Three funny facts that you may not have known: 1) Elvis Presley and Johnny Cash were colleagues. 2) Jean-Claude Van Damme was Chuck Norris’s security staff. 3) Pandora FMS has a plugin for WordPress. That’s right! Pandora FMS has a monitoring plugin for WordPress that has been totally renewed and prepared for you! Get to know Pandora FMS WP!

Get to know Pandora FMS WP, our plugin for WordPress

100% free and OpenSource Pandora FMS WP arrives, a monitoring plugin for WordPress. What is it for? Collect basic information from your WordPress and allow Pandora FMS to retrieve it remotely through a REST API.

Some examples of basic information you might collect: new posts, comments from followers, or user logins in the last hour. At the same time, it also monitors whether new plugins or themes have been installed, if a new user has been created or if a login attempt has been made by brute force. 

Also, if desired, it can be easily extended by defining custom SQL queries to monitor other plugins or create your own SQL to collect information and send it to Pandora FMS.

This plugin has been developed by the laborious and specialized hands of Pandora FMS team and the source code is available at

Pandora FMS WP sections


This is where you may see a detailed summary of the monitored elements. You know, updated plugins, WP version and whether they need to be updated, total number of users, new posts in the last 24 hours, new answers also in the last 24 hours… and other similar checks.

Audit records

Here a table will be displayed before you with the access data of the users, IP, whether the login has been correct or incorrect and how many times, the date of the last access… You will also be able to check whether new plugins or themes have been installed, and the date these changes took place.

General Setup

Here you may configure the general options:

  • Configuration of the API
  • List of IPs with access to the API
  • Set the time to display new data in the API
  • Log deletion time
  • Clean fields of table filesystem with deleted status on data older than X days
  • Delete the status “new” from the filesystem table fields in data older than X days
  • Custom SQL queries


  1. Pandora FMS WP optionally requires a plugin for the REST API, called “JSON REST API”. It is only necessary if you want to integrate the monitoring/status information of the WP in a central management console with Pandora FMS. As we have already pointed out, this is an optional feature, you may manage all the information from WordPress itself.
  1. If your WordPress version is below 4.7, you must have the WP REST API (v2) plugin installed in order to use the API.

Some limitations

  • WP Multisite is not supported in this version.
  • To use WordPress REST API, you need version 4.6 or higher.

Some cool screenshots

So that you may get an idea of the brand new aspect of the plugin, we leave you a couple of screenshots as an appetizer.


Pandora FMS WP

Pandora FMS plugin library
