The position of the technical support analyst is an emergent work position. Information technologies encompass everything and nowadays more companies provide services in which information technology is essential. In addition to this, new technologies multiply the ways to assist and include new forms of support, such as remote computer assistance. And also, the increase of information technology within the companies themselves means that often, their own workers have incidents with the IT of the company so they need technical assistance.
Are you a technical support analyst? Maybe you are one, or maybe you are not, but you might be thinking about doing this in your career. In this article we are going to see what companies look for in this work position, let’s go!
What is a technical support analyst?
A technical support analyst must offer technical assistance to users who have some kind of problem with the service or computer product, either software or hardware, and this includes the use of equipment, programs, applications, Internet, peripheral devices, etc.…
However, a technical support analyst should also take care of other tasks. For example, this person should have control over the inventory of computer resources of a company (both hardware and software); this will include activities such as the control of licenses of programs. In some companies, this person will be responsible for tasks such as installation and configuration of software or other computer maintenance.
In order to carry out his/her job, the technical support analyst uses several methods, both in person and remotely such as e-mail, chat, telephone or remote desktop software.
What is the profile of the technical support analyst?
As we mentioned before, the position of a technical support analyst is increasingly valued by companies, because nowadays users use all kinds of computer products. These are some of the qualities required when looking for a technical support analyst:
1. Great computer skills
This is the most obvious requirement. A technical support analyst must have the necessary knowledge to provide computer technical assistance, so a qualification will be required to prove it. But also, due to the singularity of this job, the technical support analyst must know all about those products or services. For example, if you offer support about a specific software, you should have general knowledge of computer science, and you should also know all about the operation of that software.
2. This person should be effective
This is an essential feature in order to develop the job when it comes to problem solving. A technical support analyst should be able to deal with complex situations effectively. In order to achieve this, other qualities such as an analytical personality and logical thinking will be helpful.
3. Agility
Just like in customer service, the job of the technical support analyst will require high agility, and specially, in certain situations, they should offer support in relevant tasks that might require an urgent solution. Thus, this person must be able to solve problems quickly and effectively.
4. This person should be able to deal with teamwork
Usually, the job of the technical support analyst will be carried out with other co-workers. This person should be open to dialogue, empathic and should be able to work with the teamwork, this will also be highly valued by companies.
5. Good communication skills
You need to bear in mind that the support analyst will have to speak with people who lack technical training, so this person should be able to understand them fluently in a non-technical language, in order to establish a satisfactory relationship and also to be able to carry out their job properly.
6. Proactivity
You need to keep in mind that their job is to solve problems; the ability to avoid them before they happen will also be highly valued in a technical support analyst. Thus, qualities such as the ability to propose improvements in the technical support service will also be considered by the company when hiring a technical support analyst.
7. Capacity to work under pressure
Fast problem solving will not be easy if the technical support analyst does not have a good capacity to work under pressure. Usually, this person must do his/her job according to pre-established response times, which can involve significant high levels of stress. Therefore, their ability to handle such stress will also be a quality considered by companies.
8. Great knowledge of the workplace tools
This is another basic one. A technical support analyst should have the ability to quickly use very basic tools, such as telephone or email, and this person should also be able to use more specific tools for their work, such as remote management software.
So this is it, we have gone through some of the qualities required when hiring a technical support analyst. Do you want to find out more? Have you ever heard of Pandora RC? If you are a technical support analyst, Pandora RC will be quite helpful for you, as this will be a tool that you will use to carry out your job. Or, perhaps you are not a technical support analyst but you might want to learn more about this great tool.
Pandora RC is a remote management system for computers (remote desktop software), created by Ártica Soluciones Tecnológicas, a company that has developed tools such as the powerful Pandora FMS monitoring software (incluir link a
Do you want to find out what Pandora RC can do for you? Okay then! Click here:
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Pandora FMS’s editorial team is made up of a group of writers and IT professionals with one thing in common: their passion for computer system monitoring. Pandora FMS’s editorial team is made up of a group of writers and IT professionals with one thing in common: their passion for computer system monitoring.