At Pandora FMS we like to travel! Traveling, meeting people, bonding… And barbecues or country getaways are great, but there’s nothing we like more here than an event focused on technology!
That’s why we accepted the exceptional invitation to the latest Black Hat MEA edition held at Riyadh, Saudi Arabia last November.
There we went, to the Middle East no less, with our stand and our roll up, to present our respects, and services, to the most cutting-edge community that exists out there.
- Pandora FMS visits Black Hat MEA 2022, the event of the year
- Alexander, what would you say Black Hat MEA was like for Pandora FMS?
- What did you learn from a place like Saudi Arabia and its people?
- And you, Alberto? What do you think Pandora FMS contributed to Black Hat MEA?
- Any special memories of such an incredible journey?
Pandora FMS visits Black Hat MEA 2022, the event of the year

For those who are not aware of all this stuff:
Black Hat MEA is a fairly iconic cybersecurity event, with year-round ethical hacking courses and offensive security classes that everyone wants to attend.
A global event that pushes the secrets of data security to the limit.
The largest information security trade show held anywhere in the world in 2022, bringing frontline and technology-loving companies together annually in a professional and festive atmosphere.
But I will explain.
We better talk to our lucky Pandora FMS colleagues who were able to attend this latest edition on behalf of our community. Alberto Sánchez, Systems Technician and Alexander Rodríguez, Salesperson.
Alexander, what would you say Black Hat MEA was like for Pandora FMS?

I think the event was a great chance!
Having a space within the booth provided by our exclusive partner in Saudi Arabia, LoopTech, was wonderful.

It allowed us several positive meetings with clients.
In addition, we had the honor to receive the visit of his Excellence Advisory Mr. Turki Alshikh. We were able to present him not only Pandora FMS, but the rest of the solutions in the field of Cybersecurity that our partner Looptech has.
We were very happy to receive a lot of positive feedback from the product.
Without a doubt, having participated in this event will help us achieve a better position in the Middle East market.
What did you learn from a place like Saudi Arabia and its people?
Saudi Arabia surprised me a lot.
It is a country that is growing very fast.
Although it still retains authenticity in the mud buildings in the middle of the desert and the spectacular sunsets on the dunes.
Its people are super friendly and are willing to help you in everything necessary to make your stay as pleasant as possible.
Most people speak English so it was very easy to communicate.
And I was hugely impressed that everything there is “go big or go home”: great plates of food, huge malls…
I would go visit the country again, without a doubt, to continue finding out more about its culture.
And you, Alberto? What do you think Pandora FMS contributed to Black Hat MEA?

I believe at least that Pandora FMS contributed to difference and originality, compared to the rest of solutions that showed up to the event.
As you already know, Black Hat MEA was focused in cybersecurity, meaning there were thousands aimed at email or mobile security, others focused in failure detection and there were those that avoid intruder access to devices.
Well Pandora FMS, among all of them, proved to be the tool that better looked after device health.
That its essential security feature is simply to prevent device malfunction thanks to monitoring, was something that stood out above the rest.
Any special memories of such an incredible journey?

It’s a tough question, because the whole trip was incredible.
The kindness and “brotherhood” of the people was shocking.
It was surprising the diversification of cultures that we experienced with people from all over the world, and the number of students who visited us asking really difficult questions to answer…
But, if you insist, I’ll tell you a very funny moment that stuck with me.
During a demo we could see that a group of students from the women’s university in Riyadh stared at us and laughed.
When we finished the demo, we invited them to ask things about Pandora FMS and we took the opportunity to ask them why they were laughing during my demo, you know, in case we had failed at something…
Their answer, while laughing, was that the word “Pandora” in Arabic is “Tomato”.
For the rest of the event we struggled, at the booth, to say Pandora FMS without a smile on our faces.
Want to find out more about Pandora FMS?

Dimas P.L., de la lejana y exótica Vega Baja, CasiMurcia, periodista, redactor, taumaturgo del contenido y campeón de espantar palomas en los parques. Actualmente resido en Madrid donde trabajo como paladín de la comunicación en Pandora FMS y periodista freelance cultural en cualquier medio que se ofrezca. También me vuelvo loco escribiendo y recitando por los círculos poéticos más profundos y oscuros de la ciudad.
Dimas P.L., from the distant and exotic Vega Baja, CasiMurcia, journalist, editor, thaumaturgist of content and champion of scaring pigeons in parks. I currently live in Madrid where I work as a communication champion in Pandora FMS and as a freelance cultural journalist in any media offered. I also go crazy writing and reciting in the deepest and darkest poetic circles of the city.