In times of digital transformation, the client is the centre of the Universe. Clients have a very wide range of products and brands and they change quite easily from one product to another, and with a very powerful tool such as the Internet, with those opinion pages and social networks, which might turn each customer experience into a potential viral thing.
Therefore, customer service has always been very important, but now it has become a key issue. Good customer service will turn into a loyal client who might recommend your company through multiple communication channels. However, bad customer service will mean the loss of valuable clients, and also the loss of potential clients due to negative publicity. Do you really want this to happen?
In this article we are going to see some mistakes that companies make when it comes to customer service. Try to avoid them!
1. Remember that the service is quite important
In some companies, people think that the relationship with the customer ends once the sale is closed. This is a huge mistake. Bad customer service begins as soon as you forget that customer service is the most important thing. Many studies claim that getting a new client is between 5 and 10 times more difficult than keeping a client. Don’t you think this is a good reason to try to preserve the ones you already have?
In addition to this, customer service has an essential role, which is related to the image of the company. Customer service is the most important thing for clients as soon as they have a problem.
Nowadays anyone can have a blog or a profile on social networks and reach thousands of people, don’t you think they should be positive when it comes to your company?
2. You shouldn’t be unapproachable
What are you, an ostrich? Do you think problems will disappear if you hide your head under the ground? If you don’t give customer service then that already means bad customer service!
Although some companies are used to this philosophy, which includes practices such as hiding all means of contact or waiting for a long time on the phone, it is not a good idea. Whether due to unwillingness, or any other reason, hiding from clients or putting obstacles in the way usually leads to trouble.
But, making it easier for your clients, usually leads to better results. Have you ever heard about the multi-channel approach? It consists of providing the customer with several contact channels, such as email, social media, etc. More companies do this now.
3. Your service should be in the hands of professionals
Are you planning to leave your customer service in the hands of your cousin Paco, who spends his mornings on the sofa watching TV? Providing good customer service is not easy. It requires personal values, such as empathy or patience, and good training, both to serve the client, to know the business, and to know how to use the tools in order to carry out the job. As in any other department of the company, customer service will require trained professionals who must know the importance of their work and act accordingly.
4. Listen to your clients
Whether due to lack of consideration, or due to stress and lack of time, some businesses don’t help the client, but they dispose of them.
This is not a good solution. First, listening with interest to the client is the first step to take in order to solve their problems, and second each contact with the client is an opportunity to learn. Indeed, every business is susceptible to improvement, and the best information always comes from the customer. Listen to their needs and problems. This will make it easier for you to help them and your business will grow.
5. Be organised
Evaluate the usual procedure when a client contacts your company. Again, have you hired your cousin Paco who picks up your calls and then hangs up straight away because he wants to go for a coffee?
Having just one person for customer service is not enough. The service must have good organization, which includes a proper provision of resources, a definition of service policies and a structure in order to solve queries in a comfortable, fast, and efficient way.
6. Your team shouldn’t have old-fashioned tools
Are the contracts in your company too old-fashioned? No? So why do you force your customer service team to work with notebooks or a simple Excel? We know that you are fine with these tools, but there are other modern ones, which may help you.
Why don’t you take a look at Pandora ITSM? Pandora ITSM is software that has, among other features, an incident management system (software help desk) based on tickets (ticketing) that can help you give a better customer service for your clients.
Do you want to know what the Pandora ITSM help desk software can do for you? All right then! Take a look here:
In addition to this, Pandora ITSM has other very interesting features, such as an inventory, a project management system or a vacation manager. Do you want to find out more? Click here:
And don’t forget to leave a comment in the comment section, have you ever experienced bad customer service? What was your experience? Can you tell us a little bit? Do let us know! We look forward to hearing from you. Have you ever read any of our other articles of this blog? If you have, then which one was your favourite one? We usually talk about many different subjects in our blog. Let us know by leaving a comment in the comment section down below! Thank you very much for your comments and don’t forget to…
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Have a great day!

Pandora FMS’s editorial team is made up of a group of writers and IT professionals with one thing in common: their passion for computer system monitoring. Pandora FMS’s editorial team is made up of a group of writers and IT professionals with one thing in common: their passion for computer system monitoring.