I play with a nice toy called Gource. It’s an aplication to generate animations, more or less organic, about the life of a project. It’s the same that Codeswarm, althought Codeswarm is focused to developer and the generated animations seems as fireworks instead the Gource’s animation that seems to be a plant growth.
Well, the steps (there are in the wiki the same information but this is a summary.) to generate animation video are:
- Install software: download from download project page, execute to cmake for generate the Makefile. And finally type make đ .
- Convert SVN to GIT: You must install git-svn plugin (as apt-get install git-svn), and before you type “git svn init –stdlayout https://pandora.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/pandora repo.git” for pandora SVN for example. This operation is for small time, but the next command “git svn fetch” is slow, it’s running one hour at least.
- Execute Gource and generate AVI Simply type “./gource -800×600 repo.git/ –max-files 99999 –disable-progress –stop-at-end -s 0.25 –user-scale 2 –highlight-all-users –output-ppm-stream – | ffmpeg -y -b 3000K -r 60 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -i – -vcodec libx264 gource.mp4”. Ok I tell the meaning of huge line.
- -800×600 This is a resolution.
- repo.git/ This is a directory of SVN (convert into git) copy.
- –max-files 99999 This is a limit of files to show simultaneously in the animation.
- –disable-progress This is a flag to disable the load bar in the begining.
- –stop-at-end This is a flag to close the aplication when it will be in the end.
- -s 0.25 This is a number of seconds animation per real day in the life SVN.
- –user-scale 2 This is a scale of icons or avatar of developers in the animation.
- –highlight-all-users This is a flag to show all time the name of developer.
- –output-ppm-stream – This is a flag to send the output to avi converter.
- ffmpeg -y -b 3000K -r 60 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -i – -vcodec libx264 gource.mp4 I don’t know the mean to ffmpeg params because you can read the ffmpeg manual.
And now you wait half hour to generate the animation.
Pandora FMS’s editorial team is made up of a group of writers and IT professionals with one thing in common: their passion for computer system monitoring. Pandora FMS’s editorial team is made up of a group of writers and IT professionals with one thing in common: their passion for computer system monitoring.