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Pandora FMS on Windows 8 !

I not a Windows lover, I must recognize that Windows 8 has very beautiful desktop and some nice features in the file manager / windows explorer... anyway, far away from Mac, of course 😉 Anyway, powershell, WMI and lots of powerful ways to get...

Geek culture

Japanese delights

Well, our team's travellers returned from Tokyo this weekend. After tell us a lot of stories about the meeting with the Japanese Development Team , sake adventures and more... they gave us a present from the Japanese people!! It's a couple of...

Features, Tech

GSoC 2012 starts!

Today starts GSoC project in Pandora FMS, we have three students from Sri Lanka, UK and Spain. A great opportunity for all of us. We will work on two different Android developments (Android Agent, and Android Event Viewer) and will work also on...