What is the purpose of a company’s customer service department?
Okay, this may be an easy question to answer: it helps to answer any questions or complaints from a company’s users. So, that’s it?
Customer service objectives affect the company in a number of ways that, when focused, can provide significant business benefits. And if you have this type of service in your company, you should take advantage of it.
And we’re not even going to focus on the commercial powers that can be given to one customer service department, and which could be used for another article. In this post we are going to look at the main tasks of a customer service department that deals with incident management. I’m sure that when you’ re done with this, you’ll realize how important this is to any business. Let’s get started!
1. Receiving and resolving queries, complaints and claims
It is the first task to be considered when thinking about the activity of a customer service department. The service will be responsible for receiving and resolving queries or complaints from users with the greatest possible diligence, which includes the ability to distinguish between those queries that the service itself is able to resolve and those that must be reported to members of another department.
2. Information about the status of the query
Regardless of whether the service itself or another department is in charge of resolving the problem, the customer service department will usually be responsible for informing the user about the status of their complaint and the steps required to resolve it.
3. Follow-up of the query
This is not just about receiving, assigning and informing. As we have already mentioned, the customer service department will not always be able to directly resolve any queries, complaints or claims from users, but this does not mean that they should be ignored. In those consultations in which the resolution of these issues is assigned to members of other departments (for example due to the need for technical knowledge), the customer service department will be responsible for monitoring the progress of the steps to be taken, supervising that they are successful and that the problems of customers are resolved quickly and diligently, in accordance with the terms of service established.
4. Receiving suggestions from customers
It is not all complaints and claims. In their interaction with the users, the members of the department will also frequently receive suggestions that will serve to improve the products or services of the company. In fact, in some cases it may even be appropriate for the members of the department themselves to ask clients to indicate those aspects that they think that could be improved.
5. Analysing and transferring the needs and suggestions of users to the other departments of the company
Who can analyse and better understand what customers need than the department in charge of handling their queries and complaints? This is another aspect of the customer service department’s work that will require an active approach. Because their role will not only be to receive suggestions in a passive way, but also to analyse them, and even to know how to draw from the different communications those aspects of them that can help improve the business. And of course, all that information shouldn’t go to waste.
Depending on the organization of the company, the recipients will be one or the other, but it will be a frequent task of the customer service department to communicate the needs and suggestions of the users to those people or departments that have the power to implement measures that may have an impact on a better satisfaction of the users’ needs, in order to improve customer service and, ultimately, the business.
6. Prevention of future incidents
As we have already said, customer service should not be something passive, but should include a very relevant active part. The knowledge and experience acquired by the service must be used to give precise indications to avoid future incidents as much as possible, which will result in a better operation of the business, greater customer satisfaction and a reduction in the workload that the customer service department itself must assume.
These are some of the main customer service objectives that a customer service department usually performs, and as you might expect, they will not always be easy to carry out.
A good customer service department needs a good structure and organization, a very professional team, and the right tools for the job to thrive.
Luckily, we live in the 21st century, and that means that there are already some tools that can help in the management of customer service for companies and organizations. One of them is Pandora ITSM.
Pandora ITSM is a computer program that has, among other features, an issue management system (help desk software) based on tickets (ticketing) which can help in the management of customer service in companies and organizations.
Do you want to know more about what the Pandora ITSM issue management tool can do for you? Click here.
Or you can also send us any queries you may have about Pandora ITSM. You can easily do this by using the contact form.
And remember that Pandora ITSM also has other interesting features, such as an inventory or a project management system.
And don’t forget to leave a comment in the comments section down below! We usually read all your comments, so don’t hesitate to leave any question you may have or your opinion on innovative ideas, do you have any innovative ideas? Tell us all about it in the comments section below, we will be happy to read it.
we hope you liked this article about customer services objectives, what is your opinion? Can you tell us some customer service objectives? we will be happy to learn more about customer service objectives, so don’t forget to post a comment below!
Have a great day and don’t forget to check out our other articles in this blog!
The Pandora ITSM team will be happy to help you!
Pandora FMS’s editorial team is made up of a group of writers and IT professionals with one thing in common: their passion for computer system monitoring. Pandora FMS’s editorial team is made up of a group of writers and IT professionals with one thing in common: their passion for computer system monitoring.