sli sla slo pfms blog

What are SLA, SLO, and SLI?

Learn the differences between SLA, SLO and SLI and how to implement these metrics to improve the quality of service offered by your company. Challenges, best practices and real-world examples.

Cyber hygiene keys to protect your data

Cyber Hygiene: Preventing Data Breaches

Since the Covid pandemic began, the word “hygiene” has ceased to be only for germaphobes and has become the holy grail of health. Washing hands and wearing masks has become as normal as breathing (literally). But did you know that your computer...

7 types of online customers
Help Desk

7 types of online customers

Anyone can be on the Internet! The days when the network was only used by computer geeks are long gone, in order to make way for an era in which from your cousin Paco, who finished a degree at MIT, to your grandfather Frisburcio, a farmer, are...