Pandora FMS presents you our Roadmap 2021 – 2023
In this article, we will introduce you to the new Pandora FMS Roadmap for the next 24 months (June 2021 – June 2023). For its creation, we had the participation of our clients and partners, who, through a survey, helped us choose all kinds of features and their priority.
It’s been really satisfying for us to complete this challenge, as it was one of those enthusiastically proposed among our closest goals.
- Warp update (Q2).
- Command center (Q2).
- New agent inventory report (Q2).
- Graphic agent installer for Mac (Q2).
- Services report (Q3).
- Policy auto-implementation (Q3).
- New visual console elements (Odometer, Simple graph) (Q3).
- Netflow: Data monitoring of the flows defined in the filter (Q3).
- Trend modules (Q3).
- Capacity planning modules (AI) (Q3).
- Enhanced anomaly detection (AI) (Q3).
- Authentication with KERBEROS (Q3).
- New service view widget for Dashboard (Q3).
- Basic network computer configuration management (Q4).
- Centralized agent update (Q4).
- APM (code application monitoring) (Q4).
- Security Center (Q4).
- IPv6 monitoring in SNMP with Satellite server (Q4).
- ITSM integration: SysAid, Zendesk, OTRS, Redmine, Jira, Zammad, TopDesk (Q4).
- Impact simulation in service view (2022+).
- Discovery: Google Cloud.
- AWS Monitoring improvements with Discovery: RDS for postgreSQL, Autoscaling groups, VPCS, Lampdas.
- Azure Monitoring improvements with Discovery: Databases, Storage, Data Factory, PostgreSQL, Event hubs.
- GIS Alerts (2022+).
- IPAM Report (2022+).
- Data consultation to agents in real time (2022+).
- Public/private certificate validation system in remote agent configuration (2022+).
- Load Balancing in API/Console (2022+).
- Automatic remote inventory with satellite (SNMP, WMI, SSH/Linux) (2022+).
- New view to show systems currently affected by a scheduled downtime (2022+).
- SNMP trap reports (top-N by source, type of trap, etc) (2022+).
- Desktop application to configure Pandora FMS agent and see its status (2022+).
- IOT on Satellite server (2022+).
Warp Update
A unified system that allows updating console, server and agents. Fully integrated into the console, which does everything with a single click without having to execute commands, copy files or pray for everything to go smoothly. Fast and centralized, in the case of deployment of centralized updates through the Metaconsole.
Command Center
Command Center is the long-awaited evolution of the Metaconsole, which will allow dozens of nodes to be managed in a totally transparent and centralized way simultaneously, without having to manually synchronize any element.
Security Center
An innovative way to manage server and workstation security, fully integrated with system monitoring.
APM in source code
We want to reach the last frontier of monitoring, the code in applications to measure their times and detect bottlenecks and overloads, combining all the information on the same platform where the infrastructure, servers and application metrics are.
Trend modules
Create a new type of predictive module that compares two time ranges and evaluates, in a percentage or an absolute way, their differences. These modules can be used in alerts, graphs or reports.
E.g.: Access router outbound traffic is 25% higher than last month. This month there are 22 new users compared to the previous month.
Centralized agent update
Update agents centrally from the console. A current enhancement to the remote agent distribution system.
Network computer configuration management
Being able to edit “download” and “upload” full configurations of network equipment through several protocols (TFTP, Telnet, SSH) in order to centrally manage network equipment such as switches and routers. Some of its purposes:
- Schedule configuration backups, restore trusted configuration versions with a single click.
- Detect changes in real time and know “who”, “what” and “when” about configuration changes.
- Upgrading device firmware.
- Save time by automating time-consuming and repetitive tasks using templates and configuration application scripts.
- Make sure changes made to running configurations are saved.
- Compare NVRAM (running) configurations with startup ones (saved) to identify changes that need to be saved.
- Quickly identify and correct unauthorized or failed changes (restoring backup manually).
- Compare configurations with base configurations to identify and reverse unwanted changes.
Be able to integrate simple data from a Netflow filter as a Pandora FMS numerical module, to be able to, for example, set alarms when the traffic of a certain flow exceeds its threshold or to be able to measure SLA in flow traffic.
Capacity planning modules
Modules that operate like Capacity Planning reports and can estimate in a future time threshold, e.g.: 1 month, 3 months, the value of a given module, estimating its growth based on a statistical analysis of its history.
Policy auto-implementation
Add a policy self-enforcement system (optional) that works well. Either based on the detection of new elements (in the added group or directly in agents in the policy itself) or even just the possibility of scheduling policy application at a certain time interval.
Data consultation to agents in real time
Upon manual request: configuration data, status, hardware status, OS items, logs, etc., in real time, all from a library of predefined elements. Without complementary configuration, it would only need the deployment of an additional agent to that of Pandora FMS. These data are only for screen display, not for making alerts or reports. The data range would be very broad and standard. It requires direct connectivity from the console and the agent that must listen on a specific port.
Service report
Reports to show service SLA compliance, numerically (%) and with a histogram.
IPAM reports
New reports to, among other things, show the usage percentage of each network, and some other information of interest that appears on the IPAM screens but that cannot be included in reports.
GIS alerts
Be able to send alerts when an agent leaves a delimited coordinate zone, which is often called “geo-fencing”.
Load balancing in Console and API
Provide a standard system that allows load balancing in the console and the API, in order to scale and distribute the load. Perfect for environments where the use of the API is intensive or the console is used in multi tenant environments.
Offer support to the Satellite Server to natively support modbus and MQTT protocols.
It’s been hard work, but thanks to Pandora FMS employees and our partners and clients, we achieved this Roadmap 2021 – 2023 that will make our work easier in the future and speed it up.

Pandora FMS’s editorial team is made up of a group of writers and IT professionals with one thing in common: their passion for computer system monitoring. Pandora FMS’s editorial team is made up of a group of writers and IT professionals with one thing in common: their passion for computer system monitoring.