We all like to have a good image, look handsome, clean and irresistible. Then, why should it be different within a company? Surely you’ve spent thousands of hours working in the company, and do not want it to look messy and scruffy, you don’t want the company to be left behind due to its looks.
With all that effort you put into your company, you should keep it shiny. If you care about the image of your business and you want it to look great and you want everyone to know about your company, check out these ideas.
– Create charity events.
Creating a charity campaign is one of the things that will definitely improve company image. Just remember to be honest and get involved in causes that you really believe in, and that might be related to the activity of your company.
– Sponsor solidarity activities.
It is possible that you might or might not have time or means to create solidarity activities and will be easier for you to sponsor a more feasible one organized by third parties. However, before doing so, make sure that the organizers are legit and your contribution goes to a fair cause.
– Do a challenge in order to appear in the news.
Do you remember Felix Baumgartner? The Austrian skydiver, who, in 2012, jumped from a balloon located in the stratosphere, becoming the first man to break the sound barrier without mechanical help. The jump was sponsored by a famous drink, which received a lot of publicity with its image around the world.
It is possible that you might not have the means or the time to achieve this kind of things at this level, but you can think of easier, smaller and safer challenges.
– Take measures for the environment.
Global warming is hitting us every summer and pollution is making the air not very breathable in large cities, I think we can all agree and be convinced that the respect for the environment is one the main causes to support.
In addition to participating in activities that encourage respect for the environment, you can start to do so by taking action in your workplace in order to improve the relationship between your business and the planet. We will all appreciate this.
– Make your employees happy.
Giving your employees good working conditions is something that offers many advantages, and one of them is that it might improve company image. Your employees have relatives, friends and acquaintances that might talk about your business. Treat them well and they will be the best supporters of your company.
– Create social environments for your employees.
In addition to beautifully treat your employees, you can create some specific initiatives that will improve their relationship with the company and as well this will improve company image.
You can create an event with their families (a meal or an open day, for example). It will improve company image and might even have some impact in the local news.
– Offer promotions.
Do you want to publicize your business or a new product? Do the maths! Giving away some gifts to the first users might end up being a great benefit in the long term. Thanks to this, and if your people like what you give them, this might create a very positive impression and might improve company image.
– Get in touch with someone that is well known.
I think we can all agree that if you get Julio Iglesias to speak well of your company, the sales would skyrocket, but you might not always have access to world-famous celebrities. However, you can try in a more modest level. Some brands have been launched to stardom by just giving away their products to not-worldwide-famous people that promote the brand by wearing their products.
Occasionally, you may have to stretch your budget. Calculate your expenses, and decide if you’re interested.
– Create a blog.
A company blog not only serves to publicize your products, but also to provide a lot of valuable information for your visitors, and that is always appreciated. A blog helps you create content for the Internet, which means that your blog will appear in publicized in Google when people search for some topics.Do you agree with me, dear reader? ☺
– Put yourself on the spotlight.
We know that attending trade fairs and conferences is an effort and sometimes they might be boring, but they are also special opportunities to make yourself known, to keep learning and to establish contacts that can be very helpful, both personal and business contacts. Take off your pyjamas, put on your best clothes and go to the next event, you may even make friends.
– Collaborate with other companies.
If you establish contact with other companies in your industry you could get at least two things, first you can create synergies for your business, and second social relationships can be created which might improve company image. Be kind to people within your industry, show a collaborative attitude and that will make people speak well of your company in a lot of places.
– Make your personal story known.
Not all of us have overcoming stories that are worthy for a Steven Spielberg film, but do not underestimate yours. I’m sure that a lot of people will be interested. It is likely that a journalist or a blogger would like to know all about your story. Explore this area and maybe get people to see the human side of your company, which is something very important, and something that not many people take into account.
– Treat your customers well and give good customer service.
Among all the ideas that we propose, this is undoubtedly the most important one. Give your customers the best services and products, treat them with kindness, give them the attention that they deserve, solve their issues effectively, this way you will improve company image and will get the best publicity for your business.
Now that you know some ideas to make your business look fresh and young, you must know that there are tools that can help to improve customer service in order to improve company image. Have you heard about Pandora ITSM? I cannot believe you have not heard about it! Pandora ITSM is waiting for you! Click here and discover Pandora ITSM: https://pandorafms.com/en/itsm/

Pandora FMS’s editorial team is made up of a group of writers and IT professionals with one thing in common: their passion for computer system monitoring. Pandora FMS’s editorial team is made up of a group of writers and IT professionals with one thing in common: their passion for computer system monitoring.