We have talked many times about the life and miracles of Pandora FMS Enterprise version. We are very proud of it indeed! We are like the father of the kid who wins the football final of the school league or the mother of Halle Berry crying inconsolably when her girl received her Oscar.
That’s why today, in Pandora FMS blog, we wanted to stop for a second to talk, summing things up, about our Enterprise version features.
We are going to list them and, like a game, you are going to point out whether you knew each one of the features or not (sort of a test to check whether you are a valid human being or not, you know).
Every “Yes, obviously I know this feature!” will be 10 mini points.
Learn about our Enterprise version features
Let’s see how many points you get!
Services (10 points)
Root Cause Analysis and visual display of the tree of critical elements that make up a service.
At a glance you will see the source of any issue!
Policies (10 points)
They enable homogenized monitoring and deploy standard monitoring by technologies.
You may manage the configuration of hundreds of agents in a simple way, with just a few clicks. Save lots of time and efforts!
Customization and OEM (10 points)
You may modify the console’s looks, installers, and even the product name if you wish so.
We can make custom installers to make a white label for you, so that you can sell Pandora FMS as your own product with all of our help and support.
History DB (10 points)
It stores in long-term databases information for reports, graphs and raw data from all your monitoring.
You won’t have to give up any data if you don’t want to!
Delegated Authentication (10 points)
Delegate to your Active Directory all user authentication, profile-based creation, and attribute-based role assignment.
Save your time and efforts.
Distributed servers (Satellite) (10 points)
Deploy monitoring in remote locations, customer offices or isolated environments.
Use our servers as intermediate management centers.
You will have the flexibility to obtain information in every way possible.
Remote control (10 points)
Integrate the control of your servers and workstations into the monitoring console, centralizing system management.
Windows, Linux and Mac.
Remote desktop and shell, file copying, and service and process control.
Transactional User Experience Monitoring (UX) (10 points)
Learn how your apps work, step by step, screen by screen, simulating the actions of an end user.
Carry out tests from different locations.
Don’t wait for users to detect faults, get ahead of yourself!
Remote Agent Deployment (10 points)
Plan and manage agent deployment remotely centrally, defining different configurations based on IP addresses or user attributes.
Omnishell (10 points)
Programmed and distributed remote command automation and execution.
Run commands and scripts in bulk and in a centralized way.
Collections (10 points)
Distribution of tool packages, monitoring plugins, configurations or scripts to deploy complex monitoring among your systems.
Command center (Metaconsole) (10 points)
Our solution to monitor dozens of thousands of systems.
A federated console capable of centrally managing an unlimited number of items.
HA (10 points)
High availability across all major components.
An integrated system that allows database switch-over either scheduled or manually, as well as node recovery.
Log collection (10 points)
Use monitoring agents to collect native logs from applications, operating systems, or system events.
Unify all the information and have it available to find out what is happening in real time or do forensic analysis after months of data collection.
Correlated alerts (10 points)
Define logic relationships between events to detect complex casuistries.
Relate events to logs, group search results logically. Integrated event and log correlation.
Inventory alerts (10 points)
Define alerts to find out when something changes, to know if you have vulnerable software installed, or if a firmware version is faulty.
Use extensive inventory information to anticipate problems.
Discovery Cloud (10 points)
Discover and monitor systems, databases, and other resources in environments such as AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud.
Manage costs in AWS and unify all your system information, wherever they are, on a single platform.
Discovery Applications (10 points)
SAP, Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, and other applications will deliver low-level or high level data that is easily and centrally accessible.
Enterprise ACLs (10 points)
Customize console access by users, groups, and features.
Along with visual customization, it allows you to design the use you want to make of the console for your users.
To wrap up, keep your score at hand. Let’s get to the summary and result.
Now imagine the voice of your head as if it sounded like Steve Harvey reading.
If you got from 0 to 50 points:
What a mess! It’s time to check your knowledge on the tool and stop worrying about the monitoring lobby.
From 50 to 150 points:
Improvable but on the right track. We leave you here a link to our wiki so that you do not stop feeding that curious mind that God and so portentous genetics have given you.
From 150 to 190 points:
You’re awesome! You can celebrate your triumph with a little dance on your seat or throwing kisses into the air. You are the best that happened to us and we are as proud of you as of our tool! Pay us a visit at our offices to collect your gift:

Pandora FMS’s editorial team is made up of a group of writers and IT professionals with one thing in common: their passion for computer system monitoring. Pandora FMS’s editorial team is made up of a group of writers and IT professionals with one thing in common: their passion for computer system monitoring.