Customer service culture (or customer centric) is that set of practices or strategies that promote for the actions carried out by a company to be aimed at the client. That means they are carried out thinking about the customers’ point of view and trying to meet their needs or wishes.
The concept of customer centric culture has been developed and become a trend over the last few years, as users have been gaining power in their deals with brands.
Because, in recent years, customers have been gaining a certain kind of “superpower”. In fact, although the user has always been very important for any business, things were very different just a few years ago.
We can think, for example, of the differences regarding purchase options. A customer born in the 60s, for example, could hardly choose among the products that could be found in his closest geographical area. At present, however, you can choose among a range of options that go far beyond your street or your city, covering the entire country and, often, stores beyond your own borders.
Or you can think about how much the information that the customer has has changed. While before you could hardly resort to friends or acquaintances, now you can find at your disposal a large amount of information, displayed in hundreds of blogs, profiles on social networks or reviews.
Or you can also think about you being able to express your opinion. By having so many options, so much information and so many ways through which you can express your opinions, brands must take care of their users more than ever, under penalty of receiving negative criticism that can be seen by thousands of potential customers .
Since currently the client is so powerful, many companies have taken it into account in all aspects of their activity. Thus, more and more people who want to take care of their users keep supporting customer centric culture, because they know that the survival of their businesses depends on them.
But what does “customer centric” philosophy mean in more practical terms? Let us see some ideas.
1. Convey the customer centric culture
To put into practice customer centric culture ideas, it is essential to convey to the people who are part of the company the need to take this philosophy into account.
Because customer centric culture involves all the people who are part of the business. It must be something that everyone keeps in mind to be able to apply it to their corresponding work areas. And to keep it in mind, you should talk about it, remind it and emphasize this philosophy as many times as necessary.
2. Involve the members of your company
Communicating is important, but it can be even more effective to show how the customer should be dealt with by setting an example.
Because dealing with the users does not have to be a matter of just commercial or customer service departments. For example, some companies ask members of more technical departments to spend a few hours in customer service, in order to experience for themselves a closer contact with users.
With this type of practice, it is easier for certain members of the company to understand better the needs and concerns of customers, which will help them when thinking about them.
3. Make an effort to get to know your clients
It is one of the keys, and something that you sould not forget. In order to be able to provide a good customer service to the client, you must be willing to get to know his desires and needs. Otherwise, the measures that you take could not be the appropriate ones.
How? There are multiple ways, depending on the activity of your business and the way you deal with your users. For example, you can find some clues to find out the needs of your clients in this post.
4. Encourage setting customer centric culture in motion
Indeed, it will not be always as simple as remembering it or experiencing it. Sometimes, particular incentives will have a great effect.
For example: imagine that you have a restaurant and you ask your clients to rate the service offered by the waiters at the end of their visit. You can set bonuses for those who got a better rating, which will probably improve the quality of the service.
This is just one example. According to the characteristics of your business, you will find a way to implement some measures that encourage applying customer centric culture.
And these were our very special tips, they are just some ideas, but this is a factor that, undoubtedly, you should not forget: customer service.
Because customer service is a “key point” within customer centric culture. And, where else is the relationship between users and business more direct?
Therefore, if you want to stablish a customer centric culture in your company, you must care for customer service. And to achieve it a little bit easier and more efficiently, you have some tools available, such as issue management systems. Will you let us introduce ours? It is Pandora ITSM!
Pandora ITSM is a program that provides, among many other features, an issue management system (help desk software) based on tickets (ticketing) that can be useful for customer service management within enterprises and organizations.
Would you like to know better what Pandora ITSM ticketing tool can offer you? Click here:
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Pandora FMS’s editorial team is made up of a group of writers and IT professionals with one thing in common: their passion for computer system monitoring. Pandora FMS’s editorial team is made up of a group of writers and IT professionals with one thing in common: their passion for computer system monitoring.