In Pandora FMS we are in luck, we now have Pandora FMS RHEL8 software certification.
Some called it impossible, others the next step to take, whatever the case everyone received it with applause!
But hold on…
What is Pandora FMS RHEL8 software certification?
This certification now features a set of executable tests for partners that produce results that are then reviewed by Red Hat.
Your non-containerized software is certified when test results show successful interoperability with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 in a safe and supportable manner using best practices.
Once verified, you can promote your product(s) in the Red Hat Ecosystem catalog.
In addition, Red Hat will grant partners a free limited subscription to TSANet for collaborative customer case management to improve their ongoing user experiences.
Does anyone give more?
Why Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8?
Well, because Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the industry leader in enterprise Linux deployments, is the foundation of Red Hat’s open hybrid cloud portfolio, providing the underlying engine for developing and deploying complex workloads across physical, virtual, private, and public cloud environments in a more secure and controlled way.
After just a few months, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 is already the number one RHEL version among developers, with hundreds of thousands of downloads.
*Don’t worry, if you need to learn more about RHEL 8, visit the developer page RHEL 8.
Certification Features
This new Red Hat Enterprise Linux software certification means that:
- Our executable is verified with a Red Hat seal of approval.
- Our products are differentiated by being more compatible, interoperable and safe.
- We get a limited TSANet membership (courtesy of Red Hat) to improve your customers’ long-term support and experiences.
- We get free technical support for the certification.
Benefits for partners
The benefits that partners receive from this certification include:
- Have your certified software published and promoted in the new Red Hat Ecosystem catalog.
- Co-branded product overview.
- Exposure to Red Hat sales.
- The opportunity to participate in Red Hat Partner Connect podcasts.
- Awareness in Social Networks
Advantages for the client
The benefits that clients receive from this certification include:
- A higher degree of operationality assurance when using Red Hat certified products.
- Mitigate security risks through verified best practices.
- Improved supportability of Red Hat and Red Hat partners through TSANet.
As usual, around here we could not be happier!
Tell me, what about you?
How will you make the most out of this wonderful chance?
Pandora FMS’s editorial team is made up of a group of writers and IT professionals with one thing in common: their passion for computer system monitoring. Pandora FMS’s editorial team is made up of a group of writers and IT professionals with one thing in common: their passion for computer system monitoring.