IOT and 5G, learn all about the new priorities of technology
I’m pretty sure that every morning, before leaving home, when you look at the bright oval of your mirror in the bathroom, you look at your freshly watered-down face and say, “Wow, how can I be so handsome and modern at the same time?.” You don’t know how, but you manage to keep up with everything. I know, you’re not just doing it to show off. It’s a lifestyle; it’s YOUR lifestyle. But, I have to say, this modus vivendi is a bit risky and frenetic. You always have to be aware of everything, so that you don’t let any innovation or trend slip by. You know that it is up to you to continue to look so well among your colleagues and, of course, in front of the mirror.
In order to help you remain the king/queen of the new technologies, here’s an article about IOT and 5G. In case you were linking 5G (or the 5th generation of mobile technology) to downloads at a higher speed, I have to tell you that you are wrong and you can’t even imagine what this technology is like. There it goes:
As you know by now we use an increasing amount of data between smartphones, smart TVs, smart clocks, virtual reality, drones, autonomous vehicles, silent washing machines, refrigerators with defrost, voice assistants… In short, anything you can imagine. What does this mean? The IOT and 5G are already among us. IoT, the so-called Internet of Things and 5G, the 5th generation of mobile telephony.
All this use and interconnectivity involves the transmission of large amounts of data and, of course, a significant number of simultaneous connections. In order to do this, the future, or in other words the present, requires greater efficiency and lower energy consumption when it comes to enjoying technology.
5G is essential for us to continue communicating with each other and offers a path for all kinds of innovations. More secure means of transport, instant communication, virtual reality, intelligent cities… Billions of devices will be permanently connected creating a network that unites us all.
IOT and 5G go hand in hand, holding each other romantically and technologically. In fact, we could say that without 5G the Internet of Things could not exist. This statement may seem exaggerated today, but it certainly will not be in the near future, when we will presumably have more than 20 billion IoT devices around the world. When there are a lot of “things” (IoT) that need to take up the same space and at the same time on the network, it is only possible thanks to the possibilities of 5G.
Today, 3G and 4G networks are still not responding in real time. But, with the giant steps humanity is taking, we will be able to see clearly and first hand how the services that now suffer from a time of delay will soon need a new, more immediate access technology.
Surely it doesn’t take any effort to imagine a scenario, in the future, where cars themselves communicate with their drivers, with the pedestrians themselves, with traffic signs, with other cars, with the boring people who work in the tollbooth and with anything that surrounds them.
It will be much more difficult to have an accident. And Volvo or Tesla, who are always aware of this, know it and work to reduce road accidents thanks to this communication between “things”.
You don’t really need to imagine yourself in these pulp magazine or science fiction stories to truly understand what the IOT and 5G are, since right now many devices and programs operate on the basis of this hyper-connected world. Companies like Huawei have already launched projects that use real user data and use IoT technology.
The previous 4G system improved, considerably, its delay and efficiency problems, but it has become obsolete with the introduction of this 5th generation, which is already designed for total versatility, scalability, and energy savings. This means that all devices and networks created between them using IoT technology use only what is required to operate, simply by consuming what is needed.
In order to understand the importance and the progress that has been made thanks to the 5G characteristics, we should point out and define the term “latency“, which basically means “delay”. We talk about latency as a measurement pattern that estimates the time it takes a data packet to go from one chosen point to another. Imagine from the nearest telephone antenna to your latest generation mobile phone, for example. What the 5G network technology promises is that the latency (“delay”) that would currently exist from 10 milliseconds is reduced to 1 millisecond. You’ll have the fastest cell phone in the Western, buddy. Apart from the speed, which seems enough to me, the use of this technology, in general, will be more efficient, and you will be able to connect and disconnect, your devices according to your needs. Think of it as a hive mind or a neural network. The IOT and 5G will make everything work as one.
By interconnecting all our devices at almost instantaneous speeds, 5G will allow us to live in an intelligent future, in which machines and humans are able to establish real and efficient communication. For example, your bathroom mirror may be able to analyze your breath to send a signal to your refrigerator so that it can recommend a snack for you. Dude, that’s the future. The ability to move large data packets across countless networks is fundamental to transforming the promised land of the Internet of Things into a feasible reality within our reach.
If you’re still more interested in knowing what this 5G technology means, and in finding out where it comes from and where it started, we recommend What is 5G technology? If you want to go one step further in the field of interconnectivity of your devices and platforms, you can choose to start with 8 social network monitoring tools.
See you soon!

Pandora FMS’s editorial team is made up of a group of writers and IT professionals with one thing in common: their passion for computer system monitoring. Pandora FMS’s editorial team is made up of a group of writers and IT professionals with one thing in common: their passion for computer system monitoring.