Although it has been developed progressively over the years, emotional marketing is at its peak. In a competitive world, connecting the customer in an emotional way with your company can be a very powerful weapon. Do you want your customers to cry with excitement every time they hear about your brand? We wish we could do that but it is very unlikely and you might even need to hire a wizard to achieve that. But what we can actually do is show you what emotional marketing is, how it relates to customer service, and some ways to make your users feel more connected to your business.
Emotional marketing is a strategy that focuses on attracting the attention of users through emotions. Usually, it focuses on the advertising field and on the attraction of potential customers, but it can also be applied to the field of customer service and be fundamental in the area of customer loyalty.
We have already mentioned in many articles of this blog that the treatment given to the customer will be very important when determining the feedback you receive from your business, it also affects the period of permanence of the customer, as well as how the customers talk about your business with their people, specially their acquaintances. Good customer service is therefore one of the most powerful tools you can have, both to retain customers and to attract new potential customers.
Over the years, some brands have achieved such great acceptance and integration among their customers, which have led these people to incorporate the brand into their lives, nearly as a member of the family. No matter how long it takes to get there, even when it is raining cats and dogs, Mr Robinson will eat every Sunday at McDonalds with his children, Mrs Smith will drink a Coke every afternoon after work and Mr Rodriguez will buy every new model that Apple launches. These companies, and some others, have managed to win over the customers through the years, in order to achieve this, an emotional bond was created. They are known as “lovemarks”, these are companies that have managed to humanize their brand, and to transmit a series of ideals and values shared by millions of people who have felt connected to them.
Emotional marketing, how to implement this in customer service
Emotional marketing begins with company advertising and depends indefinitely on customer service. Even without an advertising investment, you can convey the values of your company and emotionally link the customer through outstanding customer service.
In order to achieve this, an essential element is the people who work there who need to pay attention to every detail. Values such as humanity, kindness and empathy become keys from the first moment of contact with the client. But it is not only about using these tools – although they are essential – when dealing with users. You also have to get to know them and understand how to identify the emotions you want to convey.
The emotions that come into play depend on the business where you work, as well as on the situation, and of course on the personality of the client.
Imagine that you go to the insurance brokerage and receive the call of a client who has seen how his house has been flooded. Probably, this person has feelings of discouragement, frustration and urgency. You do not need to have lived the experience in order to understand it. Try to be empathic, that kind of situation is not a good experience for anyone. That person and his family will probably need some works at home for weeks, they may even have to change the place where they live for a while. When we talk about this kind of adversity, the client will ask for absolute diligence, but he will also appreciate human treatment. Ask them how their families are. Let them know that your problem is a priority for you. You will feel better and they will thank you, honestly.
Sometimes, your client will not contact for such a problem, but will be especially upset, perhaps because he has had a bad day or a personal problem. There is a phrase, attributed to the Greek philosopher Plato, which expresses very well this type of situation:
“Be kind, for every person you meet is fighting a hard battle.”
Try to understand the emotions that are behind their anger. On many occasions, a gentle and calm tone will get them to calm down in a matter of seconds.
But at other times the client will just want to let it all out in order to feel relieved. Depending on the context, confessing that the same thing happened to you or that you know how they feel may be a very direct way of connecting with them.
In addition, the emotions that come into play will not always be negative. Sense of humour, for example, will also be highly valued by your customers. The sympathy of your employees can do more for your business than an advertising campaign.
If you give the feelings that you are always trying to give a better service for your customers, this will also give a magnificent image to your customers. In order to do this, ask them their opinion. But do not limit yourself to ask test questions or ask them to rate your service from one to ten. Take the opportunity to ask what they like most about your products, what they do not like, and how they think you could improve your products. And let them know that your opinions are very important to you and will be taken into account. It will give a nice impression.
Finally, remember that humans also appreciate the details. Do you know the date of birth of that friendly customer that benefits you so much? Ask her the next time you contact her, and send her a letter – even better if it is handwritten – letting her know the privilege of dealing with such a loving person. Or make a small gift. Or send a free promotion of your new products. There are thousands of ways to be attentive.
These are just a few ideas to get to the heart of your customers through the emotions (emotional marketing). Remember that in order to give an excellent customer service, your people must have tools that will facilitate such an important task. Do you know Pandora ITSM? We are happy to show you, take a look:
Thank you very much!
Pandora FMS’s editorial team is made up of a group of writers and IT professionals with one thing in common: their passion for computer system monitoring. Pandora FMS’s editorial team is made up of a group of writers and IT professionals with one thing in common: their passion for computer system monitoring.