

The fundamental goal is to improve query performance, getting rid of the need to structure information in complex tables. Thus, NoSQL supports a wide variety of denormalized data such as JSON documents, key values, columns, and graph relationships.

Each NoSQL database type is optimized for easy access, query, and modification of a specific class of data. The main ones are:

  • Key-value: Redis, Riak or DyamoDB. These are the simplest NoSQL databases. They store the information as if it were a dictionary based on key-value pairs, where each value is associated with a unique key. They were designed to scale quickly ensuring system performance and data availability.
  • Documentary: MongoDB, Couchbase. Data is stored in documents such as JSON, BSON or XML. Some consider them an upper echelon of key-value systems since they allow encapsulating key-value pairs in more complex structures for advanced queries.
  • Column-oriented: BigTable, Cassandra, HBase. Instead of storing data in rows like relational databases do, they do it in columns. These in turn are organized into logically ordered column families in the database. The system is optimized to work with large datasets and distributed workloads.
  • Graph-oriented: Neo4J, InfiniteGraph. They save data as entities and relationships between entities. The entities are called “nodes” and the relationships that bind the nodes are the “edges”. They are perfect for managing data with complex relationships, such as social networks or applications with geospatial location.

NoSQL data storage and partitioning

Instead of making use of a monolithic and expensive architecture where all data is stored on a single server, NoSQL distributes the information on different servers known as “nodes” that join in a network called “cluster“.
This feature allows NoSQL DBMSs to scale horizontally and manage large volumes of data using partitioning techniques.

What is NoSQL database partitioning?

It is a process of breaking up a large database into smaller, easier-to-manage chunks.

It is necessary to clarify that data partitioning is not exclusive to NoSQL. SQL databases also support partitioning, but NoSQL systems have a native function called “auto-sharding” that automatically splits data, balancing the load between servers.

When to partition a NoSQL database?

There are several situations in which it is necessary to partition a NoSQL database:

  • When the server is at the limit of its storage capacity or RAM.
  • When you need to reduce latency. In this case you get to balance the workload on different cluster nodes to improve performance.
  • When you wish to ensure data availability by initiating a replication procedure.

Although partitioning is used in large databases, you should not wait for the data volume to become excessive because in that case it could cause system overload.
Many programmers use AWS or Azure to simplify the process. These platforms offer a wide variety of cloud services that allow developers to skip the tasks related to database administration and focus on writing the code of their applications.

Partitioning techniques

There are different techniques for partitioning a distributed architecture database.

  • Clustering
    It consists of grouping several servers so that they work together as if they were one. In a clustering environment, all nodes in the cluster share the workload to increase system throughput and fault tolerance.
  • Separation of Reads and Writes
    It consists of directing read and write operations to different nodes in the cluster. For example, read operations can be directed to replica servers acting as children to ease the load on the parent node.
  • Sharding
    Data is divided horizontally into smaller chunks called “shards” and distributed across different nodes in the cluster.
    It is the most widely used partitioning technique in databases with distributed architecture due to its scalability and ability to self-balance the system load, avoiding bottlenecks.
  • Consistent Hashing
    It is an algorithm that is used to efficiently allocate data to nodes in a distributed environment.
    The idea of consistent hashes was introduced by David Karger in a research paper published in 1997 and entitled “Consistent Hashing and Random Trees: Distributed Caching Protocols for Relieving Hot Spots on the World Wide Web“.
    In this academic work, the “Consistent Hashing” algorithm was proposed for the first time as a solution to balance the workload of servers with distributed databases.
    It is a technique that is used in both partitioning and data replication, since it allows to solve problems common to both processes such as the redistribution of keys and resources when adding or removing nodes in a cluster.

    Nodes are represented in a circular ring and each data is assigned to a node using a hash function. When a new node is added to the system, the data is redistributed between the existing nodes and the new node.
    The hash works as a unique identifier so that when you make a query, you just have to locate that point on the ring.
    An example of a NoSQL database that uses “Consistent Hashing” is DynamoDB, since one of its strengths is incremental scaling, and to achieve this it needs a procedure capable of fractionating data dynamically.

Replication in NoSQL databases

It consists of creating copies of the data on multiple machines. This process seeks to improve database performance by distributing queries among different nodes. At the same time, it ensures that the information will continue to be available, even if the hardware fails.
The two main ways to perform data replication (in addition to the Consistent Hashing that we already mentioned in the previous section) are:

Master-slave server

Writing is made to the primary node and from there data is replicated to secondary nodes.

Peer to peer

All nodes in the cluster have the same hierarchical level and can accept writing. When data is written to one node it spreads to all the others. This ensures availability, but can also lead to inconsistencies if conflict resolution mechanisms are not implemented (for example, if two nodes try to write to the same location at the same time).

CAP theorem and consistency of NoSQL databases.

The CAP theorem was introduced by Professor Eric Brewer of the University of Berkeley in the year 2000. He explains that a distributed database can meet two of these three qualities at the same time:

  • Consistency: All requests after the writing operation get the same value, regardless of where the queries are made.
  • Availability: The database always responds to requests, even if a failure takes place.
  • Partition Tolerance: The system continues to operate even if communication between some nodes is interrupted.

Under this scheme we could choose a DBMS that is consistent and partition tolerant (MongoDB, HBase), available and partition tolerant (DynamoDB, Cassandra), or consistent and available (MySQL), but all three features cannot be preserved at once.
Each development has its requirements and the CAP theorem helps us find the DBMS that best suits your needs. Sometimes it is imperative for data to be consistent at all times (for example, in a stock control system). In these cases, we usually work with a relational database. In NoSQL databases, consistency is not one hundred percent guaranteed, since changes must propagate between all nodes in the cluster.

BASIS and eventual consistency model in NoSQL

BASE is a concept opposed to the ACID properties (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability) of relational databases. In this approach, we prioritize data availability over immediate consistency, which is especially important in applications that process data in real time.

The BASE acronym means:

  • Basically Available: The database always sends a response, even if it contains errors if readings occur from nodes that did not yet receive the last writing.
  • Soft state: The database may be in an inconsistent state when reading takes place, so you may get different results on different readings.
  • Eventually Consistent: Database consistency is reached once the information has been propagated to all nodes. Up to that point we talk about an eventual consistency.

Even though the BASE approach arose in response to ACID, they are not exclusionary options. In fact, some NoSQL databases like MongoDB offer configurable consistency.

Tree indexing in NoSQL databases. What are the best-known structures?

So far we have seen how data is distributed and replicated in a NoSQL database, but we need to explain how it is structured efficiently to make its search and retrieval easier.
Trees are the most commonly used data structures. They organize nodes hierarchically starting from a root node, which is the first tree node; parent nodes, which are all those nodes that have at least one child; and child nodes, which complete the tree.
The number of levels of a tree determines its height. It is important to consider the final size of the tree and the number of nodes it contains, as this can influence query performance and data recovery time.
There are different tree indexes that you may use in NoSQL databases.

B Trees

They are balanced trees and perfect for distributed systems for their ability to maintain index consistency, although they can also be used in relational databases.
The main feature of B trees is that they can have several child nodes for each parent node, but they always keep their height balanced. This means that they have an identical or very similar number of levels in each tree branch, a particularity that makes it possible to handle insertions and deletions efficiently.
They are widely used in filing systems, where large data sets need to be accessed quickly.

T Trees

They are also balanced trees that can have a maximum of two or three child nodes.
Unlike B-trees, which are designed to make searches on large volumes of data easier, T-trees work best in applications where quick access to sorted data is needed.

AVL Trees

They are binary trees, which means that each parent node can have a maximum of two child nodes.
Another outstanding feature of AVL trees is that they are balanced in height. The self-balancing system serves to ensure that the tree does not grow in an uncontrolled manner, something that could harm the database performance.
They are a good choice for developing applications that require quick queries and logarithmic time insertion and deletion operations.

KD Trees

They are binary, balanced trees that organize data into multiple dimensions. A specific dimension is created at each tree level.
They are used in applications that work with geospatial data or scientific data.

Merkle Trees

They represent a special case of data structures in distributed systems. They are known for their utility in Blockchain to efficiently and securely encrypt data.
A Merkle tree is a type of binary tree that offers a first-rate solution to the data verification problem. Its creator was an American computer scientist and cryptographer named Ralph Merkle in 1979.
Merkle trees have a mathematical structure made up by hashes of several blocks of data that summarize all transactions in a block.

Data is grouped into larger datasets and related to the main nodes until all the data within the system is gathered. As a result, the Merkle Root is obtained.

How is the Merkle Root calculated?

1. The data is divided into blocks of a fixed size.

2. Each data block is subjected to a cryptographic hash function.

3. Hashes are grouped into pairs and a function is again applied to these pairs to generate their corresponding parent hashes until only one hash remains, which is the Merkle root.

The Merkle root is at the top of the tree and is the value that securely represents data integrity. This is because it is strongly related to all datasets and the hash that identifies each of them. Any changes to the original data will alter the Merkle Root. That way, you can make sure that the data has not been modified at any point.
This is why Merkle trees are frequently employed to verify the integrity of data blocks in Blockchain transactions.
NoSQL databases like Cassandra draw on these structures to validate data without sacrificing speed and performance.

Comparison between NoSQL database management systems

From what we have seen so far, NoSQL DBMSs are extraordinarily complex and varied. Each of them can adopt a different data model and present unique storage, consultation and scalability features. This range of options allows developers to select the most appropriate database for their project needs.
Below, we will give as an example two of the most widely used NoSQL DBMSs for the development of scalable and high-performance applications: MongoDB and Apache Cassandra.


It is a documentary DBMS developed by 10gen in 2007. It is open source and has been created in programming languages such as C++, C and JavaScript.

MongoDB is one of the most popular systems for distributed databases. Social networks such as LinkedIn, telecommunications companies such as Telefónica or news media such as the Washington Post use MongoDB.
Here are some of its main features.

  • Database storage with MongoDB: MongoDB stores data in BSON files (binary JSON). Each database consists of a collection of documents. Once MongoDB is installed and Shell is running, you may create the DB just by indicating the name you wish to use. If the database does not already exist, MongoDB will automatically create it when adding the first collection. Similarly, a collection is created automatically when you store a file in it. You just have to add the first document and execute the “insert” statement and MongoDB will create an ID field assigning it an ObjectID value that is unique for each machine at the time the operation is executed.
  • DB Partitioning with MongoDB: MongoDB makes it easy to distribute data across multiple servers using the automatic sharding feature. Data fragmentation takes place at the collection level, distributing documents among the different cluster nodes. To carry out this distribution, a “partition key” defined as a field is used in all collection documents. Data is fragmented into “chunks”, which have a default size of 64 MB and are stored in different shards within the cluster, ensuring that there is a balance. MongoBD monitors continuously chunk distribution among the shard nodes and, if necessary, performs automatic rebalancing to ensure that the workload supported by these nodes is balanced.
  • DB Replication with MongoDB: MongoDB uses a replication system based on the master-slave architecture. The master server can perform writing and reading operations, but slave nodes only perform reads (replica set). Updates are communicated to slave nodes via an operation log called oplog.
  • Database Queries with MongoDB: MongoDB has a powerful API that allows you to access and analyze data in real time, as well as perform ad-hoc queries, that is, direct queries on a database that are not predefined. This gives users the ability to perform custom searches, filter documents, and sort results by specific fields. To carry out these queries, MongoDB uses the “find” method on the desired collection or “findAndModify” to query and update the values of one or more fields simultaneously.
  • DB Consistency with MongoDB: From version 4.0 (the most recent one is 6.0), MongoDB supports ACID transactions at document level. The “snapshot isolation” function provides a consistent view of the data and allows atomic operations to be performed on multiple documents within a single transaction. This feature is especially relevant for NoSQL databases, as it poses solutions to different consistency-related issues, such as concurrent writes or queries that return outdated file versions. In this respect, MongoDB comes very close to the stability of RDMSs.
  • Database indexing with MongoDB: MongoDB uses B trees to index the data stored in its collections. This is a variant of the B trees with index nodes that contain keys and pointers to other nodes. These indexes store the value of a specific field, allowing data recovery and deletion operations to be more efficient.
  • DB Security with MongoDB: MongoDB has a high level of security to ensure the confidentiality of stored data. It has several authentication mechanisms, role-based access configuration, data encryption at rest and the possibility of restricting access to certain IP addresses. In addition, it allows you to audit the activity of the system and keep a record of the operations carried out in the database.

Apache Cassandra

It is a column-oriented DBMS that was developed by Facebook to optimize searches within its platform. One of the creators of Cassandra is computer scientist Avinash Lakshman, who previously worked for Amazon, as part of the group of engineers who developed DynamoDB. For that reason, it does not come as a surprise that it shares some features with this other system.
In 2008 it was launched as an open source project, and in 2010 it became a top-level project of the Apache Foundation. Since then, Cassandra continued to grow to become one of the most popular NoSQL DBMSs.
Although Meta uses other technologies today, Cassandra is still part of its data infrastructure. Other companies that use it are Netflix, Apple or Ebay. In terms of scalability, it is considered one of the best NoSQL databases.

Let’s take a look at some of its key properties:

  • Database storage with Apache Cassandra: Cassandra uses a “Column Family” data model, which is similar to relational databases, but more flexible. It does not refer to a hierarchical structure of columns that contain other columns, but rather to a collection of key-value pairs, where the key identifies a row and the value is a set of columns. It is designed to store large amounts of data and perform more efficient writing and reading operations.
  • DB Partitioning with Apache Cassandra: For data distribution, Cassandra uses a partitioner that distributes data to different cluster nodes. This partitioner uses the algorithm “consistent hashing” to assign a unique partition key to each data row. Data possessing the same partition key will stay together on the same nodes. It also supports virtual nodes (vnodes), which means that the same physical node may have multiple data ranges.
  • DB Replication with Apache Cassandra: Cassandra proposes a replication model based on Peer to peer in which all cluster nodes accept reads and writes. By not relying on a master node to process requests, the chance of a bottleneck occurring is minimal. Nodes communicate with each other and share data using a gossiping protocol.
  • DB Queries with Apache Cassandra: Like MongoDB, Cassandra also supports ad-hoc queries, but these tend to be more efficient if they are based on the primary key. In addition, it has its own query language called CQL (Cassandra Query Language) with a syntax similar to that of SQL, but instead of using joins, it takes its chances on data denormalization.
  • DB Indexation with Apache Cassandra: Cassandra uses secondary indexes to allow efficient queries on columns that are not part of the primary key. These indices may affect individual columns or multiple columns (SSTable Attached Secondary Index). They are created to allow complex range, prefix or text search queries in a large number of columns.
  • DB Coherence with Apache Cassandra: By using Peer to Peer architecture, Cassandra plays with eventual consistency. Data is propagated asynchronously across multiple nodes. This means that, for a short period of time, there may be discrepancies between the different replicas. However, Cassandra also provides mechanisms for setting the consistency level. When a conflict takes place (for example, if the replicas have different versions), use the timestamp and validate the most recent version. In addition, perform automatic repairs to maintain data consistency and integrity if hardware failures or other events that may cause discrepancies between replicas take place.
  • DB Security with Apache Cassandra: To use Cassandra in a safe environment, it is necessary to perform configurations, since many options are not enabled by default. For example, activate the authentication system and set permissions for each user role. In addition, it is critical to encrypt data in transit and at rest. For communication between the nodes and the client, data in transit can be encrypted using SSL/TLS.

Challenges in managing NoSQL databases. How does Pandora FMS help?

NoSQL DBMSs offer developers the ability to manage large volumes of data and scale horizontally by adding multiple nodes to a cluster.
To manage these distributed infrastructures, it is necessary to master different data partitioning and replication techniques (for example, we have seen that MongoDB uses a master-slave architecture, while Cassandra prioritizes availability with the Peer to peermodel).
Unlike RDMS, which share many similarities, in NoSQL databases there is no common paradigm and each system has its own APIs, languages and a different implementation, so getting used to working with each of them can be a real challenge.
Considering that monitoring is a fundamental component for managing any database, we must be pragmatic and rely on those resources that make our lives easier.
Both MongoDB and Apache Cassandra have commands that return system status information and allow problems to be diagnosed before they become critical failures. Another possibility is to use Pandora FMS software to simplify the whole process.

How to do so?

If this is a database in MongoDB, download Pandora FMS plugin for MongoDB. This plugin uses the mongostat command to collect basic information about system performance. Once the relevant metrics are obtained, they are sent to Pandora FMS data server for their analysis.
On the other hand, if the database works with Apache Cassandra, download the corresponding plugin for this system. This plugin obtains the information by internally running the tool nodetool, which is already included in the standard Cassandra installation, and offers a wide range of commands to monitor server status. Once the results are analyzed, the plugin structures the data in XML format and sends it to Pandora FMS server for further analysis and display.
For these plugins to work properly, copy the files to the plugin directory of Pandora FMS agent, edit the configuration file and, finally, restart the system (the linked articles explain the procedure very well).
Once the plugins are active, you will be able to monitor the activity of the cluster nodes in a graph view and receive alerts should any failures take place. These and other automation options help us save considerable time and resources in maintaining NoSQL databases.

Create a free account and discover all Pandora FMS utilities to boost your digital project!

And if you have doubts about the difference between NoSQL and SQL you can consult our post “NoSQL vs SQL: main differences and when to choose each of them“.

System Hardening: Why the Need to Strengthen System Cybersecurity

System Hardening: Why the Need to Strengthen System Cybersecurity

Today, digital trust is required inside and outside the organization, so tools must be implemented, with cybersecurity methods and best practices in each layer of your systems and their infrastructure: applications, operating systems, users, both on-premise and in the cloud. This is what we call System Hardening an essential practice that lays the foundation for a safe IT infrastructure. Its goal is to reduce the attack surface as much as possible, strengthening the systems to be able to face possible security attacks and get rid of as many entry points for cybercrime as possible.

Comprehensive Approach to Organizational Security

To implement organizational security, a comprehensive approach is undoubtedly required, since devices (endpoints, sensors, IoT), hardware, software, local environments, cloud (and hybrid) environments must be considered, along with security policies and local and even international regulatory compliance. It should be remembered that today and in the future we must not only protect an organization’s digital assets, but also avoid downtime and possible regulatory sanctions (associated with non-compliance with GDPR and data protection laws). Hardening also helps lay the solid foundation on which to implement advanced security solutions. Later, in Types of Hardening we will see where it is possible to implement security strengthening.

Benefits of Hardening in Cybersecurity

  • Improved system functionality: Hardening measures help optimize system resources, eliminate unnecessary services and software, and apply security patches and updates. The consequences of actions lead to better system performance, as fewer resources are also wasted on unused or vulnerable components.
  • Increased security level: A strengthened system reduces the surface area of a potential attack and strengthens defenses against threats (e.g., malware, unauthorized access, and data breaches). Confidential information is protected and user privacy is guaranteed.
  • Compliance simplification and auditing: Organizations must comply with industry-specific security standards and regulations to protect sensitive data. Hardening helps meet these requirements and ensures compliance with industry-specific standards, such as GDPR (personal data protection), the payment card industry’s data security standard (PCI DSS) or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Acts (HIPAA, to protect a health insurance user’s data).

Other benefits include ensuring business continuity (without disruption or frictions), multi-layered defense (access controls, encryption, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and regular security audits), and the ability to take a more proactive stance on security, with regular assessments and updates to prepare for emerging threats and vulnerabilities.
Every safe system must have been previously secured, and this is precisely what hardening consists of.

Types of Hardening

In the IT infrastructure set, there are several subsets that require different security approaches:

1. Configuration Management Hardening

Implementing and configuring security for multiple system components (including hardware, operating systems, and software applications). It also involves disabling unnecessary services and protocols, configuring access controls, implementing encryption, and safe communication protocols. It’s worth mentioning that security and IT teams often keep conflicting agendas. The hardening policy should take into account discussions between the two parties. It is also recommended to implement:

  • Configurable item assessment: From user accounts and logins, server components and subsystems, what software and application updates and vulnerabilities to perform, networks and firewalls, remote access and log management, etc.
  • Finding the balance between security and features: Hardening’s policy should consider both the requirements of the security team and the ability of the IT team to implement it using currently assigned levels of time and manpower. It must also be decided which challenges must be faced and which are not worthwhile for operational times and costs.
  • Change management and “configuration drift” prevention: In Hardening, continuous monitoring must be implemented, where automation tools contribute to compliance with requirements at any time, getting rid of the need for constant scanning. Also, in unwanted changes, hardening policies that can happen in the production environment can be reinforced. Finally, in case of unauthorized changes, automation tools help detect anomalies and attacks to implement preventive actions.

2. Application Hardening

Protection of software applications running on the system, by removing or disabling unnecessary features, application-specific patching and security updates, along with safe coding practices and access controls, in addition to application-level authentication mechanisms. The importance of application security lies in the fact that users in the organization ask for safe and stable environments; on the part of the staff, patch and update application allows them to react to threats and implement preventive measures. Remember that users are often the entry point into the organization for cybercrime. Among the most common techniques, we can highlight:

  • Install applications only from trusted repositories.
  • Patch automations of standard and third-party applications.
  • Installation of firewalls, antivirus and malware or spyware protection programs.
  • Software-based data encryption.
  • Password management and encryption applications.

3. Operating System (OS) Hardening

Configuring the operating system to minimize vulnerabilities, either by disabling unnecessary services, shutting down unused ports, implementing firewalls and intrusion detection systems, enforcing strong password policies, and regularly applying security patches and updates. Among the most recommended methods, there are the following:

  • Applying the latest updates released by the operating system developer.
  • Enable built-in security features (Microsoft Defender or third-party Endpoint Protection platform software or EPP, Endpoint Detection Rate or EDR from third parties). This will perform a malware search on the system (Trojan horses, sniffer, password sniffers, remote control systems, etc.).
  • Remove unnecessary drivers and update used ones.
  • Delete software installed on the machine that is unnecessary.
  • Enable secure boot.
  • Restrict system access privileges.
  • Use biometrics or authentication FIDO (Fast Identity Online) in addition to passwords.

Also, a strong password policy can be implemented, protect sensitive data with AES encryption or self-encrypting drives, firmware resiliency technologies, and/or multi-factor authentication.

4. Server Hardening

Removing vulnerabilities (also known as attack vectors) that a hacker could use to access the server. It focuses on securing data, ports, components and server functions, implementing security protocols at hardware, firmware and software level. The following is recommended:

  • Patch and update your operating systems periodically.
  • Update third-party software needed to run your servers according to industry security standards.
  • Require users to create and maintain complex passwords consisting of letters, numbers, and special characters, and update these passwords frequently.
  • Lock an account after a certain number of failed login attempts.
  • Disable certain USB ports when a server is booted.
  • Leverage multi-factor authentication (MFA)
  • Using encryption AES or self-encrypted drives to hide and protect business-critical information.
  • Use virus and firewall protection and other advanced security solutions.

5. Network Hardening

Protecting network infrastructure and communication channels. It involves configuring firewalls, implementing intrusion prevention systems (IPS) and intrusion detection systems (IDS), encryption protocols such as SSL/TLS, and segmenting the network to reduce the impact of a breach and implement strong network access controls. It is recommended to combine IPS and IDS systems, in addition to:

  • Proper configuration of network firewalls.
  • Audits of network rules and access privileges.
  • Disable unnecessary network ports and network protocols.
  • Disable unused network services and devices.
  • Network traffic encryption.

It is worth mentioning that the implementation of robust monitoring and recording mechanisms is essential to strengthen our system. It involves setting up a security event log, monitoring system logs for suspicious activity, implementing intrusion detection systems, and conducting periodic security audits and reviews to identify and respond to potential threats in a timely manner.

Practical 9-Step Hardening Application

Although each organization has its particularities in business systems, there are general hardening tasks applicable to most systems. Below is a list of the most important tasks as a basic checklist:

1. Manage access: Ensure that the system is physically safe and that staff are informed about security procedures. Set up custom roles and strong passwords. Remove unnecessary users from the operating system and prevent the use of root or “superadmin” accounts with excessive privileges. Also, limit the membership of administrator groups: only grant elevated privileges when necessary.

2. Monitor network traffic: Install hardened systems behind a firewall or, if possible, isolated from public networks. A VPN or reverse proxy must be required to connect. Also, encrypt communications and establish firewall rules to restrict access to known IP ranges.

3. Patch vulnerabilities: Keep operating systems, browsers, and any other applications up to date and apply all security patches. It is recommended to keep track of vendor safety advisories and the latest CVEs.

4. Remove Unnecessary Software: Uninstall any unnecessary software and remove redundant operating system components. Unnecessary services and any unnecessary application components or functions that may expand the threat surface must be disabled.

5. Implement continuous monitoring: Periodically review logs for anomalous activity, with a focus on authentications, user access, and privilege escalation. Reflect records in a separate location to protect the integrity of records and prevent tampering. Conduct regular vulnerability and malware scans and, if possible, conduct an external audit or penetration test.

6. Implement secure communications: Secure data transfer using safe encryption. Close all but essential network ports and disable unsafe protocols such as SMBv1, Telnet, and HTTP.

7. Performs periodic backups: Hardened systems are, by definition, sensitive resources and should be backed up periodically using the 3-2-1 rule (three copies of the backup, on two types of media, with one copy stored off-site).

8. Strengthen remote sessions: If you must allow Secure Shell or SSH (remote administration protocol), make sure a safe password or certificate is used. The default port must be avoided, in addition to disabling elevated privileges for SSH access. Monitor SSH records to identify anomalous uses or privilege escalation.

9. Monitor important metrics for security:Monitor logs, accesses, number of connections, service load (CPU, Memory), disk growth. All these metrics and many more are important to find out if you are being subjected to an attack. Having them monitored and known in real time can free you from many attacks or service degradations.

Hardening on Pandora FMS

Pandora FMS incorporates a series of specific features to monitor server hardening, both Linux and Windows. For that, it runs a special plugin that will perform a series of checks, scoring whether or not it passes the registration. These checks are scheduled to run from time to time. The graphical interface structures what is found in different categories, and the evolution of system security over time can be visually analyzed, as a temporal graph. In addition, detailed technical reports can be generated for each machine, by groups or made comparative.

It is important to approach the security tasks of the systems in a methodical and organized way, attending first to the most critical and being methodical, in order to be able to do it in all systems equally. One of the fundamental pillars of computer security is the fact of not leaving cracks, if there is an entrance door, however small it may be, and as much as we secured the rest of the machines, it may be enough to have an intrusion in our systems.

The Center for Internet Security (CIS) leads the development of international hardening standards and publishes security guidelines to improve cybersecurity controls. Pandora FMS uses the recommendations of the CIS to implement a security audit system, integrated with monitoring to observe the evolution of Hardening throughout your organization, system by system.

Use of CIS Categories for Safety Checks

There are more than 1500 individual checks to ensure the security of systems managed by Pandora FMS. Next, we mention the CIS categories audited by Pandora FMS and some recommendations:

  • Hardware and software asset inventory and control
    It refers to all devices and software in your organization. Keeping an up-to-date inventory of your technology assets and using authentication to block unauthorized processes is recommended.
  • Device inventory and control
    It refers to identifying and managing your hardware devices so that only those who are authorized have access to systems. To do this, you have to maintain adequate inventory, minimize internal risks, organize your environment and provide clarity to your network.
  • Vulnerability Management
    Continuously scanning assets for potential vulnerabilities and remediating them before they become the gateway to an attack. Patch updating and security measures in the software and operating systems must be ensured.
  • Controlled use of administrative privileges
    It consists of monitoring access controls and user performance with privileged accounts to prevent any unauthorized access to critical systems. It must be ensured that only authorized people have elevated privileges to avoid any misuse of administrative privileges.
  • Safe hardware and software configuration
    Security configuration and maintenance based on standards approved by your organization. A rigorous configuration management system should be created, to detect and alert about any misconfigurations, along with a change control process to prevent attackers from taking advantage of vulnerable services and configurations.
  • Maintenance, supervision and analysis of audit logs and records
    Collection, administration and analysis of event audit logs to identify possible anomalies. Detailed logs are required to fully understand attacks and to be able to effectively respond to security incidents.
  • Defenses against malware
    Supervision and control of installation and execution of malicious code at multiple points in the organization to prevent attacks. Anti-malware software should be configured and used and take advantage of automation to ensure quick defense updates and swift corrective action in the event of attacks.
  • Email and Web Browser Protection
    Protecting and managing your web browsers and email systems against online threats to reduce the attack surface. Deactivate unauthorized email add-ons and ensure that users only access trusted websites using network-based URL filters. Remember to keep these most common gateways safe from attacks.
  • Data recovery capabilities
    Processes and tools to ensure your organization’s critical information is adequately supported. Make sure you have a reliable data recovery system in place to restore information in the event of attacks that compromise critical data.
  • Boundary defense and data protection
    Identification and classification of sensitive data, along with a number of processes including encryption, data leak protection plans, and data loss prevention techniques. It establishes strong barriers to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Account Monitoring and Control
    Monitor the entire lifecycle of your systems and application accounts, from creation through use and inactivity to deletion. This active management prevents attackers from taking advantage of legitimate but inactive user accounts for malicious purposes and allows them to maintain constant control over the accounts and their activities.
    It is worth mentioning that not all categories are applicable in a system, but there are controls to verify whether or not they apply. Let’s look at some screens as an example of display.

Detail example in a hardening control of a Linux (Debian) server

This control explains that it is advisable to disable the ICMP packet forwarding, as contemplated in the recommendations of CIS, PCI_DSS, NIST and TSC.

Example listing of checks by group (in this case, network security)

Example of controls, by category on a server:

The separation of the controls by category is key to be able to organize the work and to delimit the scope, for example, there will be systems not exposed to the network where you may “ignore” the network category, or systems without users, where you may avoid user control.

Example of the evolution of the hardening of a system over time:

This allows you to see the evolution of securitization in a system (or in a group of systems). Securitization is not an easy process, since there are dozens of changes, so it is important to address it in a gradual way, that is, planning their correction in stages, this should produce a trend over time, like the one you may see in the attached image. Pandora FMS is a useful tool not only for auditing, but also for monitoring the system securitization process.

Other additional safety measures related to hardening

  • Permanent vulnerability monitoring. Pandora FMS also integrates a continuous vulnerability detection system, based on mitre databases (CVE, Common Vulnerabilities and Exposure) and NIST to continuously audit vulnerable software across your organization. Both the agents and the remote Discovery component are used to determine on which of your systems there is software with vulnerabilities. More information here.
  • Flexibility in inventory: Whether you use Linux systems from different distributions or any Windows version, the important thing is to know and map our infrastructure well: installed software, users, paths, addresses, IP, hardware, disks, etc. Security cannot be guaranteed if you do not have a detailed inventory.
  • Constant monitoring of security infrastructure: It is important to monitor the status of specific security infrastructures, such as backups, antivirus, VPN, firewalls, IDs/IPS, SIEM, honeypots, authentication systems, storage systems, log collection, etc.
  • Permanent monitoring of server security: Verifying in real time the security of remote access, passwords, open ports and changes to key system files.
  • Proactive alerts: Not only do we help you spot potential security breaches, but we also provide proactive alerts and recommendations to address any issues before they become a real threat.

I invite you to watch this video about Hardening on Pandora FMS

Positive impact on safety and operability

As we have seen, hardening is part of the efforts to ensure business continuity. A proactive stance on server protection must be taken, prioritizing risks identified in the technological environment and applying changes gradually and logically. Patches and updates must be applied constantly as a priority, relying on automated monitoring and management tools that ensure the fast correction of possible vulnerabilities. It is also recommended to follow the best practices specific to each hardening area in order to guarantee the security of the whole technological infrastructure with a comprehensive approach.

Additional Resources

Links to Pandora FMS documentation or read the references to CIS security guidelines: See interview with Alexander Twaradze, Pandora FMS representative to countries implementing CIS standards.

How to reduce CPU usage

How to reduce CPU usage

From the computer, we increasingly perform different tasks simultaneously (listening to music while writing a report, receiving files by email and downloading videos), which involve executing commands, and sending and receiving data. Over time, computer performance can suffer if CPU usage is not optimized.

But what is a CPU?

CPU stands for central processing unit. The CPU itself is the brain of a computer, on which most calculations and processes are performed. The two components of a CPU are:

  • The arithmetic logic unit (ALU), which performs arithmetic and logical operations.
  • The Control Unit (CU), which retrieves instructions from the memory, decodes and executes them, calling the ALU when necessary.

In this diagram you may see that the CPU also contains the memory unit, which contains the following elements:

  • The ROM (Read Only Memory): It is a read-only memory; that is, you may only read the programs and data stored in it. It is also a primary memory unit of the computer system, and contains some electronic fuses that can be programmed for specific information. The information is stored in ROM in binary format. It is also known as permanent memory.
  • The RAM (Random Access Memory): As its name suggests, it is a type of computer memory that can be accessed randomly, any byte of memory without handling the previous bytes. RAM is a high-speed component on devices that temporarily stores all the information a device needs.
  • Cache: The cache stores data and allows quick access to it. Cache speed and capacity improves device performance.

Its crucial role in the computer operation

By its components, the speed and performance of a computer are directly related to the CPU features, such as:

  • Energy consumption. It refers to the amount of power that the CPU consumes when executing actions, the higher the quality, the higher the power consumption.
  • The clock frequency. It refers to the clock speed that the CPU has and that determines the number of actions it can execute in a period of time.
  • The number of cores. The greater the number of cores, the greater the number of actions that can be performed simultaneously.
  • The number of threads. It helps the processor handle and execute actions more efficiently. It splits tasks or processes to optimize waiting times between actions.
  • Cache memory. It stores data and allows quick access to it.
  • The type of bus. It refers to the communication that the CPU establishes with the rest of the system.

Relationship between CPU speed/power and computer performance

Impact of speed and power on system effectiveness.

CPUs are classified by the number of cores:

  • De un solo núcleo, en el que el procesador sólo puede realizar una acción a la vez, es el procesador más antiguo.
  • Two-core, which allows you to perform more than one action at a time.
  • Four cores, separate from each other, which allows them to perform several actions at once and are much more efficient.

Considering this, we understand why current CPUs have two or more cores to be able to perform several operations at the same time or balance the load so that the processor does not become 100% busy, which would prevent performing some operations.

Consequences of a slow or overloaded CPU

When a CPU is overloaded, the consequences are as follows, and in the indicated order:

  • Loss of performance, encouraging task processing.
  • Overheating of the computer, a sign that the components receive more demand than the capacity they have.
  • If the temperature of a processor exceeds its limit, it slows down and can even lead to a total system shutdown.

With this, if you do not want to reach the last consequence that puts your equipment at risk, the CPU load must be optimized.

Importance of Reducing CPU Usage

Benefits of optimizing CPU load

When CPU consumption is minimized, the benefits become noticeable in:

  • Energy savings: Lower power consumption, avoiding unnecessary use of processor resources.
  • Battery life: It extends battery life by reducing power consumption.
  • Higher performance: Performance improvements at all times.
  • Lower processor overheating and exhaustion.
  • Lower environmental impact: With lower energy consumption, the carbon footprint of the organization is reduced and it is possible to contribute to ESG goals (Environment, Social, Governance).

Monitoring CPU usage in IT environments

Role of IT support service agents

To give continuity to the business, it is always necessary to supervise systems and equipment to ensure service delivery without interruptions or events that may put the company at risk. IT support agents precisely provide face-to-face or remote support at:

  • Install and configure equipment, operating systems, programs and applications.
  • Regularly maintain equipment and systems.
  • Support employees on technology use or needs.
  • Detect risks and problems in equipment and systems, and take action to prevent or correct them.
  • Perform diagnostics on hardware and software operation.
  • Replace parts or the whole equipment when necessary.
  • Make and analyze reports on the state of equipment and systems.
  • Order parts and spare parts, and, if possible, schedule inventories.
  • Provide guidance on the execution of new equipment, applications or operating systems.
  • Test and evaluate systems and equipment prior to implementation.
  • Configure profiles and access to networks and equipment.
  • Carry out security checks on all equipment and systems.

Remote monitoring and management (RMM) tools for effective monitoring.

In order to carry out the functions of the technical support service agent, there are tools for remote monitoring and management. Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) is software that helps run and automate IT tasks such as updates and patch management, device health checks, and network monitoring. The approach of RMM, of great support for internal IT teams as well as for Managed Service Providers (MSPs), is to centralize the support management process remotely, from tracking devices, knowing their status, to performing routine maintenance and solving problems that arise in equipment and systems. This becomes valuable considering that IT services and resources are in hybrid environments, especially to support the demand of users who not only work in the office but those who are working remotely. Tracking or maintaining resources manually is literally impossible.
To learn more about RMM, visit this Pandora FMS blog: What is RMM software?

Tips for reducing CPU usage on Chromebooks and Windows

Closing tabs or unnecessary applications

This is one of the easiest methods to reduce CPU usage. Close any tabs or apps you’re not using in your web browser. This frees up resources on your computer, allowing you to perform other tasks.
To open the Task Manager on a Chromebook, press “Ctrl” + “Shift” + “T”.
Right-click on the Windows taskbar and select “Task Manager”.
In Task Manager, close any tabs or apps you’re no longer using.

Disabling non-essential animations or effects

Some animations and effects can take up large CPU resources, so it’s best to disable them. First go to system settings and look for an option called “Performance” or “Graphics”, from which you may turn off animations and effects.
On Chromebook, go to Settings > Advanced > Performance and turn off any unnecessary animation or effects.
In Windows, go to Dashboards > System & Security > Performance and turn off unnecessary animations or effects.

Driver update

Outdated drivers can degrade computer performance, leading to excessive CPU usage. To update your drivers, visit your computer manufacturer’s website and download the latest drivers for your hardware. Install and then restart your computer.

Hard drive defragmentation

Over time, the hard drive can fragment, affecting computer performance. Open the “Disk Defragmenter” tool from the Start menu to defragment it. Select “Disk Defragmenter” from the Start menu. Restart the computer after defragmenting the hard drive.

Malware scanning

Malware is malicious software that aims to cause damage to systems and computers. Sometimes malware can take up CPU resources, so it’s key to scan your computer and perform a scan on a regular basis to find malware. For that, use a trusted antivirus program. Once the scan is complete, remove any malware that may have been detected.

System restoration

If you are experiencing high CPU usage, you may try performing a system restore. It can be a drastic solution, but it will return the computer to a previous state where it worked normally. To do this, open the Start menu and search for “System Restore”.
Click the “Start” button and type “System Restore”.
Choose a restore point that was created before you started experiencing problems with high CPU usage. Restart the computer.

Software update

Outdated software also causes performance issues on your computer, including high CPU usage. To update the software, open the Control Panel and go to the “Windows Update” settings, check for updates and install those that are available.
In addition to these tips, it is recommended to use RMM tools and agents installed on the company’s computers, servers, workstations and devices, which run in the background in order to collect information on network activity, performance and system security in real time. Through its analysis, it is possible to detect patterns and anomalies to generate support tickets (and scale them if necessary according to their severity) or, ideally, act preventively.
Proactive monitoring by internal IT teams or MSP providers is also recommended to ensure a stable and safe IT environment for users. Importantly, proactivity reduces the costs associated with equipment repair and data recovery.

Advanced Optimization: Overclocking and CPU Switching

Explanation of advanced options such as overclocking

overclocking is a technique used to increase clock frequency of an electronic component, such as the CPU (processor) or the GPU (graphics card), beyond the specifications set by the equipment manufacturer. That is, overlocking tries to force the component to operate at a higher speed than it originally offers.

Considerations on installing a new CPU

While it may seem like a simple matter to install a new CPU, there are considerations for installing a new CPU to ensure your computer’s performance. It is recommended to have the following at hand:

  • A screwdriver: Depending on your PC and the content that is installed on it, you may need one or more screwdrivers to remove the screws from your CPU and even the motherboard, in case you need to remove it.
  • Thermal paste: This is a must when installing a new CPU, especially if you do not have a CPU cooler with pre-applied thermal paste.
  • Isopropyl alcohol wipes: You will need them to clean the residual thermal paste of the processor and the contact point of the CPU cooler. You may even use isopropyl alcohol along with some very absorbent paper towels.
  • Antistatic Wristband: Since fragile and expensive components such as the CPU, motherboard and cooler will be worked on, we suggest using an antistatic wristband to protect the components from static discharges.

With this at hand, we now let you know three important considerations:

  • Take static precautions:
    The CPU is sensitive to static discharges. Its pins are delicate and work at high temperatures, so you have to take precautions. It is recommended to wear an antistatic bracelet or take a metal surface to “unload” yourself. In case the CPU has been used in another machine or if the fan is being replaced, you may need to remove the old thermal compound with isopropyl alcohol (not on the CPU contacts). There is no need to remove the battery from the motherboard during CPU installation. This would cause saved BIOS configurations to be lost. A minimum force must be required to lock the CPU charging lever in place.
  • Motherboard compatibility:
    It is important to check the documentation of your motherboard to know the type of socket that is used. Remember that AMD and Intel use different sockets, so you can’t install an Intel processor on an AMD board (and vice versa). If you can’t find this information, you may use the CPU-Z program to determine the type of socket to use.
  • Correct location and alignment:
    The CPU must be properly placed in the socket. If you do not do it correctly, the CPU will not work. You should make sure to properly install the fan and heat sink to avoid temperature problems.

In a nutshell…

The demand for resources on our computers to be able to process multiple tasks simultaneously has made it clear why attention should be paid to using the CPU with speed and power. For that reason, remote supervision and management tools are a resource for IT employees (or Managed Service Provider) in order to be able to know from a central point the status of systems and equipment and undertake maintenance and prevention actions remotely, such as driver updates, malware scanning, software updates, among others. The results of these efforts will be energy savings, increased performance, and extended battery life, along with reduced processor overheating and reduced environmental impact.

Collectd Pandora FMS: Maximizing Monitoring Efficiency

Collectd Pandora FMS: Maximizing Monitoring Efficiency

Collectd is a daemon (i.e. running in the background on computers and devices) that periodically collects metrics from different sources such as operating systems, applications, log files, and external devices, providing mechanisms to store values in different ways (e.g. RRD files) or makes it available over the network. With this data and its statistics you may monitor systems, find performance bottlenecks (by performance analysis) and predict system load (capacity planning).

Programming language and compatibility with operating systems

Collectd is written in C for *nix operating systems; that is, UNIX-based, such as BSD, macOS and Linux, for portability and performance, since its design allows it to run on systems without scripting language or cron daemon, as integrated systems. For Windows it can be connected using Cygwin (GNU and open source tools that provide similar features to a Linux distribution on Windows).
Collectd is optimized to take up the least amount of system resources, making it a great tool for monitoring with a low cost of performance.

Plug-ins of collectd

Collectd as a modular demon

The collectd system is modular. In its core it has limited features and to use it, you need to know how to compile a program in C. You also need to know how to start the executable in the right way so that the data is sent to where it is needed. However, through plug-ins, value is obtained from the data collected and sent, extending its functionality for multiple use cases. This makes the daemon modular and flexible and the statistics obtained (and their format) can be defined by plug-ins.

Plug-in types

Currently, there are 171 plug-ins available for collectd. Not all plug-ins define data collection themes, as some extend capabilities with interfaces for specific technologies (e.g. programming languages such as Python).

  • Read plug-ins fetch data and are generally classified into three categories:
    • Operating system plug-ins, which collect information such as CPU usage, memory, or the number of users who logged into a system. Usually, these plug-ins need to be ported to each operating system.
    • Application plug-ins, which collect performance data about an application running on the same computer or at a remote site. These plug-ins normally use software libraries, but are otherwise usually independent of the operating system.
    • Generic plug-ins, which offer basic functions that users may make use for specific tasks. Some examples are the query for network monitoring (from SNMP) or the execution of custom programs or scripts.
  • Writing plug-ins offer the ability to store collected data on disk using RRD or CSV files; or send data over the network to a remote daemon instance.
  • Unixsock plugins allow you to open a socket to connect to the collectd daemon. Thanks to the collectd utility, you may directly obtain the monitors in your terminal with the getval or listval parameters, where you may indicate the specific parameter you wish to obtain or obtain a list with all the parameters that collectd has collected.
  • You also have the network plug-in, which is used to send and receive data to and from other daemon instances. In a common network configuration, the daemon would run on each monitored host (called “clients”) with the network plug-in configured to send the collected data to one or more network addresses. On one or more of the so-called “servers”, the same daemon would run, but with a different configuration, so that the network plug-in receives data instead of sending it. Often, the RRDtool plugin is used in servers to store performance data (e.g. bandwidth, temperature, CPU workload, etc.)

To activate and deactivate the plug-ins you have, you may do so from the configuration file “collectd.conf”, in addition to configuring them or adding custom plugins.

Benefits of Collectd

  • Open source nature
    Collectd is open source software, just like its plug-ins, though some plug-ins don’t have the same open source license.
  • Extensibility and modularity
    Collectd has 171 plug-ins, supports a variety of operating systems, and is very easy to set up. It also allows customization according to the needs of the company and its features can be easily extended by adding some reliable plug-ins, in addition to being able to be written in several languages such as Perl and Python.
  • Scalability
    Collectd collects data from many sources and sends it to a multicast group or server. Whether they are one or a thousand hosts, collectd can collect statistics and performance metrics. Collectd also allows you to merge multiple updates into a single operation or large values into a single network packet.
  • SNMP support
    Collectd supports Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), which allows users to collect metrics from a wide range of network resources and devices.
  • Flexibility
    It provides flexibility and the opportunity to decide what statistics you want to collect and how often.

Collectd Integration with Pandora FMS

Monitoring IT environments

Collectd provides statistics to an interpretation package, so in a third-party tool, it must be configured to generate graphs and analysis from the data obtained, in order to see and optimize IT environment monitoring. Collectd has a large community that contributes improvements, new plugins, and bug fixes.

Effective execution in Pandora FMS

The pandora_collectd plugin allows to collect this information generated by collectd itself and send it to your Pandora FMS server for further processing and storage.
The plugin execution generates an agent with all the information of collectd transformed in Pandora FMS modules; with this, you may have any device monitored with collectd and obtain a data history, create reports, dashboards, visual consoles, trigger alerts and a long etcetera.

A very important feature of “pandora_collectd” is that it is a very versatile plugin, as it allows you to process data collected from collectd before sending it to your Pandora FMS server. By means of regular expressions, it allows you to decide according to the features you have, which metrics you want to collect and which ones you want to download, to send the desired metrics to your Pandora FMS server, in an optimal way. In addition, it allows you to modify parameters such as the port or the IP address of the tentacle server that you wish to use.
Also, it is possible to customize what we want your agent to be called, where the modules will be created, and modify their description.
Another important aspect of this plug-in is that it can run both as an agent plug-in and as a server plug-in. By being able to modify the agents resulting from the monitoring, you may easily differentiate one from the other and monitor a high amount of devices in your Pandora FMS environment.
In addition, your plugin is compatible with the vast majority of Linux and Unix devices so there will be no problems with its implementation with collectd.
To learn how to set up collectd in Pandora FMS, visit Pandora FMS Guides for details.

Collectd vs StatsD: A Comparison

Key differences

As we have seen, collectd is suitable for monitoring CPU, network, memory usage and different plugins for specific services such as NGinx. Due to its features, it collects ready-to-use metrics and must be installed on machines that need monitoring.

Whereas StatsD (written in Node.js) is generally used for applications that require accurate data aggregation and sends data to servers at regular intervals. Also, StatsD provides libraries in multiple programming languages for easy data tracking.


Once this is understood, collectd is a statistics gathering daemon, while StatsD is an aggregation service or event counter. The reason for explaining their differences is that collectd and StatsD can be used together (and it is common practice) depending on the monitoring needs in the organization.

Use cases and approaches

  • Cases of StatsD use:
    • Monitoring Web Applications: Tracking the number of requests, errors, response times, etc.
    • Performance Analysis: Identification of bottlenecks and optimization of application performance.
  • Cases of use of collectd:
    • Monitoring hardware resources such as CPU usage, memory used, hard disk usage, etc.
    • Monitoring specific metrics of available IT services.

The Importance of Collectd Integration with Pandora FMS

    • Lightweight and efficient
      Collectd in Pandora FMS is lightweight and efficient, with the ability to write metrics across the network, by itself a modular architecture and because it runs mainly in memory.
    • Versatility and flexibility
      This plugin allows you to decide which metrics you want to collect and which to discard in order to send only the metrics you want to your Pandora FMS server. It also allows you to adjust the data collected from time to time, according to the needs of the organization.
    • Community support and continuous improvement
      In addition to the fact that collectd is a popular plugin, there is community support for those who constantly make improvements, including specialized documentation and installation guides.
      All this makes us understand why collectd has been widely adopted for monitoring IT resources and services.


Collectd is a very popular daemon for measuring metrics from different sources such as operating systems, applications, log files and external devices, being able to take advantage of the information for system monitoring. Among its key features we can mention that, being written in C, in open source, it can be executed on systems without the need for a scripting language. As it is modular, it is quite portable through plug-ins and the value of the collected and sent data is obtained, the collectd feature is extended to give a better use in monitoring IT resources. It is also scalable, whether one or a thousand hosts, to collect statistics and performance metrics. This is of great value in IT ecosystems that continue growing for any company in any industry.

The pandora_collectd plugin collects information generated by the collectd itself and sends it to Pandora FMS server from which you may enhance the monitoring of any monitored device and obtain data from which to generate reports or performance dashboards, schedule alerts and obtain history information for capacity planning, among other high-value functions in IT management.

For better use of collectd, with the ability to be so granular in data collection, it is also good to consolidate statistics to make them more understandable to the human eye and simplify things for the system administrator who analyzes the data. Also, it is recommended to rely on IT monitoring experts such as Pandora FMS, with best monitoring and observability practices. Contact our experts in Professional services | Pandora FMS

NOSQL vs SQL. Key differences and when to choose each

NOSQL vs SQL. Key differences and when to choose each

Until recently, the default model for application development was SQL. However, in recent years NoSQL has become a popular alternative.

The wide variety of data that is stored today and the workload that servers must support force developers to consider other more flexible and scalable options. NoSQL databases provide agile development and ease of adapting to changes. Even so, they cannot be considered as a replacement for SQL nor are they the most successful choice for all types of projects.

Choosing between NoSQL vs SQL is an important decision, if you wish to avoid technical difficulties during the development of an application. In this article we aim to explore the differences between these two database management systems and guide readers on the use of each of them, taking into account the needs of the project and the type of data to be handled.

What is NoSQL?

The term NoSQL is short for “Not only SQL” and refers to a category of DBMSs that do not use SQL as their primary query language.

The NoSQL database boom began in 2000, matching the arrival of web 2.0. From then on, applications became more interactive and began to handle large volumes of data, often unstructured. Soon traditional databases fell short in terms of performance and scalability.

Big tech companies at the time decided to look for solutions to address their specific needs. Google was the first to launch a distributed and highly scalable DBMS: BigTable, in 2005. Two years later, Amazon announced the release of Dynamo DB (2007). These databases (and others that were appearing) did not use tables or a structured language, so they were much faster in data processing.

Currently, the NoSQL approach has become very popular due to the rise of Big Data and IoT devices, that generate huge amounts of data, both structured and unstructured.

Thanks to its performance and ability to handle different types of data, NoSQL managed to overcome many limitations present in the relational model. Netflix, Meta, Amazon or LinkedIn are examples of modern applications that use NoSQL database to manage structured information (transactions and payments) as well as unstructured information (comments, content recommendations and user profiles).

Difference between NoSQL and SQL

NoSQL and SQL are two database management systems (DBMS) that differ in the way they store, access and modify information.

The SQL system

SQL follows the relational model, formulated by E.F. Codd in 1970. This English scientist proposed replacing the hierarchical system used by the programmers of the time with a model in which data are stored in tables and related to each other through a common attribute known as “primary key”. Based on their ideas, IBM created SQL (Structured Query Language), the first language designed specifically for relational databases. The company tried unsuccessfully to develop its own RDBMS, so it had to wait until 1979, the year of the release of Oracle DB.

Relational databases turned out to be much more flexible than hierarchical systems and solved the issue of redundancy, following a process known as “normalization” that allows developers to expand or modify databases without having to change their whole structure. For example, an important function in SQL is JOIN, which allows developers to perform complex queries and combine data from different tables for analysis.

The NoSQL system

NoSQL databases are even more flexible than relational databases since they do not have a fixed structure. Instead, they employ a wide variety of models optimized for the specific requirements of the data they store: spreadsheets, text documents, emails, social media posts, etc.

Some data models that NoSQL uses are:

  • Key-value: Redis, Amazon DynamoDB, Riak. They organize data into key and value pairs. They are very fast and scalable.
  • Documentaries: MongoDB, Couchbase, CouchDB. They organize data into documents, usually in JSON format.
  • Graph-oriented: Amazon Neptune, InfiniteGraph. They use graph structures to perform semantic queries and represent data such as nodes, edges, and properties.
  • Column-oriented: Apache Cassandra. They are designed to store data in columns instead of rows as in SQL. Columns are arranged contiguously to improve read speed and allow efficient retrieval of the data subset.
  • Databases in memory: They get rid of the need to access disks. They are used in applications that require microsecond response times or that have high traffic spikes.

In summary, to work with SQL databases, developers must first declare the structure and types of data they will use. In contrast, NoSQL is an open storage model that allows new types of data to be incorporated without this implying project restructuring.

Relational vs. non-relational database

To choose between an SQL or NoSQL database management system, you must carefully study the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Advantages of relational databases

  • Data integrity: SQL databases apply a wide variety of restrictions in order to ensure that the information stored is accurate, complete and reliable at all times.
  • Ability to perform complex queries: SQL offers programmers a variety of functions that allow them to perform complex queries involving multiple conditions or subqueries.
  • Support: RDBMS have been around for decades; they have been extensively tested and have detailed and comprehensive documentation describing their functions.

Disadvantages of relational databases

  • Difficulty handling unstructured data: SQL databases have been designed to store structured data in a relational table. This means they may have difficulties handling unstructured or semi-structured data such as JSON or XML documents.
  • Limited performance: They are not optimized for complex and fast queries on large datasets. This can result in long response times and latency periods.
  • Major investment: Working with SQL means taking on the cost of licenses. In addition, relational databases scale vertically, which implies that as a project grows, it is necessary to invest in more powerful servers with more RAM to increase the workload.

Advantages of non-relational databases

  • Flexibility: NoSQL databases allow you to store and manage structured, semi-structured and unstructured data. Developers can change the data model in an agile way or work with different schemas according to the needs of the project.
  • High performance: They are optimized to perform fast queries and work with large volumes of data in contexts where relational databases find limitations. A widely used programming paradigm in NoSQL databases such as MongoDB is “MapReduce” which allows developers to process huge amounts of data in batches, breaking them up into smaller chunks on different nodes in the cluster for later analysis.
  • Availability: NoSQL uses a distributed architecture. The information is replicated on different remote or local servers to ensure that it will always be available.
  • They avoid bottlenecks: In relational databases, each statement needs to be analyzed and optimized before being executed. If there are many requests at once, a bottleneck may take place, limiting the system’s ability to continue processing new requests. Instead, NoSQL databases distribute the workload across multiple nodes in the cluster. As there is no single point of entry for enquiries, the potential for bottlenecks is very low.
  • Higher profitability: NoSQL offers fast and horizontal scalability thanks to its distributed architecture. Instead of investing in expensive servers, more nodes are added to the cluster to expand data processing capacity. In addition, many NoSQL databases are open source, which saves on licensing costs.

Disadvantages of NoSQL databases

  • Restriction on complex queries: NoSQL databases lack a standard query language and may experience difficulties performing complex queries or require combining multiple datasets.
  • Less coherence: NoSQL relaxes some of the consistency constraints of relational databases for greater performance and scalability.
  • Less resources and documentation: Although NoSQL is constantly growing, the documentation available is little compared to that of relational databases that have been in operation for more years.
  • Complex maintenance: Some NoSQL systems may require complex maintenance due to their distributed architecture and variety of configurations. This involves optimizing data distribution, load balancing, or troubleshooting network issues.

When to use SQL databases and when to use NoSQL?

The decision to use a relational or non-relational database will depend on the context. First, study the technical requirements of the application such as the amount and type of data to be used.

In general, it is recommended to use SQL databases in the following cases:

  • If you are going to work with well-defined data structures, for example, a CRM or an inventory management system.
  • If you are developing business applications, where data integrity is the most important: accounting programs, banking systems, etc.

In contrast, NoSQL is the most interesting option in these situations:

  • If you are going to work with unstructured or semi-structured data such as JSON or XML documents.
  • If you need to create applications that process data in real time and require low latency, for example, online games.
  • When you want to store, manage and analyze large volumes of data in Big Data environments. In these cases, NoSQL databases offer horizontal scalability and the possibility of distributing the workload on multiple servers.
  • When you launch a prototype of a NoSQL application, it provides you with fast and agile development.

In most cases, back-end developers decide to use a relational database, unless it is not feasible because the application handles a large amount of denormalized data or has very high performance needs.

In some cases it is possible to adopt a hybrid approach and use both types of databases.

SQL vs NoSQL Comparison

CTO Mark Smallcombe published an article titled “SQL vs NoSQL: 5 Critical Differences” where he details the differences between these two DBMS.

Below is a summary of the essentials of your article, along with other important considerations in comparing SQL vs NoSQL.

How data is stored

In relational databases, data are organized into a set of formally described tables and are related to each other through common identifiers that provide access, consultation and modification.
NoSQL databases store data in its original format. They do not have a predefined structure and can use documents, columns, graphs or a key-value schema.


Relational databases use the SQL structured query language.
Non-relational databases have their own query languages and APIs. For example, MongoDB uses MongoDB Query Language (MQL) which is similar to JSON and Cassandra uses Cassandra Query Language (CQL) which looks like SQL, but is optimized for working with data in columns.

Compliance with ACID properties

Relational databases follow the ACID guidelines (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability) that guarantee the integrity and validity of the data, even if unexpected errors occur. Adopting the ACID approach is a priority in applications that handle critical data, but it comes at a cost in terms of performance, since data must be written to disk before it is accessible.
NoSQL databases opt instead for the BASE model (basic availability, soft state, eventual consistency), which prioritizes performance over data integrity. A key concept is that of “eventual consistency”. Instead of waiting for the data to be written to disk, some degree of temporal inconsistency is tolerated, assuming that, although there may be a delay in change propagation, once the write operation is finished, all the nodes will have the same version of the data. This approach ensures faster data processing and is ideal in applications where performance is more important than consistency.

Vertical or horizontal scalability

Relational databases scale vertically by increasing server power.
Non-relational databases have a distributed architecture and scale horizontally by adding servers to the cluster. This feature makes NoSQL a more sustainable option for developing applications that handle a large volume of data.

Flexibility and adaptability to change

SQL databases follow strict programming schemes and require detailed planning as subsequent changes are often difficult to implement.
NoSQL databases provide a more flexible development model, allowing easy adaptation to changes without having to perform complex migrations. They are a practical option in agile environments where requirements change frequently.

Role of Pandora FMS in database management

Pandora FMS provides IT teams with advanced capabilities to monitor SQL and NoSQL databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and MongoDB, among others. In addition, it supports virtualization and cloud computing environments (e.g., Azure) to effectively manage cloud services and applications.

Some practical examples of the use of Pandora FMS in SQL and NoSQL databases:

  • Optimize data distribution in NoSQL: It monitors performance and workload on cluster nodes avoiding overloads on individual nodes.
  • Ensure data availability: It replicates the information in different nodes thus minimizing the risk of losses.
  • Send Performance Alerts: It monitors server resources and sends alerts to administrators when it detects query errors or slow response times. This is especially useful in SQL databases whose performance depends on the power of the server where the data is stored.
  • Encourage scalability: It allows you to add or remove nodes from the cluster and adjust the system requirements to the workload in applications that work with NoSQL database.
  • Reduce Latency: It helps administrators identify and troubleshoot latency issues in applications that work with real-time data. For example, it allows you to adjust NoSQL database settings, such as the number of simultaneous connections or the size of the network buffer, thus improving query speed.


Making a correct choice of the type of database is key so that no setbacks arise during the development of a project and expand the possibilities of growth in the future.

Historically, SQL databases were the cornerstone of application programming, but the evolution of the Internet and the need to store large amounts of structured and unstructured data pushed developers to look for alternatives outside the relational model. NoSQL databases stand out for their flexibility and performance, although they are not a good alternative in environments where data integrity is paramount.

It is important to take some time to study the advantages and disadvantages of these two DBMSs. In addition, we must understand that both SQL and NoSQL databases require continuous maintenance to optimize their performance.

Pandora FMS provides administrators with the tools necessary to improve the operation of any type of database, making applications faster and more secure, which translates into a good experience for users.

Interview | Pandora FMS is a flexible and scalable monitoring system, ready to work in large IT infrastructures.

Interview | Pandora FMS is a flexible and scalable monitoring system, ready to work in large IT infrastructures.

Interview with Alexander Twaradze, Pandora FMS representative in CIS countries.
See original here.

Companies’ modern IT infrastructure consists of multiple systems and services. These could be servers, network equipment, software, communication channels, and services from third-party companies. All of them interact through a wide variety of channels and protocols. Monitoring what the entire IT infrastructure works like is a difficult and time-consuming task. In case of failure, you may face negative customer reviews, lose money and reputation, waste time and lose nerve. The task is to quickly find out the location and cause of the failure. It is necessary for the monitoring system to also allow you to automate response to failures, for example, restarting the system, activating a backup communication channel, and adding resources to the virtual server. At the same time, it is necessary for such a system to support all the variety of systems and manufacturers that the company has. We talked with Alexander Tvaradze, Director of Pandora FMS representative company in the CIS countries, about how Pandora FMS software helps to solve this difficult task.

Please tell us about Pandora FMS itself.

Pandora FMS head office is located in Madrid. The company has been operating on the market for more than 15 years and currently offers three main products:

IT Infrastructure monitoring System;

Help desk, ticket system;

It is a remote server management system

The company successfully operates on the international market, and its clients include a large number of companies from the public and private sectors in Europe and the Middle East, including Viber, MCM Telecom, Telefonica and others.

What does IT infrastructure monitoring bring to the company and how important is it?

Now business is connected with IT in one way or another, so the performance of servers, services, network and workstations directly affects the business. For example, failures in processing centers may affect payments from many companies and services. Monitoring of systems and services helps to solve several problems at once:

  • Monitor the parameters of equipment and services in advance, and take measures to get rid of a potential problem. For, example Pandora FMS can track the level of memory consumption and warn administrators in advance that the amount of free memory is insufficient and the service may stop.
  • Quickly understand where the failure took place. For, example, the company has integration with the banking service via API. Pandora FMS can not only track that the communication channel is working and there is access to the server, but also that the banking service does not respond correctly to API commands.
  • Perform actions to prevent the problem. For example, an organization has a reporting server. The peak load occurs at the end of the week, and when the server is overloaded, it causes problems for users. Pandora FMS can monitor the current server load. As soon as it exceeds a certain threshold, Pandora FMS launches a more powerful server in parallel, migrating services to it. When the peak load passes, Pandora FMS migrates back to the standard server, and disables the more powerful one.

To realize such opportunities, the system must be able to be flexible and work with several services and systems…

That’s exactly what Pandora FMS does. The system works with multiple manufacturers of network and server equipment, with both well-known and not-so-popular brands. If specific hardware appears, it is enough to upload its MIB file and specify which parameters need to be monitored. For example, our partner in Saudi Arabia is currently implementing a project with one of the large state-owned companies. They have a large “zoo” of systems from different manufacturers, including both 10-year-old devices and modern solutions.

Pandora FMS is able to monitor a wide range of software: operating systems, web servers, databases, containers, dockers, virtualization systems. Pandora FMS is also a certified solution for monitoring SAP R/3, S/3, CRM, etc., including monitoring SAP HANA databases.

The system has a high degree of flexibility. In one of the projects in the CIS, the customer needed to monitor the parameters of special satellite equipment. At the same time, the equipment did not support any standard monitoring protocols, such as SNMP, only the web interface. A script was created that collected data from a web interface page and uploaded it to an xml file. Then Pandora FMS downloaded the data from this file and displayed it to the customer in the form of graphs. The data were output to two monitoring centers located in different parts of the country. If there was a deviation from the basic values, the warning was sent to the administrators by e-mail and Telegram.

Pandora FMS can not only monitor, but also manage network device configurations, provide inventory, CMDB, script automation, monitor cloud services and web interfaces (UX monitoring), monitor IP addresses, etc.

What size of IT systems can be monitored using Pandora FMS?

Infinitely large and complex. One monitoring server can serve up to 50,000 different sensors. Multiple servers can be combined into a single system using the Enterprise Console. For customers with a complex structure, there is the possibility of distributed monitoring using Satellite servers. For example, such servers can be located in branches and transmit information to the central Pandora FMS server with one connection. This solution is fault-tolerant due to the fact that it is possible to install a backup Pandora FMS server. Unlike competitors, this feature is free. The multi-tenancy mode is also supported. For example, one Pandora FMS server can independently serve various departments or companies within a holding company.

How difficult is it to install and deploy the system?

The system is installed on a Linux platform. All major distributions are supported: RedHat, Suse and Rocket. MySQL is used as the database. Pandora FMS is deployed automatically by a script within some 15 minutes and users do not need in-depth knowledge of Linux. At the request of customers, you may provide ready-made images. Network equipment can be connected via automatic network scanning, data import via files, or manually. Servers are monitored through SNMP, WMI and/or agents, which can be installed automatically or manually.

What is the difference between Pandora FMS licensing models?

The company offers permanent licenses, which is convenient, in particular, for government organizations. This ensures that the monitoring system will never stop. It is licensed by the number of hosts, in increments of 100. For example, if you have 100 servers and 200 pieces of network equipment, then you need 300 licenses. They include all the modules of the system and access to over 400 plugins. The host can be both a server and network equipment. In the future, when purchasing additional licenses, customers can buy blocks of 50 hosts each. The difference in price compared to competitors’ solutions sometimes reaches 200-300%. Due to the fact that Pandora FMS runs on Linux platforms, you do not need to spend money for Windows and MS SQL server licenses.

For more information, please contact Advanced Technologies Solutions, which is the representative of Pandora FMS in the CIS countries. Pandora FMS can be purchased through partners in Azerbaijan and distributor Mont Azerbaijan.

Pandora FMS Review: Share your experience, get a reward and make a difference in G2

Pandora FMS Review: Share your experience, get a reward and make a difference in G2

Pandora FMS stands out as a powerful monitoring software solution that helps individuals and organizations of all sizes. It facilitates effective monitoring of the performance and status of servers, applications, network devices and other essential components of the IT infrastructure.

You already know Pandora FMS and the G2 platform well, so we would like to make you a proposal to take advantage of your vast knowledge:

Give your opinion about Pandora FMS in G2 and help others

Pandora FMS with a wide range of features such as network mapping, event correlation and reporting, is an excellent choice for companies looking to enhance their capabilities. And G2 is a platform for user feedback on software solutions that allows users to share their experiences and views on various products, helping others to make informed decisions about technology solutions. That is why we have joined forces to benefit you and all the users who will know first hand, thanks to your review, all the advantages that Pandora FMS can bring to their lives.

We strive to improve Pandora FMS software, so your feedback can help us a lot to understand what works well and where we can improve. We know that your time is precious so, as a thank you, G2 offers you a 25$ gift card. We want to position well and we need your help to achieve it!

What are the steps to leave a review on Pandora FMS in G2?

  1. Access to the Platform through this link and make sure you have an account. You may need to register if you have not already done so.
  2. Leave your opinion: Provide the required information, such as a score and your comment.
  3. Includes Relevant Details: Be specific in your opinion. Share details about your experience with Pandora FMS, both positive and negative aspects. This will help other users to get a more complete view.
  4. Confirm and Send: Review your review to make sure it is complete and accurate. Then confirm and submit your review.

Hurry up, take a few minutes in G2 and receive your reward. They run out!*

Your feedback is crucial for us. Participate and benefit!

*Valid for the first 50 approved reviews.

Deciphering Distributed Systems: A Complete Guide to Monitoring Strategies

Deciphering Distributed Systems: A Complete Guide to Monitoring Strategies

Distributed systems allow projects to be implemented more efficiently and at a lower cost, but require complex processing due to the fact that several nodes are used to process one or more tasks with greater performance in different network sites. To understand this complexity, let’s first look at its fundamentals.

The Fundamentals of Distributed Systems

What are distributed systems?

A distributed system is a computing environment that spans multiple devices, coordinating their efforts to complete a job much more efficiently than if it were with a single device. This offers many advantages over traditional computing environments, such as greater scalability, reliability improvements, and lower risk by avoiding a single point vulnerable to failure or cyberattack.
In modern architecture, distributed systems become more relevant by being able to distribute the‌ workload among several computers, servers, devices in Edge Computing, etc. (nodes), so that tasks are executed reliably and faster, especially nowadays when continuous availability, speed and high performance are demanded by users and infrastructures extend beyond the organization (not only in other geographies, but also in the Internet of Things, Edge Computing, etc.).

Types and Example of Distributed Systems:

There are several models and architectures of distributed systems:

  • Client-server systems: are the most traditional and simple type of distributed system, in which several networked computers interact with a central server to store data, process it or perform any other common purpose.
  • Mobile networks: They are an advanced type of distributed system that share workloads between terminals, switching systems, and Internet-based devices.
  • Peer-to-peer networks: They distribute workloads among hundreds or thousands of computers running the same software.
  • Cloud-based virtual server instances: They are the most common forms of distributed systems in enterprises today, as they transfer workloads to dozens of cloud-based virtual server instances that are created as needed and terminated when the task is completed.

Examples of distributed systems can be seen in a computer network within the same organization, on-premises or cloud storage systems‌ and database systems distributed in a business consortium. Also, several systems can interact with each other, not only from the organization but with other companies, as we can see in the following example:

From home, one can buy a product (customer at home) and it triggers the process with the distributor’s server and this in turn with the supplier’s server to supply the product, also connecting to the bank’s network to carry out the financial transaction (connecting to the bank’s regional mainframe, then connecting to the bank’s mainframe). Or, in-store, customers pay at the supermarket checkout terminal, which in turn connects to the business server and bank network to record and confirm the financial transaction. As it can be seen, there are several nodes (terminals, computers, devices, etc.) that connect and interact. To understand how tuning is possible in distributed systems, let’s look at how nodes collaborate with each other.

Collaboration between Nodes: The Symphony of Distribution

  • How nodes interact in distributed systems: Distributed systems use specific software to be able to communicate and share resources between different machines or devices, in addition to orchestrating activities or tasks. To do this, protocols and algorithms are used to coordinate ​actions and data exchange. Following the example above, the computer or the store cashier is the customer from which a service is requested from a server (business server), which in turn requests the service from the bank’s network, which carries out the task of recording the payment and returns the results to the customer (the store cashier) that the payment has been successful.
  • The most common challenges are being able to coordinate tasks of interconnected nodes, ensuring consistency of data being exchanged between nodes, and managing the security and privacy of nodes and data traveling in ​a distributed environment.
  • To maintain consistency across distributed systems, asynchronous communication or messaging services, distributed file systems for shared storage, and ‌ node and/or cluster management platforms are required to manage resources.

Designing for Scalability: Key Principles

  • The importance of scalability in distributed environments: Scalability is the ability to grow as the workload size increases, which is achieved by adding additional processing units or nodes to the network as needed.
  • Design Principles to Encourage Scalability: scalability has become vital to support increased user demand for agility and efficiency, in addition to the growing volume of data. Architectural design, hardware and software upgrades should be combined to ensure performance and reliability, based on:
    • Horizontal scalability: adding more nodes (servers) to the existing resource pool, allowing the system to handle higher workloads by distributing the load across multiple servers.
    • Load balancing: to achieve technical scalability, incoming requests are distributed evenly across multiple servers, so that no server is overwhelmed.
    • Automated scaling: using algorithms and tools to dynamically and automatically adjust resources based on demand. This helps maintain performance during peak traffic and reduce costs during periods of low demand. Cloud platforms usually offer auto-scaling features.
    • Caching: by storing frequently accessed data or results of previous responses, improving responsiveness and reducing network latency rather than making repeated requests to the database.
    • Geographic scalability: adding new nodes in a physical space without affecting communication time between nodes, ensuring distributed systems can handle global traffic efficiently.
    • Administrative scalability: managing new nodes added to the system, minimizing administrative overload.

Distributed tracking is a method for monitoring applications built on a microservices architecture that are routinely deployed in distributed systems. Tracking monitors the process step by step, helping developers discover bugs, bottlenecks, latency, or other issues with the application. The importance of monitoring on distributed systems lies in the fact that multiple applications and processes can be tracked simultaneously across multiple concurrent computing nodes and environments, which have become commonplace in today’s system architectures (on-premises, in the cloud, or hybrid environments), which also demand stability and reliability in their services.

The Crucial Role of Stability Monitoring

To optimize IT system administration and achieve efficiency in IT service delivery, appropriate system monitoring is indispensable, since data in monitoring systems and logs allow detecting possible problems as well as analyzing incidents to not only react but be more proactive.

Essential Tools and Best Practices

An essential tool is a monitoring system focused on processes, memory, storage and network connections, with the objectives of:

  • Making the most of a company’s hardware resources.
  • Reporting potential issues.
  • Preventing incidents and detecting problems.
  • Reducing costs and system implementation times.
  • Improving user experience and customer service satisfaction.

In addition to the monitoring system, best practices should be implemented which covers an incident resolution protocol, which will make a big difference when solving problems or simply reacting, based on:

  • Prediction and prevention. The right monitoring tools not only enable timely action but also analysis to prevent issues impacting IT services.
  • Customize alerts and reports that are really needed and that allow you the best status and performance display of the network and equipment.
  • Rely on automation, taking advantage of tools that have some predefined rules.
  • Document changes (and their follow-up) in system monitoring tools, which make their interpretation and audit easier (who made changes and when).

Finally, it is recommended to choose the right tool according to the IT environment and expertise of the organization, critical business processes and their geographical dispersion.

Business Resilience: Proactive Monitoring

Real-time access to find out the state of critical IT systems and assets for the company allows detecting the source of incidents. However, resilience through proactive monitoring is achieved from action protocols to effectively solve problems when it is clear what and how to do, in addition to having data to take proactive actions and alerts against hard disk filling, limits on memory use and possible vulnerabilities to disk access, etc., before they become a possible problem, also saving costs and time for IT staff to solve issues. Let’s look at some case studies that highlight quick problem solving.

  • Cajasol case: We needed a system that had a very large production plant available, in which different architectures and applications coexisted, which it is necessary to have controlled and be transparent and proactive.
  • Fripozo case: It was necessary to know in time of failures and correct them as soon as possible, as this resulted in worse system department service to the rest of the company.

Optimizing Performance: Effective Monitoring Strategies

Permanent system monitoring allows to manage the challenges in their performance, since it allows to identify the problems before they become a suspension or the total failure that prevents business continuity, based on:

  • Collecting data on system performance and health.
  • Metric display to detect anomalies and performance patterns of computers, networks and applications.
  • Generation of custom alerts, which allow action to be taken in a timely manner.
  • Integration with other management and automation platforms and tools.

Monitoring with Pandora FMS in Distributed Environments

Monitoring with agents

Agent monitoring is one of the most effective ways to get detailed information about distributed systems. Lightweight software is installed on operating systems that continuously collects data from the system on which it is installed. Pandora FMS uses agents to access deeper information than network checks, allowing applications and services to be monitored “from the inside” on a server. Information commonly collected through agent monitoring includes:

  • CPU and memory usage.
  • Disk capacity.
  • Running processes.
  • Active services.

Internal application monitoring

Remote Checks with Agents – Broker Mode

In scenarios where a remote machine needs to be monitored and cannot be reached directly from Pandora FMS central server, the broker mode of agents installed on local systems is used. The broker agent runs remote checks on external systems and sends the information to the central server, acting as an intermediary.

Remote Network Monitoring with Agent Proxy – Proxy Mode

When you wish to monitor an entire subnet and Pandora FMS central server cannot reach it directly, the proxy mode is used. This mode allows agents on remote systems to forward their XML data to a proxy agent, which then transmits it to the central server. It is useful when only one machine can communicate with the central server.

Multi-Server Distributed Monitoring

In situations where a large number of devices need to be monitored and a single server is not enough, multiple Pandora FMS servers can be installed. All these servers are connected to the same database, making it possible to distribute the load and handle different subnets independently.

Delegate Distributed Monitoring – Export Server

When providing monitoring services to multiple clients, each with their own independent Pandora FMS installation, the Export Server feature can be used. This export server allows you to have a consolidated view of the monitoring of all customers from a central Pandora FMS installation, with the ability to set custom alerts and thresholds.

Remote Network Monitoring with Local and Network Checks – Satellite Server

When an external DMZ network needs to be monitored and both remote checks and agent monitoring are required, the Satellite Server is used. This Satellite server is installed in the DMZ and performs remote checks, receives data from agents and forwards it to Pandora FMS central server. It is particularly useful when the central server cannot open direct connections to the internal network database.

Secure Isolated Network Monitoring – Sync Server

In environments where security prevents opening communications from certain locations, such as datacenters in different countries, the Sync Server can be used. This component, added in version 7 “Next Generation” of Pandora FMS, allows the central server to initiate communications to isolated environments, where a Satellite server and several agents are installed for monitoring.

Distributed monitoring with Pandora FMS offers flexible and efficient solutions to adapt to different network topologies in distributed environments.


Undertaking best practices for deploying distributed systems are critical to building organizations’ resilience in IT infrastructures and services that are more complex to manage, requiring adaptation and proactivity to organizations’ needs for performance, scalability, security, and cost optimization. IT strategists must rely on more robust, informed and reliable systems monitoring, especially when in organizations today and into the future, systems will be increasingly decentralized (no longer all in one or several data centers but also in different clouds) and extending beyond their walls, with data centers closer to their customers or end users and more edge computing. To give an example, according to Global Interconnection Index 2023 (GXI) from Equinix, organizations are interconnecting edge infrastructure 20% faster than core. In addition, the same index indicates that 30% of the digital infrastructure has been moved to Edge Computing. Another trend is that companies are increasingly aware of the data to know about their operation, their processes and interactions with customers, seeking a better interconnection with their ecosystem, directly with their suppliers or partners to offer digital services. On the side of user and customer experience there will always be the need for IT services with immediate, stable and reliable responses 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

If you were interested in this article, you can also read: Network topology and distributed monitoring

Apply network management protocols to your organization for better results

Apply network management protocols to your organization for better results

To address this issue, first understand that, in the digitization we are experiencing, there are multiple resources and devices that coexist in the same network and that require a set of rules, formats, policies and standards to be able to recognize each other, exchange data and, if possible, identify if there is a problem to communicate, regardless of the difference in design, hardware or infrastructure, using the same language to send and receive information. This is what we call network protocols (network protocols), which we can classify as:

  • Network communication protocols for communication between network devices, whether in file transfer between computers or over the Internet, up to text message exchange and communication between routers and external devices or the Internet of Things (IoT). For example: Bluetooth, FTP, TCP/IP and HTTP.
  • Network security protocols to implement security in network communications so that unauthorized users cannot access data transferred over a network, whether through passwords, authentication, or data encryption. For example: HTTPS, SSL, SSH and SFTP.
  • Network administration protocols that allow network management and maintenance to be implemented by defining the procedures necessary to operate a network. These protocols are responsible for ensuring that each device is connected to others and to the network itself, as well as monitoring the stability of these connections. They are also resources for troubleshooting and assessing network connection quality.

Importance and Context in Network Management

Network management ranges from initial configuration to permanent monitoring of resources and devices, in order to ensure connectivity, security and proper maintenance of the network. This efficient communication and data flow have an impact on the business to achieve its objectives in stable, reliable, safe, efficient environments, better user experience and, consequently, the best experience of partners and customers.
Something important is the knowledge of the network context (topology and design), since there is an impact on its scalability, security and complexity. Through network diagrams, maps and documentation to visualize and understand the topology and design of the network, it is possible to perform analyses to identify potential bottlenecks, vulnerabilities and inefficiencies where action must be taken to correct or optimize it.
Another important aspect is the shared resources not only in the network but in increasingly widespread infrastructures in the cloud, in Edge Computing and even in the Internet of Things that demand monitoring of the state of the network, network configuration and diagnosis to promote efficiency, establish priorities and also anticipate or solve connection problems in the network and on the internet.
We’ll talk about the benefits of Network Management later.

Network protocols vs network management protocols

As explained above, network management protocols are part of network protocols. Although they may seem the same, there are differences: network protocols, as a rule, allow data transfer between two or more devices and are not intended to manage or administer such devices, while network administration protocols do not aim at the transfer of information, but the transfer of administrative data (definition of processes, procedures and policies), which allow to manage, monitor and maintain a computer network.
The key issue is to understand the following:

  • Within the same network, network communication protocols will have to coexist with network management protocols.
  • Network management protocols also have an impact on the overall performance of the platforms, so it is essential to know and control them.
  • The adoption of cloud and emerging technologies, such as Edge Computing and the Internet of Things, make it clear that reliable and efficient connectivity is critical.

Deep Network Management Protocols

Network management protocols make it possible to know the status of resources, equipment and devices on the network (routers, computers, servers, sensors, etc.), and provide information on their availability, possible network latency or data loss, failures, among others. The most common network management protocols are: Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) and Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), as seen in the diagram below and explained below:

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)

SNMP is a set of protocols for managing and monitoring the network, which are compatible with most devices (switches, workstations, printers, modems and others) and brands (most manufacturers make sure their product includes SNMP support) to detect conditions. SNMP standards include an application layer protocol, a set of data objects, and a methodology for storing, manipulating, and using data objects in a database schema. These protocols are defined by the Internet Architecture Board (Internet Architecture Board, IAB) and have evolved since their first implementation:

  • SNMPv1: first version operating within the structure management information specification and described in RFC 1157
  • SNMPv2: Improved support for efficiency and error handling, described in RFC 1901.
  • SNMPv3: This version improves security and privacy, introduced in RFC 3410.

SNMP Architecture Breakdown: Agents and Administrators

All network management protocols propose an architecture and procedures to retrieve, collect, transfer, store and report management information from the managed elements. It is important to understand this architecture and its procedures to implement a solution based on said protocol.
The SNMP architecture is based on two basic components: Agents and Administrators or Managers, as we presented in the following diagram of a basic schema of the SNMP architecture:

  • SNMP agents are pieces of software that run on the elements to be managed. They are responsible for collecting information on the device itself. Then, when SNMP administrators request such information through queries, the agent will send the corresponding. SNMP agents can also send the SNMP Manager information that does not correspond to a query but that comes from an event that takes place in the device and that requires to be notified. Then, it is said that the SNMP agent proactively sends a notification TRAP.
  • SNMP Administrators are found as part of a management or monitoring tool and are designed to work as consoles where all the information captured and sent by the SNMP agents is centralized.
  • <

  • OIDs (Object Identifier) are the items used to identify the items you want to manage. OIDs follow a format of numbers such as: . These numbers are retrieved from a hierarchical organization system that allows to identify the device manufacturer, to later identify the device and finally the item. In the following image we see an example of this OID tree outline.

  • MIBs (Management Information Base) are the formats that the data sent from the SNMP agents to the SNMP managers will comply with. In practice, we have a general template with what we need to manage any device and then have individualized MIBs for each device, with their particular parameters and the values that these parameters can reach.

SNMP’s crucial functions are:

  • Fault Validation: for detection, isolation and correction of network problems. With the SNMP trap operation, you may get the problem report from the SNMP agent running on that machine. The network administrator can then decide how, testing it, correcting or isolating that problematic entity. The OpManager SNMP monitor has an alert system that ensures you are notified well in advance of network issues such as faults and performance slowdowns.
  • Performance Metrics Network: performance monitoring is a process for tracking and analyzing network events and activities to make necessary adjustments that improve network performance. With SNMP get and set operations, network administrators can track network performance. OpManager, an SNMP network monitoring tool, comes with powerful and detailed reports to help you analyze key performance metrics such as network availability, response times, throughput, and resource usage, making SNMP Management easier.

To learn more about SNMP, we recommend reading Blog SNMP Monitoring: keys to learn how to use the Simple Network Administration Protocol

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)

This is a network layer protocol used by network devices to diagnose communication problems and perform management queries. This allows ICMP to be used to determine whether or not data reaches the intended destination in a timely manner and its causes, as well as to analyze performance metrics such as latency levels, response time or packet loss. ICMP contemplated messages typically fall into two categories:

  • Error Messages: Used to report an error in packet transmission.
  • Control messages: Used to report on device status.

The architecture that ICMP works with is very flexible, since any device on the network can send, receive or process ICMP messages about errors and necessary controls on network systems informing the original source so that the problem detected is avoided or corrected. The most common types of ICMP menssages are key in fault detection and performance metric calculations:

  • Time-Out: Sent by a router to indicate that a packet has been discarded because it exceeded its time-to-live (TTL) value.
  • Echo Request and Echo Response: Used to test network connectivity and determine round-trip time for packets sent between two devices.
  • Unreachable Destination: Sent by a router to indicate that a packet cannot be delivered to its destination.
  • Redirect: Sent by a router to inform a host that it should send packets to a different router.
  • Parameter issue: Sent by a router to indicate that a packet contains an error in one of its fields.

For example, each router that forwards an IP datagram has to decrease the IP header time-to-live (TTL) field by one unit; if the TTL reaches zero, an ICMP type 11 message (“Time Exceeded”) is sent to the datagram originator.
It should be noted that sometimes it is necessary to analyze the content of the ICMP message to determine the type of error that should be sent to the application responsible for transmitting the IP packet that will ICMP message forwarding.
For more detail, it is recommended to access Pandora Discussion Forums FMS, with tips and experiences of users and colleagues in Network Management using this protocol.

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)

With WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) we will move in the universe composed of computers running a Windows operating system and the applications that depend on this operating system. In fact, WMI proposes a model for us to represent, obtain, store and share management information about Windows-based hardware and software, both local and remote. Also, WMI allows the execution of certain actions. For example, IT developers and administrators can use WMI scripts or applications to automate administrative tasks on remotely located computers, as well as fetch data from WMI in multiple programming languages.

Architecture WMI

WMI architecture is made up of WMI Providers, WMI Infrastructure and Applications, Services or Scripts as exemplified in this diagram:


  • A WMI provider is a piece responsible for obtaining management information for one or more items.
  • The WMI infrastructure works as an intermediary between the providers and the administration tools. Among its responsibilities are the following:
    • Obtaining in a scheduled way the data generated by the suppliers.
    • Maintaining a repository with all the data obtained in a scheduled manner.
    • Dynamically finding the data requested by administration tools, for which a search will be made in the repository and, if the requested data is not found, a search will be made among the appropriate providers.
  • Administration applications correspond to applications, services or scripts that use and process information about managed items. WMI manages to offer a consistent interface through which you may have applications, services and scripts requesting data and executing the actions proposed by WMI providers about the items that you wish to manage.

CIM usage and WMI Class Breakdown

WMI is based on CIM (Common Information Model), which is a model that uses item-based techniques to describe different parts of a company. It is a very widespread model in Microsoft products; In fact, when Microsoft Office or an Exchange server is installed, for example, the extension of the model corresponding to the product is installed automatically.
Precisely that extension that comes with each product is what is known as WMI CLASS, which describes the item to be managed and everything that can be done with it. This description starts from the attributes that the class handles, such as:

  • Properties: Properties that refer to item features, such as their name, for example.
  • Methods: Actions that refer to the actions that can be performed on the object, such as “hold” in the case of an item that is a service.
  • Associations: They refer to possible associations between items.

Now, once WMI providers use the classes of the items to collect administration information and this information goes to the WMI infrastructure, it is required to organize data in some way. This organization is achieved through logical containers called namespaces, which are defined by administration area and contain the data that comes from related objects.
Namespaces are defined under a hierarchical scheme that recalls the outline that folders follow on a disk. An analogy many authors use to explain data sorting in WMI is to compare WMI to databases, where the classes correspond to the tables, the namespaces to the databases, and the WMI infrastructure to the database handler.
To learn more about WMI, we recommend reading our blog post What is WMI? Windows Management Instrumentation, do you know it?

Key Insights for Network Management Protocol Analysis:

It is easy to understand that the more complex and heterogeneous the platform you want to manage, the greater its difficulty from three angles:

  • Faults: have fault detection procedures and a scheme for reporting them.
  • Performance: Information about platform performance to understand and optimize its performance.
  • Actions: Many administration protocols include the possibility of executing actions on network devices (updating, changes, setting up alerts, reconfigurations, among others).

It is important to understand which of the three angles each of the protocols tackels and, therefore, what it will allow you to do. A fundamental pillar is Data Organization, which we will explain below.

Effective data organization: a fundamental pillar in network management protocols

A fundamental aspect of Network Management Protocols is the way in which the elements to be managed are defined and identified, making approaches on:

  • What element can I administer with this protocol?
  • Should it just be the hardware or should applications be considered too, for example?
  • What format should be used to handle data? And how is it stored, if so?
  • What are the options you have to access this information?

In that sense, effective data sorting allows the successful information exchange between devices and network resources. In network monitoring, data is required from routers, switches, firewalls, load balancers, and even endpoints, such as servers and workstations. The data obtained is filtered and analyzed to identify possible network problems such as configuration changes or device failures, link interruptions, interface errors, lost packets, latency or response time of applications or services on the network. Data also makes it possible to implement resource planning due to traffic growth or the incorporation of new users or services.

Challenges, Benefits and Key Tasks in Network Management Protocols

For those in charge of operating and managing enterprise networks, it is important to know five common challenges:

  • Mixed environments, in which resources and devices exist in local and remote networks (including Edge Computing and IoT), which makes it necessary to adapt to the demands of hybrid networks.
  • Understand network needs and perform strategic planning, not only in physical environments but also in the cloud.
  • Reinforcing the security and reliability of increasingly dynamic networks, more so when business ecosystems are engaging interconnecting customers, suppliers, and business partners.
  • Achieve observability that gets rid of network blind spots and provide a comprehensive view of IT infrastructure.
  • Establish a network management strategy that can be connected, integrated, and even automated, especially when IT teams are doing more and more tasks in their day-to-day lives.

As we have seen throughout this Blog, understanding how network management protocols work is essential for communication, business continuity and security, which together have a great impact on organizations to:

  • Establish and maintain stable connections between devices on the same network, which in turn results in less latency and a better experience for network users.
  • Manage and combine multiple network connections, even from a single link, which can strengthen the connection and prevent potential failures.
  • Identify and solve errors that affect the network, evaluating the quality of the connection and solving problems (lower latency, communication reestablishment, risk prevention in operations, etc.)
  • Establish strategies to protect the network and the data transmitted through it, relying on encryption, entity authentication (of devices or users), transport security (between one device and another).
  • Implementing performance metrics that ensure quality service levels.

Key Tasks and Benefits in Network Management

Efficient network administration involves device connectivity, access systems, network automation, server connectivity, switch management and network security, so it is recommended to carry out the following tasks:

  • Strategies for Upgrades and Effective Maintenance: One of the big challenges is achieving end-to-end network visibility in an increasingly complex business environment. Most IT professionals have an incomplete understanding of how their network is set up, as new components, hardware, switches, devices, etc. are constantly being added, so it is vital to maintain an up-to-date catalog of your network and provide proper maintenance to guide network management principles and enforce the correct policies. You also have to consider that there are resource changes in your IT team. It is possible that the original administrator who defined the network topology and required protocols may no longer be available, which could result in having to undergo a full network administration review and incur additional costs. This can be avoided by detailed documentation of configurations, security policies, and architectures to ensure that management practices remain reusable over time.
  • Rigorous Performance Monitoring: Network management demands performance monitoring (e.g. with a dashboard with performance indicators) consistently and rigorously with defined standards to provide the best service and a satisfactory usage experience without latency and as stable as possible. Previously this was a greater challenge when traditional network environments relied primarily on hardware for multiple devices, computers, and managed servers; today, advances in software-defined networking technology make it possible to standardize processes and minimize human effort to monitor performance in real time. It is also recommended to ensure that network management software is not biased towards one or a few original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to avoid dependence on one or a few vendors in the long run. The impact would also be seen in the difficulty in diversifying IT investments over time.
  • Downtime Prevention: A team designated for network failure management allows you to anticipate, detect and resolve network incidents to minimize downtime. On top of that, the team is responsible for logging information about failures, performing logs, analyzing, and assisting in periodic audits. This implies that the network failure management team has the ability to report to the network administrator to maintain transparency, and to be in close collaboration with the end user in case failures need to be reported. Also, it is recommended to rely on a Managed Service Provider (MSP) as an external partner that can assist in the design and implementation of the network and in routine maintenance, security controls and configuration changes, in addition to being able to support on-site management and support.
  • Network Security Threat and Protection Management: Business processes are increasingly moving online, so network security is vital to achieving resilience, alongside risk management.
    A regular stream of logs is generated in an enterprise network and analyzed by the network security management team to find digital fingerprints of threats. Depending on the business and the size of the organization, it is possible to have equipment or personnel assigned for each type of network management. Although it is also recommended to rely on services managed by experts in the industry in which the organization operates, with a clear knowledge of common risks, best security practices and with experts in the field of security that constantly evolves and becomes more sophisticated.
  • Agile IP Address Management and Efficient Provisioning: Network protocols are the backbone of digital communication with rules and procedures on how data is transmitted between devices within a network, regardless of the hardware or software involved. Provisioning must contemplate the IT infrastructure in the company and the flow and transit of data at different levels from the network, including servers, applications and users to provide connectivity and security (also managing devices and user identities).
    Another important task in network management is transparency about usage, anomalies and usage trends for different functions or business units and even individual users. This is of particular value for large companies in that they must make transparent the use of shared services that rent network resources to different branches and subsidiaries to maintain an internal profit margin.

Summary and conclusions

In business digitization, Network Management Protocols aims to take actions and standardize processes to achieve a secure, reliable and high-performance network for end users (employees, partners, suppliers and end customers). Companies distributed in different geographies depend on Network Management Protocols to keep the different business areas, functions and business teams connected, allowing the flow of data inside and outside the company, whether on local servers, private clouds or public clouds.
As technology continues to evolve, so do network protocols. The IT strategist and the teams assigned to network management must prepare for the future of network protocols and the integration of emerging technologies, to take advantage of advances in speed, reliability and security. For example, 5G is a technology that is expected to have a significant impact on networks, driven by the need for greater connectivity and lower latency. People’s daily lives also involve connecting objects (vehicles, appliances, sensors, etc.), revolutionizing networks to meet the Internet of Things. In Security, more robust network protocols are being developed, such as Transport Layer Security (TLS), which encrypts transmitted data to prevent access or manipulation by third parties.
All this tells us that the development of network protocols will not slow down in the short term as we move towards an increasingly connected world.
Pandora FMS works with the three main protocols for network management to offer a comprehensive and flexible monitoring solution. Check with Pandora FMS sales team for a free trial of the most flexible monitoring software on the market:
Also, remember that if your monitoring needs are more limited, you have at your disposal the OpenSource version of Pandora FMS. Find out more here:
Do not hesitate to send us your queries. Our Pandora FMS team will be glad to assist you!

What is Prompt Engineering? Detailed guide

What is Prompt Engineering? Detailed guide

Digital-First has become the trend of organizations in the world and Latin America, in which a digital strategy is chosen first for product and service delivery, especially when a greater impact of the brand is sought more immediately to a certain segment of the market along with a wider dissemination on the offer, in a more customized way and, above all, if it seeks to get closer to the end customer. According to Marketing4Commerce, Digital Report, the number of internet users in the world reaches 5.16 billion (64.4% of the world’s population, as of 2023) with an internet browsing time greater than 6 hours, and people with mobile devices reach 5.44 billion (68% of the world’s population, as of 2023).

Also, we see this reflected in an Adobe report (Digital Trends 2023) in which more than 70% of organizations, both leaders and followers, believe that their customers’ expectations are constantly adjusted to align with improved omnichannel experiences, this is because end customers are constantly evaluating their experiences in comparison to their last best experience. Certainly, the most memorable experiences will be created by organizations that know how to leverage data and combine it with human knowledge to anticipate customer needs, with greater empathy and in a more individualized way.

In this scenario, Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes an ally to implement customer experience strategies in a customized and innovative way, taking advantage of voice recognition tools, understanding of natural language, data on behavior patterns and customer preferences. In recent years, interactions with virtual assistants have become commonplace, prompting the development of language models for certain tasks or expected outcomes. This is known as Prompt Engineering, which is the process of building alerts or inputs to guide a certain AI system behavior and get desired and accurate answers from AI models. So AI assumes a digital collaborator role that not only works as a point of contact with customers, but also boosts knowledge and productivity for the organization’s collaborators.

What is Prompt Engineering?

According to Techopedia, (Prompt Engineering) refers to a technique used in artificial intelligence (AI) to optimize and adjust language models for particular tasks and desired outcomes. Also known as Prompt design, which carefully builds prompts or inputs for AI models in order to improve their performance of specific tasks. Properly designed prompts are used to guide and modify the desired performance of the AI system and obtain accurate and desired responses from AI models.

Prompt Engineering uses the capabilities of language models and optimizes their results through properly designed prompts. This allows not only to rely on pre-training or fine-tuning, but also to help users guide models to specific goals by encouraging accurate responses and providing direct directions, exceptions, or examples in prompts.

According to a survey conducted by COPC Inc. During 2022, “Improving Customer Experience” reached 87% as the most mentioned goal in terms of implementing AI-based solutions. In this regard, 83% of respondents stated that they use AI-based solutions mainly for contact applications with their customers, and that AI has endless uses that directly impact Customer Experience. According to a study conducted by CX optimization 2023, the most implemented uses are content creation, customer profiling and reduction of internal calls.

Large Language Models, LLM),which are advanced linguistic models based on Deep Learning algorithms to process and analyze large amounts of text data. LLM works from artificial neural networks (systems that are inspired by the function of the human brain), which are trained to learn patterns and relationships in a text and generate answers to users’ questions. This enables LLM to be able to analyze large volumes of text data and from that, use that information to understand words, phrases and sentences and their contexts, enabling human-IA communication.

Prompt Engineering Technical Side

As we mentioned earlier, LLMs are trained from large amounts of text data to teach the model to recognize relationships and patterns in a text. All this data is processed to adjust model parameters and thereby improve language accuracy and understanding. Text preprocessing techniques (removal of irrelevant words, standardization of words to detect the variability of a text), hyperparameter adjustments and optimization are also used to achieve the highest model accuracy. To implement Prompt Engineering, there are several techniques, such as:

  1. Zero-Shot Prompting: It generates a response without giving linguistic models examples or previous context. It is used for quick answers to general questions or topics.
    • Example: “What is a prompt?”
    • Answer: “A Prompt is…”
  2. One-Shot Prompting: A response is retrieved from an example or context provided by the user.
    • Example: “If budget in Portuguese is orçamento, how can I translate Supplier?”
    • Answer: “Fornecedor”.
  3.  Information Retrieval: Generative AI is asked a specific question for detailed answers. The key to this is the data source from which the LLMs are fed. For example, ChatGPT only has access to data after September 2021.
    • Example: “What are the advantages of LLM?”
    • Answer: “1. Content diversification. 2. Customization…”
  4. Creative Writing: Through this technique it is possible to develop texts with imagination, stories and textual expressions that adapt to the preferences of the audience.
    • Example: “Write a poem to the moon”
    • Answer: “The moon can be taken in tablespoons…or as a capsule every two hours. It is good as a hypnotic and sedative and also relieves. “
  5. Context Enrichment: Enrichment of information to Artificial Intelligence to improve understanding using methods 5W and 1H, (which refers to 5 W questions: Who, What, Where, When, Why); and 1 H, which is the How of a topic.
    • Example: “Is it good to eat Beets?”
    • Answer: “Who: Most people can eat Beet; What: “Beet or beetroot refers to an edible deep red tuber…”
  6. Content Summary with a Specific Focus: It consists of directing the attention of AI to specific aspects of instruction, with a particular emphasis. It can be highlighted which elements should be prioritized in the model, so that the summary reflects the essence of the approach.
    • Example: “Full guide on website optimization techniques, but I only want the mobile optimization strategies.”
    • Answer: “The key aspects are: Mobile Cache – enabling this option allows…; List of Mobile User Agents – if the Mobile Cache feature is enabled…”
  7. Fill Templates: To create versatile and structured content. A template with placeholders is used to customize prompts in different instructions while maintaining consistency. Content managers or web developers use this strategy to create custom content snippets, which have been generated by AI on their websites. An example is using a standard template for quoting, making AI fill in customer data, products, pricing, etc. Another example is automating custom emails from a template with a general structure – from the greeting, main text, farewell (‘Hello {Name}, Thank you for requesting our {Service}… {Close}.”
  8.  Prompt Customization or Prompt Reframing: It allows you to change the wording of the questions while maintaining the original intent of the query. The language model can be designed to give multiple answers that respond to the original query in different ways. This can be done with synonyms or question rephrasing.
    • Example: “Original prompt: What are the ways to reduce network latency? Reworded Prompt: Can you list techniques to optimize network speed?”
  9. Prompt Combination: It consists of merging different prompts or questions in the same instruction to obtain a complete answer.
    • Example: “Can you explain the differences between shared hosting and VPS hosting and recommend which one is better for a small e-commerce website?”
    • Answer: “Shared hosting and VPS hosting are two types of hosting services… Shared Hosting: …”
  10. CChain-Of-Thought Prompting: It uses real-time AI interactions to guide toward more accurate and complete responses. It is not based on a single question, but on a sequence of questions or examples associated with it in order to elaborate on the original query. To do this, you need to divide a query or a complex topic into smaller sections. These parts are then presented as a sequence of queries that build on top of each other, to drive AI toward a desired answer.
    • Example: “What is the Main Theme?… For what purpose?… Who is the audience?…”
  11. Iterative Prompting: It consists of making follow-up queries based on previous responses to dive into a certain topic, obtain additional information, or clarify any ambiguities about the initial result. This technique requires experts in (Natural Language Processing) to design iterative prompts and elaborate responses similar to those made by a human being.
    • Example: “What are the best movies of 2022?”
    • Answer: “‘Drive My Car’ by Ryûsuke Hamaguchi; ‘The Alley of Lost Souls’ by Guillermo del Toro; Martin McDonagh’s ‘The Banshees of Inisherin’; ‘Holy Spider’ by Ali Abbasi…”
  12.  Interactive Storytelling & Role-Playing: It leverages AI’s ability to tailor responses based on previous prompts and interactions, developing a fluid narrative.
    • Example: “Prompt: I want to start a collaborative storytelling exercise with you. We will write a fantasy story about a land where magic exists,… The character will be….”
    • Answer: “In the shadows of a forest there was a…”
  13. Implicit Information Injection: The particularity of this technique is that context is subtly given so that AI understands the needs without the need to express it explicitly.
    • Example: “Can you mention the best practices of Modernizing a Datacenter?”
    • Answer: “1- Raise the operating temperature of your data center; 2- Upgrade servers and systems for better consolidation and efficiency.”
  14. Translation of Languages with Contextual Nuances: Generation of multilingual content, beyond translating words from one language to another, considering the cultural context or situation for a more accurate and natural translation.
    • Example: “Translate the sentence “She took the ball and ran with it” from English to French, bearing in mind that it is a business metaphor to refer to taking the reins of a project.”
    • Answer: “Elle a pris le ballon et a foncé avec”, considering the idea of taking the initiative of a project.”

In addition to these, we can mention Automatic Prompt Engineering (APE) as an advance in Artificial Intelligence that leverages LLMs to help AI automatically generate and select instructions on its own. The main steps are:

  1. Assign the chatbot a specific task and show some examples.
  2. The chatbot comes up with different ways to do the job, either by direct reasoning or by taking into account similar tasks that it knows.
  3. These different methods are then tested in practice.
  4. The chatbot assesses the effectiveness of each method.
  5. AI will then choose a better method and apply it.

By means of Machine Learning, Generative AI tools can streamline tasks, from in-context data analysis to automated customer service, without the need for constant human-generated prompts.

It is worth mentioning that in Prompt Engineering it is important to consider basic technical aspects such as Temperature and what we call Top-K Sampling ,to improve the quality and diversity of AI-generated content, by influencing the model’s token (word or subword) selection process:

  • Temperature: A higher temperature value (e.g., 1.0 or higher) will result in more diverse and creative text, while a lower value (e.g., 0.5 or lower) will produce more focused and deterministic results. To do this, it is recommended to encourage creativity based on higher temperature values when generating creative writing, brainstorming sessions or exploring innovative ideas. It is also recommended to improve coherence, opting for lower temperature values with well-structured, coherent and focused content, such as technical documentation or formal articles.
  • Top-k sampling: is another recommended technique in AI text generation to control the model token selection process, from a restricted set of most likable k tokens. A smaller k value (e.g., 20 or 40) will result in more focused and deterministic text, while a larger k value (e.g., 100 or 200) will produce more diverse and creative results. Applications of top-k sampling include driving content diversity, using larger k-values when generating content that requires a wide range of ideas, perspectives, or vocabularies. It is also about ensuring focused results, choosing smaller k-values, generating content that requires a high degree of concentration, accuracy or consistency.

To implement the Temperature and Top-k Sampling techniques, Experimentation (testing multiple combinations of temperature and top-k values to identify the optimal configuration for tasks or contents) and Sequential Adjustments, are recommended, during the text generation process to control the performance of the AI model at different stages. For example, start with a high temperature and a large k-value to generate creative ideas, then switch to lower values for further refinement and focus.

Finally, it is recommended to apply the downward gradients which consist of an optimization algorithm to minimize an objective function and calculate the rate of change or gradient of the loss function. In Machine Learning this objective function is usually the loss function to evaluate the performance of the model. Parameters are updated iteratively using downward gradients until a local minimum is reached.

Why Question Engineering Matters

The speed with which OpenAI ChatGPT works since 2022 is overwhelming, today it is being used by millions of people, as a form of conversational artificial intelligence, based on advanced deep learning algorithms to understand human language.

Currently, organizations use multiple AI techniques such as Natural Language Processing, Question Engineering, Artificial Neural Network (NN), Machine Learning, and Markov Decision Processing, (MDP) to automate different tasks.

The importance of Question Engineering is that it improves the customer experience and interactions between people and AI, and contributes to building better conversational AI systems. These conversational AI systems dominate and will dominate the market in the coming years by using LLM in a consistent, relevant and accurate way. Just for reference, we have ChatGPT reaching 100 million active users within weeks of its launch.

For developers, Question Engineering helps to understand how AI-based models arrive at the expected answers and also obtain accurate information on how AI models work on the back-end. Of course, the development of prompts covering several topics and scenarios will be needed. Other benefits that you may mention are: that Question Engineering and the context of the text-image synthesis, allow to customize the features of the image (the style, the perspective, the aspect ratio, the point of view and the image resolution). It also plays an important role in the identification and mitigation of prompt injection attacks, thus protecting AI models from possible malicious activities.

Evolución de la Ingeniería de Preguntas

Natural Language Processing (NLP), is part of AI that helps perceive, as its name says, the “natural language” used by humans, enabling interaction between people and computers, thanks to its ability to understand words, phrases and sentences. It also includes syntactic (meaning of words and vocabulary) and semantic (comprehension within a sentence or combination of sentences) processing. The first lights of NLP were seen in the 1950s, when rule-based methods began to be adopted, consisting mostly of machine translation. Its application was in word/sentence analysis, answering questions and machine translation. Until the 1980s, computational grammar appeared as an active field of research. There was more availability of grammar tools and resources, which boosted their demand. Towards the 90s, the use of the web generated a large volume of knowledge, which boosted statistical learning methods that required working with NLP. In 2012 Deep Learning appeared as a solution for statistical learning, producing improvements in NLP systems, deepening raw data and learning from its attributes.

By 2019, the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) a remarkable advance in the domain of natural language processing emerged, as it is possible to pre-train large-scale language models to teach AI systems how to represent words and sentences in context. This enabled the development of machines that can understand and communicate using language in a manner very similar to that of humans. Its most popular application is ChatGPT, which obtains information from texts published since 2021 on the Internet, including news, encyclopedias, books, websites, among others, but lacks the ability to discriminate which information is true and which is not. Precisely for this reason, Question Engineering emerges as a method to optimize natural language processing in AI and improve the accuracy and quality of its answers.

The Art and Science of Creating Questions

A prompt is itself a text included in the Language Model (LM), and Question Engineering is the art of designing that text to get the desired result, with quality and accuracy. This involves tailoring data input so that AI-driven tools can understand user intent and get clear and concise answers. Which tells us that the process must be effective to ensure that AI-driven tools do not generate inappropriate and meaningless responses, especially when GPT solutions are based mostly on the frequency and association of words, and may yield incomplete or erroneous results.

To create Questions in Generative AI tools, it is recommended to follow this essential guide:

  • Understanding the Desired Outcome

    Successful Prompt Engineering starts with knowing what questions to ask and how to do it effectively. So the user must be clear about what they want in the first place: objectives of the interaction and a clear outline of the expected results (what to get, for what audience and any associated actions that the system must perform).

  •  Choose words carefully

    Like any computer system, AI tools can be precise in their use of commands and language, not knowing how to respond to unrecognized commands or language. It is recommended to avoid ambiguity, metaphors, idioms and specific jargon so as not to produce unexpected and undesirable results.

  • Remember that form matters

    AI systems work based on simple, straightforward requests, through informal sentences and simple language. But complex requests will benefit from detailed, well-structured queries that adhere to a form or format consistent with the internal design of the system. This is essential in Prompt Engineering, as the shape and format may differ for each model, and some tools may have a preferred structure involving the use of keywords in predictable locations.

  • Make clear and specific requests

    Consider that the system can only act on what it can interpret from a given message. So you have to make clear, explicit and actionable requests and understand the desired outcome. From there, work should then be done to describe the task to be performed or articulate the question to be answered.

  • Pay attention to length

    Prompts may be subject to a minimum and maximum number of characters. Even though there are AI interfaces that do not impose a strict limit, extremely long indications can be difficult for AI systems to handle.

  • Raise open-ended questions or requests

    The purpose of Generative AI is to create. Simple Yes or No questions are limiting and with possible short and uninteresting results. Open-ended questions allow for more flexibility.

  • Include context

    A generative AI tool can meet a wide range of objectives and expectations, from brief and general summaries to detailed explorations. To take advantage of this versatility, well-designed prompts include context that helps the AI system tailor its output to the intended audience.

  • Setting goals or production duration limits

    Although generative AI claims to be creative, it is often advisable to include barriers in factors such as output duration. Context elements in prompts may include, for example, requesting a simplified and concise response versus a long and detailed response. Also consider that natural language processing models, such as GPT-3, are trained to predict words based on language patterns, not to count them.

  • Avoid contradictory terms

    Also derived from long prompts and may include ambiguous or contradictory terms. It is recommended for Prompt engineers to review Prompt training and ensure all terms are consistent. Another recommendation is to use positive language and avoid negative language. The logic is that AI models are trained to perform specific tasks, not to do them.

  • Use punctuation to clarify complex cues

    Just like humans, AI systems rely on punctuation to help analyze a text. AI prompts can also make use of commas, quotation marks, and line breaks to help the system analyze and operate in a complex query.

Regarding images, it is recommended to consider their description, the environment and mood in their context, colors, light, realism.

How Question Engineering Works

Prompt Engineering is a discipline to promote and optimize the use of language models in AI, through the creation and testing of data inputs, with different sentences to evaluate the answers obtained, based on trial and error until the training of the AI-based system is achieved, following these fundamental tasks:

  1. Specify the task: Definition of an objective in the language model, which may involve NLP-related tasks such as complementation, translation, text summary.
  2.  Identify inputs and outputs: Definition of the inputs that are required in the language model and the desired outputs or results.
  3. Create informative prompts: Creation of prompts that clearly communicate the expected behavior in the model, which must be clear, brief and in accordance with the purpose for which it was created.
  4. Interact and evaluate: It is tested using language models and evaluating the results that are returned, looking for flaws and identifying biases to make adjustments that improve their performance.
  5. Calibrate and refine: It consists of taking into account the findings obtained, making adjustments until the behavior required in the model is obtained, aligned with the requirements and intentions with which the prompt was created.

Throughout this process, the Prompt Engineer should keep in mind that when designing questions it is critical to be clear and accurate. If the designed message is ambiguous, the model will have difficulties for responding with quality. When designing prompts, attention should be paid to the sources used during the previous training, considering audiences without gender and cultural bias, to promote respect and inclusion. What is recommended is to focus on responses aimed at helping, learning, and providing neutral, fact-based responses

Also, the Role Play application is recommended in which a scenario is created where the model assumes a role and interacts with another entity. For example, if you wish to create a product review, you may take on the role of a customer who tried a product and writes down their satisfactory experience.

The Role of a Question Engineer

A Prompt Engineer es el responsable de diseñar, desarrollar, probar, depurar, mantener y actualizar aplicaciones de IA, en estrecha colaboración con otros desarrolladores de software para garantizar que el software responda y funcione de manera eficiente. En su función se requiere creatividad y atención al detalle para elegir palabras, frases, símbolos y formatos correctos que guíen al modelo IA en la generación de textos relevantes y de alta calidad. Este rol emergente ha cobrado mayor relevancia en la necesidad de que IA contribuya a mejorar y agilizar los servicios ante el cliente y en forma interna. Ahora, si nos preguntamos quiénes puede ser Ingenieros de Preguntas, no solo para agilizar sus tareas sino para desarrollarse profesionalmente, podemos decir que pueden ser los investigadores e ingenieros de IA, los científicos y analistas de datos, los creadores de contenido, ejecutivos de atención al cliente, personal docente, profesionales de negocios, investigadores. Se espera que la demanda de Ingenieros de Preguntas crezca en la medida que las organizaciones requieran de personas que sepan manejar las herramientas impulsadas por IA.

The Future of Prompt Engineering

It is anticipated that trends towards a future of Prompt Engineering will be linked to integration with augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), in the sense that the proper application of prompts can enhance immersive AR/VR experiences, optimizing AI interactions in 3D environments. Advances in Prompt Engineering allow users to converse with AI characters, request information, and issue natural language commands in simulated, real-time environments. This is based on the fact that, with Prompt Engineering, AI can be provided with a context or situation, a conversation and the exchange of the human being with AR/VR applications, whether for spatial, educational, research or exploration use.

Another of the forecasts of the use of Prompt Engineering is the possibility of achieving a simultaneous translation in spoken and written languages, taking advantage of the contexts in several languages so that AI translates bi-directionally in real time and in the most reliable way possible. The impact of this is communication in business, multicultural, diplomatic and personal contexts, taking into account regional dialects, cultural nuances and speech patterns.

Regarding interdisciplinary creativity, Prompt Engineering can boost AI to generate art, stories, works and music, combining with human creativity. Of course, this may have ethical implications, although the access of AI for artistic purposes is also democratized.

Of course, as Prompt Engineering matures, questions about fairness, respect and alignment with moral values are raised, from the formulation of the query itself to the type of answers that can be derived. Keep in mind that in the future of AI and Prompt Engineering, technology will always be a reflection of people.

Challenges and Opportunities

As we have seen, Prompt Engineering represents the opportunity to develop well-designed Prompts that improve the features of AI, more efficiently and effectively. The advantage of this is that everyday tasks can be streamlined, in addition to expanding knowledge on different topics and boosting creativity. Inclusion is also encouraged when properly implemented, with a positive impact on gender experiences.

On the other hand there are poorly designed questions that can result in AI responses with bias, prejudice, or erroneous data. Hence, ethical considerations in Prompt Engineering can mitigate these risks, without compromising fairness, respect, and inclusion. Also, the lack of application of best practices, even by professionals in the field, may not achieve the desired result on the first attempt and may be difficult to find a suitable point to start the process.

It can also be difficult to control the level of creativity and uniqueness of the result. Often, Prompt Engineering professionals can provide additional information in the message that may confuse the AI model and affect the accuracy of the answer.


In the digital economy, the most memorable experiences will be those in which data is leveraged and combined with human knowledge to anticipate customer needs, with empathy and customization. In this environment, AI becomes the digital partner, not only as a point of contact with the customer, but also as a driver of productivity in the organization. It is true that GPT has gained traction in a search for closer proximity to the customer; however, it is based on frequency and word association, lacking the ability to differentiate correct from incorrect information. Due to this need to improve the quality of answers that Prompt Engineering takes relevance to develop and optimize AI natural language models and obtain quality and accuracy in their answers, based on a greater understanding of user intent. Without a doubt, the demand for the Prompt Engineer will grow, confirming that organizations require professionals who know how to understand the nature of AI-based tools.

It is clear that, as the adoption of Mature Prompt Engineering will continue to raise issues of equity, respect and alignment with moral values in the formulation of prompts and results, so appropriate techniques are required to achieve its implementation without bias or prejudice. To embark on this journey to Prompt Engineering, it is recommended to be accompanied by a technology partner who transmits to their team the best techniques and practices for its implementation.

AR vs VR: What’s the difference?

AR vs VR: What’s the difference?

It would seem like the line between science fiction and reality is increasingly blurred. We no longer see this only in the movies and games, but in e-commerce, education, entertainment, staff training, remote diagnostics or architectural projects. Today Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are changing the way we use screens by creating new, more interactive and immersive experiences. But… How do we define Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality?

Virtual Reality or VR refers to an artificial environment created with hardware and software, presented to the user in such a way that it looks and feels like a real environment. To “enter” a virtual reality, the user puts on gloves, headphones and special glasses, from which information is received from the computer system. In addition to providing sensory input to the user (three of the five senses: touch, hearing, and vision), the devices also monitor the user’s actions.

For Augmented Reality or AR), technology capable of inserting digital elements into real-world environments is used to offer customers and professionals a hybrid experience of reality. Although Augmented Reality is compatible with multiple devices, it is more popular for smartphone applications, with real-time interactions. In fact, most current AR tools are customer-oriented, although organizations are beginning to embrace AR in business processes, products, and services.

While AR is different from VR, both innovations represent a field of technology called extended reality (XR), encompassing all environments, real and virtual, represented by computer graphics or mobile devices. The goal of XR is to combine physical and virtual realities until users are unable to differentiate them, in addition to being available to anyone to improve their lives.

The importance of understanding each reality (AR and VR) is the potential to alter the digital landscape in life and business, transforming the way we communicate and interact with information and changing the way multiple industries can operate. We look at this in more detail below.

Augmented Reality (AR)

This reality incorporates virtual content into the physical world to improve user perception and interaction with a real environment. AR is experienced with smartphones, tablets or AR glasses, which project virtual objects, text or images so that users can interact simultaneously with virtual and physical elements.

For example, a camera on the device records the user’s environment and gyroscopes and accelerometers monitor the camera’s orientation and location. The AR software analyzes the camera’s transmission, which identifies objects and features in the environment. From there, users may interact with virtual objects using touchscreens, gestures, and voice commands. For example: from a Tablet, you may check suggestions for those who visit a city. The screen shows places to shop, eat, visit a museum, etc., based on the user’s preferences.

On the production floor of a manufacturing company, through AR lenses and software, maintenance engineers can obtain information on the health status of a piece of equipment, so that they can make decisions in real time and more proactively.

Another example can be seen in the design of spaces and architecture. From a lens you may get an image of what the completed project would look like to present the executive project to investors or detect improvements in the design and/or impact on the environment.

Operation and example of Virtual Reality (VR)

Within Extended Reality, virtual reality is the most popular form. Users wear headsets or virtual reality goggles (wearables) that have sensors to track movements and allow them to explore computer-generated virtual environments, as well as to interact with objects and participate in different activities displayed on screens or lenses.

In VR, users see three-dimensional (3D) images that create the feeling of depth and immersion, while spatial audio enhances the experience through headphones or speakers. We must also understand that the immersive experience is a format whose goal is to completely “immerse” the person in a specific real or virtual environment or context.

One of the most widespread applications of VR is in games, in which users interact directly with the game through devices such as glasses, belts, gloves and other accessories that improve player experience.

In industries, VR can support design and training with elements that could be risky for the operator in an induction stage. Risks are also reduced in product design or construction and architecture analysis.

In the field of health, VR has contributed to improvements in the diagnosis of both physical and mental illnesses, training of medical personnel, application of telemedicine, patient education about their condition, or a new approach to recovery or rehabilitation therapies (which transfers the mechanics of games to the educational-professional field). A very important thing in VR is that immersive content is as important as the hardware from which the user has interactions. Without hardware, there is no “simulated environment” that can be brought to life.

To arrive at what we understand today as VR, in 1961, what is considered the first virtual reality helmet was built (by scientists Corneau and Bryan), based on a system of magnetic sensors, incorporating the elements of virtual reality: isolation, freedom of perspective and an immersive sensory experience. A year later, Morton Heilig presented the Sensorama, which reproduced audiovisual content. Users fitted their heads into a device specially designed to live a three-dimensional experience where even odors were reproduced. It was a mechanical device, predating digital electronics. In 1965, Ivan Shuterland, laid the foundations of a multi-sensory system based on a computer. In 1968, Shutherland created the first head-mounted display (HMD) for use in immersive simulations. The graphs that comprised the virtual environment the user was in consisted of simple model rooms rendered from the wireframe algorithm (a visual representation of what users will see and interact with). This device was called The Sword of Damocles (the helmet was so large that it needed to be suspended from the ceiling).

Over time, advances were made, until in the 80s and 90s, the game companies Sega and Nintendo developed virtual reality game systems. In 2009, the Oculus Rift glasses emerged in a project by Palmer Luckey, to develop devices in the video game industry. Until the 2010s, the Oculus and HTC Vive companies introduced high-quality virtual reality headsets, being able to take advantage of powerful graphics and motion tracking technology. Recently, Apple, with Vision Pro, and Meta, with Oculus Go headphones, have generated great expectations about the use of VR.

As for the origins of AR, in 1974, Myron Kruger, a computer scientist and artist, built a lab at the University of Connecticut called ‘Videoplace’ that was entirely dedicated to artificial reality. Within these walls, projection and camera technology were used to cast on-screen silhouettes surrounding users for an interactive experience. Then, AR came out of the labs for use in different industries and commercial applications. In 1990, Tom Caudell, a researcher at Boeing, coined the term “augmented reality”. In 1992, Louis Rosenburg, a researcher at the USAF’s Armstrong’s Research Lab, created “Virtual Fixtures,” which was one of the first fully functional augmented reality systems. The system allowed military personnel to virtually control and guide machinery to perform tasks such as training their U.S. Air Force pilots in safer flying practices.

In 1994, Julie Martin, a writer and producer, brought augmented reality to the entertainment industry with the stage production Dancing in Cyberspace. The show featured acrobats dancing alongside virtual objects projected onto the physical stage.

In 1998, Sportsvision broadcasted the first NFL game live with the 1st & Ten virtual graphics system, also known as the yellow yard marker. The technology showed a yellow line overlaid on top of the transmission so you could quickly see where the team advanced to get a first try. In 1999, NASA created a hybrid synthetic vision system for its X-38 spacecraft. The system leveraged AR technology to help provide better navigation during test flights.

From those years to the present, AR has been widely adopted in various fields such as entertainment, industrial, personnel and design: Esquire magazine used augmented reality (2009) in print media for the first time in an attempt to bring the pages to life. When readers scanned the cover, the augmented reality-equipped magazine showed Robert Downey Jr. talking to readers. Volkswagen introduced the MARTA (Mobile Augmented Reality Technical Assistance) app in 2013, which mainly provided technicians with step-by-step repair instructions within the service manual. Google introduced Google Glass, which is a pair of augmented reality glasses for immersive experiences. Users with AR technology communicated with the Internet through natural language processing commands, being able to access a variety of applications such as Google Maps, Google+, Gmail and others. In 2016, Microsoft introduced HoloLens, which is a headset that runs on Windows 10 and is essentially a wearable computer that allows users to scan their environment and create their own AR experiences. In 2017, IKEA launched its augmented reality app called IKEA Place that changed the retail industry forever. The app allows customers to get a virtual preview of their home décor options before making a purchase.

Similarities and Differences between AR and VR

As we have seen, AR and VR are quite similar and offer virtual objects in real life. Their similarities can be summarized like this:

  • They can display enlarged and life-size objects and use the same devices.
  • 3D content is needed.
  • They can be used on laptops, PCs, smartphones, etc.
  • They include tracking of movement of hands, eyes, fingers and more.
  • Inmersion is offered.

However, there are differences that we can summarize as follows:

Augmented Reality

Virtual Reality

It uses a real-world scenario to add a virtual item or object that can be viewed through a lens. AR augments the real-world scene

Everything is completely virtual, even the environment. VR is a fully immersive virtual environment

Users can control their minds and their presence in the real world. Users can feel their own presence along with virtual objects.

VR systems guide users in the virtual environment. Visual senses are controlled by the system. Only objects, sounds, etc., of the image can be perceived in your view

The user can access AR on their smartphone, laptop or tablet.

To access virtual reality, you need a headset.

AR enhances the virtual and real world and simplifies your work. In AR, the virtual world is 25% and the real world is 75%

VR enhances fictional reality. In VR, the virtual world is 75% and the real world is 25%

AR requires higher bandwidth, around 100 Mbps.

Virtual reality can work at low speeds. About 50 Mbps connection is required.

Audience: for those who need to add virtuality to the real world and improve both the virtual and real worlds. AR detects user locations and bookmarks, as well as system calls in predefined content. It is partially immersive and open.

Audience: for those who need to replace all reality and improve virtual reality for many purposes, such as games, marketing, etc. VR is an immersive sequence of animations, URLs, videos, audio. VR is fully immersive and closed

As for the audiences for which each one is focused, AR is for those who need to add virtuality to the real world and improve both the virtual and real world. AR detects user locations and bookmarks, as well as system calls in predefined content. It is partially immersive and open. While VR is for those who need to replace the whole reality and improve virtual reality for many purposes, such as games, marketing, etc. taking into account that VR is an immersive sequence of animations, URLs, videos, audio. VR is fully immersive and closed.

Examples of AR and VR Applications

Some examples of how organizations have adopted AR are:

  • Development of translation applications. These applications interpret text, which is scanned, from one language to another.
  • In the gaming industry, to develop real-time 3D graphics.
  • Analysis and recognition of an item or text. Example: With image capture using Google Lens, the app will start analyzing the image and recognize what it is about. Once done, it will offer you actions to perform related to the type of item or text.
  • In advertising and printing, AR is used to display digital content at the top of magazines.
  • In design, as we mentioned in the IKEA Place example, AR provides a virtual preview of decoration options before making a purchase. Another example is YouCam Makeup, a free application that allows you to design and create makeup styles, hairstyles, face and body touch-ups with filters, dyes, eyelashes, among others.

VR has gained momentum in several industries, such as:

  • The Armed Forces using virtual reality technology to train their soldiers by showing flight and battlefield simulations.
  • Medical students learning better with 3D scanning of each organ or the entire body with the help of VR technology.
  • Virtual reality being also used to treat post-traumatic stress, phobias, or anxiety by making patients understand the real cause of their illness and in other healthcare settings.
  • Professionals using virtual reality to measure an athlete’s performance and analyze techniques with the digital training device.
  • Virtual reality-based devices (Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, google cartoon, etc.) helping users imagine an environment that doesn’t exactly exist, such as an immersive experience in the world of dinosaurs.
  • From manufacturing and packaging to interior design, companies can use virtual reality to give customers a demo of the product and a better understanding of what goes into making it. An example is Lowe’s Holoroom, where customers can select home décor items, appliances, cabinets, and room designs to see the end result.
  • This approach can also be implemented to engage both customers and employees, driving inspiration, collaboration, and interactions. For example, in personal banking, some benefits or rewards can be offered to loyal customers.
  • In the specific experience of a particular product, VR makes it possible to highlight its most exclusive features and at the same time provide the opportunity to experience its use. Vehicle manufacturer Volvo used virtual reality technology implementation to help customers who did not have easy access to their dealerships to test their cars. This experience was provided through the use of the Google Cardboard VR headset.

Using AR on Mobile Devices

At first, it seemed that AR would be intended only for military applications or games, but today we see that they play an important role in innovation in the mobile market, allowing users of smartphones and tablets to interact virtually with their environment thanks to greater bandwidth and better connectivity. In the words of Mark Donovan, analyst at ComScore, “…The idea that a mobile device knows where I am and can access, manipulate, and overlay that information on real images that are right in front of me really gets my sci-fi juices flowing…This is just getting started and will probably be one of the most interesting mobile trends in years to come.”.

A major factor in the mobile market is GPS and location-based technologies, which allow users to track and find friends while traveling or “check in” at particular locations. That information is stored and shared with others through the internet cloud and can be used so that marketers can use it to publicize special promotions or discounts, or a city promoting its hotspots could embed facts on the screen and about the neighborhood and the people who lived there. Other visitors may leave virtual comments about the tour. In education, biology students, for example, could use an augmented reality app and a smartphone to gain additional insight into what they see while dissecting a frog.

The way smartphones are driving AR usage, Qualcomm recently showcased augmented reality technology on its devices. Qualcomm’s Snapdragon processors and a new Android smartphone software development kit have been designed to provide the necessary foundation in building and using augmented reality technology in mobile phones. With toy maker Mattel, they collaborated on the virtual update of a classic game called Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots. Using Qualcomm technology and the smartphone’s built-in camera, players could see virtual robots superimposed on their smartphone screens. The robots appeared in the ring, which was a piece of paper printed with the static image of the ring and its strings. Players used the buttons on their phones to throw punches and their robots moved around the ring while players physically surrounded the table where the image of the ring was placed. The company also sees the potential in marketing, as an example it mentions the insertion of animated coupons on top of real images of its products in stores, so that, when consumers pass by a cereal box, for example, in the supermarket and look at their phone screen, they can get an instant discount.

Now, what is needed for AR on mobile devices? You need a real image capture device, software that is simultaneously transcribing this information and the virtual elements that are going to transform that reality. There are also different types of augmented reality: the one that is transcribed through a geolocation and the one that is based on markers:

  • AR Projection: Artificial light is projected onto real-world surfaces. Augmented reality applications can also detect the tactile interaction of this projected light. This way, user interaction is detected by an altered projection on the expected projection.
  • Overlay of the AR: Before the overlay, the application must recognize which element it has to replace. Once achieved, an object is partially or totally superimposed.
  • AR Markers: Using a camera or a visual marker (a QR, for example), a marker is distinguished from any other real-world object. This way, information is superimposed on the marker.
  • Geolocation of AR: It is based on the geolocation emitted by the smartphone through GPS to know its position and location.
  • Devices for AR: In AR it is necessary to have sensors and cameras. The projector, usually a very small one, allows you to project reality in any space without using a mobile phone or tablet to interact. Glasses or mirrors also use augmented reality.

There are also 2 types of sensors:

  • Sensors used for Tracking: They are responsible for knowing the position of the real world, users and any device in the solution. That way it is possible to achieve that synchronization or registration between the real and virtual world that we discussed when giving the definition of augmented reality. In turn, these sensors are classified into:
    • Camera (computer vision): Perhaps one of the most important technologies. There are also the ‘fiducial markers’, that is, marks in the environment that allow the vision system and the solution as a whole, not only to be aware of what is there and what its performance is like, but also to place it spatially.
    • Positioning (GPS): A technology not very specific to augmented reality but also sometimes used for spatial positioning.
    • Gyroscopes, accelerometers, compasses and others: Which allow you to appreciate the orientation (gyroscopes), direction (compasses) and acceleration (accelerometers). Most of these sensors are already incorporated, for example, in mobiles and tablets.
  • Sensors to collect information from the environment: Humidity, temperature and other atmospheric information. Another type of possible information is pH, electrical voltage, radio frequency, etc.
  • Sensors to collect user input: These are fairly common devices such as buttons, touch screens, keyboards, etc.

Cinematic Influences on Public Perception of VR and AR

Undoubtedly, cinema has been one of the factors that have influenced the perception of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. As an example, we have these well-known films where these technologies played a leading role:

  • Iron Man: This film is a great example of how military forces can use technology in the field using information fed by a central computer.
  • They Live: It is the story of a drifter who discovers a pair of glasses that allow him to see the reality of aliens taking over the Earth. The whole concept of putting on glasses to see what others can’t is the big idea behind AR.
  • Minority Report: Futuristic sci-fi film set in 2054, filled with AR technology from start to finish. From the computer interface that appears in the air to the interaction with a 3D computerized board and the ads that offer what the user would like to have.
  • Avatar: The main character, Jake Sulley, is on a huge AR device that allows his host to experience a completely different level of sensory perception.
  • Robocop: Detroit officer Alex Murphy becomes Robocop. His helmet is connected to the most advanced augmented reality technology that allows him to continue fulfilling his role as a police officer, albeit at a more impressive level.
  • Wall-e: futuristic 3D animated film. This film somehow made a subtle statement that AR technology is not just for law enforcement use.
  • Top Gun: The HUDs found in the cockpits of the F-14 Tomcats used in the film are the real reason they are called HUDs. These things allowed pilots to keep their heads up in the heat of the action and not look at their instrument panels.
  • Tron/Tron: Legacy: Legacy – These two films delve into what could happen if you were unexpectedly thrown into a video game. Although for many passionate gamers it may seem like a dream come true, the movies quickly prove that it is not without its drawbacks.
  • Virtuosity: This film poses what could happen if a virtual reality character were placed in our reality. There is a virtual reality simulation built by combining the characters of multiple serial killers that makes its way into reality.
  • Matrix: It examines a world dominated by human-created machines, combining action sequences with innovative special effects. Unlike Skynet in the Terminator trilogy, which aimed to annihilate humanity, the artificial intelligence in Matrix has discovered a more useful purpose for our species: energy. Machines do this by absorbing energy from bodies while keeping people entertained in a virtual reality realm known as Matrix.
  • Gamer: In the film, users control death row convicts in real life in the Internet Slayers game. Gerard Butler plays one of these convicts and, in order to get released, he must survive the game with the help of the person who controls it. It is an intense and visceral experience that explores the border between virtual and genuine violence.
  • Ender’s game: It portrays a society where children are educated to be military soldiers through virtual reality simulations. It’s a depressing concept countered with vivid and extremely beautiful images, particularly in the recreated landscapes.
  • Ready Player One: It chronicles how virtual reality has changed cultural conventions thanks to a new technology called Oasis. Although it started as a video game platform, Oasis has expanded into a way of life. People work in the Oasis, children go to school there, and companies try to monetize every square inch of the Oasis. In the game, the winner receives Halliday’s enormous riches, as well as ownership of the Oasis.

In addition to representing the use of AR and VR, the films also raise aspects of ethics and governance as in all emerging technology.

Technological and Business Challenges

AR and VR are technologies that will be increasingly present in people’s daily lives and in the work of companies. Of course, there are challenges that organizations should consider when adopting them:

  • Excessive Expectations: It is often speculated that it is possible to execute in virtual environments absolutely all the actions that can be actually performed. It is important to carry out all the necessary procedures so that there is consistency between the virtual and the real world.
  • Specific development: Considering that the development of skills in specific fields and in regards to the needs of each organization must be carried out, with defined results from its design in the business model and where a positive impact is generated for the organization.
  • Limited resources: Understanding the current limitations in the development of better apps and learning items with AR and VR, from the necessary equipment, software and hardware, and the human talent that can develop and support the applications.
  • Technological gap: Reducing the educational-digital gap between institutions, regions and social sectors with access to AR and VR technology and those that do not yet have the same opportunities or technological capabilities.
  • Learning Curve: From the first business model where it is planned to integrate AR and VR and the organizational culture that allows the consistent and continuous development of these technologies.
  • Transdisciplinary aspects: AR and VR involve transdisciplinary aspects from different knowledge and business areas: information technologies, marketing, sales, operations, human resources, etc.
  • Accelerated change: Technology is very agile and the change of electronic devices that give life to this type of tools is updated at an accelerated speed, which triggers challenges in investments in technologies that support it and in the human talent that knows these technologies and that can implement them.

Another important aspect in the reality of many countries is that bandwidth and low latency requirements for these technologies that take up multimedia resources are at an insufficient level, in addition to the fact that current networks often cannot support high-quality AR and VR transmissions, perform high-speed data transmission, stable connection that gets rid of fluctuations and offers a seamless experience.

Future of Augmented and Virtual Reality

While AR and VR remain emerging technologies, faster, lighter and more affordable technology is envisioned in the future. On the one hand, advances in smartphone technology (with better cameras and processors) will mean that you can enjoy more innovative AR and VR experiences. The advancement in 5G wireless networks will also make it possible to enjoy these technologies from anywhere in the world.

Although this high technology is associated with science fiction and the gaming industry, Virtual Reality has the potential to revolutionize several industries, especially when looking for innovative ways to increase their productivity, improve processes and, as remoteness gains ground, the possibilities of virtual reality help achieve goals.

For VR, the development of more powerful processors such as Meta’s Oculus Quest and Apple’s 8KVR/AR headset is anticipated. As devices become more robust in functionality and lighter in use, the adoption of this technology will play an important role in creating more immersive and intuitive experiences in all fields.

We can also mention some predictions and budding improvements:

  • LiDAR will bring more realistic AR creations to our phones. iPhone 12 and iPad Pro are now equipped with LiDAR LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology is essentially used to create a 3D map of the environment, which can seriously improve the AR capabilities of a device. In addition, it provides a sense of depth to AR creations, rather than a flat graphic.
  • VR headsets will be smaller, lighter and incorporate more features. Hand detection and eye tracking are two prominent examples of the technology built into virtual reality headsets. Because hand detection allows VR users to control movements without clunky controllers, users can be more expressive in VR and connect with their VR game or experience on a deeper level. And the inclusion of eye-tracking technology allows the system to focus the best resolution and image quality only on the parts of the image the user is looking at (exactly as the human eye does). Delay and risk of nausea are reduced.
  • There will be new XR accessories to further deepen the experience. The startup Ekto VR has created robotic boots that provide the sensation of walking, to adapt to the movement in the headphones, even if you are actually standing. The rotating discs at the bottom of the boots move to match the direction of the user’s movements. In the future, accessories like this may be considered a normal part of the virtual reality experience.
  • We’ll even have full-body haptic suits. There are already haptic gloves that simulate the sensation of touch through vibrations. The full-body suit is proposed as the TESLASUIT, which today are not affordable for most virtual reality users. Over time they could reduce their cost which in turn will increase their adoption.

According to companies surveyed by PWC in 2022, VR learners absorb knowledge four times faster than learners in the classroom and are 275% more confident when it comes to applying the skills they learned during training in the real world.

In the workplace, remote work is more popular than ever, but there are still aspects of face-to-face interactions that are difficult to replicate. As a result, mixed reality collaborative work tools will increasingly leverage virtual reality and augmented reality to capture and express the more subtle aspects of interaction that are not translated into video calls.

In commerce, virtual reality and augmented reality will more often become part of the marketing and sales process. Brands will invest in creating virtual environments where they can interact with shoppers to help them solve their problems, encouraging them to make the leap from being customers to being loyal followers.

In health, from using AR to improve liver cancer therapy to creating surgery simulations in virtual reality, healthcare systems are using these technologies in a variety of applications. The development continues, due mostly to the growing demand driven by more connectivity, costs in devices that will be reduced and the need to reduce costs and risks in interventions.

According to Forbes, global investments in augmented reality are estimated to grow from $62.75 billion in 2023 to $1,109.71 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 50.7%. For virtual reality, Forbes estimated that global investments in virtual reality (VR) reached $59.96 billion in 2022 and are expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 27.5% from 2023 to 2030. Undoubtedly, double-digit growth makes it clear that organizations must consider how to address these emerging technologies to achieve business results.


AR and VR are technologies that should be reviewed in the Digital Transformation strategy of organizations, for the advantages they represent, from the display for customers of outstanding product characteristics, the feasibility of a project or design; practical guides on the use of products, demonstrations, advertising or promotions; the training and development of staff skills on new equipment or security protocols through VR motivating interactive learning; the holding of virtual meetings or events that simulate the true presence of customers and colleagues; virtual visits to facilities, shops, educational institutions, museums, etc.; up to the best customer service, with a better approach saving time and resources.

Of course, the use of augmented reality and virtual reality depends on the internal capabilities, budget and objectives of the organization. Although there are already many applications on the market that use augmented reality, the technology has not yet become widespread; however, as devices, processors and software add more power and sophistication, the level of information that can be added will increase. AR and VR can help improve decision-making ability, communication, and understanding by experiencing a scenario that is artificial but looks and feels natural. As we have seen throughout this article, AR and VR have many applications in the entertainment, military, engineering, medical, industrial, and other industries. It is recommended, for best results, to combine both technologies by doing an analysis of each use case on adaptability, productivity, time to market, return on investment and expected results. It is also recommended to approach an information technology partner who has the expertise in your industry and understands your challenges.

How to Analyze Problems with Root Cause Analysis – Full Guide

How to Analyze Problems with Root Cause Analysis – Full Guide

To understand what a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is, we must start from the fact that a root cause is a factor that causes a non-conformance and must be deleted through process improvement. The root cause is the central issue and the highest-level cause that sets in motion the entire cause-and-effect reaction that ultimately leads to the problem.

Situaciones que requieren análisis de raíz

Understanding this, the Root Cause Analysis (Real Cause Analysis or RCA) describes a wide range of approaches, tools, and techniques used to uncover the causes of any issues. RCA approaches may be geared towards identifying true root causes, some are general problem-solving techniques, and others offer support for the core activity of root cause analysis. Some examples of common situations where root cause analysis can help solve problems:

  • Manufacturing: A computer parts manufacturer identified that its products were failing in no time because of a design flaw in one of the microchips. After performing an RCA, a new chip was developed getting rid of the flaw.
  • Safety: After a patient suffered an unfortunate fall while inside a hospital facility, RCA found that they were not wearing non-slip socks. This led to policy changes including non-slip socks to ensure that all patients have this new additional safety measure.
  • Software development: Following complaints from customers about software that unexpectedly failed during use, an RCA was carried out, making it clear that there were design errors that caused the failures. The company applied new testing processes before launching any products, improving customer satisfaction.
  • Construction: The RCA performed for the delay in the completion of a project revealed that critical components had been delivered late, which led to the definition of stricter procurement processes to ensure timely delivery.
  • Commerce: In one retail store, shelves were found to be frequently empty. Performing an RCA found out that the store’s ordering process was inadequate, leading to order delays. A decision was made for the store to implement a new ordering process to avoid delays and keep the shelves fully stocked.
  • Food: A restaurant was experiencing frequent food safety issues. RCA found that employees were not trained in food safety procedures. The restaurant implemented additional training and supervision to ensure compliance with food safety regulations and prevent future issues.

The most common approaches to root cause analysis include 5W, herringbone diagrams, fault tree analysis (FTA), root cause mapping, and Pareto analysis. Later we will look at each of these approaches:

What is Root Analysis?

According to Techopedia, root cause analysis (RCA) is a problem-solving method used to identify the exact cause of a problem or event. The root cause is the actual cause of a specific problem or set of problems. Eliminating the cause prevents the final undesirable effect from occurring. This definition makes it clear that RCA is a reactive method, as opposed to preventive, since it will be applied only after a problem has occurred to look for its cause and prevent it from happening again.

The importance of RCA to address the underlying causes lies in the fact that it is an analysis based on processes and procedures, which help guide the problem analyst or decision maker to discover and understand the real causes of the problems and, therefore, reach a practical solution that prevents the recurrence of said problem.

Root Analysis Objectives and Benefits

RCA aims to identify the original source of a problem to prevent it from happening again. By addressing the root cause, it is also possible to implement appropriate preventive actions and measures. Even when the RCA approach is based on a reaction (the cause is analyzed from a problem that has already arisen), there are important benefits:

  • Cause Discovery and More Immediate Reaction: RCA allows you to intervene quickly to fix a problem and prevent it from causing widespread damage. The decision-making process should also be improved and be more timely.
  • Understanding for Effective Solutions: RCA details why a problem took place and helps understand the steps involved in the issue. The more details you get about the issue, the easier it is to understand and communicate why the issue took place and work as a team to develop solutions.
  • Applying Learning to Prevent Future Problems: By performing an RCA and taking the necessary steps to prevent problems from reoccurring, it is also possible to develop a mindset focused on finding problems more proactively.

Essential Principles of Root Analysis

To implement an RCA, its essential principles must be considered to ensure the quality of the analysis and, most importantly, to generate trust and acceptance of the analyst by stakeholders (suppliers, customers, business partners, patients, etc.) to undertake specific actions to get rid of and prevent problems. The principles underlying RCA are the following:

  • Focus on correcting causes, not just symptoms: The main focus is to correct and remedy root causes rather than just symptoms.
  • Importance of treating short-term symptoms: It avoids ignoring the importance of treating the symptoms of a problem to achieve short-term relief.
  • Recognition of the possibility of multiple causes: For the same problem, take into account that there could be multiple root causes.
  • Focus on “how” and “why”, not on “who”: Focus on how and why a problem happened, not on looking for liability.
  • Methodicity and search for specific evidence: To carry out an RCA you must be methodical and find specific evidence of cause and effect to support root cause claims.

It is also recommended to provide enough information to define a corrective course of action and look for how this information also contributes to the prevention of a future problem.

Finally, a comprehensive and contextualized approach is always recommended, considering that interdependent systems may be involved in a problem.

How to Perform an Effective Root Analysis: Techniques and Methods

To perform an RCA, there are four essential steps:

  1. Identify the issue/event: It is crucial to identify the issue or event at hand and engage all relevant stakeholders to clearly understand the scope and its impact.
  2. Collect data: It includes reviewing documentation, interviewing those involved in the situation, observing processes, and analyzing available information in order to develop a comprehensive view of the problem or event.
  3. Identifying root cause(s): Here several tools, such as the 5W methodology, herringbone diagrams, change analysis, and Pareto analysis, are used to analyze the data collected before devising solutions that address each identified factor. This could include process changes/upgrades, staff training or the introduction of new technologies.
  4. Developing and implementing solutions: Monitoring the effectiveness of the strategies chosen over time, being able to adjust them when necessary in the event that similar problems arise again later.
  5. Some techniques and models to implement an RCA are:

    • The 5W?

      It is the first and most popular RCA technique. This method involves asking “why” five times until the underlying cause of a problem is revealed. Detailed answers are found to the questions that arise. The answers become increasingly clear and concise. The last “why” should lead to the failed process. Example: If a manufacturing company has many defaults in its products, then by using a 5W analysis, it could be determined that no budget has been allocated because management did not.

    • Analysis of changes/analysis of events

      Consists of analyzing the changes that lead to an event for a longer period of time and a historical context is obtained. This method is recommended when working with several potential causes. This means:

      • Making a list of all the potential causes that led to an event and for each time a change took place.
      • Each change or event is classified according to its influence or impact (internal or external, caused or unprovoked).
      • Each event is reviewed and it is decided if it was an unrelated, correlated, contributing or probable root cause factor. Here you may use other techniques such as the 5W?
      • It is observed how the root cause can be replicated or remedied.
    • Fishbone Diagram (Ishikawa)

      These can identify root causes by breaking them down into categories or sub-causes. For example, in cases where customer satisfaction in restaurants is low due to service quality, food quality, environment, location, etc. are taken into account. These sub-branches are subsequently used to analyze the main reason for customer dissatisfaction. Example:

      As it can be seen, the diagram encourages brainstorming by following branching paths, which resemble the skeleton of a fish, until the possible causes are seen and it is visually clear how the solution would alter the scenario. To build the Ishikawa Diagram, the fundamental problem is placed at the head. After posing the fundamental problem, the spines of the fish are traced. The spine will be the link between the cause categories and the root problem. The common categories for this diagram are:

      • People involved in the process.
      • Method or how the work was designed.
      • Machines and equipment used in the process.
      • Materials and raw materials used.
      • Environment or causal factors.

      In the spines, attached to the spine, the categories or groups of cause are included. More spines (subcauses) can also be attached to the upper level spines, and so on. This causes the cause-effect relationship to be visualized.

    • Another method is the Pareto analysis

      Which is a technique that can help select the best solution for a problem when there are many potential solutions, especially when available resources are limited. Pareto analysis is derived from the 80/20 rule, which states that 80% of the results of an event are the product of 20% of contributions. This technique allows users to set aside a number of input factors that are likely to make the greatest impact on the effect or outcome. So, if the result is positive, individuals or companies decide to continue with the factors. On the other hand, users remove those factors from their action plan if the effect appears to be negative.

    Tips for Effective Root Analysis

    To implement an RCA, the first step is to determine a single problem to be discussed and evaluated. From there, follow these steps for an effective RCA:

    • Establish problem statement: By asking key questions, such as what is wrong, what are the symptoms?
    • Understand the problem: Relying on flowcharts, spider diagrams or a performance matrix, working as a team and accepting diverse perspectives.
    • Draw a mental map of the cause of the problem: To organize ideas or analysis.
    • Collect data on the problem: Relying on checklists, sampling, etc.
    • Analyze data: Using histograms, Pareto charts, scatter plots, or affinity diagrams.
    • Identify the root cause: Through a cause and effect diagram (such as herringbone diagrams), the five whys or event analysis.
    • Define deadlines and solve the root cause.
    • Implement a solution.

    Planning for future root cause analyses is recommended, keeping processes in mind, constantly taking notes and identifying whether a given technique or method works best for the needs of the organization and specific business environments.

    It is also recommended to do a root analysis in successful cases. RCA is a valuable tool to also find the cause of a successful result, the surpassing of initially set objectives or the early delivery of a product and later be able to replicate the formula for success. So RCA also helps to proactively prioritize and protect key factors.

    As a last step, it is recommended to monitor the solution, to detect if the solution has worked or if adjustments need to be made.


    Without a doubt, RCA is a valuable tool to identify the original source of a problem that can be critical for the organization and react quickly and effectively, as well as preventing the same problem from arising again. Beyond a reactive approach, RCA can help organizations implement preventive actions and measures, and can even map success (root analysis in success stories) to be able to replicate in the future the same key factors that have led to customer satisfaction, the achievement of adequate quality levels or the timely delivery of a product.

    Something also very important is that RCA allows to improve communication within the organization, detailing why a problem arose and what steps to take to solve it objectively. The more details you have of the context, the higher the possibility to engage the right people with clear courses of action, with informed and well-informed decisions.

    Of course, there are several root cause analysis tools to evaluate data, each evaluates the information with a different perspective. Also, to understand a problem, you have to accept different points of view and work as a team to achieve the benefits of RCA.

What is RMM software?

What is RMM software?

In this article, we will thoroughly address RMM Software (Remote Monitoring and Management Software) and its essential role for Managed Service Providers (MSPs). We will explain the core functions of RMM, from remote monitoring to efficient management of client devices, highlighting its key advantages such as reducing labor costs and improving productivity. We will analyze the strategic integration of RMM and PSA (Professional Services Automation) to empower MSP workflows and offer a vision of the future, supported by promising statistics. We conclude by highlighting the continued importance of RMM in the technology landscape and encouraging MSPs to consider its implementation to optimize efficiency and success in the delivery of managed services.

What is RMM software?

In the past, all businesses, regardless of size, used on-premise IT infrastructures. When a problem arose, they contacted their service provider and a technical team went to the offices to solve it. However, the landscape changed completely with the development of Cloud technology. The possibility of accessing data and computing resources from anywhere was gradually reducing the dependence on centralized IT infrastructures. The definitive leap occurred with the arrival of remote work and hybrid work. Organizations that go for a flexible working framework have their systems distributed in widely diverse locations, often outside the traditional corporate network.

On the other hand, each department within the company has specific technological needs that are quickly adapting to market changes. Managing all these applications manually would be very complex, expensive and could lead to human errors that put security at risk.

It is clear that to address these challenges new tools had to emerge such as the RMM (Remote Monitoring and Management) software that allows companies to maintain effective control of all their IT assets, even in distributed environments.

How does RMM software contribute to the digital transformation of companies?

As we just mentioned, RMM software has become a key piece to ensure the transition to decentralized and dynamic infrastructure environments, without neglecting the essential aspects.

Thanks to this technology, IT professionals can remotely monitor and manage a company’s entire infrastructure monitor the performance of IoT devices connected to the network in real time, identify possible threats or anomalous activities and apply corrective measures.

Although remote management tools emerged in the 1990s, they initially had limited features and were difficult to implement.

The first RMMs offered basic supervision and were installed on each computer individually. The central system then analyzed the data and created reports or alerts on critical events.

Instead, today’s RMM software takes a more holistic approach and enables unified and comprehensive management of the company’s technology infrastructure by retrieving information from the whole IT environment rather than from each device in isolation. In addition, it supports on-premise and cloud installations.

Finally, another key contribution of RMM tools for digitization is to switch from a reactive maintenance model to a preventive maintenance model. Remote access solutions allow technical teams to proactively monitor software processes, operating systems, and network threads, and address potential issues before they become critical situations.

A key tool for MSPs

A Managed Service Provider (MSP) is a company that provides management and technology support services to other companies, from server administration, to network configuration, to cloud asset management.

As organizations grow, they store more data, and cyber threats are also on the rise. Many SMEs decide to hire the services of an MSP provider to take charge of their infrastructures, especially if they do not have an internal IT department that optimizes the security and performance of their systems.

MSPs use different technologies to distribute their services and one of the most important is RMM software, which allows them to proactively monitor their customers’ networks and equipment and solve any issues remotely without having to go to the offices in person.

According to data from the Transparency Market Research portal, the market for this type of software has not stopped growing in recent years and this growth is expected to remain constant at least until 2030, driven by the demand for MSPs.

How do RMM tools for remote monitoring work?

RMM tools work thanks to an agent that is installed on the company’s workstations, servers and devices. Once installed, it runs in the background and gathers information about the performance and security of systems.

The RMM agent continuously monitors network activity (CPU usage, memory, disk space, etc.) and if it detects any anomalies, it automatically generates a ticket with detailed information about the problem and sends it to the MSP provider. Tickets are organized in a panel according to their priority and their status can be changed once they have been solved or escalated to a higher level in the most complex cases.

In addition, RMM tools create periodic reports on the overall health of systems. These reports can be analyzed by technical teams to reinforce network stability.

How does RMM software help improve the operational efficiency of MSPs?

RMM software has a number of practical utilities that MSPs can leverage to raise the quality of their services:

  • Remote monitoring and management

    It monitors equipment performance in real time and allows to solve problems remotely without having to go physically to the place where the incident took place. This saves time and costs associated with transportation.

    Another advantage of implementing RMM tools is the possibility of hiring the best professionals regardless of their location and covering different time zones offering 24/7 support.

  • Full visibility of IT infrastructure

    Thanks to RMM software, technical teams can keep track of all their customers’ IT assets from a single dashboard. For example, they can make an inventory of all devices and cloud services that are active, or check in a single dashboard view the tickets that are open and those that are pending resolution.

  • Automating repetitive tasks

    RMM tools create automated workflows for routine tasks such as: installing/ uninstalling software, transferring files, running scripts, managing patches and updates, or backing up. This reduces the workload of IT teams and minimizes the risk of human error.

  • Increased security

    RMM agents send alerts in real time if a critical event takes place. That way, network administrators can very quickly identify security threats or problems that affect computer performance.

    Proactive monitoring is critical for MSP providers to ensure a stable and secure IT environment for their customers. In addition, it reduces the costs associated with equipment repair and data recovery.

  • Reduce downtime

    The installation of new programs, updates and corrective measures runs in the background without interfering with user activity. This makes compliance with Service Level Agreements (SLAs) easier by solving problems as soon as possible without any prolonged service interruptions.

What aspects should MSPs consider when choosing RMM software?

It is important to choose a stable, safe and easily scalable solution that meets customer needs. In addition, the chosen RMM software is ideally integrated easily with other tools for more efficient and complete management.

Let’s look at some basic requirements!

  • Easy implementation

    RMM tools should be intuitive to reduce commissioning time and costs.

  • Flexibility

    As companies grow, so does their IT infrastructure. For MSPs, a higher volume of customers means increased monitoring capacity. That’s why it’s important to choose a tool that’s flexible and scalable. That way, it will be possible to add new devices and users without technical limitations.

  • Stability

    It verifies that RMM software is stable. Some solutions provide remote access through third-party software and this can affect connection performance as each tool has its own features and data transfer speed. Therefore, it is best to select a platform that offers integrated remote access to optimize responsiveness and avoid interruptions.

  • Device compatibility

    The tool should be prepared to monitor the activity of a wide variety of devices and computer systems that support SNMP protocols. This includes, but is not limited to, servers, routers, switches, printers, IP cameras, etc.

  • Seamless integration with PSA tools

    The integration of RMM and PSA improves the workflow of MSPs.

    PSA tools automate and manage tasks related to the provision of professional services such as invoicing, ticket management, time registration, etc.

    For example, issues detected during remote monitoring can automatically generate tickets in the PSA system for technicians to review the device’s incident history and keep track.

    Time spent applying corrective action can also be automatically recorded by PSAs, allowing for more accurate billing.

  • Security

    Make sure that the RMM software you plan to purchase is properly licensed and meets security standards. It should provide features such as data encryption, multi-factor authentication, system access via VPN, or blocking inactive accounts.

  • Support

    Finally, before deciding on an RMM solution, check that the vendor offers good post-implementation support. Check the references and opinions of other customers to know the quality of the service and make sure that you are making a good investment.


SMBs are increasingly digitized and rely on a wide variety of software to run their day-to-day operations. As enterprises migrate their infrastructures to the cloud, MSP providers need remote access solutions to end-to-end management of their customers’ assets.

There are different RMM tools that allow you to monitor the performance of your systems in real time and perform support and maintenance actions. One of the most complete ones is Pandora FMS Command Center, a specific version of the Pandora FMS platform for monitoring MSP and which has been designed to work in IT environments with a high volume of devices. It is a secure and scalable solution that helps managed service providers reduce workload and expand their customer base.

In addition, it has a specific training plan for IT teams to get the most out of all the advanced features of the software.

Many companies that work with Pandora FMS Command Center have already managed to reduce their operating costs between 40% and 70% thanks to task automation and reduced incidents.

It’s time to increase your business productivity and offer your customers exceptional service. Contact our sales team to request a quote or answer your questions about our tool.

2023 A year of achievements and transformations at Pandora FMS!

2023 A year of achievements and transformations at Pandora FMS!

On this exciting journey, we celebrate the successes of our team over the course of an incredibly productive year. From solving 2677 development tickets and 2011 support tickets to spending 5680 hours on projects and operations, each metric represents our shared dedication and success with our valued customers, which are the engine of our growth.

We reinforced our commitment to security by becoming an official CNA in collaboration with INCIBE (National Cybersecurity Institute of Spain). This prestigious achievement placed Pandora FMS, Pandora ITSM and Pandora RC as the 200th CNA worldwide and the third CNA in Spain. Our recognition as CNA (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures Numbering Authority) means that Pandora FMS is now part of a select group of organizations that coordinate and manage the assignment of CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures), uniquely identifying security issues and collaborating on their resolution.

During this year, we experienced an exciting brand unification. What started as Artica at Pandora FMS has evolved into a single name: Pandora FMS. This transition reflects our consolidation as a single entity, reinforcing our commitment to excellence and simplifying our identity.

Globally, we excelled at key events, from Riyadh’s Blackhat to Madrid Tech Show. In addition, we expanded into new markets, conquering China, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Nicaragua and Saudi Arabia.

We evolved eHorus into Pandora RC and transformed Integria into Pandora ITSM, strengthening our presence in the market. We launched a new online course platform and developed a multi-version documentation system in four languages.

We proudly highlighted the technological milestone of the year: the creation of the MADE system (Monitoring Anomaly Detection Engine), the result of our collaboration with the Carlos III University of Madrid. Presented at the ASLAN 2023 Congress & Expo in Madrid, MADE uses Artificial Intelligence to monitor extensive amounts of data, automatically adapting to each management environment. This innovation sets a radical change in monitoring by getting rid of the need for manual rule configuration, allowing the adaptation to data dynamics to be fully autonomous.

This year was not only technical, but also personal. From the fewest face-to-face office hours in 17 years to small personal anecdotes, every detail counts.

Let’s celebrate together the extraordinary effort and dedication of the whole team in this new stage as Pandora FMS! Congratulations on an exceptional year, full of success in every step we took!

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What is SSH?

SSH stands for “Secure Shell.” It’s a network protocol used to securely access and manage devices and servers over an unsecured network. It provides an accurate form of authentication as well as encrypted communication between two systems, making it especially useful in environments where security is a concern.

SSH is commonly used to access remote servers through a command line interface, but can also be used to securely transfer files (through SFTP or SCP). It uses encryption techniques to protect transmitted information, making it difficult for third parties to intercept or manipulate data during transmission.

One of the main advantages of SSH is its ability to authenticate both the client and the server, which helps prevent man-in-the-middle attacks and other security threats. SSH replaces older, less secure methods of remote access, such as Telnet, which transmits information in an unencrypted manner, making it susceptible to interception and data theft.

SSH is an operating system independent protocol. Although it was conceived for UNIX environments, it is present in operating systems such as OSX (Mac) and in the latest versions of Microsoft Windows servers. SSH is, de facto, the standard for connecting to servers by command line.

It uses port 22/TCP, but can be configured to listen and connect over different ports. In fact, it is considered a good security practice to change the default listening port to avoid being identified by remote scanning tools.

A brief look at the history of SSH and OpenSSH

The trajectory of OpenSSH dates back to 1999 and is closely linked to the original software called “SSH” (Secure Shell), created by Tatu Ylönen in 1995. SSH is a network protocol that enables secure connection and remote control of a system through a command line interface.

In its early days, SSH was proprietary software and although it was available for free for non-commercial use, it required licenses for use in commercial environments. This led to the creation of several open source SSH implementations to fill the gap in terms of accessibility and software licensing.

In this context, the OpenSSH project was initiated by Markus Friedl, Niels Provos, Theo de Raadt, and Dug Song in December 1999. The creation of OpenSSH was carried out in response to a series of events that included the release of the SSH protocol source code by Tatu Ylönen and concerns about ownership and licensing of existing proprietary software.

The initial goal of the OpenSSH project was to create a free, open-source protocol that was compatible with existing versions, especially SSH-1 and SSH-2. OpenSSH also sought to circumvent the licensing restrictions associated with proprietary SSH deployments.

As the project progressed, it became the de facto implementation of SSH on Unix- and Linux-based systems. OpenSSH’s growing popularity was due to its open source code, ability to provide safe communication, and features such as strong encryption, key-based authentication, and secure file transfer capability (SFTP).

OpenSSH also benefited from collaboration with the free and open source software community. Over the years, it has undergone continuous improvements, security updates, and functional extensions, making it an essential tool in remote system administration and network security.

In short, OpenSSH emerged as a response to the need for a free, open-source SSH implementation. Over the years, it has evolved to become the most widely used SSH implementation on UNIX and Linux systems and remains a key element in the security of communication and system administration in distributed environments.

Remote command execution with SSH

SSH not only provides a way to interactively access the shell of a remote machine, it can also be used to execute remote commands on a system, with the following syntax:

ssh user@host:/path/ofthe/command

SSH is frequently used in scripts for the automation of all types of actions and processes, for that it requires automatic authentication by means of certificates, since, by default, it will require the user to enter a password manually and interactively through the keyboard.

Security at SSH

SSH stands for Secure Shell, so security is part of SSH’s foundational design.

SSH also has the ability to create TCP tunnels that allow a host to be used to create a kind of dedicated VPN, between two IPs, that can be bidirectional. It is what is known as “TCP Tunnel” and that when misused, can be a security problem.

SSH allows automatic authentication through certificates, which allows a user to connect to a system through SSH without knowing the password. To do this, the public key of a digital certificate must be copied to the server, so that you identify that user through their certificate. This is an advanced option that allows command execution automation through SSH, but which presents inherent risks to any automation.

What are the differences between Telnet and SSH?

SSH and Telnet are two network protocols used to access remote systems, but there are significant differences in terms of security and features.

SSH is the current standard for remote access in all types of environments. Telnet, on the other hand, is older and less secure, and its use is discouraged, unless it is impossible to use SSH.


SSH: It provides a safe environment for communication between two systems. All data, including usernames and passwords, are encrypted before being transmitted, making it much more difficult for an attacker to intercept and understand the transmitted information.

Telnet: It transmits data, including login credentials, in an unencrypted form. This means that if someone has access to the network between the client and the server, they can easily capture and read the information.


SSH: It uses encryption to protect data during the transmission. Encryption algorithms in SSH can be configured to meet the latest security standards.

Telnet: It does not provide encryption, which means that all information, including passwords, are transmitted insecurely.


SSH: It supports several authentication methods, including the use of passwords, public key, and token-based authentication.

Telnet: Depending on your settings, it generally uses only usernames and passwords for authentication.


SSH by default. SSH uses port 22, unlike Telnet, which uses port 23. However, these ports can be changed at any time.

Top SSH customers

Listed below are some of the best-known SSH customers on the market.


OpenSSH (Linux, macOS, Windows with WSL) and other operating systems such as BSD or communications devices that support a version of OpenSSH.

OpenSSH is a free and open source implementation of the SSH protocol. It comes pre-installed on most Linux distributions and is widely used in Unix environments.

It is highly reliable, secure, and the default choice on many Unix-based operating systems, as well as being 100% free.


PuTTY is a free and open source SSH client for Windows and is therefore very popular. Although it was initially designed for Windows, there is also an unofficial version called “PuTTY for Mac” that works on macOS, there are also alternative versions for Linux.

It’s lightweight, easy to use, and can be run as a portable app with no installation required. However, it lacks a powerful interface, does not allow sequence recording, and in general, lacks more advanced features that you may find in other “visual” SSH clients. It also doesn’t have a specific interface for file transfer.

Of all the options, PuTTY is the most basic one, but at least it’s a visual interface, unlike the standard operating system’s SSH client that’s free, but where all the “features” are command-line-based.

Downloads and Updates

It can be downloaded from its own web, although there are several sites in parallel that offer alternative versions for Mac and even Linux.

Price & Licenses

It’s free and under an OpenSource license, so you may modify its code and compile it on your own.


Bitvise SSH Client is a solid choice for Windows users looking for an easy-to-use and secure SSH client. Its combination of an intuitive interface, advanced file transfer features, and robust security makes it a well-liked tool for remote system management and safe file transfer.

SSH Server

BitVise offers both an SSH client and an SSH server. Generally, Windows systems do not use SSH so it can be a very good option to implement it, despite the fact that the latest versions of Microsoft Windows Server already implement it. It is an excellent option for implementing SSH in older Windows versions, as it supports a wide selection of versions, almost since Windows XP:

  • Windows Server 2022
  • Windows 11
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows 10
  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Windows Server 2008
  • Windows Vista SP1 or SP2
  • Windows Server 2003 R2
  • Windows Server 2003
  • Windows XP SP3

SSH Tunneling and Port Forwarding

It allows SSH tunnel configuration and port forwarding, which is useful for securely redirecting network traffic over SSH connections.

Advanced Session Management

Bitvise SSH Client offers advanced options for session management, including the ability to save session configurations for quick and easy access to frequently used servers.

Session Log and Audit

It provides a detailed session log, which can be useful for auditing and activity tracking purposes.

Proxy Support:

Bitvise SSH Client supports several proxy types, allowing users to bypass network restrictions and connect through proxy servers.

Downloads and Updates

A 30-day trial version can be downloaded from their website

Price & Licenses

Only for Windows, it is priced at around 120 USD per year.


It is available for all platforms: Windows, macOS, and Linux. A functional demo can be downloaded from their website at

SecureCRT is a commercial client that offers support for multiple protocols, including SSH. It provides an advanced graphical interface, scripting and automation functions, and is widely used in enterprise environments.

Terminal Emulation

It offers terminal emulation for a wide variety of types, including VT100, VT102, VT220, ANSI, among others. This ensures effective compatibility with different remote systems and devices.

Secure File Transfer

SecureCRT includes support for secure file transfer protocols, such as SCP (Secure Copy Protocol) and SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol). This allows users to securely transfer files between local and remote systems. To manage file transfers, use an additional product called SecureFX (with an additional license fee).

Automation and Scripting

It makes it easy to automate tasks by running scripts. It supports different scripting languages, such as VBScript, JScript, and Python, providing flexibility in process automation.

Efficient Session Management

SecureCRT offers an efficient session management interface that allows users to easily organize and access previous connections. It also makes it possible to import and export sessions for easy configuration transfer between systems. It allows advanced session configuration, including authentication options, function key configuration, port forwarding, among others. This gives users precise control over their remote sessions.

SSH Key Integration

SecureCRT supports key-based authentication, which means users can manage and use SSH keys for safe authentication without relying on passwords.

Additional Protocol Support

In addition to SSH, SecureCRT also supports other protocols such as Telnet, rlogin, and Serial. This makes it a versatile tool for different network environments.

Price & Licenses

A full version for one user, including safe transfer features (SecureFX) is about $120 per year.


ZOC Terminal is an SSH client and terminal emulator that offers advanced features for users who need a powerful and versatile tool to work with SSH remote connections. It is also compatible with other protocols such as Telnet and Rlogin, which extends its usefulness in different environments not only as an SSH client but also as a Telnet client.

ZOC is compatible with Windows and macOS and publishes regularly updated versions. A demo version can be downloaded from their website at

Terminal Emulation Functions

ZOC supports multiple terminal emulations, such as xterm, VT220, TN3270, and more. This allows users to connect to a variety of remote systems and mainframes.

File Transfer

It includes secure (and insecure) file transfer features, such as FTP, SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) and SCP (Secure Copy Protocol), allowing users to securely transfer files between the local and remote system. The feature is included in the product itself.

Automation and Scripting

ZOC makes it easy to automate tasks by running scripts. It supports different scripting languages, such as VBScript, JScript, and Python, providing flexibility in process automation. It also allows you to record a key combination and play it back to, for example, automate login sessions that require the use of sudo or su.

Session Management

The ability to manage and organize sessions is crucial for those who work with multiple connections. ZOC offers an efficient session management interface that allows users to easily organize and access previous connections. You can have a catalog of systems where you can easily connect.

Price & Licenses

The basic license is around 80 USD, but its free version allows you to work easily, except for the somewhat annoying popup at the beginning.

Pandora RC: Alternative to using SSH

Pandora RC (formerly called eHorus) is a computer management system for MS Windows®, GNU/Linux® and Mac OS® that allows you to access registered computers wherever they may be, from a browser, without having direct connectivity to your devices from the outside.


For greater security, each agent, when configured, may have an individual password that is not stored on the central servers of Pandora RC, but each time the user wishes to access said machine, they will have to enter it interactively.

Remote access without direct connection

One of the most common SSH issues is that you need to be able to access the server IP. With Pandora RC, it’s the server that connects to a cloud service and so it’s available from anywhere, without the need for a VPN or complex firewall rules.

Integrated with Pandora FMS

It integrates natively with Pandora FMS monitoring software, so that it is possible not only to monitor the servers, but to access them directly from the same interface, without the need to install SSH clients, remember passwords or generate duplications.

Price & Licenses

Free up to 5 devices. There are use licenses for unlimited machines from €19/month. More information on the website:

Remote Shell and All-in-One Remote Desktop

Pandora RC has a remote control system through access to the Desktop in a visual way. In both cases, a web interface is used to operate with the remote server, whether it is Windows, MacOS or Linux. It also provides a file transfer mechanism and process/service management. All integrated into one WEB application:

Example of remote Shell on a Mac system:

Example of a remote desktop on a Mac system:

Example of a file share on a Linux system:

What is the principle of least privilege (PoLP)?

The Principle of Least Privilege, also known as PoLP, is a computer security rule that states that each user or group of users must have only the necessary permissions to perform their corresponding tasks.

In other words, the less power a user has, the lower the chances of them having a harmful impact on the business.

Why is it important?

PoLP is important because it helps protect company systems and data from cyberattacks.

When a user has too many permissions, they are more likely to make mistakes or fall victim to an attack. For instance, users with access to servers could install malware or steal sensitive information.

How is it applied?

PoLP can be applied to any computer system, either on-premise or in the cloud.

PoLP in practice

What if a user needs to do something they can’t normally do?

The Principle of Least Privilege states that each user should have only the necessary permissions to perform their tasks. This practice helps protect company systems and data from cyberattacks.

However, there are circumstances where a user may need to circumvent security restrictions to perform some unplanned activity. For example, a certain user may need to create records for a new customer.

In these cases, the system administrator may grant the user temporary access to a role with greater privileges.

How is this done safely?

Ideally, the system administrator should create a job that automatically adds the user to the role and, after a defined time, removes them from the role.

For example, the administrator could grant user privileges for two hours and then automatically remove the privileges after that time.

This helps ensure that the user only has access to the necessary permissions for as long as they need them.

What about user groups?

Overall, it is safer to grant permissions to groups of users than to individual users.

This is because it is more difficult for an attacker to compromise an entire group of users than a single user.

For example, if John is an accountant, instead of granting John template creation privileges, the administrator could grant those privileges to the group of accountants.

What about processes or services?

The Principle of Least Privilege also applies to processes and services.

If a process or service works with an account, that account should have as few privileges as possible.

This helps reduce the damage an attacker could cause if they compromised the account.

Continued Importance in a Changing World

A large number of companies, following the COVID pandemic, significantly increased the number of employees working from home. Before, we only had to worry about computers within the company. Now, the security of every laptop or mobile phone accessing your network can be a security breach.

To prevent disasters, we must create security standards and train staff to prevent them from entering prohibited sites with company computers or computers that access our company. That’s why you should avoid giving administrator privileges and applying PoLP on users as much as possible. That is why a trust 0 policy is applied, giving the least amount of privileges as possible. If the user is not authenticated, they are not given privileges.

IT staff should check the security of laptops carried by the user and see how to prevent attacks from reaching enterprise or cloud servers coming from our staff working remotely.

Implementation Difficulties

However, applying the minimum security privilege is nowadays quite complex. Users with an account access countless different apps.

They may also have to access web applications that rely on Linux servers, so roles and privileges must be created in different applications. It is very common for several basic features not to work with the minimum cybersecurity privileges, so there is the temptation to grant extra privileges.

Giving minimum privileges to a single application is already something complicated. Granting PoLP to several systems that interact with each other becomes much more complex. It is necessary to carry out safety quality controls. IT engineers should do security testing and patch security holes.

Privileged accounts: Definition and Types

Privileged accounts or super accounts are those accounts that have access to everything.

These accounts have administrator privileges. Accounts are usually used by managers or the most senior people in the IT team.

Extreme care must be taken with such accounts. If a hacker or a Malware manages to access these passwords, it is possible to destroy the entire operating system or the entire database.

The number of users with access to these accounts must be minimal. Normally only the IT manager will have super user accounts with all privileges and senior management will have broad privileges, but in no case full privileges.

In Linux and Mac operating systems, for example, the superuser is called root. In the Windows system it is called Administrator.

For example, our default Windows account does not run with all privileges. If you want to run a file with administrator accounts, right-click on the executable file and select the option Run as Administrator.

This privilege to run as an administrator is only used in special installation cases and should not be used at all times.

To prevent a hacker or a malicious person from accessing these users, it is recommended to comply with these security measures:

  • Use a long, complex password that mixes uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and special characters.
  • It also tries to change the password of these users regularly. For example, changing the password every month or every two months.
  • It does not hurt to use a good anti-virus to detect and prevent an attack and also to set a firewall to prevent attacks by strangers.
  • Always avoid opening emails and attachments from strangers or entering suspicious websites. These attacks can breach accounts. Where possible, never browse with super user accounts or use these accounts unless necessary.

Privileged Cloud Accounts

Today, a lot of information is handled in the cloud. We will cover account management on major platforms such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud.

AWS uses authentication type Identity and Access Management (IAM) to create and manage users. It also supports multi-factor authentication (MFA) which requires 2 ways to validate the user and thus enter, thus increasing security.

On AWS there is a root user who is a super user with all privileges. With this user create other users and protect it using it as little as possible.

Google Cloud also provides an IAM and also the KMS (Key Management Service) that allows you to manage keys.

Depending on the cloud application, there are super users who manage databases, analytics systems, websites, AI and other resources.

If, for example, I am a user who only needs to see table reports from a database, I do not need access to update or insert new data. All these privileges must be carefully planned by the IT security department.

Common Privileged Threat Vectors

If the PoLP is not applied, if a hacker enters the system, they could access very sensitive information to the company by being able to obtain a user’s password. In many cases these hackers steal the information and ask for ransom money.

In other situations, malicious users within the company could sell valuable company information. If we apply the PoLP, these risks can be considerably reduced.

Challenges to Applying Least Privilege

It is not easy to apply the PoLP in companies. Particularly if you have given them administrator privileges initially and now that you learned the risks you want to take the privileges away from them. You must make users understand that it is for the good of the company, to protect its information and that great power comes with great responsibility. That if an attack happens to the company, the reputation of the employees themselves is at stake as well as that of the company. Explain that safety is up to everyone.

Many times we give excessive privileges due to the laziness of giving only the minimum cybersecurity privilege. But it is urgent to investigate, optimize and reduce privileges to increase security.

Another common problem is that having restricted privileges reduces the productivity of the user who ends up being dependent on their superior for lack of privileges. This can cause frustration in users and inefficiency in the company as a whole. You must seek to achieve balance in terms of efficiency without affecting safety.

Benefits for Safety and Productivity

By applying the principle of granting restricted access, we reduce the attack surface. The chances of receiving a malware attack are also reduced and less time is wasted trying to recover data after an attack.

For example, Equifax, a credit company, fell victim to Ransomware in 2017. This attack affected 143 million customers. Equifax had to pay $700 million in fines and reparations. It also had to pay compensation to users.

  • It reduces the risk of cyberattacks.
  • It protects sensitive data.
  • It reduces the impact of attacks.

Principle of Least Privilege and Best Practices

In order to comply with the standards, it is advisable to carry out an audit and verify the privileges of users and security in general. An internal verification or an external audit can be done.

You may carry out security tests to see if your company meets those standards. Below are some of the best-known standards:

  • CIS is a Center for Information Security. It contains recommendations and best practices for securing systems and data globally.
  • NIST Cybersecurity Framework provides a National Institute of Standards and Technology security framework.
  • SOC 2 provides an assessment report of a company’s or organization’s security controls.

Least Privilege and Zero Trust

Separating privileges is giving users or accounts only the privileges they need to reduce risk. Just-In-Time (JIT) security policies reduce risks by removing excessive privileges, automating security processes, and managing privileged users.

JIT means giving privileges only when you need them. That is, they should be temporary. For example, if a user needs to access a database only for 2 hours, you may create a script that assigns privileges during this time and then remove those privileges.

To implement the JIT:

  • Create a plan with security policies.
  • Implement the plan by applying the PoLP and JIT with controls that may include multi-factor access and role access control.
  • It is important to train employees on safety and explain these concepts so that they understand not only how to apply them but why to apply them.
  • And finally, it is important to apply audits. This topic was already discussed in point 10.

It is also convenient to monitor permissions to see who has more privileges and also see what resources are accessed, to see if adjustments need to be made to them.

Solutions for the Implementation of Least Privilege

As mentioned above, to increase security, segment the network to reduce damage if your security is breached. Segmenting the network is dividing the network into small subnets.

The privileges granted to users should also be monitored.

Finally, security policies must be integrated with technologies to create an administrative plan according to the software you have.

How to Implement Least Privilege Effectively

To implement the principle of granting access, the proposed system must be implemented on test servers. Personnel should be asked to test actual jobs in the system for a while.

Once the errors are corrected or user complaints are resolved, it is up to you to take the system into production with minimal privileges. A trial period of at least one month is recommended where users test the system and have the old system at hand.

In most cases, the old and new systems coexist for months until the new system is approved with the least privileged security implemented.


The Principle of Least Privilege: A Simple but Effective Measure for Computer Security.

In an increasingly digital world, IT security is critical for businesses of all sizes. Cyberattacks are becoming more frequent and sophisticated, and can cause significant damage to businesses.

One of the most important steps businesses can take to protect their systems and data from cyberattacks is to apply the Principle of Least Privilege. The Principle of Least Privilege states that each user should have only the necessary permissions to perform their tasks.

Applying the Principle of Least Privilege is a simple but effective measure. By giving users only the necessary permissions, companies reduce the risk of an attacker compromising sensitive systems and data.

Tips for applying the principle of least privilege:

  • Identify the permissions needed for each task.
  • Grant permissions to groups of users instead of individual users.
  • Reduce process and service account privileges.
  • Review user permissions on a regular basis.
IT Support Levels: Optimizing the Support Service through Tiers 0 to 4

IT Support Levels: Optimizing the Support Service through Tiers 0 to 4

Information Technology (IT) support, also known as technical support, is essential for the successful and efficient operation of organizations in the digital age. It helps ensure the stability, productivity and security of your systems and those of the people who depend on them.

Its importance lies in several key aspects such as maintenance of the technological infrastructure (this includes servers, networks, operating systems, software, hardware and other essential components); and ensure business continuity, implement and maintain security measures (such as firewalls, antivirus and intrusion detection systems); periodic updating and maintenance of the software, implementation and management of data storage systems, backup and recovery of data in case of failures; resource optimization (such as server capacity management), keep up to date with the latest technological trends and evaluate how these can benefit the organization and provide data and analysis that help to decision-making.

The 5 levels of IT support: description, functions and skills

IT Support Level 0: Self-service

IT support level 0, often called “self-service,” is the initial level of technical support offered to users so they can solve technical problems on their own without needing to interact with a support technician. This tier support focuses on providing users with the tools, resources, and documentation needed to address common technical issues on your own. Some key aspects of IT Support Tier 0 include:

  • Self-service portal.
  • Knowledge base.
  • Guided self-service.
  • Online community.
  • Diagnostic tools.
  • Training.
  • Automation.

IT Support Level 1: First person-to-person contact (basic support)

Level 1 IT support, also known as “first person-to-person contact” or “basic support”, focuses on solving the simplest and most common technical problems that do not require advanced technical knowledge. Common features and responsibilities of tier 1 support are described below:

  • Helpdesk.
  • Incident logging and tracking.
  • Troubleshooting common problems.
  • Documentation and updating of the knowledge base.
  • Coordination with other teams.

IT Support Level 2: Technical support

IT Support Tier 2, also known as “technical support” or “advanced support”, handles more complex and technical issues that go beyond the capabilities of Tier 1. Some of the main features and responsibilities of tier support 2 are:

  • Root cause analysis.
  • Development and maintenance of technical documentation.
  • Interaction with suppliers and manufacturers.
  • Training and mentoring of level 1 staff.
  • Proactive monitoring and maintenance.
  • Participation in IT projects.

IT Support Level 3: Expert support

IT Support Level 3, also known as “expert support” or “high level support,” is responsible for addressing the most complex and challenging issues that require deep technical knowledge and expertise. The most outstanding features and responsibilities of tier support 3 are:

  • Research and development.
  • Design and implementation of advanced solutions.
  • Participation in strategic projects.
  • The development of policies and procedures.
  • Crisis management.

IT Support Level 4: Third Party Support

Level 4 IT support, also known as “third-party support” or “external support,” is reserved for extremely complex issues or situations where specialized expertise is required, which goes beyond what an organization can offer internally. Common features and responsibilities of tier support 4 are described below:

  • Technology vendor support.
  • Development of customized solutions.
  • Technology integration.
  • Participation in security audits and reviews.
  • Service contracts coordination and management.
  • Supplier relationship management.
  • Trend analysis and strategic recommendations.

Establishing a tiered help structure

Implementing a tiered support structure involves careful planning and execution to ensure efficient technical assistance. Among the main steps to establish a tiered help structure is the choice of the appropriate IT Service Management (ITSM) platform, which is scalable and customizable.

Once the ITSM tool has been chosen, a self-service platform or a dedicated web portal must be configured there and the IT support levels of the organization must be clearly defined. In addition, the ITSM platform must include process automation, such as ticket routing, incident prioritization or reporting; providing updated documentation at each support level; tools to measure the performance of the IT structure and demand management to plan workloads.

Finally, to create an effective structure it is essential to establish effective communication channels and perform periodic evaluations to adjust the structure and processes to the changing needs of the organization.


Implementing a tiered help structure in an IT environment brings multiple benefits to the organization.

Benefits of Implementing IT support levels

Support levels enable efficient distribution of support requests, ensuring that issues are addressed at the appropriate level for resolution. This operational efficiency results in an improvement of user satisfaction and in cost savings by ensuring that technical resources are used more competently.

On the other hand, quick management of critical incidents provided by the help structure by levels, escalating the problems according to their nature to the different levels of support, allows to guarantee the continuity of the business. Finally, sharing documentation and knowledge allows capacity building among company personnel.

Adapting the structure to the needs of the organization

It is important to note that there is no single and universally applicable IT levels support structure. Each organization has specific needs and requirements, so it is essential to adapt the structure to its particular circumstances taking into account the size and complexity of the organization, the nature of the operations, that it carries out according to the industry to which it belongs, the needs of the users, both internal and external, of the company; the economic and human resources that the organization has and the technological changes that take place and that require a flexible infrastructure capable of adapting to technological and business evolutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Summary of frequent questions about IT support and careers in this field

What is IT support for?

IT support is a very useful tool, both for companies and individuals, to receive assistance in any of the tasks to be carried out in their corresponding IT environments. It guarantees that they will be able to meet their goals or continue to offer services to their customers even if they suffer hardware, software or network failures.

What are the IT support levels?

  • Level 0: Self-Service
  • Level 1: Basic support
  • Level 2: Technical support
  • Level 3: Expert support
  • Level 4: Third party support

How do I start my career in IT support?

Of course, to get a job in this field requires technical knowledge of systems and processes. To begin with, you could complete related courses or get one of the necessary certifications.

What is remote IT support?

Remote IT support allows support technicians to provide their services to customers more quickly and effectively through remote control, email or chat. Even at a distance, they are able to diagnose any problem and provide the steps to follow to solve it.

What are the skills to work in IT support?

Of course, dealing with clients will always require professional and effective communication skills. Additionally, the ability to effectively troubleshoot and keep up with all IT news is critical for any professional IT.

Unraveling the Dangers of Phishing: From Basics to Effective Prevention

Unraveling the Dangers of Phishing: From Basics to Effective Prevention

Surely you may have at one time or another received an email warning of an outstanding invoice, a parcel shipment that you did not expect or a warning from the bank about suspicious activity in your account. These messages usually adopt an alarming tone and provide you with a link to a website that you must visit right away to verify your personal information or to complete payment information. Caution! This is a “phishing” attempt, one of the most popular scam methods on the Internet!

What is phishing?

Phishing is a form of cyberattack that uses technology and social engineering to breach user security.

The term comes from the word “fishing”, since cybercriminals employ bait tactics waiting for users to “bite” or fall into the trap. They usually aim to get hold of financial information, payment service passwords (such as PayPal), or login credentials.

Actually, phishing is nothing new. The first cases of this type of fraud date back to the mid-1990s, when a group of fraudsters posed as employees of the AOL company to steal confidential customer data. Already in the 2000s, attacks began to specialize, focusing mainly on the banking sector.

Over the years, scams have become more sophisticated and, despite advances in cybersecurity, phenomena such as the rise of teleworking or the fraudulent use of AI have contributed to the rise of new ways of phishing.

Phishing as a source of concern

Anyone can become a victim of phishing. Even though cybersecurity systems are getting more powerful by the day, scammers have also honed their skills and organized themselves into small teams, specializing in social engineering tactics.

Companies often become the preferred target of these cybercriminals who try to steal your sensitive data or trick intermediary charges into making unauthorized transfers. A fairly common example of phishing is vendor invoice fraud, in which fraudsters impersonate trusted business partners to request payment for an outstanding invoice.

Even more disturbing are cases like the one we saw at the beginning of 2020 in the magazine Forbes in which a Japanese company was the victim of an elaborate scam in which the generative AI was used to clone the voice of a manager and authorize a transfer of 35 million dollars.

Audio cloning, audiovisual deep fakes and, in general, the use of the latest technology for criminal purposes pose a great threat and, at the same time, a challenge for cybersecurity companies.

Risks associated to phishing attacks

Financial losses have an immediate impact, but there are other long-term consequences that phishing victims can experience:

  • Reputational damage: Data breaches can erode customer trust, causing permanent damage to the company’s reputation.
  • Service outage: A cyberattack can cripple the company’s computer systems, especially if it involves ransomware. It all starts by downloading a malicious file included in the phishing messages. Once in the system, it encrypts critical files and blocks access to business-critical information.
  • Fines and penalties: Violation of data protection regulations (such as GDPR) may result in sanctions by authorities.

It is important to be prepared to deal with these threats using robust cybersecurity solutions and internal employee awareness programs as the main weapons to prevent phishing attacks.

Relevant statistics and data

Email fraud already accounts for 27% of economic losses for cybersecurity breaches and is responsible for 90% of data breaches, according to the report Cybersecurity Threat Trends 2021 (CISCO). This is mainly because phishing campaigns have become massive and scammers use hundreds of emails to reach more people.

Key elements in a phishing attack

Luckily, phishing messages are usually quite clumsy and recipients quickly realize that they are facing a scam, but sometimes they are so customized that they cast doubt on whether they are legitimate or not.

To gain the trust of their victims, fraudsters impersonate institutions, banks or companies that offer their services over the Internet.

Most of these fraudulent emails consist of:

  1. An unknown sender, with generic email extensions (Gmail, Hotmail, etc.) or names that resemble those of official companies, but with strange words that we cannot identify.
  2. A generic greeting (“Dear customer”, “Dear friend”) since cybercriminals generally do not know the identity of the recipient.
  3. An urgent request for our personal information (ID, credit card number) under the pretext of solving an issue.
  4. An external link that leads to a fraudulent website with the same logo, design and colors of the brand they intend to impersonate. On this landing page you will be prompted to update your details to continue. Here is where information is stolen.
  5. There is also the possibility that the email contains an attachment infected with malicious software (malware, ransomware). If you download it, it will compromise the security of the system.

It is important to be cautious and learn to recognize these phishing signals to minimize risks.

Types of phishing

There are currently over 10,000 forms of phishing (as reported by Wikipedia). These are some of the best known embodiments.

Traditional phishing

It is the most common form of email fraud. It is based on the random issuance of emails impersonating the identity of a trusted company or institution. Messages include links to fraudulent websites or infected files.

Spear phishing

While traditional phishing is a random scam, spear phishing targets a specific person, usually an influential position within the company. To earn their trust, cybercriminals conduct extensive research on the Internet, collecting personal data from social networks such as LinkedIn, where they check information such as age, location or position within the company.


In whaling, the target is important people within the company or executive positions (CEO, CFO, etc.). Scammers investigate their prey for weeks and send highly personalized emails, related to critical business issues.


Fraudulent messages are sent via text messages (SMS) or WhatsApp. For example, we received a notice from our bank reporting an unauthorized purchase with our card with a link to change the PIN and login details. If YOU do, we will have fallen into the trap.


It comes from the union of “voice” and “phishing”. In this case, the scam is done by phone call. A typical example is technical service fraud where scammers call to report a computer failure that doesn’t actually exist and convince us to install a Trojan that will steal your data.

Angler Phishing

It is a new tactic that consists of creating fake profiles on social networks with the name of prestigious institutions and companies. The goal is to steal sensitive data from other users.

How to detect Phishing attacks?

Recognizing a phishing message is not always easy, but there are some indications that may make us suspect that the request is unusual.

  • Alarmist tone: They often convey urgency and urge the user to act immediately. Cybercriminals use emotions such as fear or curiosity and use intimidation tactics to make us act irrationally.
  • Grammatical errors: Many phishing messages contain spelling and grammatical errors as they were written by non-native speakers. Anyway, nowadays many scammers use tools like Chat GPT to correct their texts, so we must be wary even of messages without spelling mistakes.
  • Suspicious links or unsolicited attachments: Does the sender ask you to click on a link? Does it include alleged unpaid bills or fines that you can’t identify? This is most likely a cyberattack.

How to prevent a Phishing attack?

  • Do not open messages from unknown senders.
  • Do not provide your personal information through a link in an email.
  • Don’t download suspicious attachments.
  • Hover over the link and check if the url starts with https. This indicates that the site has a safe certificate.

If despite these precautions you fell into the trap and provided your data, change the passwords of the affected accounts as soon as possible and report the scam to the local police. You may also contact the Internet User Security Office of INCIBE (National Institute of Security) to investigate the fraud.

Protecting your organization from phishing

IBM assures in its report Cost of a Data Breach Report 2021 that it can take an average of 213 days for a company to warn that it was the victim of a phishing attack. During this time, cybercriminals will access all kinds of confidential information: database passwords, trade secrets, access credentials to the corporate network… That is why it is important to be prepared and work proactively to stop the threat of phishing.

Some preventive measures:

Employee Awareness

Make cybersecurity part of your company’s organizational culture and create campaigns to warn your employees of the risks of Internet scams. A good measure is to implement a phishing simulation software to train them and teach them to differentiate an authentic email from a fraudulent one.

Implementing email security solutions

The first line of defense against a phishing attack is the anti-spam filter built into email. Make sure it’s up to date with the latest versions and security patches. You may also configure email authentication policies as Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) to reduce the risk of phishing.

Endpoint monitoring and protection

Endpoints are the end devices (computers, tablets, smartphones) connected to the network. EDR solutions have been designed to monitor and detect the presence of malware on these endpoints.

Unlike antiviruses that work with previously identified patterns, EDR solutions are more advanced since they give automated and real-time responses to contain the attack. They use technologies such as AI and machine learning capable of detecting anomalous behaviors, such as the execution of malicious scripts.

Endpoint protection is a basic cybersecurity measure, but should be combined with other solutions such as network traffic monitoring or safe remote access solutions such as Pandora RC.

How does Pandora RC help improve remote access security?

More and more companies are adopting policies of teleworking or hybrid work. It is a reality that poses new challenges in terms of cybersecurity. Remote workers operate in less secure environments than those under the supervision of IT teams.

Tools like Pandora RC help monitor your systems by offering remote support and quick assistance if a phishing attack is suspected.

Other ways Pandora RC can help prevent cyberattacks:

  • It generates 100% local passwords avoiding vulnerabilities in centralized systems.
  • Remote connections must be pre-approved.
  • It uses dual authentication access policies. This reduces the risk of unauthorized access, as users have to validate their identity in two steps.
  • It is a flexible and scalable solution. In addition, it is available as a SaaS or On-Premise solution for companies that want to have more control over their infrastructures.

Other tips to prevent phishing attacks in the business environment

As phishing techniques become more sophisticated, the need for protection is increasing. Therefore, it is not a bad idea to keep in mind some basic tips:

  • Try to stay up to date on new scams, follow the news in the media, and read tech blogs like Pandora FMS blog.
  • Use strong passwords on your accounts that include a combination of numbers, letters, and special characters. Never choose personal data such as date of birth, cities or pet names for your passwords; phishers could guess this information by checking your social media.
  • Use a multi-factor authentication (MFA) system to add an extra layer of security to your connections. That way, if a hacker gets your login credentials, they would still need to know the code sent to your mobile to access your accounts.
  • Installing a firewall is critical to blocking unauthorized access to sensitive information. Make sure it’s properly configured and only allows safe transactions.
  • Keep your browser and operating system up to date as cybercriminals often take advantage of vulnerabilities in outdated systems.
  • Prevents access to sensitive information over public Wi-Fi networks. Many of these networks lack encryption protocols and transmitted data could be intercepted. Turn off the option to automatically connect to open Wi-Fi networks on your mobile.
  • Make automatic backups of company data to be able to recover information in the event of an attack. We recommend them to be immutable backups (they cannot be deleted or modified). This ensures that copies are protected and can be restored even if a ransomware attack takes place.


As we mentioned at the beginning, phishing has existed since the beginning of the Internet and will probably evolve and we will learn about new forms of this form of cyberattack. Although we must be vigilant in the face of these threats, slowing technological development is not the solution. The key is to adopt cybersecurity measures and educate users to minimize risks and create a safe working environment.

What is Cloud Computing? Everything you need to know about the cloud explained

Cloud Computing is a service offered by several software providers paying a rent either by the hour, month or use of said service. They can be virtual machines, databases, web services, or other cloud technologies. These services are on remote servers provided by companies such as Google, Microsoft and Amazon among others that for rental or in some cases free of charge, provide such services. It is very convenient to have these services, since from a mobile phone or a not very sophisticated machine, you can have access to important services of all kinds just by having access to the internet.

Services provided in the cloud

The most common services provided in the cloud are as follows:

  • Storage in the cloud. Where the service allows multiple files, images, or other data to be stored in the cloud. It’s kind of like an internet-connected super hard drive.
  • Cloud Databases. You may access servers or databases such as SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, etc. Note that you no longer need to access the entire server with the operating system (which is also possible). NoSQL databases, which are databases that do not use a relational database, can also be accessed. Instead of using tables, it uses documents or value keys to save the information.
  • Data Lake. The Data Lake service is, as the name suggests, a data lake. You may have structured, unstructured and semi-structured data. These services are used to manage what we know as Big Data. That is, lots of information. Today, data can no longer be handled in traditional databases exclusively without very large amounts of information. That is why other storage media such as Data Lakes are used.
  • Data analysis. Tools for analyzing data are also provided. There are tools for reporting, analytics using Machine Learning and other technologies.
  • Software in the cloud. There is the possibility of programming in different languages using cloud services. There are platforms to upload the code and websites.
  • Data Integration Services. Services such as AWS Glue, Google Cloud Data Fusion and Azure Data Factory among others, are services that allow you to integrate data. That is, copying data from one database to another or to a text file, moving data from a Data Lake to a database, etc.
  • Network Services. Networking services help connect on-premise applications with cloud applications. These services provide connectivity, security, and scalability. Some services offer gateways between the local network and the cloud. There is also the Virtual Network Gateway service. It connects the virtual network and the cloud. Another common service is the Load Balancer which distributes traffic between servers. There are also other Networking services such as application links, traffic handlers, etc.
  • Other Services. There are an infinite number of cloud services such as Machine Learning, AI, IoT…

How Cloud Computing Works

Saving is important. Instead of spending money on a good server or infrastructure, you may directly rent these cloud computing services. While the costs of renting cloud services from major vendors like Azure, AWS, and Google may seem high for small and medium-sized businesses, there are savings in staff.

A smaller team of IT professionals is required to maintain applications in the cloud. No time is wasted on hardware or many other aspects of security. While cloud service providers are not 100% responsible for security, much of the responsibility lies with them. They take care of the replications, of changing the hardware. Through a simple payment you may make your database server support more people connected simultaneously. That, in a local environment, would imply the purchase of new expensive servers and migrating information from one place to another.

Changing old hard drives, renewing servers, hardware problems, all of that is solved with the cloud, where you no longer have to worry about that aspect. Basically, it’s paying for the service and using it.

Services available

Some basic services are Microsoft 365 offering MS Word in the cloud, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote, Publisher and Teams among other cloud applications. For example, documents in Excel are no longer saved on the hard drive but in the cloud. That is, on Microsoft Azure, servers to which you connect from your machine using the Internet.

Google offers Google Workspace which is similar to Microsoft 365. For example, it provides Google Sheets (a kind of online Excel), Google Docs (similar to MS Word), Gmail (similar to Outlook for emails), Google Slides (similar to MS PowerPoint).

Here are some of the many applications in the cloud. However, the cloud goes much further. It can offer Windows Servers, Linux. Databases of all kinds, whether relational or NoSQL, analytics services, IoT, Devops, websites, application programming platform, data analytics service, Machine Learning, APIs, cloud software and much more.

Examples of Cloud Computing

In everyday life we have been using cloud services for a long time. For example, Hotmail was the first service to use cloud technology. The concept of the cloud was not used then, but emails were stored on remote servers. Then came Yahoo’s mail services, Gmail.

Eventually Microsoft 365 arrived where it was already possible to use Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc. using cloud technology. Then with AWS, Azure, Google Cloud and other providers, there are endless cloud services already mentioned above.

Source of the term Cloud Computing

Many people ask: what is the cloud? The term cloud computing is actually a metaphor. Since the 1960s, a cloud has been used to represent networks. Since 2000, the word has become popular and in a way indicates that the network is in heaven. That is, it is not within your physical reach but in another place that you may access through the internet.

History of Cloud Computing

As early as the 1960s, to represent networks, a cloud was used to represent them when they were connected to computers. However, it was not until the 1990s that the term began to be used to describe software as a service (SaaS). Through the service, machines connected to the internet without having to manage it from their computers.

However, the term became popular starting in 2000 with the rise of virtual machines and network computing. Cloud computing encompasses the multiple services offered on the network.

Importance of the Cloud

Large companies are taking their chances on the cloud. Microsoft for example upgraded its technology certifications to the cloud. The technologies located in the physical company have already been removed from the list of Microsoft certifications. Amazon on the other hand started in the cloud and was a pioneer. The trend is to spend less on an IT team and spend more on the rental of cloud services. Every year, the use of cloud services will grow more. According to Gartner, in 2025, 51% of IT services spending. They will be invested in the cloud.

Leading Cloud Providers

The following table shows the top cloud service providers and their market percentage:


market percentage

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

33,3 %

Microsoft Azure

21,1 %

Google Cloud

9,2 %


8,4 %

IBM Cloud

6,5 %


5,9 %

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)

4,7 %


3,1 %

As it can be seen in the table, AWS remains the leader and Microsoft maintains a second place. Google is in third place.

Key Elements of Cloud Computing

There are several types of services, which are IaaS, PaaS and SaaS. Below, we describe each one:

  • IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) provides access to cloud services such as servers, storage, and networking. In this type of service, users are responsible for installing, configuring and managing the software and applications that are used.
  • PaaS (Platform as a Service) provides a complete platform for developing, running, and managing applications. In Paas, users are responsible for developing the application, however, the cloud provider is responsible for the underlying infrastructure and services.
  • SaaS (Software as a Service) provides access to complete applications over the Internet. The user does not have to install or manage the software, as all this is handled by the cloud provider.

Multi-Cloud Computing

Large companies usually choose to purchase different services from different cloud service providers. It is very common for a company to have services in Microsoft, Google and AWS. This is due to different factors such as price, IT service technical skills, some special offers from vendors, etc. Fortunately, major vendors are not very different from each other in their services.

Benefits of Cloud Computing

The main benefit is that users will not waste time on hardware maintenance, buying hardware, scaling and migrating servers. Business and IT teams will focus on business and applications. They’re not going to waste a lot of time on computer installations and configurations.

Advantages and disadvantages of Cloud Computing

As advantages, we already talked about a work reduction in software installation, security, installation time and hardware purchase. However, we hardly talked about the disadvantages.

In many cases, they are very expensive services. It is very common to hear jokes from people who say they went bankrupt for forgetting to turn off cloud servers. And there are services so expensive that they are paid by the hour, which, if you forget to turn them off, the cost increases considerably.

For example, suppose you have a cloud service that costs $100 an hour. $800 per day for 8 hours of use. However, imagine that the employee who uses it, forgot to turn off the machine in the cloud, that can make the service charge you $2,400 a day instead of $800. Another problem is that staff must be trained because if a hacker gets in the cloud, they can access all business information, which would make your company and its computers utterly vulnerable.

Widespread Adoption of Cloud Computing

There is a clear upward trend in the use of cloud services. In 2020, according to Gartner, 20% of the workload was handled by the cloud. In 2023, this figure doubled. Despite increased competition from cloud providers, the demand for cloud services and the benefits of companies offering these services are steadily increasing.

Challenges and Future of Cloud Computing

There are several challenges of cloud computing. IoT, or the internet of things, handles sensors. One may detect for example the status of the machines, maintain inventory, review production, track products. The use of cloud APIs, artificial intelligence services, is increasing. The cloud provides quite a few services and these are constantly increasing.


Cloud computing offers a host of services such as: data analysis, artificial intelligence services, web pages, application server, development platforms, DevOps and lots of others. The trend is to migrate much of the on-premise infrastructure to the cloud.

Telegram Notifications: Pandora FMS

For environments where you have the need to know immediately if any issues arise, such as production environments, security or critical resources of your company, this Pandora FMS integration with Telegram is absolutely perfect, as it is the answer to that required immediacy, as well as the possibility of offering exact information about the location and cause of the problem, thanks to the powerful Pandora FMS system of alerts and macros.

Likewise, being a messaging service based on telephone communications through the data network, it guarantees your technicians, managers and on-call operators that they will find out aboutany problem at the exact moment it appears, without the need to access a computer or manually check their email.

Thanks to the plugins of your library and the flexible alert system offered by Pandora FMS, we will show you how to configure your monitoring tool to send instant messages whenever a problem is detected.

First of all, you must start from the necessary environment, whose requirements are:

  • Pandora FMS environment running on Linux, in this case we will use Rocky Linux 8, the distribution recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Our library plugin: Telegram bot CLI.
  • Telegram account available to be used as a broadcaster for alert messages.

Bot creation

First of all, create the Telegram bot that will be in charge of sending messages. From the Telegram account you wish to use, you will have to interact with the user BotFather using the “/start”command:

Then use the comman “/newbot” to create your bot.

It will ask you for the name you wish your bot to have. Here specify the name you wish for your bot. It is important for the name to end with “bot”, for example Pandora_FMS_telegram_bot.

By sending you the name, if it is not in use, it will confirm that the bot was properly created, with a link to your chat and give you a Token that is important for you to save to set up the alert later.

Group Setup

Now enter the bot that you just created in an existing group you may have or a new one that you create, to receive your alerts.

The next step is to add another bot called GetIDs Bot to the same group in order to get the group identifier. By adding it, it will leave you a message with the ID of your group, and you should also take note of that for later.

With all of this you will already have your Telegram ready to receive alerts.

Integration with Pandora FMS (versions 773 and earlier)

First you should start by downloading our plugin Telegram bot CLI.

It will download a zip file called, which you should decompress.
Inside, you will find a file called “” which must be added to your Pandora FMS server in the path “/usr/share/pandora_server/util/plugin”.

Now, from the terminal of your server, install the Python3 dependencies (if you do not already have them) by means of the command “dnf install python3”:

Once installed, run the plugin to verify that it is running, through the command “python /usr/share/pandora_server/util/plugin/”:

We will now move on to Pandora FMS server console.
Go to the “Management > Alerts > Commands” section and click “Create”:

And set up your alert command as follows:

On command, type in the following:

/usr/share/pandora_server/util/plugin/ -t _field1_ -c _field2_ -m “_field3_”

The command that we will use is for executing the plugin that you downloaded, with the arguments -t, -c and -m. It is important for the argument -m to be enclosed in quotation marks “”.

  • In the field of argument -t, Bot Token, enter the token of your bot.
  • In the field of argument -c, Chat ID, enter the ID of the group that bot “GetIDs Bot” provided you with.
  • And in the -m field, Alert Message, enter the alert message that you want your bot to send to the group. You may use all the alert macros you need, some examples are:
    • _module_: Name of the module that triggered the alert.
    • _agentalias_: Alias of the agent that triggered the alert.
    • _modulestatus_: Status of the module when the alert was triggered.
    • _agentstatus_: Status of the agent when the alert was triggered.
    • _data_: Data of the module that triggered the alert.
    • _timestamp_: Time and date the alert was triggered.

For example, you could use this message (which we will enter in field3): “The module _module_ of agent _agentalias_ has changed to _modulestatus_ status”


Once all this is filled in, click “Create”.

Now access the “Management > Alerts > Actions” section of your Pandora FMS console and click “Create” to create your action.

Enter the name you want your action to have, select the group, the alert command that you created previously and choose a Threshold. All the fields will be filled in automatically and click “Create”:

Now access the “Management > Alerts > List of Alerts” section and configure the alert for the Agent and Module you want.

In this case select that when the “Host Alive” Module of the “Router” agent goes into critical state, your previously created “Telegram Message” action will be executed:

If your module goes into critical state, you will receive this message to your Telegram group:

When your alert recovers you will receive a message like this:

Integration with Pandora FMS (versions 774 and later)

In version v7.0NG.774, the Telegram plugin of your library has been added by default to Pandora FMS alert, with a standard basic configuration.

If you access the Management > Alerts > Commands section, you will have a command called “Pandora Telegram”:

When accessing it, you will see that the command that will execute your alert is already configured.
Fill the -t “TOKEN” parameter of the command with the token given to you by BotFather and save the command:

After this, access the Management > Alerts > Actions section and access Pandora Telegram action.
At the bottom, add the Chat ID of your group that gave you the bot “GetIDs Bot” In the Triggering and Recovery sections, you may modify the message to your liking using the alert macro as you saw previously, and click “Update”:

Once saved, enter the Alert List menu from Management > Alerts > List of Alerts and create a new alert.
Select the agent and module, the action you updated “Pandora Telegram”, the template you want and create the alert:

Once your alert is triggered, you will receive your message by Telegram:

Sending alerts with data graphs

In our integration of Pandora FMS alerts and Telegram, you may add to the message a graph with the latest data of the module that triggered the alert, this applies both for version 773 and earlier and for 774 and later. You will be able to send graphs in your alerts by adding a call to the API of your Pandora FMS server to the script you used previously.

The first step that you must configure on your server is access to Pandora FMS API in the “Setup > Setup > General Setup” section, in the “API password” field you will have the API password and in the “IP list with API access” enter the IPs that need access or you may provide access to any IP (*).

Now edit the command that you had previously created to add the necessary data to send the graph. You need to add the following parameters:

  • –api_conf: Here indicate the configuration parameters of the API of your server, it is important to fill in the fields ” < >“:
    Example: “user=admin,pass=pandora,api_pass=1234,api_url=”
  • –module_graph: Parameters of the module from which you will retrieve the graph, in this case there is two of them:
    • module_id: Where the ID of the module that triggered the alert is entered. In this case use the alert macro_id_module_ so that it is always filled in with the module ID of the alert.
    • interval: Total time interval shown in the graph, in seconds. We will use 3600 seconds by default, the equivalent of 60 minutes or 1 hour but you may configure the interval that best suits you.

The resulting full command will be as follows:


And field configuration:

And save the changes.

When the alert is triggered, you will receive the message with the data graph of your module:

Keys to integrate IT support and manage your after-sales service better

We are all aware of the importance of attracting new customers for business growth purposes, but focusing solely on this goal is not actually the best decision. Delivering quality customer service is also key to success. For that reason, many companies that sell their products or services over the Internet have decided to implement an after-sales support service as a fundamental part of their business.

How to make yourself stand out among your competitors with a good after-sales support service?

More than a century ago, the Japanese businessman and philosopher Konosuke Matsushita, known for being the founder of Panasonic and one of the promoters of the “Japanese economic miracle”, laid the foundations of a revolutionary business philosophy for his time. Matsushita was based on concepts such as social contribution, teamwork, customer focus and technological innovation as differentiating factors. He wrote several works throughout his life, projecting his particular vision on business and society. Regarding after-sales support, he was of the opinion that: “After-sales service is more important than assistance before the sale, because it is through this service that permanent customers are achieved.”

These regular customers can really become your best brand ambassadors, so they should be pampered, so that they feel satisfied and share their positive experiences or make new purchases and hires.

How to offer a customer-centric after-sales service?

One of the biggest difficulties that companies encounter when managing customer service is how to convey closeness and proximity in a service as automated as IT support and offered remotely?

In the past, when there was no Internet, customers had to call a call center to solve their doubts or report any problems. Today, IT support centers use tools like chatbots that save human teams a lot of time. The use of these virtual assistants grew dramatically during the pandemic, allowing companies to respond to very high activity peaks and continue to offer 24/7 services.

However, by returning to normal, users are demanding a more conversational and less transactional customer service. Most of them rate chatbots positively as a way to get quick answers to their questions, but they don’t want machine interactions to completely replace people. For example, McKinsey’s “Next in Personality 2021” report reveals that 71% of customers expect businesses to offer custom interactions and 76% get frustrated when this doesn’t happen.

Finding the perfect balance between automation and human support is vital to offer a fast, efficient after-sales support service based on customer needs. You cannot swim against the tide or try to put a brake on digitization. On the contrary, we must rely on the advantages of technology by integrating it into the company’s IT support to access information in a unified way and know which requests can be automated and which need personalized attention.

How to integrate the IT support center to provide customers with good after-sales service?

IT support center integration needs to be planned carefully to ensure orderly and efficient business workflow.

Some essential steps for a successful integration are as follows.

Implementing a service management system (ITSM)

To manage any type of incident or complaint, it is essential to have a structured framework in which the policies to be followed by the support department are defined.

Professionals in this area are responsible for coordinating IT services with business goals. In addition, they train the team and define which tasks can be automated.

Create an IT support infrastructure

Companies that receive a high volume of requests may be in critical situations if they don’t have the tools that allow them to create dynamic workflows.

In this sense email is a painful management tool since it does not allow you to do things as basic as prioritizing important requests, keeping track of them, or escalating them to a higher level when the frontline support team is not able to solve them.

If you try to offer an after-sales support service through this means, you will soon see that the email inbox becomes saturated until it becomes a catch-all. No employee will know where to start!

Do you already know about Pandora ITSM Ticketing Helpdesk? This tool is all you need to make things easier for the support team and build customer loyalty.

As the name suggests, Ticketing Helpdesk works through a ticketing system. Each time a customer makes a request through the platform, a new ticket is opened with their data, date and subject of the incident.

Tickets are automatically cataloged according to their status: new, pending, solved, etc. You may also prioritize those that require immediate action, define automation rules or transfer complex cases that could not be solved to higher support levels.

Helpdesk Ticketing is a flexible tool and ready to work in an omnichannel environment. It can be easily integrated with other IT infrastructure tools such as project managers or CRM, to avoid process redundancy and take advantage of all the information available to improve the operation of other departments and the after-sales service itself.

Use the information collected to optimize customer service

As already mentioned, Ticketing Helpdesk collects query data, analyzes it and generates custom reports with relevant information such as:

  • Number of tickets closed
  • Number of tickets that remain open
  • Average ticket resolution time
  • Most common incidents
  • Performance of each agent (customer feedback)
  • Tickets that were escalated to higher levels

Keeping track of these metrics is very useful to know the long-term performance of the service and detect possible anomalies that would go unnoticed when analyzing isolated data.

It also ensures compliance with contractual agreements related to the service (SLA) such as downtime and support response capacity (for example, resolution of incidents in 24 hours). Respecting these agreements is important for building customer trust. In addition, non-compliance involves financial compensation that companies must assume. With the Helpdesk tool you may manage this key information and create automatic alerts if the service remains inactive for a long time.

Finally, in addition to automatic reporting, Pandora ITSM Ticketing Helpdesk also collects information from satisfaction surveys that users may answer by email or via a web form. It is a reliable way to know if the service is working as expected and the agents in charge of the support area effectively solve customer problems.

Still unsure whether Pandora ITMS will meet your expectations?

Try it for free for 30 days. You do not need a credit card, only advanced knowledge in the IT area and some free time to become familiar with all its features.

What is Service Desk and how does it help IT departments?

What is Service Desk and how does it help IT departments?

Skilled IT leaders understand that consistent and sustainable growth comes with a number of significant challenges.

Developing IT growth requires a cohesive strategy that aligns perfectly with the engine of that operation:

And that is Service Desk, the undisputed main character of this journey.

Does the support strategy set the foundation of business growth?

A solid support strategy not only guarantees the success of the company, but becomes an essential piece for its survival in a competitive environment.

Technological evolution has given a new dimension to the meaning of growth in the IT field.

In the constant search for innovative strategies to drive their development, IT leaders recognize the indisputable importance of technology in the evolution of a company.

Within this context, support and customer service present themselves as crucial elements to enable a company to:

  1. Keep the continuity of its operations.
  2. Optimize the productivity of their user and customer base.
  3. Fulfill their commitments.
  4. Encourage customer loyalty.

Business optimization through remote support: Savings and efficiency

Time, a sometimes priceless resource, reaffirms its position as the most valuable asset in business management.

In the art of managing time efficiently, lies the potential of saving considerable sums of money, since processes are streamlined and executed in fewer hours.

In this context, the use of remote support tools makes a tangible difference.

If we compare Traditional Support and Remote Support, we will soon reveal the impact of our choice in terms of costs.

Based on an analysis conducted by the Help Desk Institute, the financial disparity between solving an incident at the physical site and addressing it remotely is evident.

Although these data come from the United States, their usefulness as a reference for savings estimates around the globe is unquestionable:

Deploying remote support can reduce costs per ticket by a staggering 69%!

Damn wise Yankees!

Optimize your Service Desk: Cost reduction through Mean Operating Time (MOT)

Your Information Technology (IT) Department usually houses a series of indicators that trace the pulse of the support strategy implemented.

Among these indicators, the Average Handle Time (AHT) stands out.

This metric reveals the average length of time a support analyst works on a Service Desk ticket.

There is a correlation between the cost per ticket and the associated management time.

The speed in solving a ticket translates into a decrease in the related cost.

Every minute spent by an agent has an economic value, so solving it in 20 minutes is different from solving it in 40 minutes.

Likewise, the difference between a problem being solved at the first level or needing to be escalated to a higher level specialist has an impact on expenses, given that salaries vary markedly.

Thus, the First Call Resolution and First Level Resolution metrics determine the duration of ticket management and, consequently, the associated costs.

The approach of solving more tickets at the first contact with the customer, and addressing incidents from the initial support levels, entails unavoidably a reduction in the cost per ticket, a strategy that leads to considerable savings.

Remote support tools: The catalyst for efficiency and savings

The Corporate Remote Support capability is an essential tool for support departments, enabling them to securely and remotely connect to customer devices and equipment.

The premise is clear.

Take note:

Streamline incident management and safeguard the continuity of IT services and business operations

Within this context, one of the most valuable levers offered by a corporate remote support tool lies in its ability to reduce support costs, improving the Average Operating Time per ticket metric.

Are you looking to enhance efficiency in customer service?
Here comes the art of solving in the First Contact

Well, the time has come to focus on the First Call Resolution metric.

This indicator reflects the percentage of cases that are solved on the first contact between the customer and the Service Desk.

You need an accurate and structured solution with which you may quickly diagnose the incident, discarding of course outdated methods and taking an approach to accelerate support in a practical and efficient way.

If it is necessary to escalate the case to an advanced level technician, you must have a function that ensures that the solving process continues in the first interaction with the customer.

This approach avoids interruptions in the call or chat with the customer, as well as pausing the ticket and registering all the notes of the first contact, among other cumbersome tasks.

With this solution, the process is sped up by inviting the relevant technician, allowing the problem to be addressed immediately.

Imagine the significant time saved by smoothly inviting the right technician, resulting in successful resolution in the first interaction.

Shift-Left strategy: Key to reducing costs and freeing up resources in IT

One of the most notable trends in the Service Desk domain is the ongoing implementation of a “shift-left” strategy.

In the current era, the generation and maintenance of a competitive advantage is inseparable from this continuous improvement.

Let’s go back a second to the previous point and get deductive:

The hourly cost of specialist technicians far exceeds that of tier 1 analysts.

If we look at the average cost of solving tickets according to the support level in America, the disparity between the resolution at the first level (22 USD) and at the third level (104 USD) is evident.

This difference becomes almost five times higher.

Therefore, by focusing on strengthening the shift-left strategy and seeking to solve a higher number of tickets from the initial support levels, we will achieve two vital goals:

  1. Reducing costs per ticket: This action directly contributes to optimizing operating expenses.
  2. Freeing up high-value resources: By decreasing the burden on advanced technicians, they are given more time to engage in high-impact activities within the IT department.

So the remote support tool emerges from the waters as an invaluable ally to take the shift-left strategy to new heights.


In the technological maelstrom in which we live, great IT leaders have discovered that constant growth demands facing formidable challenges.

That’s when the Service Desk shines as an essential pivot.

We explored how support strategies shape the corporate expansion landscape and how remote assistance becomes an effective pillar for the evolution of the Service Desk.

Savings and efficiency rooted in these practices are not just goals, but tangible realities.

What’s the moral of the story?

Of course, this is a great article:

In cosmic ballet, time is the undisputed protagonist.

Smart investment in remote support tools not only cuts expenses, but adds seconds to the dance, unlocking untapped potential.

Thus, the road to optimization is paved with savings and smiles.

The clock is ticking, and we, with ingenuity, are speeding towards tomorrow!


Would you like to find out more about how Pandora FMS can help you?

What is remote access? An open door to productivity and flexibility

What is remote access and how has it transformed work dynamics around the world? Let’s dive in, explore and discover together how this innovative practice has reshaped conventional work structures and opened up a whole range of possibilities!

What is remote access?

Remote access or remote connection, itself, is a virtual portal that links your work tasks to the physical location of your choice. Instead of being tethered to a boring desk in an office, this technology allows workers to access computer systems, files, and resources from anywhere with an Internet connection.
*Picture wearing your swimsuit and typing from the Maldives.
At the heart of this revolution is the ability to interact with platforms and data through virtual interfaces, which blurs the boundaries between the traditional grid office and a more flexible work environment (and with the possibility of an afternoon at the beach bar!).

What is remote access for?

The function of remote access transcends the limits of mere convenience. It has proven to be a crucial tool for companies and workers in different circumstances. During exceptional times, such as that global pandemic, that everyone seems to have forgotten, the way we worked as we knew it changed completely. In fact, this technology became a lifeline for business continuity. A notable example is in Spain, a large and free country, where the adoption of teleworking spiked surprisingly, with 80% of companies implementing remote access to maintain productivity in the midst of chaos.

Remote connection: Go beyond geographical borders

As it is obvious, the impact of remote access is not limited to a single region. Colombia, for example, has experienced a staggering 400% increase in the number of remote workers compared to previous years. This underlines and highlights how the adoption of this practice has transcended geographical borders and has become an essential step in the transformation of the working world.

Safe remote access: A tool for security and collaboration

In a scenario where cybersecurity is a constant priority, remote access rises as a neat yet elegant solution. For those who handle sensitive or valuable information, this method provides a safe alternative to local storage on personal devices. By authenticating on enterprise platforms, workers can access data without compromising their integrity or that of the company. Security, therefore, becomes one of the indisputable advantages of remote access. Peer collaboration is enhanced by remote access, as physical barriers are no longer obstacles to communication and teamwork. Video conferencing and task management tools can be activated with ease, enabling interaction and workflow no matter the distance. Remote access technology also plays a vital role in correcting errors and delivering important projects. Even if team members are not physically present, their contribution can flow consistently and effectively, ensuring project efficiency and responsiveness in the ever-changing world of work.

Labor productivity: Transforming business dynamics

In the fabric of the work evolution, remote access has become a common thread that unites productivity with flexibility at work. As we explore this revolutionary practice further, the many benefits it offers to businesses and their workers, as well as the fundamentals of how it works, are revealed. Remote access not only redefines the way we work, but it also drives unparalleled business efficiency. Among its most notable benefits, there are substantial time and money savings. While the initial investment in remote access software may seem like an expense, financial and operational rewards are significant. By getting rid of commuting time, workers can quickly immerse themselves in their tasks, while businesses save on electricity and supply costs. The virtual office stands as a sustainable and economic alternative, where it is only necessary to turn on a computer or tablet, enter the credentials and be ready to work.

Components and operation

Remote access is built on the convergence of three key elements:

  1. Software.
  2. Hardware.
  3. Network connectivity.

Currently, these items are routinely synchronized through a Virtual Private Network (VPN)which creates a safe link between users and systems through wired network interfaces, Wi-Fi connections, or even the Internet. The VPN plays a momentous role in establishing a connection between individual users and private networks. Once the user enters the software, it encrypts the data traffic before directing it through the Wi-Fi network. This process is known as a “VPN tunnel”, which ensures the privacy of the flow of information. The data is then decrypted and sent to the specific private network. For this process to be successful, both the computer from which the user connects and the one seeking access must be equipped with compatible communication software. Once the user connects to the remote host, access is granted to a virtual desktop that replicates the conventional work environment.

Successful implementation of remote access

The journey to a successful implementation of remote access in an enterprise is an exciting journey that requires meticulous planning and attention to detail. As you embark on this journey, here are four key tips that will guide you through a smooth and safe transition.

1. Training

Training is the foundation upon which a successful implementation of remote access is built. Providing your employees with a clear understanding of how it works and how to use it effectively is essential. An organized approach, planned by areas and departments, ensures that everyone is on the same page. By encouraging open communication, doubts can be solved and obstacles overcome more easily. Remember that an investment in training not only boosts productivity, but it can also increase the company’s profit margin by 24%.

2. The right tools

Equipping your employees with the necessary tools is a crucial step. Make sure everyone has a desktop or laptop with the remote access software installed. It’s critical to check your team’s preferences and provide viable alternatives. Each contributor must have a user configured with VPN connectivity to ensure safe access.

3. Remote access security

Security is the pillar that underpins any successful company. *Safety and the coffee machine. In the world of remote access, it is reinforced by two-factor authentication. This multi-factor authentication approach adds an additional layer of protection, reducing vulnerability to security breaches and information leaks. Options such as physical token, mobile phone authentication, or biometrics, such as fingerprinting, are effective ways to ensure that only authorized people have access to sensitive information.

4. Connectivity

The safe and efficient connectivity is the backbone, which is not a pillar, we have already used that analogy before, of a successful implementation of remote access. Installing a wireless access point backed by a robust firewall is a critical step. Leading enterprise firewalls not only protect against cyber threats, but also offer advanced capabilities such as network monitoring and support for mobile connections. These firewalls can be a vital defense to ensure information integrity and maintain operational continuity.

Exploring the Horizon: Remote access tools

As you get deeper into deploying remote access, there is a world of tools available to make this change effective and beneficial for your organization. Compiling a list of options and comparing their features can help you make informed decisions. Each tool has its own advantages, so it’s important to find the one that fits the size of your company, the number of collaborators, and the type of industry you’re in.

We advise you Pandora RC

As a culmination of our exploration in the world of remote access, we present a revolutionary solution that simplifies and enhances this essential practice:
Pandora RC, a computer management system that supports MS Windows®, GNU/Linux ® and Mac OS®, is the bridge that connects users with their computers anywhere and at any time, all through a web browser and without the need for direct connectivity. Rooted in careful planning and effective implementation, Pandora RCreveals its magic with a simple process. Before you can remotely access a device, you need to install an agent and register it on the central Pandora RC server. This process requires a valid user on the platform. Once the agent is configured with a user and activated, it will be provisioned and ready for remote connection.
The user portal will display the provisioned devices, each identified with a unique Key ID. This identifier, designed for accurate identification, ensures collaboration between users and enables efficient tracking in internal inventory systems.

Safety is critical at Pandora RC.
Each agent can have an individual password configured during installation or later. This password is interactively entered at each access, ensuring that sensitive information is protected and not stored on Pandora RC central servers. Pandora RC architecture ensures seamless connectivity. Agents connect to servers on the internet, and if necessary, they can be configured to use a proxy in case they cannot connect directly.


In a world where technology transcends boundaries and creates new horizons, remote access stands as an open door to productivity and flexibility. This concept has transformed global labor dynamics, blurring physical barriers and redefining how and where we work. Remote access has proven its vitality in exceptional situations, as it did in the pandemic and will do so in the apocalypse, by maintaining business continuity and enabling businesses to thrive in changing environments. From Spain to Colombia, mass adoption has marked a milestone in labor evolution, showing how collaboration and efficiency know no geographical boundaries. Security, a constant concern in the digital age, is addressed with advanced authentication and encryption solutions in remote access. In addition, this practice makes remote collaboration easier, driving seamless videoconferencing and workflows.
The successful implementation of remote access requires training, adequate tool supply, enhanced security, and robust connectivity. This process can be catalyzed by solutions such as Pandora RC, which has taken the remote access experience to the next level, democratizing the connection with machines and getting rid of location limitations. Ultimately, remote access not only changes the way we work, but redefines efficiency, security, and collaboration in today’s workplace landscape. A digital revolution that invites us to navigate towards a future where productivity has no borders and flexibility is the standard.

Want to learn more about Pandora RC?

9 ChatOps tips your team should adopt today

9 ChatOps tips your team should adopt today

Increase team collaboration quality and speed in emergencies with Pandora FMS and ilert’s ChatOps features

Pandora FMS is an excellent monitoring system that helps collect data, detect anomalies, and monitor devices, infrastructures, applications, and business processes. However, more than monitoring alone is needed to manage the entire incident lifecycle. ilert complements Pandora FMS by adding alerting and incident management capabilities. While Pandora FMS detects anomalies, ilert ensures that the right people are notified and can take action quickly. This combination helps reduce the mean time to resolution (MTTR) and minimize the business’s impact.

While Pandora FMS and ilert are reliable and robust foundations for your system’s resilience, the magic of team collaboration and real-people decisions happens in chats. This trio of tools is indispensable in today’s business world. In this article, we will provide practical recommendations on evolving your ChatOps and enhancing the speed and quality of incident response.

What exactly is ChatOps?

ChatOps is a model that connects people, tools, processes, and automation into a transparent workflow. This flow typically centers around chat applications and includes bots, plugins, and other add-ons to automate tasks and display information.

As a model, ChatOps means that all team communication and core actions are taking place right in a chat tool, which eliminates the need to switch between the services and makes it possible to orchestrate the work from one platform. As there is a variety of chat tools on the market, there are, for sure, two of the most commonly used among IT teams. Those are Slack and Microsoft Teams. As for the available data, they have 18 million and 270 million users, respectively, and those numbers are growing consistently for both companies.

As there is a wide variety of implementations of the ChatOps model to everyday work, we will concentrate specifically on how to manage incidents through ChatOps.

ChatOps and Incident Management: What is it all about?

The fusion of monitoring and incident management platforms with ChatOps is a manifestation of modern IT operations aiming to optimize efficiency, speed, and collaboration. By marrying these paradigms, organizations can capitalize on the strengths of the tools, leading to streamlined incident resolution and enhanced operational visibility.

At the core of ChatOps lies real-time collaboration. When an incident arises, time is of the essence. Integrating ChatOps with an incident management platform ensures that all team members—be it developers, support, or management—are immediately aware of the incident. They can then collaboratively diagnose, discuss, and strategize on remediation steps right within the chat environment. This kind of instant cross-team collaboration reduces resolution time, ensuring minimal service disruption.

Here are other advantages that integrated ChatOps provides in times of incident response.

Centralized information flow

ChatOps can funnel alerts, diagnostics, and other relevant data from various sources into a single chat channel. This consolidation prevents context-switching between tools and ensures everyone has access to the same information.

Team awareness

Everyone involved in the incident response has a shared view of the situation. This shared context reduces miscommunication and ensures everyone is aligned on the incident’s status and the response strategy.

Detailed overview

Every action taken, command executed, and message sent in a chat environment is logged and timestamped.


With each chat action being attributed to a team member, there’s clear accountability for every decision and command. This is especially valuable in post-incident reviews to understand roles and contributions during the incident.


Through chat commands, responders can trigger predefined automated workflows. This can range from querying the status of a system to initiating recovery processes, thereby speeding up resolution and reducing manual efforts.


With many ChatOps platforms being available on both desktop and mobile, responders can participate in incident management even when away from their primary workstation, ensuring that expertise is accessible anytime, anywhere.

9 Tips on How to Squeeze Maximum out of ChatOps in Times of Incidents

ChatOps provides a synergistic environment that combines communication, automation, and tool integration, elevating the efficacy and efficiency of incident response. But what exactly do teams need to uncover the full potential of their chats?

We won’t dive deep into instructions on how to connect Pandora FMS with the ilert incident management platform, but you can find related information in Pandora FMS Module Library and a step-by-step guide in ilert documentation. Find below a list of best ChatOps practices for organizing your workflow when an alert is received.

ilert - Pandora FMS

ilert - Pandora FMS

Use dedicated channels

Create dedicated channels for specific incidents or monitoring alerts. This helps to keep the conversation focused and avoids cluttering general channels. And don’t forget to set a clear name for those channels. In ilert, the pre-build title includes the name of the monitoring tool and the automatically generated number of an alert, for example, pandorafms_alert_6182268.

Allow users to report incidents via your chat tool

Enable all users to report incidents through Slack or Microsoft Teams using pre-set alert sources for each channel. This approach empowers teams to have a structured method for reporting concerns related to the services they offer within their dedicated channels.

Decide on what channels should be private

Most chat tools provide functionality to create public channels that are searchable across an organization and can be viewed by all team members, and private where only specific people can be invited. Here are a few reasons why you might want to create a private channel:

  • Sensitive data exposure. Such as personal identification information (PII), financial data, or proprietary company information.

  • Security breaches. In the event of a cyberattack or security compromise, it’s important to limit knowledge about the incident to a specialized team. This prevents unnecessary panic and ensures that potential adversaries don’t gain insights from public discussions. You can read more on how to prevent data breaches in the article “Cyber Hygiene: Preventing Data Breaches.”

  • High-stakes incidents. If the incident has potential grave repercussions for the organization, such as significant financial impact or regulatory implications, it’s beneficial to restrict the discussion to key stakeholders to ensure controlled and effective communication.

  • Avoiding speculations. Public channels can sometimes lead to uncontrolled speculations or rumors. It’s best to keep discussions private for serious incidents until the facts are clear and an official narrative is decided upon.


Keep all communication in one place

Ensure that all decisions made during the incident are documented in the chat. This assists in post-incident reviews.

Pin important messages

Use pinning features to highlight essential updates, decisions, statuses, or resources so they’re easy for anyone to find.

Keep stakeholders informed

Ensure you keep your team in the loop and update all incident communication, including public and private status pages, in time.

Use chats in post-mortem creation

The real-time chat logs in ChatOps capture a chronological record of events, discussions, decisions, and actions. During a post-mortem creation, teams can review this combined dataset to construct a comprehensive incident timeline. Such a detailed account aids in pinpointing root causes, identifying process bottlenecks, and highlighting effective and ineffective response strategies.

Regularly clean up and archive

To maintain organization and reduce clutter, regularly archive old channels or conversations that are no longer relevant. Avoiding numerous channels in your list will also speed you up when the next incident occurs.

Provide regular training for all team members

The more familiar your team is with tools, alert structure, chat options, and features, the quicker you will be when the time comes. Trigger test alerts and conduct incident learning sessions so that everyone involved knows their role in the incident response cycle.

Alerting with ilert by Pandora FMS

ilert - Pandora FMS

Why use ilert with Pandora FMS?

There are notification options in a monitoring application as flexible as Pandora FMS, but regardless of how many options it includes, it is not a specific application to cover the complexity of the notification flows of a complex organization, which requires integrating many systems that generate notifications. It is not the same detecting a process down, receiving an asynchronous event through a WEB API or processing an email, just to mention three possible alert sources in a complex environment. Pandora FMS is good at monitoring and there are hundreds of plugins published in Pandora FMS public module library.

In addition, receiving an email or SMS is easy today, now the complex thing is to provide each user with their favorite notification system (SMS, email, voice call, Whatsapp, Telegram) and for the configuration to be fast, easy and centralized. Anything is possible, but it takes time and is subject to failure. Do you want the notification to fail because an API changed? Can you really afford not to receive a notification?

That’s why ilert makes the most sense to you.

It is not because Pandora FMS cannot send notifications directly, it is because sometimes you just need to implement a convergence of notifications from other sources, sometimes you do not have time to implement the complexity of a complex notification workflow that includes push technologies such as Whatsapp or Telegram and you may want to delegate this to a specialized cloud provider, such as ilert.

For all purposes, ilert works as a notification funnelthat collects all notifications from different sources, once received, and thanks to a very complete scaling system, workflow rules, group/user system and notifications, it develops all necessary actions, regardless of the notification sources, their format, frequency or structure.

ilert can also be integrated with your ITSM or used to enrich alerts. It can also be integrated with Pandora ITSM.

Setup in 5 minutes

Signing up for ilert takes less than 30 seconds. The next step is to configure users to receive different types of notifications: voice call, SMS, Whatsapp, Telegram or email. From this account you may receive notifications from Pandora FMS or from a script, from another application or from workflows as manual and wide ranging as receiving an email. The API in ilert is flexible, simple, and allows you to get your project up and running in minutes.

Setting up the user (and how you want to receive notifications)

The first thing is to configure a user (if you already have one created, configure/enable the different notification methods). Let’s look at this example, where email sending (by default), SMS, voice calls and Whatsapp are configured:

ilert - Pandora FMS

To activate each of the systems, it will ask you to activate it. To do it through Whatsapp, it notifies you through your cell phone to ask for confirmation, and you just have to click. The same goes for voice calls, SMS, email, etc. You don’t have to install or do anything.

ilert - Pandora FMS

Each user has their own notification systems. User groups (teams) can be created and groups can be notified. There is the possibility of creating rules for notification, scaling, etc. The power of ilert lies in how it manages notifications from third parties.

The notification “order” or priority is established in the notification screen of the configuration of each user:

ilert - Pandora FMS

Configuring notification escalation

If you edit the values that come by default, you will see that it is a set of simple rules. It allows you to define the alert escalation flow, based on people. Each person/user has already configured their notification system (SMS, call, etc.).

Since all the scaling logic (time windows, repetitions, workflows) is in ilert, do not forget that the “alert sources” send you multiple alerts, ilert will help you filter and sort out things.

ilert - Pandora FMS

Creating notification sources

Here is where the interesting begins. Let’s define how you may add alerts to ilert. To show the power of ilert, not only are we going to integrate Pandora FMS, but we are going to integrate two other very different sources: generic emails and another for use in an API from a script.

ilert alerts using an email as source

This is one of the easiest. As simple as sending an email to a specific address, and that will launch an alert. To that end go to Alert sources > Create new alert source and then filter the results by “mail”:

ilert - Pandora FMS

Use that source (email) and fill in some data:

ilert - Pandora FMS

If you have not yet created a “Team”, you may create it later. Accept the following screen with default values and finally configure the email to which you will send the notifications:

ilert - Pandora FMS

Click continue to finish the setup:

ilert - Pandora FMS

Now you just need to send an email from any application to “[email protected]” to enter your notification funnel.

ilert alerts using Pandora FMS as source

In a very similar way, create a “Pandora FMS” data source, which comes by default in the ilert alert source library.

ilert - Pandora FMS

After following all the steps, it will return some data that you will need to integrate the alert with Pandora FMS:

ilert - Pandora FMS

Now it’s the time to “connect” your Pandora FMS with ilert, for that you will need the API Key. You may use ilert in any Pandora FMS version (even the older ones), but since version 775 it already comes “as standard” integrated into the action system. We are going to describe how to implement it from scratch, perfect if your version is older. If you already use a Pandora FMS 775 or higher, you may skip almost all of the following steps (command creation, action creation) and you may directly edit the action that comes by default with Pandora FMS for ilert to set the API Key generated in the previous step.

To create an ilert notification with Pandora FMS, follow these three steps: Create a command, an action and associate an alert template with that action.

Create the command in Pandora FMS to call ilert


  1. Download the script from Pandora FMS’s own plugin library, at In Pandora FMS 775 and later, it is already installed as standard, you do not have to follow this step (we also use our own version of the integration, which is a little more complete). To see how to install/use the ilert tool itself, just keep reading

    For that you have to enter the pandora server by shell, download the file, decompress it and add it to the indicated path. It is summarized in the following commands (executed as root):
    cd /tmp

    mv /usr/share/pandora_server/util/
    chmod 755 /usr/share/pandora_server/util/


  3. In Pandora console, add an Alert Command (In the sidebar, go to Alerts -> Commands and click on the Create button).

  5. Enter a Name for the command.

  7. In the Command field enter:

    sh /usr/share/pandora_server/util/ “_field1_” “_field2_” “_id_alert_” “_field3_” “_field4_” “_timestamp_” “_alert_text_severity_” “_agentname_” “_module_” “_data_”/span>


  9. In the Description field enter:

    _field1_ : ilert alert source API key. _field2_ : Type of the created event. Can be “alert” or “resolved”. _field3_ : Title of the event. _field4_ : Description of the event.

ilert - Pandora FMS

Once created, it will be available as a command:

ilert - Pandora FMS

Creating an action using the ilert command

We are going to create an action, which is like the alert, it will execute the command (with certain parameters) for each specific case. We are only going to create a certain case (action), but you could define several if you needed to. In there we will configure only field 1 (API Key), copied from the ilert configuration and field 2 (alert type), specifying “Alert” when it is triggered and “Resolved” when it is recovered.

ilert - Pandora FMS

That way, any use you make now of the “ilert General” action will already contain the APIKey and you will not need to specify it.

Creating an alert using the ilert action

Create an alert about a module (in this example, a disk one), which uses your command through the newly created action:

ilert - Pandora FMS

ilert Alerts using a generic external API as source

Imagine that Pandora FMS process itself can not be activated because the database failed, how would you notify it?, well, also with ilert!

For this purpose, create a hook via API, so that it can be called from any script.

First create an API as an alert source:

ilert - Pandora FMS

When you finish configuring it, it will return a reference to be able to use it:

ilert - Pandora FMS

To enter a notification into ilert, just run this command from any shell:

curl -X POST -H “Content-Type: application/json” \
-d ‘{“apiKey”: “il1api10230c21209d93294006a2fa47528fae069bc8f2f0820e”,”eventType”: “ALERT”,”alertKey”: “Pandora General Alert”,”summary”: “Something goes wrong”}’

The only thing you will have to replace is apiKey by your own. Only with this execution you may launch an alert to ilert from any script. It is a perfect way to make sure, for example, that if everything fails, at least you will know that everything failed. If you do not know how to make that script, you may check Pandora FMS community, in addition to being experts in monitoring, we master Linux.

What does an ilert alert look like?

By e-mail:

ilert - Pandora FMS


ilert - Pandora FMS

By WhatsApp:

ilert - Pandora FMS

And of course, in the ilert control interface where you may do many things with the alert:

ilert - Pandora FMS

Advanced uses of ilert: event correlation with Pandora FMS

With Pandora FMS one can monitor 20 servers or 2000. It is easy to imagine that if you happen to have dozens of metrics on each server, assigning an alert to each and every module can be a burden. We have tools like policies or the bulk operations manager to assign hundreds of alerts in one go, but even so, it’s complex and cumbersome.

The perfect solution in these cases is to assign alerts by “concepts”, let’s see some cases:

  • Assign an alert when MySQL processes fail, without looking at which machines they are on. To do this, you would assign alerts on any failure event of a specific module, regardless of the agent.
  • Assign an alert when something happens in modules marked with a label, for example “Critical Infrastructure”.
  • Assign an alert when something happens in any data source of a group of systems that belong to a group, for example “Production environment”.
  • Assign an alert when complex conditions are met, for example: “Failure of any MySQL process” in “the group of production machines”.
  • Assign more complex conditions, such as the previous ones, using logical operators (AND, OR, NOT, XOR…) in time windows.

For this there are event alerts or event correlation alerts. They work on the events generated by modules, not on the modules but on their data. This allows operating on more generic concepts, not on specific data, since a fail event of a MySQL process is the same in one machine as in another (if the module is called the same), the same as a fail event is a fail event, no matter the agent or no matter the module. Therefore, applying rules on events is much more efficient and intuitive than doing it on modules.

Example of defining an event correlation alert.

ilert - Pandora FMS

If you also add ilert to the event alerts, you can further optimize the process, because ilert has additional logic that you may use together with that of Pandora FMS. With Pandora FMS it is possible to set special day calendars, scheduled downtimes or time slots, you may also set escalation rules and many other things, but ilert allows you to do so on alerts from other data sources that are not integrated with Pandora FMS.

You can read more about event correlation in Pandora FMS in Pandora FMS online documentation.

You may also get help online in support forums and in Pandora FMS Discord community.

Downsizing in 2023: Transformation into an era of job stability

In a world increasingly dominated by technology, tech companies have faced financial challenges on a number of times.


Everybody knows it, right?

It has again made the headlines due to its decision to downsize, adding a new wave of layoffs to the approximately 10,000 employees who were terminated earlier in the year.

While sales department layoffs are common when companies are looking to reduce their costs, it’s not the only department affected:

Hiring, marketing, and customer service functions also often bear the brunt when the revenue becomes uncertain.

A clear example of this trend was evidenced in Crunchbase, a business data platform.

After announcing its recent downsizing, it was possible to see in a spreadsheet the departments in which the startup considered that they could cut some expenses:

  • Sales
  • Customer service
  • Marketing
  • Hiring
  • Even Crunchbase News, a team that encouraged the dissemination of relevant news, was affected by this decision

It is worth mentioning that the situation is personal for some, such as those who participated in the construction of the team while working in the company and still retain shares of the company.

*We will call them “Martyrs”.

Despite this seemingly ingrained trend, the landscape of tech layoffs is showing signs of change.

A detailed analysis of, a database that tracks downsizing in the tech sector, reveals an interesting trend in the making.

Since the peak of layoffs in January 2023, the number of tech workers affected by them has been steadily decreasing.

This suggests that companies are finding new approaches to maintaining financial stability while retaining the talent that drives innovation in the sector.

*Good thing someone cares, right?

As we move into this era of constant technological transformation, the future of tech layoffs looks uncertain.

Will companies be able to find a balance between the need to adjust expenses and talent preservation?

Will layoffs become a less frequent measure?

These questions will remain at the heart of the debate as companies seek to adapt to an ever-changing environment and strive to ensure a sustainable future for both their businesses and their employees.

Impact of layoffs in the technology sector during 2023

As we get through the year 2023, the tech sector has witnessed a significant trend when it comes to the number of workers laid off.

Analyzing the figures collected on, it is clear that the beginning of the year was gloomy for many employees in the industry.

During the month of January, a staggering total of 89,554 workers were unemployed due to adjustments made by different companies.

However, the figures began to show signs of change in February, when the number of layoffs dropped noticeably to 40,011.

This decrease continued in March, with a total of 37,823 employees affected by the downsizes in that month.

The month of April brought with it a new decrease in layoffs, standing at 19,864 workers.

As we moved towards the end of the year, the downward curve continued, reaching 14,858 layoffs in May and falling further to 10,524 in June.

These figures reflect a positive change in the trend of technology layoffs throughout the year.

It seems that companies have been looking for other alternatives to keep their operations in the midst of economic difficulties.

*Minipoint for companies.

The steady decline in layoffs suggests that companies are adopting a more cautious and strategic approach to adjust their costs, rather than resorting to mass layoffs as a first option.

This outlook could be a sign that tech companies are adapting to an ever-changing environment, finding more sustainable ways to manage their human resources.

In addition, the reduction in layoffs may be a response to the growing awareness of the importance of talent and innovation in the development of the technology sector.

As we head into the second half of the year, it will be interesting to see how this trend evolves.

Will the decrease in technological layoffs continue, or will there be unforeseen factors that can reverse this positive trend?

The future remains uncertain, but data suggests that the tech sector has learned its lessons from the past and is seeking a more stable and balanced future for its employees and their sustainable growth.

Conclusions: New management era. Reduction of layoffs in the technological field

The era of technological layoffs has undergone a significant transformation over the course of the year 2023.

Although the beginning of the year was characterized by a worrying number of dismissed workers, the figures have shown a constant decrease in the subsequent months.

This change in trend suggests that tech companies are rethinking their approach to reducing costs and managing their human resources.

Traditionally, layoffs in the tech sector have impacted departments such as sales, marketing, hiring, and customer support.

*Wow, always marketing, ALWAYS! KEEP IT UP, COMRADES!
**I’m marketing 🙁

However, this practice seems to be giving way to a mindset more focused on retaining talent and preserving innovation.

Companies may be recognizing the strategic value of having highly skilled and engaged employees in a highly competitive environment.’s analysis has provided valuable insights into the evolution of the employment situation in the technology sector.

The sustained decline in layoffs from January to June has been encouraging and has raised the question of whether companies are taking more balanced and responsible approaches to addressing economic challenges.

The new era of job stability in the technology sector represents not only a change in management practices, but also an opportunity for companies to redesign their vision for the future.

Prioritizing talent investment and fostering a business culture that values creativity and collaboration can be the key to maintaining a competitive edge in an ever-changing tech world.

However, the future remains uncertain, and it is possible that economic conditions and other unforeseen factors could alter this positive trend.

It is critical that companies continue to be agile and flexible in their approach to adapting to changing circumstances.

*Please, tech companies, don’t be so cold towards your employees.

Continuous Improvement and Pure Excellence: Advantages of RCA in Troubleshooting

As a good technology superhero you will know that in the world of troubleshooting, there is an approach that goes beyond simply fixing superficial symptoms. We call this approach “Maximum Heroics” or Root Cause Analysis (ACR), a charming method that seeks to unravel the mysteries behind an incident.

Through the RCA, the causal factors of an incident are examined, and why, how and when it happened are broken down in order to prevent it from repeating itself and ensure smooth continuity.

Anticipate issues, optimize your systems and processes with RCA

Imagine this post-apocalyptic scenario: a system breaks down or undergoes an unexpected change, surprising all of those who depend on it.

This is where RCA comes into play, as an indispensable tool to fully understand the incident and what triggered it.

Unlike simple troubleshooting, which focuses on taking corrective action once the incident took place, RCA goes further, seeking to uncover the root cause of the problem.

Sometimes RCA is also used to investigate and understand the performance of a particular system, as well as its superiority performance compared to other similar systems.

However, in most cases, root cause analysis focuses on problems, especially when they affect critical systems.

Through a RCA, all the contributing factors to the problem are identified and connected in a meaningful way, allowing a proper approach and, most importantly, preventing the same adversity from happening all over again.

Only by getting “to the root cause” of the problem, rather than focusing on surface symptoms, you may find out how, when and why the problem arose in the first place.

There is a wide range of problems that warrant a root cause analysis and they might come from a variety of sources, from human errors to physical system failures to deficiencies in an organization’s processes or operations.

To sum up, any type of anomaly that affects the optimal functioning of a system may require the implementation of an RCA.

Whether it’s faulty machinery in a manufacturing plant, an emergency landing on an airplane or a service interruption in a web application, investigators embark on a journey to uncover the hidden layers of each incident, in search for the ultimate solution.

Pursuing Continuous Improvement: The advantages of Root Cause Analysis

When it comes to maintaining the integrity and smooth operation of an organization, root cause analysis becomes an invaluable ally.

With the primary goal of reducing risk at all levels, this revealing process provides vital information that can be used to improve system reliability.

But, what exactly are the objectives and advantages of performing a root cause analysis??

First, root cause analysis, as we already know, seeks to identify precisely what has actually been happening, going beyond the superficial symptoms to unravel the sequence of events and root causes.

Understanding what is needed to solve the incident or taking advantage of the lessons learned from it, taking into account its causal factors, are some other key objectives of RCA.

In addition, repetition of similar problems is avoided, leading to an improvement in the management quality.

Once these goals are achieved, an RCA can provide a number of significant benefits to an organization.

First, systems, processes and operations are optimized by providing valuable information about the underlying problems and obstacles.

In addition, repetition of similar problems is avoided, leading to an improvement in the quality of management.

By addressing problems more effectively and comprehensively, you may deliver higher quality services to your customers, thereby generating customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Root cause analysis also promotes improved internal communication and collaboration, while strengthening the understanding of the underlying systems.

In addition, by quickly getting to the root of the problem instead of just treating the symptoms, the time and effort spent on long-term resolution of recurring problems is significantly reduced.
Moreover, this efficient approach also reduces costs by directly addressing the root cause of the problem, rather than continually dealing with unresolved symptoms.

More importantly, root cause analysis is not limited to a single sector, but can benefit a wide range of industries.

From improving medical treatment and reducing workplace injuries, to optimizing application performance and ensuring infrastructure availability, this methodology has the potential to drive excellence in a variety of systems and processes.

The Foundations of Root Cause Analysis: Principles for Success

Root cause analysis is a versatile enough methodology to adapt to various industries and individual circumstances.

However, at the core of this flexibility, there are four fundamental principles that are essential to ensure the success of RCA:

  • Understand the why, how and when of the incident: These questions work together to provide a complete picture of the underlying causes.
    For example, it is difficult to understand why an event occurred without understanding how or when it happened.
    Investigators must explore the full magnitude of the incident and all the key factors that contributed to it taking place at that precise time.

  • Focus on underlying causes, not symptoms: Addressing only symptoms when a problem arises rarely prevents recurrence and can result in wasted time and resources.
    Instead, RCA focuses on the relationships between events and the root causes of the incident.
    This approach helps reduce the time and resources spent solving problems and ensures a sustainable long-term solution.

  • Think prevention when using RCA to solve problems: To be effective, root cause analysis must get to the root causes of the problem, but that is not enough.
    It must also enable the implementation of solutions that prevent the problem from happening all over again.
    If RCA does not help solve the problem and prevent its recurrence, much of the effort will have been wasted.

  • Get it right the first time: A root cause analysis is only successful to the extent that it is performed properly.
    A poorly executed RCA can waste time and resources and even make the situation worse, forcing investigators to start over.
    An effective root cause analysis must be carried out carefully and systematically.
    It requires the right methods and tools, as well as leadership that understands what the effort entails and fully supports it.

By following these fundamental principles, root cause analysis becomes a powerful tool for unraveling the root causes of problems and achieving lasting solutions.

By fully understanding incidents, focusing on underlying causes and taking a preventative approach, organizations can avoid repeat problems and continuously improve their performance.

Ultimately, root cause analysis becomes the foundation upon which a culture of continuous improvement and excellence is built.

A Range of Tools: Methods for Root Cause Analysis

When it comes to unraveling the root causes of a problem, root cause analysis offers a variety of effective methods.

One of the most popular approaches is the 5 whys, where successive “why” questions are asked to get to the underlying causes.

This method seeks to keep probing until the reasons that explain the primary source of the problem are uncovered.

While number five is only a guide, fewer or more “why” questions may be required to get to the root causes of the problem initially defined.

Another method widely used in RCA is the “Ishikawa Diagram”, also known as “Cause and Effect Diagram” or “Fishbone Diagram”.

In this approach, the problem is defined at the head of the fishbone, while the causes and effects unfold at the branches.

The possible causes are grouped into categories that are connected to the backbone, providing an overview of the possible causes that could have led to the incident.

In addition, investigators have several methodologies for performing a root cause analysis:

  • Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA): Identifies the various ways in which a system can fail and analyzes the possible effects of each failure.

  • Fault Tree Analysis (FTA): Provides a visual map of causal relationships using Boolean logic to determine the possible causes of a failure or assess the reliability of a system.

  • Pareto Diagram: It combines a bar diagram and a line diagram to show the frequency of the most common causes of problems, from most likely to least likely.

  • Change analysis: Consider how the conditions surrounding the incident have changed over time, which may play a direct role in its occurrence.

  • Scatter plot: It plots data on a two-dimensional graph with an X-axis and a Y-axis to uncover relationships between data and possible causes of an incident.

  • In addition to these methods, there are other approaches used in root cause analysis. Those professionals who engage in root cause analysis and seek continuous reliability improvement should be familiar with several methods and use the most appropriate one for each specific situation.

The success of root cause analysis also depends on effective communication within the group and personnel involved in the system.

Post-RCA debriefings, commonly referred to as “post-mortems,” help ensure that key stakeholders understand the causal and related factors, their effects, and the resolution methods used.

The exchange of information at these meetings can also lead to brainstorming about other areas that may require further investigation and who should be in charge of each.

Joining Forces: Tools for Root Cause Analysis

Root cause analysis is a process that combines human ability for deduction with data collection and the use of reporting tools.

Information technology (IT) teams often leverage platforms they already use for application performance monitoring, infrastructure monitoring or systems management, including cloud management tools, to obtain the necessary data to support root cause analysis.

Many of these products also include features built into their platforms to make root cause analysis.

In addition, some vendors offer specialized tools that collect and correlate metrics from other platforms, which helps remediate problems or disruptive events.

Tools that incorporate AIOps (Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations) capabilities are able to learn from past events and suggest corrective actions for the future.

In addition to monitoring and analysis tools, IT organizations often look to external sources for help in root cause analysis easier.

Collaboration and utilization of external resources are valuable aspects of root cause analysis.

By leveraging existing tools and seeking additional expertise from online communities and platforms, IT teams can gain a more complete and enriching perspective.

These synergies allow problems to be addressed more effectively and lasting solutions to be achieved.


Root cause analysis emerges as a powerful methodology for understanding the underlying causes of problems and incidents faced by organizations.

Throughout this article, we have explored in detail what root cause analysis is, its objectives and advantages, as well as the fundamental principles behind it.

Root cause analysis invites us to go beyond the superficial symptoms and discover the real causes behind an incident.

Using multiple methods and tools, such as the 5 Whys, Ishikawa diagrams, FMEA, FEA and many others, RCA practitioners embark on a psychotropic journey of discovery to identify root causes and prevent problems from recurring.

Achieving the goals of root cause analysis, such as fully understanding events, applying preventive solutions and improving the quality of systems and processes, comes with a host of benefits that you can brag about over coffee later.

From optimizing systems and operations to improving service quality, reducing costs and promoting internal collaboration, root cause analysis becomes an enabler of continuous improvement and organizational excellence.

In this process, the right choice of tools and methods is crucial.

Organizations can leverage existing monitoring, analysis and systems management tools, as well as seek additional insights from external sources.

Collaboration and information sharing play a vital role in the success of root cause analysis, as they enable broader and richer perspectives.

Root cause analysis is a powerful ally of The Force and organizations in their search for effective and lasting solutions.