We all have had contact with this work figure at some point in our lives. Being a call center agent is not an easy task. This is a job with high workloads and quite often involves stress.
For example, imagine dealing with angry customers on a daily basis or keeping a pre-established pace of incoming calls.
This article is aimed at the hard-working professionals who work in the industry and want to improve their work every day. Let’s look at some answers on how to be a good call center agent, based on the comments of experienced call center agents.
1. Motivation
As we have already mentioned, working as a call center agent is not always easy. Therefore, being motivated will be a key issue.
But how can we achieve this? In order to find enough motivation, as in any other job, the person must look within themselves. However, that is not all. Supervisors and managers should also look for ways to motivate their team appropriately. Are you a boss? Would you like to have some ideas on how to do it? Check out this article.
2. Having good self-esteem
Self-esteem is necessary in all aspects of life, but when a person works in a call center, he or she can be challenged on more than one occasion. Angry customers, bosses with too much pressure…. for a call center agent, in many cases, it will be necessary to have the strength and self-confidence necessary to avoid falling apart in difficult situations, which includes respecting oneself and expecting the same respect from others.
3. Being respectful
There’ s no other way. In customer service, respect is an essential value, which is based, as we mentioned, on respect for oneself, but it is unquestionably extended through politeness with users.
A good call center agent will always be a polite person, who is able to serve clients with kindness, even in difficult situations. The fact that a customer disrespects us is not a reason to disrespect him or her, and a long or stressful day does not entitle us to release our stress on our users.
4. Being empathetic
Some people would say that it is not an indispensable quality, but you cannot deny the high value of it. A call centre agent who can put himself in the users’ shoes will do his job with more pleasure and interest, which will make his/her day easier and more effective. Without a doubt, this is a feature that can set us apart.
5. Being able to solve problems
It’s the foundation of a call center business, ultimately. A call center agent must be a person capable of solving the problems of the people who get in touch. In order to do this, it will be necessary to be active, diligent, decisive and have several very specific qualities, which will be described below.
6. Having good listening skills
Being aware of your customers’ needs is the first step to solving their problems. Have you heard of active listening? These are behaviors applied to listening in customer service, aimed at understanding the message that the user wants to convey and letting them know our willingness to solve their problems. How can we solve the problems of a person without listening carefully?
7. Being able to analyse the situation
It’ s not all about listening, is it? Our ability to solve problems must include a good capacity for analysis in order to solve them but must also include sufficient criteria to enable us to pass on those problems which we are not capable of solving to the right people.
8. Getting to know the company, products and services
This is another fundamental issue. How can a good customer service be offered if the issues to be addressed are unknown? Although knowledge of products and services will often be expressed through training provided by the company or by managers, the eagerness to learn should carry on. Sometimes it will be necessary to use handbooks, to talk to more experienced colleagues, etc. In any case, the willingness to learn will be valuable.
9. Being able to handle the necessary technology
Nowadays, in a call center it is quite common to use technology. Switchboards, Internet or any kind of software are key tools in order to carry out the work effectively, and a good call center agent must know how to easily handle them.
And that’s it, we have come up with these 9 ideas on how to be a good call center agent. Now, how about going back to the technology issue for a moment? We are pretty sure that you will be interested in this.
Luckily, there are now technological tools that are not only capable of helping in the management of customer service, but are also easy to use and highly customizable. Will you let us show you ours? This is Pandora ITSM.
Pandora ITSM is a program that, among other features, has an issue management system (help desk software) based on tickets (ticketing) that can be very useful in customer service for companies and organizations.
Do you want to learn more about the Pandora ITSM helpdesk tool? Alright then! Click here: https://pandorafms.com/en/itsm/
In addition to this, Pandora ITSM has other features that can also be very useful, such as an inventory, a project management system or a vacation manager, and so on. Discover them here: https://pandorafms.com/en/itsm/
Or perhaps you want to send us a question about Pandora ITSM. You can do this in a very simple way, using the contact form at the following address: https://pandorafms.com/en/contact/
The Pandora ITSM team will be happy to help you!
And don’t forget to leave a comment in the comments section below, it will be very helpful and your comments will certainly help other people. Also don’t forget to leave your questions in the comments section and we will happily answer you.
Don’t forget to take a look at the other articles that we have published in this blog, which are very similar to this one and we are sure that you will like them, have a good day.

Pandora FMS’s editorial team is made up of a group of writers and IT professionals with one thing in common: their passion for computer system monitoring. Pandora FMS’s editorial team is made up of a group of writers and IT professionals with one thing in common: their passion for computer system monitoring.