Do you have a company? Do you lead work teams? You’re part of one and you want everything to work out better? Are you José Mourinho and you don’t know how to control that tactless striker who is always going to do his part?
To make a group, it is not enough to cover each team member in a brightly colored T-shirt with a number and their name on the back. But you already knew that, didn’t you, José?
Teamwork is much more than that; it requires certain subtleties and a bit of smooth-talking. In this post, we’ll look at some tips on how to improve teamwork and get everyone paddling in the same direction.
1. Be a leader
You want everyone to follow you? Well, don’t get too far away from the rest of them! If you get too far away, they won’t be able to see you and they’ll stop accompanying you. To lead a team well, you must be part of it. Get down to the sand and be the first one to make a group. And when difficulties arise, be the first to pull the team forward. It’s your job.
2. Set common objectives
Do you sometimes get the feeling that everyone in your group is going around like headless chickens? It may be your responsibility! To reach a goal, you must first set it. And not only that, you must explain to each team member what their role is in this task and give it the importance it deserves. Keep in mind that most people are not at all happy about working “for nothing” and will be much more motivated if they know that their work will help them reach higher goals.
3. Make your people feel part of the team
Setting common goals is all very well, but it is not enough. In addition, you should try to integrate each person into the group in a more emotional way. Show when the group’s own identity is needed and everyone will be more aware of it.
4. Make them share responsibilities
“That’s not my job” or “That’s none of my business” are two of the worst statements you can hear in a team-working environment. When you work in a group, everything is everyone’s responsibility. This does not mean that you should work on tasks for which you are not qualified, or that you should be supplementing the work of others because someone does not want to work, but everyone must have a common commitment to achieving the objectives set.
5. Allow everyone to participate in decision-making
Do you want a united and motivated group or do you want a gregarious group that only moves according to your mood? If you establish too rigid a hierarchy within the group, it is likely that over time there will be some discouragement. Give your team members the chance to have an opinion. And not only that; make their good ideas come true. The work will benefit from the talent of your people and, in addition, the atmosphere will be better.
6. Manage conflicts effectively
We are all different and to each their own. It is therefore inevitable that collisions will occur from time to time. It’s okay, it’s natural. Now it’s your turn to make sure that things don’t get out of control and that staplers and laptops don’t end up flying around the office. Do you want to know how to resolve conflicts in the workplace more effectively? Here you have a great article that shares some info about the topic.
7. Build a heterogeneous group
You can make big profits, and it doesn’t have to generate extra conflict. A group of people with diverse backgrounds, training, character, and background can result in a world-class incubator of ideas. Therefore, keep an open mind when it comes to team building. Some people may surprise you.
8. Make the most of each team member’s strength
One of the best qualities of teamwork is to be able to minimize the shortcomings of its members and, on the contrary, to make the most of their abilities. Read intelligently the qualities of each team member and encourage them to spend more time on what they do best.
9. Recognize and reward the team’s successes
Don’t keep the achievements secret! If you’ve had a success, share it with the group and thank them for their work. And if you consider it appropriate, reward the results obtained with some kind of compensation. Nothing will bring the group closer together more or keep them more motivated to achieve the following goals.
10. Encourage communication
If team members do not communicate with each other, there will be no team. One of the main reasons for forming a working group is its potential to share ideas and solve problems, so if there is no good communication, it will not make much sense to work in this way.
The good news is that there are tools that can help you improve the group’s internal communication, even if your members are not in the same workspace.
One of them is Pandora ITSM. Pandora ITSM is a software for companies and organizations that have, among other functionalities, a ticket-based incident management system that can help you improve communication in your company.
The Pandora ITSM help desk system can be configured so that each open ticket (describing, for example, a problem to be solved or a new idea to be discussed) reaches the members of a given group, so you can not only promote the communication of a single team, but create several different groups depending on the needs of your company.
Want to know more about this incident management system, Pandora ITSM? Click here:
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Hopefully, this post on how to improve teamwork has been a pleasure for you. Asking us any questions about Pandora ITSM will be our best reward. Thank you! (And thank you too, José).
Pandora FMS’s editorial team is made up of a group of writers and IT professionals with one thing in common: their passion for computer system monitoring. Pandora FMS’s editorial team is made up of a group of writers and IT professionals with one thing in common: their passion for computer system monitoring.