
On-premise vs SaaS 2025

In the world of infrastructure management and enterprise software, the choice between on-premise and SaaS (Software as a Service) solutions has become a strategic decision for every organization, influencing key areas such as security, flexibility and operational...

on-premise vs saas pfms blog

21 basic computer security tips

We give you 21 computer security tips for beginners The Internet is a tool that, without a doubt, offers a great amount of positive aspects in the daily life of our society, like instant communication, easy access to information... among many...


User Experience Monitoring

Advanced tasks: user experience monitoring In the last century we had very primitive computers and now, at the dawn of a new millennium are we the users who have become primitive !? Want to learn more?...


This is the best barbecue of all time

Pandora FMS organizes its official annual barbecue, summer 2021 Christmas 2019, bubbly employees of Pandora FMS meet, without their knowledge, for their last group meeting outside working hours. Games and lots of laughing, fooling around, party...


10 reasons to change your monitoring software

Every change is for the better and we give you ten reasons to change your monitoring software. Cuando se habla de cambiar de software, no sé por qué, me viene a la mente la compra de música. Bueno, yo soy de los de antes: vinilos, cassettes, a...