
Cyber hygiene keys to protect your data

Cyber Hygiene: Preventing Data Breaches

Since the Covid pandemic began, the word “hygiene” has ceased to be only for germaphobes and has become the holy grail of health. Washing hands and wearing masks has become as normal as breathing (literally). But did you know that your computer...


Find out for yourself what telemetry is

Here at Pandora FMS blog we like to get up early, prepare a cup of pennyroyal mint and while it settles, do a couple of stretches, wash our face and start the day defining strange words worth something for our readers. Today it's time for:...

Pandora FMS tiene la ISO/IEC-27001
Pandora FMS

We received ISO/IEC 27001!

We live in an uncertain world and monitoring should try to ensure that whatever happens we will always stay informed. Therefore, security is the basis of everything in monitoring and for us it has always been one of the pillars of our strategy...