Digital maturity; find out what it is and if your company reached it
Do you know what digital maturity is? Do you understand how achieving it can affect your company? Do you know how to detect if you already reached it?
Knowing what digital maturity is and the ability to assess it can be essential for a company. In this article we will find out what digital maturity is and see some clues that can indicate the degree of digital maturity a company has. Shall we get started?
What is digital maturity?
Digital maturity is the degree to which a company is able to take advantage of digital technologies to improve in all possible areas, from economic performance to relationships with customers, including business processes, productive processes, internal relations, etc.
The concept of digital maturity is closely related to that of digital transformation. If we understand the later as the process that companies carry out in order to incorporate and take advantage of the use of digital technologies, digital maturity would be kind of a goal to achieve, a place where you can look back and think “we have done a good job”.
But it doesn’t end here. There are a some aspects you have to take into account.
- Digital maturity is not static. As digital technologies get developped (and this keeps on going, and at an ever-increasing rate!), you will have to continue incorporating them into your company in order not to be left behind.
- It is not always easy to understand if you have managed to reach digital maturity or if, on the contrary, your company is a “newbie” who’s lost when it comes to using digital technologies.
How can I know if my company has reached digital maturity?
Even knowing that it is a dynamic concept and that, therefore, you cannont stay in your comfort zone, it is legitimate to wonder whether at a certain point you have reached digital maturity. The answer to this question can indicate both the digital transformation stage you are in and whether the practices you are doing are bearing fruit. Although each company has its particularities, there are clues that may guide you. Let us take a closer look at a few of them.
Do you have digital awareness?
It is something that should encompass the whole company and can influence it on many levels.
On the one hand, you must have your digital transformation goals clear as well as what measures you are going to take to achieve them, without forgetting to set ways to measure the degree of success achieved. On the other hand, it will be necessary to take into account the digital dimension in all the important decisions you make regarding the company. Are you doing it?
Furthermore, do you have the importance of digital technologies in customer relationships clear? Do your employees have in mind the importance of the company’s digitization?
At the end of the day, it is all about always keeping in mind the digital field, its importance and never losing sight of it. Is it like that in your company?
The most important point is the customer
If that’s not clear for you, well that’s pretty bad. The client is essential, that is why it is located in the center of digital transformation. If we do not keep all this in mind, it will be impossible to know what our degree of digital maturity is.
Let’s see some more specific questions. We assume that you have a website and an online store (if applicable), but that’s only the beginning. How many digital communication channels do you keep open and with what degree of effectiveness and satisfaction? Have you reached omnichannel? How well do you handle mobile technologies? Have you thought about responsiveness? Do you have your own app? How do you handle social networks? They are just a few questions. Ask yourself many more and evaluate your answers.
Do you use digital technologies internally?
Remember that using them in customer relationships is only one of its aspects. Digital technologies can be used in multiple fields, such as internal communications, different kinds of processes or flexible work ways, among others. Are you using them?
Furthermore, its use will frequently require training and learning. Can your employees use and take advantage of them? Do you have specialized staff in key aspects, such as management or maintenance? Is all of this Greek to you? Then you have a lot of work to do yet…
What about data?
This is a very specific aspect of the internal use of digital technologies. Data is nowadays a hot topic more than ever, but do you know what to do with it? Technologies like Artificial Intelligence or Big Data are not just something to chat about over coffee. Many companies use them in their day to day and have incorporated them in processes such as decision making.
In addition, you should not lose sight of other issues such as the correct data management. Is it effective? Is it safe? Data is important, don’t forget about them!
Look around you and don’t stay behind
We already warned you: reaching digital maturity does not mean that you can stand still and get a pat on your back. You can have it one day and start staying behind a short time later.
Digital technologies don’t stop and neither should you. Look around you. The world around you. Analyze other companies, learn from their successes and failures, and try to stay ahead of them. Are you a digital leader?
Are you investing in digital technology?
This is all very nice, but if you do not invest, you will most likely have tremendous difficulties reaching digital maturity. How much do you spend on digital technologies? Do you consider it enough or not? Furthermore: Are you taking advantage of the technology you have? Do you have technology that allows you to monitor the state of the technology itself?
Digital maturity and monitoring
To finish off, there’s a key issue left: monitoring.
Monitoring systems are responsible for surpervising IT systems (hardware, networks and communications, operating systems or applications, for example) in order to analyze their performance, and to detect and alert about possible errors.
The very fact of having a good monitoring system for computer systems can be key in determining whether your company has reached digital maturity or, on the other hand, has still has a long way to go.
Pandora FMS can be applied in businesses large and small, read our success story
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Pandora FMS is a flexible monitoring software, capable of monitoring devices, infrastructures, applications, services and business processes.
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And remember that if you have a small number of devices to monitor you can use the OpenSource version of Pandora FMS. Find out more here.
Don’t hesitate to submit your inquiries. The Pandora FMS team will be happy to serve you!

Traductora a francés e inglés. Me encantan las lenguas. Amante de la ropa oversize, la tarta de queso y el chocolate caliente en invierno. Me gusta leer, escuchar música, viajar y explorar cosas nuevas. Mi frase más temida por aquellos que me conocen es “he estado pensando…”
Translator into French and English. I love languages. Lover of oversized clothes, cheesecake and hot chocolate in winter. I like reading, listening to music, travelling and exploring new things. My most feared phrase by those who know me is “I’ve been thinking…”