Legendary software. 70 years old and still working

Legendary software. 70 years old and still working

Old software that is still running. Discover all about it here

Oh! The old software! You can almost imagine it with a white beard.

Some are as old as our grandparents, and go back to the old times. However, even if it seems impossible, this software is still in operation.

In this article we will learn about some of the old software that is still active. Let’s have a round of applause for their developers.


MOCAS is the name given to the Contract Management Services Mechanization software, a program written in 1958 and still in service for the U.S. Department of Defense.

This program, quite surprising at the time, was developed by Grace Hopper in COBOL, on a punch card basis, and is dedicated to contract management.

Although during the following years the MOCAS interface was adapted to the new times (green phosphorous monitors were introduced, for example), the base of the program remains as in its origin.

And you may wonder… the program may be fantastic but why hasn’t it been updated by a more modern one after 60 years?

The truth is that this has already been projected on several occasions, but the amount of data accumulated by MOCAS, its criticality and the difficulties in making the transition to modern software are so high that all attempts have been postponed to… who knows when? The fact is, as long as you hold on, MOCAS will continue to wait for a replacement to facilitate your retirement…

– The software of the Voyager ships

This is one of the most legendary software out there. In 1977, the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft were launched out of the Solar System in order to explore further than any other.

Since then, and until today, the software on board ships, responsible among other things for sending to Earth the data collected on their journey, has continued to work, and although it has been improved, it has never been replaced by another different one.

As if the mythology of Voyager ships were not enough, even the movie industry has increased it. In the first of the Star Trek films, the Voyager enjoys a leading role (there is a SPOILER here).

During the tape, an immense cloud of energy goes to Earth, destroying several ships in its path. Admiral Kirk and his ship Enterprise, of course, are sent to resolve the situation. After multiple avatars, the crew of the Enterprise discovers the immense cloud is directed by a living machine that is inside and is called V´Ger. Shortly after the story is completed: the name V´Ger is derived from Voyager, one of the ships sent from Earth during the twentieth century that, after contact with an alien race of thinking machines, would have developed a consciousness of its own…

Although it doesn’t seem very likely that something like this could happen with the “humble” software on board the Voyager* ships… don’t you think the argument is outstanding?


– Sparker Filters Software

And finally, let’s go with the existing software. This is the one used by Sparker Filter, a chemical filtration company.

The curious thing about this company, one of the most prestigious in the sector, is that it uses an IBM 402, a model that dates back to 1948 and that is probably the last one in active all over the planet.

And to use it, as you can suppose, it also makes use of software of the time. Specifically, the data that is entered into the machine is encoded through a huge IBM 029 punching machine.

Why hasn’t this equipment been exchanged for a more modern one? Apparently, the company’s employees are familiar with the machine, and it also keeps the accounting data for more than 60 years…

The fact is that, given the extraordinary situation, the California Museum of Computer History has already tried to get the company to donate the machine and its software and replace them with more modern ones, but it seems that, for the time being, it will continue in service for a while….

These are some examples of very old software that is still in operation today. Do you know more examples? We’d love for you to share it with all the blog readers. In order to do this, you can use the comment box located right at the end of this article.

However, before doing that, how about spending a few minutes to get to know Pandora FMS?

Although it’s not as old as the programs we’ve talked about, Pandora FMS also has a history behind it. Pandora was born in 2003, and has been developed over the last few years to become a reference among monitoring software. If you want to know its history a little better, you can click here.

And, besides, it can be very useful to you. In fact, it already is for many companies and organizations.

Pandora FMS is flexible monitoring software, which is capable of monitoring devices, infrastructures, applications, services and business processes.

Do you want to know what Pandora FMS can offer you? Click here:


Or you can also send us any query you may have about Pandora FMS. You can do this in a very simple way, thanks to the contact form that can be found at the following address: https://pandorafms.com/contact/

The Pandora FMS team will be happy to assist you!

The Voyager spacecraft mentioned in Star Trek was not one of those launched in the 1970s, but its number 6 version, launched in fiction at some point in the 20th century (which did not happen).

And don’t forget to have a look at the other articles that we have published in this blog, we are pretty sure that you will like them. What did you think of this article regarding old software?

Leave us your opinion in the comments section below.

We will be happy to answer all your questions.

We hope you liked this article about old software. You know; if you have found more old software, write it in a comment right here below.

How to install a High Availability Database Cluster with Pandora FMS

How to install a High Availability Database Cluster with Pandora FMS

High Availability Database Cluster with Pandora FMS


Pandora FMS relies on a MySQL database for configuration and data storage. A database failure can temporarily bring your monitoring solution to a halt. The Pandora FMS high availability database cluster allows you to easily deploy a fault-tolerant, robust architecture.

Cluster resources are managed by Pacemaker, an advanced, scalable High Availability database cluster resource manager. Corosync provides a closed process group communication model for creating replicated state machines. Percona, a backwards-compatible replacement for MySQL, was chosen as the default RDBMS for its scalability, availability, security and backup features.

Active/passive replication takes place from a single master node (writable) to any number of slaves (read only). A virtual IP address always points to the current master. If the master node fails, one of the slaves is promoted to master and the virtual IP address is updated accordingly.

Base de datos de alta disponibilidad

The Pandora FMS Database HA Tool, pandora_ha, monitors the cluster and makes sure the Pandora FMS Server is always running, restarting it when needed. pandora_ha itself is monitored by systemd.

Prerequisites and installation

Throughout this article, we will configure and test a two node cluster with Pandora FMS. You will need an already installed Pandora FMS Enterprise version and two additional hosts running CentOS version 7.

To configure the cluster follow the official Pandora FMS High Availability Database Cluster installation guide. Although it is a straightforward, step-by-step guide, some experience with the Linux command line is recommended.

Once finished, ssh to any of the two nodes and run pcs status to check the status of the cluster. Both nodes should be online:

HA cluster status

The cluster is up and running. You can check its status from your Pandora FMS Console too. Simply navigate to Servers -> Manage database HA (tip: clicking on the loupe icon displays the output of pcs status without having to ssh to that node):

HA cluster status in Pandora FMS

The Pandora FMS High Availability Database Tool automatically creates agents to monitor your cluster. They can be accessed from the previous view by clicking on the node’s name displayed in the Hostname column:

HA cluster modules

You should configure alerts for, at least, the Node Status, Slave IO Running and Slave SQL Running modules. These modules go critical when there’s a problem, so you can use Pandora’s default Critical condition alert template:

HA cluster alerts

Operating the cluster

Let’s see what happens when things go wrong. In this section we will test the behaviour of our high availability database cluster in different situations.

Manual failover

We may need to stop one of the nodes for maintenance, for example. Stopping a slave is a trivial case. Let’s stop the master instead:

HA Cluster manual failover

The former master is on standby and the slave has been promoted to master:

HA Cluster standby

Let’s get it back online:

HA cluster manual failover unstandby

The former master is online, and it is a slave now. The new master will not relinquish its role unless it fails.

 HA cluster cleanup

Our Pandora FMS server is running, as expected:

HA cluster server status

Crash of the master

If the process of the database server crashes, it will be automatically restarted:

HA cluster crash

However, if there is more than one crash in a one hour span, the node will be blocked and a slave will be promoted to master:

HA cluster broom

Once the problem is fixed, click on the broom icon to recover the blocked node.

escoba cluster HA

Halting or rebooting one node

Halting or rebooting any node will leave the cluster with a master and the operation will not be affected:

HA cluster halt

HA cluster halt 2

If seconds behind master is greater than 0 when you bring the node back online, it means the slave has not yet replicated all the transactions that have taken place in the master. This value should start decreasing on its own until it reaches 0:

HA cluster

Broken replication

When the master is not in synchrony with the slave (i.e., the master is ahead of the slave) and it fails, it may not be able to start replication from the new master when it gets back online:

HA cluster replication broken

Some of the changes that were not replicated by the former slave may conflict with new changes that need to be replicated now:

 HA cluster replication broken 2

The easiest way to fix a broken node is to follow the instructions in the fixing a broken node section of the Pandora FMS High Availability Database Cluster installation guide, which implies reconstructing the node’s database from the master and starting replication again.

Adding additional nodes

Although not covered in this article, additional nodes can be added to the cluster for increased resilience. See the Pandora FMS High Availability Database Cluster installation guide for more information.


When using a Pandora FMS High-Availability Database Cluster, failures on slave nodes are not even noticed by the Pandora FMS Server. However, they should be acted upon quickly before other nodes fail.

A failure in the master node will cause a small interruption until one of the slaves is promoted to master, after which normal operation will automatically resume.

Your monitoring infrastructure will never be down again because of a database failure!

You can watch the tutorial on HA Database Cluster with Pandora FMS here:

Please accept marketing cookies to watch this video.

Sinclair ZX Spectrum; an 8-bit legend

Sinclair ZX Spectrum; an 8-bit legend

Spectrum computer; Let’s go back and see what it’s all about

Sinclair ZX Spectrum computer, also known simply as ‘Spectrum’, has been part of the childhood and adolescence of millions of people, influencing an entire generation.

At a time when computing was a new and exciting phenomenon, some small home computers, such as Spectrum computer, represented the first contact we had in our own homes with that new world that didn’t look like anything we’d seen before.

In this article we are going to remember that small universe of Spectrum and discover it for those people who were not lucky enough to enjoy it. Take the handkerchief because, if you lived through that time, you won’t stop crying with so many memories!

Let’s go back to the ’80s

It was the 1980s, and for a child or teenager of that time, summers continued to be as endless as usual.

However, they almost always brought something new. And in some of those summers, mid-decade, many of us saw that wonderful routine of swimming pool, sport, free time and even quite a few doses of boredom altered (because, at that time, boredom was also part of people’s lives).

Probably, most of us had our first contact with computers at a friend’s house
whose parents lived ahead of their time. On one of those summer afternoons, on a home visit, we saw that for the first time.

It was a simple device, but it possessed some kind of magic. It was the first time we were faced with something like this, and from the first time we saw it working, it conquered our hearts. Forever and ever.

The Spectrum computer, in its 48k version, was one of the first home computers to be massively used in many homes. Created by the British company Sinclair Research, on the basis of the Zilog Z80A processor, it was inevitably connected to a television -it lacked its own monitor- and to a cassette player that loaded the programs -generally games- in its very reduced RAM memory. Small in size, the rubber on the buttons on its keyboard gave it an even more fragile appearance, to the point where it looked like it would break with a touch. But beyond its limitations, it was pure illusion.

The 5 or even more minutes in which the programs recorded on the cassette tape were loaded were tense and eagerly awaited. Anyone who’s ever experienced them will remember that shrill sound from the TV speakers.

An eager and tense expectation for what was to come, because, often, the load failed and had to be started again!

Those afternoons enjoying extremely simple games – but from which we could expect any surprising wonder – like Ant Attack or Manic Miner, made inevitable our desire to enjoy that wonder in our own home. They had reached the very core of our heart, falling hopelessly in love with it.

At the same time, and after a conscientious work of emotional mining with our parents, we managed to have them in our home. At that time, we could already enjoy milestones such as The Abbey of Crime, Daley Thompson´s Decathlon, Skool Daze, Phantomas, R-Type, Match Day 2, Double Dragon or Target: Renegade, among many others.

Each release of a new videogame –even then- was an event, and we crowded the shopping malls to study in depth the latest news. Many even devoured specialized magazines and enjoyed some demos of the latest releases. The melodies of some of them became small classics and were valued with admiration until the graphic screens that livened up our wait, while we waited for the wonder to be loaded in our humble devices.

At the time, the Sinclair ZX Spectrum even faced stiff competition. The more domestic users were debating between their endearing 8 colours (black, blue, red, magenta, green, cyan, yellow and white) and the wonder – somewhat more expensive – of the 16 colours of the Amstrad CPC 464. Even, for more advanced users and those willing to spend more money, the Commodore 64 and Amiga were already available. In fact, the first PCs already existed, but they were “grown-ups” and were mainly used for work.

It’s hard to evoke that magic if you haven’t lived it. Some even found in those summers their vocation and, over the years, it would become their way of life. A whole generation of computer engineers owes to those days the beginning of a passion that has accompanied them and continues to accompany them today. Hand in hand with the BASIC language used by the Spectrum computer, they discovered that many unimaginable achievements were within their grasp.

The Spectrum brand disappeared from the shops back in 1992, precisely because of its main competitor, Amstrad, which had bought the brand in 1986. However, the legend of the Spectrum computer would not die in those days and still retains much of its strength. In fact, there are still some functioning Spectrums today and they are used (and “venerate”) in retro environments.

If you lived through those days we would love to know what your memories are. You can share them with the readers of this blog, leaving a message in the comment box right at the end of this article.

But before you start writing, you could take a few minutes to get to know Pandora FMS.

Since Pandora FMS is a flexible monitoring software, which is capable of monitoring devices, infrastructures, applications, services and business processes.

Do you want to know better what Pandora FMS can offer you? Click here:

Or you can also send us any query you have about Pandora FMS. You can do it in a very simple way, thanks to the contact form that can be found at the following address: https://pandorafms.com/contact/

The (also nostalgic) team behind Pandora FMS will be delighted to assist you!

And don’t forget to take a look at the other articles that we have published in this blog, we are pretty sure that you will like them.

What did you think of this article? Leave your opinion in the comments section below.

We will be happy to answer all your questions.

Some tips for internal communications within your company

Some tips for internal communications within your company

Have you ever tried that game in which several people tell the same story on a chain and then the story is completely transformed when it reaches the last participant? Well, just imagine that in a company!

Human beings are imperfect. It’s a pity, but it is the way it is! And when we communicate with each other, we also drag on our imperfections that modify the message and end up turning it into something very different from what it was.

Now imagine that in internal communications in the company. Many people with different ways of thinking and being, with different backgrounds or training, trying to understand each other on all kinds of issues that can be very important for the operation of the business. And imagine if you don’t manage all that information properly. If you don’t have a good structure or the right tools to manage it. Or even if you don’t manage it at all, it could be a mess!

Internal communications within the company; 5 basic features

There is no doubt that internal communications in the company are very important. How about clarifying some key issues? Here we go.

– Organization

This is one of the reasons why you should pay great attention to internal communications.

Imagine that you have to transmit an important order for your work (for example, you have to move the bonsais from one place to another because the sun is burning them by the side of the window), but the message arrives incorrectly to the person in charge of doing it and he or she does just the opposite of what you wanted and puts them all right on the window sill. Those poor bonsais could be grilled!

Whatever the reason, but especially if we are talking about descending internal communications (if you want to know more about the different types of internal communications that exist you can click here. A proper transmission of information will be essential to ensure that the company enjoys a good organization.

– Stress

Remember: every obstacle that you place -or that you don’t remove, if you are able to do so- will make work more difficult and increase the stress for your team members.

Imagine, for example, that you have a customer service but its members suffer because they do not have a clear and effective way of communicating user incidents to people who have the necessary technical knowledge to resolve them.

And now imagine this problem multiplied by dozens of customers a day, supporting their continuous complaints and under the pressure of achieving good results. With such a scenario, stress would become inevitable, with all the bad things that come with it.

– Participation

And how good does the company look when ideas flow fresh and shiny like a river enlightened by the sun?

Internal communications are key to the transmission of new ideas that help to improve the company. Suppose that Paquito, from the commercial department, had a conversation with a client resulting in a magnificent idea to improve a product, but it falls on deaf ears because he doesn’t know who to pass it on to and he doesn’t have time to look for the right person. Maybe you’re losing an idea that is worth millions…

Having good internal communications channels is essential so that good ideas are not lost in time and space, so don’t forget to provide these to your people…

– Image

What would you think if you were a customer of a company and the information you were given about a product by one of the people who work for the company (a salesperson, for example) had nothing to do with the information given to you by another (a customer service agent)? You might think that in that company they don’t know anything, or that they are trying to give you a hard time.

Good internal communications provide coherence and consistency when communicating with customers. Don’t you have this? Prepare yourself for runaway users…

– Implication

Do you want your team to feel inspired at work? Do you want your people to realise that their opinion matters? Do you want them to bring in new ideas because they know they will at least be heard? Then give them good internal communications!

Because fluid and effective communication leads to appreciation and well-being (just as bad communication leads to detachment and conflict, by the way). If you get it, your people will feel more listened to and involved in their work, which will benefit both the company and workers at many levels.

These are 5 key reasons why you should think very carefully about internal communications in your company. And now you will ask yourself, with great concern, while observing your bonsais, what can I do to improve it?

Luckily, we live in the 21st century, and that means that we have some tools such as computers, which provides us with wonders such as the Internet, the Pac-Man, and even some software to help improve internal communications in a company.

Can we introduce you to one of them? It’s called Pandora ITSM. Pandora ITSM is a program that, among many other features, has an incident management system (help desk software) based on tickets (ticketing) that can help you both to manage customer service and to improve internal communications in a company.

Do you want to know more? Do you have any questions about Pandora ITSM? You can easily do so, thanks to the contact form that can be found at the following address: https://pandorafms.com/en/contact/

In addition, you can also learn more about the Pandora ITSM help desk tool by clicking here: https://pandorafms.com/en/itsm/help-desk-software/

And remember that Pandora ITSM also has other very interesting features, such as an inventory or a project management system.

Don’t forget to contact us! The Pandora ITSM team will be delighted to assist you!

What do you think about this article?

Please leave your opinion in the area below in the comments section, we will be happy to answer all your questions. By the way, what do you think you need to have in a company to carry out good internal communications? And now that you’ve finished reading this article, why don’t you take a look at the other articles that are published on this blog.

How Open Hardware Intends to Take Over Our World (Again)

How Open Hardware Intends to Take Over Our World (Again)

Open Hardware: The Past and Present

In the 1980s, Open Hardware made our society shake with the irruption of a giant: IBM® It seems that now in 2018 history will repeat itself!

Recently, we wrote on the blog a short story about supercomputers, as well as the big threat, without enough media coverage, about Spectre and Meltdown’s vulnerabilities. We will elaborate both articles in this post. We’ ll tell you about Open Architecture, Free Hardware and Open Hardware and their subtle differences.

Brief Historical Background

We always say that, if we don’t know where we come from, we’ll never know where we’re going. Although we have been using computers in a very useful way since the Second World War, a period that most of us have not experienced, we have known about computers in a domestic and massive way since the 1980s, and that is what many of us have experienced.

By the end of the 1970’s there were countless brands on the market, and yes, the Apple® company had also been born, which was starting to stand out from the rest, and this did not go unnoticed by the great Blue Giant® called Industrial Business Machines®, better known as IBM®. Does the phrase IBM® compatible ring a bell? IBM® has never lost its position in this server market thanks to its vertical integration: from the factory of its components and peripherals, operating systems, applications, user training and business support, all this is done by IBM® (and it continues to do so). So when they realised the potential for sales to small and medium-sized businesses, as well as to households, they realised that they were’late to the party’. They decided then, to save time, to choose the Open Architecture, and settled their operations in Boca Raton, in the state of Florida. This is where the Standard Industrial Architecture (SIA) was born, the precursor of the Open Hardware that we are discussing here today.

Former IBM building in Boca Raton, Florida (photo taken by Phillip Pessar in 2017 and published on Flickr)

After this announcement, many manufacturers began to build peripherals and accessories, as the technical specifications were very clear and widely known. What was the hidden card in the IBM® sleeve? Well, almost nothing, they reserved the opening of the motherboard BIOS by means of copyright, an essential component for this Open Architecture, and they charged for intellectual property rights to any manufacturer, under penalty of powerful lawsuits to those who dared to compete in this critical area (the code was within everyone’s reach, since IBM® published it in one of its manuals inadvertently).

IBM PC ROM BIOS (photo taken by German on Wikipedia)

Shortly thereafter Compaq® (acquired by Hewlett Packard® in 2002, assimilated as a division and now extinct) performed reverse engineering on the BIOS and won the legal case proving that it did not use any IBM® patents. Compaq® did not succeed in all its battles: IBM® commissioned a real army of lawyers to protect its 9,000 patents and, from all its searching and searching, realized that Compaq® violated one of them: they had to pay IBM® US$ 130 million for the right to use the copyright on just one of them.

Another IBM® mistake was to allow Microsoft® to sell the MS-DOS® operating system (which they had purchased from another programmer for US$80,000 and sold non-exclusively to IBM® as PC-DOS®) to those clone system manufacturers. In addition, by the year 2000, the term Wintel was well established in the computing community: Intel® refused to sign exclusive contracts for its 386 processors with IBM® in order to increase its sales in the clone market. However, IBM® did not give up and continued its fight, until in 2005, when it finally decided to sell the computer division to the Asian giant Lenovo®, which is the brand we buy today and many of us use because of the durability of its devices.

Lenovo Headquarters 2015 in Xibeiwang

Lenovo Headquarters 2015 in Xibeiwang (photo wikipedia https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lenovo_western_headquarters_(20170707113944).jpg)

It was also a failed attempt in 1987 to reverse the use of Open Hardware with more restrictions in the famous and now extinct Micro Channel Architecture (MCA), which was not compatible with the software, which involved new compilations of all existing software running on IBM® compatible. But it wasn’t all hopeless for IBM®, nor for us as users: this model’s IBM PS/2® motherboards still come with VGA standard connectors and PS/2 mouse and keyboard connectors (although they are now disappearing in favor of USB and DVI/HDMI).

This story ends with Compaq’s quick response, and together with Zenith Data Systems®, Tandy®, HP®, Olivetti®, NEC®, AST Research®, Epson® and WYSE® created the Extended Industrial Standard Architecture (EISA) that evolved with the extinct VESA (ISA backward compatibility) and the one we currently use to write these lines: the Peripheral Component Interconnect bus (PCI and now evolved as PCI Express). The PCI bus was so new and powerful that even Apple® adopted it in 1995 for its Power Macintosh and, guess what, inside the Power Macintosh there was a processor called PowerPC from…. IBM®!

Open Hardware and Free Hardware

As you can see, the fact that we have the source code of an application or electronic device (and that it is available to millions of people and is well known) and that we can improve it does not mean that it is free of charge for our pockets, and the Open Hardware is an example of this. Free Hardware, on the other hand, does not place any restrictions (such as Free Software):

  1. With Open Hardware and Free Hardware, we can both use them how and where we want or need them.
  2. With Open Hardware and Free Hardware, both, we know how it works, and this is where the differences begin: any improvement we make to Open Hardware must be paid back to the company that owns the copyright, in order to know how much we must pay for the improvement we make ourselves. In this scenario, several alternatives may occur: we may be released from payment (but not the other clients) or, in the best of cases, paid by royalties, in other words, our authorship may be acknowledged (based on the knowledge that previously allowed us to know, in complete contrast to the case of the company Compaq® that we have mentioned).
  3. With Open Hardware and Free Hardware we can distribute the source code to third parties to facilitate its dissemination, as it is public, open and notorious code. However, making a profit from the Open Hardware will be impossible because we do not own the copyright, perhaps we could recover the value of the substrate (paper, DVD, etc.) where the information is contained.
  4. In the Free Hardware we will be able to share and even sell our improvements to third parties without any problems, but in the case of the Open Hardware we already saw in the zero point that is not allowed in any way or form.

Quote:Directly said: with Open Hardware we will always have to pay the patent fees and any improvements we make will always belong to the company that owns the copyright“.

The Open Hardware and the lesson learned

IBM PowerPC 604e from 1996

IBM® learned from their mistakes, and the PowerPC processor was made in partnership with Motorola®, and Apple® was involved, with millions of customers eager to invest their savings in cutting-edge technology. Everything took an unexpected turn in 2007, when Steve Jobs announced that Apple® would start using Intel® processors and that they had always been prepared for them because they secretly also compiled their proprietary operating system on both hardware platforms.

Open Hardware: POWER8 processor in an E870 Power System

Everything looked hopeless to the POWER processor… or so.
The point is that IBM® never cut back on developing and maintaining this processor, and never forgot that Intel® refused to sign any exclusive agreement, which was an unforgettable lesson for them (IBM®). So good and powerful are the POWER1 to POWER7 series processors that they were used in two of the thirteen most powerful supercomputers in Spain: the Magerit and the Marenostrum (I and II).

Open Hardware: Magerit Supercomputer in Spain, year 2011

If you’ve come this far, you probably have the feeling that we’re earning a commission for advertising and “selling you this POWER9 processor” : each of these processors costs more than 5,000 euros to change (not to mention other components) and are intended – or intend – to dethrone the reign of the Intel® Xeon® on the large application and database servers. In fact, until 2013 they were only used on IBM® large servers, but in that year they sponsored the Open POWER Foundation.

The Open POWER Foundation

It is led by IBM® and the following Platinum Members: Google®, nVidia®, Micron®, Red Hat® and Ubuntu®. Its purpose is to “popularize” the use of these processors and eventually displace Intel® from its Web 2.0 site of honor. Copying the whole market is not an easy task, that’s why they must leave their niche in Unix® to reach Linux, which is present in 498 of the 500 most powerful supercomputers of today, and we know that if they use Linux they can be monitored with Pandora FMS in a reliable and precise way.

From this group that makes up the Open POWER Foundation, you may find it strange to see nVidia®, a video card manufacturer, how does this company fit into this supercomputer business and what does it have to do with Open Hardware?

POWER9 Features

To understand why nVidia® is interested in participating in the Open Hardware without really manufacturing anything with this paradigm, we will need to look very briefly at the capabilities and architecture of this POWER9 processor:

  • They start from 24 cores and what is really interesting is their ability to connect to the new NVLink 2.0 standard, which allows parallel computing to nVidia® cards. This allows a high data throughput (25 Gbps) to be passed quickly to these auxiliary processors and every millisecond saved in data transmission and reception is a lot of computing power used by POWER9.
  • They also support the PCI-Express 4.0 standard that allows up to 16 Gbps to connect any peripheral that needs to transmit data to the processor.
  • The most important thing: boot security, as it is totally immune to attacks that corrupt the boot sector (in theory, a reboot will be enough to load the OS cleanly).

But wait, there’s more…

Unfortunately, on May 22, 2018, IBM® officially announced that although they were not exempt from the two Spectre and Meltdown vulnerabilities exposed in January 2018, a fourth of high severity was found at the beginning of May, which forced the publication of a correction by their official repositories and also the respective patches were given to Red Hat, SUSE and Canonical (Ubuntu) while the situation in future developments is being completely corrected (we speculate on the presentation of POWER10, by mere logic).

What does Open Hardware have to do with vulnerabilities in general? A lot was said about the very little time of grace offered by the researchers who discovered Spectre and Meltdown, which put at risk the security of countless equipment we use on websites such as banking platforms, the oil industry and nuclear power plants. IBM®, by delivering everything about the performance of its processors, opens up the possibility of early detection of design flaws involving vulnerability. Although this is a long-term task, it will pay off in the future.


The flexibilization of licenses and patents to spread knowledge about hardware will greatly help future companies to achieve the same results in different ways and forms, as Compaq® did last century and as history shows.

Donald Knuth: learning from the best

Donald Knuth: learning from the best

Donald Knuth; The Best Programmer Ever, right?

He defines himself as “a geek”, he was one of the main people responsible for laying the foundations of modern compilers and is considered the “father” of algorithm analysis.

Some of you may know him, or at least know his name, but he is unknown to the non-specialist public. However, when we refer to Donald Knuth, we are talking about a computer legend, whose life and work are plagued with achievements and anecdotes.

Some people even award him the honorary title of “Best Programmer in History” for the precision of his programs, especially the one called TeX, which only has a few bugs. In addition, we also owe him a series of volumes considered by many as one of the “Bibles” of programming. Do you want to get to know him a little better?

A brief summary about Donald Knuth

Today, Donald Knuth is a veteran; he is 80 years old and considering the youth of his discipline – computer science – it could be said that he has lived almost since its inception.

Donald Ervin Knuth was born one day in 1938 in Milwaukee (United States) in the environment of a Lutheran family, and a few years later decided to study physics at University. Despite his inclinations for programming, it should come as no surprise that he did not study computer science; at that time, computer science did not even exist, so programming tasks were carried out by physicists and mathematicians. Perhaps because of this, and because of his insatiable thirst for knowledge, Knuth completed a few years later also the career of mathematics. A few years earlier, in 1958, he had already written his first program.

The idea of capturing his knowledge to share it with the world was quite precocious. Already in 1962 he began to write the work that, perhaps, gave him greater fame; it is the classic “The art of computer programming”, a colossal work, projected for 7 volumes and we currently only have 3 of them (Knuth is currently writing the 4th one).

For many developers, The art of programming computers is considered something like the programming Bible, one of the most fundamental works written on the subject, and the one that laid the foundation for algorithmic analysis. It’s quite a big deal…

What about the best software ever?

Another of Donald Knuth’s milestones is his TeX software, considered by some to be the most perfect program ever written.

TeX is a word processor, which is commonly used integrated into the LaTeX system (among others), widely used in the academic world for the way it edits mathematical equations. In fact, TeX arose from the professor’s own need who, disappointed by the poor quality of the typography of the first volumes of The Art of Programming Computers, developed the program in order to have a higher quality text editing tool.

The truth is that TeX brings together some anecdotes that have served to earn Professor Knuth the honorary title of “best programmer in history”.

The popular thing is the reward, offered by the professor himself, for all those who are able to detect an error in the program.

The prize is $2.56, or what Knuth calls a “hexadecimal dollar” (the professor is also known for his sense of humour). However, it has to be said that this was quite successful; despite its complexity, the software is so good that very few errors have been found. In addition, most of those who have done so have not cashed the professor’s cheques, but keep them, with admiration, as a historical object.

Another curious anecdote is found in the TeX version numbering system. Following the usual methodology, when TeX reached version 3.1 it did not continue towards 3.2 as would be expected, but towards 3.14, moving closer and closer in its subsequent versions towards the number π (3,14159265…). In this regard, it is foreseen that this anecdote will have a sad and beautiful ending: the professor asked that the last version, after his death, be the π, and all the errors that he conserves then will not be considered as such, but as characteristics of the program.

However, let us rejoice that the teacher is still active. He currently combines the continuation of his volumes of The Art of Programming Computers with his lectures at Stanford University, which he holds the title of Professor Emeritus. Some of them can even be found online and although they are technically complex, they are thought to be excellent by experts.

Figures like Professor Knuth’s have been inspiring generations and the dissemination of his knowledge is still awaited by many today.

However, in order to find more volumes of Professor Knuth’s work we might have to wait a while. What if, in the meantime, you get to know a little better Pandora FMS?

Pandora FMS is flexible monitoring software, which is capable of monitoring devices, infrastructures, applications, services and business processes.

Do you want to know what Pandora FMS can offer you? Click here:

Currently, hundreds of companies and organizations around the world, including public institutions and universities, already have Pandora FMS. Do you want to know some of the Pandora FMS customers and some success stories? Take a look here: https://pandorafms.com/pandora-customers/

Or you can also send us any query you may have about Pandora FMS. You can do it in a very simple way, thanks to the contact form that can be found at the following address: https://pandorafms.com/contact/

Do not hesitate to send us your questions. The team behind Pandora FMS will be delighted to help you!

And don’t forget to have a look at the other articles that we have published in this blog, we are pretty sure that you will like them…

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We hope to see you soon here again, we hope you liked this article, and we hope you keep learning with our blog!

Functions as Service (FaaS) : its monitoring and use as tools

Functions as Service (FaaS) : its monitoring and use as tools

FaaS Functions as a Service: its monitoring and use as tools

FaaS: how to work with them without dying in the attempt

How about starting with an introduction? We will attach links to articles already published – and from third parties – that expand on each concept or topic in order to keep our journey as compact as possible.
For at least five years you’ve been hearing phrases like “the cloud, you have to put everything up on the cloud”, which is a very clever sales strategy: when you say”cloud”, our mind automatically rises, it goes beyond this planet, and we could lose sight of our data (and in our case, our applications as well), so we have to be very careful about the direction of our information.

FaaS logo

In Pandora FMS we have our feet well on the ground and our flexibility is enough to be able to see the existing clouds on the horizon. That is why we have talked about the basic concepts of the cloud and here we reaffirm what has been said:

“Always keep in mind the business objective over the considerations and supposed technical advantages. The cloud is just another tool.”

We have even published that we have to look at the cloud with suspicion: there are many questions we must ask ourselves before migrating some of our processes.There are certainly well-documented success stories and we have even landed on Amazon Web Services AWS®. to take advantage of the good things, offering an image of the Open Source version of Pandora FMS (but we clearly show you how to take advantage of our Tentacle protocol and to be able to monitor other virtual machines in order to centralize the information of the logs).

We have not been left behind in monitoring virtual environments like Docker Swarm (which are in the cloud) due to the challenge of their metrics. As you can see, our collective team in this your blog has made an effort to bring you all the news that are assimilated by the incredible flexibility of Pandora FMS.

In this entry we will focus on the same approach as one of our colleagues did, and we will apply it to Functions as a Service, which we abbreviate as FaaS. This comes from the English language,”Function as a Service”, or FaaS and it evokes other important terms: “Software as a Service” or SaaS (e.g. eHorus or even CRM in the cloud) and “Infrastructure as a Service” or “IaaS” (and there are many more to be included under the term YaaaS:”Yet another as a Service”).

What are FaaS?

FaaS are the short programs (functions) that we make with a certain programming language, they are monolithic and we host them with a provider and they can be called by us, by other applications or even events.
Here the clear advantage is that we as programmers can forget about servers, their updates, SSH connections, etc., to such an extent that we might forget that we are on a server and we will devote ourselves to perform the FaaS without major setbacks (Is this the end of the DevOps as we know them?). That is why, in English, these functions are called “serverless“, which we consider to be untrue: the server will always be there. Just because we don’t care where it is and how it is configured, maintained and monitored doesn’t mean that the figure doesn’t exist.
In short, FaaS are programs that are loaded, run and when finished all your data is destroyed and we will only be charged for the running time.

What are the uses of FaaS?

The uses can be practically infinite:

  • We could make a FaaS run every hour, read an XML file, extract only the fields we need and store them in a database (even it can tell us if there are new fields in the document, as that is a versatility of XML: to add data without affecting compatibility in reading).
  • A FaaS could consult several RSS feeds, link them together and create an HTML document to be saved on a mobile phone for offline consultation.
  • Another FaaS may well connect to a database and query the number of units sold of a specific item and/or its existence, availability and price.
  • We will also be able to resize images in a massive way; verify the payment and balance in soda dispensing machines; connect our vacuum cleaners to our WIFI network (Internet of things), notifications by Slack or we could consult the price of certain shares in any stock exchange in the world.

How can we monitor FaaS?

Pandora FMS can, indirectly, deal with business processes through Transactional Monitoring, with the results of our FaaS on a database, and with the Pandora FMS agent suitable for that database, we will obtain the same purpose: to take care that our processes, customers and companies are operational and producing. This article is about implementing agents directly on our FaaS, without losing sight of the whole scenario.

Who hosts FaaS?

To date, there are not many companies that sell machine time:

As we mentioned, given our incursion into AWS®, in this article we will focus on AWS Lambdas® (you can see the frequently asked questions in this link) because it is a mature product that many companies already use.

AWS Lambdas®

Amazon® rightly refers to the FaaS as”Lambdas”, because this is the concept that encompasses the minimal and recursive functions of a programming language. However, don’t be fooled’: lambda calculation is complex and we will simplify it as much as possible here.

Characteristics of the AWS Lambdas®

  • Each AWS Lambda® function has its limits: 50 megabytes in compressed form, 512 megabytes in its own temporary folder on disk and for each instance, at least 128 megabytes of memory up to 3 gigabytes (CPU power is proportional to the contracted memory), the maximum execution time is 300 seconds.
  • We can program for Java, JavaScript (Node.JS), PHP, Ruby, Python and .NET®.
  • Important note: successive versions of an FcS will be maintained as long as we want and we can specifically call them one by one (maximum of one thousand at a time).
  • Amazon® invoices per 100 millisecond block, however, pricing plans are calculated in seconds and the first million requests are free. These requests (time used) are multiplied by the memory contracted. In practice, in the long run, the 1024 MB plan is cheaper because it takes less time to calculate.

Defining an AWS Lambda®

We must, in JSON or YAML format, make a formal definition to Amazon® of our future FaaS: name, version, dependencies, memory to be used, etc.; we will find all the details here. For example, a function in Node.js to make a HTTPS request in YAML (according to AWS SAM®), would be as follows:

Description: Demonstrates using a built-in Node.js module to make an HTTPS request.
Handler: index.handler
Runtime: nodejs4.3
CodeUri: .
Description: Demonstrates using a built-in Node.js module to make an HTTPS request.
MemorySize: 128
Timeout: 60https://aws.amazon.com/es/java/?nc2=h_l2_d
- Version: '2018-04-15' -'2018-04-15'.
- Effect: Allow
- ses:SendBounce

Invoking an AWS Lambda®

Once we have our FaaS ready and hosted, we can invoke it via API via token authentication: only if it is positive the identification is called the FaaS and if it is negative it returns a 303 code (this protects our pockets from indiscriminate launch attacks). Many Amazon® products can invoke our FaaS, previously authorized by us, but we are particularly interested in the one we can invoke on demand.

Amazon Cloud Watch®

While our scripts are already able to collect metrics about execution or not when receiving on-demand response (e.g. error 303 for unauthorized and 404 for not found), internally Amazon offers us certain basic metrics through Amazon Cloud Watch®, which are as follows (successful responses that return zero value are not recorded by Amazon Cloud Watch®):

  • Invocations
  • Errors (4XX response values)
  • Dead Letter Error
  • Duration (in milliseconds but invoiced in blocks of 100 milliseconds)
  • Throttles (significant error 429 number of instances opened simultaneously, many requests at the same time)
  • IteratorAge
  • ConcurrentExecutions
  • UnreservedConcurrentExecutions

FaaS scheme

If our FcS is written in Python we can also add our own metrics, we can also include successful responses:
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger()
def my_logging_handler(event, context):
logger.info('got event{}'.format(event))
logger.error('Something's wrong.')
return'Our own metrics.

Instead of”logging.INFO” we can change the type of metric. Another point to note is that any print will also be saved as a metric!

from __future__ import print_function
def lambda_handler(event, context):
print('This will also be saved in Cloud Watch')
return'Our own metrics.

Through the Amazon CloudWacth® console you can view the logs of a specific function by running the following command (see query limits at no additional cost):

serverless logs -f my-function-FcS

AWS CloudWatch® Emulator and its metrics

If we want to practice our own Amazon Lambda® emulator (including metrics) in a local test environment, we can use the Serveless Offline Plugin (for Node.JS only) and view these awslogs for humans (here’s an example of how Amazon Cloud Watch returns a metric. You can see it here in machine language).

FaaS code

Do you want to learn more about Amazon® FaaS monitoring?

Amazon® offers the AWS X-Ray® service, which is free of charge for the first 100,000 scans and the first million scans retrieved; from those values onwards, collection begins. Essentially, it is a debugging platform to which we can program specific commands within our function code, with the certainty that such explicit data will be saved and if necessary retrieved by us for analysis. Here is an example of the libraries we should call in Java:

import com.amazonaws.xray.javax.servlet.AWSXRayServletFilter

Leave your comments and opinions below. We want to know your doubts and we will do our best to answer them as much as possible. Until the next opportunity, we’ll “read” each other!

6 common computer maintenance problems

6 common computer maintenance problems

Okay, so you have a computer – or more than one! – And every now and then you have a little problem.

A broken screen, CPU pain, migraines in RAM or even a virus! Multiple ailments can affect your computer and cause it to malfunction. Not to mention the passing of the years, which can damage your components and turn them into fond electronic grandparents.

Computer equipment lives in our world and, although it is made of silicon and other materials, it obeys the same laws of physics as our bodies, which means that time and effort will also affect it, causing damage of various kinds.

Just like many people go to their doctor when they notice certain symptoms, your computers are likely to show signs that something bad is going on. And some will have to do with incorrect computer maintenance.

6 common problems in computer maintenance

When we talk about computer maintenance, we mean a series of actions carried out on computer equipment (both software and hardware) in order to achieve optimum performance.

According to our needs and our possibilities, the computer maintenance of our equipment will be in more or less experienced hands. From our grandmother Patricia, who has given a course and has become a fan of information technology, or us, to professionals such as system administrators or companies that provide maintenance services, this may depend on various people, with greater or lesser fortune depending on the expertise of whoever takes care of it.

When carrying out computer maintenance tasks, the aim is to reduce the amount of problems. However, for various reasons, it is possible that some of them may appear. These are six of the most common ones.

1. The computer gets too hot

It’s quite a classic. You put your laptop on your knees (a very bad practice, by the way), and right after you start to find a smell like grilled meat, and it hurts!

There are many reasons why equipment can become overheated, including the aging of its components or more specific failures, such as problems with the internal cooling system, especially with fans.

Overheating can in turn cause multiple damage to the equipment and even cause the equipment to shut down as a protective measure, so be careful and try to keep it from reaching critical temperatures – remember, this is not a grill!

2. The hard drive is full

With the use of your computer and depending on the activity you do with it, it is likely that you will begin to accumulate more and more content (software, file storage, etc.), and if you do not have proper control over the use of your hard drive it will also be likely that there will come a time when it will be full.

Having your hard disk in such conditions can cause a number of problems, such as slowing down your computer or making it impossible to continue saving data, sometimes of great importance (for example, backups). To avoid this type of situation, good computer maintenance will again be of great importance.

3. RAM can’t take it anymore

We all have a limit, and your computer’s RAM is no exception. Some actions, such as using a large number of programs at the same time, can make RAM too fast and cause your computer’s performance to drop. Or it may also happen that the capacity of this is too low for the requirements of your job. In any case, good computer maintenance should take this type of variable into account and act accordingly.

4. Your computer has malware

Viruses, malware, ransomware, Trojans… these little demonic creatures are called by various names, and when they are present on your computer they will act with bad intentions.

There are a number of reasons why some of this malicious software might be hidden on your computer, ranging from things such as the opening of”suspicious” emails to poor computer maintenance which has not protected your computer or removed these malicious programs. The truth is that the presence of malware can cause significant damage, such as theft of sensitive data, so watch out for these undesirable bugs!

5. The computer is too old

The years go by for everyone, and for your computer, too.

We know that you have been with it for many years and that you are very fond of it, but if your computer can no longer handle its soul and does not do its job, you probably need to think about replacing it with another one or at least renewing some of its components. This type of action is also typical of computer maintenance.

6. The operating system is too old

Do you use the same operating system that the Greek mathematicians used in their abacuses? Okay, you should also change it for a new one.

In any case, if your computer’s operating system is not that old, don’t forget to keep it properly updated, which will improve its performance and reduce the incidence of some problems, such as certain vulnerabilities.

As a conclusion

And so far we’ve seen 6 common problems with your computer that are closely related to computer maintenance, do you want to see more?

If, among your tasks, you work in computer maintenance, it is likely that, in order to carry out a good part of your activity, you need good monitoring software to allow you to control the proper functioning of the computer.

If you are a professional in the industry, you might already know the benefits that good monitoring software can bring to your business. And you probably already know Pandora FMS. However, let us remind you what Pandora FMS can do for you.

Pandora FMS is one of the most flexible monitoring software on the market. Pandora FMS is capable of monitoring devices, infrastructures, applications, services and business processes.

Do you want to know more about Pandora FMS? Click here.

If you have to monitor more than 100 devices, you can also enjoy a FREE 30-day Pandora FMS Enterprise TRIAL . Get it here .

The Pandora FMS team will be happy to help you!

LPWAN as a communication base for IoT

LPWAN as a communication base for IoT

What is LPWAN? An introduction to the IoT communications protocol

LPWAN (Low Power Wide Area Network), also known as LPWA or LPN, is a wireless data transport protocol that is now understood as one of the basic protocols for the implementation of IoT.

In order to have a better idea of the relevance of LPWAN we can consider the prediction made by statisca.com of a steady increase in the number of LPWAN devices connected around the world, expecting this number to reach around 3.5 billion devices by 2021.

Clearly, even with these data it is fair to ask ourselves the question: Is LPWAN a standard for IoT?

We must of course accept that the final standards for IoT have yet to be defined, in fact the protocols are in full development and there are several projects that intend to define standards.

However, in most literature LPWAN appears as a valid transport protocol option for certain IoT needs.

In the article “Interoperability of IoT” published in this same blog you will find information on the projects that aim to define standards for IoT.

That being said, we invite you to technically review LPWAN, to understand its needs, and to evaluate the challenges involved in a monitoring scheme. But what is LPWAN? Let’s start with its characteristics.

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LPWAN Characteristics

There are three technical features of LPWAN that meet the requirements of IoT, these are:

  • Geographical range: LPWAN is designed for wireless data transport between devices separated by distances in the range of kilometers and not meters.
  • The amount of data transmitted: LPWAN’s idea is to regulate the non-constant transport of small amounts of data.
  • Low power consumption: The protocol is based on the use of devices with batteries that last for years instead of weeks and months.

Well,these features also set LPWAN apart from other wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 3GPP and Zigbee.

The following figure shows a graph showing the space governed by each of the wireless technologies in terms of bandwidth and physical range.

LPWAN coverage

Source: Peter R. Egli, paper available on the Internet

As shown in the graph, it is not possible for a single wireless technology to meet all the requirements of IoT.

What is LPWAN? Well, LPWAN technology almost exclusively meets the needs of applications that require the wireless transfer of small amounts of data, only a few times a day and over long distances.

LPWAN networks are often associated with geographically distant sensor networks and devices that require or can only transmit little information about their status.


On the other hand, an interesting technical point to mention with LPWAN is the radiofrequency band in which it usually works.

The different products that LPWAN implements work in Europe in the ISM band (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) which represents a spectrum that is internationally reserved for non-commercial use associated with industry, science and medical services.

This band is important because this group of frequencies can be used without the license fee, as long as the restrictions on the transmitted power levels are respected.

This represents another difference between LPWAN and cellular technologies for example, where it is necessary to pay for the right to transmit on a specific frequency.

Please note that for LPWAN there is a difference in the frequency used depending on the region in which you are located, in Europe the band between 867 and 869 MHz is used, in the United States the band between 902 and 928 MHz is used and in Asia it depends on the country, in the case of Japan the band between 920 and 925 MHz is used.

The use of different frequencies means that hardware devices can be used in different countries but require software adjustment to be able to work at a particular frequency.

Disadvantages of LPWAN

The disadvantages that can be pointed out are the following:

    • The low transmission speed does not allow handling large volumes of data, so elements such as photos and videos are completely discarded.As we have already mentioned, LPWAN allows the creation of sensor and device networks, however, we must say that even in these networks the volumes of telemetry data that can be transported cannot be very large, which rules out very complex elements or those that require a lot of information.
    • There are reports of signal attenuation problems when the LPWAN network includes devices located in buildings or separated by physical elements, operating more efficiently in open spaces with secured lines of sight.
    • Connectivity between the devices and its application or server is not constant and can be unidirectional; from the device to a capture element, which makes it difficult to control the movement of objects in real time.However, it should be noted that most LPWAN implementations allow two-way communications.
    • Another element that LPWAN implementations have to deal with is transmission reliability.

LPWAN implementations introduce different encryption and authentication processes to resolve this protocol weakness.

LPWAN Implementations

There are several implementations of the LPWAN protocol, such as Sigfox, NB-IoT, Weightless, RPMA and LoRaWAN to name a few. There are many differences between each of them in terms of modulation scheme, geographical scope, the amount of data transmitted and their encryption and authentication capabilities.

Here we propose a general review of the LoRaWAN implementation with the idea of clarifying its architecture, which will help us to understand the rest of the implementations.


The reader can find in many bibliographies the terms LoRa and LoRaWAN used in many different ways, but they are actually not the same:

LoRa is a radio frequency signal modulation scheme created by Semtech Corporation. This company designs and produces among other elements LoRa chips that will be used as the physical basis of LoRaWAN networks.

LoRaWAN is an implementation of the LPWAN protocol using LoRa technology. LoraWAN is developed by the so-called LoRa Alliance made up of Cisco, IBM and Orange, among others. We can see LoRaWAN as the definition of the protocol and the network architecture on which the applications will interact directly.

The following figure shows the architecture for LoRaWAN:

LPWAN arquitecture

Source: Presentation by Martin Haas

LoRaWAN defines two network structures:

  • Mesh Network: LoRaWAN allows direct communication between end devices without the need for an intermediate element, which provides basic point-multipoint communication.
  • Star Network: under this structure the final nodes transmit their messages to elements called Gateways, where the same message can be received by more than one Gateway. This communication will be done wirelessly with the network defined with LoRa elements.

The Gateways then send the data to a central server, as can be seen in this image:

LPWAN network structure

Source: Jensd’s I/O buffer

The communication of the Gateway with the central server can be established by an Ethernet network or any other wireless network scheme available.

Finally, the central server will remove the redundant data, perform security checks and send the corresponding information to the users’ applications.

LoRaWAN Technical Data Sheet:

  • Data Transmission: from 250bps to 50Kbps
  • Geographical scope: from 10 to 15Km
  • Battery life: 10 to 20 años
  • Encryption: AES 128

LPWAN and Monitoring

The introduction of IoT undoubtedly implies important challenges for the world of monitoring.

First of all, it is easy to understand that the number and heterogeneity of the devices that can be included in an IoT solution is a challenge for the group that must establish a monitoring platform that includes these devices.

Theoretically we should consider an infinite number of devices as well as the assumption that most of them are “non-IT” and otherwise diverse from one another. This means that much of the IT device monitoring scheme will not be applicable to an IoT monitoring project.

On the other hand, there are different schemes and technologies that can be used to develop the IoT project. An IoT project via a cloud service is different if we undertake the project of creating our own IoT network, if our solution points to IoT based on 5G the scenario is completely opposite from assuming an IoT project based on LPWAN, and what happens if we use one scheme to integrate some devices and another scheme to integrate others?

Therefore, we are at the point where the lack of standardization in IoT protocols and architecture implies a challenge for monitoring.

However, in the case of LPWAN, as a basis for an IoT project, they play against the very fact that these are networks whose communication platform is designed to transmit low volumes of data and that, depending on the implementation, the communication of the devices can be unidirectional.

In any case, undertaking a monitoring project can get started by knowing the devices and sensors that we must integrate and raise with the users or the operational managers of them, the information about what you need to know about these devices:

  • What is the current status of the sensor or device?
  • What are its possible states?
  • What actions should be taken when a particular state is reached?
  • Where is the device located? Is it mobile or static?
  • What are your valid locations? (If mobile)
  • Its firmware version?
  • Its battery level?

The next step may be to verify:

  • What data is required and who can generate this information? and what data should we obtain from the device or sensor and what data can we obtain from other elements such as gateways and servers?
  • How much data is required to meet user expectations? Given the low data transmission capacity of LPWAN networks, the selection of truly relevant information becomes a very important task for successful monitoring.

Another aspect is related to the applications associated with our IoT platform, which may have been developed especially for this solution or are part of the applications already existing on the network.

This review can give us a general idea on how we can deal with IoT platform monitoring and will lead us directly to decide on the technical solution required to finally reach the target of:

  • Integrating device information into a dashboard
  • Extending the network maps
  • Including new application information
  • Extending our monitoring procedures, etc.

Without a doubt, having a monitoring platform that is flexible enough and with proven experience in IoT monitoring is the best basis for this.

Pandora FMS has the necessary level of flexibility and experience, so we invite the reader to request more information about Pandora FMS IoT monitoring by filling out this simple form.

What is LPWAN? This article should have answered that question.

Finally, we kindly invite you to comment about your experiences regarding this interesting world of IoT monitoring.

The strange case of SNMP: A weird story about protocols

The strange case of SNMP: A weird story about protocols

What is SNMP? A very useful and interesting protocol

A crime had taken place in Manhattan Grow, a well-established company, so to speak, of invoices. Someone shouted “OH MY GOD, WE MUST FIND THE GUILTY ONE! There wasn’t enough coffee and doughnuts in the machine to calm the entire office.

In the middle of summer, the sky was slowly walking towards dusk, slowly fading away. No one was going to leave Manhattan Grow until the mess was fixed. Heads were going to roll.

They handed the case over to one of the veterans, a senior systems chief who had experienced everything possible within the company. His name was Amonario and, as you can imagine, he was about to retire.

Amonario enjoyed going out and smoking his cigarettes on the stairs and configuring switches and routers by hand by using a cable. That’s how happy he was. Lately, however, something was giving him a headache. That was caused by a new junior systems technician. His name was “Fraguas”.

Fraguas was much more used to the technological whirlwind of the new times. He could break records at Angry Birds and thought he was going to become a millionaire at any moment thanks to the development of a new mobile application. His chair in the computer fish tank was the finest and most customized. He could sit for hours with his pc and configure it all without having to move a single millimeter from his chair.

The boss brought both of them to his office on the top floor.

-Okay gentlemen, there has been a cybercrime in our domains. An identity theft that involves a loss of about three million euros.

-Don’t worry, sir, I’ll take care of it – Amonary said.

We will take care of it! – Fraguas said.

“The new one” initially followed the veteran. Did he really intend to check the computers one by one? All of them? In order to see if he could find something. He went from one computer to another looking at records and files! However, Fraguas, simply got into the business network to look at the moves of each one in it, he would notice if someone had touched the invoices and if so he would try to scan their IP to see if they had really committed the cybercrime. He would do it thanks to the SNMP protocol, which would make it easy for him to explore the traces left by the cybercriminal.

What is SNMP?

SNMP? What is SNMP?

-What do you mean, “What is SNMP, Amonary? I thought you knew all the possible topics – this touched the sensitive nerve of Amonary, but Fraguas continued with a smile in his face.

-You see, SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is a protocol that allows network administrators to manage network devices and diagnose their problems. The SNMP protocol has two different ways of working: polling and traps. Polling relies on sending remote queries either actively or on demand, executing a synchronous query operation. Traps, however, are rather messages that launch SNMP devices to an already constituted address, based on changes or events, this time asynchronously.

-Like an application layer protocol that enables the exchange of administration data between network instruments.

-That’s right! Instruments or devices that support SNMP include routers, switches, servers, printers, modems and so on. It empowers administrators, like us, to monitor network performance, find and solve their problems and to plan its growth. It is made up of a set of rules for network management, comprising a protocol application layer, a schema database, and a set of data objects. The most widely used SNMP versions are SNMP version 1 (SNMPv1) and SNMP version 2 (SNMPv2). The latest release, SNMPv3, has representative advances in relation to its predecessors, especially in terms of security, but it has not been fully approved by the industry. I don’t understand very well why.

-In general, we can say that SNMP is used to configure remote devices -said Fraguas-. Configuration information can be triggered to each host interconnected with the network from the management system. It is also used to monitor overall network performance. You can track the processing speed and capabilities of the network, and get information about data transfers. And of course to detect network errors or inadequate access. What we’re going to come up with right now is pretty good for finding that scoundrel. In fact, we can also set up alarms that are triggered on network devices when certain events occur. When an alarm is triggered, the device sends an event signal to the administration system and that saves a lot of time.

Thanks to the SNMP protocol, our friends followed in the footsteps of cybercrime and finally found the crook. This meant a promotion and a pat on the back from the leaders, but more importantly, it united these two agents with a great friendship that would last for many years and many beers on the way out.

By the way, do you know who is taking advantage of this famous protocol, apart from our Manhattan Grow detectives? Pandora FMS, a flexible monitoring system, which is capable of monitoring devices, infrastructures, applications, services and business processes.

For example, in Pandora FMS you can easily create an SNMP module. We explain you how in the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHHG7FQe8DU&t

You can also meet Pandora FMS directly. Click here: https://pandorafms.com/

You can even send us any query you may have about Pandora FMS. You can easily do it, thanks to the contact form at the following address:

Don’t forget to leave a comment in the comments section. what is SNMP? Hopefully this article has answered that question. Have you ever heard of SNMP before? Tell us what you think. We are looking forward to hearing from you. and don’t forget to take a look at the other articles that are posted on this blog. We’re sure you’ll like them.

So what was the Y2K effect which really scared us all?

So what was the Y2K effect which really scared us all?

The Y2K Effect: Was it true or just a technological hoax?

I am here to tell you a horror story. Something that will make you tremble from head to toe. It happened over Christmas and caused chaos among the gullible and conspirators.

A wicked Santa Claus? A contaminated consignment of cava? The closure of the Playmobil company? Nope! We are talking about the Y2K effect!

Young people will not remember that technological shock, but Y2K caused a lot of attention in all the media, and although on January 1st of that year it already suffered the disappointing hangover, the last day of December kept us on edge until the last minute.

The Y2K Effect

Yes, during all those last months of 1999 (Oh, the 90´s) the TV, the radio, the newspapers wouldn’t stop sending sparks and warnings: “Don’t leave your homes! Don’t take the risk! The world needs to update all its computers to avoid the total collapse that will occur at the end of this year! Then it turned out that when the whole family arrived at the New Year’s meal with a hangover asked if the planet had exploded, someone said, “Not Really”. Y2K went by without pain or glory as a macabre hoax to sell computers and to frighten old people and Skynet fans.

But you should know that the Y2K Effect was a real bug; it did not reach apocalyptic proportions as announced by the posters of screaming dooms at the exit of the subway, but it was an error caused by the programmers obsession to date only with two digits (00) to save memory. As you can imagine, or as it spread, when it reached January 1, 2000, gadgets all over the world would interpret the change as a restart of their innermost self, which would mean the year 1900 instead of 2000, causing a series of problems.

The end of humankind did not arrive, and even Leonard Nimoy signed up for hysteria and in 1998 already announced that it would be a catastrophe of biblical proportions. It was written in stone that the elevators would stop leaving you trapped in the middle, that the ATMs would start spitting bills and that the planes would explode in the air. From communications to the economic system, through the electricity that supplied the world, everything was controlled by machines, those that were meant to go crazy.

Many of the countries in the world, including Spain with some 420 million euros, took the time to update their systems to avoid the Y2K problem.
But the truth is that thanks to the money invested, the crisis could be solved and on day one we had nothing to worry about… To be honest there were quite a few Y2K-related incidents, including… shutdowns in fifteen nuclear reactors!
Many of the problems were seen as minor details and others were not related to the Effect because they did not occur at midnight. But the truth is that many of the programs were not active precisely at that time, so they presented the error simply when they were executed.

Some of the many bugs related or presumably related to Y2K:

  • Ishikawa, Japan. A radiation monitoring team failed at midnight.
  • Onagawa, Japan. An alarm sounded at an atomic power plant two minutes after midnight.
  • United States. The naval observatory, where the main clock that marks the official time of the country operates, had an interference. Due to a scheduling problem, it announced that the date was January 1, 1910.
  • United Kingdom. Credit card transactions were rejected or failed altogether while reciprocally working certain systems.
  • Pennsylvania, United States. An elementary school library computer overcharged the students for borrowing books for 100 years.

These are just some of the most revealing cases recorded. In our beloved country, Spain, problems were also detected at two nuclear power stations, at petrol stations and in the traffic data collection system. But, as we have pointed out before, New Year’s Day passed without pain or glory. The fight was over and the crisis was saved. We all assumed that nothing had happened, that there was never any danger and that everything was a hoax scattered by little primary school children or by someone interested in the computer shop in our neighbourhood. But what if we simply avoided the Y2K problem because we were really preparing for it?

But let’s stay away from the failures of technology, let’s go to the benefits and the good results. There are programs, such as monitoring systems, that are unlikely to fail us on a worldwide scale on New Year’s Eve every millennium change. One of them is Pandora FMS.

The acronym FMS means “Flexible Monitoring System”

And why is it called like that? Because Pandora FMS is one of the most flexible monitoring software in the market. Pandora FMS is able to monitor devices, infrastructures, applications, services and business processes.

Nowadays there are many companies and organizations that have Pandora FMS. Do you want to know some of them and to read some of our success stories? Click here: https://pandorafms.com/pandora-customers/

Or you can also start from the beginning and get to know what Pandora FMS can do for you, here: https://pandorafms.com

And you can even send us any question you may have about Pandora FMS. And you can easily do it thanks to the contact form at the following address: https://pandorafms.com/contact/

Do not forget to leave a comment in the area below in the comments section, what did you think of this article? we want to hear your opinion. Have you ever heard of the Y2K Effect? Hopefully with this article, all your doubts have been answered.

And don’t forget to take a look at the other articles that have been posted on this blog. We’re sure you’ll like them a lot! They are very different and quite entertaining so don’t forget to take a look at them!

How did you experience The Y2K Effect? What were you doing when this happened? We want to hear your opinion, you know you can write it at the end of this article in the comments section.

How To Turn Your Customers Into Advocates

How To Turn Your Customers Into Advocates

Is there anything better for a company than having good customers?

Seriously, it’s not a rhetorical question. Is there anything better? There might be. There is, actually! The best thing is to turn those good customers into your best advocates for your brand.

But the truth is that it is not easy to achieve this. It requires offering a good product, ensuring customer satisfaction and carrying out certain actions to encourage customers to recommend your brand. However, if you do, the benefit will be significant, as you will obtain great advocates for your company.

Why is it such a good thing to turn your customers into advocates?

There are several types of advocates. In general, an advocate is a person who has enough influence to have an influence on a considerable number of people.

However, we can also include other types of clients as advocates, such as those who share the benefits of our brand with family, friends and acquaintances without necessarily reaching a large number of people. Any positive feedback is greatly appreciated, and it is important to take care of all our customers, regardless of whether their opinion reaches thousands of people or a smaller group.

The fact that a client may become an advocate offers multiple benefits. First of all, it is taken for granted that if you have become a brand advocate then you are a loyal customer, with all the benefits that this implies. But that’ s not all.

In addition, the advocates are an excellent way of advertising, or don’t you think it’s a good way to make yourself known to a customer who has tried your products and, in an honest way, strongly promotes them?

Remember that, today, customer opinions are more important than ever. Most consumers seek information – especially on the Internet – about products before purchasing them, so positive feedback can be of great value.

How can we turn clients into advocates?

There is no doubt that the best way to turn a customer into an advocate is to offer them a top quality product or service. This way, by doing a good job, the advocates will be naturally generated little by little.

But you can also take some actions to reinforce your work and encourage your customers to feel more encouraged to communicate the benefits of your brand. Let’s have a look at some ideas.

– Become a lovemark

It’s not easy to achieve, but if you do, you’ll have a big road covered. “Lovemarks” are those brands that are able to convey a number of values that people can identify with, to the point of “falling in love” with the brand.

Hardly any other way is as effective in getting advocates as becoming a lovemark. But remember that achieving that status is not easy. Do a good job, define the values that represent you, take care of your clients and you will be closer to reaching their hearts.

– Interact with your customers

As human beings, we all like to be surrounded by people.

And the same thing goes for a company’s customers. The cold wall we used to face when dealing with companies in the past is a thing of the past; today, the communication channels between a brand and its customers are multiple and offer all kinds of possibilities. Therefore, it is important to take advantage of them to generate links.

Social networks, blogs, apps… There are many ways to build bridges between a company and its users. But if you do, don’t stay on the surface. It is not enough to have a profile on a social network or create an app. The actions you take to get closer to your customers should bring real value to improve – at least a little – their lives.

If you do that, they’ll love you more. And they will speak better of you….

– Offer the best service to the customer

This is one of the defining moments in the relationship between a company and its users.

Since the relationship with customer service can be the difference between a lost customer and a customer who becomes an advocate. After all, it is the time when the company must meet the customer’s needs with the greatest enthusiasm. And it must also do so in a direct way, through personal treatment in which factors such as efficiency, diligence, kindness or good organisation are key.

Have you ever read on social networks or opinion pages about users’ experiences with a company’s customer support services?

And so far we’ve looked at some ideas that might help you turn some of your customers into brand advocates – do you want to find out more?

As we have already mentioned, good customer service is a key factor in keeping users satisfied. But achieving this goal is not always easy, and often requires a lot of dedication, good organization and a very professional team with the right tools.

Luckily, there are now some technological tools that can help you with such an important task. And one of them is Pandora ITSM.

Pandora ITSM is software that has, among other features, an incident management system (help desk software) based on tickets (ticketing) that can help in the management of customer service in a company.

Do you want to learn more about what the Pandora ITSM helpdesk tool can do for you? Click here: https://pandorafms.com/en/itsm/help-desk-software/

Or you can also send us any questions you may have about Pandora ITSM. You can easily do this using the contact form at the following address:

The Pandora ITSM team will be happy to help you!

What do you think of this article on how to turn your clients into your best advocates? Now that you’ ve got the tools to achieve this, make sure you try this out.

And don’t forget to leave a comment in the comments section at the bottom of this article, we want to hear from you, we also have other similar articles posted on this blog, so make sure you check them out.

What is Reversible Computing and when should we implement it?

What is Reversible Computing and when should we implement it?

Reversible Computing: Moore’s Law, and unconventional computing

The so-called “Moore’s Law” is reaching the limits established since its formulation. We previously published an article on the subject, which serves as an introduction to what we are going to explain today. Let’s start from there and keep your mind open for change….

Moore’s Law

Gordon E. Moore first formulated his empirical experience – which later became “law” – for a period of one year, but after five years he reformulated it to two years, and established that it would reach its limit in 2007, with a maximum extension of 15 years. If you take a look, at the time of writing this article, we are close to witnessing its extinction.

Why is Moore’s Law headed for death? Although we are making smaller and smaller transistors and are able to gather more and more in the same space, we are gradually leaving the realm of classical physics and moving into the field of quantum mechanics, where materials behave in different ways. In other words, there comes a time when an electron simply cannot pass through such a thin wire; it literally “jams” and its electromagnetic wave “jumps” from one conductor to another, causing unwanted values in the surrounding transistors. We remind you that the speed of an electron by an electrical conductor is slow, compared to the electromagnetic force that practically reaches the speed of light (take it for now as a fact and then look it up in your favourite encyclopaedia).

Gordon Moore (left) and Robert Noyce (both founders of Intel), photo 1970

Gordon Moore (left) and Robert Noyce (both founders of Intel), photo 1970, IntelFreePress

A different thing is the speed of these processors; it is like electrical energy, which supplies our homes at 60 cycles per second (in America, in Europe it is at 50 Hertz) and determines the number of revolutions per minute of the rotor of the generators (powered by nuclear, wind, etc) and motors in our homes and jobs. Also in the case of computers, the higher the cycles, the more energy consumed and heat generated (wasted energy); this represents another limitation, which has been overcome with multi-core CPUs: their grouping and synchronization has allowed the construction of supercomputers and the use of Parallel Computing.

And where does Reversible Computing work?

Reversible Computing is about being able to obtain, from a result, the values that originated it (one by one). As we well know, our computers work with a binary system whose values, true or false ( on/off if we think of transistors as light bulbs), and the logical operations on the bits are diverse. One of them is reversible: the negation (NOT), since its result, just by applying it again, we will obtain the original value.

Other operations are not. AND takes two bits, “multiplies” them and outputs a result: if it is true it means that both bits were true, but if the result is false we will not know for sure what the original values were; therefore, it is irreversible.

Working with trits

Our computers use the positive based binary system (negative based numbering systems can be used for another complete article). Let’s abandon binary computers to think about ternary computers now.

If two are good, three are better, but as you may have suspected we will need more “memory” to represent them. Luckily, computing power and capacity is no problem today.
If we used 0 and 1 before, then we will now use… ¡-1, 0 y 1! (‘negative’,’zero’ and’positive’)

This is called a balanced ternary system, taking zero as the pivot, and it solves one of the problems of our binary computers: dedicating a bit to represent the sign of a number (negative-based numbering systems also solve the sign issue).

Let’s see what our decimal system would look like in binary and balanced ternary:

Decimal system, binary system and balanced ternary system.

Decimal system, binary system and balanced ternary system.

To represent the negative numbers in a balanced ternary, simply apply the NOT (reversible operation), that is, invert the signs: the negative seven would be “-+-” and the negative two would be “0-+”.

Does this look advanced to you? A computer based on balanced ternary was developed in the Soviet Union in 1958 and the model was named after a river near the Russian research laboratory: Setun (only 50 specimens were produced).

Here, you’ re getting the hype of Reversible Computing!

Universal gates for Reversible Computing

If we can express logic or arithmetic operations with two or more gates of the same type, we are in the presence of universal gates. But, in addition, we need them to be reversible and one of them is the one invented by the Digital Physicist Edward Fredkin and is called, of course, Fredkin’s Gate. It is usually presented with binary values, but here we will present it with balanced ternary values.

Graphic representation of a Fredkin Gate

Graphic representation of a Fredkin Gate, Wikipedia

It consists of three input and equal output trits. The first trit always keeps its value: if it is zero, the other two trits keep their values, but if it is positive the other two trits will exchange their values (we will leave the negative of the first trit to indicate, by the way, that the operation is not reversible: for example, when we need to send a result to the «/dev/null», as we currently do in GNU/Linux).
Our layout would look like this:

Reversible Computation and Fredkin Gate

Reversible Computation and Fredkin Gate

Thus, if we set the value W3=0 we get the operation X3= W1 AND W2

Balanced ternary AND operation

Balanced ternary AND operation

At this point, if we know the result, even if it is zero, we will always know what the values of W1 and W2 were. That is, the algorithm would be reversible (the mathematical demonstration should be for another full article).

From theory to practice

Of course we need more time and memory (more values and more operations) for our new computer and in this scenario the monitoring with Pandora FMS would be practically the same, but with the notable difference that any last data collected by a module could be reversed to compare with the penultimate data collected, so we would have a monitoring that could be audited. A real achievement.

As reality always surpasses fiction, biologists believe that reversible computing in nature is well represented in the messenger Ribonucleic Acid (mRNA), because with its arrival the cells have the instructions to duplicate proteins that are necessary for our life. For us human beings, the resource of time is really limited. We are always developing technology that is faster because our life is limited, but there is a field where time is very abundant: in the exploration of our universe.

Messenger RNA

Messenger RNA, Wikipedia

Space travel, quantum computers and Reversible Computing

A cubic metre in outer space would have at best two or three atoms: it is practically empty and the temperature drops to minus 273 degrees Celsius (about zero degrees Kelvin). In these conditions there are metals that become superconductive and an electric current can circulate for an indefinite time without any resistance and without wasting any energy, in a physical phenomenon that we have not fully understood. So far, our probes have been shipped with plutonium; as they disintegrate they emit energy at the cost of consuming their own mass, so that computers can perform their basic operations. To communicate with us they get additional energy from the solar panels.

We launched the Voyager 1 space probe 40 years ago and it is now leaving our solar system (heliosphere) and the farther away it is, the less energy it gets from the Sun. So we need computers that work with a minimum amount of energy, and even better: that can even regain the energy used in the calculations. To do this, quantum computers come into play, which could deliver a result (navigation calculations to correct the route, if necessary) to another memory area and reverse the computation to return to its original state with almost the same amount of energy (remember the superconductivity).

Location of Voyager 1 (top) and Voyager 2 (bottom) within the limits of our solar system

Location of Voyager 1 (top) and Voyager 2 (bottom) within the limits of our solar system, NASA

The plan would be that when it reaches another star nearby and gets power back from the solar panels, the main computers would turn on and send a signal pointing to where our planet will be in the future.

If Voyager 1 had this type of computer that we theorized, it could perform the calculation of where we would be in 1.7 years to the future in the year 40272, when passing near another star, and then it could trigger the information collected. Let’s remember that information is obtained from data, and with Reversible Computing just by having the first thing we will also have the second thing. We reckon that by then we’ll have satellite dishes all over our space neighborhood, so we can pick up the very faint signal that arrives, not just from the next artifacts we launch, but even signals from other possible civilizations!

Let’s look at the current reality: NASA estimates that by 2030 the systems on Voyager 1 will shut down forever, as it will run out of radioactive energy and will orbit at a speed of 48,240 kilometers per hour, heading toward the center of our galaxy and making a revolution every 225 million years on Earth, what do you think?

Pandora FMS and Non Conventional Monitoring

Pandora FMS unconventional monitoring

Pandora FMS unconventional monitoring

As well as the term Non-Conventional Computing, here at Pandora FMS we have been opting for Non-Conventional Monitoring for a long time, since our motto is Flexibility and we do what we preach. We already offer you the latest techniques for data collection, data consolidation, storage and presentation, whether developed by us or by third parties in an integrated way: you are just a click away!

Please leave your comments below.

Historical events that you should know as an IT person

Historical events that you should know as an IT person

Computer History: Let’s take a look at this timeline

Trivia question, : Could you draw a line with the most important historical events in computer science? Certainly not! because we all know that Trivial Pursuit doesn’t have any questions about computer history among its old categories of questions, so this question would come from an GCSE teacher or a boring friend.

In any case, either to astonish our teacher or to silence our friend, we must know the answer.

Computer History

Our journey begins here. Let’s go back in time to learn about computer history

In 1834, Charles Babbage announces the analysis engine

Unbelievable, did you think that the furthest we could go back in time in terms of computing was the 1980s, right? Not at all. British mathematics teacher Charles Babbage woke up one morning to start creating the analytical machine! A modern general-purpose computer that was a major breakthrough in the history of computer science.

Its general purpose was a machine that could be programmed by the user, capable of executing the desired instructions and commands. It was mechanical in nature, and already had many parts of a modern computer. It could store 1000 numbers of 50 digits each, and although it could never be built by its inventor, Babbage, because the necessary technology was not yet available, it was one of the first milestones of computer science.

1943: The birth of Mark I Colossus

More than 70 years ago, this top secret project arrived and helped to win a war. It sounds like a science fiction story, doesn’t it? The Colossus machines were the first electronic calculating devices. They were used by the British to read German encrypted communications during World War II. This means that the Colossus, originally designed by Tommy Flowers, was one of the first digital computers.

1954: First prototype of desktop calculators

As a former student I can say that calculators have saved my exams on more than one occasion, not only by learning how to spell the word “pocket” with numbers on its small screen, by giving me hours of fun while others were doing the written test, but also because they helped me hide a lot of cheat sheets on its back and cover.

Back in 1954, IBM presented the world’s first electronic calculator in the United States, made with transistors, something highly revolutionary and technological for the time. It was quite large and could cost around $80,000. But, after a short time, more commercial models were launched, which thanks to the development were more reliable and affordable.

1969: The creation of ARPANET

ARPANET was just a small network of computers that was created on behalf of the United States Department of Defense. They did so as a way of communication for the various agencies in the country. We are witnessing the seminal net that would become what we now know as the Internet. In 1990, ARPANET ended its existence.

1971: The first e-mail is sent

The first e-mail was sent by Ray Tomlinson. What kind of verse did he put for posterity? Well, nothing more and nothing less than the first few letters of the computer keyboard. An indecipherable text without much meaning.

As a curiosity, he used for the first time the @ symbol between the user name and the machine. This fact is now a thing of the past, as you can imagine. He chose this symbol because, he explained, “it certainly wasn’t in a real name”.

Ray’s heart must have been broken because he received no response…. The innovation was so innovative that since it was the only program installed, there was no opportunity for dialogue.

1981: IBM launches a PC

IBM achieved a milestone in the history of humanity in general and of computing in particular: with the commercialization of the personal computer, or PC, it managed to turn computing from being a hidden mystery for the majority, to becoming something useful and practical for everyone.

I assure you that neither prophets nor seers could have imagined the revolution that this would entail today.

1990: Tim Berners-Lee writes the first website

And here’s the link:


It was exactly on December 20, 1990, when Berners-Lee, a British scientist, uploaded this page to CERN’s servers, with the mission of explaining the basic principles of what the modern web was going to be.

As you can see, it is a simple page with rudimentary text and hyperlinks. This is a modest guide on how his project would work.

1997: The machine defeats the man, in chess

Such a prick to our ego resonated beyond the limits of the board, to spread beyond the confines of the pedestal on which the human being thought he was standing.

The event took place in two parts, the first in Philadelphia on February 10, 1996, where the IBM Deep Blue supercomputer faced the then champion, Garry Kasparov. In the first game, after an initial fright, the great master ended up winning. Humanity could continue to breathe in peace. But IBM prepared the rematch. It was held shortly thereafter in New York City in 1997. In that historic duel the machine won. Though by an adjusted outcome, man’s intellectual supremacy on Earth was defeated.

1998: Google was founded

In 1995, Larry Page and Sergey Brin met as colleagues at Stanford. Already as computer students, they collaborated on a search engine called BackRub that operated on Stanford’s servers until it was too bandwidth-intensive to cope with the university.

In 1997, they decided that the BackRub search engine needed a new look and feel and considered some ideas, including a game of the word “googol”, a mathematical term represented by the number 1 followed by 100 zeros.

In 1998, the then co-founder of Sun, Andy Bechtolsheim, prepared a check for about $100,000 for a newly registered company, a certain Google Inc. that would make us all happy.

2018: You get to meet Pandora FMS

Pandora FMS is a flexible monitoring software, which is capable of monitoring devices, infrastructures, applications, services and business processes.

Do you want to learn more about what Pandora FMS can offer you? And do you want to see why it is already a milestone? Click here: https://pandorafms.com

Or you can also send us any query you may have about Pandora FMS, in a simple way, thanks to the contact form that can be found at the following address: https://pandorafms.com/contact/

The team behind Pandora FMS will be happy to help you!

We hope you enjoyed this article on computer history!

8 testing tools in 2018

8 testing tools in 2018

Testing tools in 2018: Which one is the best?

In the last decade, the term beta user has become very popular – even as a business, and in some cases it has become a job – for the beta user, which refers to the test user between the programmer and the end user.

Introduction to Testing Tools

Testing tools have a funny story; since the 1980s, game programmers like John Romero have had special codes to quickly pass levels or to go straight to the final stage of programming. We consider that they were, in fact, very rudimentary testing tools, but we must bear in mind that the cost and capacity of computers at that time (we have witnessed this) prevented, in practice, the automation of testing.

In this 21st century, computers soon began to exceed the capabilities of their owners and the computing power allowed us to use them beyond ordinary use. One of these tasks is the execution of field-oriented testing tools in monitoring. Testing tools are used, for example, in White and Black Box Testing in Monitoring, and in the article on web performance optimization we listed some of them (“Selenio, TestingWhiz and TestComplete”). Of course, Pandora FMS and the flexibility that makes it unique combines all of this in the UX PWR Monitoring. We invite you to read these publications and to return to this article for more in-depth testing tools.

What are testing tools?

With the arrival of software development automation, it became clear that we would need more than just a beta user to achieve international “maturity” standards. We need a programmer beta user, in other words, a person who has the ability to “speak” various programming languages as a basis and then choose the most appropriate testing tools for each case, in order to automate software testing to keep up with the ongoing development of software.
Please note that in this article we will not recommend any particular software, because even our homemade tool needs Pandora FMS to deliver the data, so that it can be converted into information and generate the necessary alerts, if necessary, from the monitoring point of view. So each case and need is very particular.In honor of justice, we will list them according to the year their first version was released to the public, and I am sure you will like our list.

The best testing tools in 2018

Unified Functional Testing® (UFT), year 1998

Unified Functional Testing® (UFT)

“Micro Focus®, a company founded in 1976 by Brian Reynolds in the UK, launched this tool in 1998, which still uses ” innovative ” technology: VBScripting. It is proprietary software that runs on “Microsoft Windows”® (GNU/Linux had been released just 4 years ago and still had a long way to go), but let’s not underestimate this company for that reason, instead, it has been modernized according to the passage of time. In the same year, “Micro Focus”® acquired Intersolv®, in 2009 it acquired the legendary Borland® and in 2014 it acquired “Atachmate Group”®, who in turn owned Novell®, NetIQ®, and SUSE®. To top it all off, in 2017 it merged with HP Enterprise®, a division that serves only business software needs – a huge powerhouse with many pounds sterling under its belt!

We are not here to make financial evaluations of companies; however, the experience of the software company is unavoidable and we could not help but mention it. This experience is very well charged on their product and just as we pay money for their license, we will “spend” time on their installation and user training, both complex tasks. As an extenuating factor, the beta user should not have great programming skills; VBscript is a technology with years of experience in the market and a lot of trained people who handle it; the offer is large and it lowers our employee budget. It has a web user interface, API, desktop version and web application. It has reusable test components, automated documentation and is integrated with continuous development tools such as Jenkis (which we recently introduced in another article). Additionally, as a complement, UFT offers Lean Functional Testing (LeanFT) for test creation with Visual Studio (C#) or Eclipse (Java).

TestComplete®, year 1999


This is another proprietary tool, along with “SmartBear Software”®, which also uses VBScript and also handles C#Script, C++Script, DelphiScript, JScript, JavaScript and Python. In spite of all the interpreted languages it supports, extraordinary programming skills are still not required and its installation is relatively simple. It has three main modules: a desktop, web and mobile application. In many ways it looks like your UFT opponent, as it also integrates with Jenkins and keeps scripts or recorded objects up to date when changing any of them, which saves time and effort.

In this last point we must say that TestComplete offers keyword-driven testing. In keyword-based testing, each keyword corresponds to an individual test action, such as a mouse click, selection of a menu item, keyboard clicks, opening or closing a window, or other actions. These are the initial steps, and little by little, we will have to configure, and then create a keyword test, which is a sequence of operations, in keyword format, that simulates the user’s actions in the tested application. Basically, to perform any test action, evaluators simply drag and drop the keyword that corresponds to the desired operation or they can simply record their actions and the test directed by the keyword is built for them. These keywords can be reused endlessly to prevent this “Don’t repeat yourself” principle . It also offers flexibility when changing the application to be tested and for new beta users who come to work it will be more intuitive to maintain the created tests, to gain experience and to create new keyword-driven tests.

Apache JMeter, year 2001

Apache JMeter,

One of the tools for testing databases that work with web pages, written entirely in Java language and aimed directly at programmers. If we need to test the massive data load and perform stress tests to the servers, we must use JMeter with a monitoring software like Pandora FMS (do not hesitate to contact us). Apache JMeter is not a web browser (it does not execute JavaScript in HTML code, for example) but works at the level of HTTP, HTTPS (Java, NodeJS, PHP, ASP.NET, among others), FTP, SMTP(S), POP3(S) and IMAP(S) protocols. It also offers options for recording results in a simple text file, since the monitoring functions were removed from version 3.2.

Rational Functional Tester, year 2002

Rational Functional Tester

The company Rational® Software initially launched it as “Robotj 1.0” and when IBM® acquired the company in 2004 it simply renamed it “Rational” ® (although its logo includes the word “software” in reference to the parent company). It is the deepest and most complex of the testing tools and we dare to say that it is ineffable. The scripts are saved in Java and Visual Basic.NET, although from version 8.1 onwards you can interact with the screenshots that are recorded on a storyboard (something like WYSIWYG). It is available for both Windows and GNU/Linux vertically with “IBM Jazz integration”, like all the products of this giant company.

Selenium, year 2004

Here we go with our favorite: it runs on Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux and OS X; it supports Java, Groovy, Python, C#, PHP, Ruby, and Perl; it is one of the web application testing tools that integrates with Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft IE and even browsers without a graphical interface, and as if that were not enough, it is free software!


Selenium is so advanced – full programmer skills are needed to use it – that it became a development platform for other test tools such as Katalon Studio, Watir, Protractor, and Robot Framework – what’s its downside? Expensive labor: to install, program and to adapt it to the needs, you need highly trained and difficult personnel. For anyone who has any doubt about our claim, Selenium has its own scripting language called Selenese (they inexplicably also used that name for the “Selenium Remote Control” protocol), so we can either save our scripts in their original Selenium supported language or in their specific Selenese language for compatibility. The components of Selenium are: IDE, Client API, Remote Control, WebDriver and Grid. Supports integration with Jenkins and Cruise Control.

Robot framework, year 2005

Robot framework

Presented as a Master’s work by Pekka Klärck and developed in the company “Nokia Siemens Networks” that same year, since version 2.0 was changed as free software (year 2008) and its version 3.0 came last year. Written in Python and with Apache 2.0 license, it is possible to use it mainly with Java and.NET (with plugins you can use Perl, Javascript and PHP). Like many other Python libraries, it is installed via PIP, and Selenium Web Driver libraries must be installed in a second step; then we can install additional libraries for MongoDB, FTP, Android, Appium (an application specialized in running scripts under Android and iOS) and many more. Robot framework also uses keyword-guided testing.

Watir, year 2008


As we mentioned, Watir uses Selenium and inherits its license and many of its features; however, it only supports Ruby language. Initially developed by Bret Pettichord and Paul Rogers and an enthusiastic community of developers, it focuses on automating web browsers as a normal user would and on manipulating all HTML elements. As with Selenium, deep programming knowledge is required and its installation takes the form of “RubyGems” as a package manager.

Katalon Studio, year 2015

Katalon Studio

Its parent company, KMS Technology, was jointly founded in 2009 in the United States and Vietnam, and after three years of development based on Selenium and Appium with support for Groovy (Java) was released under the name “Katalon Studio”. The highlight of Katalon is that instead of downloading and installing Selenium and Appium separately, Katalon offers it in a single package and also enhances the user experience, allowing for fast learning. Once we’ve mastered it, we can go all the way with Selenium, which runs in the background, dormant. It also supports ongoing software development with Teamcity, qTest, JIRA, Jenkins, and Git. You can read about the many benefits, actually, in this link in detail.


This is a list that obviously does not include all existing software – nor does it pretend to be exhaustive – but reflects the current situation of the software market, which is in excellent health with a range of prices and features – which one will be the most appropriate? We recommend the use of virtual machines, because of their unique features, so that you can carefully evaluate each of the programs and have a complete picture based on specific tests. Once you have chosen the best candidates it will be time to present them to the development teams on real computers and then select one or more, so that your company can acquire a service and/or use license, leave your comment here below and we will answer any questions, doubts or comments!

Customer Service Process and Pandora ITMS

Customer Service Process and Pandora ITMS

Do you want to offer an excellent customer service? and how would you like to do that without first knowing which are the phases that the customer service process goes through and which are the steps you have to take in each one of them?

Knowing the actions that we must carry out from the moment the user contacts us until their problem is solved will be very important, both for the people in charge of carrying out the task (agents and/or company staff) and for the design of the service itself.

In this article we will learn about the most common customer service process, as well as its phases and the aspects in which we should focus our attention with special interest in each one of them, let’s go!

What is the customer service process?

The customer service process is the group of activities that we carry out from the moment we receive the first contact from a user until we solve his or her problem and we say goodbye to him or her, sorted according to the different phases that we will go through throughout the procedure.

Being aware of the different phases of the process and the key points that we must have under control in each one of them is fundamental when it comes to developing a service of the highest quality. And you would like your company to be the best it can be, right? Remember that customer service is one of the basic aspects of any business, and that poor service can result in the loss of a large number of customers and a harmful source of negative publicity – are you sure you want that for your business?

What are the phases of the customer service process?

– Contact

This is the first phase, in which many relevant aspects come into play which could mark the rest of the process.

When a person contacts a customer service department, they do so with expectations that can be summarized in two points:

  1. He or she hopes to be treated with courtesy and kindness by a person who shows willingness to help.
  2. They hope to have their problems or questions resolved in relation to any product or service that we may be providing to them.

Since these are their expectations (and by the way, they are very legitimate expectations), that’s what the service should offer them. An exquisite and diligent treatment is a must. And not only that: the user should be aware from the first minute that our goal is to solve their problems.

– Listen and gather information

Once we have established the first contact, we must start working to solve the problem or the doubt that the client may have, and how are we going to do that if we don’t know what they need?

Listening to the user is essential. And not only that, we must listen to it in an active way. Our clients must know that we are not only getting their message right, but we have the right attitude to help them. And, of course, their problems and needs must be perfectly clear, so we need to ask them the right questions to clarify what the reason for their query is and their needs.

– Problem solving

Once a positive connection has been established with the customer and we know their problem and needs, we need to get to work and solve the situation.

The way to do this will depend on the type of business we are involved in, on its particularities and even on the specific problem of the client that we must solve. For example, it is not the same thing to resolve a simple question about a warranty for a basic product as it is to resolve a technical problem that requires the intervention of a specialist.

In any case, it will be necessary to have a good structure and the necessary tools to ensure that the service works. We will come back to this very important issue later on.

– Farewell and completion

Once the problem is solved, it becomes necessary to leave a positive feeling in the customer.

In order to achieve this, we must again use courtesy and kindness and confirm that the problem has been resolved to their satisfaction. Depending on the type of service provided, the possibility of a short satisfaction survey may even be considered, which will help us to assess whether the service is being offered in an appropriate manner.

These are the most common phases in a customer service process. As you can imagine, the procedure to be followed will not always be the same as this one, but it will coincide in most cases.

In any case, something that you must take into account when offering good customer service is an aspect that we have already talked about, but which must be stressed: it is essential to have a good organization and tools to help you manage the service.

Luckily, there are a few computer tools that can help you these days – will you let us show you ours? This is Pandora ITSM.

Pandora ITSM is software that has, among other features, an incident management system (help desk software) based on tickets (ticketing) which is capable of helping in the management of customer service in companies or organizations.

Do you want to know what the Pandora ITSM helpdesk tool can do for you? Click here: https://pandorafms.com/en/itsm/help-desk-software/
In addition, Pandora ITSM has other features that can help your company, such as an inventory or a project management system, among others.

If you have any questions and want to ask us anything about Pandora ITSM, you can easily do it! This can be done by using the contact form at the following address:

The Pandora ITSM team will be happy to help you!

And don’t forget to leave a comment in the comments section at the bottom of this article. We enjoy reading all your comments so don’t forget to leave your opinion.

Are you a technology geek? Let’s find out…

Are you a technology geek? Let’s find out…

What kind of technology geek are you? Find out for yourself!

From the beginning of time, beyond the Game Boy Color and the pager, the walkman and Polaroid, even before superstition and swords ruled everything, there were people who were already called “Technology Geeks” by some people…

Their love for new developments led them to immediately purchase any new inventions and, of course, to brag about them. Centuries of evolution have not removed them from the vast and carved walls of history, they have adapted perfectly and now we can almost say that they are among the great majority of our acquaintances and friends.

They’ re willing to judge you if you’re still an analogue human being, and they’ll always try to talk you into getting your head around technology. Do we like them? Yes we do! Since they are always around and ready to help us with our questions about the best antivirus solution or the price of the new smart custom-made watch.

One of the ways to find out how much you know about technology is to find out what kind of technology geek you are.

Technology Geek: The Pointer

technology geek: the pointer

If you try to create your own homemade wi-fi waves at home and you get the new stuff even before the release of the project of a multi-million dollar company in the USA or Japan then you are a “Pointer”.

Everyone has realised at this point that technological innovations can become addictive and dependent and a fantasy on which the pleasure of many people depends.

Everyone has his or her own hobbies, and if yours is the “latest gadget”, then that is your business. From here we would like to express our feelings and hope that you will let us borrow any of those gadgets that define you. That would be nice.

Technology geek: The Retro

If you’re part of that coalition that the young Millennials have formed with the wise people from Generation X to surround themselves with the nostalgic technology of the eighties and nineties, then you’ re one of the “Retro” geeks.

Vinyl records, video games, analog cameras, the ZX Spectrum microcomputer, a video camera of the size of a human baby… If you have to be tied up with cassettes and if you use your favorite VHSs then, you have a problem with the past. Either you were there and you want to come back or maybe you wish you were born in those days with more violent cartoons on TV!

I don’t think the interest in that period will ever go away, and it’s not like the 1980s or 1990s will ever return, but we’ve realized that, for some reason, the more digital technology moves forward in our time, the greater the value of the technology of that time.

Technology geek: The Video gamer

technology geek: the video gamer

The Video Gamer or the Gamers are different from normal video game players basically because they really play with an incomparable addiction. With a lot of dedication, biting their lips and destroying the joystick with their ambition to get to the next level.

Their parents and partners care about them and the amount of time they devote to it. They come up with phrases like, “Please, baby, will you go out and get some sun? Otherwise you’ ll go blind!”.

But leave them alone, almost all of us have been there and we know how much we love a game console and how valuable our extensive knowledge of cool characters is.

Technology geek: The IT Friend

Yes, the one who is fed up of being the “Computer Friend”, whom you call in the middle of the night to fix something up and who lives in his room among computers.

One day, he says, “Hey, I know something about computers, come on. I can change hardware, I can format a few things, I can even program. But, well, the essentials, I deal with the frequent programs and so on. Well, this makes him the greatest god of technology, translated into your clueless language. You can change channels with just a blink of an eye, or even unblock the DVD.

“You think he’s learned everything he knows about computers because he has a fat button like the one on the computer, that when you press it it will load up with data and solutions to your problems. But this is as far from the truth as it gets; they have wasted countless hours of their lives storing knowledge of the vast meadows of the Internet and its forums, consulting manuals and decomposing computers, piece by piece. Don’t underestimate them, and of course, don’t use them only for your purpose: they are a worldwide asset.

And now that you know these 4 types of technology geeks, what about getting to know something else? This is Pandora FMS, one of the most flexible monitoring software on the market. Pandora FMS is capable of monitoring devices, infrastructures, applications, services and business processes.

At the moment many companies and organizations already have Pandora FMS , do you want to learn more about them and some of our success stories? Take a look here.

Or you can also start from the beginning and discover what Pandora FMS can do for you, here.

And you can even send us any question you may have about Pandora FMS. And you can easily do it, thanks to the contact form at the following address.

The Pandora FMS team will be delighted to help you!

Don’t forget to leave a comment in the comments section at the bottom of this page, let us know your thoughts, tell us what you think about this article, are you a technology geek? We want to know! And don’t forget to check out our other articles as well! We’re sure you’ll like the other articles too! keep on learning and enjoying about technology for a long time! See you very soon!

And don’t forget to share this article on your social networks so that more people (your followers) can learn about technology.

Course 101: Instrumentation, Software Metrics, Monitoring, Alerts

Course 101: Instrumentation, Software Metrics, Monitoring, Alerts

Course 101: Instrumentation, Software Metrics, Monitoring, Alerts

Course 101 -1: Introduction

Since the 1920s, higher education institutions have been using this term to describe the nomenclature of the early years of study. Here we announced some time ago our intentions to focus on tutorials, but we believe that as knowledge is important, we have brought you different kinds of articles because we consider that wisdom is a valuable asset (we include a source for some online encyclopaedias).

teacher and blackboard

A formal introduction to Pandora FMS involves many terms and concepts that we may not know; we may have forgotten them or we should revisit them. We offer OPT certification for those who want a professionalization or specialization in the area. In this blog of ours we are flexible and we also offer a pragmatic approach: today we would like to show you, from the components perspective, the Course 101 on monitoring with plenty of web links to help you expand -or clarify- any of the concepts ” Let’s do this!

Course 101 -2: Instrumentation

In English this term is common although it has become obsolete over time. It comes from the first industrial revolution where there was no telematics, obviously. Thus, one or several people would go to each machine to read the instruments that indicated pressure, temperature, speed, etc. and would take them to the engineers or people in charge of the production processes. An incorrect reading could cause a boiler to explode with water vapor, resulting in the extinction of even human lives. Monitoring was then, as now, still a very serious issue.


We wanted to show you this concept to illustrate how the passing of time leads to changes in names and denominations, which clearly reflect the innovations of technology. In this Course 101 we will describe Monitoring as a whole, i.e. a Monitoring System, although strictly speaking “Monitoring” is only one of the components. To differentiate this component we will write it as Monitoring. Thus, Software Metrics (modern version of Instrumentation), Monitoring and Alerts are concepts that form an interrelationship and are the basis of a Monitoring System.

Course 101 -3: Software Metrics

As in the Instrumentation era we took the values with the Software Metrics we will do the same but part of the work will be done in advance. Why do we state this? As it turns out, modern operating systems already offer by default the basic values such as disk capacity, RAM memory, etc. and we will find data even from the moment the operating system is installed. This data has a time stamp, of great importance to be able to synchronize events later. We will call this collective set of data supplied by the operating system itself low-level metrics .

Of course, a computer that does not run any applications is of very little use. We use the term application for any software that needs to be installed additionally or expressly during the installation of the OS, the latter being very common in the GNU/Linux environment. These applications have their own way of working and the possibilities of event logs that may occur (and also where they are located on the hard disk) are endless. That’s why Pandora FMS has the modality of complements or plugins that allow us to accommodate any software that arises, hence our flexibility. We will call this set of Application Metrics high level.

We must keep the collection of both Metrics separate, it means more burden for an application to keep track (and we collect it for that application) of the Low Level Metrics, we are interested in the High Level Metrics that are unique to that application, we can get the rest directly from the operating system.

Course 101 3.1: Absolute and relative metrics

Metrics can be classified this way because there are values that have a limit (storage capacity, for example) and we are interested in seeing the percentage of use, that is, the amount of bytes stored is relative to the storage capacity. On the other hand, we would also be interested to know the amount of free space for storage, for example to know if we can install any new application, and that value is absolute, regardless of the storage capacity of the device. The same reasoning can be applied to a network card and its data flow or other device components.

We will go further by saying that these limits that set the Relative Metrics are not set in stone either, although it is true that in order to expand its RAM we must add a physical component to a physical server, nowadays virtual machines have been more effective and practical to manage and if we are short of memory we can contract -or assign- more memory (of course with the limit imposed by the amount of memory of the real machine that it contains to the virtual machine).

Course 101 -4: Monitoring

So far what we have done is to collect and store data like a squirrel getting food for the winter. Collecting data has its own methodology, indexing to quickly locate them by time and origin. The key point of monitoring is to relate and add these data at different points of time and origin but with similar characteristics. I mean, we compared pears to pears and apples to apples: what was the server workload yesterday? and what about a week ago? from a server cluster that had the most workload last Saturday? Here, again, the combinations are endless, we don’t know what the customer can ask for, but dynamic monitoring will give us an excellent starting point.

We can say that by making such comparisons, after conscientious and organized data collection and storage, we will be able to obtain information that is important to the company in order to foresee future expansion plans – and why not? Reduction plans if it is not profitable. So that’ s the difference between data and information and we will see another important point: how that information is displayed.

In Pandora FMS we take care until the smallest detail proposed by the users in order to show the information in the best way possible for its comprehension. If you check the version history of Pandora FMS you will always find that some improvement was made in the metaconsole or in the graphics, since there are many ways and means to show that precious information.

No matter how well presented the information may be (third dimension, augmented reality, etc.) we will always have another inconvenience for us humans: firstly, we are unable to be 24 hours aware of what is happening with the systems and secondly, we like repetitive tasks but to a certain extent (we have a daily routine, but Sundays are different, right?) which leads us to the following point: the Alerts.

Course 101 -5: Alerts

Alerts are a planned mechanism: according to the values observed during a certain time (at least one week) we can establish that when some values are reached for more than a predetermined time, a message will be sent to the person in charge of the area. Alerts can be direct, for example by email, or delegated to a third party, for example Twitter, Slack, Telegram or Whatsapp.

Before we start to send a lot of messages to network administrators, we must take into account that we must classify the alerts to respond according to the magnitude of the abnormality. A failure in a server hard disk with built-in RAID 0+1 must generate a reminder alert: when the employee who works in the physical facilities shows up to work, he or she will proceed to replace it with a new one. We see that this is a strictly necessary alert to attend to, but its urgency is not so great. That’s why we can classify alerts into:

  • Notices (minor).
  • Warnings.
  • Critical (greater importance).

Some monitoring systems have integrated monitoring, control and resolution of incidents and Pandora FMS provides the option to add comments for future references and reminders. Also the management of multiple alarms that depend on one main alarm is considered: if a server is turned off obviously its disk space, memory and other alarms will show a warning sign that does not need to be displayed. Another special case is when a system suffers three or more Warning type alerts in a period of say 6 hours: although the system is successfully recovered and that these warnings can wait until the next day for correction, their sum and coincidence in time justifies immediate human attention to decide what is happening based on the panorama in the console.

Course 101 -5.1: Responsive alerts

In the case of Warning type Alerts, they may perform a specific automated task in order to get out of the abnormal situation. Let’s explain with real facts: we know a web server and we know that its maximum capacity is to serve a thousand clients with a logged in session. When you reach this limit and maintain this value for a period of time, let’s say 15 minutes, a Warning type alarm will be triggered: the server is working but its performance is known to be degraded. We could program the monitoring system to order the execution of another machine (virtual or real) to start serving new customers.

Although the last example may seem like a trivial matter, we will notice it in our pockets: if we have a virtual machine contracted and it is enough to attend to our customers, we save money by keeping the minimum amount contracted, the least expense. But if we increase our number of clients, a good monitoring system can “contract” more virtual machines, serve more clients and increase our revenue (of course, both virtual machines are configured to share the workload). Our graduates will also increase, but the profit margin will pay off. Something important is that this alert will always reach us but will be degraded to a Notice type to notify you that this month we will implicitly pay more for the use of virtual computers.

Course 101 -6: How many Metrics should we collect?

We must maintain good monitoring practices, avoiding false alerts as much as possible and this leads to focusing on the metrics that really matter. In an ideal world we could collect everything and then filter it, but it is much better to select the data. This is because monitoring already places a burden on the target system, so we must keep interference to a minimum. If we want to monitor our NGINX web server it does not exceed a dozen parameters and if we cache the server to improve its performance the monitoring of the same cache will not be a major problem either. In the case of monitoring a document-oriented database such as MongoDB, which handles huge amounts of data, the number of parameters will be two to three dozens.

MongoDB Mug

The complexity of the application is directly related to the amount of Metrics it generates and the great complexity reduces the efficiency plus Pandora FMS breaks with the established in the monitoring, generating a necessary balance.

Completing Monitoring 101

We have covered the basics of monitoring and as good teachers we leave you the task of doing some research on the following ones from the letter D to the letter Z and in order to do this you have many links to help you move forward, also use the search function in the drop-down menu to find out about many other good articles that the Pandora FMS community keeps online always at your disposal.

Comment below and we will answer your questions or if you want just leave a greeting, like a guestbook!

Customer service, emotional intelligence professionals

Customer service, emotional intelligence professionals

Oh, the emotions! We’ ve had such good times with them and so many times they’ve fooled us on certain occasions! I’m like that, an emotional, highly empathetic guy. In fact, if we came across each other in the street one day, hypothetical reader, you would say to your walking companion, “Look, there goes an emotional and empathetic type of guy”.

Emotional intelligence in customer service

As you know, as it is quite straightforward, emotions influence the behaviour of workers. They can therefore be closely linked to the way in which they treat customers. Employees, especially in customer service, should be able to control their emotions and also adopt an empathic attitude. This will allow them to offer a complete, adapted and personalized service. To better address concerns and solve problems more effectively and complicitly, always with the aim of satisfying the client’s purposes. This kind of goodwill, emotional intelligence, will be noticed as the number of clients increases and the company’s success will be enhanced.

But what is emotional intelligence itself? We could say that it’s all about the ability to know and control one’s own and other people’s emotions, in order to reach a goal, nothing else.

According to some studies, there can be several areas of emotional intelligence. We will decide which ones can best match the interests of customer service.

  • Understanding your own emotions
    Basically it’s being self-aware and knowing how to recognize feelings while they’re happening.
  • Handling emotions
    To adapt the handling of the feelings and their ideal expression.
  • Emotional motivation
    Emotional self-control and self-motivation in short and long term goals.
  • Emotional recognition
    Empathizing with the needs and feelings of others.
  • Relationship management
    Skills in interpersonal relationships

What do you think is the most important aspect of customer service?

Emotional intelligence in customer service is the perfect formula for linking relationships between employees, customers and the company to achieve the best possible goals.

How to apply emotional intelligence in customer service

The expectations that can be created by customers give them positive emotions, of course, if these are fulfilled. On the other hand, they can become negative if these are not met.

As we have already said, emotional intelligence has several facets but, as employees of the customer service sector, we will pay particular attention to those that give us the ability to recognize, understand, manage and
encourage emotions or moods in oneself and others.

The greatest benefits of emotional intelligence tend to be focused on knowing and managing your own emotions. However, in customer service we are more interested in recognizing, controlling and inducing emotions in customers.

Some of the key points that we need to consider when using emotional intelligence in customer service may be:

  1. The first thing we are going to check, of course, is whether we know our own emotions inside out. It will always be a good training to recognize them in the clients. In this way, you can easily identify yourself when your client feels frustrated, when he or she is indirectly begging for help or simply when he or she feels happy and content.
  2. Operating and managing emotions takes some self-control to keep you at a distance from what is happening. Never take our customers’ complaints or criticisms too seriously. It’s nothing personal. Don’t lose sight of the fact that you are there to agree on their needs and expectations.
  3. Self-motivation is not just a matter of breakfast cups. It is essential. Especially to set oneself goals and objectives in the world of customer service. Don’t be in any doubt that if you have a clear objective you can enjoy your work and even get rid of those little moments of tension. In any case, your purpose should not be to blame or argue with every living thing, but rather to find solutions and satisfy the client.
  4. Empathy, that word that will help you with your ability to understand customers by putting yourself in their shoes and facilitating your conversation with them at levels you can’t imagine. By listening deeply and following the signals of the conversation. The client will be stunned by your interest in resolving the situation and you will discover an incredible and powerful tool to transform the client’s emotions and moods.
  5. The use and enjoyment of social relationships is a gift that stands out in people who have a good time dealing with the user. Controlling communication, in writing, by telephone, in the presence of the client…. it shows a truthful attitude in the orientation and help of your client. This is quite shocking and influences the user’s emotions and decisions.

Finally, there is a tool that can help you in the management of customer service for companies and organizations. It’s Pandora ITSM.

Pandora ITSM is a computer program that has, among other features, an incident management system (help desk software) based on tickets (ticketing) that is capable of helping in the management of customer service in companies and organizations.

Do you want to know what Pandora ITSM can do for you? Very well, please click here: https://pandorafms.com/en/itsm/help-desk-software/

And remember that Pandora ITSM also has other interesting features, such as an inventory or a project management system.

Also, please be aware that you can also send us any queries you may have about Pandora ITSM. You can easily do this by using the contact form at the following address: https://pandorafms.com/en/contact/

The Pandora ITSM team will be happy to help you!

And don’t forget to leave a comment in the comments section at the bottom, what did you think of this article? Do you have any questions? Have you ever noticed emotional intelligence in customer service? We want to hear your opinion so don’t forget to write it down in the comments area. By the way, have you seen the other articles that we have published in this blog? Many of these are about customer service and we are sure you will like them. Take a look at them!

How to fight computer stress

How to fight computer stress

Computer stress; some ideas to fight it and learn more about it

Computer stress exists. Seriously!

It can cause real problems, which can be more or less serious. The most obvious is a decrease in the productivity of those affected; they, immersed in frustration and anxiety, decrease their performance. But not only that, computer stress can lead to serious health problems, and some cases of heart attacks have even been reported.

Are you already taking this more seriously? In this article we are going to know what computer stress is and some ideas to avoid it, both from the position of the user and from that of the people in charge of the IT of a company.

What is computer stress?

Computer stress is the feeling of anxiety and discomfort that the user of a computer system suffers when the computer system does not work or does so in a way that is different from his or her expectations.

It is quite simple to list some examples of situations that can cause computer stress: Internet connections that fail or are too slow, a computer that takes a long time to start up, software incompatibilities that cause errors or force you to look for alternatives, tedious program installations, operating systems that crash, programs that take an eternity to run….

I’m sure that in your work or in your daily life you have experienced this kind of situation and have generated different doses of anxiety. Within the range of emotions that can be caused it is true that there are people who can take it easy and philosophically, but it is also a reality that other users are very affected and can suffer great frustration, especially if these kinds of problems prevent them from carrying out important and/or urgent tasks.

If, in addition, we are faced with the fact that the use of information technology is increasingly present in our lives, we can understand that the phenomenon of computer stress can affect more people every day, becoming a more relevant problem than it seems.

And now the question is…. How can we avoid it?

Some ideas to avoid computer stress

If you are a user:

– Rest if you feel like it

Taking a few minutes to rest may be enough to relieve stress. A walk in the park or a chat with a colleague by the coffee maker can provide you with enough relaxation doses to get the tension to relax. But remember, if you use these breaks to check your mobile phone, you probably won’t get the effect you want…

– Reduce the brightness of the screen

You may not feel it that way, but excessive screen brightness can cause stress and eyestrain. You need a more moderate glow that resembles natural light; you’ll be taking care of your eyes and preventing stress.

– Use relaxation techniques

Certain techniques used in other situations can also be useful in fighting computer stress. Breathing control, physical exercise, or maintaining a good diet are healthy practices at any time and may also help you with this kind of stress.

In any case, remember that if the computer stress that affects you is intense, you should go to health professionals who can help you, don’t overlook it! In some cases, this may be a major problem.

If the systems depend on you:

– Try to keep the computer equipment “young”

It’s a basic one. Like people, computers age, and when they are too old they can suffer countless ” illnesses “.

Some companies keep a very old computer equipment, thinking about saving money and avoiding the problems that this can cause: slow computers, software incompatibilities that prevent the use of tools, frustration among employees when faced with the difficulties to do their job properly, etc.

Sometimes excessive savings will be expensive and it will be convenient to invest in new hardware to prevent productivity from being affected and computer stress from eventually overwhelming workers.

– Good computer maintenance

Updating the operating system or some programs, removing software that will not be used or, finally, computer maintenance activities will also be important in order to preserve the proper functioning of computers and prevent the appearance of stress due to their use.

– Ensure good Internet access

Today we use it for nearly everything. Also in the workplace, the Internet has become an indispensable tool for our work. Therefore, a bad connection, slow or often interrupted, can prevent us from doing our job and generate frustration and stress.

It may be a particular problem, or your Internet provider may not be providing the services you need. It detects the problem and responds accordingly.

– Train your users

Sometimes it will be not only convenient, but also essential. Some computer programs, because of their complexity, can be difficult to use and can be a pain for people who are not trained enough to use them.

In these cases, promoting the necessary training for these people will be a step towards both preventing the emergence of computer stress and increasing their productivity. Also, remember that some of the companies that serve this type of program also offer training for their use, an option you may want to consider.

– Ask the users

It is one of the most direct ways to address the problem. Each person is different, and the fact that it may not be a problem for one user can become a living hell for another, so asking if everything is going well may be the easiest way to detect the presence of some inconveniences. And also, remember that humane treatment will be another factor that will help you relieve computer stress.

– Use good monitoring software

If you work in the sector you probably already know them or have worked with some of them. Among other features, these tools can detect problems in the operation of computers, networks, or programs, which can help you take the right steps to improve their performance.

And now that we have seen what computer stress is and some ideas to fight it, we would love you to take a few minutes to get to know Pandora FMS.

Pandora FMS is a flexible monitoring software, capable of monitoring devices, infrastructures, applications, services and business processes.

Do you want to know what Pandora FMS can do for you? Enter here: https://pandorafms.com

Or you can also send us any query you may have about Pandora FMS. You can easily do this using the contact form at the following address:

The Pandora FMS team will be happy to help you!

6 ideas to have good listening skills

6 ideas to have good listening skills

Have you ever heard the expression “to be all ears”? . If you work in customer service, maybe you should get familiar with it. Because, although you may not have rationalized it in this way, it is likely that your job is essentially to be a good listener.

But listening is not easy. It’s hard to listen. And this is where you will start paying.

But don’t worry, you won’t pay much to learn to listen either. You don’t have to dance, do pirouettes or do sit-ups. In fact, you will only need to spend a few minutes reading this article. In the end, it’ll be a lot easier than you might think. Now, before you open your ears, open your eyes properly….

Why is it so important to have good listening skills?

As we were saying, a very important part of a person’s job in customer service is to be a good listener. Because how else do you intend to solve a client’s problems, unless you listen carefully and understand what is happening to them?

Good listening provides us with an essential part of the information we need to help our users, and it also gives them the great feeling of being in front of a person who is really willing to help them.

However, as we have already mentioned, it is not always easy to listen. Many different factors, such as fatigue, our ego or certain poorly learned habits, among others, can prevent something as simple as the act of listening from happening.

Some ideas to have good listening skills

But once again, the Pandora ITSM blog comes to the rescue. Let’s look at some ideas to get a better listening ear from our users.

– No distractions

Do you intend to listen to your clients while playing the last video of the dancing parrot? That’s impossible! Nobody can refuse the dancing parrot!

A desk full of objects, a noisy environment or, of course, a computer full of entertainment, cannot be compatible with good listening. So, as a first step, remember to remove all distractions and save those fun videos for your leisure time.

– Keep your mouth shut

And it’s just that sometimes it’s hard for us, isn’t it? Either because we have a certain verbal incontinence, or because we think we know in advance our own client’s needs, sometimes the biggest obstacle when listening to our users will come from our own mouth, in the form of annoying and unnecessary sounds. So when you feel you’re talking too much, remember to close your mouth and let your customers express what they need.

But you don’t have to be as quiet as a grave either. From time to time, make reinforcement expressions (such as “yes” or “I’m listening”), so that your customers know that you didn’t die while you were listening…

– Remember that the customer comes first

It’s an issue that we can sometimes forget about, but when a user contacts a customer service department, the conversation you establish is not about yourself, but between the user and you.

So don’t think about stepping in like they do. On the other hand, your client will usually talk more than you do. Adopt this attitude from the beginning and it will be easier for you to listen carefully.

– If you don’t understand something, then you should ask

Sometimes we will not understand the message of our interlocutor because it is expressed as a closed book. Sometimes, because we are tired or having a bad day. Other times, the telephone connection may not be good and may be difficult to understand. You are not hearing anything, and are you going to be left with the doubt?

Ask whatever you need. He or she is more likely to be pleased to see that your query is important enough for you to ask the necessary questions to understand it. This way you will not only understand the whole message, but you will also make a good impression.

– Give your client time to respond

In many cases, by clarifying the query or asking your client the necessary questions to understand and resolve the problem, it will be necessary for the user to take part on several occasions, as well as in the initial presentation, establishing a dialogue. If so, keep an eye on the ideas outlined above!

Because starting a conversation doesn’t mean that you have to take it over. It is not a question of adopting the attitude of’I have heard enough and now it is my turn to speak’. During the conversation, keep listening carefully, keep putting the customer first and allow him or her to express themselves without being harassed.

– Don’t forget about nonverbal communication

Do you assist your clients in person? Then remember that a very important part of communication is the nonverbal part.

The way you look, the posture, a good smile…. There are many factors that will transmit to your clients that you are listening carefully and not thinking about anything else while they tell you their queries.

Here are some ideas to have good listening skills. And since you’ve come this far, what if you get to know something else? What if you discover Pandora ITSM?

Pandora ITSM is software that has, among other features, an incident management system (help desk software) based on tickets (ticketing) that can be very helpful in the customer service management in companies and organizations.

Would you like to see what the Pandora ITSM ticketing tool can do for you? click here: https://pandorafms.com/en/itsm/help-desk-software/

Or you can also send us any queries you may have about Pandora ITSM. You can easily do this by using the contact form at the following address: https://pandorafms.com/en/contact/

Don’t forget to leave a comment at the bottom of this page, we will be happy to read your comments; do you have any questions about these good listening skills? Let us know! And don’t forget to take a look at the other articles that have been posted on this blog, we’re sure you’ll love them!

The Pandora ITSM team will be happy to help you!

Several factors that can slow down your computer

Several factors that can slow down your computer

Slow Computer solutions and causes. Keep reading to find out more

This morning you saw it coming through the door and it even made you feel bad. It crawled, very slowly, like a little snail, leaving a trail of bits behind. After a while it looked up and looked at you with whining eyes. “Aren’t you going to do anything?” It seemed to ask. At that moment you took it and embraced it. Oh, the joy it has brought you! I’m sure it’ s not its fault. Your computer is slow, and you have to do something about it.

Now, in order to fix a problem, you must first find out what causes it. When it comes to the slowness of a computer, there can be various causes, of different nature. In this post we are going to learn about some of the most frequent ones.

6 reasons why your computer may go slow

– Its RAM memory is no longer enough

RAM is one of the essential components of any computer, and it is one of the most powerful components in terms of speed performance.

In general terms, RAM memory is the component that stores the instructions issued by the processor and other components of the computer and the data used by them while performing tasks.

If your computer’s RAM is old, it is likely that it will no longer be able to handle it all. For example, you may have trouble running a modern operating system, or running the latest generation of software.

What can you do if this is the problem? The solution is expensive: you can repair the memory if it has a fault, or replace it with a new one with more capacity if it is obsolete. Or you can start using an operating system and software that requires less RAM. It’s up to you….

– The hard drive is full

It can happen more often than you think. If, for some reason, your computer’s hard drive reaches the limit of its capacity, it could start using RAM memory to keep on working, which would take away its capacity to take care of its other features and could turn your brand-new computer into an unhealthy grandfather.

The solution to this type of problem is clear. Be careful about how you use your hard drive and don’t store unnecessary material on your computer.

– There’s some malicious software hidden on your computer

Viruses, Trojans, malware… they have many names but one thing in common: they are very unpleasant!

This type of malicious software often uses RAM memory to commit its crimes, so slow computer operation can be one of the effects it causes.

As you can imagine, again the solution is clear: get rid of those little devils if you don’t want them to continue to affect your computer (perhaps with consequences far worse than its slowdown).

– Your computer is overloaded

Would you be able to carry out your work while carrying a 100-pound stone and singing serenades? Well, neither would your computer!

Don’t push it too far and don’t ask it for extra help. If you run a large number of very heavy programs on your computer, you may have a hard time running them. Also, keep in mind that computers are often already running programs “in the background”, just because they are running, which already consume part of their resources.

The solution, again, is simple. If you don’t want your computer to have a bad time, don’t run too many programs at once.

– The Internet is to blame

Have you ever thought about it? Maybe you’re blaming your poor computer and it’s not responsible.

A lot of the work we do on our computer today is done online, so if your problem is, for example, that the web pages you visit take a lifetime to load, it’s probably not your computer’s problem, but a faulty connection.

What’s the solution? Check your connection speed and, if necessary, contact your Internet service provider. There may be a malfunction, or you may need more speed than you need.

– Your computer is too hot

Are you complaining that your computer is going too slow while you fry burgers on its case?

Excessive heat can affect computer components and cause them to run more slowly, or may even cause them to shut down. There are a number of reasons why a computer can become overheated, including internal cooling malfunctions or dirt. The solution will be one or the other, depending on the cause.

You can be sure you won’t fix it by throwing a bucket of water on it, so get it out of there, you freak!

These are some reasons why a computer can go slow, although there are several more. The fact is that slow work can have a big impact on a team, so much so that they will not be able to carry out their work.

Computer systems are becoming more and more important. For example, for all types of companies or organizations, they can be an essential part of the business. For this reason, system monitoring is also becoming increasingly important, as it is responsible for monitoring the proper functioning of systems.

And if we talk about systems monitoring, we have to talk about Pandora FMS.

Pandora FMS is flexible monitoring software, which is capable of monitoring devices, infrastructures, applications, services and business processes.

Do you want to know what Pandora FMS can do for you? Click here: https://pandorafms.com

Or you can also send us any query you may have about Pandora FMS. You can easily do this using the contact form at the following address: https://pandorafms.com/company/contact/

don’t forget to leave a comment at the bottom of the article, your comments can help more people, and we will answer all your questions. What did you think of these slow computer solutions? Can you think of more slow computer solutions?

Have you thought about reading any of our other articles? We’re sure you’ll like them, thank you for reading this article on slow computer solutions.

The Pandora FMS team will be happy to help you!

Is it possible to prevent software glitch?

Is it possible to prevent software glitch?

Software glitch, an unforeseen incident, is that possible to prevent at all?

Software glitch” was first defined in 1965 by astronaut John Glenn and his flight team as a sudden drop in voltage that caused the computers to restart. This is exactly what happened to Altéa Amadeus’ software, which manages the passenger reservation and verification system for 125 airlines in seven countries, including such well-known airlines as British Airways, Qantas, Southwest and Lufthansa.

We still remember that incident involving “British Airways” in May 2017, and now history is repeating itself globally but temporarily. “British Airways also suffered a similar mishap in August 2017, which required manual boarding of passengers; at that time the company offered a public apology but did not specify the cause of the problem, so it may have been an incident unrelated to a “software glitch”.

The result of this failure was that many people expressed their opinions sarcastically on social networks. Remember that in this case we are not talking about a power failure, but an elegant way of classifying a transitory error as “software glitch”, which occurs in certain circumstances and although it is automatically restarted, it can cause many problems. Can you imagine spending 4 hours waiting to get on a plane? that’s what happened to the travelers. It was a huge amount of money for the airlines to keep their planes on the ground while they waited for their passengers!

Global list of Altéa Airlines

What is “software glitch”?

The term “software glitch” comes from the 1960s, the dawn of the space age. Computers were still very primitive, but they did calculate trajectories faster than any human being – and still do – so they started to become very important as a source of processed data. It turned out that these machines were sensitive to electrical voltage fluctuations, which caused them to restart automatically and without proper intervention they recovered as if nothing had happened, causing only a slight delay.

From there it became clear that any unforeseen event, from which we could recover in a relatively short period of human time (for computers more than 200 milliseconds is an eternity), can be called “software glitch”. This is how this name was extended in electronics to computer science (which is very common in the field of video games), radio and television broadcasting, and even in human behaviour (we consider that in a football match the unwritten rule on “the law of advantage” is a “human glitch”).

But in the 21st century, being in a globalized world, “software glitch” in an interconnected system undoubtedly has an impact on the performance of the entire network or system. So let’s see if it is possible to prevent it or at least to avoid its repetition.

Official recognition of software glitch

The official statement about the “Altéa Amadeus” incident can be read in this link, even though it does not explicitly mention the “software glitch” that happened.

Amadeus can confirm that our systems have recovered and are now functioning normally. Over the course of the morning, we had a network problem that caused disruptions in some of our systems. As a result of the incident, clients experienced interruptions in certain services. Our technical team took immediate steps to identify the cause of the problem and mitigate the impact on customers. Amadeus apologizes for any inconvenience caused to our customers.

Altéa Amadeus always sync

The fifteen-minute glitch

That was the time it took for the system to recover from the software glitch, but just like dominoes, systems worldwide had to synchronize with each other, causing intermittent failures which finally caused four hours of inconvenience.

Waiting time from this point on: 4 hours

“Airlines For Europe” is an association of fifteen airlines that has more than half a billion passengers in Europe and in its article of 27 July 2017 it ” announced ” delays of up to four hours due to the new immigration controls (the image at the top of this post is precisely the one they used in their warning campaign), but they never imagined that it would be ” software glitch ” which would ultimately trigger and make their prediction a reality.

The lack of human intervention implies the intervention of automated monitoring 24 hours a day, every day of the year, tirelessly, to search for possible failures or failures of the entire network at a global level. A software like Pandora FMS will always be ready to supervise thousands of nodes, and as it is written about free software it can be executed in GNU/Linux environment, operating system which can be used to create a cluster of computers to create redundancy in the monitoring and to have a tool of the same size and measure of what is needed to be monitored. For this cluster of servers, we can also set up “event correlation alerts” which we can receive by text message to our mobile phone or via social networks such as Twitter or Telegram.
Pandora FMS also has add-ons to monitor large amounts of data, as a specific example Apache Cassandra -which is a web server to directly serve the public- and always under the best practices -since we must follow an action plan if we want to implement any serious and reliable monitoring system-.

The nature of the problem raised

According to Bill Curtis, SVP and chief scientist at the software analysis company CAST, determining the exact causes of failure will take time: “Airline computers juggle various systems that must interact to control the door, reservations, ticket sales and frequent flyers. Each of these pieces may have been written separately by different companies.”

“Even if an airline has backup systems, the software running those probably has the same coding flaw. Tracking a software failure can be very difficult. It’s like investigating crime; there’s a lot of data you have to go through and then try to figure out what really happened.
In this environment of scattered data and apparent chaos we propose the Pandora FMS work method: we save all the information, collected directly or through agents, second by second, and it is stored in powerful MySQL databases (which we can also use in clusters and replicas to backup) and all this is available for future analysis: we are like the “black box” of airplanes before a “software glitch”.

Concluding remarks on “software glitch”

Although the computer applications will always have failures having a monitoring software that collects the chronology and conditions at the time of “software glitch” to take all this data in an excellent report well presented to the developers in charge will greatly shorten the search and correction in the future, avoiding “tripping over the same stone twice”.

“Altéa Suite” is a registered trademark of the company “Amadeus”, founded in 1987.

Compuserve and Fidonet. Before the Internet.

Compuserve and Fidonet. Before the Internet.

Internet compuserve fidonet ; the Prehistory of the Internet

Do you think that the Internet has always been there? I can tell you guys are very young.

Although if you are a little older, you may remember that time when you didn’t have a mobile phone in your pocket that kept telling you to take advantage of the latest offers or to upload your photos.

This post is written for everyone, for those who knew those exciting years as well as for cyborgs who were born with a USB port in the back of their head. For all of them, let us remember a little better how the Internet was in those years, through two places located in the Prehistory of the network: internet compuserve fidonet .

Legend has it…

If you are “in your mid-age years”, you will probably remember the feelings that we as computer users felt at that time. Every new development, every new discovery, made our skin bristle. For those of us who thought the ZX Spectrum was the Eighth Wonder of the World and an open door to unimaginable worlds, the possibility of connecting computers to each other seemed like a pure miracle, something almost inexplicable. For those of you who haven’t experienced it, let’s put history in context.

Back in the late 1980s, the Internet was something like a deep, unknown heart of the African jungle. Only a few experts dared to go inside (in fact, most of them had never even heard of it) and they did so with great emotion.

At that time, in fact, Internet access was limited to some universities and companies, opening up to home users during the 1990s. Back then, the connection between computers had very little to do with what we know today. First of all, a phenomenon that you users of that time will remember fondly was the need to interrupt telephone connections – from the house, if we were connected from our own homes – which led to a series of complaints from our mothers and fathers (” Boy, please leave the phone free, I have to call your Auntie Sophia!”).

But our story begins just before the slightly more mainstream access that the previous scene shows.

At the end of the 1980s, as we were saying, the restrictions were even greater. A large part of the very few connections were made through the so-called BBS (Bulletin Board System), a very limited type of telephone communication software that allowed to share text over a network.

As the popularity of BBSs gained ground, platforms were formed, such as those created by providers, that charged users for connection time (as you can imagine, substantially higher per minute rates than today). In this case, one of the world’s best known suppliers was Compuserve.

Founded in 1969, Compuserve became the most successful provider during the 1980s (mainly for universities and companies) and the early 1990s. But what exactly did it offer?

What were you able to do in Compuserve?

For current Internet users, when it comes to internet compuserve fidonet ,the options offered by Compuserve may seem very limited, something like advanced teletext (teletext was also impressive at the time, by the way). But, in their time, they were a window to a new world.

Compuserve had options that are now ordinary and even obsolete, but at the time very new, such as e-mail, newsgroups, or bulletin boards or comments (precursors of current forums). Again, remember the context: at a time when the most widely used means of communication were telephone and postal mail, the possibility of communicating in writing with strangers anywhere on the planet was an exciting development.

Although you might be disappointed by the following: at that time, there were hardly any images on the networks, and very few on the existing ones had anything to do with the current ones (uploading a standard photo from a current smartphone to the network would have taken about a whole day, due to the low data transmission speeds at that time). The text ruled, the time for the image would come later.

However, there were some other playful options available. You could download game demos, and even entire games. Of course, they have nothing to do with the current ones.

And FidoNet?

Like Compuserve, when it comes to internet compuserve fidonet, FidoNet was one of the most popular networks in the 1990s, shortly before the arrival of the Internet.

Founded in 1984, it also had a semi-private messaging system (similar to e-mail) and the possibility of transmitting files. It also had newsgroups and chats.

One of its features, which made it so different from the current Internet, is its total lack of commercial content. Free of advertising or spam, FidoNet was set up as an open, non-profit network (although it was obviously necessary to pay the undesirable telephone fees).

If there is one word that could define that time and the years that followed, it is “thrill”. Anyone who has experienced it can confirm it. Those groundbreaking innovations astonished an entire generation, creating the world in which we live today. If you lived through those beginnings, it would be very interesting to learn about your experiences and would you like to share them with the readers of this blog? We would be delighted if you could leave a message in the comment section at the end of this article. Let us know your opinion on the internet compuserve fidonet.

Although, before you do so, we would like you to meet Pandora FMS. If the Internet has changed a lot, Pandora FMS has also changed.

Pandora FMS was born in 2003 and has gone through many stages until becoming, nowadays, one of the most powerful monitoring software on the market.

Because Pandora FMS can monitor devices, infrastructures, applications, services and business processes.

Do you want to know more about what Pandora FMS can do for you? Click here: https://pandorafms.com

Or you can also send us any query you may have about Pandora FMS. You can do this in a very simple way, thanks to the contact form at the following address: https://pandorafms.com/company/contact/

The team behind Pandora FMS will be happy to help you!

Pandora FMS as an alternative to IBM® Tivoli® Netcool®.

Pandora FMS as an alternative to IBM® Tivoli® Netcool®.

Pandora FMS as a Netcool Alternative

Introduction to IBM® Tivoli® Netcool®

IBM® Tivoli® Netcool ®is part of the “Tivoli Management Framework (TMF)”, and both belong to the wide range of products from the company known as “International Business Machines” or simply IBM®, as we know it today. Let’s remember that this company was in charge of automating the population censuses in the United States of America in the 19th century (at that time its name was “Tabulating Recording Company” and it had not yet ventured outside its own country) and was indirectly responsible for the massification of personal computing (PC) in the 20th century (a leading role played by Microsoft, using opportunities, to consolidate itself in the market for many years). It is no wonder, then, that they have a solution for every type of company across the globe: they are very organized, schematic and very well documented.

The “IBM® Netcool® Operations Insight Version 1.4” Implementation Guide is 292 pages in PDF format, written by five authors and is 12 megabytes in size, we are talking about the manual, the quick guide! It is so large that the division called RedBooks® is in charge of classifying, publishing online (or on paper, if needed) in a public and expeditious manner everything related to the documentation of its very diverse products. We mention this division and specialization of work because later on we will see that the software is strongly oriented towards teamwork and collaboration between departments of both the client company and IBM® itself.

In this entry we will simplify it as much as possible, but the text will not be small, nor is the Big Blue, the name by which this company is also known throughout the world.

IBM® Tivoli® Netcool®

First we should clarify that “IBM® Tivoli® Netcool®” is not its exact and complete name. For greater precision, the concept that summarizes in a single cornerstone all this technology that IBM® presents as a complete solution is “IBM Netcool Operations Insight”®. Throughout the subject we may simply call it and refer to it, either as a whole or as one or more of its components, as Netcool® as it has been shortened in its more than 25 years of existence in the corporate market.

“IBM Netcool Operations Insight® integrates infrastructure and operations management into a single, coherent structure between business applications, virtualized servers, network protocols and devices, Internet protocols, and security and storage devices.

The solution includes the following components:

  • IBM® Tivoli® Netcool®/OMNIbus.
  • IBM® Tivoli® Netcool®/Impact.
  • IBM® SmartCloud Analytics®.
  • IBM® Tivoli® Netcool®/OMNIbus Insight Pack for IBM® SmartCloud Analytics®.
  • IBM® Tivoli® Netcool®/OMNIbus Message Bus Gateway.
  • IBM® Tivoli® Network Manager IP Edition®.
  • IBM® Tivoli® Netcool® Configuration Manager.
  • Jazz for Service Management®.

Each of these components is installed separately, each has its own procedure and implementation manual, but once they are all installed, can we get down to work and start monitoring our network? Not yet, “Netcool ® Network Management” is still missing: this unique solution combines “IBM® Tivoli® Netcool / OMNIbus”®, “IBM Tivoli Network Manager”® and “IBM Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager”® (communications between products must be configured to work).

“Netcool Network Management”®

“Netcool Network Management”® is an integrated set of network management tools, providing network discovery, monitoring, event management and configuration. It provides a centralized view that includes reporting, monitoring of network performance, deployment and changes, as well as error management and handling.

It is designed to provide support for millions of events per day including physical and virtual networks, it maintains and manages the operations of the different components that we install and centralizes the reports. But perhaps the most significant task, in the company’s own words: “It shows baselines of event rates, forecasts and trends that allow you to identify underlying problems and help you proactively address them.

The latter is presented and integrated as “Artificial Intelligence” and “Cloud Computing”, an approach that is not only effective but also proactive.

Mode of operation

In spite of all the greatness that the software presents, in the end, we observe that Netcool ®, presents the same common elements as the majority of programs used for computer monitoring: the most remarkable thing is the magnitude of the program, which in fact is considered by the hiring company to be of great level and on a global scale.

For example, to add a custom driver element to monitor a GNU/Linux5 server, we will use the “IBM Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager”®, option “Tools” and then “New driver” then a guided dialog box opens in which we indicate that we want to use an IBM template based on Telnet or SSH. Then we fill in the details of the new driver card (operating system, version, etc.) always using commas to separate it using different versions, we go to the device script section (“IT MCM communications handle”) and we can either add our own code, that allows it, or we use the code of a device that has a similar connection, such as a router.

The latter should not be done, as it does not match reality but let’s remember that we are specifying how to connect to the device and we are not describing the device itself, which we did in the beginning.

IBM Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager
Image via IBM Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager®.

The next thing we need to do is to remove the code associated with the connection to a router that is NOT compatible with the GNU/Linux server that we need to monitor. This is possible because we use a template which is automatically copied, and is already part of the driver we are creating. Finally we add the sample commands that we want them to do the job and then collect the information:

    • $ cat /etc/redhat-release


    • $ cat /etc/hosts


    $ netstat -nr

The next section will inform you about how you will connect to the GNU/Linux server, whether you send or receive and send information, as well as a multitude of details that you will need to adapt (this assistant is quite general to allow you to connect a massive and different number of devices, we must take very good care of what you select; everything is very well documented).

When the custom controller element is created, we must proceed to import it to the working scheme: the IP address of the device to be monitored, credentials, schedule, etc. Once we can run it and immediately see the result in console, analyze it and if necessary correct it (the script) to keep it in place and monitoring.

As we can see it is not very different to the creation of what in Pandora FMS we call remote plugin and its creation and registration, with the exception that with Netcool® the process is much more solid, with a lot of additional steps and a lot of details. This is due to the fact that IBM® has experience as a hardware manufacturer and all that experience gained over the years and years is captured (and used to its advantage) in every aspect of its software.

Storage of collected results and data

Once we have the data collection agents we need to store them for further analysis. To this end, it is intended to work with the “Netcool OMNIbus”® to run the “Database Gateways “, which essentially consists of a database for reports and one for auditing, without going into any more detail. The difference between the two is that for the auditing each addition, modification or elimination of a component generates a record while in the reporting it is an action performed for a component.

For reporting you can choose from the following technologies: Oracle®, Sybase®, MSSQL®, DB2®. On the other hand, we can also use these databases in auditing and, in addition, Informix® and MySQL®.

Additional connectivity is included through three components:

  • Oracle gateway: Oracle libraries.
  • ODBC gateway : DataDirect ODBC drivers.
  • JDBC gateway : vendor-provided JDBC drivers.

The latter, JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) is the recommended gateway for any third-party software (audit area) to obtain the necessary data.

The way Netcool® works

It is very time-consuming, as we have just seen, to describe this computer monitoring suite, because it was created in such a way that it can be integrated with the company’s other products. By continuing like this, we would not finish this article and we could not do a comparison with Pandora FMS. Therefore, since we explain an overview of Netcool ® (implementation, configuration, agents and storage of information) without including the problem prediction software, communication between support managers, etc., we proceed to reason a general view that can even be extended to other monitoring software for comparison purposes.

As far as the machines are concerned

  • Massively agents collect all events and incidents and without exception are stored in powerful databases.
  • Through pre-established rules we proceed to filter the material that meets the requirements, each customer has its own needs and / or priorities, which will be taken to the next level.

As far as we humans are concerned

  • The machines did their job, now it’s up to the humans to evaluate alerts, identify faults and create tickets for resolution: we are in the detection stage. At this point it is good to rule out false positives, but first make a proper record, which can be used in the future to correlate events, which leads us to the next point.
  • The tickets that were opened in the previous stage are assigned according to the knowledge on the subject: we are in the reaction stage.
  • Once you are in the right hands and familiar with the fault(s) in question, we proceed to review the tests and evidence, we are in the diagnostic stage. This is where the next point is planned and will probably be dealt with by another team.
  • In the restoration or repair phase, the measures designed are applied, thus ending the incident for operational purposes, but in terms of prediction and future evaluation, it is passed on to other departments and this already exceeds the tasks of monitoring servers and networks and is rather in the field of control and loss forecasting.

The Pandora FMS approach

There are tasks that are suitable for machines and tasks that are suitable for humans. And when it comes to analyzing millions of events and then correlating them, machines are the most appropriate for collecting and detecting anomalies even if they are repeated: this is a matter of seconds for a machine and would take hours for any human. We humans are good at analyzing dozens of problems and determining their root causes, always using well presented data to support our decisions. After a few minutes the solution will be planned and returned to the machines, who will apply it in seconds (and in a few more seconds they will learn from the failure).

When it comes to Pandora FMS as a netcool alternative. In this case Pandora FMS breaks with the established monitoring: we avoid the complex and fragmented monitoring of multiple products with different and separate user interfaces, operating on separate code bases and even separate storage from each other; all this only results in an extremely complicated implementation and even worse, it makes maintenance difficult once it has been implemented. This means that great complexity has a very high cost and a high evaluation time. That is why when adapting to the needs of the client Pandora FMS shines for its single body structure, it allows to implement the changes without delays in extensive meetings of work teams per department to keep the changes in one module from damaging and maintain compatibility with other components. Once the program has been modified and updated, Pandora FMS (as a netcool alternative) provides all its clients with an immediate update thanks to our new versioning system, the patches and improvements will be applied progressively and gradually from the console, avoiding the need of migration or update processes. High complexity reduces efficiency.

Pros and cons of both products

Balancing the advantages and disadvantages will help to discern which monitoring path will be most appropriate for each client.



It has the advantage of a long experience of processes, they have all seen them and have them stored, categorized and very well documented. It will be quite difficult for any company to present a new challenge to this very ancient and well-cultivated technology.


Precisely the analysis to the extent of departmentalizing and establishing specialised divisions leads to additional communication and registration work between them, which reduces efficiency. There is even a risk of isolation of monitoring areas. Another point is the underestimation of the customer’s requirements: it is assumed that everything is already categorized and normalized and it is a question of selling the products from the product catalogue that are close to the solution, there are no custom-made products here.

Pandora FMS as a Netcool alternative


Everything is handled together which translates into speed, one-touch view of events for subsequent solution and correction. This reduces downtime for the company, which is very expensive. We let the machines do the work they do best so that humans have the least amount of intervention but make decisions based on solid, reliable and well presented data. Being very careful to avoid falling into great complexity, in fact it is optional, Integria IMS was developed: a correct management of the workflow of the computers that deal with the incidents presented.


There is a saying that goes “every cloud has a silver lining” : it is like air traffic administrations, when a disaster strikes, not only do they solve the case but they use it to implement future measures to avoid its repetition, even if they happen in a similar way. This point is solved because in Pandora FMS flexibility is our commitment and we will listen to improve and we can even develop new elements that make up for the deficiencies in the future.

Registered trademarks

IBM, the IBM logo, and ibm.com are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, registered in many worldwide jurisdictions. Other products and service names may belong to IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM’s trademarks is available on the Internet at the website titled “Copyright and trademark information” at http://www.ibm.com/legal/copytrade.shtml

The following terms are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, and may also be trademarks not only in the United States but also in other countries:

  • DB2®
  • IBM®
  • JazzTM
  • Netcool ®
  • Passport Advantage®
  • Redbooks®
  • Redbooks (logo)
  • Tivoli®
  • WebSphere®

The logo used here is defined by geometric shapes that do not meet the requirements to reach the threshold of originality and therefore meets the requirement of public domain: such concepts and files can be read in the following link on Wikipedia.

How does Iron Man monitor his suits?

How does Iron Man monitor his suits?

Ironman and monitoring, two great words that work together

With over $2 billion in box office sales globally, The Avengers: Infinity War is everywhere at this time. And if you don’t know it from this one or from the rest of the stream of movies that Marvel Studios have been bombarding us with for the last 10 years, maybe you know it from the countless comic books they have been making since the 1960s. Yeah, he’s Iron Man.

The can of reddish sardines hides, as many of you know, one of the best-known superheroic playboys in the world of comics: Anthony Edward Stark. He is known as Tony Stark, a successful and famous billionaire who, besides being a remarkable child prodigy and possessing one of the most brilliant minds in the world, is also a great entrepreneur, engineer and technology fanatic.

Ironman and monitoring. The daily life of the big-headed

When Tony wakes up every morning and the world needs him, the first thing he has to do is to choose the armor that suits him or that he needs for his memorable intervention. In this choice he is usually assisted by J.A.R.V.I.S., the artificial intelligence computer programmed to serve him with a strong masculine voice with a British accent.

The level of coordination that exists in the technology of Iron Man’s entire devices, from his armor to the artificial intelligence that helps him integrate them, seems harmonized by a futuristic god. But it’ s just a matter of the right organization and monitoring. That’s why Tony knows what he has to do and what he needs. And the most important thing: he has the information, the data and the solutions in a very accurate and immediate way.

Let’s imagine that in Tony’s adventure today, he is troubled by his rival entity J.A.R.V.I.S. and Hulk or a similar creature, of the same height and power, is destroying the economic center of Murcia, Spain (we are fed up of New York). Well, Tony will wake up, cut out the coffee, and will go check the mega screen in his operating room or the one built into his helmet. It will show the data needed to take action: the number of people injured, civilian victims, economic damage, the rise in the price of citrus fruits (which is so important for the area), etc.

There you go, the J.A.R.V.I.S. monitoring system has evaluated all the data and found it necessary for Tony to wear the Hulkbuster armor today, perhaps linked to the Mark XLIII armor, the first one, as a modular suit, works from the inside, so we need to synchronize both and we’ll do it using the central computer and its monitoring superpowers.

Boom! Tony will leave his mansion in his Mark XLIII armor and will make the Hulkbuster module take off from Veronica Station. The two of them will meet over Murcia’s sky, join together and beat the bad guy up. Folks, all this wouldn’t have been possible without a very flexible monitoring software, wouldn’t it? A single tool that can monitor any device, infrastructure, application, service and process. All in one in order to defeat the evil.

Ironman and monitoring: Be your own superhero

And this is a work tool that is worthy for Stark Companies, S.H.I.E.L.D., and The Avengers but it can also be worthy for you. Do you know Pandora FMS? I belong to their international secret service and I can tell you a little bit about it.

Pandora FMS is software that is used to monitor and measure all kind of elements. Monitors systems, applications or network devices. It informs about the status of each element of a system over time as it has data and event history. Pandora FMS is aimed at large environments, and it allows managing several thousand systems with and without agents, so it can be used in large clusters, data centers and networks. Some examples of common resources that can be monitored with Pandora FMS are the processor load, the disk and memory usage, processes that run in the system, events determined in a log, environmental factors like temperature, light or humidity (through sensors), values of applications like certain texts in a web page, and in general any data or event that can be collected automatically. Do you see the similarities between J.A.R.V.I.S., the different Iron Man armor, and Pandora FMS, right?

If you’ve smiled as you realized that you could now fly a whole set of Marvel weapons and you’ve imagined yourself wearing it like a suit of armor in front of the thugs in your neighborhood, I have to say that you must put the brakes on. Pandora FMS is good for monitoring, but you would still lack the technology to become a leading character in comics. Although you can always look at Amazon to see what’s there.

After this article about Ironman and monitoring. Do you want to know what Pandora FMS can do exactly when it comes to monitoring? It’s so easy for you. Just send us a message with all your questions. You can easily do this by using the contact form at the following address: https://pandorafms.com/company/contact/ and don’t forget to take a look at the other articles we have posted on this blog, we’re sure you’ll like them.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Pandora FMS team, they will be happy to help you!

Understanding the power symbol and other popular technology symbols

Understanding the power symbol and other popular technology symbols

I’m sure you’ve witnessed this scenario before.

Your mom or dad grabs the remote control of your house TV with one hand and starts to look at it carefully. After an almost infinite period of time, they decide to repeatedly press one of its buttons in a more or less random attempt to increase the volume, to change the channel or to turn off the TV set.

Anything can be expected from the results of this type of operation. I mean, anything.

In order to facilitate this type of difficult task, the human being has been helping himself for a long time with all kinds of signs and symbols that briefly represent major concepts. But where do these come from? for example, where does a symbol as common as the on/off symbol come from which can be found in all kinds of devices?

As on so many other occasions, the Pandora RC blog is here to rescue you from the origins of some of the most popular technological symbols (bear this in mind because this knowledge is a great resource for meetings, celebrations and even top-level technological events).

1. The power symbol

It’ s one of the main elements of this signs and symbols party. If you don’t know what this means, it’s probably because you’ve been living in a cave for 60 years or you’ ve just woken up from a cryogenic Captain America dream.

The on/off icon (or power symbol) has been pressed on buttons over four million times by humans of all kinds for decades. The one thing you probably don’t know is its origin. It was created in the Second World War by engineers who were inspired by the binary system (ones and zeros) to combine this symbol, which alternated between 1 (or on, with power) and 0 (off, without power). A great deal of wit for one of the most successful symbols in history.

2. The USB icon

It is also very present in our devices and, of course, in our USB devices. The symbol has its origin in a modified Neptune Trident at each of its ends, which instead of ending in arrowheads like the “original” one, end in a circle, a triangle and a square, in order to represent the versatility of the standard when connecting peripherals. Undoubtedly, a very conceptual symbol.

3. The Bluetooth symbol

It is very popular and has an equal historical origin. This symbol, which we find, among other places, on the screen of our mobile phones, finds its genesis in the Danish king Harald Blatand, who was said to eat cranberries all the time and ended up staining one of his teeth with a permanent blue color. The symbol is a combination of runes that blends the initials of the Nordic King, and was probably inspired by this historical figure because the first Bluetooth receiver was shaped like blue teeth. It is original and with legendary references. A great symbol.

4. The @ symbol

The greatest representative of the digital age was not born at the end of the 20th century, not even at the beginning. Its origins are much more distant.

The @ symbol is an Anglo-Saxon palaeographic symbol that represents the Latin preposition “ad”, and over time ended up being used in engineering and mathematics to represent the area. However, its rise to stardom dates back to 1971, when programmer Ray Tomlinson used this symbol on keyboards, but it was rarely used to separate the user’s name from the mail server’s name in e-mail addresses. The rest is history.

5. The Wi-Fi symbol

It is one of the most intuitive and functional symbols you can imagine. The origin of the symbol that represents the Wi-Fi connection is the most modern of our list, it dates from the year 2000 and was born from an agreement of some of the main companies of the sector.

The symbol represents the waves of a radio frequency signal, and is particularly useful because of its versatility in switching on more or less lines depending on the strength of the signal (or if it disappears and is replaced by an exclamation point when no connection is available).

6. The play/pause symbols

Two more classics. It’s difficult to tell the direction of the triangle pointing to the right which is represented by playback on all kinds of video and music devices, although it probably has something to do with the movement suggested by the arrow “moving” horizontally. It is known that it dates back to the 1960s, when it first appeared on cassette tapes on the market at that time.

On the other hand, the origin of the pause symbol does seem easier to determine. It is most likely due to the notation “caesura”, which in musical language means “pause”.

7. The Pandora RC symbol

Okay, this is not as well known as the previous ones, but don’t you want to know what it means?

The Pandora FMS icon, although at first sight it looks like an all-seeing eye, which is logical for a monitoring system, is actually two octopus tentacles. An octopus? Why an octopus? We tell you more in this very complete and interesting article.


Now that you know where both the symbol and the name of Pandora RC come from, how about taking a few minutes to get to know it better?

Pandora RC is a remote computer management program (remote desktop software) that can be very useful for many different activities.

Do you want to know what Pandora RC can do for you? That’ s a great idea! Take a look here: https://pandorafms.com/en/remote-control/

Or you can also send us any queries you may have about Pandora RC. You can easily do this by using the contact form at the following address: https://pandorafms.com/en/contact/

Did you enjoy this article about signs and symbols? Don’t forget to leave a comment at the bottom of this article with your opinion, and take a look at the other articles that are published on this blog.

There is a great team behind Pandora RC that will be happy to help you!

IoT open source – what are its advantages and disadvantages?

IoT open source – what are its advantages and disadvantages?

IoT open source; advantages and disadvantages

When we talk about IoT (or the Internet of Things), we immediately imagine a series of devices – although IoT is much more than that, we often think of household appliances – working in a coordinated way, as if by magic.

But those who work with magic (like those who work with engineering) know that behind a great effect there is a complicated and laborious mechanism designed to make the trick work perfectly, and the audience is first surprised and then breaks into applause.

With the Internet of Things, it’s the same thing. Although we are still at the beginning of the development of IoT, in a few years’ time we will probably begin to be surprised by the amazing “tricks” it offers us, but these will not appear to us out of the blue, but due to the hard work of many people.

As with all magic, IoT must overcome many obstacles that are invisible to the viewer. We have already talked about some of them, such as interoperability. But there are also others: scalability, durability… The growth and commercial adoption of IoT will have to overcome many obstacles, and this is something that is a major headache for engineering magicians from the five continents. However, and for their comfort, some tools, such as open source, come in to help them.

What is open source?

In a very brief description, we can say that open source is a way of developing software based on collaboration between developers. The concept of open source is developed in the field of “free software”, and although it is not exactly the same, it is part of its philosophy.

So that a person can understand it: often, when a company creates software, it hides its code, so that the rest of the developers cannot know it or modify it. Typically, companies do this both for commercial reasons (they do not want their software for free) and to maintain the integrity of the code (they do not want it to be modified). And both are good reasons.

Free software, on the other hand, is intended to offer a development (usually free of charge) and leave the door open for programmers to make the changes they consider appropriate to the code in order to improve it.

There are a number of requirements for consideration of possible open source or free software, but it is not the subject of this article to develop them. If you want to know more about the subject, your pal Wikipedia offers more information about it.

How can open source help IoT?

As we were saying, it’s not easy to do magic. And if we have to put thousands of magicians together to achieve a great effect, it is much more difficult.

IoT involves and will involve millions of devices, created by thousands of different manufacturers. And many of them will have to work in a coordinated manner, transmit information from one to the other, so that the “magic” of IoT works as it should, how can this be done in this “Tower of Babel” in which each programmer, each engineer, each device speaks his or her own language?

One of the solutions (not the only one) could be open source. Let’s take a look at some of the ways in which it might help.

– Interoperability

This is perhaps the main reason to talk about IoT open source. We have already mentioned it: millions of devices “speaking” the languages of their manufacturers – how can we make them understand each other? Open source may be an answer. Communities that work with open source use common standards and open protocols, enabling greater integration into their platforms.

– Commercialization

We have already said it: it is not easy to do “magic” in the field of IoT open source. Consumers want products that really improve their lives; otherwise, they will not adopt the Internet of Things, or they will do so in a very reduced way.

IoT open source could be a weapon to facilitate and accelerate the commercial expansion of the Internet of Things. And while it’s true that it often involves free (even partial) use, companies have known for years that there are many ways to extract economic benefits from software development.

– Innovation and renewal

IoT must, by definition, be a constantly changing technology, and that is something that closed-source codes make difficult. Open source, on the other hand, is more dynamic and continuous transformation is part of its DNA. Open communities and collaborative work are an ideal ecosystem to make software evolve, innovate and renew constantly.

– Sustainability when it comes to IoT open source

Closely related to the renovation. The development of IoT promises to be revolutionary and accelerated, and that’s fine, but the user doesn’t want the devices he has purchased today to become obsolete and useless within a few weeks. The flexibility of open source can contribute to a greater durability of your developments, through greater adaptability over time. Some have already said it: “reinvent yourself or die”. In open source, renewal is continuous and, therefore, its life is usually longer.

But, beware; it’s not all advantages

Or is there something in life that has no drawbacks? While open source may offer some benefits in the IoT area, it may also be hampered by disadvantages. Let’s get to know some of them.

– Higher technical training requirements

Not everyone is prepared to use open source software. In addition, proprietary software often offers training or support that is more difficult to provide if you choose open source software.

– Lack of warranties

In the area of open source “everything belongs to everyone” and “nothing belongs to anyone” at the same time. Often lacking a clear headline, open source also often lacks a manager to deal with problems that may arise, which can lead to mistrust among users.

– Lack of products

While some areas of open source software may grow rapidly, others may be less attractive and may not find open source solutions, or may be of lower quality than those offered by closed source. In particular, areas requiring high specialization often lack open source options.

– Changes in the environment

Sometimes, open source software ends up being acquired by companies, which then charge for its use. If this happens, there may be situations where a large structure may be working with open source and, in time, be forced to pay for its use or, on the contrary, may have to stop using it.

As you can see, there are reasons both to link IoT and open source and not to do so. And now that you know a little better the relationship between them, how about taking a few minutes to get to know Pandora FMS?

Pandora FMS is flexible monitoring software, which is able to monitor devices, infrastructures, applications, services and business processes.

Do you want to know more about Pandora FMS? Enter here: https://pandorafms.com

Benefits of monitoring for an it support or MSP company

Benefits of monitoring for an it support or MSP company

IT support and MSP; Some of the benefits of monitoring

Do you have an IT support company? Do you work at one of them? Or maybe you work at a MSP?

Over the last few years, and since so many companies have been incorporating Information Technologies as an essential part of their business, those that provide technical support -at different scales- have grown together, thus carrying out increasingly necessary work.

Since businesses need their IT to work, but IT requires specific knowledge and a high technical level.

Some computer support tasks

Today, the tasks that IT support companies are engaged in are becoming more and more extensive, covering multiple aspects of business IT. For example:

  • They manage and oversee the company’s hardware, ensuring its proper functioning and carrying out any necessary replacements or repairs.
  • They are in charge of the installation and updating of the company’s software, as well as ensuring its proper operation and maintenance.
  • They manage and adjust the service at IT level, checking its full operation, its load level and carrying out the necessary tasks for its maintenance.
  • They remove malicious software that may have entered the company’s computers and systems.

And many other things. These are just a few examples. The activities that an IT support company or an MSP can carry out for its customers are as broad as their capabilities, the customer’s needs and the conditions of the signed contract allow. In addition, it is worth considering that some of the companies that provide IT services for businesses will also provide their own technical support channels.

And what does all this have to do with monitoring? If you are a computer technical support professional you may know that monitoring is closely related to your work, but we can see it very briefly.

Computer technical support, MSP and monitoring

In order to carry out part of their tasks, support companies and MSPs need to carry out monitoring tasks. The fundamental role of monitoring is to control the proper functioning of the company’s IT systems. And in order to achieve this, good monitoring software is essential.

Imagine that you work in a IT support company and you use a program like Pandora FMS in its Enterprise version for your work.

With Pandora FMS you will be able to carry out both local monitoring (based on “software agents”) and remote monitoring.

You will be able to monitor virtual environments, Web User experience, services, SNMP traps, logs, and even business transactions.

Network usage, availability, performance, packet loss, memory, available disk… are just a few of the things you can monitor, among hundreds of them.

Pandora FMS can monitor more than 200 applications, among which are Oracle, Exchange, IIS, MongoDB, SQL Server, Active Directory, Apache and many others, having, in addition, a great number of plugins.

Pandora FMS has multiple options to configure elements as important for a monitoring system as alerts or thresholds.

One of the main strengths of Pandora FMS is its flexibility. FMS’ stands for’Flexible Monitoring System’. Flexibility is so important for Pandora FMS that it is even part of its name.

Do you want to know more about Pandora FMS in its Enterprise version? You can take a look here: https://pandorafms.com/en/why-enterprise/

As you can see if you click on the previous link, Pandora FMS also considers MSPs. If you work in an MSP, you should know that Pandora FMS has specific qualities that can be very useful for your needs.

For example, its scalability. Pandora FMS Enterprise is designed to work in environments that require high scalability and need to operate in an environment with many clients on a single platform.

Pandora FMS allows you to create customized monitoring views and customized reports.

But these are not the only advantages that Pandora FMS can offer to a MSP, there are so many more! Discover them here: https://pandorafms.com/en/msp-monitoring/

In addition, Pandora FMS can be used along with two other tools designed by Ártica Soluciones Tecnológicas, the developer of Pandora FMS, and which can be of great help for the work of an IT support company or a MSP.

On the one hand, it’ s Integria IMS. Integria IMS is a ticket-based issue management software that can be very helpful in managing all types of customer incidents. Take a look: https://pandorafms.com/web-help-desk/

On the other hand, eHorus. Ehorus is a remote computer management system (remote desktop software) that can be very helpful for remote troubleshooting. Click here if you want to learn more: https://pandorafms.com/en/remote-control/

Hundreds of companies around the world already have Pandora FMS, would you like to know some of our success stories? Take a look here:

Or you can also send us any question you may have about Pandora FMS. You can easily do this using the contact form at the following address:

Don’t forget to leave a comment at the bottom of this article, we want to hear from you, and you can ask us anything you want, we will be happy to answer all your questions. Now, what did you think of this article about it support? Don’t forget to take a look at the other articles that are published in this blog, we are sure you will like them and they will surely be quite useful for you. See you next time, have a good day!

Our Pandora FMS team will be happy to help you!

Read our success story and see the results we’ve got

Success story Hughes

What is ticketing? What is a ticketing tool?

What is ticketing? What is a ticketing tool?

Did you go into this article looking for information about what ticketing is or what a ticketing tool is? If so, we will try to help. In addition, you can find out about a ticketing tool that can be of great help if you are looking for one for your company. Because we are that good!

What is ticketing and what is its importance in the organization of business incidents?

Today we are living in an increasingly dynamic environment that involves multiple digital channels, from which the experiences of internal and external customers are what define the perception and satisfaction about a company or a brand. All those customers expect a follow-up to their case or incident in a timely, accurate and consistent manner from any channel (a call, an email or chat, for example) and in a timely manner. Along the lines of this, to provide attention and support, your organization can rely on ticketing or ticketing tools, which are computer programs that are used for incident management and are based on “tickets” for support or customer/user service. Read on to learn more about these concepts.

What is ticketing and how does it work?

A ticket is a record about an incident, a service request, or even a warning or event generated by computer networks. The ticket contains information about the status, classification and ticket group to which it belongs, so it provides IT support teams with general information about the service request. In a ticketing tool you may manage the ticket queue, documenting each of the interactions between the person who generated that ticket and the IT specialist(s) involved in its resolution.

Ticket, indicating priority, to whom it is assigned, to which email it is sent and its description.

To understand it better, imagine that you are in charge of customer service for a company devoted to the sale of plastic bones for puppies over the Internet.
As you sell millions of plastic bones to a multitude of customers, (because your bones are great and have different flavors, from beef to barbecue ribs), you often receive contacts from customers who have had an incident and communicate with you through any of the means of contact provided by your website.
This morning you received a call from a customer who ordered 50 units for their bulldog and they arrived very deteriorated and dirty. And besides, the taste is not the one ordered
Imagine now that you had a ticketing tool like Pandora ITSM. Once the call is received, you could open a “ticket” in the system in order to manage incident (this would be the ticket creation). In the ticket you could include all the information you consider necessary. For example, you could enter the date the order was placed and the customer statement. Or you could attach the photographs that the customer sent you by email and in which you may see the state in which the bones are found.
Depending on the configuration you made of the ticketing system, you could also choose which person or group of people (this would be ticket assignment) you would like the system to communicate the opening of the ticket, so that they could intervene in it. Thus, as soon as you open it, a notice of the opening of the ticket will be sent to these people by email. The notice could reach the person in charge of managing the logistics, to make the necessary inquiries in order to know what happened so that the bone shipping arrived in such poor condition.
The people authorized to intervene in the ticket could provide information of interest or reflect the actions being carried out to solve the situation (this would be the ticket resolution). The same ticket could include information regarding how the customer request was attended and what measures were taken so that this type of problem does not take place (these would be for example ticket closure).
With this example, you may see that there is a flow of processes in ticketing: ticket creation (from a call, an email, an alert from CRM), the assignment of who will solve the ticket (in the help desk or customer service), ticket resolution (how it was solved, if it should have been escalated, new findings for this and future resolutions) and the closure (measures to prevent similar incidents, learning, feedback).

Flow in a ticketing tool

Thus, the ticket becomes the “centre” through which the incident is managed. From the moment it is opened, as throughout the whole management process, as at the time of the closure of the incident, all the information may be centralized in the ticket for simpler, more organized and effective problem management.
And not only that. The ticket may be saved in order to check, later and if necessary, how the incident was managed, which may be of great interest if incidents of the same kind or with the same client are repeated. And, in addition, with a system such as Pandora ITSM, you could associate incidents with the items that are part of the inventory that the software itself also includes as one of its features.

Practical examples with Pandora ITSM

Case 1: Customer service

Pandora ITSM allows you to implement the customer request and incident management in an integrated flow that involves those who must act, providing the necessary information aimed at providing customer service in a timely manner. Every time a customer makes a request through the platform, a new ticket is opened with their data, date and subject of the incident. The ticket is catalogued and those that deserve special attention are prioritized. Following the example of bones, Pandora FMS has the tools to automate the workflow based on tickets with criteria rules, such as the case of a damaged product in which it would be convenient for the customer service staff (priority) to have the evidence of the status of the product. In this case, upon reception of this confirmation of damaged product, the ticketing system may automatically generate a product replacement order, which internally investigates what caused the damage (such as defective packaging, careless handling in the warehouse) and the error in the flavor, generating an automatic email to the warehouse or logistics manager to take actions aimed at preventing similar errors in the future. Of course, for customer service, it is essential to carry out a planned integration from ticket creation to ticket closure to ensure an orderly and efficient workflow in the company.

Case 2: Internal communication

Pandora ITSM features multi-level scaling rules to provide quick response and resolution for your customers. From the same platform, you may automate multiple ticket operations based on status change, the department to which the ticket was assigned and its priority, among other ticket properties. Information is integrated and those involved in the ticket have the same version of the truth about the incident. There is detail of the time spent, dead breaks, people involved and customer satisfaction when solving tickets.
Also, with Pandora ITSM you may get reports from the general data to ticket history, SLA history and general metrics. This information is extremely valuable to make the best decisions about ticket management and even undertake continuous improvements to ensure user and customer satisfaction. Translating this into the example of the bones, the customer service department, logistics and dispatch staff may see from the same platform (centralization and integrated processes) the same incident, know which automatic notifications were triggered and to whom (warehouse and logistics) it was assigned, as well as understand what led to the decision of a resolution to dispatch the customer a replacement of the damaged product, and even make improvements. Imagine that now the ticket comes from a mall (you also supply them), which asks if in your line of plastic bone flavors you could include that of roast chicken, because it is a flavor that many of its customers ask about. The ticket would have all the details of interest, including the estimated volume of the order. The notice of the opening of the ticket could reach the person in charge of deciding about bone flavors, and they could evaluate the convenience or not of adding the new flavor.
As you may see, in ticketing it is essential to have integrations, automatic notifications and centralized information from the same platform, as with Pandora ITSM, since it leads not only to a consistent response to the customer, but also to the improvement of internal processes and decision making that will result in the desired experience: timely, correct and efficient.

Example of helpdesk reports

It is also important to consider that, in the case of repetitive tasks, Pandora ITSM allows you to address tickets in bulk, such as a IT support level 0, self-service. This gives your team space to manage tickets that require specific attention, based on defined and customized rules in ticket management.
To further complement these examples, we invite you to read our blog post Keys to integrate the IT support center and better manage the after-sales service.

Key benefits of ticketing with Pandora ITSM

Pandora ITSM is a powerful and flexible Helpdesk solution for support and customer service teams, which is aligned with the Information Technology Infrastructure Library processes (ITIL).
The key benefits of ticketing with Pandora ITSM may be summarized as follows:

  • Information centralization for greater efficiency. Pandora ITSM allows integration with Project Management, CRM, Inventory and Time Management solutions, controlling all tickets from the same platform, with shared and consistent information for all, leading to efficient customer response.
  • Improved collaboration across teams and departments. Teamwork is made easier to provide the best support experience for customers, as the ticketing solution can set rules for ticket management and ticket allocation is automated and based on workflows. Also, the platform allows you to collect, organize, search and share information and data on tickets and even links them in a knowledge base to enrich it. That way, teams and areas or departments are synchronized, along with the same display and knowledge for everyone.
  • Incident traceability and audit with history records. You may see general statistics and trends by teams and by people to achieve effective management of your team’s execution and performance. Detailed reports may be generated by ticket, by groups and ticket types, as well as technical support and agent reports. In addition, incident reports may be generated for customers. This is of great value, for example, in Help Desk SLA management. By allowing you to monitor the performance of your staff while solving customer concerns about agreed compliance.
  • Flexibility to adapt to companies of different sizes and sectors. The ticketing solution is flexible for small businesses and strong for large companies, with geographically extended operations and complex operations. There are on-premise and cloud (SaaS) options.

You may also set rules and policies for handling tickets based on security levels and permissions by roles, profiles and groups. Remember that security is key. Another important aspect is the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into IT processes: with Pandora ITSM you may take advantage of AI as a natural and integrated support for human operators. Consider that AI has become a digital partner. This places great value on Pandora ITSM platform, as AI enriches expertise as it continually feeds on solved cases and the support knowledge base.

Some recommendations on ticketing

For ticketing to be successful, we recommend these five best practices:

  • The basis of ticketing is agent training, considering the most common incidents, most frequently asked questions, resolution techniques, etc.
  • Ticket automation and prioritization, seeking to lighten the load on your IT team and at the same time assign more delicate incidents. You will need to trace the tickets and who should they be assigned to.
  • Prevent your team from being overwhelmed by tickets by constantly monitoring ticket loads to see if they need to be reassigned.
  • Clearly define the tags of your tickets so that the process flow has the detailed information that will be necessary to understand the incident.
  • Centralized ticket monitoring is the key to consistency and collaboration for your team in charge of ticket resolution. It is important for each ticket to be clear about its status and that follow-up is being carried out in the agreed manner and time – especially if there is an SLA.

Ticket Monitoring


Ticketing tools are allies to create those better experiences for internal and external customers who want timely and efficient attention, but that is also consistent regardless of which communication channel the request came from, especially in this digital era. Also with ticketing you may automate and develop self-management mechanisms for repetitive tasks, alleviating the burden of incidents for your team, being able to allocate their efforts on more critical tickets or those that deserve a particular process. In addition, consider that a powerful ticketing tool is one that you may integrate with other tools and applications such as Helpdesk, CRM, call/contact center, and even Artificial Intelligence, and that also allows you to carry out audits and report on compliance and service levels to your external customers.

Learn more about Pandora ITSM ticketing tool by going to the following address. Or you may also send us any questions you may have about Pandora FMS. You may do so in a very simple way, thanks to this contact form.

If you wish to experience how to improve incident management, request a free demo (we do not ask for credit card details) by clicking on this button:

I want a free demo!

Pandora FMS team will be happy to help you!

Internet history; from ARPANET to the future

Internet history; from ARPANET to the future

Internet history in just a thousand words

Today, we can now say that the Internet is one of the most disruptive technologies in history.

Like fire or a wheel, the Internet has changed our lifestyle so much that we can barely conceive a world without it.

However, it is interesting to take a look at the Internet History. Although we must travel back in time a few decades, it is not a very lengthy or tricky story. Instead, it is a rather short and explosive story, compared to other technologies of the same historical significance. And if we consider that, a few decades ago, computers did not even exist, we can realize that progress during the second half of the 20th century and the first years of the 21st century has been breathtaking.

First years

The beginnings of the Internet date back to the early 1960s, in the environment of MIT and a United States government organization called ARPA.

We owe the first theoretical formulation of the Internet to J.C.R. Licklider, who in 1962 described his concept of the network of interconnected computers and the benefits it would bring at a social level, calling it a “galactic network”. Licklider, linked to both MIT and ARPA (he was the Director of Computer Research), would be an inspiration to his collaborators and successors in both institutions.

Shortly before, in 1961, Leonard Kleinrock had already published an important document on the theory of packet switching, which would make the network possible in its early stages. A few years later, in 1965, a successor to Licklider in ARPA, Lawrence G. Roberts, managed for the first time, together with Thomas Merrill, to connect a Massachusetts computer to another one in California via a telephone line, in the first long-distance connection by this method, which involved some technical complications that convinced its participants of the need to use packet switching.

However, the foundations for the development of the network were already in place and the process was going to be unstoppable. In 1967, Roberts published his plan for ARPANET. Interestingly, at the project launch conference, Roberts found, through the presentations of other colleagues from the UK (NPL and RAND), that they were doing similar work, which was a fruitful exchange of ideas.

During the following years, more work was done, giving rise to the first nodes, and the exchange of messages began, mainly in universities, all of them in the United States. At the end of 1969, 4 hosts were connected to ARPANET.

In the late 1970s, another milestone was reached, with the first host-to-host protocol, called NCP (Network Control Protocol), being developed, which allowed the first application developments to take place. ARPANET would soon be ready to go public.

This would happen in 1972, in a very successful demonstration at the ICCC (International Computer Communication Conference), when a new application that you all know would also be introduced: e-mail, by Ray Tomlinson. Thus changing the Internet History.

Years later, however, the need to continue changing the network would arise. The NCP protocol, too rigid and designed only for ARPANET, had to be replaced by another one capable of supporting the specific features of an open architecture network environment. This is how the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, also known as TCP/IP, was created by Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf. As a result, TCP/IP was implemented in ARPANET, and a simultaneous transition considered as “historic” was carried out on 1 January 1983. A few years earlier, in 1979, the first NewsGroups, or discussion forums, had been created by American students.

The leap into the world

Although during its early years of development the Internet had barely left the academic environment, many saw its potential there. In the 1980s, the PC concept was on the rise. Something as strange at first as having a computer in one’s own home was beginning to make a lot of sense.

Hand in hand with the PC, and concepts and technologies such as LAN, Ethernet or DNS, the expansion of the network had been following its unstoppable path in previous years. During the 1980s, important state programmes such as NSFNET (United States) or JANET (United Kingdom), which were highly funded, gave a strong boost to the network through measures such as the creation of transoceanic circuits. In 1990, ARPANET ceased its service. By then, the IP protocol (simplified as the Internet) expands into a world where more than 100,000 computers are already connected. Thus changing the Internet History

New audiences demand new needs, and in 1991, at CERN, Tim Berners-Lee created a data storage and retrieval system called the World Wide Web (WWW).

The ease of use of the WWW triggered it to the success that you know today. The first web browsers were immediately developed for use, the first being “Mosaic” by Marc Andreesen, who created it shortly after Netscape.

Discussing the history of the Internet from here would probably mean going to places known to almost everyone. Once the Internet, the WWW and browsers became common, a new world was developed with enthusiasm. Hundreds of thousands of web pages were created, putting all kinds of knowledge within the reach of millions of people and interconnecting “navigators” from all continents. The first search engines appeared, while applications such as email jumped from being used by a few to becoming massive phenomena.

Around the year 2000, the bursting of the.com bubble led some people to question the future of the Internet. However, it emerged stronger from the phenomenon, going from being a fashion of uncertain future to a profound change in our way of life, until today.

The future of the Internet

As you can see, the Internet history has been mind-blowing. In just a few decades, it has gone from an academic research environment to perhaps the most influential technology in history. And its journey continues unstoppable, causing changes that we can hardly see yet.

Nobody knows what the future holds, but in this blog we have tried to figure out the future of the network.

Why don’t you take a look at Pandora FMS?

How to monitor an Apache web server with Pandora FMS

How to monitor an Apache web server with Pandora FMS

Monitoring Web Server Apache with Pandora FMS

What is an Apache Web server?

In today’s article, you will learn how to monitor in depth an Apache web server with Pandora FMS. But first, let’s find out what Apache is.

It is the most widely used open source HTTP web server on the market, as it is multiplatform, free, high performance, and one of the most secure and powerful.

It was founded in 1999, in the United States, by a group of eight developers who initially formed the Apache Group, which would lead to the Apache Software Foundation.

Among its many advantages are its free and open source cost, its compatibility with Linux, MacOs and Windows, its SSL and TLS security support, its global and functional support team and its performance (one million visits per day).

Monitoring web server Apache is not as simple as monitoring the status of the process or making a web request to see if it returns anything. This would be a basic monitoring that anyone could do with Pandora FMS, since there are some examples in the documentation.

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Performance Monitoring web server Apache

There is a plugin in the Pandora FMS library that allows us, along with the Apache server status module, to obtain detailed information about the server performance.

In addition, we can configure the server to obtain detailed information about each instance or web domain that we are serving on the server.

The first step is, obviously, to have Pandora FMS installed. Then, we will install a Pandora FMS agent in the Linux server where the Apache is located.

Once the agent is installed, we will install the Apache plugin from the module library:


We will download it and copy it to the plugins directory of the linux agent, which is in /etc/pandora/plugins

In order to use the plugin we need to configure the Apache server (Monitoring web server Apache) to use the server-status module, which gives detailed server information. In order to do this, edit the file /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and add the following configuration:

ExtendedStatus on

SetHandler server-status
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from XX.XX.XX.XX


Where it says XX.XX.XX.XX.XX we will put the main IP of our WEB server. So that it will only accept requests from itself, for safety.

Once these changes are made, we will restart the web server and launch the plugin manually to verify that it returns any data:


It has to return an XML with data, since it is an agent plugin that returns several modules. This is an extract of the entire XML:

type generic_data/type


Once we have verified that it works, we will add the plugin to the Pandora FMS agent with the following line:

module_plugin apache_plugin http://XX.XX.XX.XX/server-status

Once again, we are trying to replace XX.XX.XX.XX with the Apache server IP, the same machine where the Pandora FMS agent is executed.

Once this is done and the agent is restarted to get the new configuration, it should have a view similar to this one:

screenshot of the Pandora FMS agent

Server status monitoring

In addition to performance monitoring, we should do a basic monitoring web server Apache process; a module would be enough to verify that the daemon is working:

module_name Apache Status
module_type generic_proc
module_exec ps aux | grep httpd | grep -v grep | wc -l

Being a Boolean module, it would only be set to CRITICAL when its value is 0, but it will also help us to know how many HTTPD threads are active on the server.

Load monitoring of a specific instance

In Apache we can configure an instance -which in its terminology is a virtual host- to use a specific log, only for itself, in this way:

ServerAdmin [email protected]
DocumentRoot /var/www/mydomain
ServerName mydomain.com
CustomLog logs/access_log_mydomain common


Now we only have to monitor the number of entries of this file to find out how many requests per second we have in our server, through an incremental module:

module_name MyDomain Request/sec
module_type generic_data_inc
module_exec wc -l /var/log/httpd/access_log_mydomain | awk '{ print $1 }'

You can watch the tutorial on how to monitor an Apache web server here:

Please accept marketing cookies to watch this video.

Do you want to know more about application monitoring?

Pandora FMS Enterprise is capable of monitoring the most popular applications and databases. Click here and find out…

3 internal communication channels within the company

3 internal communication channels within the company

Communicate! Seriously. Maintain good communication, and above all, communicate properly.

Internal communication in a company is an essential element at many levels. If it is effective, it improves the organization and makes the ideas flow like the water of a river. However, if it does not work properly, it can lead to organizational disruption and lead to loss or misuse of much valuable information.

In this article we will learn about the 3 ways in which internal communication flows in a company, and we will end up discovering an IT tool that can help you improve your business.

The 3 internal communication channels in a company

Good communication must meet several requirements. It must be clear, complete and bidirectional. Since, if it is not able to meet these requirements, it will result in poor communication, don’t you think?

In a communication there is always a sender (or senders) and a receiver (or receivers), and an exchange of information that must be as effective as possible to benefit both parties. That is why the elements we were talking about are necessary. Because if the communication is convoluted, incomplete or unidirectional, it will hardly meet its objectives.

For many companies, achieving this type of communication is not an easy task. For example, it is often difficult to communicate with managers, or information between peers gets lost, or does not reach the right people, who have the power to make decisions or the knowledge to use it.

Traditionally, internal communication in a company has been classified into 3 types, depending on the positions in which its issuers are located:

1. Downward communication.

This is the communication issued by the management and received by the rest of the company’s employees. It usually consists of orders, instructions or target setting.

Traditionally, this has been too one-way in companies. Communications are often delivered through group meetings, e-mails or institutional publications, which often do not result in employee feedback. Thus, on too many occasions, the observations that workers could make and that would enhance communication do not work out.

2. Upward communication.

It is the opposite of the downward direction, that is, it originates in the employees and is aimed at the bosses.

It usually consists of the transmission of suggestions, ideas, problems or – very important – comments from customers, and it takes the form of e-mail, message in a suggestion box or in meetings.

As with downward communication, upward communication also often suffers from a certain lack of bi-directionality. Often, management positions have tight schedules which make it difficult to exchange opinions with workers, leading to incomplete and not always effective transmission of information.

3. Horizontal communication. (in internal communication channels)

It is the one that occurs between people who occupy a similar hierarchical position in the company, whatever it may be (both bosses and employees).

Well used, this type of communication can be very valuable. It is the most natural exchange of information within the company, between people who work side by side and face the same kind of situations and problems.

Although it is a much more bidirectional type of communication than the previous ones -given the proximity component that is usually given- the main problem that it generates, in too many cases, is the lack of use. In a very simple way as it is generated, it is often lost, usually because there is no business knowledge to use this type of ideas, or the right tools to take advantage of them.

Improving internal communication in the company with Pandora ITSM

Now that you know about the usual channels of internal communication in a company and some of the problems that tend to arise when it is not used as it should be, how about discovering software that can help you improve things?

This is Pandora ITSM. Pandora ITSM is software that has, among many other features, an issue management system (help desk software) based on tickets (ticketing) which is capable of helping to improve internal communication in companies and organizations.

Although the most common use for ticketing programs is usually in the area of customer service, many businesses are able to take advantage of them in order to transmit ideas, suggestions or communicate problems between the different members of the company.

It is easier than it looks. Imagine that one of the members of your company, for example a member of the marketing department, wants to propose an idea and a tool to facilitate the discussion between the different members of the department in an open way, so that they can contribute their different points of view. With a program like Pandora ITSM, you just need to open a ticket to develop your idea, and the different members of the team can join in and add their opinions.

Or imagine, for example, that one of the people working in the sales department has received a suggestion from a customer to implement changes in a product. All you have to do is open a ticket informing about the proposal, and the qualified people will be able to read it, to consider it, and also to make any comments they consider appropriate.

The possibilities of Pandora ITSM are very wide, thanks to the multiple configuration options available in the program.

Do you want to know more about what our Pandora ITSM ticketing tool can do for you? Click here: https://pandorafms.com/en/itsm/help-desk-software/

Or you can also submit any questions you may have about Pandora ITSM, for example about its different configuration options. You can easily do this by using the contact form at the following address:

What do you think of our article on the three internal communication channels? We want to know your opinion. You can leave a comment at the bottom of this article, and you can also take a look at the other articles we have posted on this blog, we are sure you will like them. Thank you for reading this article about the internal communication channels in a company, have a nice day!

The Pandora ITSM team will be happy to help you!

Demanding consumers. Who are these people and what do they want?

Demanding consumers. Who are these people and what do they want?

Demanding consumers: What do middle-aged consumers want?

A 20-year-old buyer is different from a 60-year-old buyer. We know that, right? The course of life changes our tastes, our needs, and even our economic capacity. Therefore, it could be said that young consumers and middle-aged and older demanding consumers live in different worlds.

Well, today we are going to talk about demanding consumers who are in an approximate age group between the ages of 50 and 70, those also known as senior demanding consumers’. Indeed, your grandparents (if you are very, very young), your parents or even yourself: what do buyers of this age look for in the market, how do they like to buy and what do they have in mind when it comes to buying? Let’s look at some tips and learn about their features…

– There are a lot of them

Just take a look at the statistics that show population pyramids. In many countries, people in their 50s and 70s are the largest group, which is a sign of their importance in the market. Maybe you should take a closer look at that part of it….

– They have a greater purchasing power

There may always be exceptions, but more often than not, senior demanding consumers have greater economic possibilities than young buyers. At a time in their lives when many of them are still working – and therefore generating income from their work – and have worked long enough to develop their careers to better paying jobs, senior demanding consumers often have more money in their pockets than those in other age groups.

However, this does not mean that they will throw their hard-earned money away on anything. Just the opposite. Let’s keep getting to know them.

– They’re demanding

In fact, having money does not mean wasting it. Senior demanding consumers often have extensive experience buying all kinds of products and services, and are often quite familiar with the market’s offerings, which will cause them to raise their standards high. Even if they have money, they won’t spend it madly, but they will look for quality and they won’t lose sight of the relationship between quality and price.

– Whims are allowed

Demanding Consumers in their 50s and 70s often find themselves at a stage where they feel the need to reward themselves for a long life of hard work. This, together with their economic capacity, will make them more willing to give themselves a treat from time to time. Travel, jewelry or high-end vehicles will be purchased at this age more frequently than any other age group, so if you are marketing this type of product you should take into account the characteristics of buyers in this age group.

– They have free time and they are selective

Although some of the senior buyers are still working, you have to bear in mind that another part of them – often those with greater economic capacity – will have already retired and will have plenty of free time. Another of the characteristics of this group of people will be that they have enough time to analyze the different options that the market offers them, and what do you obtain if you combine experience and time to analyze the different options? A selective consumer.

– They have their own needs

As we said earlier, it is not the same thing to be 20 as it is to be 60. Even if you can find exceptions, it will not be very common for you to find a senior consumer buying a scooter or jelly beans. Instead, they will have their own age-specific needs and interests and will direct their efforts towards meeting them. For example, products such as those related to health and fitness will be among their favorites. But not only these. Many “seniors” will also be interested in products that you wouldn’t think of at first glance, like all kinds of courses (at this age many people feel a renewed desire to learn different things).

– They’re connected

The myth of older people who do not know how to use the Internet is beginning to be a thing of the past. As network usage spreads and connection devices (especially mobile phones) become simpler, more and more people of all ages are using the network for all kinds of tasks, including shopping and finding out about all kinds of products. To think that being in your 60s or 70s means that you don’t know how to use the Internet and therefore that you have an excuse to forget about this age group in your digital strategy is a mistake – are you making this mistake?

– They demand excellent customer service

If we can say that one of the main characteristics of the senior consumer is that he or she is a demanding consumer, what makes you think it will be different when it comes to customer service?

The 50- to 70-year-old consumer expects exquisite, fast and effective customer service. He or she wants to address his or her problems efficiently, without hassles, without delays, and by being treated with respect and kindness by people who treat him or her with respect. If you provide this service or work in a company that offers it, you will know that it is not always easy to achieve.

Customer service requires effort, a very professional team, a good structure and tools that can make the job easier.

Did you start crying in the corner, thinking about your future? It’s no big deal! And also, if you want to see which tools can help you, you can take a look at Pandora ITSM.

Pandora ITSM is a software that has, among other features, an incident management system (help desk software) based on tickets (ticketing) that is capable of helping with the management of customer service in companies and organizations.

Do you want to know what the Pandora ITSM help desk tool can do for you? Click here: https://pandorafms.com/en/itsm/help-desk-software/

Or you can also send us any queries you may have about Pandora ITSM. You can easily do this by using the contact form at the following address: https://pandorafms.com/en/contact/

The Pandora ITSM team will be delighted to help you!

10 “unwritten” technology laws

10 “unwritten” technology laws

10 technology laws that you will not find in any legal code

Technology rules our world. We may not have been aware of this until a few years ago, but we are becoming more and more aware of this.

The laws that we will discuss have not been written by human beings to regulate our coexistence. They are not laws of the physical world either. They are not given to us by Physics, and therefore are not fixed, and may even be inaccurate or imprecise. But they provide us with a sense of how technology evolves and how it influences our lives.

Let’s take a look at 10 technology laws that you won’t find in any legal code. Let’s go!

Moore’s Law: perhaps the most popular of them all, we have already written an article about it in this blog.

Moore’s Law, the work of Intel co-founder Gordon Moore, determines that the number of transistors contained in a microprocessor doubles every 2 years or so. This is a rather prosaic observation, but it has set the pace for the microprocessor industry to improve its products over decades, and it suggests a conclusion with much deeper implications: the improvement in technology comes at an exponential rate.

Kryder’s Law: heir to Moore’s Law, Kryder’s Law, written by engineer Mark Kryder, focuses on the capacity of hard disks. Thus, the capacity of these is only doubled every 12 months.

If Kryder’s Law were to continue to be enforced over the next few decades, some of the problems of “everyday” storage space, such as film storage, would go down in history. In fact, in just a couple of decades we would be able to store in a laptop all the knowledge that, today, human beings have at their disposal…

Kaku’s “caveman” law: it is very different from the previous ones, it appeals to our most primary instincts. Created by the famous physicist and scientist Michio Kaku, it establishes that when our primitive desires come into conflict with technology, it is the first ones who are the winners.

This is not a reflection of the value or strength of the technology, but of its ability to adapt to our desires. The more a technology evolves, the more natural and adapted to our instincts it becomes.

Wirth’s Law: It makes things a little more complicated. Stated by scientist Niklaus Wirth, he states that while the rate of progress of hardware is getting faster and faster (as predicted by Moore’s Law) the rate of progress of software is slowing down, which hinders the advancement of technology.

As a result, the increasingly large and complex programs are not progressing at such a fast pace. This is why there are easily visible developments, such as the fact that many of today’s programs work at a similar rate as that of similar programs a few years ago, even though they run on much faster machines.

Kranzberg Laws: These were written in the 1960s by the historian Melvin Kranzberg, and are six observations that focus mainly on the social impact of technology:

  • Technology is neither good nor bad, nor is it neutral: it is a clear conclusion to put an end to any debate about the goodness or badness of technology. This depends on the context and the use of it. And besides, when used by humans, it will never be completely neutral either.
  • The invention is the mother of need: this statement suggests that each new invention brings with it the need for the development of new technologies that complement or facilitate its use.
  • Technology comes in large or small packages: there are different degrees of influence of technology. Sometimes they will completely transform society; sometimes they will bring about small changes.
  • Technology depends on non-technical political decisions: with this statement, Kranzberg argues that technology does not follow its own or “natural” rhythm, but is guided and driven by political or cultural decisions that often have nothing to do with technical principles.
  • The whole history is relevant, but the history of technology is the most important: no matter how relevant the events that move the future of human history, the most important of them are those that refer to the history of technology. History moves technology but, above all, it is technology that moves history.
  • Technology is a human activity: by itself, technology lacks emotions or will. It depends entirely on the human being, and its use will be for human reasons.

As we said at the beginning of this article, we cannot consider these “technology laws” to be written by physics, but rather they are the result of observations that some relevant figures have made throughout history.

Like all laws created by human beings, they have an expiration date, they do not always have to be complied with, and you can even disagree with them.

In this regard, what do you think of these unwritten’ technology laws? We are very interested in your opinion, and it would be great if you could share it with us and with all the readers of this blog. You can also do this very easily by leaving a message in the comment section right at the end of this article.

But before you do that, why don’t you take a look at Pandora FMS? Pandora FMS is flexible monitoring software, which is capable of monitoring devices, infrastructures, applications, services and business processes.

Do you want to know more about what Pandora FMS can do for you? Click here: https://pandorafms.com

Or you can also send us any question you may have about Pandora FMS in an easy way thanks to the contact form that can be found at the following address:

Don’t forget to leave a comment below in the comments section, what do you think of these technology laws? We want to hear from you. And we will be happy to answer all your questions. See you soon! And don’t forget that…

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