You do not have to shackle your customers to your company. Apart from the fact that this is illegal, doing this will not retain your customers the right way, so get that idea out of your head!

One of the best customer retention strategies is to treat your customers well and to perform your job better than anyone else. But, in addition to this, you should know that there are some strategies that can prevent your customers from flying away from your company.

1. Get to know your best customers.

I am pretty sure that you already know that even though you should treat equally all your customers, some customers will give you more benefits and give you less headaches than others. Do not worry; it is okay to feel more love for Sarah who is always posting great comments online on your blog than for Luisa who calls everyday to complain about the colour of your new product, it’s normal. It’s human.

But knowing who your best customers are will help you keep your customers by your side. Get to know which ones offer you greater profits and offer them a bonus to make them want to stay with you for many, many years.

2. Deliver what you promise.

We are sure that you are a nice and honest person and you do not want to deceive your customers, but there are times when it is not easy to control the quality of the services provided by your company. Do not despair by writing those incidents in your notebook. Keep your typewriter away. There are technological tools that can help you with this hard task.

3. Loyalty is extremely important.

There is nothing better for your business than a loyal customer. A regular customer will not only provide regular income for your company, but will become your best advocate, this customer will talk a great deal about your company, and even on social networks, which will create great and free publicity for your company.
Another one of these customer retention strategies is to provide excellent customer service, remember that there are specific tactics, such as creating point programs or offering exclusive discounts on the basis of seniority.

4. Provide personalized customer service.

Do not get me wrong; but you should provide great and personalized customer service, however, there might be times when you need to provide even better service. We get it; maybe you do not have enough budget to give your customers glossy Christmas cards every Christmas, but perhaps you should send that card to that special customer who provided you with great benefits and also spoke well of your company.

5. Another one of these customer retention strategies is to find out what works best for you

Do not close your eyes or cover your ears; find solutions for your customers. Getting to know them is the first step to be able to satisfy them. In order to do this, there are different tools: satisfaction enquiries, CRM tools, a good ticketing system to register problems, etc. Sometimes you can ask them directly what they like best about your product and what could be improved. If you know what works best, you can reinforce those aspects of your business to satisfy your customers and if you know that something is not right, what are you waiting for? Do not waste time and fix it as soon as possible.

6. Provide an efficient customer service

We talked about this earlier, but do you know that customer service is one of the most important parts of your company? This is the part of the company that is more connected to the customers than anything else, and this is the part that will determine if the customer experience will be positive or negative. Treat your customer well, give them the right technological tools to do their job well and your customers will have a great smile on their faces, it works!

7. Take care of your people.

Whatever the department – not just customer service – if you have happy employees, this will help your customers. You do not need to go one by one giving them a relaxing massage, but you can take some actions in order to make them happier.

8. Keep in touch.

The relationship with your customers does not end as soon as you sell your product. Some clients may disappear for years, but that does not mean they have a negative opinion about your company. Remind them that you are still at their disposal. To achieve this, there are many methods: create an exclusive offer for old customers; send a personalized letter congratulating them on their birthdays, etc.

9. There are always things to improve.

Do you think that your competitors are sitting on a beach watching the boats go by? Some of them may do this, but it is very unlikely. As you probably know by now, the market is always moving, and you have to move with it. Be innovative, do not stop looking for ways to improve your products and services, this way your clients will be loyal to you and they will not fly away.

10. Do not forget to make yourself known.

Marketing is always important, both to get new customers and to keep old ones. To achieve this, you have many methods, from the usual paid advertising to the popular social networks. You need to make your products known (and this includes old and new products) if you don’t do this then your customers will forget about your company. Is that what you want? Don’t you think it’s a bit sad?

So this is all we have to say about customer retention strategies, now that you know some ways to keep your customers loyal to you, you can find out more about this technological tool, which will facilitate such task. Click here and find out more about Pandora ITSM .
