The current global pandemic of Covid-19 has brought us a few gifts: global desolation, earaches from the rigid rubber bands of the FFP2 masks, applause for Health at eight in the afternoon on the balconies, fear of infected ones and staff shortage in the data center industry and shortage of IT professionals. In this article we will delve into this last topic.
*We will already devote a double-page report to the saw rubbers of the FFP2
Lack of staff in the data center industry
It is like that how our beloved pandemic has turned the world upside down, at so many levels that even the data center sector has noticed it. Data centers have received an unexpected amount of work due to the reinterpretation of the labor system and telecommuting. In fact, the size of the global data center industry has grown dramatically. This is a direct consequence of higher exposure and need for the Internet, which has come hand in hand with the confinement imposed by governments around the world to fight against infections. That way, it is estimated that the size of the world data center market will reach in the near future (2021-2026), nothing more and nothing less, than 251,000 million dollars.
Source: Uptime Institute Intelligence
And what is the growth of the global data center market leading to? Well, to a proportionally direct and parallel need of professionals in the sector. Estimates from the Uptime Institute, the long-standing champion of digital infrastructure performance, suggest that the number of staff required to manage data centers across the globe will rise from about two million today to nearly 2.3 million in three years.
This turns into countless new technical jobs for the data center industry. Of all types and sizes. With different requirements. From design to operation. And around the world.
You still don’t want to go send resumes?
Why the shortage of IT professionals and other personnel in the data center sector?
Well, just as remote regions are fighting for the repopulation of their villages, this sector is already dealing with the lack of personnel. It is not an easy subject. According to the Uptime Institute, it is very difficult to find suitable candidates for vacant positions at the moment, so if you want to look for a job in your domain, you must be prepared. Although, as it is often the case, in most positions, work experience, internships or work-study training may make up for a certain lack of skill and experience.
With much of the tech industry currently struggling to find qualified staff, data centers are finding it a bit more difficult to locate and hire professionals in high-demand roles. Like power systems technicians and analysts, facilities control specialists, or robotics technologists, or as I call them “Robotechnologists.”
If you’re serious about it and want to be one of the data centers, success in your quest requires a combination of special skills. Yes, exactly, like when you want to be a ninja or a neo noir detective. First, extensive infrastructure knowledge is required. If you have boards with mechanical or electrical equipment, the better. Programming, platform management, specific technological tools… Basic technological knowledge is also very important. In addition, as in the ninja world or in neo-noir crimes, data centers need specialists with practical determination and ample capacity to solve problems, critical thinking, a drive for business objectives, and, not least to know how to behave, both in teamwork and customer service. For all this string of skills and qualities it is making it difficult for them, in the data center industry, to find personnel. But, well, what can we do? There have also been few Fujibayashi Nagato (ninja) and Sam Spade (detective).
As a result, many data centers today are understaffed. They are overloaded, with more job vacancies than people ready to apply for them. And this without taking into account the high demand, outside the data center sector, for professionals with knowledge of computer science and software. The reality is like this, everyone needs a tech expert among their ranks, and sometimes you have to fight for them.
Source: Uptime Institute Intelligence
Debido al cataclismo mundial del Covid-19 y la recesión que ha traído, el estilo de trabajo ha cambiado, trayéndonos de súbito el teletrabajo y las operaciones remotas. Esto ha supuesto que los servicios de los centros de datos incrementen su rendimiento para que las empresas de todo el planeta pudieran operar. Los centros de datos están en un punto crítico. Tienen más trabajo pero menos personal especializado para realizarlo. Además, en estos tiempos, resulta bastante difícil encontrar a una plantilla a la altura. Quizá con la adopción de La Nube y nuevos avances en la tecnología digital se pueda cimentar un sistema, post-Covid-19, que lleve a las empresas hacia un futuro próspero.
Some conclusions
Due to the global cataclysm of Covid-19 and the recession it has brought, work style has changed, suddenly bringing us telecommuting and remote operations. This has meant that data center services increase their performance so that companies around the world could operate. Data centers are at a critical point. They have more work but less specialized personnel to do it. In addition, these days, it is quite difficult to find a team to match. Perhaps with the adoption of the Cloud and new advances in digital technology, a system, post-Covid-19, can be established that will lead companies towards a prosperous future.
If you have to monitor more than 100 devices, you may also enjoy a FREE 30-day Pandora FMS Enterprise TRIAL. Installation in Cloud or On-Premise, you choose !! Get it here.
Last but not least, remember that if you have a reduced number of devices to monitor, you can use the Pandora FMS OpenSource version. Find more information here.
Do not hesitate to send us your questions. Pandora FMS team will be happy to help you!

Dimas P.L., de la lejana y exótica Vega Baja, CasiMurcia, periodista, redactor, taumaturgo del contenido y campeón de espantar palomas en los parques. Actualmente resido en Madrid donde trabajo como paladín de la comunicación en Pandora FMS y periodista freelance cultural en cualquier medio que se ofrezca. También me vuelvo loco escribiendo y recitando por los círculos poéticos más profundos y oscuros de la ciudad.
Dimas P.L., from the distant and exotic Vega Baja, CasiMurcia, journalist, editor, thaumaturgist of content and champion of scaring pigeons in parks. I currently live in Madrid where I work as a communication champion in Pandora FMS and as a freelance cultural journalist in any media offered. I also go crazy writing and reciting in the deepest and darkest poetic circles of the city.