You were already giving orders from the cradle, even with your pacifier in hand, as soon as you walked in, you were already controlling everyone in your nursery home. On your first birthday, they bought you a captain’s hat, and you still have it. You were the boss in the schoolyard and – of course – you’ve ended up leading groups (maybe a whole company) in your work life.
You are a natural born leader, you know that, but wait, do you know the different types of leadership styles? Which one is for you?
Types of leadership. What kind of leader do you want to be?
There are different types of leadership styles; these vary according to how they show their leadership. Although you may not realize this, the way you carry yourself and the way you lead, can have a great influence on the people around you. I am pretty sure that you want to be the best possible leader. Maybe getting to know the different types of leadership styles might help you.
Let’s have a look at them!
-Talkative leaders.
For these leaders, teamwork is the most important thing. Even though they have the final say when making decisions, they are willing to consider the opinions of others. They are talkative, respectful and they often encourage a good work environment. The problem is that, even if this is a positive leader profile, you may run the risk of failing to perform your duties by delegating your decision-making.
If you perform this type of leadership style, then keep that in mind and do not let your ship drift away…
-Charismatic leaders.
They are great seducers, and know very well how to motivate everyone. Their smile is worth millions. They are usually great communicators and transmit ideas with passion and clarity. They will often be able to get the team working in order to achieve their goals. However, even this is initially a positive leader profile, Charisma is not everything when talking about leadership. Apart from charisma, they need to have other qualities, such as extensive knowledge in their field, otherwise problems will arise over time.
– Passive leaders.
They can be a negative evolution from talkative leaders or they might act like this on purpose. This is one of the types of leadership styles that has a fundamental purpose in certain environments. For example, when we talk about a team of highly specialized people, it may make sense for the leader of the team – whose knowledge is inferior to those who are specialized in each specific field – to give them freedom of action. Something similar might happen with teams in which a high degree of creativity is required so the leader’s interventions might become an obstacle.
Being passive leaders doesn’t mean that they are not proper active leaders; it just means that their role will be reserved for very specific moments (for example, when a member of the group asks for help).
– Bureaucratic leaders.
Procedure manuals are their bedside books, and they might use them even while showering. Old-fashioned people, it is very difficult for them to get out of the pre-established methods. Of course, they will hardly consider the opinions of their team. This type of leadership style can make sense in certain work environments (for example in high-risk jobs), but in some jobs it can restrict the creativity of the team and prevent the company from improving.
– Experienced leaders.
They have been part of the company for some time now. They have earned their status as leaders over the years. They know the business and their sector better than anyone, and they have worked with so many different types of people who know how to treat people according to their personalities and the needs of the company. They tend to be flexible, they also are easy to talk with and patient people, who find the face-to-face environments very natural. If their knowledge is also up to date, they are usually a safe value.
– Authoritarian leaders.
You cannot disagree with this type of leaders, and their wishes will be commands. They don’t take anyone’s opinions into account and they make their team follow their instructions by frightening them. This type of leaders are usually imperative and those who work with them feel stressed. If you act like this, think about the way you treat others; this is one of the types of leadership style that is not recommended.
– Paternalistic leaders.
They treat their employees as if they were small children. Their tone may be kind, but also patronising. They don’t usually have confidence in the abilities of their people, so they don’t consider their people’s opinions and also they don’t give them the freedom to make decisions.
Although their measures are not as bad as those authoritarian leaders, they can end up causing great dissatisfaction among their employees, who are fed up of being patronised and treated poorly.
– Entrepreneurial leaders.
They are professionals. They are aware of any current trend as far as business leadership is concerned, and they do everything they can in order to do their job well and ensure that their team is doing well and comfortable. Their knowledge will make them earn the respect of their team very easily. If you have clicked on this article because you were looking for information on types of leadership, you may be interested in improving leadership quality and therefore you might belong in this category, or you might be on the right track to do so.
Now that we have gone through some of the different types of leadership styles that exist, you must remember that, it doesn’t matter what your type of leadership is, both your company and your people will appreciate that you provide them with the proper technological tools to carry out their work.
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Pandora ITSM is software that, among other features, includes an incident management system, an inventory, a vacation manager or a project management system. Do you want to find out more about this great tool?
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Pandora FMS’s editorial team is made up of a group of writers and IT professionals with one thing in common: their passion for computer system monitoring. Pandora FMS’s editorial team is made up of a group of writers and IT professionals with one thing in common: their passion for computer system monitoring.