Slow Computer solutions and causes. Keep reading to find out more

This morning you saw it coming through the door and it even made you feel bad. It crawled, very slowly, like a little snail, leaving a trail of bits behind. After a while it looked up and looked at you with whining eyes. “Aren’t you going to do anything?” It seemed to ask. At that moment you took it and embraced it. Oh, the joy it has brought you! I’m sure it’ s not its fault. Your computer is slow, and you have to do something about it.

Now, in order to fix a problem, you must first find out what causes it. When it comes to the slowness of a computer, there can be various causes, of different nature. In this post we are going to learn about some of the most frequent ones.

6 reasons why your computer may go slow

– Its RAM memory is no longer enough

RAM is one of the essential components of any computer, and it is one of the most powerful components in terms of speed performance.

In general terms, RAM memory is the component that stores the instructions issued by the processor and other components of the computer and the data used by them while performing tasks.

If your computer’s RAM is old, it is likely that it will no longer be able to handle it all. For example, you may have trouble running a modern operating system, or running the latest generation of software.

What can you do if this is the problem? The solution is expensive: you can repair the memory if it has a fault, or replace it with a new one with more capacity if it is obsolete. Or you can start using an operating system and software that requires less RAM. It’s up to you….

– The hard drive is full

It can happen more often than you think. If, for some reason, your computer’s hard drive reaches the limit of its capacity, it could start using RAM memory to keep on working, which would take away its capacity to take care of its other features and could turn your brand-new computer into an unhealthy grandfather.

The solution to this type of problem is clear. Be careful about how you use your hard drive and don’t store unnecessary material on your computer.

– There’s some malicious software hidden on your computer

Viruses, Trojans, malware… they have many names but one thing in common: they are very unpleasant!

This type of malicious software often uses RAM memory to commit its crimes, so slow computer operation can be one of the effects it causes.

As you can imagine, again the solution is clear: get rid of those little devils if you don’t want them to continue to affect your computer (perhaps with consequences far worse than its slowdown).

– Your computer is overloaded

Would you be able to carry out your work while carrying a 100-pound stone and singing serenades? Well, neither would your computer!

Don’t push it too far and don’t ask it for extra help. If you run a large number of very heavy programs on your computer, you may have a hard time running them. Also, keep in mind that computers are often already running programs “in the background”, just because they are running, which already consume part of their resources.

The solution, again, is simple. If you don’t want your computer to have a bad time, don’t run too many programs at once.

– The Internet is to blame

Have you ever thought about it? Maybe you’re blaming your poor computer and it’s not responsible.

A lot of the work we do on our computer today is done online, so if your problem is, for example, that the web pages you visit take a lifetime to load, it’s probably not your computer’s problem, but a faulty connection.

What’s the solution? Check your connection speed and, if necessary, contact your Internet service provider. There may be a malfunction, or you may need more speed than you need.

– Your computer is too hot

Are you complaining that your computer is going too slow while you fry burgers on its case?

Excessive heat can affect computer components and cause them to run more slowly, or may even cause them to shut down. There are a number of reasons why a computer can become overheated, including internal cooling malfunctions or dirt. The solution will be one or the other, depending on the cause.

You can be sure you won’t fix it by throwing a bucket of water on it, so get it out of there, you freak!

These are some reasons why a computer can go slow, although there are several more. The fact is that slow work can have a big impact on a team, so much so that they will not be able to carry out their work.

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