How does your company communicate with its customers?
If the answer is ” okay ” you should know that there is always room for improvement.
If the answer is ” poorly ” then you have a lot of work to do.
If the answer is “I don’t know”, then you should be more aware of what’s going on in your company!
After all, good communication with customers is essential for any business.
Customer Communication Channels that you should know about
Okay, we already know that it sounds a bit like a cliché, but that doesn’t stop it from being true. In fact, you probably already knew it, especially if you are a regular reader of this blog. And it is also possible that you already know some of the customer communication channels with more traditional clients.
However, since knowledge plays a big role and you probably don’t know all the different customer communication channels that companies use with their users, in this article we are going to get to know some of the most common ones. Shall we start?
– Chat
It is definitely not the most used channel, but it has some advantages. There are people who feel an enormous laziness when it comes to getting in touch with a company through other channels, but who feel captivated by the immediacy provided by a good chat. Some businesses ( so far, not many of them) have even made it their main communication channel.
– A website
Who doesn’t have one today? Lacking a website can even seem “suspicious” in the eyes of some customers.
When it comes to communicating with customers, having a website can open up multiple channels of communication. You can set up contact forms, include a chat, offer user service in a forum created for this purpose… And, of course, you can provide other means of contact, such as your email address or telephone number. This leads us to the next channel…
– The phone
A basic communication channel with customers. This has not only been used extensively over the last few decades, but it is still one of the most popular channels today. The telephone provides many advantages (immediacy, speed, bidirectionality, fluidity in communication) and few setbacks (perhaps the lack of a more direct contact). Most businesses have it among their main channels for dealing with users. However, remember that managing telephone service correctly is not easy. But if you do, you’ll earn a lot of points.
– A blog
Although it might sound like a website, it is not the same as a website, neither in its format nor, especially, in its intentions. Through a blog you will be able to offer content of interest to your clients, which will provide them with useful information (for example, a brief tutorial on the use of one of your products). In addition, if you have comments enabled, communication can also be bi-directional. And you can even get new customers if you practice some inbound marketing.
– The email
One of the channels that has gathered many followers since the beginning of the network. The e-mail was one of the first utilities that Internet gave us and still survives and enjoys good health. It is very versatile in terms of time distribution (you can respond immediately, but also leave some time if you can’t/want to do so) and with the “formality” component that provides a written format and can be easily stored. Email is undoubtedly one of the favorites for both customers and businesses.
– Apps
As we’ve said before, an app installed on a customer’s mobile phone is like a window open to your company.
This type of applications ( that are so popular lately) offer multiple possibilities. They are, for example, a fantastic way to communicate news to customers, such as offers or promotions. And they can also be used to allow the user to communicate with the company, by enabling utilities such as contact forms.
– Social networks
Although they seem to be over 10 years old, social networks have only been around for about 10 years, and have only been used for communication with users in recent years.
With both advantages and drawbacks, offering attention to the user on social networks is something that needs to be carefully considered before doing so. Do you want to think a little more about it? You can start by taking a look at its advantages and disadvantages.
– Face-to-face support
If you have a store that is open to the public, you will probably have to provide it. Face-to-face service requires a lot of work, but it can bring good advantages, especially because it involves direct human contact that other channels of communication with customers do not have. So you know, whether you offer it or a member of your team, choose the best of your suits, show a good attitude, use your smile, and you will see how you will succeed.
And now that we have seen these 8 customer communication channels, how about discovering software that can help you with your customer service management?
This is Pandora ITSM. Pandora ITSM is a program that includes, among other features, an incident management system (help desk software) that is based on tickets (ticketing) and can help you with the management of customer service in companies or organizations.
Would you like to know more about what the Pandora ITSM ticketing tool can do for you? You are right! Click here:
Or you can also send us any query you may have about Pandora ITSM. You can easily do this, thanks to the contact form that can be found at the following address:
Also, remember that Pandora ITSM has other very useful features, such as an inventory or a project manager, among others. Don’t you think that these are enough reasons to take a look at it?
Do not hesitate to send us all your queries. The Pandora ITSM team will be delighted to help you!
And don’t forget to leave a comment about customer communication channels, in the comments section down below. See you soon!

Pandora FMS’s editorial team is made up of a group of writers and IT professionals with one thing in common: their passion for computer system monitoring. Pandora FMS’s editorial team is made up of a group of writers and IT professionals with one thing in common: their passion for computer system monitoring.