Anyone can be on the Internet! The days when the network was only used by computer geeks are long gone, in order to make way for an era in which from your cousin Paco, who finished a degree at MIT, to your grandfather Frisburcio, a farmer, are equally up to date in the use of the network.
And that’s still wonderful, especially if you have an online business. Millions of potential customers are ready to knock on the virtual doors of your website, eager to buy all kinds of products.
What happens is that, just as the Internet opens the door to millions of users, it also makes it a little more complex to get to know them and better understand how they behave when they want to buy.
Fortunately, the Internet also helps you learn a little more about these little things. And, as far as we’re concerned, we can provide you with this humble post in which we’re going to get to know some of the types of users that your online business can receive.
7 types of users that you could find on the Internet
– Buyers of brands
If you have a strong and recognized brand you will be lucky with this type of user. For brand buyers, prestige, image and style are very important. In addition, many of them become fans of the brand, which makes them prone to follow all kinds of information launched by it, from new releases to articles of interest, including, of course, promotions or offers.
Also, as followers of the brand, they probably won’t want to limit their relationship with the brand to an online store, but will follow it on social networks, download the brand’s apps and carry out all kinds of interactions with it, things that you should keep in mind if your brand is one of those lucky ones that has so many followers.
– The cart fillers
Maybe you know some of these people, or a practice that you do yourself. They are those buyers who keep accumulating more and more products in their virtual shopping cart, which does not mean that they will finally buy them.
This is more logical behaviour than it seems. Online product catalogues are often almost endless, so these types of shoppers use the virtual shopping cart to pre-select the products they will eventually purchase.
This kind of behaviour is practical enough, so you can keep an eye on products that may be forgotten if you continue to search without saving them somewhere, and also allows you to think a little before you buy them, regarding what you really need or don’t need.
Although there will always be someone to fill the cart and will end up buying something!
– The bargain hunters
They don’t mind spending as much time as necessary researching the best bargains, which makes them aware of all the offers (both online and offline) in the Universe – you won’t have it easy with bargain hunters!
Without a doubt, this is one of the most difficult types of users you will encounter, because if you want to conquer them, you will have to offer them prices that are difficult to maintain. However, they can be quite faithful, as long as you continue to meet their requirements. It’s up to you to decide if you’re interested in the move….
– The treasure hunters
They don’t care as much about the price as the bargain hunters, but they look for originality.
Treasure hunters want what no one else has, so satisfying them will depend on your ability to offer very original products. The problem is that when you sell good quantities of a product, even if it is almost unique in its origin, it ends up not being so at all (although it usually takes a while for that to happen).
– Rational shoppers
They seek, value and decide. Conquering the rational buyer is no easy task, but it is not impossible either. Factors such as excellent quality and/or a good price will be decisive when it comes to convincing them.
If you are buying basic necessities or services or specially qualified products or services (for example, for professionals) you are likely to meet many rational buyers. Do your best, offer them what they want and they’re likely to have a solid customer base within a while.
– Distrustful shoppers
The most important thing for them is to know that they are buying from a reliable source, and that they will have no problems with their purchase.
They highly value the prestige of the business and their previous experiences with it. The lack of incidents (or the rapid resolution of any), and the treatment received will be decisive to ensure that they become loyal customers.
– Agile shoppers
They don’t have a lot of time to waste, or too much interest in the purchase. They just want to buy what they need. With them the premise is clear: make things easier for them.
Don’t think too much about excessive design for your website, with an endless list of options, or with long descriptions of your products. A simple and easy to use website, a clear payment procedure and good logistics will help you with this type of user.
And so far we’ve seen 7 types of users you can find in your online business – do you want to see something else?
Pandora ITSM is a program that has, among other features, an incident management system (help desk software) based on tickets (ticketing) which is capable of helping with the management of customer service in a business.
Whatever type of customer you meet, customer service is essential.
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Pandora FMS’s editorial team is made up of a group of writers and IT professionals with one thing in common: their passion for computer system monitoring. Pandora FMS’s editorial team is made up of a group of writers and IT professionals with one thing in common: their passion for computer system monitoring.