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The Wiki is a very basic system for sharing information with other users, it contains formatted, structured text with external and internal hyperlinks. Being editable, it is a simple tool for collaboration and information sharing that supports the following functionalities:

  • Wiki syntax for hierarchies of titles, hyperlinks, lists, images.
  • Change management.
  • Upload files and link them from the Wiki.
  • Generate tables of contents and hierarchical views of information (title, subtitle, etc.).
  • Preformatted, bold, italic.
  • The Integria IMS Wiki has an ACL system by which you can restrict who has read or write access to it. It also has an extended ACL system by which you can also specify at the user level who has permission to see a page and who does not.

Basic Syntax

This is a brief summary of its syntax.


One or more exclamation marks are placed at the beginning of a line. Example:

!Heading H2
!!Heading H3
!!!Heading H4

The more exclamation points you use, the shorter the title (up to 5 exclamation points). The exclamation marks have to be exactly at the beginning of the line. After saving the edit, each heading or subheading will have a button to edit the corresponding section.

Lists and numbered lists

Each item in the list must begin with one or more asterisks. Example of unnumbered list:

* fruit
** Manzana
*** granny smith
* Vegetables
** Garlic
** Onions

It will look like:

  • fruit
    • Manzana
      • granny smith
    • Orange
  • Vegetables
  • garlic
  • onion

Example numbered list:

# First item
## First subitem
### First subsubitem
## Second subitem

It will look like:

  1. First item
    1. First subitem
      1. First subsubitem
    2. Second subitem

Font Styles

Bold: three single quotes at the beginning and end of the text.


Italics: Two single quotes at the beginning and end of the text.


Underlined: With quotation marks and two underscores at the beginning and end of the text.


Strikethrough: With a quotation mark and two hyphens at the beginning and end of the text


Just write the link like this:


Or, if you want to add text to the link:

[Main project page|]

Main project page

Emails and web pages are also automatically recognized:

[email protected]

[email protected]

You can also use relative links, but it has to start with ./ (otherwise it will be interpreted as internal Wiki page or link). So if you want to link to some HTML page in the same directory, you use:

[Interesting page|./SomeWebPage.html] → Interesting page


To use the image as a link:


You can put the image to the left, right, or center and add a caption, like in this example.

[|link=|center|title=Big Leon]

Tables of Contents

Table of Contents can be generated automatically with {TOC}. Each title or subtitle (header) will be used as an item for the table of contents.

Code or overlay

It is very useful when we want to prevent the Wiki from “formatting” something or misinterpreting it, useful for putting code, or raw information. Use { { , the code or text, and } }. All the text in between will be formatted like this:

import sys
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
print "Hello",sys.argv[1]

Horizontal line

Using four hyphens —- on a line with nothing else.

Avoiding the Wiki format

Using the character ^ before any special words (character escape). For example:


HTML code

You can put HTML code directly into the wiki, as long as you use the {html} and {/html} tags. For example, a header could also be placed as follows:

{html}<h2>HTML code</h2>{/html}

Blank line

Use {br} to enter line breaks and/or blank lines.

Wiki Menu

You can modify the Wiki menu by inserting your own links in HTML format. For this you have a special page called side_menu . Go to the Admin pages section of the Wiki menu, for all pages, including the special side_menu page.

In it you must put HTML code directly linking to whatever you want, it can be a Wiki page or something external.

Example: Suppose you have a Wiki page with the name “office”. The link would be something like:


You need to create a code in the side_menu page in the following format:

<li><a href='http://localhost/integria/index.php?sec=wiki&sec2=operation/wiki/wiki&page=Telephone_ES'>Telephones</a>

Read and write permissions

This Enterprise functionality allows you to manage access to content. Initially, all pages are accessible and editable by all users. But admin users can create access lists for reading and writing each page in the side menu entries: Read ACL and Write ACL.

If a piece of content has no users on its read or write list, it will be accessible to everyone. See for example the read access for this page:

When we add a user to the access lists, only those users (and any administrators) will have read or write permission.

To edit access for a page, go to that particular page and from there, use the Read ACL or Write ACL menu options to edit the read or write access lists for that page in concrete. Each Wiki page will have its own access list.

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