Integration with eHorus

Integration with eHorus

eHorus (currently called Pandora RC) is a remote computer management system that is based on the “cloud” (Software as a Service or SaaS) to connect to them, regardless of changes in the IP address, firewalls or other changes that occur in the network.

To enable it, it is necessary to activate the integration in your section within the Integria IMS configuration.

Once activated, the username, password, eHorus portal name and API port (default 443) must be configured correctly. A check can be made from the same section using the Test option of the configuration made.

If the result is correct, we will have the integration correctly enabled.

Remote connection with equipment

Once the integration is complete, the next step is to have inventory objects configured with the eHorus Id field active.

Within the eHorus Id field in the inventory object, it will be necessary to configure the ID corresponding to the eHorus agent, previously installed on the server and correctly registered in the integrated eHorus portal, to activate the eHorus connection function within the inventory object.

If you have this field active and configured, the following option “eHorus” will appear when entering the details of the inventory object:

By accessing the section, we can make the connection with the eHorus agent.

If it is done successfully, it will ask us for the agent password.

Once we access, we will obtain all the details of the eHorus agent, being able to navigate through the Processes, Terminal, Display, Services and Files mode as long as they are enabled the same in the installed eHorus agent.

It is essential for the correct functioning of this integration that the Apache server has the following parameter configured: Header always set X-Frame-Options “SAMEORIGIN”

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