Pandora ITSM 105: New Tools for More Efficient IT Management
With the new Pandora ITSM version 105, you now have features designed to improve your workflow and optimize ticket and project management. Content: Key Enhancements in Pandora ITSM 105 Improvements in Management and Security Key Enhancements in Pandora ITSM 105 New...
What is ticketing? What is a ticketing tool?
Did you go into this article looking for information about what ticketing is or what a ticketing tool is? If so, we will try to help. In addition, you can find out about a ticketing tool that can be of great help if you are looking for one for...
3 internal communication channels within the company
Communicate! Seriously. Maintain good communication, and above all, communicate properly. Internal communication in a company is an essential element at many levels. If it is effective, it improves the organization and makes the ideas flow like...
Demanding consumers. Who are these people and what do they want?
Demanding consumers: What do middle-aged consumers want? A 20-year-old buyer is different from a 60-year-old buyer. We know that, right? The course of life changes our tastes, our needs, and even our economic capacity. Therefore, it could be...
After sales service; 5 ideas to improve it and benefit your customers
So you thought the sale was closed and that was it? Were you already counting your banknotes with your best Scrooge McDuck face? What a mistake! After the sale, you get on with your work. The sale of products and services often involves the...
Helpdesk, customer service and Pandora ITMS
What is helpdesk? This is a question that we might have asked ourselves at some point in our lives (well, more or less). If you work in support or customer service, you'll know exactly what we're talking about when it comes to helpdesk. For all...
What are the responsibilities of a customer service department?
What is the purpose of a company's customer service department? Okay, this may be an easy question to answer: it helps to answer any questions or complaints from a company's users. So, that's it? Customer service objectives affect the company in...
Qualities of a good call center agent
We all have had contact with this work figure at some point in our lives. Being a call center agent is not an easy task. This is a job with high workloads and quite often involves stress. For example, imagine dealing with angry customers on a...
Poor customer service; some sentences to avoid in Customer Service
Be very careful with your words! Words are like weapons and sometimes, people can utter words that they don't mean. And when it comes to customer service, letting your language get out of hand can have serious consequences. When a person...
Learn to interact with your customers through relational Marketing
What is a customer? Is it money with legs? Is it a friend? Is it someone you want to benefit from? Is it someone to help? The way of thinking about clients is fundamental when it comes to understanding a business. Many things can depend on this...
15 reasons why people feel the impulse to buy
Do you need to buy? Maybe you don't need to, but you want to. Human beings are complex and contradictory. When it comes to fulfilling our desires and needs, we are driven by diverse forces, which often add up to each other. It can help to learn...
How to understand customer needs
When a customer looks at the products or services offered by a company, he or she usually does so for one of these two reasons (which often complement each other): They need something. They have a desire. The mechanisms of the desire of buying...
10 useful customer service skills
Are you a customer service agent or do you want to become one? Are you the head of the customer service department? Do you want to find out some customer service skills? Are you a NASA astronaut? Don’t worry, you can also read this article!...
Social media customer service
Everyone talks about social networks. Everyone uses social networks. Everyone's on social networks. Not your company? Okay, being on social networks is not mandatory, and in fact it has both advantages and disadvantages, but if you have chosen...
Customer service; 6 key concepts
Providing good customer service is one of the main objectives of any company that wants to survive today. The user is a part of the digital transformation and has very powerful tools such as social networks and opinion websites. All this, along...
4 customer service techniques that might help you
Are you a customer service professional? Do you work in this area in your company? Do you have a small or large business? Do you usually deal with customers? When it comes to your business, at some point in your life you will have to deal with...
How to turn customers into fans of your brand
As Bob Dylan, a man who sings, knows a lot and has a Nobel Prize, once said: "Times are changing". But also, the way in which companies and customers are connected. Although there are still "lifelong" customers, we now find a new category of...
The digital transformation in customer service
Digital transformation and customer service are concepts that are closely related. This is due to the fact that the customer is the focal point of the digital transformation. Although the customer has always been important (and this has led to...
5 ideas to increase your business client portfolio
They are as essential as water is for plants. As the seasoning for a dish. As the bulb for the lamp. As the night for the day. But enough with the metaphors! If you own a business and you don't have clients, you have it tough. That's crystal...
6 Mistakes that create bad customer service
In times of digital transformation, the client is the centre of the Universe. Clients have a very wide range of products and brands and they change quite easily from one product to another, and with a very powerful tool such as the Internet,...
5 Income models for companies
If you own a company, you might want to make the world a little better. But you probably want to earn money too. And one of the key things to make money in a company is to establish your income model. When it comes to considering how you want...
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