We love uploading this kind of post to our blog. Articles in which we boast about our work and where all the effort of our team throughout the year comes to light. Because yes, we are rewarded once more, Pandora FMS is proclaimed winner in several categories in the SourceForge Awards.

  • Award in the Community Leader category
  • Award in the Community Choice category
  • Award in the Open Source Excellence category
  • Award in the category Users Love us
  • SourceForge Favorite

No more and no less than five awards, including the Open Source Excellence 2022 award, possibly one of the most desired and disputed in the industry in this specific sector. 

Pandora FMS wins the Open Source Excellence 2022 award

As a message to the world from this podium, we want to make clear that it is an honor to know that these awards are only given to selected projects that have reached significant milestones in terms of downloads and participation within the SourceForge user community.

A great achievement to keep in mind, since Pandora FMS, one of the most complete monitoring software on the market, has been considered for these awards from more than 500,000 open source projects throughout the whole SourceForge platform. 

“We are very proud of what our team at Pandora FMS is achieving.  An effort of our entire workforce, users and customers that makes Pandora FMS better every day. This award is a recognition of our entire career and shows that Opensource is still alive and that we are one of the leading and pioneering projects in Europe, states with satisfaction, Sancho Lerena, founder and CEO of Pandora FMS.

SourceForge is an open source software community devoted especially to helping open source projects be as successful as possible. Currently the platform has about 502,000 Open Source projects in progress, more than 2.6 million downloads per day and a community of 30 million monthly users, who search and develop open source software, and who, from now on, will be able to find the badges achieved by Pandora FMS within its projects page in SourceForge. 

As many of you already know, Pandora FMS is a very comprehensive monitoring solution: cost-effective, scalable and covering most infrastructure deployment options. Find and solve problems quickly, no matter if you come from on-premise, multi cloud or a mix of both. A flexible solution that can unify data display for full observability of your organization. With more than 500 plugins available you may control and manage any application and technology, such as SAP, Oracle, Lotus, Citrix, Jboss, VMware, AWS, SQL Server, Redhat, Websphere and a long etc. A flexible tool able to reach everywhere and unify data display to make management easier. Ideal for hybrid environments where technologies, management processes and data are intertwined. And now, moreover, backed and rewarded by the wide expert community of SourceForge.

How have we come so far?

Let’s go back a little. Pandora FMS is licensed under GNU GPL 2.0 and the first line of code was written in 2004 by Sancho Lerena, the company’s current CEO. At that time, free software was in full swing and the Free Software Foundation in Spain had an active group of which Sancho was a part.

In those days there was no Github, but there was something that united us all: SourceForge. From the beginning of the current century this platform served to unify and enhance thousands of developers who wanted to share their creations with users around the world. Pandora FMS was there from its inception in 2004, although initially it was not called that, but Pandoramon.” 

*If you are curious about our beginnings, you may read this article about our history.

As of this date, there are several thousand free version users who download Pandora FMS updates through their update system and use it daily. 

Pandora FMS has been uploading every release with its corresponding source file for over 18 years, every day to its Sourceforge project and we are very proud to say that not only do we continue to believe in it, but we have not stopped doing so in almost twenty years of history.

Beyond code, we believe in the power of community, sharing, and growing together. That is why we maintain a very extensive documentation of more than 1000 pages in four languages: Spanish, English, French and Russian. 

Our community website includes a system of forums, an extensive knowledge base with more than 500 articles and a blog with more than 1,900 articles translated into four languages.

Of course, we also offer a wide range of professional services and commercial versions of our software. But, as Stallman himself said:

“Free software” means software that respects users’ freedom and community. Roughly, it means that the users have the freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software. Thus, “free software” is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the concept, you should think of “free” as in “free speech,” not as in “free beer.” 

Now yes, after all that has been said, we invite you to check that freedom is much more than a slogan. Thank you again for this award. And don’t take too long, join us!
