In a world where technology is ubiquitous, network security is of paramount importance.
Every day that goes by, cybercrime evolves and becomes more sophisticated. They improve the materials of their balaclavas and spend more on incognito sunglasses.
In 2015, the damage caused by cybercrime already cost the world 3 trillion dollars, since then the figure has only multiplied.
No wonder companies are looking for ways to protect themselves against cyberattacks, don’t you think?
Anyone can claim that network blind spots are one of the biggest security challenges companies face in their efforts to safeguard data.
This makes visibility a crucial aspect for any security system.
*In particular, poor Managed Service Providers (MSPs) should exercise extreme vigilance as they are the custodians of customer data.
The best kept secret: What is network visibility?
Understanding network visibility is critical to protecting any organization from cyberattacks.
It is a way to be aware of the existence of all the components within your network, allowing you to monitor performance, traffic, big data analytics, applications and managed resources.
But, why stop there?
A complete monitoring solution can give you even more control to make changes based on the metrics you’re monitoring.
With increased visibility, MSPs can improve your customers’ security posture by identifying telltale signs of network compromising.
In addition, better visibility leads to better analytics, allowing MSPs to make informed decisions about the data protection strategies they need to implement.
A good monitoring solution should provide visibility into every part of your network, including your customers’ networks, to ensure that all aspects are monitored and all vulnerabilities are detected.
However, MSPs can only achieve maximum protection by combining their network visibility with effective security tools.
In other words, visibility alone is not enough to protect a network.
It is essential to have the right tools in place to detect and respond to security incidents in real time.
Without these tools, MSPs simply monitor their customers’ networks without being able to act on the information they receive.
Why is network visibility important? Learn how to protect your information in the digital world
Let’s repeat it once more:
Cybercrime is an ever-present threat, as we discussed, and network blind spots only increase the likelihood that attacks will succeed.
Visibility solutions provide valuable help by allowing MSPs to detect vulnerabilities and respond quickly to prevent potential breaches.
By monitoring network traffic, a visibility solution can identify and alert you to any performance bottlenecks.
This means that unexpected behaviors, such as unacceptably slow response times, can be detected immediately, allowing technicians and system administrators to take appropriate action.
Visibility also extends to application monitoring.
As an MSP, you’re likely to rely on multiple applications as part of your services.
With granular network visibility, for example, you can gain valuable insights into how your applications are affecting performance and connectivity.
This information allows you to filter critical app traffic to the right tools and monitor who and when uses each app. You can then make your applications’ performance more efficient, reduce server processing power, and minimize bandwidth usage.
In addition, a good visibility solution should be able to provide centralized control and visibility across all of its customers’ networks.
The right software will allow you to monitor and manage all of your customers’ networks from a single dashboard, allowing you to identify network blind spots across all of your customers’ networks.
With this centralized control, MSPs can ensure that their customers’ networks are always up to date and that vulnerabilities are detected and fixed quickly.
Challenges in network visibility?
As MSPs strive to keep pace with the rapidly evolving network visibility landscape, it is imperative that they take several challenges into account.
One of them is the constant evolution of security threats.
It’s not like cybercriminals are sitting on a couch all day doing nothing. They are always looking for new ways to compromise networks, and MSPs must stay ahead of the curve by implementing advanced security measures.
One of the most significant threats to network visibility is the increase in encrypted traffic.
Many popular websites and apps now encrypt their traffic to protect user privacy, making it difficult for MSPs to monitor such traffic.
As a result, MSPs must implement tools that can decrypt and inspect that traffic without affecting network performance.
Another major challenge for MSPs is the sheer volume of data that modern networks generate.
With the rise of cloud computing and IoT, there are more endpoints and devices than ever before.
This makes it difficult to collect, store and analyze all the data generated by these devices.
MSPs must implement tools that can manage this volume of data while providing accurate information about network performance and security.
Finally, MSPs must cope with the increasing complexity of modern networks.
With so many different components to consider, from mobile devices to cloud services, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.
MSPs should choose their tools carefully, selecting those that can provide full visibility into all network components.
Visibility is a critical issue for MSPs, but it is not without challenges.
To stay ahead of the curve, MSPs must implement advanced security measures, tools that can manage the volume of data generated by modern networks, and tools that can provide complete visibility into all network components.
With these measures, MSPs can ensure that their customers’ networks are safe and working optimally.
Let’s be concise:
- Network security is crucial in a world where technology is ubiquitous and cybercrime is rapidly evolving, so Managed Service Providers (MSPs) must be vigilant and understand network visibility to protect organizations from cyberattacks.
- Network visibility is important to detect vulnerabilities and respond quickly to prevent potential breaches, by monitoring network traffic to identify unexpected behaviors, detect performance bottlenecks, and monitor the use of critical applications.
- MSPs face several challenges in the evolution of network visibility, such as the constant evolution of security threats, and need to implement measures to stay ahead of the curve, combining network visibility with effective security tools to detect and respond to security incidents in real time.

Dimas P.L., de la lejana y exótica Vega Baja, CasiMurcia, periodista, redactor, taumaturgo del contenido y campeón de espantar palomas en los parques. Actualmente resido en Madrid donde trabajo como paladín de la comunicación en Pandora FMS y periodista freelance cultural en cualquier medio que se ofrezca. También me vuelvo loco escribiendo y recitando por los círculos poéticos más profundos y oscuros de la ciudad.
Dimas P.L., from the distant and exotic Vega Baja, CasiMurcia, journalist, editor, thaumaturgist of content and champion of scaring pigeons in parks. I currently live in Madrid where I work as a communication champion in Pandora FMS and as a freelance cultural journalist in any media offered. I also go crazy writing and reciting in the deepest and darkest poetic circles of the city.