Welcome to the module library for Pandora FMS
This is a library with over 700 modules, documentation and tools for Pandora FMS users, both public Open Source and Enterprise.

Discover by categories

Other kind of modules, like website monitoring, desktop applications, etc.

Application Monitoring
Modules for monitoring applications.

Network Monitoring
Modules for Network monitoring.

Operating Systems
Monitoring modules for all kind of OS.

Console backgrounds & icons, new icons for status and other graphics.

Secure Monitoring
Protect your connections to and from Pandora FMS.

Tools for Pandora FMS, not catalogued under other categories.

Inventory modules regardless of local or remote.

System Integrations
Integrate Pandora FMS with other systems and services.
New solutions!
Pandora FMS:
Monitoring as a Service (MaaS)
Ready to cover all of your needs. You will not spend valuable resources on installation, maintenance and operation. Designed as a flexible and easy-to-understand subscription model.
We ensures online support and easy communication between customers and our technical specialists.
Look for instructions, guides, resources and answers to common questions about Pandora FMS usage.
Expand your monitoring experience!
Plugin development is constantly changing with each new version of Pandora FMS. Keep up to date with the latest changes by following our blog.