Pandora FMS changelog
Logs or records of all notable changes made to Pandora FMS, separated by the update version they were originally implemented.
Pandora FMS NG 781
Bug fixes
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
3960 |
Fixed the agent search order in PFMS server: ID, name, alias, and IP address. |
N/A |
11286 |
Fixed the display of blank results in History Data reports. Now, the last check performed within the requested time period is shown. |
N/A |
12641 |
Fixed Visual Console template display for those without entities. |
N/A |
13667 |
Fixed network mask representation in Supernets (IPAM feature). |
N/A |
Fixed log monitoring process for users in different time zones to ensure that queries are now based on UTC time. |
17655 |
13734 |
Fixed informational messages (modal pop-ups and auto-closing messages) in the Credential Store. |
N/A |
13764 |
Fixed Pandora FMS SAP plugin (version 1.1) to properly monitor IDOC modules. |
17731 |
13815 |
Fixed the calendar language settings in the user profile in the console’s new task creation section. |
17673 |
13820 |
Fixed command locate_agent in PFMS 1.0 API for its operation in the Command Center. |
17822 |
13864 |
Updated and fixed menu elements in the Enterprise ACL setup. |
17980 |
13935 |
Fixed help documentation in PostgreSQL monitoring plugin (version 1.1), to specify the correct separator (slash) for IP address and port. |
N/A |
13964 |
Fixed the regex-based free search in the event view filter. |
18320, 18169, 18540 |
13976 |
Fixed PFMS Alert server auto-monitoring. |
17129 |
13988 |
Fixed the auto-monitoring feature of PFMS Alert Server. |
18070 |
13994 |
Added an exception-handling message In the SNMP Interfaces Wizard, for cases where no module is selected by the user. |
N/A |
14023 |
Fixed visual issues in the SNMP Browser feature. |
N/A |
14032 |
Removed the false positive warning regarding MADE PFMS versioning in the web console. |
18107 |
Fixed the vulnerability scanning task in Discovery PFMS (pandora_vulnscan). |
N/A |
14034 |
Fixed the issue causing BADXML errors (directory listing) in the Advanced LogParser plugin. |
N/A |
14101 |
Added a warning message when selecting time periods greater than 30 days in custom reports with projection graphs. |
N/A |
Fixed the agent view in monitoring policies in the Command Center, (group visualization issue). |
N/A |
14123 |
Fixed the Update users call in PFMS API v2 has been corrected (read-only fields, enumerated values, new value validation). |
18324 |
14167 |
Fixed the event view search button (Search in secondary groups) for users with access to secondary agent groups. |
18435 |
14239 |
Fixed PDF report generation for cases where PFMS server and the web console have different IP addresses. |
18567 |
14241 |
Fixed the name request, agent group, and group with alert rights in inventory alert creation. |
N/A |
14252 |
Fixed agent data display in the Tree view with dark theme in the Web Console. |
N/A |
14253 |
Fixed public web links in groups for the Group status map (Dashboards) widget. |
18714 |
14321 |
Restored the graph visualization button in the SNMP module interface (agent view). |
N/A |
14336 |
Fixed the Output and Error columns in the Pandora RMM view to correctly display full data in a pop-up window when clicking the magnifying glass icon. |
N/A |
14382 |
Enlarged the agent selection box in Visual Consoles, when selecting all elements. |
N/A |
14525 |
Fixed the history database configuration to only disable the feature if a remote connection error takes place when connecting to the future history database. |
N/A |
14535 |
Fixed the display of open tickets with a zero date in Pandora ITSM ticket view within the web console. |
18958 |
14646 |
Inventory alerts require a name when created. An editing button was also added for each one in the list of registered alerts. |
N/A |
14658 |
Fixed the macro displaying help messages during module creation through server plugins. |
18950 |
14659 |
Fixed the display of the user who validated the event in validated events. |
18985 |
14660 |
Recovered the option to customize intervals in the event detail view comment filter (available only for superadmin users). |
18979 |
Fixed the module links in the Monitor view (Monitor detail). |
N/A |
14694 |
Fixed the Agent Graph view in the Web Console when dark theme is enabled. |
18960 |
14702 |
Removed the network map visualization button upon completing IPAM tasks. |
N/A |
14709 |
Fixed pagination in the agent list in agent management (agent deletion event issue). |
N/A |
14720 |
Fixed the background color in interface views and custom graph reports for compatibility with dark themes. |
N/A |
14736 |
Fixed pop-up information windows in the alert list and group monitoring view for dark theme. |
N/A |
Fixed the connection to monitored devices in Discovery PFMS task editing (VMware monitoring), by ensuring credentials are reloaded and read directly from the database. |
19101 |
14740 |
Fixed the assignments for critical and warning state fields in bulk editing of async_string modules. |
N/A |
14741 |
Fixed result detection in NCM operations. |
19149 |
14767 |
Fixed the Audit log feature to correctly display timestamps in UTC and in the date format configured by the user. |
N/A |
14774 |
Fixed child service creation on nodes in the Command Center |
19159 |
14785 and 15001 |
Fixed the screen refresh timer in the event view to retain filter values when changing the data refresh period. |
N/A |
14835 |
Fixed the event filter (Agent search field) in the Command Center for cases where two or more agents on nodes have the same identifier. |
19225 |
14858 |
Fixed token denominado Maximum historical traps age (days) to correctly retain its value when customized. |
19232 |
14869 |
Names of items to be created or edited are required in agent autoconfiguration and target export features. |
N/A |
14931 |
Restricted agent visibility in custom fields view (Web Console) to only those within the user’s assigned agent groups. |
N/A |
14932 |
Fixed Custom field view for its display with dark theme. |
N/A |
14933 |
Fixed exception access message display for users that have dark theme enabled in the Web Console. |
19255 |
Fixed the reading process in the Web Console (Diagnostic info section) for the auto-monitoring agent name on PFMS server. |
N/A |
14948 |
Fixed pop-up messages throughout the Web Console when hovering over certain elements (modules, custom intervals, etc.) have been fixed. |
N/A |
14973 and 14974 |
Fixed the creation and modification of private event filters so that only the user who created them may use them. |
N/A |
14995 |
Restored the remote configuration option in the server list (Command Center). |
N/A |
14999 |
Fixed the feature in the event view (comments column), to ensure messages are displayed in all possible cases (grouped by event, ungrouped by event, grouped by users, etc.). |
N/A |
15009 |
Fixed failures in the Warp Update both offline (it allows to install equal or superior versions to the currently released one) as well as online (it differentiates RRR versions from LTS ones). |
18830 |
15017 |
Fixed the PFMS Provisioning Server for cases where agents arrive with missing data. |
N/A |
15038 |
Fixed custom SQL reports (queries with nodes) in the Command Center. |
19405 |
15075 |
Fixed the temporary directory access path in PDF generation through the Web Console. |
N/A |
Fixed data encoding conversion from UTF-16 to UTF-8 in SIEM event collection. |
N/A |
Fixed the alert view of an Agent when no alerts are configured. |
N/A |
Fixed erratum in Metasetup (Command Center). |
N/A |
Fixed time intervals in monitoring policies to be used in modules assigned to the PFMS Plugin server). |
19523 |
15182 |
Fixed public links in Graph Analytics. |
N/A |
15252 |
Added exceptions for missing MIBs in SNMP walk and monitoring policy implementation with SNMP in Ubuntu 22. |
N/A |
15229 |
Fixed translations in the Web Console. |
N/A |
15259 |
Fixed RPM-based updates (versions in ascending order). |
19556 |
15264 |
Fixed module group selection in Monitoring Policies. |
N/A |
15268 |
Fixed filtering process in the alert details view, both in Command Center and on nodes. |
N/A |
15275 |
Fixed service SLA graphic display both on nodes and in the Command Center for superadmin users. |
N/A |
15288 |
Corrected username display in event comments. |
N/A |
15292 |
Added missing image in the login lockout form in Command Center. |
N/A |
15294 |
Fixed password visibility toggle button on the login screen in the Command Center. |
N/A |
15295 |
Corrected the prohibited password list in the password policy settings in Metasetup. |
N/A |
15298 |
Modules whose names include quotation marks can now be added in the scheduled downtime filtering. |
N/A |
15299 |
Fixed timezone selection for the PFMS server in Metasetup. |
N/A |
15305 |
Corrected QuickShell configuration to ensure the port number only accepts numeric values. |
19603 |
15306 |
If two-factor authentication is set as optional in the general settings, all users may enable this feature for Web Console login. |
N/A |
15309 |
Fixed access to the notification tray in the Command Center Web Console. |
N/A |
15317 |
Removed incorrect interval option in bulk agent operations. |
N/A |
15341 |
Fixed message display when creating or editing Visual Consoles. |
N/A |
15349 |
Corrected module filtering in hierarchy for any agent. |
N/A |
15350 |
Fixed the list of options for the font size token in charts within Metasetup. |
19624 |
15376 |
Corrected typos in campaign notifications. |
19688 |
15386 |
Fixed Grafana query execution in PFMS integrated extension. |
N/A |
15392 |
Corrected links in the Web Console directing to the official PFMS documentation. |
N/A |
15402 |
Fixed the agent module update process in the Data server. |
N/A |
For Linux Software Agents, the “module_regexp” function has been fixed to work properly with log rotation. |
N/A |
15468 |
Fixed special day calendar for its use with the dark theme. |
N/A |
Corrected node and agent filtering process for selection and addition in monitoring policies. |
N/A |
15680 |
Corregido el estilo visual de la vista Acerca de tanto en tema oscuro como tema claro |
N/A |
15705 |
Fixed Linux kernel logs decoding. |
N/A |
15751 |
The display of comments added by Web Console in event view has been corrected. |
N/A |
15752 |
PFMS Satellite server was updated in its MS Windows® version to avoid unexpected service restarts. In its Linux® version, the network scanning and the creation of corresponding agents were corrected. |
Fixed vulnerabilities
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
15308 |
Fixed the Chromium installation path check, ensuring proper validation for generating PDF graphs. Additionally, added a notification to the web console to alert users if the installation path is misconfigured. |
Known changes and limitations
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
11647 |
Added button to forcefully resynchronize HA environments when needed. |
N/A |
11678 |
In list views where each item has specific actions (edit, delete, etc.), these actions are now always visible without needing to hover over them. |
19298 |
12582 |
Once a module parent is set, it can now be edited. |
N/A |
For new PFMS installations, the plugin pandora_snmp_bandwidth plugin is now distributed only in compiled form. |
N/A |
13366 |
In bulk module copying, the exact number of copies performed is now displayed. |
N/A |
13635 |
Added exception handling mechanisms for PFMS database synchronization in HA-installed environments. |
N/A |
13884 |
Added two new optional parameters to script pandora_ha_resync_slave script. |
18078 |
13967 |
Removed buttons from the Real time graphs view. |
N/A |
13978 |
In the alerts view, the default action is now only displayed if it is the only existing action. |
N/A |
13979 |
Revamped the WUX view for agents configured with this feature. |
N/A |
13980 |
Changed expiration time in software agents to 30 seconds (autodiscovery plugin). |
N/A |
14029 |
Added informational messages regarding the results of adding custom identifiers to events. |
N/A |
14068 |
Adjusted the QR code size for agents in the agent editing section. |
18289 |
14117 |
Restored the item importing feature in the monitoring policy view. |
N/A |
Reinstated the AWS view to the corresponding menu (Operation→Monitoring→AWS view). |
N/A |
Visually revamped the monitoring groups view, considering accessibility options. |
19034 |
Added a special notification to the web console to inform users when the Chromium-based report generator lacks write permissions. |
19069 |
14824 |
Added support for OAuth 2.0 in Microsoft 365 Exchange®. |
N/A |
14929 |
Time interval list is now sorted chronologically in Network scan Discovery PFMS. |
N/A |
14938 |
The Tarball installer for PFMS Software Agent on Rocky Linux 8 and 9 now includes a warning message regarding the libnsl dependency. |
N/A |
14969 |
Improved Warp update online interface, providing a more intuitive display. |
N/A |
15007 |
Users may now customize the agent name in MongoDB® database monitoring (including the database name). |
N/A |
15104 |
Changed the log message in incorrect and/or outdated SIEM templates, when running the server with verbosity 3 and the producer with verbosity 5. |
19449 |
15106 |
Renamed token name “Check connection interval” by “Check connection interval”. |
Improvements and small changes
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
7747 and 17758 |
3767 |
Updated plugin for monitoring Microsoft Exchange® for versions Windows Server 2012®, 2016 and 2019 |
N/A |
Added group and ACL management to the audit log. |
15131 |
12903 |
Added periodic monitoring of available and occupied IP addresses to IPAM. |
N/A |
14348 |
Included Pandora RMM server in server list remote configuration (menu Management→Servers→Manage servers→Remote configuration). |
N/A |
Discovery PFMS plugin for MS SQL server® version 1.2 allows creating agents by each database and their manual selection. |
18771 |
14722 |
New agent detail view available in the Command Center (Monitoring→Agent detail menu). |
18771 |
Added an option to search exclusively by nodes in agent filtering for monitoring policy application through the Command Center. |
N/A |
14998 |
Added icon to the web console header for direct and quick access to the Metasetup (Command Center). |
N/A |
13999 |
API 2.0 PFMS now supports event block insertion. |
N/A |
15019 |
Added “Any” option to the agent filtering feature to encompass all event types. |
N/A |
15024 |
The Warp update offline feature now supports applying custom special patches. |
N/A |
SIEM events now feature the ability to save and load custom filters. |
N/A |
Completely rewrote the NetScan network scanning feature in PFMS Discovery. |
N/A |
SIEM Events and SIEM Dashboards ow support auto-refresh for data visualization, configurable by users in their profile settings. |
N/A |
15094 |
Added agent auto-completion and search capabilities right away from graphs in Pandora FMS SIEM, (Operations→SIEM→Dashboard menu). |
N/A |
SIEM alert feature now supports event-based alerts and filter-based rules. |
N/A |
Changed SIEM text label. |
N/A |
15360 |
Added French language support to the web console help system. |
N/A |
Added a new plugin feature for SIEM, with the first plugin being a log parser for JSON format. |
N/A |
15171 |
SIEM feature may now be managed graphically in the Management→Servers→ Manage servers menu (including server activation and event activation options). |
N/A |
Added event validation has been added to the SIEM event view, including multi-selection and filtering based on this new state. |
N/A |
Added an exclusion filter option to the SIEM event view. |
N/A |
Added sidebar filters to Dashboards, Events, Alerts, Decoders, Rules, and Search sections in SIEM. |
N/A |
15666 |
Added FTS (First Time Seen) decoder functionality in SIEM. |
Feature extinction
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
15700 |
For the command module_eventtype now the command module_logchannel is used, leaving module_logevent outdated in software Agent configuration. |
Patch Notes 777.7 LTS
Bug fixes
FIX LTS# | GitLab# | Description |
14000 |
13963 |
Fixed migration of custom fields when switching agents between nodes from the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
14669 |
14006 |
Fixed the display of the Web Console in old web browsers. |
14718 |
14695 |
Retrieved the server listing display in the Command Center (Migration server and Provisioning server). |
14842 |
14840 |
Fixed event comment display with extended characters in Dashboards and event lists. |
14864 |
14663 |
When reactivating the connection to the history database, it was fixed to load the last configured values (other than the default values). |
14878 |
14659 |
In the validated events, the display of the user who validated the event has been corrected. |
14879 and 15012 |
14785 and 15001 |
In the event view, the screen refresh timer was corrected so that it retains the set filter values when changing the data refresh time period. |
14970 |
Added module differentiation for arithmetic operations in synthetic modules (agent editing). |
14980 |
14851 |
Restricted access to monitoring policies (view and edit) to AW permission only. |
14992 |
14940 |
Fixed PFMS Satellite server when handling exceptions in order to allow process restart without completely stopping the service. |
15023 |
14037 |
Access to the System audit log display has been corrected so that only authorized users can access it. |
15030 |
15009 |
Fixed bugs in the Warp Update functionality both offline (allows installing versions equal to or later than the current released version) and online (differs RRR versions from LTS). |
15031 |
14165 |
Fixed the SLA report to be displayed in any order (ascending, descending or none). |
15076 |
15075 |
In the PDF generation by Web Console, the path to the temporary directory has been corrected. |
15176 |
15066 |
In the network maps, when an element lacks an icon, the default icon has been changed to a circle. |
15260 |
15259 |
Fixed the update via RPM (versions in ascending order). |
Pandora FMS NG 780
Bug fixes
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
14519 |
9872 |
Fixed the database maintenance process (pandora_db) by adding a buffer that allows tasks to be segmented into steps for each one. |
N/A |
13211 |
Fixed header icons for Web Console notifications to always be visible, including its tooltips. |
N/A |
13434 |
Fixed agent counting in the Web Console excluding those disabled. |
N/A |
13696 |
Fixed Discovery PFMS tasks that belong to groups whose names include extended characters. |
N/A |
13948 |
Fixed visual error in Dashboards filter in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
13949 |
Fixed severity filter in SNMP Console view. |
18069 |
13963 |
Fixed migration of custom fields when switching agents between nodes from the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
18081 |
13970 |
Fixed inventory export in CSV to show the corresponding data in the OS field. |
18082 |
13971 |
Added option All in Type field in alert template editing. |
18083 |
13972 |
Deleted false positive messages in several sections of the Web Console, that indicated that the alleged changes had been saved. |
N/A |
13992 |
Added error message if the necessary permissions to access the file config.php are missing. |
18107 |
14005 |
Fixed SELinux® detection in Security Check PFMS plugin. |
18087 |
14689 |
Fixed the display of the Web Console in old web browsers. |
N/A |
14014 |
Fixed SQL error in creating vendors in NCM. |
18107 |
14033 |
Fixed Discovery PFMS tasks that belong to groups whose names include square brackets. |
N/A |
14034 |
Patched plugin for MS Windows® (Advanced LogParser) in its execution and result delivery. |
18124 |
14036 |
Fixed HA Status module in VMware® monitoring plugin. |
18149 |
14038 |
Fixed the custom filter date in reports for MaaS, which marked January 1970 in reports. |
N/A |
Recovered Disable, Standby, Add action and Delete actions in the list of centralized alerts displayed in the Command Center (Metaconsole). Also verified node synchronization (alerts and alert actions) as well as vice versa. |
18269 |
14103 and 14104 |
Fixed filter creation with repeated names in the network usage map view. Added the option to remove filters. |
N/A |
14120 and 14991 |
Fixed the link of each agent in the agent list to point to display instead of agent edit. |
N/A |
14165 |
Fixed the SLA report to be displayed in any order (ascending, descending or none). |
18501 |
14210 |
Fixed CSV export with macros in custom reports (date handling). |
N/A |
14642 |
Added exception handling in remote authentication (LDAP, SAML, AD). |
N/A |
14663 |
When reactivating the connection to the history database, it was fixed to load the last configured values (other than the default values). |
N/A |
14695 |
Retrieved the server listing display in the Command Center (Migration server and Provisioning server). |
N/A |
14710 |
Fixed Software Agent for MS Windows® installation order generation (Management→Manage agents→Deploy Agent). |
N/A |
14716 |
Fixed the display of agent group names in the event view. |
N/A |
Added module differentiation for arithmetic operations in synthetic modules (agent editing). |
N/A |
The Warp journal will now display the applied version in the history of updates made. |
19091 |
14749 |
Fixed module dynamic thresholds so that the inverse interval value (related to Two tailed) retains its configuration set at each run of pandora_db maintenance utility. |
N/A |
14750 |
Visually fixed the diagnostic view in the Web Console. |
N/A |
14754 |
Fixed Visual Console public link generation. |
N/A |
14762 |
Fixed auto refresh in real-time graphs. |
N/A |
14772 |
Fixed event log saving in PFMS API 2.0 to be done in its corresponding category, AUDIT_LOG_EVENT. |
N/A |
Fixed event comment display, both in nodes and in the Command Center. |
N/A |
14791 |
Fixed the audit log view in both the Command Center and nodes. |
N/A |
14828 |
Added filter execution button in agents and alerts view. |
N/A |
14833 |
Fixed the query to change servers on the Web server. |
N/A |
14839 |
Fixed processing of numerical data for CPU and memory lines in Discovery PFMS for VMware® ESX. |
19200 |
14840 |
Fixed event comment display with extended characters in Dashboards and event lists. |
N/A |
14851 |
Restricted access to monitoring policies (view and edit) to AW permission only. |
N/A |
14888 and 14957 |
Restricted access to the Merging Tool in the Command Center only to admin users. |
N/A |
15040 |
Added PFMS SIEM compatibility with PFMS RMM. |
N/A |
14940 |
Fixed PFMS Satellite server when handling exceptions in order to allow process restart without completely stopping the service. |
Fixed vulnerabilities
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A CVE-2024-11320 Acknowledgement: Mohammad Askar |
14860 |
Fixed the execution of arbitrary code in the operating system through execution statements in PHP files of the Web Console. |
Known changes and limitations
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
In the next LTS release, XML reports will be removed from PFMS Web Console. |
N/A |
14831 |
Added a new parameter to Cisco Meraki® monitoring by plugin to specify the agent group through the command line. |
N/A |
13914 |
If an agent has no Pandora RC identifier, the tab remains hidden until a valid value is entered. |
N/A |
12995 |
Changed the filter in Pandora ITSM ticket list shown in Pandora FMS to display unclosed tickets by default. |
Improvements and small changes
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
Pandora FMS offers real-time monitoring, combining data collected first-hand through its Software Agents (including software and hardware inventories) and remotely with agents (including SNMP) and log collection. It then has preset schema with rules and regulations to generate events and their alerts. On that basis, a large amount of additional data is generated with many elements outside traditional monitoring. Security information and event management (SIEM), the new Pandora FMS features, normalizes, retrieves and relates useful information from this data to create its own security events that are added to existing alert and notification mechanisms and options. |
Patch Notes 777.6 LTS
Bug fixes
FIX LTS# | GitLab# | Description |
15169 |
14291 and 15168 |
The time intervals in monitoring policies to be used in modules assigned to the PFMS Plugin server have been corrected. |
Patch Notes 777.5 LTS
Bug fixes
FIX LTS# | GitLab# | Description |
14876 |
14749 |
In the dynamic module thresholds it has been corrected so that the inverse interval value (related to Two tailed) retains its set configuration in each run of the pandora_db maintenance utility. |
14877 |
14710 |
In the deployment of Software Agents for MS Windows® via PowerShell®, the download link of the installer file has been corrected. |
Fixed vulnerabilities
FIX LTS# | GitLab# | Description |
14861 CVE-2024-11320 Thanks: Mohammad Askar |
14860 |
The execution of arbitrary code in the operating system by means of execution statements in PHP files in the Web Console has been solved. |
Patch Notes 777.4 LTS
Bug fixes
FIX LTS# | GitLab# | Description |
14292 |
14291 |
Interval correction in Dataserver modules. |
14299 |
14273 |
Fixed the possibility of choosing another agent in synthetic module creation. |
14531 |
14521 |
Fixed the default event filter assignment in every user profile in both Command Center and nodes. |
14537 |
14536 |
Fixed the use of double quotation marks (character escape) in event update in PFMS API 2.0. |
14670 |
13818 |
Fixed the correct interpretation and execution of macros in custom event responses if the display command option is enabled when running a command (view used for debugging). |
14755 y 14756 |
14305 |
Fixed access to users with ACLs and secondary groups to remote operation with Pandora RC. |
Improvements and small changes
FIX LTS# | GitLab# | Description |
14298 |
13509 |
Added the feature to the command agent_module_name_last_value_alias of PFMS API 1.0 for searching first in centralized nodes and finally in the Command Center itself. |
Pandora FMS NG 779
Bug fixes
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
10062 |
Fixed searches by module name in the Monitor detail view to make literal queries with the following characters: %, _, [, ], {, }, -, ^. |
N/A |
Fixed special days for leap years. |
N/A |
13073 |
Fixed the display and style of the applied updates view (Warp Journal) to the product style. |
N/A |
13114 |
Fixed the description of the DNS plugin. |
N/A |
13250 |
Fixed the CLI PFMS command update_agent option update_gis_data, to only take values zero and one. |
N/A |
13255 |
Fixed the update_group command (PFMS CLI) to avoid hierarchy paradoxes against the same group or with groups related to other groups. |
N/A |
13442 |
Fixed the default value and description of token syncserver. |
N/A |
Removed widget “Welcome message to” for failing to function as expected. |
N/A |
13522 |
Fixed visual glitches for both dark and light themes in the Credential Store. |
N/A |
13523 |
Added a warning message to module template management in case you did not select any Private Enterprise Number (PEN). |
N/A |
13553 |
Fixed visual glitches in Permissions Report PDF. |
N/A |
13747 |
Fixed the following commands in HTTP 500 errors in API 1.0:
17620 |
13782 |
Fixed Cron Jobs task editing and/or addition in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
13792 |
Fixed the scope of users regarding the special group All in Inventory Alerts, so that they may have access to it only if they have specific permissions on it. |
N/A |
13794 |
Fixed the Cluster view so that only users who have permissions on the group to which the cluster belongs may access it. |
N/A |
13797 |
Fixed and limited agent deletion in Monitoring Policies for users who do not have permissions on the agent groups. |
N/A |
Fixed the display of tasks belonging to group ALL in IPAM if users do not have permission on said group. Fixed other permissions for different types of user profiles. |
N/A |
13811 |
Fixed the first uninitialized state in web module creation if applicable. |
N/A |
Fixed the correct interpretation and execution of macros in custom event responses if the display command option is enabled when running a command (view used for debugging). |
N/A |
Fixed a major bug in the Command Center (Metaconsole) that affected centralized services and services on nodes when added as a service element. |
N/A |
13819 |
Restricted access to Visual Consoles both in nodes and in the Command Center (Metaconsole) by means of the use of URLs by users without a VM profile. |
17738 |
13826 |
Fixed the application of Regex conditions for received monitoring data in character string imodules, to detect state changes. |
17656 |
13829 |
Fixed external alert addition in monitoring policies when extended characters are used in modules. To that end, the exact matching feature in regular expressions was also added. |
N/A |
13836 |
Removed repetitive message in HA environment alerting. It is verified that it appears in a timely manner according to the type of detected error and without repetitions. |
N/A |
13854 |
Removed the warning message in the event alerts view, which was only valid for versions prior to 779. |
N/A |
13855 |
Fixed the operation of basic security monitoring in the installation of the Software Agent for MS Windows® (Windows Server 2022®). |
17827 |
13865 |
Fixed error HTTP 500 when saving bulk monitoring policy operations without having made any changes. |
N/A |
13917 |
Fixed mass operations on agents in centralized environments, specifically in the secondary group description editing. |
N/A |
13952 |
Fixed agent group disabling for counting agents in use according to license terms. |
17541 |
14065 |
Fixed the token to explore all virtual machines and CPU and memory data collecting for monitoring XenServer® with Discovery PFMS. |
N/A |
14095 |
Fixed the token generation process for users using the PFMS API 2.0. |
N/A |
14109 |
Fixed several errors in the API 2.0 PFMS when paying certain fields with special enumeration. |
18329 |
14137 |
Fixed image display in base64 in WUX monitoring when generating PDF. |
18349 |
14147 |
Fixed unsolicited login to Web Console when using PFMS API 2.0. |
18362 |
14152 |
Fixed inverse threshold application in monitoring policies. |
N/A |
14163 |
Fixed the WUX server to stop if the specified IP address to be monitored is out of reach. |
N/A |
Fixed Oracle monitoring to connect in sysdba, thick and thin mode while maintaining cryptographic compatibility ®. |
18394 |
Fixed the use of threads and cores used to streamline data collecting in VMWare monitoring in Discovery PFMS. |
18465 |
14192 |
Fixed duplicity in agent creation caused by a misconfigured token in VMWare monitoring with Discovery PFMS. |
18651 |
Fixed the possibility of choosing another agent in synthetic module creation. |
18691 |
Fixed access to users with ACLs and secondary groups to remote operation with Pandora RC. |
N/A |
Interval correction in Dataserver modules. |
N/A |
14342 |
Fixed token display in the PFMS API 1.0. |
18848 |
14381 |
En Fixed graph display in Monitor view in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
Fixed inventory enablement (basic options) in Software Agents. |
18902 |
14507 |
Fixed agent duplication in MySQL monitoring with Discovery PFMS. |
N/A |
14822 |
Fixed connection to the nodes for alert display from the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
14521 |
Fixed the default event filter assignment in every user profile in both Command Center and nodes. |
N/A |
14533 and 14639 |
Fixed the use of the Command Center as an update repository for centralized nodes. |
N/A |
Fixed the use of double quotation marks (character escape) in event update in PFMS API 2.0. |
N/A |
14540 |
Fixed the Discovery server for updating the extra_data field (data received in JSON). |
N/A |
14651 |
Fixed Error 500 when accessing the View Map in Recon Task. |
N/A |
Fixed filter in event reports for the Command Center and nodes. |
N/A |
14701 |
Fixed offline update (version comparison). |
N/A |
14706 |
Visually enhanced the agent configuration interface and the module interface. |
N/A |
14734 |
Fixed plugin pandora_df_used to always return values in bytes and thresholds in percentages. |
N/A |
Checked the operation in Visual Consoles of the elements Serialized pie graph, Bars graph, Event history graph and Simple value. |
N/A |
Fixed ratings in vulnerability monitoring so that they fit a range of 0 to 10 points. |
N/A |
14865 |
Fixed the duplicated addition of the same software with different versions in vulnerability monitoring. Now it only takes into account the next version to the one installed for rating calculation. |
N/A |
14862 |
Fixed PFMS server restart for version 780 after an online update. For version 779, Pandora FMS must be manually restarted. |
Fixed vulnerabilities
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A CVE-2024-35308 Acknowledgement: i[@] |
14684 |
Fixed the arbitrary reading of the operating system file by a user registered in PFMS Web Console (plugins section). |
N/A CVE-2024-9987 Acknowledgement: i[@] |
14685 |
Fixed access to read-only CSV data for any agent module by a registered user in PFMS Web Console (console extensions section). |
Known changes and limitations
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
Added support for user authentication with SAML 2.0 (SimpleSAMLphp server) while supporting previous versions. |
N/A |
12781 |
Module-based, agent-based, and group-based event reports will be deprecated in the LTS release in 2025. |
N/A |
13945 |
Added new index configuration section to the Log Collector, so that, optionally, four important parameters may be defined in OpenSearch. |
Improvements and small changes
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
2361 |
New feature for credential encryption in monitoring through SSH, WMI and SNMP 3. It includes new tokens that are used globally in the Satellite server or at agent level for their corresponding modules. |
10719 |
6728 |
By means of the macros _agentalias_ and _agentname_, and if these fields contain a valid IP address, these macros can be added to the Target IP field of the modules for subsequent monitoring. |
12514 |
Alerts by SNMP trap can also be filtered by subtype (Subtype trap). |
N/A |
9669 |
New audit Information widget. |
14567 and 14585 |
9905 |
You may add general read-only instructions to any type of event, regardless of the rest of the fields. Included the same mechanism for API 2.0 and PFMS CLI. |
N/A |
11527 |
For IPAM discovery tasks, you may now configure PFMS server or the Satellite server to handle said task. |
N/A |
11748 |
Added prioritization to agent autoconfiguration when applying monitoring policies. |
N/A |
12755 |
New event list report based on saved filter. |
N/A |
13638 |
Added the Recovery only on Normal status token to alert templates, so that alert recovery is performed only for normal state. |
N/A |
New feature for Software Agents in MS Windows® performed through Inventory of installed patches and comparison with the list of patches to be installed. |
N/A |
14193 |
New custom queries for MongoDB® database monitoring using Discovery PFMS |
Patch Notes 777.3 LTS
Bug fixes
FIX LTS# | GitLab# | Description |
13921, 13936 |
13909 |
Fixed the update of the history database data structure, if enabled at the time of applying the patch. |
14079 |
14078 |
Fixed node identification as well as that of their general agent data for the centralization and application of the license of use in a Command Center (Metaconsole) environment. |
14256 |
12827 |
Fixed event reports (modules, agents and groups) so that, if configured, they obtain data from the history database and are consolidated into a single document. |
14258 |
14257 |
Fixed Custom graphs generation in the process of obtaining the modules of an agent. |
14261 |
14260 |
Fixed the tree view for when data is received with entities. |
14278 |
14272 |
Fixed data display in the Log viewer for users without sufficient group rights. They will only be able to access the records of the groups the user belongs to. |
14279 |
13842 |
Fixed the graphical representation for modules in an unknown state (negative values). |
14350 |
13336, 14335 |
Fixed MIB data entry (SNMP) both normally and in a compressed manner. |
14387 |
14381 |
Fixed graph filtering in the Command Center (Metaconsole) so that it obtains the corresponding node identifier. |
14409 |
14403 |
Adjusted and fixed the SAP license so that it only intervenes in the SAP monitoring work, thus leaving the other tasks of PFMS Discovery without any restriction. |
14522 |
N/A |
Fixed critical module display in the tree view of the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
14534 |
14533 |
Fixed node update with the Command Center centralized as a repository. |
Improvements and small changes
FIX LTS# | GitLab# | Description |
14004 |
13052 |
New design of Warp Update 2.0: It includes improvements such as the Command Center (Metaconsole) as a repository for node updates and better integration with Discovery PFMS feature library. |
14077 |
11664 |
Internal fields for agents and modules (JSON and XML) for exclusive use for the Discovery PFMS and Dataserver PFMS. |
Known changes and limitations
FIX LTS# | GitLab# | Description |
14002 |
13039 |
Switched licensing (PFMS server, Web Console and Satellite server) to a unified way, now discriminating by number of agents in one, NMS, RMM and SAP. |
14003 |
12982 |
Renewed the information dialog box of the user license both in nodes and in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
14156 |
14028 |
Changed agent access in the Command Center (Metaconsole), by right-clicking and then primary-clicking. Replaced the system with a CTRL click with primary button. |
Fixed vulnerabilities
FIX LTS# | GitLab# | Description |
14385 |
14342 |
Fixed token display by any registered user in PFMS API 1.0. |
14684 |
Fixed arbitrary reading of operating system file by a user logged into the PFMS Web Console (plugins section). |
14685 |
The read-only access of CSV data of a module of any agent by a user registered in the PFMS Web Console (console extensions section) has been corrected. |
Pandora FMS NG 778
New features and improvements
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
New design of Warp Update 2.0: It includes improvements such as Command Center (Metaconsole) as a repository for node updates and better integration with Discovery PFMS feature library. |
N/A |
Remote Management and Monitoring (RMM) is a new integrated feature for monitoring in Pandora FMS Software Agents. It is an adjuvant for keeping computers up to date, coordinated with PFMS alerts and allows users to add their own tasks that they consider necessary. |
N/A |
Added regular expression feature in NCM templates for script outputs. |
16574 |
By enabling the Log collector users will have the ability to add custom filters (including the use of regular expressions) for menu Operation→Monitoring→Log viewer. |
N/A |
Revised and improved all Dashboards widgets to take into account each user according to their assigned profile, the scope of groups in information search and display, as well as public link improvement. |
15610 |
Discovery server PFMS incorporates the feature for executing tasks at specific times and opportunities through the cron of the operating system. |
N/A |
PFMS Discovery is compatible with Selenium 4, supporting four methods to run the “.side”:local driver, remote driver, local Docker and remote Docker. |
N/A |
8917 |
Plugin to monitor SAP systems remotely by using RFC functions (Remote Function Call). |
N/A |
New plugin to monitor OpenShift nodes and pods using key metrics regarding CPU, memory, their status and pod containers. |
N/A |
New plugin for droplet monitoring (virtual machines) and compatible with the new API 2 version of the company DigitalOcean. |
12765 |
Improved the Google Cloud Compute Engine plugin to include GCP metric monitoring. |
14375< |
Improved the Informix plugin to monitor server performance and size using tools such as onstat and oncheck. |
14150 |
Nutanix plugin with support for the new API 2 maintaining backwards compatibility if specified and declared in its configuration file. |
16072 |
Fully new plugin to monitor JBOSS 8 (Wildfly) based on metrics related to its consumption, applications, threadpools and datasources. |
n/a |
Plugin to monitor the space occupied and the last change of a file in Google Drive. It offers required connection parameters for PFMS and Google Drive. |
14876 |
New netusage plugin that replaces pandora_netusage, previously used by default as a server agent to count all interfaces. This new plugin is specific to getting network usage for each interface the agent has. |
17218 |
By means of the Web Console, PFMS API 1.0 and PFMS CLI it is now possible to enter URLs with format MarkDown [texto](URL) in the event comments and in the Event Custom ID fields. |
N/A |
Added button Create automatic networkmap for the creation of a network task in Discovery PFMS and this way time is saved when adding new network maps to monitoring. |
N/A |
Pandora FMS adds the operating systems GNU/Linux RHEL 9, Rocky Linux 9, AlmaLinux9 (also known as EL 9) and implements systemd as administrator of the services necessary for its operation. |
N/A |
Pandora FMS offers the option of indicating a specific directory for the installation of PFMS server and the default agents that go together with it. |
Known Changes and Limitations
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
17042 |
12875 |
The SSL Certificate expiry monitoring plugin comprises a new operation with the following parameters:
N/A |
13915 |
Modified the integration of Pandora FMS and Pandora ITSM, through inventory items, allowing to create and edit tickets with assigned Pandora agents and also with no agent assigned (with further option to assign the agent if needed) and the option to add the agent in Pandora ITSM as item (this allows in PITSM the option to filter by PFMS agent). |
18285 |
API v2: limited the scope of several read-only fields and limited them from being modified by the web Console. Removed PUT comment and DELETE comment from the list of available commands too. |
Bug fixes
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
Fixed specific permission on the All group in services, both for their creation, editing and reading and the users that have that Pandora FMS key group assigned (or not). These changes also work in nodes and in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
18085 |
Fixed the intervals of the checks belonging to the modules created by means of monitoring policies (minimum possible: 60 seconds). |
N/A |
13962 |
Fixed the duplicity of tokens related to VMWare® monitoring in PFMS database. |
N/A |
Fixed the links to agents and or their corresponding agents in nodes, for the tree view and the service view. Verified also the links of eleven sections different from features. |
18004 |
13944 |
Fixed the alias of the agents resulting from the general search in the web Console and they are shown as they are (the search keywords are not case sensitive), both in nodes and in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
13982 |
Fixed the public link of a Visual Console to work in web browsers with a normal session or an “incognito” session, both in nodes and in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
13932 |
Deleted old configuration of Agent Access Graph (feature deleted in PFMS version 775) so that it does not redirect links nor in the nodes nor in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
17967 |
14024 |
Fixed the slow loading of the main view after login in the Web Console (query optimization for the database for agent groups by users and superadmins). |
N/A |
API v2: fixed the event update command for Extra ID and Source fields in the Command Center (Metaconsole) so that entities are not entered to the database. |
18089 |
14013 |
Fixed the content or value reading and writing of the token for accepting unsafe certificates for WUX execution with Selenium 3. |
N/A |
API v2: fixed the validation of events containing Extra ID (when the Keep in process token is enabled or not). |
N/A |
Fixed Custom data filter and Custom fields in the event view filter, so that events created with PFMS API v2 may be identified. |
18170 |
14061 |
Fixed date and time field reading in the Acoustic Console (known as Sound Console before) when an event with alert is created from API v2. |
18130 |
14047 |
API v2: fixed event update in the Command Center (Metaconsole) to return HTTP 200 instead of HTTP 500. For event update in nodes from the Command Center, API v1 must be used. |
18187 |
14087 |
Fixed agent deletion through Bulk operations in nodes from the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
18121 |
14089 |
API v2: fixed status and eventType fields for the event listing command so that they return the corresponding data. In addition, fixed the event view filter in the Web Console to support API v1 and other search features. |
N/A |
API v2: fixed the event list so that comments may be filtered by action, user and free search both in nodes and in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
18230 |
14099 |
Fixed the histogram graphs in Dashboard when modules have triggered and recovered alets. |
N/A |
Fixed the agent modules so that when a schedule downtime takes place all modules stay unaffected while agents go into silent mde when the scheduled downtime starts and they go back to their normal status when the scheduled downtime finishes. |
18273 |
Included VBS plugins for MS Windows in software Agents so that they may be enabled and disabled with the inventory enabling/disabling option. It was checked that it maybe done manually through the Web Console. |
N/A |
Removed HA status check (error HTTP 500), inherited code from the old HA operating code, wile replaced by a new supported feature. |
N/A |
Removed the AWS view from the Web Console menu since it did not support the new PFMS Discovery 2.0 version. |
N/A |
14121 |
Fixed repetitive reading error in extra_data token of agent modules when processed by the Data server PFMS. |
N/A |
Fixed the token that establishes the maximum number of days to compact data so that it allows to set that value to zero, that is, disabling data compaction in order to improve PFMS server performance. |
N/A |
Fixed the option to share links for graphs in menu Operation→Reporting→Graph analytics, and checked its operation and support of Visual consoles. |
18389 |
14164 |
API v2: fixed updating from the Command Center of the CustomID of an event hosted within a node. |
18247 |
14179 |
Fixed the module histogram both in nodes and in the Command Center so that it correctly represents in blue when the module was not initialized. |
Patch Notes 777.2 LTS
Bug fixes
FIX LTS# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
Added an exception capture routine for the Update Manager of PFMS Web Console. |
Patch Notes 777.1 LTS
Bug fixes
FIX LTS# | GitLab# | Description |
13922 |
13845 |
Fixed in services, both in their creation, editing and reading, the specific permissions on the group All and the users who are assigned (or not) that key group of Pandora FMS. These changes also work in both nodes and in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
13975 |
13973 |
The check intervals of the modules created were fixed by means of monitoring policies (minimum possible: 60 seconds). |
13983 |
13962 |
Fixed duplication of tokens related to VMWare® monitoring in PFMS database. |
Fixed in the nodes, for the tree view and the services view, the links to the corresponding agents and/or modules. Verified the links of eleven different feature sections. |
13985 |
13944 |
The aliases of the agents resulting from the general search in the Web Console are shown as they are (search keywords are case unsensitive). Fixed for both nodes and for the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
13987 |
13982 |
Fixed the public link of a Visual Console to work in web browsers with normal session or session in “incognito” mode, both in nodes and in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
13989 |
13932 |
Removed old Agent Access Graph configuration (feature removed in PFMS version 775) so that it does not redirect links either in the nodes or in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
14045 |
14024 |
Fixed loading slowness of the main view after logging into the Web Console (database query optimization for agent groups for users and superadmins). |
14041 |
API v2: fixed the event update command for fields Extra ID and Source in the Command Center (Metaconsole) in such a way as to prevent the entity entering into the database. |
14049 |
14013 |
Fixed the process of reading and writing the content or value of the token of accept insecure certificates for WUX execution with Selenium 3. |
14067 |
14066 |
API v2: Fixed the validation of events containing ID Extra (when the token Keep in process is active or not). |
Fixed Custom data filter and Custom, fields in the event view filter, so that they may identify events created with PFMS API v2 PFMS. |
14061 |
Fixed the reading of the date and time field in the Acoustic Console (formerly called Sound Console) when an event with an alert is created from the API v2. |
14047 |
API v2: Fixed event update in the Command Center (Metaconsole) to return HTTP 200 instead of HTTP 500. API v1 must be used to update events in the nodes from the Command Center. |
14091 |
14087 |
Fixed agent deletion in nodes from the Command Center (Metaconsole) by means of Bulk operations. |
14092 |
14089 |
API v2: Fixed status and eventType ields for the list events command, for the fields to return the corresponding data. In addition, fixed the Web Console event view filter to support API v1 and other search features. |
14090 |
API v2: Fixed the event list so that comments can be filtered by action, user and free search both in nodes and in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
14102 |
14099 |
Fixed histogram graphs in Dashboard for when the modules have triggered and retrieved alerts. |
14125 |
When executing a scheduled downtime for all the modules of one or more agents so that modules are unaffected while agents enter silent mode at the start of the scheduled downtime and return to their normal state at the end of it. |
14126 |
Included VBS plugins for MS Windows in Software Agents to be enabled and disabled with the option to enable and disable inventories. Verified that it can also be done manually by the Web Console. |
14134 |
Removed the HA health check (HTTP 500 error), this code is inherited from the old method of operation of the HA, while it is replaced by a new compatible feature. |
14135 |
Removed the AWS view from the Web Console menu for being incompatible with the new Discovery 2.0 PFMS version. |
14136 |
14121 |
Fixed repetitive reading error in the extra_data token of the agent modules when processed by Data server PFMS. |
14154 |
Fixed the token that establishes the maximum number of days to compact the data, to allow this value to be set to zero, that is, to disable data compaction in order to improve PFMS server performance. |
14155 |
Fixed the link sharing option in menu Operation→Reporting→Graph analytics, for these graphs, in addition to checking that it works and supports Visual Consoles. |
14164 |
API v2: Fixed update from the Command Center of CustomID of a node-hosted event. |
14183 |
14179 |
Fixed the module histogram, both in nodes and in the Command Center to correctly draw in blue when the module has not actually been started. |
Known Changes and Limitations
FIX LTS# | GitLab# | Description |
13920 |
13915 |
Pandora FMS and Pandora ITSM, through inventory items, have an integration that was changed, allowing to create and edit tickets with assigned Pandora agents and also without any assigned agent (with the subsequent option to assign agents if needed) and the option to add the agent in Pandora ITSM as an item (this allows in PITSM the option to filter pro agent PFMS). |
API v2: Limited the scope of several read-only fields in event editing and they also cannot be modified by the Web Console. Removed also PUT comment and DELETE comment from the list of available commands. |
Pandora FMS NG 777 LTS – Andromeda
New features and improvements
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
15984 |
11770 |
Improved the plugin in DNS query, IP address input validation and the use of getopts for parameter handling. |
N/A |
12890 |
The pandora_collectd plugin is responsible for integrating the collectd collection with Pandora FMS server and agents. It is an agent and server plugin. |
N/A |
The plugin Dynamic SNMP Enterprise s intended for performing dynamic SNMP scans. It is a server plugin type. |
N/A |
Improved Software Agent deployment from PFM Web Console for both GNU/Linux® and MS Windows®, the latter incorporating deployment with WinRM® technology. |
N/A |
Optimized the plugin for Citrix® XenServer® to run on Discovery PFMS 2.0. |
N/A |
13026 |
Fixed the query to the history database in the Agent Security view, so that it only searches and displays recent data. |
N/A |
13035 |
Changed the authentication method of the Command Center (Metaconsole) to its corresponding nodes: from the loginhash mode to a more secure authentication based on the JSON web token. |
16676 |
Added option multipathStateInfo in storageSystem as a new module option for ESX host for monitoring on VMware® in Discovery .disco PFMS, and their monitoring is enabled by default. It may be disabled if specified with pathStatus disabled, within the configuration block of ESX. It is a Boolean value that will be green if active, and red if not, these being the two possible states. |
N/A |
Added feature for generating a token by means of user and password to the Veeam Backup plugin. |
Fixed vulnerabilities
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
13167 |
Removedo Indexes and added ServerTokens Prod in the recommended HTTPD for the Apache web server.. |
N/A |
13251 |
Fixed the command update_agent in PFMS CLI, so that it does not support JavaScript code. |
13716 |
An OS command injection vulnerability in the NetFlow live view filtering parameters was fixed. |
CVE-2024-35306 Thanks to Aleksey Solovev (Positive Technologies) |
Fixed an SQL injection vulnerability in PFMS API 1.0. |
CVE-2024-35305 Thanks to Aleksey Solovev (Positive Technologies) |
Fixed an OS command injection vulnerability in event responses both from nodes and the command Command Center (Metaconsole). |
13781 |
In the Ajax mechanism of the PFMS Web Console, the Arbitrary File Write (AFW) vulnerability was fixed. |
Bug fixes
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
15322 |
10825 |
Fixed the Agent autoconfiguration feature from Centralised management in the Command Center and added the group option None to the New group. ield. Said item is different from option No change which indicates to keep the group the agents are included into. |
N/A |
Fixed the apply_policy command of PFMS CLI so that it can do its job using PFMS 1.0 API. |
N/A |
12763 |
Fixed OID comparisons, the edit link of an OID and the operation of the corresponding side menu SNMP Console and SNMP Trap editor. |
N/A |
12825 |
Fixed certain errors when an agent is in two or more monitoring policies and then some of those policies are deleted. |
N/A |
Fixed service editing in service monitoring so that the Description field has the necessary content. |
N/A |
12691 |
Fixed filter automatic refresh in the following sections:
16992 |
Fixed visual help bugs in visual console item list. |
N/A |
Fixed the update_agente command of the PFMS CLI to reject empty or null-valued agent name. |
N/A |
12965 |
Fixed the processing of lines with spaces between the comment marker (#) and module_plugin in the remote configuration file of Software Agents. |
N/A |
12971 |
Fixed the installer of the Software Agent for MS Windows® for version upgrade efforts. |
17196 |
12978 |
Fixed Custom report SQL Horizontal Graph in HTML view in reports to show the full name of the group once the pointer hovers over the corresponding graph. |
17213 |
12998 |
Visually fixed the data not found message in Dashboard widgets. |
N/A |
Fixed wizard creation in Wizard Components, in the remote elements section. |
17201 |
In the event view, when requesting event details, the display of very long comments and/or comments containing special characters such as quotation marks and parentheses, among others, was corrected. |
N/A |
Logically and visually unified the Alert details and List of alerts, both in node and in Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
Fixed the wizard for adding services to the Visual Consoles wizard in the Command Center (Metaconsole). Fixed the icons used by these services too. |
N/A |
13011 |
Visually fixed the advanced event filter options in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
Fixed demonstrative data deletion in such a way that the environment returns to its previous condition (agents, network maps, etc.). |
17306 |
Fixed the drop-down menu in the header of the Web Console so that it stays above other graphical elements. |
N/A |
Fixed action buttons according to the user’s profile (superadmin or AW profile) in the monitor view (menu Operation → Monitoring → Views → Monitor detail). |
N/A |
Fixed action buttons in the options column in the Command Center (Metaconsole), within the server list option. Removed the actions column in the list of node servers. |
N/A |
13034 |
Fixed the column for selecting agents to run actions on them in the Agent Modules view (menu Management → Resources → Manage agents → Modules) for users without an assigned AW profile. |
N/A |
13037 |
Fixed some visual details in the SAP view, as well as the filter performance and its resulting views (menu Operation → Monitoring → SAP view). |
N/A |
13042 |
Fixed Network Map editing so that they can be edited without the need to edit the network name. |
N/A |
13044 |
Fixed the percentage of enabled and/or disabled agents in the tactical view in PFMS Open version. In the event that there are no registered agents, it will be shown as if they were all disabled. |
N/A |
13046 |
Fixed the deletion of files that were interrupted for one reason or another for the data collection feature of NetFlow® and nfcapd (files with .current extention). |
N/A |
13048 |
Fixed module data descriptions in the informational pop-ups (Monitors view y Monitors detail) both in nodes and in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
17246 |
13049 |
Fixed pagination of the report list both in nodes and in the Command Center (Metaconsole) for a user with the profile Operator Read. |
N/A |
13053 |
Fixed the warning icon in agent wizards for module creation when the module already exists. |
N/A |
13055 |
Fixed the interface filter (menu Operation → Monitoring → Views → Interface view) so that you may select all available interfaces through the Any option. |
N/A |
13057 |
Fixed the alert details view (menu Operation → Monitoring → Views → Alert details) for users without an assigned LM profile. |
N/A |
13058 |
Fixed the Agents and Alerts view (menu Operation → Views → Agent/Alerts view) so that users with LM profile assigned may create alerts. |
N/A |
13059 |
Improved module display in the Agent/Module view widget. |
N/A |
Fixed exception catching, merge warnings for the corresponding nodes and a correction in a column of a database table in the Command Center (Metaconsole), withing the Merging tool. |
N/A |
The field id_user_destination from table tmensajes is deleted because it does not currently have any use. |
N/A |
13078 |
Fixed the token writing for the Enable security hardening monitoring plugin in agent update in versions later than version 774. |
N/A |
13083 |
Fixed sound alerts to use the timezone of the user viewing them. Reviewed this correction for both nodes and in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
13085 |
Fixed the encryption of the authentication password using LDAP in the primary and secondary server both in the node and in the Command Center (Metaconsole). Once said passwords have been saved, they cannot be viewed again, a new password must be edited and added, if necessary. |
N/A |
13087 |
Fixed the list of registered IP addresses for agents with several of them in the main agent view (Agent Main View). |
N/A |
13088 |
Visually fixed the creation and editing buttons of Custom graph, in the Custom graph option, within the report section and also fixed the return button in the web browsing history. |
N/A |
13090 |
Fixed the syntax in SQL query reports to accept macro variables (date and time). |
N/A |
13092 |
Fixed the query of Hardening score in the main view of an agent to save time in such a way that it does not query the history database, in case the latter feature is activated. |
N/A |
13094 |
Fixed the number of columns for the screen resolution set in the view by agents and their modules of the Web Console (menu Operation → Views → Agent/Module view) the higher the resolution, the more visible columns. |
N/A |
13099 |
Fixed space handling in the configuration file for MS Windows® Software Agent. |
N/A |
13100 |
Visually fixed visual Console assistants in both nodes and in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
17272 |
13102 |
Fixed plugin macros in PFMS server to accept quotation marks in its parameters. |
17180 |
13113 |
Fixed duplication in policy application by autoconfiguration in environments with more than 1 instance (tested the solution in the Command Center too). |
N/A |
Fixed the Welcome Wizard when logging in to Web Console so that it does not appear again if you have been prompted for this option before closing the form. |
17287 |
13121 |
Fixed automatic refreshing to take place in PFMS Visual Consoles. |
N/A |
13123 |
Fixed the display of the name of a visual console in a Static graph when linking to it (name with entities). |
N/A |
13127 |
Fixed the help message located in the token Data Storage Path of the NetFlow configuration section. |
N/A |
13128 |
Fixed the Welcome Wizard to float above the task selection. Also fixed it to be visible regardless of the theme used. |
N/A |
Added item None at visual consoles that have not been linked yet. |
N/A |
13130 |
The time filter for reports was corrected so that it correctly takes both the start and end date and time. |
N/A |
13134 |
Fixed the animated intro on the Web Console login screen in nodes to be selected by default. |
N/A |
13136 |
Fixed the load of the resulting maps in the network tasks for Discovery PFMS. |
N/A |
13138 |
Fixed the additional options in the field Free Search (Not y Regex) in the event list filter. |
N/A |
13141 |
Fixed the feature for displaying the information in PDF in the Diagnostic info utility. |
N/A |
13144 |
Fixed the operation of two or more KeepAlive modules in the same agent and checked even when a monitoring policy adds a second KeepAlive module to an agent. |
N/A |
13146 |
Visually fixed and improved the notification interface of the Web Console header while retaining its logical features. |
N/A |
Fixed the configuration wizards of the corresponding monitoring (Discovery PFMS 2.0) in the following features:
N/A |
13149 |
Fixed the redundant audit in the session credentials verification function. Logs of failed logins are still logged in the same way. |
N/A |
13152 |
Fixed the Schedule Custom Reports section to show only reporting tasks. |
N/A |
13154 |
Fixed the descriptions of the execution buttons in the Welcome Wizard of the Web Console. |
N/A |
13156 |
In agent group management (menu Management → Profiles → Manage agent groups) changed fields Contact and Other to text fields. |
N/A |
13157 |
Fixed the welcome wizard to the Web Console in the creation of web checks (Create WEB monitoring). |
N/A |
13159 |
Fixed the action button in the debugging window of web checks in the main view of an agent, so that it is inside the form that contains it. |
N/A |
13160 |
Fixed the OS to Network type in the welcome wizard to the Web Console, module creation option and also the name of the agent now takes the name of the module as a suffix. |
N/A |
13161 |
Fixed several errata and their corresponding translations. |
N/A |
13165 |
Fixed the reading of empty or non-existent files in the plugin pandora_security_check so that they are omitted in the security check. Added in addition, a default configuration file called plugin_security.conf to add additional parameters. |
N/A |
13175 |
Fixed image items in Visual Consoles, to maintain their width and height values while they are moved when grid mode is activated. |
N/A |
13177 |
Fixed HTML changes that the TinyMCE text editor inserts when editing these elements for texts in Visual Consoles. |
N/A |
13178 |
Visually and verbatim fixed Discovery 2.0 PFMS the corresponding windows in each download for applications, including their translations. |
N/A |
13181 |
Visually fixed the graphics filter for the list of modules in the agent details view (menu Operation → Monitoring → Views → Agent detail). |
N/A |
13182 |
Visually fixed the interface and a help message was added to agent listings the bulk operations section (menu Management → Configuration → Bulk operations). |
N/A |
13183 |
Fixed the status icons in the collections view, in the configuration of each agent, so that they are displayed only when the pointer hovers above it and that they also support the (Dark theme). |
N/A |
13187 |
Fixed the display of the tab icon in the special days feature (menu Graph builder (menú Operation → Reporting → Custom graphs) both in creating and editing a list of special days. |
N/A |
13188 |
Fixed the full display of the modules of the selected agents in the Graph builder (menu Operation → Reporting → Custom graphs). Also checked that the common module and module filter features continue working. |
N/A |
The Registration section was removed from Políticas de monitorización because the PTR format was deleted and now only PRD format iis used. |
N/A |
13191 |
Fixed the item colors according to their severity in the SNMP traps view (menu Operation → Monitoring → SNMP → SNMP console). |
N/A |
Fixed email alerts by adding the MIME specifications necessary for that. |
N/A |
13196 |
PFMS NetFlow server has been fixed to work in both normal process mode and multi process mode. |
N/A |
13201 |
Fixed the calendar format (agent charts tab) to the style of the current Web Console interface. |
N/A |
13203 |
Fixed service graphs to be displayed in a pop-up form with good size both vertically and horizontally. |
N/A |
13212 |
Fixed the calculation of the ratio of modules per agent in order to show the corresponding warning of capacity overload of PFMS server. |
N/A |
13214 |
Fixed the icon tag editor in Visual Console to be displayed in the dark theme menu. |
17310 |
13215 |
Fixed the Action search box when editing (in pop-up form) the action of an alert. |
17310 |
13216 |
Fixed the Threshold field in the agent alert edit, for the case of zero value (custom value). |
N/A |
13218 |
Fixed graph display in report generation with graphs when HTTPS is used with its own certificates in the Web Console. |
N/A |
13219 |
Fixed report Availability graph (in Failover simple mode) to show the name of the modules and agents in the corresponding graphs. |
N/A |
13221 |
Added unknown status to the command create_event which was missing for completing all types of event states in PFMS CLI. |
N/A |
13223 |
Fixed the pop-up opening and closing in the event view, within the instruction column, when clicking on each corresponding item. Visually fixed it too for dark theme compatibility. |
N/A |
Fixed and updated character encoding in multiple database tables to UTF8MB4. |
N/A |
13225 |
Fixed the help message in configuring agents for normal mode (Module definition) in the Web Console. |
N/A |
13226 |
Fixed the list of options in step number 2, field Default action, in alert template creation, to hide said list after selecting one of its options. |
N/A |
13228 |
Fixed the message of successful deletion of an agent module in the Web Console. |
N/A |
13229 |
Fixed the help icon in the event view in the Command Center (Metaconsole) in size and visibility for both visual themes (Dark theme and Default theme). |
N/A |
Fixed the NCM feature to work for both SSH and Telnet and for devices from different hardware manufacturers. |
N/A |
Fixed the NCM template to include the export command. |
N/A |
13234 |
Fixed the double encoding UTF8 of the characters in the Log viewer feature of PFMS Web Console. |
N/A |
13241 |
Fixed the help message of the configuration of the history database data purge to show the number of days that you actually configured and not the number of days by default. |
N/A |
13244 |
Fixed several errors in report generation: debugged the exception capture routine, improved the verification of ACL profiles and improved the visual interface. |
N/A |
13245 |
Fixed the help system in the plugin server macros to show the proper text according to each field. |
N/A |
Fixed the Apache2 web server for PFMS 2.0 API so that it can run rewrite by default on PFMS server installed on Ubuntu 22. |
N/A |
13249 |
Fixed the broken icon used by default in Custom networkmap center logo (general settings, visual styles section). |
N/A |
13252 |
Fixed the help to indicate, if necessary, that a mandatory field is missing when making the request in PFMS CLI, within the command agent_update_custom_fields. Now it also checks whether the environment is without data in that specific area and if so inserts instead of updating in the database. |
N/A |
13253 |
In CLI PFMS, the delete_agent, was fixed to keep the events of the agent modules to be deleted. |
N/A |
13254 |
Fixed the remote configuration file management mechanism of Software Agents the PFMS CLI, within the command disable_group. |
N/A |
13261 |
Fixed the display of the event name to fit the size of the pop-up form in the Acoustic Console for events with long names that generate alarms. |
N/A |
13265 |
Fixed the necessary dependencies for its operation in the installation of the PFMS Satellite server in MS Windows®. |
N/A |
13267 |
Fixed columns Private y Group in the list of registered reports for users with a report display profile. |
N/A |
13269 |
Removed validations in Enterprise String and Custom OID fields and only field SNMP Agent (IP) remains as required in the creation of SNMP trap alerts. |
N/A |
13281 |
Fixed the Defined custom graph widget to insert horizontal and vertical bars only if necessary (insufficient space). |
N/A |
13283 |
Fixed access to the creation and deletion of view List of custom graphs was corrected for the Operator (read) user profile. |
N/A |
13285 |
Fixed the Slides Mode menu in Dashboards to be properly displayed in Dark theme. |
N/A |
13286 |
Fixed the visual interface in the event view and particularly the full screen view. |
N/A |
13287 |
Fixed the columns of options and actions on the items in the event view when the user only has reading permissions. |
N/A |
13288 |
Fixed the agent load (when refreshing the map) of the group chosen for that map in newly created empty network maps. |
N/A |
13289 |
Deleted and fixed the event response named Create incident from event since the incident section no longer exists in the Web Console. |
N/A |
13291 |
Reviewed and corrected users limited by assigned profile and jointly with the ACL Enterprise. |
N/A |
13292 |
Fixed several errors in the Acoustic Console (formerly called Sound Console). |
N/A |
13293 |
Fixed access to .disco package management o Discovery PFMS when a user has AW profile and is limited by ACL Enterprise. Improved the section display with the dark theme. |
N/A |
13294 |
Fixed ACL check for File repository feature.. |
N/A |
13295 |
Fixed the lines that presented null options (None) were corrected in the ACL Enterprise feature. |
N/A |
13296 |
Fixed search for templates with the same name in editing in step number one in alert template editing. |
N/A |
13298 |
Fixed multiple download of several backup files stored in PFMS server in the NCM feature. |
N/A |
13299 |
Fixed the message with the instructions to start PFMS server in server management (menu Management → Servers → Manage servers). Updated visual styles too. |
N/A |
13301 |
Fixed modification configuration in NCM such as host name change, remotely through SSH. |
N/A |
13302 |
Fixed DuplexMismatch item in the general monitoring selector of the interface wizard, to appear correctly in General monitoring. |
N/A |
13303 |
Fixed pagination when the filters are activated in section Monitor of the Web Console, both for nodes and for Command Center (Metaconsole). |
17335 |
13306 |
Fixed the field to disable alerts for the new group in the creation of a new agent group. |
N/A |
13307 |
Fixed module alert removal in monitoring policies by deleting said modules. |
N/A |
13309 |
Fixed the help icon in the alert view to display a pop-up form with the information. Verified in both nodes and in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
13313 |
Fixed the verification messages and warnings in alert creation (templates and actions) both in nodes and in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
13318 |
Visually fixed the drop-down menu of the general settings if the dark theme is set in the Web Console. |
N/A |
Fixed the item identifier for the public web link in dashboards and the visual consoles, both in nodes and in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
13322 |
Fixed the event view, event filtering section, so that when an event has two or more comments, it is only shown as a single item, both in nodes and in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
Fixed Group view to exclude disabled agents from the query. Fixed the query in the tactical group view to include the secondary groups. |
N/A |
13325 |
Changed disabled alerts by accessing Alerts triggered from the Tactical View. Changed the link to point to alerts in Standby on status. |
N/A |
13328 |
Fixed the status colors of groups of agents in the Tactical View for when these groups present subgroups (recursion). |
N/A |
13329 |
Fixed the link from the agent by state graph to the initialized agents no in the Tactical View. |
N/A |
13330 |
Fixed data collection queries in Real-time graphs (menú Monitoring → Views) to be displayed in the real-time graphs. |
N/A |
13331 and 13333 |
Fixed two separate and related errors that caused the inventory view to get erroneous data and for the disabled agents to be displayed. |
N/A |
13332 |
Fixed data export in CSV format (button on each results page) in Inventory Views with many elements. |
N/A |
13334 |
Fixed monitoring policy icons in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
13335 |
Fixed the download of a particular file in File Collections if PFMS is installed in a custom location. |
N/A |
13338 |
Fixed the tabs to perform as such, both in the default visual theme and in the dark theme in the dialog box to create or upload content to a collection. |
N/A |
13340 |
Fixed the collection creation process so that it does not allow repeating collection names, as well as checking the proper functioning of the short collection names. |
N/A |
13341 |
Fixed the icon representing collections, after being updated after editing the collection. |
N/A |
13342 |
Fixed the maximum allowed size check in the file storage in Collections as established in the Collection size token of the general settings. |
17352 |
13344 |
Fixed the expiration date in token generation for connections to the Web Console (section Token management). |
N/A |
Fixed the interface in the calendar used in the Web Console to support the dark theme. Affected items:
N/A |
13346 |
Fixed menu item Token management for its performance so that the left side menu always corresponds to the window. |
N/A |
13349 |
Fixed the use of special characters in parameters in the plugin In addition, it is recommended to enclose these parameters in quotation marks. |
N/A |
Fixed incorrect icons in view of collection application to an agent when using the dark theme in PFMS Web Console. |
N/A |
13352 |
In the documentation of PFMS CLI, creating an agent with a random name, the value of the period must be specified (recommended 300), that is, the optional “period” field becomes mandatory (command create_agent). |
N/A |
13353 |
Fixed Autorefresh pages to pause when the dashboard goes into edit mode. Fixed in both nodes and in the Command Center (Metaconsole) and is only for the dashboard view only. |
N/A |
13356 |
Fixed the percentage value of the bar with the highest value in the SQL Vertical Graph report in PDF. |
N/A |
Visually fixed the days ignored in calendars in Monthly and Weekly SLA reports. |
N/A |
Fixed the display of report item selector in dark theme. |
N/A |
13362 |
Fixed the option buttons in the field strong>Type of module charts within the general configuration, in section Visual styles. |
N/A |
13363 |
Fixed the default image in Custom Splash (login) to be displayed in the preview. |
N/A |
13364 |
Fixed the TinyMCEs to be, visually, in a layer below the menus in the general settings, visual styles. |
N/A |
13365 |
Visually fixed the dashboard with the widget List of latest events to work if the dark theme is set in the Web Console. |
N/A |
13367 |
Fixed the reference color in the Tactical View for the number of agents to match the legends and graph if the dark theme is set in the Web Console. |
N/A |
13370 |
Fixed the widget List of latest events to load the selected event filter group. |
N/A |
Created a function to correct the filtering for different time periods of basic inventory view. |
N/A |
13372 |
Fixed the result of Item Modules – Avg / Min / Max Value of the Reports feature in the Web Console when the dark theme (Black Theme) is used. |
N/A |
Fixed column headers in reports with Modules – Historical Data. |
N/A |
Fixed column header alignment in report SQL Query to match the corresponding items. |
N/A |
Fixed fields that have null values from the database in software inventory reports. |
N/A |
13378 |
Fixed the Pandora RC configuration in Pandora FMS web console. |
N/A |
Fixed fields that are not related to the nature of each report in inventory report editing. The items affected are:
N/A |
Fixed the PDF data exporter for the software inventory reports after ticket 13376 corrections were applied. |
N/A |
13381 |
Fixed the visual style to support the black theme in the following sections:
N/A |
13382 |
Fixed report export from logs in CSV format. |
N/A |
13383 |
Fixed the visual alignment of the action list in the Agent Modules view. |
N/A |
Fixed the user help message for the use of regular expressions (regex) in Item Grouped – General, Module field, to indicate the exact syntax of said regex. |
N/A |
13387 |
Fixed visual errors in HTML view in the result of Item Grouped – Group Report. |
N/A |
13389 |
Visually fixed data Group and Time in the result of some report items and reference thereof was added. |
N/A |
Fixed the inventory view (Basic info) to also show agents that do not have modules. Modified it too to include all agents when the date “None” (None) is selected. |
17354 |
13392 |
Fixed the event alert time error in Module Graph (time zone of the user who requests the graph). |
N/A |
13393 |
Fixed the addition of a new action to an alert configured in monitoring policies. Also fixed the display of all the added actions, both in the nodes and in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
13395 |
Visually fixed the tabs on the About forms in both the Command Center (Metaconsole) and nodes. |
N/A |
13396 |
Fixed the database verification feature (DB Schema check) and refined it to verify updates containing MR files. |
N/A |
13399 |
Fixed Visual Console items were corrected for their position in the widgets for Dashboard. |
N/A |
13400 |
Fixed full-screen exposure to work in different screen resolutions and different approaches or distances in Visual Consoles. |
N/A |
13402 |
Visually fixed the widget Basic chart (Dashboards). |
N/A |
13403 |
Fixed the Block histogram widget both visually and logically in its configuration dialog. |
N/A |
13409 |
Fixed the tactical view groups widget to disregard disabled agents in group status calculation. |
N/A |
13410 |
Fixed the link to carry a preloaded filter of what it displays in the tactical view, section of events in 24 hours. |
N/A |
13412 |
Fixed the link Not-init modules in the Tactical View to actually filter and display uninitialized modules. |
N/A |
13414 |
Visually fixed the module type selector and the threshold type in module creation in a normal way and in module creation by monitoring policies. In addition, proved that it works with both graphic themes, light and dark, in the Web Console. |
N/A |
13415 |
Fixed the Web Console Welcome Wizard to support the Dark theme. |
N/A |
13416 |
Fixed the deletion of Elastic indexes (logs) older than one year using HTTP and HTTPS, both. |
N/A |
13417 |
Fixed the Web Console view of Real time graph to support the Dark theme. |
N/A |
13418 |
Fixed Custom fields in Monitor Detail of the Web Console to support the Dark theme. |
N/A |
13419 |
Fixed the Agents/Alert view of the Web Console to support the Dark theme. |
N/A |
13420 |
Fixed the resource export/import view of the Web Console to support the Dark theme. |
N/A |
13421 |
Fixed Search group and Show full hierarchy fields filter for searches in the Tree group view in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
13422 |
Fixed Manage agent autoconfiguration, Agent operations (Bulk operations) y SNMP console (Alerts) dsections of the Web Console to support the Dark theme. |
N/A |
13426 |
Fixed action icon display in the dark theme alert view. |
N/A |
13427 |
Fixed OpenSearch and verified that the logs can be seen and that log monitoring and the Log viewer display now works properly. |
N/A |
13430 |
Fixed the folder scan using the File Manager from the Web Console. |
N/A |
Fixed the operation with the date filter in the report list display, as well as the display of a particular report of the filtered list. |
N/A |
13438 |
Fixed the Report Item Grouped – Custom Render, elemento Render definition, to support the Dark theme. |
N/A |
13439 |
Fixed option Grouped – Custom Render in reports, so that it recognizes and works with the defined macros that were added to the report. |
N/A |
13444 |
Fixed the OpenSearch Status view in Web Console Setup→ Log Collector to support the Dark theme. |
N/A |
13446 |
Fixed the widget Icon and module value in the Web Console to support the Dark theme. |
N/A |
Fixed the Inventory widget (Free search) of the Web Console to support the Dark theme. |
N/A |
13449 |
Fixed the Module histogram to make it support the dark visual theme in the Web Console. |
N/A |
13450 |
Fixed the widget Module in a table to make it support the dark visual theme in the Web Console. |
N/A |
13451 |
Fixed the widgets Module status and Module value in the Web Console to support the Dark theme. |
N/A |
13452 |
Fixed the searches in the fields Search agent and Search module in widget Module by status. |
N/A |
13453 |
Visually fixed the NetFlow widget when using the dark theme. |
N/A |
13456 |
Fixed the format to be used in field Subnetting mask (menu Admin Tools → IPAM) in Supernet. |
N/A |
13458 |
Fixed IPAM – IPAM Networks reports to show both active and inactive Host Alive. |
N/A |
13459 |
Fixed the File Manager in PFMS Web Console to allow SVG XML file upload. |
N/A |
13462 |
Fixed the fields of Action triggered and Template triggered in alert reports (Agent alert report and Module alert) both in nodes and in the Command Center (Metaconsole), in case of having empty values. |
N/A |
13463 |
Fixed the false negative of lack of memory when viewing the report through HTML in item Alerts (Group Agent report). |
N/A |
13464 |
Fixed the errata in the user help message in field Module de Item Grouped – General. |
N/A |
13465 |
Fixed the Value field in Agent event reports to show the corresponding values. |
N/A |
13467 |
Fixed the group identifier in Inventory – Modules Inventory reports, to be able to display the corresponding data in column Agent group. |
N/A |
13471 |
Fixed the configuration of Item Inventory – Inventory in the Command Center (Metaconsole) to use the dark theme in PFMS Web Console. |
N/A |
Fixed the Log Viewer feature graphs to adapt to the time zone of the user who requested them. |
N/A |
Fixed access permissions in widgets, Block histogram and Module histogram, if a user is assigned the ER profile. |
N/A |
Fixed error in Log Viewer graph regarding the requested time period in the filter (menu Operation → Monitoring → Log viewer). |
N/A |
13478 |
Reviewed and fixed each and every section of widget named Security hardening including relationships to other widgets in the same Dashboard. |
N/A |
13479 |
Fixed ACL access issues in the Service map widget for users with the AR profile and visually fixed the sunburnst view of aggregated services in such a widget. |
N/A |
13481 |
Removed and corrected references to the GNU xprobe2 command from PFMS server installation configuration files. |
N/A |
13490 |
Fixed warning messages for nfcapd successful or unsuccessful execution (NetFlow® 9 monitoring). |
N/A |
Removed NetFlow-related functions on the Prediction server that had been left over and were no longer used. |
N/A |
13495 |
Fixed the disappearance of the gear icon in the header of the Web Console when accessing Visual Consoles. |
N/A |
13496 |
Fixed CSV exports in reports, for the Configuration – Agent Configuration and Configuration – Group Settings items, for both nodes and the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
13493 |
Fixed result pagination in the inventory view (Operation → Monitoring → View → Inventory, selection of button All). |
N/A |
13497 |
Fixed the History Database Configuration interface and the Report Builder, to correctly use the dark theme in PFMS Web Console. |
N/A |
13501 |
Fixed the false positive indicating that the agent’s data could not be saved by clicking Update without having modified anything or having modified the agent’s Basic options. |
N/A |
13503 |
Fixed the Add cell button when the editing mode is inactive in Dashboards. |
N/A |
13507 |
Fixed the filter, view, and column display icons (menu Monitoring → Network → Netflow Explorer) for use with the dark theme of PFMS web console. |
N/A |
13510 |
Fixed the link in the widget Triggered alerts report to point directly to the alerts tab in the corresponding view. |
N/A |
13517 |
Fixed several errors in module items in reporting. |
N/A |
13520 |
Fixed a monitoring policy in the elements discovered by SNMP Browser (through option Create policy modules) so that it notifies in a timely manner if these elements were already added to the policy. |
N/A |
13521 |
Fixed the widget Module value (Dashboards) to show the colors of the modules according to their status. |
N/A |
13527 |
Visually fixed PFMS Acoustic Console to use the dark theme of the Web Console. |
N/A |
Fixed command update_group (PFMS CLI) to not accept JavaScript code in the group description. |
N/A |
13535 |
Fixed the PFMS CLI command get_agents to work with operating system names saved through URL Encoding. |
N/A |
13539 |
Fixed the display with the filters section in the Tree service view. |
N/A |
13544 |
Fixed and improved the welcome notice when logging into the Web Console or the Beta versions of Pandora FMS. |
N/A |
13545 |
Hide the menu item Management → Servers → Manage servers for users without PM profiles. |
N/A |
13552 |
Fixed the dates, times and null value processing for the selection of information in the Log report by period. |
N/A |
13554 |
Fixed Manage Satellite server section display for superadmin users with AW profiles and without them. Also fixed the feature for adding Collections. |
N/A |
13556 |
Fixed the maintenance mode notice of the Visual Consoles not to show Item clock or Network links items in said notice. |
N/A |
13557 |
Fixed the display of reports with NCM – Configuration Changes items, with the dark theme in the PFMS web console. |
N/A |
13558 |
Visually fixed item editing view of Visual Consoles. |
N/A |
13559 |
Visually fixed Percentile, Bubble and Circular progress bar item display to prevent their width from containing a value of zero. |
N/A |
13560 |
Fixed the button icon used to display the changes in the agent inventory difference block view. |
N/A |
Fixed Tentacle server execution in proxy mode for root users. |
N/A |
13567 |
Fixed the plugin of autodiscover agent to contemplate the casuistry of GNU/Linux systems operating without systemd. |
N/A |
Fixed the Forecasting report item (Prediction date) to avoid memory usage overflow in PHP and subsequent disconnection from the database. |
17397 |
13569 |
Fixed the FF threshold in a child module, in WUX monitoring using Selenium, so that counters are not restarted each time it is reported. |
N/A |
13570 |
Fixed the text and bottom buttons of collections to be used in the dark theme of the Web Console. |
15118 |
13572 |
Fixed the calculation of Timestamp (Scheduled backups) in the NCM Console. |
15118 |
13573 |
Fixed the custom time intervals for the filter in the Inventory view to use any of them and not only in seconds. |
N/A |
13575 |
Fixed the API checker utility in both the URL and the use of token instead of user credentials. |
N/A |
13579 |
Fixed the background colors of widgets used in Dashboards for the dark theme of PFMS Web Console, both in nodes and in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
13583 |
Fixed the Created from field in Visual Console template creation, so that it is displayed where the new template comes from, in addition to the fact that group selection is mandatory from the Target group field of the template creation wizard. |
N/A |
13584 |
Visually fixed the Refresh data and Force checks buttons in the agent view. |
N/A |
13586 |
Visually fixed the interface of the buttons and their style in Visual Console creation. |
N/A |
13593 |
Fixed the section that allows selecting agent and modules in report template creation, for Modules – Service Level Detailed items. |
N/A |
13594 |
Fixed the Free search in the Manage agents view. |
N/A |
13595 |
Fixed the broken image in the output of Item Grouped – Group Report in the HTML template. |
N/A |
13597 |
Fixed addition functions and reviewed the rest of the functions (average, etc.) both for reports themselves and for report templates, for the Grouped – Exception item. |
N/A |
13598 |
Fixed the options to select operating system and group in the reporting template for Grouped – End of Life. |
N/A |
13599 |
Fixed the left navigation bar, when using an agent’s admin option. |
N/A |
13600 |
Fixed both the selection of the operating system and the parameter query itself to select data for the report in Grouped – End of Life report creation. |
N/A |
13601 |
Fixed the access to the server view in the Web Console header so that it is only visible to superadmin and users with PM profile. |
N/A |
13602 |
Fixed the start and end of dates and times for the report in Event – Module event report, as well as the agent identifier containing the requested module. |
N/A |
13603 |
Fixed the welcome wizard when logging in to the Web Console for users with AW profile for its different available options. |
N/A |
Fixed the Severity and Priority both in the nodes and in the Command Center (Metaconsole) and, most importantly, OID creation with compound option stops being used. Affected sections:
N/A |
13605 |
Fixed the scheduled downtime feature in the Web Console to dynamically adapt to the size of the window that contains it (web responsive). |
N/A |
13608 |
Visually fixed each of the time selectors for nine widgets that use custom time slots, both light and dark theme. Also tested on nodes such as Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
13610 |
Visually fixed some details in widgets and in the general search engine for the use of the Black theme. |
N/A |
13611 |
Fixed the one-week limit for the data request in the NetFlow widget (Dashboards). |
N/A |
13614 |
Fixed icons in the general search bar in the Web Console to work with the dark theme. |
N/A |
13615 |
Fixed the SSH extension for NCM for Ubuntu server, it has been proven that the solution also works for environments in EL 8. |
N/A |
Fixed texts in SQL graph reports for their correct display if the dark theme is used in the Web Console. |
N/A |
13624 |
Fixed time intervals in the server plugin for VMware® monitoring and added two new options: systemHealthInfo and systemHealthInfoMetrics. |
N/A |
13625 |
Fixed several errors in the SNMP Console for the display of agents and their corresponding IP addresses. |
N/A |
13626 |
Fixed the SNMP Console (trap validation) with the UM link display permission to the user who validates the trap. In addition, fixed the link to the user profile itself (if you have viewing rights). |
17432 |
13629 |
Added an additional check to SQL query report about the query not being null (and not empty, both conditions). |
17448 |
13634 |
Fixed in API 1.0 PFMS the command planned_downtimes_deleted to successfully delete a scheduled downtime using its ID. |
17449 |
13636 |
Fixed the Visual consoles of nodes and Command Center (Metaconsole) with Static Graphs elements (which in turn point to other Visual Consoles and services) to show a new image representing the nested element cycle. This greatly reduces the load on the Visual Console and shows that there is an infinite cycle in its items. |
N/A |
13637 |
Fixed the message indicating data not found according to the requested parameters in the Monitor detail view filtering. |
17447 |
Fixed access to users with AR profile in the SNMP Console, so that they can only see the SNMP Traps where the IP address matches the primary or secondary IP address of one of the agents that belongs to a group visible to the user or that does not have an IP address assigned and belongs to a group visible to them. Also fixed the filtering mechanism by including a search by agent aliases. |
N/A |
Fixed users without PM permissions to access the server view in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
13649 |
Fixed visual errors in the Service tree view feature in Topology maps when using the dark theme in PFMS Web Console. |
17479 |
13653 |
Fixed the message indicating a successful task in the deletion of operating systems registered in PFMS Web Console. |
17267 |
13659 |
Fixed result pagination in Interface information (SNMP) in agent view. |
N/A |
13669 |
Fixed the background color in thea SNMP Console so that white-colored text is visible. |
N/A |
13675 |
Reviewed and fixed the elements available to date in report templates to be added through the corresponding wizard. |
N/A |
Table tnetwork_matrix, if existing in the database when upgrading to version 777, will be deleted. |
N/A |
Fixed the API PFMS 2.0 option for creating events in NEW status. |
17588 |
13705 |
Fixed the CSV export button of NetFlow Explorer. |
17556 |
13712 |
Fixed custom responses to events in the Command Center (Metaconsole) so that it makes the local connection first and then makes the remote connection to the corresponding node. |
17618 |
13719 |
Fixed the filter by being used in negation of its parameters (reverse lookup) the event view, both in nodes and in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
17598 |
13721 |
Added the Only table option from Grouped – Exception reports. |
17656 |
13756 |
Added by code and enabled the advanced option for plugin in the monitoring policies. |
17526 |
Fixed unstarted modules when selected and added to an agent through SNMP interfaces. |
N/A |
13771 |
Fixed the redundant insertion of configuration values used in the integration of Pandora ITSM with Pandora FMS. |
N/A |
Fixed nodes and the Command Center (Metaconsole) so that when using the macro _event_id_ in event responses, the search for events in the nodes is performed and disconnected from them before presenting the results. |
N/A |
13793 |
Fixed the display of such items in section Log viewer (menu Operation → Monitoring → Views) for users with limited privileges. |
N/A |
Limited the .disk package management access to superadmin users in PFMS Discovery SAAS. |
N/A |
Fixed the source and repetition of the welcome_state token. |
N/A |
Fixed the source and repetition of last_compact_offset source. |
N/A |
Refactored the code for one of the elements used (expect) in the NCM feature in order to make the most out of the whole usage potential by means of Telnet. |
Patch Notes 772.4 LTS
Bug fixes
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
17097 |
12909 |
Fixed monitoring policy creation with pluginserver modules, so that all specified fields are saved in the database. |
16084 |
12401 |
Fixed failures with negative values in SNMP queries. |
Fixed vulnerabilities
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
CVE-2023-41793 Thanks to Aleksey Solovev. |
12751 |
Fixed and prevented the the possibility of hosting files outside the dedicated directory in resource upload for plugins for this purpose. As a result arbitrary code execution on the server is prevented. |
CVE-2023-44091 Thanks to Aleksey Solovev. |
Fixed and avoided the possibility of a timed time attack by SQL injection in PFMS API 1.0. |
CVE-2023-44090 Thanks to Aleksey Solovev. |
12798 |
Fixed the possibility of code injection in the corresponding SQL in the extension to connect to Grafana. |
Pandora FMS NG 776
New features and improvements
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
Added a new specific policy in the Software Agents for MS Windows®, to obtain information through the native PowerShell®. |
N/A |
Added options to scale states in the PFMS API 1.0 and in PFMS CLI (from warning to critical), based on a configurable number of intervals in warning state. |
N/A |
10149 |
Added a new plugin to filter and monitor keywords in email messages in Enterprise Email Service for Business (MS Exchange Email®). |
N/A |
10789 |
Created a plugin (Enterprise version) to subscribe to an MQTT topic and receive messages, based on filters and the format of the message text. |
N/A |
10849 |
With the new multiprocess 1 token, PFMS servers can be run in separate processes. |
N/A |
Created the Disabled mode for Satellite server PFMS, both in GNU/Linux® and MS Windows® versions. |
N/A |
11165 |
Added a button to the NetFlow explorer (menu Operation → Monitoring → Network) to execute a whois query on the collected and monitored IP addresses. |
N/A |
11329 |
Improved the Latest events widget in dashboards to also recognize and collect secondary groups Secondary group token). Not to be mistaken with (Group recursion). |
N/A |
New PFMS API 2.0 with scope to the following points:
N/A |
Implemented a new IP address control method in HA mode for each of the connected, enabled and centralized nodes in a Command Center (Metaconsole). |
16317 |
12110 |
EAdded the option to sort by module name added in the alerts of the corresponding monitoring policies for managing monitoring policies (menu Management → Configuration → Manage policies → Edit policy). |
N/A< |
12321 |
Added the GIS map widget for the visual representation of the geographical location of the agents of Pandora FMS installation. |
16497 |
Expanded the top-N connections of NetFlow® reports in PFMS: options Display graph, Display summary table and Display data table are now available.. |
N/A |
12364 |
Improved source and agent filters in the section Log viewer (menú Operation → Monitoring) los filtros de fuente y agente (Filter source y Filter agent) and the visuals were enhanced. |
N/A |
12497 |
mplemented an additional operations button in the Consola web (general configuration sections, view agent and configure agent) with links to the following sections:
15916 and 17144 |
Added an optional field to both the CLI PFMS and API 1.0 PFMS to the command create_event. |
N/A |
Scheduled reports with their own section in the main menu. |
N/A |
New system for exporting and importing PFMS elements through the Web Console. |
N/A |
Revamped demonstrative data display and is supported for importing and exporting items in PRD format. |
N/A |
12779 |
Added an animated image to the Log collector view, when loading source data or agents to indicate that the process is working (dynamic filters). |
N/A |
Implemented a new option on the field Free search in the events view, on the filtering section, so that you may perform advanced searches right away in the database by means of a regex string. The negation (or reverse lookup) switch is held just to the left of the new option. |
Fixed vulnerabilities
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
CVE-2023-41793 Thanks to Aleksey Solovev. |
12751 |
Fixed and prevented the the possibility of hosting files outside the dedicated directory in resource upload for plugins for this purpose. As a result arbitrary code execution on the server is prevented. |
CVE-2023-44091 Thanks to Aleksey Solovev. |
Fixed and avoided the possibility of a timed time attack by SQL injection in PFMS API 1.0. |
CVE-2023-44092 Thanks to Aleksey Solovev. |
12753 |
Fixed and prevented the possibility of an attack by operating system command insertion in PFMS event responses. |
CVE-2023-44090 Thanks to Aleksey Solovev. |
12798 |
Fixed the possibility of code injection in the corresponding SQL in the extension to connect to Grafana. |
Bug fixes
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
9657 |
Fixed the use of double quotation marks and checked the use of single quotation marks in the PFMS CLI command get_agents_id_name_by_alias, both in the node and in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
11086 |
Fixed access to PFMS system extensions (menu Management → Extension manager → Extension manager view): only superadmins will be able to disable and/or delete these extensions. |
N/A |
Fixed tag addition with SAML authentication, both with single attribute and with multivalued attribute. |
N/A |
Fixed the database structure for installations made from version 772 LTS. |
15999 |
Fixed the check period settings for broker agents in PFMS Web Console. Such a time interval depends on the agent where the broker comes from. |
15670 |
11803 |
Fixed check result delivery on all storage drives in the plugin wizard_wmi_module for MS Windows® computers. |
16100 |
11900 |
Fixed item counters in the following views (both in nodes and in the Command Center):
N/A |
12026 |
Added an appropriate descriptive message to the widget inventory for dashboards, fixed item loading time, and it is no longer mandatory to specify an agent when using the Basic info module. |
N/A |
12034 |
Fixed the dashboard public link for the cases where it was deleted. |
N/A |
Fixed agent selection in the cases where they have the Autodisabled mode token enabled and can adjust their agent performance accordingly. |
N/A |
12128 |
Fixed Complex alerts so that when used in alerts with the default action, it shows the message that there is no action associated with it. |
16339 |
12139 |
Fixed PFMS API call 1.0 new_agent to indicate that agents with the same name already exist and return the corresponding error. Fixed the documentation as well. |
N/A |
12143 |
Fixed and improved calendar and date pickers in different sections of PFMS Web Console. |
N/A |
12156 |
Fixed email sending enablement in PFMS Web Console notifications in the cases where a user is added through a group to which they belong. |
N/A |
12187 |
Fixed Discovery PFMS server diagnosis when it has hundreds of queued tasks. |
N/A |
12192 |
Fixed the link to Pandora ITSM in PFMS Web Console. |
15835 y 16944 |
Fixed the Safe operation mode feature so that when enabled in a module it then recovers its state only for that module. |
16386 |
12221 |
Fixed the timestamp of the XML module of a satellite agent taking into account the parameter use_xml_timestamp. |
N/A |
12222 |
Fixed the parameter timezone_offset in both Software Agents and agents in PFMS Satellite servers. The module check data is now saved with the specified time zone. |
N/A |
12282 |
Fixed the error in the verifyText parameter in Selenium V3: it now has a UTF8 decode before being processed. |
16466 |
12290 |
Fixed agent searches in the Command Center (Metaconsole), in the header search bar of the Web Console, so that they no longer contain duplicate elements. |
N/A |
12299 |
Fixed the agent deletion process for bulk operations, now it makes sure to also delete its MD5 and configuration files. |
N/A |
12324 |
Fixed vertical centering on the General Group Stats widget. |
N/A |
12366 |
Fixed the style and display of user profiles when they have 6 or more of them assigned. |
N/A |
12384 |
Fixed the Network maps views, so that users with read-only permissions cannot modify or delete nodes or modify or delete their kinship lines. |
N/A |
12391 |
Fixed the operation of the scroll bar in the event item. |
N/A |
12399 |
Fixed the visual and logical interface of the Warp Update manager Offline. |
N/A |
12402 |
Fixed the multiple item selector in the Command Center (Metaconsole), in the view and management of Component groups. |
N/A |
12404 |
Fixed PFMS custom installation (with the –destdir parameter), so that Perl language dependencies are recorded in their right place. |
N/A |
12419 |
Fixed External link option in the Home screen in user data. The field width was also expanded to a maximum of 400 characters. |
16565 |
12433 |
Fixed operation in the WUX Global module (User Experience Monitoring) when it is disabled, so that it is not executed while that token is disabled. |
N/A |
Enlarged field width in the Command Center (Metaconsole) for the External link option in the Home screen of each user’s tabs. |
16595 |
Fixed muted agent search (Quiet mode in its advanced configuration) in the search bar of the header of the Web Console, so that its corresponding Quiet icon appears in the result list. |
N/A |
12501 |
Fixed several errors (logical and display) in the custom fields by Web Console. |
N/A |
12509 |
Fixed the items that appear in red (disabled) for the tactical group view, so that they do not affect the status of the group to which they belong. Also checked that the list shows the agents properly (disabled and that they do not influence the group). |
N/A |
12515 |
Fixed the display of the pop-up information notice (tooltip) in the event view, when hovering the mouse pointer over an item, to show only the first 300 characters. |
N/A |
12518 |
Fixed the coding and reading in JSON format in the web link custom field from the software agent. |
N/A |
Fixed the the private element option in PFMS dashboard creation. This correction allows the group selector to be made available again so that the user can choose a group and thus finish the process of saving the new dashboard. |
N/A |
12523 |
Fixed audit event display issues (section System Audit Log en Admin tools). |
16675 |
12532 |
In Bulk Operations there was an access error when a user has a partial configuration in their user profile. This fault was fixed and checked for the different existing profiles: AR, AW, AD, LW, LM, UM, ER, EW, EM, RR, RW and RM. |
N/A |
12541 |
Fixed several errors in the Graph analytics section:
N/A |
12542 |
Fixed local PFMS components, by default they now have Module group set to Not assigned. Fixed the template when selected for creating a module, which set the same group as the one checked in the local component. |
16631 |
Fixed element paging in the Command Center (Metaconsole) in PFMS event view. |
N/A |
EFixed the copy agent configuration utility so that target agents are only Software Agent. Added warning notes before making such copies. In addition, verified that the configurations and the MD5 are duplicated and no extra agents appear after said copying process. |
N/A |
12559 |
Fixed the NMS license verification and collections treatment for the Merge Tool of the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
12560 |
Fixed the appearance of the notification message informing that the Correlation server was deleted.Now when you click on the notification, the message will not appear again. |
N/A |
12568 |
Fixed the list of options for choosing a server to run a command and restored its functions (menu Management → Configuration → Events → Event responses → Server to execute command). |
N/A |
Fixed the button to add an item in Credential boxes in Satellite Server Configuration in PFMS Web Console. You may now add, edit and delete Credential boxes without any issues. |
N/A |
12571 |
Fixed the combined graph definition interface. Refactored the view, changed the agent/module filter with the indications added by the user and changed the ordering system entirely using |
N/A |
12573 |
Fixed the display of the number of elements of a dashboard, now each time an element is added or edited, the count will be updated and displayed correctly in PFMS Web Console. |
N/A |
12574 |
Fixed the datepicker field in section Insert data (menú Management → Resources). |
N/A |
12575 |
Fixed the column order (Name, Cells, Group, Favorite) in the dashboards. |
N/A |
12577 |
Adjusted the visual styles for the modules Dynamic Threshold, FF threshold y Cron from, for advanced options containers. |
N/A |
12579 |
Fixed the actions for deleting and disabling Satellite Server agents so that the buttons perform as such. Titles were also added to these buttons to inform the user, before clicking, what each button does. |
N/A |
12580 |
Fixed the additional concatenation performed by the command executionForPerform in webserver modules. |
N/A |
Fixed favorite events filter, now in the menu entry as favorite this element is also deleted. |
16734 |
12601 |
Fixed selection of two or more tags for event filters, to search and display the events containing each and every of the chosen tags. |
16735 |
12602 |
Fixed the name of the group All in the tactical group view, so that it is translated into Spanish. |
N/A |
Fixed scheduled task edition in Discovery PFMS in such a way that just editing a field allows you to save correctly. |
N/A |
12617 |
Fixed the Name column and buttons in PFMS server view in the Web Console. |
N/A |
12622 |
Fixed the help menu of the header of the Web Console, so that the Feedback feature is only visible if the token Enable feedback is enabled. |
N/A |
12623 |
Fixed the display of the module management corresponding option (menu Management → Configuration → Inventory modules), in the left side menu of PFMS Web Console. |
N/A |
12627 |
Fixed the size of the item edit icon in the IPAM VLAN Configuration menu. |
N/A |
12629 |
Fixed result display by filtering in the event view and not finding data. Now, if said filter does not find results, the window is displayed correctly. |
15143 |
Fixed field saving in the database (nodes and Command Center) in the general settings, email values section. |
N/A |
12633 |
Fixed several visual errors in the Graph Analysis tool (menu Operation → Reporting → Graph analytics). |
N/A |
Fixed the default icon in the creation and registration of operating systems (menu Management → Resources → Operating systems). |
16777 |
12638 |
Fixed Visual Consoles (menu Monitoring → Topology maps → Visual console → Visual console list → open visual console) whose elements contain comments, so that these labels do not change their size when selected and/or edited. |
N/A |
12666 |
Fixed the Severity mini column when Mozilla Firefox web browser is used with the Web Console, to fit and be displayed vertically and correctly in the event view. |
N/A |
12673 |
Fixed the queries that end with the semicolon character “;” in the plugin for Oracle®, now even if they include “;” in the task configuration, they will be omitted fat the time of execution maintaining its normal operation throughout the rest of the process. |
N/A |
12674 |
Fixed the button that allows to execute the action of sorting the previously selected graphs in the custom graphs (menu Operation → Reporting → Custom Graphs). Checked and confirmed that the charts move correctly with the sort function before or after the indicated location. |
N/A |
12677 |
Fixed the timestamp for events when PFMS server and the user are in different timezones. |
16804 |
12681 |
Changed the variable from long integer to double precision for MS Windows® Software Agents in the module_freepercentdisk this corrects the check and report with decimals of the free storage space. |
N/A |
12685 |
Fixed widget and cells addition in PFMS dashboards without being in editing mode. |
N/A |
12693 |
Fixed the remote inventory plugin in several agents, so that each and every one can be configured separately. |
N/A |
Fixed the error that allowed a user to see group scheduled downtimes to which they do not belong. |
N/A |
12700 |
Fixed in the tactical view by tags (menu Operation → Monitoring → Views → Tag view):
16820 |
12702 |
Fixed admin users that have NW permissions and thus have the right to edit NCM templates and other elements. |
N/A |
12709 |
Fixed JSON format rule decoding in PFMS Event server. |
16829 |
12710 |
Fixed visually, the time selector in the event alerts. |
N/A |
12716 |
Fixed user access without agent management permission to filter management in section Monitor detail (menu Operation → Monitoring → Views). |
N/A |
12718 |
Fixed empty OUM file detection in the Warp Update Online, after which the process is stopped and an error message is displayed. |
N/A |
12719 |
Fixed duplication in the creation of agents in PFMS Satellite servers, in the event that they arrive repeated in XML files of received checks. |
N/A |
12722 |
Added a new index to OpenSearch to retrieve from the stored record value pairs, thus obtaining an efficient and fast search in sections Agent detail and Log viewer. |
19855 |
12726 |
Fixed the process of creating a service item in Visual Consoles. The error was caused by the lack of a code library, which is now included. |
16867 |
Fixed agent search in the search bar of PFMS Web Console header, to work even by entering spaces in the search string. |
16873 |
12729 |
Fixed Discovery PFMS tasks to avoid repetitive email forwarding (spam). |
16855 |
Fixed the possibility of a service being left without a description or name in the Service monitoring feature. |
N/A |
12733 |
Visually fixed item buttons in the action column of event filter management (menu Configuration → Events → Event Filters). |
N/A |
12734 |
Fixed agent editing in GIS map. The group and the visible option are now successfully saved into the database. |
N/A |
12736 |
Fixed Discovery PFMS task editing so that both Group and Next execution are displayed correctly. |
16874 |
Fixed pagination and result sorting of the added elements in the ACL Enterprise. This display error appeared when 50 or more items were added. |
N/A |
Added table tncm _agent_data for existing installations to version 775, which is required for feature Network Config Management (NCM). |
N/A |
Fixed NCM template selection in PFMS updates to version 775. For new installations this error is not present. |
N/A |
12747 |
Fixed proper propagation to all its nodes of the field Home screen onfigured in each user tab in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
12748 |
Fixed the command type of WebDriver in WUX monitoring to use the function of converting stored variables by their value before typing (Selenium V3). |
N/A |
12754 |
Fixed the error when filtering by status in the widget Modules by status. |
N/A |
12756 |
Added a new token called mail_subject_encoding to correct the email encoding with Japanese language alerts, and fixed the code to apply the encoding if said token is enabled. |
N/A |
12760 |
Visually fixed the event view when filters are open in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
12761 |
Fixed the call to PFMS library and the communication port/encryption with devices in the Network Config Management (NCM) feature. |
N/A |
12764 |
Fixed the vulnerabilities section in the agents to appear despite the fact that the inventory data has been deleted due to database maintenance. |
N/A |
12767 |
Fixed the user’s click-through display of passwords for LDAP authentication. |
16921 |
12768 |
Fixed Read users, so that they can only see the inventory of the groups to which they belong. |
N/A |
12773 |
Fixed the location path of Pandora HA, when installing PFMS at a custom location (using parameter –destdir) at init.d (systemd). |
N/A |
12777 |
Fixed HTML encoded characters to normal characters exporting user contact details using a QR code. |
N/A |
12778 |
Fixed the following menu options to be synchronized with the left side menu of the Web Console:
N/A |
12782 |
Fixed the event view to be properly displayed on monitors with a resolution of 1300 pixels wide (horizontal). |
N/A |
Fixed errors when deleting modules used in Safe operation mode. |
N/A |
12786 |
Fixed PFMS Welcome Wizard to only show when logged in or invoked from the Management → Configuration → Configuration wizard. |
N/A |
Fixed the search using the specified filters in the Command Center (Metaconsola), in the search for events.In addition, improved the pagination and visual interface of the results. |
N/A |
12790 |
Fixed the list of existing visual consoles whose,whose names contain one or more spaces, in the creation of Visual Consoles templates (display of entities “%20” deleted). |
N/A |
12791 |
Fixed the welcome wizard (visually) when invoked from PFMS Web Console header. |
N/A |
12792 |
Fixed agent selection in the Agent drop-down list in inventory filters (menu Operation → Monitoring → Views → Inventory). |
N/A |
12794 |
Fixed the password change process for local users who also have external authentication (LDAP, AD, SAML), both in the nodes and in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
12797 |
Fixed a bug in JavaScript in the Web Console that prevented loading the corresponding .disco file in Discovery 2.0 PFMS, for the Oracle application (menu Management → Discovery → Applications → Oracle). |
N/A |
Fixed the date field in the menu Management → Resources → Insert data to take the specified day and not the current day. |
N/A |
12805 |
Fixed access permissions and the management process of this user list by admin users in the IPAM PFMS feature, for operator users (Operators users). |
N/A |
Fixed the SQL statement in the alert view and its details (menu Operation → Monitoring → Views → Alert details), now agents and their modules and alerts are correctly displayed. |
N/A |
Fixed the global real-time callsign for all Web Consoles about the correct completion of policy enforcement in the application of a monitoring policy queue – for a Command Center (Metaconsole) and several nodes with hundreds of agents. |
N/A |
12815 |
Fixed the search box in the Agent Module Configuration View Filter to display results with spaces. |
17008 |
12833 |
Fixed Min Critical and Max Critical fields in the Bulk Operations section (menu Bulk operations → Module operations), to stop mis-referencing Min Warning and Max Warning. |
N/A |
12837 |
Fixed the execution syntax of Hardening’s plugin in the configuration of software agents for MS Windows®. |
N/A |
12841 |
En el Command Center (Metaconsole) now it does not show repeated items, purely visually, by Web Console. |
16996 |
12843 |
Fixed agent mass disabling in the Bulk operations in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
12845 |
Fixed several visual bugs in the PFMS Web Console for the welcome wizard and the acoustic console. |
N/A |
12847 |
Fixed the display of the names of the Favorite Visual Consoles for both nodes and the Command Center (Metaconsole), (now they do not show HTMLentities). |
N/A |
12848 |
Fixed page refresh when creating or modifying credentials (menu Management → Configuration → Credential store) so that it is done automatically when saving changes. |
N/A |
12851 |
Fixed the Web Console button that edits remote configuration, Enable log collection, for GNU/Linux Software Agents. |
17048 |
12859 |
Fixed user profile review (RR profile) for PFMS Enterprise ACL, so that it only displays the group Dashboards to which the user is assigned. |
N/A |
12862 |
Fixed the visual adjustment of the window containing very long sentences, in the Proxmox Discovery 2.0 PFMS summary. |
N/A |
12866 |
Fixed the main view for a MS SQL server® monitoring task with Discovery .disk. |
N/A |
12870 |
Fixed unnecessary writing of a large number of logs when pandora_gotty is not present in a PFMS Web Console. |
16045 and 16060 |
12871 |
Fixed event searches to get results that include two or more spaces, both in the query and stored in the database. |
N/A |
12872 |
Fixed token activate_gis verification in the Cluster view, now the Web Console stopped issuing the HTTP 500 error. |
17061 |
12877 |
Fixed comment view reloading if you have an event open in details mode (pop-up window) both in the node and in the Command Center (Metaconsole). This allows you to update comments in real time, if they were recorded at that time. |
N/A |
Fixed eventualities in ACLs for when an admin user has had a group deleted to which they belonged. |
N/A |
12882 |
Added the Pandora ITSM tickets widget to the list and is now available for use. |
N/A |
12883 |
Fixed the General visual maps report widget so that entities do not appear in name lists (containing spaces in them). |
N/A |
12884 |
Fixed the item Module histogram graph for when it has not had status changes in the corresponding check. |
16864 |
12889 |
Fixed the process of logging changes into agent remote configuration. Also fixed the inadvertent deletion of the corresponding services for each agent when their remote configuration is modified. |
16959 |
12900 |
Fixed the MySQL connections ratio module in the MySQL plugin for Discovery 2.0 PFMS, to take Threads_connected as the basis for performing the calculations correctly. |
17097 |
12909 |
Fixed monitoring policy creation with pluginserver modules, so that all specified fields are saved in the database. |
N/A |
12915 |
Fixed self-monitoring in WUX with Selenium and added control for the following browsers:
17116 |
12918 |
Fixed the Command Center (Metaconsole) and nodes, when there is a history database configured and connected, to show performance and basic statistics (menu Setup → Performance setup → Database maintenance estatus). |
N/A |
Fixed the status icon In the Tactical group view in the agent information pop-up form (Info agent). |
N/A |
12923 |
Fixed report list filtering search, both in the Command Center (Metaconsole) and in nodes, with languages configured other than English in the Web Console. |
N/A |
12927 |
Fixed user authentication with Active Directory® in the Command Center (Metaconsole), and their respective nodes, and advanced configuration with custom profiles. |
N/A |
12930 |
Fixed the class definition allowed by feature display in the Bulk satellite operations view. |
N/A |
Fixed verification in the File manager feature, and file upload as long as they meet file and content requirements. |
N/A |
12946 |
Fixed Manage servers section in the Command Center (Metaconsole) for the uniqueness of having all PFMS stopped servers (PFMS server). The posted prompt now indicates technical details for starting the PFMS server. |
17126 |
12957 |
Fixed the bug to identify the nfdump version (the minimum version required is 1.6.8) in order for the NetFlow® monitoring feature to run correctly. |
N/A |
12959 |
Visually fixed pagination buttons both in nodes and in the Command Center, in the inventory view section. |
N/A |
12931 |
Fixed data transmission (specifically events and their comments) in nodes to the history database, as long as the latter was configured. |
17145 |
12943 |
Fixed a failure when clicking on the IP address column in the inventory view. Checked that the rest of the columns work properly. |
N/A |
12950 |
Fixed the HTTP 500 error that prevented modifying the Web Console, in the editing section of an agent. |
N/A |
12964 |
Fixed the public links in the Dashboards in both node and in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
17197 |
12980 |
Visually fixed the list of modules of agent plugins in monitoring policy configuration. |
N/A |
12984 |
Fixed the links to the services generated with demo data and, in addition, the link from the Service tree view. |
N/A |
12989 |
Visually fixed the option to export reconnaissance tasks in CSV (Recon task). |
N/A |
12994 |
Fixed messages and notifications of connection errors in PFMS Web Console (and separated) for both the main database and the history database (if the latter is configured and the connection was lost for some reason). |
N/A |
12999 |
Fixed Pandora FMS Graph feature to work with different screen resolutions (in pixels): 800 x 600, 1280 x 720, 1920 x 1080 and 2560 x 1440. In addition, modified the filter and now you have the option to select Sliced or Module graph below. |
N/A |
Fixed data processing from agents without a higher hierarchy (parent) in Discovery 2.0 PFMS. |
N/A |
Fixed node addition with incorrect connection values in the Command Center (Metaconsole). Now even if the node is registered, it will be duly indicated that the connection values supplied are incorrect and the node and its data will not be incorporated. |
17751 |
13029 |
Fixed the JavaScript code has been so that the detailed agent view is displayed correctly in PFMS Web Console. |
Patch Notes 772.3 LTS
Bug fixes
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
12592 |
Fixed Integria IMS integration (Pandora ITSM) at user level with Pandora FMS in its corresponding settings section. |
N/A |
12768 |
Fixed: If a user with reading permissions (in this case the Operator read profile) does not belong to a group they will not be able to see the inventory of an agent belonging to that group. |
N/A |
Fixed report export in XML format. |
Fixed vulnerabilities
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
CVE-2023-41814 Thanks to Gabriel Weitzel. |
12043 |
Fixed the insertion of JavaScript code (possible XSS) in Pandora FMS notification system messages. |
CVE-2023-41815 Thanks to Osama Yousef. |
12121 |
Fixed XSS code insertion for directory names in the File manager of PFMS Web Console. |
CVE-2023-44088 Thanks to Osama Yousef. |
12122 |
Fixed SQL and/or JS code insertion for the file name of an image in the option for uploading an image as background when creating a new PFMS visual console. |
CVE-2023-44089 Thanks to Osama Yousef. |
12123 |
Fixed JavaScript code insertion in the name of a visual console when creating it (menu Topology maps → Visual console → visual console list). |
CVE-2023-44092 Thanks to Aleksey Solovev. |
12753 |
Fixed and prevented the possibility of an attack by operating system command insertion in PFMS event responses. |
Pandora FMS NG 775
New features and improvements
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
13248 |
8686 |
Added four filtering options to the Command Center (Metaconsole) in Group Management (menu Centralized management → Agent management):
N/A |
Added option Slicedto the module graphs in agents: graph by period with maximum, minimum, average, graph individual comparison or in vertical mode, line or area. |
14749 |
Added a search tool by group and/or by name to section Dashboard list (menu Operation → Reporting → Dashboard). |
N/A |
Added the possibility of pausing with the command sleep in the execution of custom scripts in NCM. |
N/A |
10906 |
Added new data adding feature for PFMS product demo. |
N/A |
Added a new selector has been to the widget options in Dashboards. If it is active, the date entered has preference over the dates of any widget; If it is deactivated, the date of the widget itself will be taken into account. It is off by default. |
N/A |
11072 |
Fixed data loading in section Remote configuration (menu Management → Servers → Manage servers) at the time of updating the form is corrected. |
N/A |
11127 |
Added a new token to the general configuration called Number of modules in queue with a default value of 500. Said token has the utility of alerting that there are many modules in the queue. |
N/A |
11425 |
Created a visual configuration editor for the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
11494 |
Created a new widget for dashboards: Service Level Detail. |
N/A |
11495 |
Created a new type of report: Service Level Detail. |
15801 |
11691 |
Added token Show unknowns in graph o not show (default value) modules in unknown state in simple graphs. Said token is located both in the Item editor and in the Wizard from the Custom reports section. |
15916 |
Added a new column named Event Custom ID to the events Custom columns. DThis custom event identifier can be added through the PFMS Web Console as well as with the new commands set event_custom_id (API 1.0 PFMS) and update_event_custom_id (CLI PFMS). Added a new token to the general settings, Enterprise section, called Keep in process status for new events with extra ID to keep events to which a custom event identifier (Event Custom ID) was added in process status. |
N/A |
Added PHP and MySQL version verification when updating Pandora FMS version. |
15978 |
11760 |
Added new options to sections View events (Event lists), in the Event cardboard widget, in the List of latest events widget and in the event reports (Not in process y Only not in process) for the status filters. Added a new constant at code level, called: EVENT_NO_PROCESS (valor numérico 4). |
15982 |
Added a field for regular expression type searches (regex) to the event view. The filter works on agent name, event name, extra ID, source, custom data and comments and can be saved with the existing filter list. |
N/A |
Added the feature for choosing the agent modules for predictive module creation in agents. Added the option to select modules of the agent itself and not those of the policy in predictive module creation in monitoring policies (except for service predictive modules). |
N/A |
11885 |
Developed Pandora FMS Web Console version 1.4 for Android mobile operating system 5.0 or later. |
N/A |
Added information about OS distribution and corresponding versions to the dialogue boxes About and Diagnostic info. |
N/A |
11949 |
Added an option th the Command Center (Metaconsole) in the server view to see server state by node. |
N/A |
Added a new token called Ignore unknown to ignore module unknown states. Therefore each module configured that way ignores unknown detection and said modules will not generate events, nor alerts, because they will never be able to go into unknown state. Default value: disabled. |
N/A |
12091 |
Implemented a system in Bulk operations, in the Add alerts in bulk option to autocomplete agent names and module names (from selected agents) for higher speed in the alert adding process. |
N/A |
Implemented clear distinction for Discovery 2.0 PFMS between Cisco components for the Open and Enterprise versions. Likewise updated and improved access to the component library with a revamped visual interface of PFMS Library online. |
N/A |
12217 |
SImplemented a verification process in Pandora FMS installing and updating by means of OUM files. |
N/A |
12153 |
Added a button called Show graph to the event list, filter section, which works with filtering parameters and therefore updates the graph (number of events grouped in the last 8 hours as default value). |
N/A |
12234 |
Added new plugin to monitor OVH Cloud®. |
N/A |
Implemented a security view by agents (menu Operation → Security → Agente security) with three main informative fields: SecMon, Hardening and Vulnerability. |
N/A |
12251 |
Integrated security data (SecMon, Hardening y Vulenarability) to each agent main view (if they are present in the collected monitoring data). |
N/A |
Added the vulnerability option to the security tactical view (menu Operation → Security → Vulnerabilities) with three main sections Summary, Data breakdown and Audit with their corresponding information filtering systems. |
N/A |
12253 |
Added a new report section, Vulnerabilities, with seven new types of reports. |
N/A |
12531 |
Added new security monitoring plugin for MS Windows® in Pandora FMS software agents. |
Fixed vulnerabilities
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
CVE-2023-41813 Thanks to Oliver Brooks. |
11791 |
Fixed notification settings editing (AJAX) by a non-administrator user towards other users, whether they are administrators or not. Likewise, even if the user is an administrator, they can only edit their own notifications. |
CVE-2023-41814 Thanks to Gabriel Weitzel. |
12043 |
Fixed JavaScript (posible XSS) code insertion in Pandora FMS notification system messages. |
CVE-2023-41815 Thanks to Osama Yousef. |
12121 |
Fixed XSS code insertion in the File manager from PFMS web console for directory names. |
CVE-2023-44088 Thanks to Osama Yousef. |
12122 |
Fixed SQL and/or JS code insertion when creating a new PFMS visual console in the image upload option as background for the file name of said image. |
CVE-2023-44089 Thanks to Osama Yousef. |
12123 |
Fixed JavaScript code insertion in visual console creation (menu Topology maps → Visual console → visual console list) in the name of said visual console. |
Bug fixes
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
9929 |
Fixed FF Keep Counters (in modules), which now keep their counters as long as there is no state change. |
N/A |
10316 |
Fixed the IP address resolution in the modules view and for the agent overview, to correctly display the macro _address_ inserted into the module. |
N/A |
10529 |
Fixed the variable overflow in the Session timeout (minutes) token in the general settings of the Web Console. Now it only accepts values betwee -1 (never logs out) and 604800 (minutes). |
N/A |
10900 |
Rewrote the ssh inventory plugin to correct entity entering into monitoring data. |
N/A |
11074 |
Fixed the message and link for the nodes of a Command Center (Metaconsole) for the section of the registered plugins , indicating that their management has been centralized. |
N/A |
11532 |
Deleted content repetition and table alienation of the informative message in the service item summary (menu Operation → Topology maps → Services → Service tree view). |
N/A |
11537 |
Fixed both in nodes and in the Command Center (Metaconsole) the search containing the string “20” for the different element filters (monitoring policies, remote components, inventory and node search in the Command Center). |
N/A |
11654 |
Fixed sections Event alerts and Log alerts so that they do not accept repeated names ( in each corresponding section) and/or names with only spaces. |
15856 |
Fixed asynchronous modules included in the services so they are generic_data or generic_pro, as the case may be. This means storage saving in the database. |
15928 |
Fixed the error when setting the external link as home screen on user custom screen. |
N/A |
Fixed the the interval, assigned server and operating system parameters in the command –create_event of the CLI PFMS. |
15965 |
11750 |
Fixed conflicts in data insertion using API 1.0 PFMS in the command set module_data. |
15977 |
11759 |
Made a new button available in the SNMP console (menu Management → Alerts → SNMP alerts) to delete each alert action separately from the SNMP alert itself. This prevents deleting alert actions that should not be deleted. |
N/A |
Fixed and optimized queries to the database from the “Alert View” and “Monitor View” sections. |
16034 |
Fixed the side menu options in the Command Center (Metaconsole) to match the titles displayed within each category:
N/A |
Fixed agent group assignment error in the new PFMS Welcome Wizard (Create Network monitoring option). |
N/A |
11855 |
Fixed Graph container icon so that it is always displayed when browsing the different views of Custom graphs (PFMS web console). |
N/A |
11856 |
Fixed the Search token tip Search in secondary groups en View events (menú Operation → Events) to show its corresponding side; its correct operation can be checked in Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome web browsers. |
N/A |
11894 |
Fixed performance when editing or deleting an item in the web links section of PFMS Console (menu Management → Admin tools → Links) now the page is automatically updated when performing these actions. |
16094 |
Fixed result pagination by listing the custom fields registered on a PFMS server (menu Management → Resources → Custom fields). |
16107 |
11903 |
Reinstated the button to delete maps that are no longer used in section GIS map builder (menú Management → Topology maps → GIS Maps). |
N/A |
11911 |
Fixed default email forwarding settings detection for alert notification. |
N/A |
11936 |
Fixed the following menu options in the Web Console so that they display their correct text in the left sidebar:
N/A |
11946 |
Fixed the process of creating a new console task (menu Management → Discovery → New console task) to require assigning a group to the new task. |
16123 |
11954 |
Fixed the deletion of other alert actions that were not requested in the process in the mass deletion operations. |
N/A |
11966 |
Fixed the _moduledata_X_ macro in WUX checks to correctly encode the image in base64 format and be inserted in the emails according to the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions standard (MIME). |
16145 |
11971 |
Fixed module cascade protection, when FlipFlop is present, and thus it correctly validates said service (function pandora_cps_enabled). |
N/A |
11995 |
Fixed hour size in the custom report graphs (menu Operation → Reporting → Custom report) when the seconds are also added and also fixed graph disabling when the zoom is very close. |
N/A |
12005 |
Fixed item addition to a service (menu Operation → Topology maps → Services → Service tree view) to prevent a service from being called as item. |
N/A |
12023 |
Recovered the option list for the Write Access field in custom report creation (menu Operation → Reporting → Custom report and then clicking the button Create Custom Report). |
N/A |
Fixed the error when deleting a data backup made with the Discovery Console Task and that has been “lost”, either because they were moved from a folder or because they were deleted without deleting from the node. Added in addition a button (Delete Lost) to massively delete all items in “lost” state. |
N/A |
Fixed the process of copying any Dashboard (menu Operation → Reporting → Dashboard → Dashboard list). |
N/A |
12052 |
Fixed the view filter in Alert details (menú Monitoring -> Views -> Alert details, token Also search in secondary groups) so that it correctly shows the alerts of agents that have a secondary group. |
N/A |
Fixed the visual and operational interface in the Command Center (Metaconsole) in monitoring policies to be applied in agents or agent groups. |
N/A |
Fixed the export to CSV format of custom reports (menu Operation → Reporting → Custom reports) so that it does not include HTML code in the exported information. |
16240 and 16257 |
12062 |
Fixed field editing of a plugin in an agent’s edit form in PFMS Web Console to accept extended characters such as:
N/A |
12065 |
Fixed (and improved) configuration options in the Acoustic Console. |
16209 |
12069 |
Fixed result pagination in Agent Groups view in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
Fixed date format and legend format in the graph generated in the Log viewer (view Operation → Monitoring → Log viewer). |
N/A |
12079 |
Fixed loading and immediate applying procedures in section Alert details (menu Operation → Monitoring → Views) of the default filters as well as that of showing the user the relevant results. |
N/A |
12082 |
Fixed inventory widgets copy in PFMS Dashboards (menu Operation → Reporting → Dashboard → Dashboard list). |
N/A |
12083 |
In Pandora FMS, added the functions on which the Inventory widget for PFMS Dashboards depends (menu Operation → Reporting → Dashboard). A message was also added, for both versions (Open and Enterprise) indicating that there is no information to be displayed in the widget, should that happen. |
N/A |
12088 |
Fixed the web link in email message forwarding, indicating that PFMS server does not have access to the 1.0 PFMS API. The public link must be configured in the general setup (menu Management → Setup → General setup → field Public URL)) otherwise only a message will be received indicating that a component is failing. |
N/A |
Fixed automatic page reload in agent deployment (menu Management → Host & Devices → Agent deployment) after having successfully added a target to the list. |
N/A |
Deleted the Event user comment element in correlated alerts and where it appeared in the functions and fixed the database structure. |
N/A |
12126 |
Fixed the Priority field selector in the creation of a new alert template (menu Management → Alerts → Templates). |
N/A |
12131 |
Fixed Custom field and Values Custom Field columns in the Command Center (Metaconsole), section Monitoring → Inventory → View to apply the line breaks to the corresponding information. |
N/A |
Fixed the Welcome Tips Wizard in its visual interface, removed repeated tips, and expanded the field for URLs to 200 characters. |
N/A |
12134 |
Fixed the total count in the modules view (menu Operation → Monitoring → Views → Monitor detail). |
N/A |
12150 |
Fixed the Web Console, section Logfile viewer so that the directory /var/log/php-fpm/www-error.log. |
N/A |
12157 |
Fixed the blank item displayed in PFMS notification system when a user sent a message to another user. |
16357 and 16382 |
12159 |
Fixed the search header in PFMS Web Console to accept the “_” character and show the appropriate results. |
15611 |
12164 |
Fixed the Inverse interval in the modules created through Remote Components (menu Management → Configuration → Templates). |
N/A |
12168 |
Fixed the hierarchy view in service search in the event that some services depend on other services. |
16557 |
Fixed agent module name column in the event view (menu Operation → Events → View events). |
N/A |
12177 |
Fixed the whole upload process of an image as new item icon in operating system creation (menu Management → Resources → Operating systems → Create). |
N/A |
12189 |
Fixed Sites and Network locations (menu Management → Admin tools → IPAM) so that the corresponding item deletion buttons appear. |
N/A |
12206 |
Fixed password recovery feature for users at PFMS Web Console login. Now this button only appears if the authentication method for that user is local and the password policy is activated for that function. |
N/A |
12208 |
Updated the Tinymce component as HTML editor in the Styles dropdown of the widget “Panel with a message” in the Dashboards and replaced this option with the Format option. |
N/A |
12209 |
Fixed the widget Module histogram to properly take module states from events. |
N/A |
12213 |
Fixed the name describing the software update feature, changed Update manager por Warp update across the whole PFMS Web Console. |
N/A |
12218 |
Fixed the operation of the button that allows to see the password characters instead of asterisks in user editing and creation. |
N/A |
12219 |
Fixed group and privilege management (user profiles) in user editing to prevent accidental user deletion, both in the node and in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
12243 |
Fixed Pandora PITSM user-level integration with Pandora FMS in the corresponding configuration section. |
N/A |
12258 |
Fixed special characters by adding plugin in advanced mode from policies so that they are correctly registered in the agent configuration file. |
N/A |
12260 |
Fixed the selected group icon in agent editing in agent primary groups so that it is displayed correctly. |
N/A |
12274 |
Fixed the pandora_gotty service to start automatically with cron when PFMS is installed on Ubuntu server 22.04. |
16468 |
12293 |
Fixed disabled agent deletion by means of the pandora_db feature, so that it is completely done and agent migration between nodes is properly performed. |
N/A |
12298 |
Fixed hidden fields in alert action field editing when saving the alert action in the database. |
N/A |
12315 |
Fixed event rule or log rule editing, so that the operator can be changed and then the new chosen operator can be saved. |
N/A |
12332 |
Fixed new filter creation button in the Command Center (Metaconsole) for event custom fields. |
16503 |
12345 |
Fixed the Disable module button in the Modules view of the Web Console, so that it correctly inserts the value of the token module_disabled 1 in the remote configuration of the corresponding agent. |
N/A |
12346 |
Fixed node access credentials and the Command Center (Metaconsole) configuration so that passwords may contain the following characters: /%|-~{}[]=*^!?-+`€:_#;.,$<>&()”´’\\ |
N/A |
12354 |
Fixed broken Agents and Modules links in the Service Horizontal tree (menu Operation → Topology maps → Services → Service tree view). |
N/A |
12356 |
Fixed repeated navigation buttons in the Monitoring → View → Interface view view, when there is result pagination. |
N/A |
12362 |
Fixed alert addition to modules from the view Monitoring → Views → Agents/Alerts view. |
N/A |
12363 |
Fixed data export in CSV format in the view Operation → Monitoring → Views → Agent/Module view to correctly display the columns and without them skipping to the next field. |
N/A |
12365 |
Fixed the log collector metrics for dashboards. |
N/A |
12373 |
Fixed the API Checker (menu Management → Admin tools → Extension management) so that the password parameter name is sent according to the API 1.0 PFMS syntax. |
N/A |
12378 |
Fixed audible alerts so that, when having a filter selected, alerts are displayed and also play the corresponding audible alert. |
16531 |
12382 |
Rewrote the function to generate custom reports in PDF. Special focus was placed on whether the report is generated in the node or in the Command Center (Metaconola) so that the chromium component may access and build the PDF file. |
N/A |
12385 |
Fixed the action of adding a node agent filtered by group in completely empty network maps. |
N/A |
Fixed the agent selector to take selected values and allow changes to be saved when editing an Agent/Module View widget item in the Command Center (Metaconsole), in Dashboards. |
N/A |
12390 |
Fixed the Heatmap widget in Dashboards so that the selected default group is Not assigned. |
N/A |
12400 |
Fixed date filters in Log viewer and Hardening sections in the Web Console so that JavaScript correctly displays the time and date format. |
16084 |
12401 |
Fixed issues with negative values in SNMP queries. |
16550 |
12407 |
Fixed the pandorawmic binary so that you may get the module for the physical RAM memory on the monitored devices (MS Windows®). |
N/A |
12416 |
Fixed compatibility with password encryption in the database both in the nodes and in the Command Center (Metaconsole) using PHP versión 8.2. |
N/A |
12417 |
Added a fix so that when modifying FF Threshold settings, of a threshold range in which string data was changed, those are verified so that no graph is shown. |
N/A |
Fixed agent module thresholds, so that when percentage values are used, no message or graph appears. |
16562 |
12426 |
Fixed correlation alert creation with admin user. After logging in with another user profile with the correct profile and permissions, the actions of the correlation alert were not displayed before. |
N/A |
12430 |
Fixed the tactical view, which indicated that the data of the last 8 hours were filtered by default when they were actually the last 24 hours. Now the message and period correspond by default to the value of token event_view_hr (8 hours). |
16596 |
12440 |
Fixed the ACL Enterprise so that operation/events/events option can be inserted, as well as the scope of the AR, ER and EW user profiles to be compatible with the new event option. |
N/A |
12447 |
Fixed the Warp Update in the patch update process. |
N/A |
Fixed a typo in the parameters (macro) for the new alerts in PFMS features for Telegram® and Vonage®. |
N/A |
12456 |
Fixed the Agent hive in dashboards to show the operating system long descriptions. |
16599 |
Fixed the VMWare View (menu Operation → Monitoring) to show information from the monitored Datacenters and Datastores. |
N/A |
12468 |
Fixed and improved the instructions column in the event view to properly show the short and long textes that may be clicked and show the information in a dialogue box. |
N/A |
12473 |
Fixed export in CSV format in the Cluster view (menu Operation → Monitoring) to show the cluster group and the state in numerical value. |
N/A |
12475 |
Fixed the agent list in Custom graphs (menu Operation → Reporting) to show the agent’s alias instead of their name. |
N/A |
Fixed the Detection time field of the default filter in the Audit section of the agent details (menu Operation → Monitoring → Views → Agent detail) to load old data correctly. |
N/A |
12483 |
Fixed visual and numeric errors in the custom field view. |
N/A |
12491 |
Fixed 500 HTML errors in section Z/OS monitoring (Mainframe) (menu Operation → Monitoring). |
N/A |
12498 |
Fixed the TOP N of Agent Modules widget in PFMS dashboards to show all agent results, if requested. |
16645 |
Fixed the label column in the generation of a CSV with the data of a module in the agent view graph, since it contained HTML instructions. |
N/A |
12500 |
Fixed the agent names that include spaces in Hardening charts, and they are now displayed correctly. |
N/A |
Unified the filters used in PFMS Dashboards in a single interface while preserving their features. |
N/A |
12507 |
The following macros have been fixed to work correctly on PFMS Event server: |
N/A |
12511 |
Fixed several errors in section Cluster view: empty clusters, clusters with agents without modules, and agent clusters with modules. reviewed and fixed the agent and/or module deletion process. |
16509 |
12513 |
Fixed event responses to run with any filter selected, including Alert triggered. |
N/A |
12270 |
Fixed and improved the widget selection interface in PFMS Dashboards for different web browsers and in turn with different screen resolutions. |
N/A |
12381 |
Fixed Target IP and Unit fields in the Command Center (Metaconsole) in module editing in the monitoring policies, to show (and the user can select) the corresponding option lists. |
16501 |
12465 |
Fixed error in LDAP group editing (added group_name parameter). |
16681 |
12533 |
Fixed agents in the widget List of Latest Events, when applying a custom event filter, to show the agents in the Group field instead of the field Save in group. |
N/A |
12548 |
Fixed the token last_compact_offset in the utility pandora_db que el execution to be added only once and not repetitively in each execution. |
N/A |
12558 |
Fixed the SQL error when copying a check server status code web module. |
N/A |
12605 |
Fixed the agent view regarding features and parameters in the Tree view (menu Operation → Monitoring Views) in the agents view and fixed HTTP 500 error returned by the web server. |
N/A |
12606 |
Fixed report time editing or time period editing in SLA report in report editing. |
N/A |
Fixed errors that prevented information from being saved in inventory report reaction and editing. |
N/A |
Fixed inventory reports that did not allow to add modules by filtering. |
N/A |
12620 |
Fixed item adding in Inventory change blacklist in the general configuration section (menu Management → Setup → Setup → General setup). |
N/A |
12632 |
Fixed the ACK timestamp in the event view in order not to visually disappear when switching the state of the corresponding event to In process or Validated. |
N/A |
12643 |
Fixed event counting and paging (menu Operation → Events → View events) and now the corresponding buttons are displayed. |
N/A |
12647 |
Fixed and deleted the line break in data representation in items that have an Extra ID. |
N/A |
12665 |
Fixed error HTTP 500 when creating a Custom graph with several modules in a combined graph. |
Patch Notes 772.2 LTS
Fixed vulnerabilities
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
CVE-2023-41788 Thanks to Oliver Brooks. |
11780 |
Limited the upload only to MIB files or for these to be compressed in a zip and to always belong to MIB type. Any other file type will be rejected. |
CVE-2023-41789 Thanks to Oliver Brooks. |
11781 |
Limited the data entry in the software agents registry in order to prevent the insertion of non-monitoring code (XML data). |
CVE-2023-41790 Thanks to Oliver Brooks. |
11786 |
Limited all cases to prevent files from being downloaded beyond those allowed (MIB repository, collections, etc.). |
CVE-2023-41792 Thanks to Oliver Brooks. |
11787 |
Limited the insertion of code not belonging to the OID necessary for monitoring in the SNMP Trap editor . |
CVE-2023-41791 Thanks to Oliver Brooks. |
Limited custom string translation so that only admin users can have access to them. Prevented the insertion of programming language commands detected by means of their syntax. |
CVE-2023-41810 Thanks to Oliver Brooks. |
Fixed the insertion of stored cross site scripting in the PFMS Dashboard. |
CVE-2023-41811 Thanks to Oliver Brooks. |
11795 |
Fixed the insertion of stored cross site scripting in the PFMS Site News. |
CVE-2023-41812 Thanks to Oliver Brooks. |
11878 |
Limited the uploading of files with source code in the File repository manager that could be used to access other PFMS server areas. |
N/A |
12304 |
Fixed character encoding error when applying a monitoring policy written in Japanese language to an agent’s “remote_config” file. |
16494 |
12357 |
The “Previous” and “Next” buttons for results paging in SNMP Console have been corrected. |
A warning has been inserted for the deactivation and change of GoTTY to be performed in version 774. |
Bug fixes
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
16501 |
12360 |
Fixed a bug in a fixed URL in AJAX which prevented editing permissions in the authentication view of the “LDAP attributes”. |
N/A |
12002 |
Fixed the option to Edit modules in bulk in Bulk operations to enable or disable them. The error occurred because an SQL operation was performed without having the valid data for it. |
15741 |
11624 |
An error has been corrected both in nodes and in Command Center (Metaconsole) that prevented the display of legends in the generation of PDF graphs and in the API graphs. |
16635 |
12033 |
Fixed a bug when disabling the “Use real-time statistics” token, which caused the Tactical View and Server View to not display network modules. |
16168 |
11964 |
Fixed fields 4, 5 and 6 in SNMP alerts. Now with this correction, when editing an SNMP alert, these fields are saved in the correct order. |
Patch Notes 772.1 LTS
Bug fixes
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
15677 |
11380 |
Fixed the up and down arrow icons for the Black theme in the Command Center (Metaconsole), section Monitor detail. |
15719 |
11447 |
Fixed XML file reception and decoding of XML files and their custom fields for Software Agents when they contain any web link. |
15702 |
11415 |
Reinstated the HTML editor in the widget Panel with a message as it was missing from the new PFMS interface version 770. |
15690 |
11404 |
Fixed the order (now ascending) presented for Interface information (SNMP), when an agent has two or more of them created. |
15255 and 15647 |
10729 |
Fixed the number of Agents reported in Metaconsole Tactical View when Agents have Secondary Groups. |
15970 |
11754 |
Fixed pagination in Custom graphs when there are many items and therefore they are divided into several pages. |
15642 |
11312 |
Fixed the use of a public link when creating an item in a visual console, linked to another visual console, is created, to see the second visual console without authentication in the Console. |
15718 |
11438 |
Fixed the search when creating a module in a policy, now it is possible to write in the module group and type dropdown to finish the task of creating a Data server module. |
N/A |
11518 |
Fixed filtering by module name in section Tree View of Monitoring Policies. |
15990 |
11771 |
Fixed plugin module configuration in monitoring policies, both in nodes and in the Metaconole. |
N/A |
11695 |
Fixed the alert actions filter by both Metaconsola and nodes (menu Management → Alerts → Actions). |
15966 |
11751 |
Fixed event export in CSV format with quotation marks in the Metaconsole. |
N/A |
11948 |
Fixed alert mass deletion for large environments (30 thousand alerts and external alerts) by means of monitoring policies. |
N/A |
11728 |
Fixed the error when changing a plugin server module: now plugin server module fields are changed and modified correctly depending on the selected plugin. |
N/A |
Fixed error 500 returned in the web browser in section SNMP browser (menu Operation → SNMP) it now performs page check before launching the SNMP browser. |
N/A |
11735 |
Fixed the list of modules in agent detail view (Operation → Monitoring → Views → Agent detail → Agent main view) now it correctly searches for the module identifier, reads them and displays them accordingly. |
16168 |
11964 |
Fixed fields 4, 5 and 6 in SNMP alerts. Now with this correction, when editing an SNMP alert, these fields are saved in the correct order. |
Fixed vulnerabilities
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
CVE-2023-41786 Thanks to Oliver Brooks. |
11779 |
Fixed directories where certain data files are stored on the Apache2 web server, so that they have their own file .htaccess with strict access control rules (ACLs). Likewise, in PFMS Web Console, access to these directories has been restricted only for admin users. |
CVE-2023-4677 Thanks to Oliver Brooks. |
11778 |
Added the .gzi> extension (compressed files) to the list of files that can only be accessed with prior authorization in the Apache .htaccess file. |
CVE-2023-41787 Thanks to Oliver Brooks. |
11783 |
Fixed the API Checker 1.0 PFMS used in the Web Console to only accept HTTP or HTTPS requests, thus preventing access to any other file. |
New features and improvements
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
Changed the help message on the Enable console log button in the general settings (Management → Setup → Setup → General menu). This warning reads as follows: “It is recommended for this record to be disabled as it comes by default, due to the large amount of debug data it generates.” |
Pandora FMS NG 774
New features and improvements
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
Added a CSV data export button in section Agent/Modules view. |
N/A |
Added a multiple item selector to Visual Consoles, to be able to move, copy, delete, or resize items in bulk. |
14286 |
Created a macro containing the Unit symbol of a module to be used in alerts: _dataunit_ |
N/A |
9584 |
Created the Kubernetes feature in Discovery PFMS 2.0. |
N/A |
9814 |
Implemented a button that allows you to see projection graphs in the Dashboards for the Agent module graph widget. Likewise, added this button in the agent’s modules view when opening the Module graph. |
N/A |
9857 |
New feature to create new alert templates, which allow processing extraordinary calculations in addition to ordinary monitoring. |
N/A |
Added feature for creating and editing private event filters (only the user who created it and superadmins will be able to see the filter). |
N/A |
New tactical screen (related to improvements in auto-monitoring). |
N/A |
Added a new widget devoted to inventory for Dashboards. It is similar to the inventory view in the Operation → Monitoring menu, with the advantage of being able to filter only the interesting points and being able to share the display through a public link. |
N/A |
10603 |
Added the option to schedule on which days of the week the task will be performed in the Weekly option, when creating new console tasks (Management → Discovery → New console task). |
N/A |
10622 |
Added new actions in bulkon alerts and external alerts to policies. |
N/A |
10701 |
Added option to show the service view tree in horizontal (Services → List of services → escoger servicio → botón Show horizontal tree). |
N/A |
Added option Manage Database HA to the Command Center (Metaconsole) if installed and enabled (node High Availability view). |
N/A |
10850 |
Added agent detail view to new favorites system. This feature allows you to assign a name to the filter for later identification and reuse. |
N/A |
10922 |
Adapted the plugin for XenServer® monitoring to the new Discovery PFMS 2.0. |
N/A |
Added agent and module filtering to the Dashboards widget called General group status if you click on one of the links. It works similarly in the Metaconsole, taking into account the differences resulting from node centralization. |
N/A |
11051 |
Added the feature to check as read all messages that appear in the notification box. |
N/A |
Added Version management / Scheduled obsolescence into section Management → Resources → Operating systems which allows to create filters within reports. |
N/A |
11206 |
Added the Custom field view from the Command Center (Metaconsole) to nodes. |
N/A |
11216 |
Created the feature for copying (cloning) any widget (Dashboards) with the configuration it has, both in nodes and in the Metaconsole. |
N/A |
Added filtering by search to the following sections: Agent wizard, Module wizard agents, and Service wizard. |
N/A |
Added the SCA (Security Configuration Assessment) to PFMS Software Agents for MS Windows® and GNU/Linux®. |
N/A |
11391 |
Pandora Indexer: changes in the log collector with OpenSearch. |
N/A |
11411 |
Added the pageLoadTimeout token to the Webdriver of the plugin for Selenium version 3, in order to establish waiting time periods other than the one set by default (5 minutes or 300 seconds) in WUX PFMS monitoring. |
N/A |
New tool: Graph analytics, which allows you to graph the last 12 hours of agents and modules. |
N/A |
Pandora FMS and Pandora ITSM (previously called Integria IMS) present a new configuration interface, two-way communication and two-way presentation of inventory and incident data, all in a fluid and integrated way between both applications. |
N/A |
New Group status map widget to display the number of groups on a map with their corresponding states in each color. It allows you to add links to the boxes and creates a button to remove the zoom, it is simple and intuitive.. |
N/A |
11745 |
Improved the log collector performance regarding the structure and type of data stored now in OpenSearch, among other less relevant changes. |
N/A |
11775 |
Changes to Pandora FMS Indexer backend to improve log collector performance. |
N/A |
Refactorized PFMS Event server and PFMS Correlation server (log collecting alerts). |
N/A |
Added the SCA (Security Configuration Assessment) to the plugin for MS Windows® and GNU/Linux®. |
N/A |
New log alert editor (menú Management → Alerts → Log alerts). |
N/A |
Added Security section to the Operation menu. This in turn contains two subsections called Hardening and Auditing, for security reinforcing and auditing on Mac OS®, GNU/Linux® and MS Windows® devices on which PFMS Software Agent version 774 has been installed. |
N/A |
Created a new type of widget called Security hardening for PFMS dashboards with the following options: Evolution, Scoring by date, Top-N agents with the worst score, Top-N checks failed by category, Top-N most frequent failed checks, Vulnerabilities by category. |
N/A |
12104 |
Added by default the following alert integration plugins for the following platforms: Telegram®, Slack® y Google chat®. |
N/A |
PFMS Open version now has selected and specific tasks for cron in the console. |
Fixed vulnerabilities
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
CVE-2023-41788 Thanks to Oliver Brooks. |
11780 |
Limited the upload only to MIB files or for these to be compressed in a zip and to always belong to MIB type. Any other file type will be rejected. |
CVE-2023-41789 Thanks to Oliver Brooks. |
11781 |
Limited the data entry in the software agents registry in order to prevent the insertion of non-monitoring code (XML data). |
CVE-2023-41808 Thanks to Oliver Brooks. |
Fixed random file reading as root user through the GoTTY feature in ticket 11830. |
CVE-2023-41807 Thanks to Oliver Brooks. |
Fixed local user privilege upgrade through the GoTTY feature in ticket 11830. |
CVE-2023-41790 Thanks to Oliver Brooks. |
11786 |
Limited all cases to prevent files from being downloaded beyond those allowed (MIB repository, collections, etc.). |
CVE-2023-41792 Thanks to Oliver Brooks. |
11787 |
Limited the insertion of code not belonging to the OID necessary for monitoring in the SNMP Trap editor. |
CVE-2023-41791 Thanks to Oliver Brooks. |
11788 |
Limited custom string translation so that only admin users can have access to them. Prevented the insertion of programming language commands detected by means of their syntax. |
CVE-2023-41806 Thanks to Oliver Brooks. |
Fixed Service System Denial irruption caused as a local user through the GoTTY feature in ticket 11830. |
Thanks to Oliver Brooks. |
To properly secure the application engine on which Pandora FMS works, it may be necessary, in some particularly sensitive-to-security environments, to secure access to the application so that session cookies are only transmitted with SSL. To that end, the following configuration tokens should be included in the php.ini file: session.cookie_httponly = 1 session.cookie_secure = 1. |
CVE-2023-41810 Thanks to Oliver Brooks. |
Fixed the insertion of stored cross site scripting in the PFMS Dashboard. |
CVE-2023-41811 Thanks to Oliver Brooks. |
11795 |
Fixed the insertion of stored cross site scripting in the PFMS Site News. |
CVE-2023-41812 Thanks to Osama Yousef. |
11878 |
Limited the uploading of files with source code in the File repository manager that could be used to access other PFMS server areas. |
16465 |
Fixed a non-authorized failure in console and public dashboard sharing. |
Bug fixes
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
9974 |
Fixed an error in Hex-STRING data collection in SNMP monitoring. The failure was caused in Pandora FSNMP and Braa due to a regular expression that did not filter spaces properly. |
15022 |
Fixed the way and manner of saving the timestamp in SMTP traps, they are now registered in GMT 0. By installing version 774, old values will be turned into the new absolute time system UTC 0. |
14929 |
10509 |
The critical threshold of the CPU Load module that comes by default configured for PFMS Software Agents was set to zero to allow maintaining the critical state if the CPU usage value exceeds 99%. |
N/A |
11249 |
Fixed plugin UDP Port Check to correctly report whether a port is open when connecting through a firewall. |
15518 |
11389 |
Fixed PFMS plugin for PostgreSQL monitoring and made it support Discovery PFMS 2.0. |
15651 |
11407 |
Fixed extra action allocation (sending email) for autoconfigurations of new agents. |
N/A |
11414 |
Fixed the following macros with similar functions in the alerts section (_modulegraph_nh_, _modulegraphth_nh_, _modulegraph_XXX_nh_) to show all graphs regardless of whether they use the same macro and number of hours as the modules are different. |
15710 |
11434 |
Fixed the division error by zero in monitoring calculation formulae for the Tomcat plugin. |
N/A |
Fixed the informative message when the Metaconsole is centralizing and merging the nodes. When this process is finished, it redirects to the normal view. |
15743 |
11498 |
(Predictive monitoring) Fixed the parameter create_synthetic in PFMS CLI, to take into account the other modules, not only the first one, and add them to the final module. |
N/A |
11557 |
Fixed report export in CSV format with SLA for options Hourly, Monthly and so on: these options are now displayed correctly both in name and in dates. |
N/A |
Fixed the welcome tip for scheduled downtimes both in its wording and the web link it shows for more information about it. |
15731 |
11609 |
Fixed WMI monitors so that, in the process of copying WMI modules, passwords are encrypted only once (previously a double encryption process was carried out, which was incorrect). |
N/A |
11628 |
Fixed dashboards with several Tactical view, widgets so that the event count is displayed correctly in each and every one of them. |
15813 |
11639 |
Fixed the error when monitoring two or more different data sources with NetFlow protocol. Fixed also graph display with separate data and their corresponding filters. |
N/A |
11684 |
Fixed access to nodes using the loginhash method in Metaconsole monitoring views. Thanks to JavaScript, the requested node now also opens in a new web browser window. |
15865 |
11686 |
Fixed the task scheduled in MS Windows® for restarting the PFMS Software Agents periodically. |
16015 |
11818 |
Fixed network map error, by which they were displaced after a new device appeared. |
16168 |
11964 |
Fixed fields 4, 5 and 6 in SNMP alerts. Now with this correction, when editing an SNMP alert, these fields are saved in the correct order. |
N/A |
11984 |
Fixed the error of non-corresponding icons, in the agente list, regarding the changes applied in monitoring policies. |
N/A |
11701 |
Fixed alert details when several alert actions are added. Even with many quantities added in Number of matching alerts alert details now look correct and accurate, with no extra columns. |
N/A |
11715 |
Fixed the data maintenance process in pandora_db. With this correction, all variables are initialized to their default values even if they are not established in the configuration file and, in the event that said token is not active, it adds to the log the warning that these specific item maintenance actions will not be carried out. Fixed and normalized variable types and response values. |
N/A |
11734 |
Fixed scheduled downtimes, periodic downtimes and Cron downtimes to disable the modules indicated during their execution. |
N/A |
11753 |
Fixed NetFlow data erasure and those exceeding the limit imposed in PFMS configuration tokens. Now such data is erased in a timely manner. |
N/A |
11773 |
Fixed the log viewer, so that when requesting a custom time period, filtering and then requesting a normalized time period, it will filter again and return results. |
N/A |
11805 |
Fixed the message indicating that no custom report has yet been created in PFMS Open version, in the Custom reports section (before, text -1appeared). |
15891 |
11808 |
Fixed module Host Alive performance: when an alert is recovered, the status the modules had before being disabled is shown. |
N/A |
11809 |
Fixed colors in the Metaconsole, in widget Event Cardboard, and now they look the same as those of the nodes. |
N/A |
11810 |
Fixed the wizard in the Services section (creation) from the Metaconsole to add each and every one of the elements (agents and/or modules) selected from different centralized nodes. It was also corrected so as not to repeat the added items. |
N/A |
11811 |
Fixed export in XML format of the report Report Templates in the Metaconsole with Historical Data item activated. |
N/A |
11817 |
Removed token from user profiles for auto-refresh in Network maps, since the Network map itself has a separate auto-refresh. Added an exception, if the user has this token already enabled, so that it does not show the auto-refresh of the map header and the next time the user is edited, this token disappears. |
N/A |
Fixed SQL error in event view when adding the comment column. Fixed ascending and descending order for this field. Improvements made in other previous tickets related to the events and their views are saved. |
N/A |
11840 |
Fixed the credential boxes necessary for the operation of the Satellite server from the corresponding Web Console. In addition, updated the whole view to the new PFMS visual interface. |
N/A |
11863 |
Fixed the Scheduled autoconfiguration task of agents by Metaconsole when changes are applied by filtering by agent custom fields: that way, for example, it is possible to change the main group and also assign secondary groups to the agents that have a particular custom field. |
N/A |
11871 |
Fixed SQL query error in Discovery PFMS Task list for a standard user with Operator(Read) profile. |
N/A |
11873 |
Fixed scheduled downtime operation to affect only the agent modules when the mode is to show all modules and not the agent. |
N/A |
11879 |
Fixed the false positive (ACL error) when Discovery PFMS 2.0 does not find the corresponding .disco file in the Applications section. |
N/A |
11889 |
Fixed NetScan and IPAM tasks incorrectly labeled as “legacy” in the new Discovery PFMS 2.0. |
16103 |
11902 |
Fixed group icons so that they are shown to node agents that have been added to monitoring policies using the group selection method and its aggregate. |
N/A |
11904 |
Fixed the Metaconola’s general browser to search in each and every one of the centralized nodes. |
16095 |
11908 |
Fixed the list of agents in the Metaconsole when these agents have been migrated between different nodes. |
N/A |
11927 |
Fixed downloading patch name in Warp Update On Line for example 773.1, 773.2, 773.3… |
16108 |
Fixed the location that contains the Datatables function file in JavaScript language. This fixes several sections throughout PFMS Web Console. |
16108 y 16130 |
Fixed item configuration in Dashboard cells in version 773.1. |
16141 |
11947 |
Fixed the evaluation of a numeric variable in the use of the Use agente access graph token, which previously caused a false positive “Access statistics performance” notification. |
N/A |
11948 |
Fixed alert mass deletion for large environments (30 thousand alerts and external alerts) by means of monitoring policies. |
16143 |
11952 |
Fixed the filtering process in the List of Latest Events widget, to return the correct information. Added Only in process and Only not validated to the drop-down list in field Event status. |
N/A |
Fixed the Command Center (Metaconsole) to collect data from any centralized node in the Group report and not just from the first one like it did. |
16125 |
1956 |
Fixed an error in the regular expression that applies Pandora FSNMP in the data collected by SNMP v3 monitoring, which caused improper retry and a subsequent discard of the other data collected in bulk. |
16155 |
11958 |
Fixed alert recovery icon size in last events of the Tactical View. |
N/A |
11960 |
Fixed the location that contains the Datatables function file in JavaScript language. This fixes several sections throughout PFMS Web Console. |
N/A |
11963 |
Command Center: Fixed the error that prevented nodes to be centralized from being synchronized when they have different databases. |
16139 |
Fixed reports with Module histogram graph items in PFMS Enterprise, so that graph images are displayed when exported in PDF. |
16104 |
11970 |
Fixed agent type items, which when not initialized, the unknown status weight is not applied to the calculation. |
N/A |
11973 |
Fixed items Module graph and Event history graph (Visual consoles) to be visible when copied, when the page is reloaded or when activating and deactivating the token to edit the Visual Console that contains them. |
N/A |
11974 |
Compiled version 1.0.0 of the pandorawmic executable, which corrects the deletion of temporary files in case of any exception in their use in the monitoring routines (timeout). |
N/A |
11985 |
Fixed SNMP v3 new module creation, the credential values (Privacy method, Authentication method y Security level) are saved in the database. In addition, fixed application by monitoring policies. |
N/A |
11987 |
Fixed the monitoring policy for Host alive to apply Force primary key instead of custom for the IP address. The error occurred when upgrading to version 773.3. |
N/A |
11988 |
Fixed section title when creating or editing a network module of any agent, both in the Open version and in the Enterprise version. |
N/A |
Fixed service editing, the error consisted of a missing field to be created in the database and therefore this solution uses MR 66. |
N/A |
Fixed projection graphs (Projection graphs in reports) to show the results in line with the selected time periods. In addition, detected another issue arising from insufficient data collected, which will be fixed separately. |
N/A |
Fixed the inventory view in non centralized nodes to show all modules when filtering by date and/or agent(s). |
N/A< |
12002 |
Fixed the option to Edit modules in bulk in Bulk operationsto enable or disable them. The error occurred because an SQL operation was performed without having the valid data for it. |
16204 |
12003 |
Fixed issue by which, when a monitoring policy had been applied to its agents and a new agent or agent group was added, the rest of the agents were checked as if they had not received and it applied the monitoring policy. Now it is only checked when applying the new agent or agent group added to the monitoring policy. |
N/A |
In the inventory widget, the inventory filter Order by agent was corrected so that, if the module is specified, the requested information may be displayed. |
16207 |
Fixed the attribute in the VMWare® plugin for Discovery as a way to obtain the UUID of the datastores. |
N/A |
12012 |
Fixed agent search in Pandora FMS Open version, the error consisted of the lack of access to a function declared in a specialized library. |
N/A |
12027 |
Fixed the display of agents in quiet mode and that appear in the Tree view from menu Operation → Monitoring. |
N/A |
Fixed in the group tactical view the filtering of the agents that have this group selected as a secondary group. |
N/A |
12029 |
Fixed text size for the Heatmap view, so that the font size adapts to the box size. |
N/A |
12032 |
Reconfigured the cluster view, as well as its editing and display. |
N/A |
12033 |
Fixed the Server View within the Tactical View to show the required network modules. |
N/A |
Fixed alert editing in Metaconsole nodes, both from Agent details and Alert details. For the Metaconsole (Command Center) the feature remains as it was, editing is allowed for users who have LW or LM rights. |
N/A |
12044 |
Fixed the acoustic console in the Open version of Pandora FMS, to load the libraries necessary for its operation. |
N/A |
12060 |
Fixed the visual curve underlining in the event view and in PFMS sound console. |
N/A |
Comment creation was corrected by means of the 1.0 PFMS API (command op2=create_event), now they appear correctly in PFMS Web Console. |
16277 |
12071 |
Fixed the secondary group column in the Inventory view (menu Operation → Monitoring → Inventory). |
N/A |
Fixed the error in the Command Center when creating an SQL report and choosing only “Local metaconsole” as its data source. |
N/A |
12073 |
Added a new warning message in PFMS Sound Console to indicate that if the corresponding SO window is minimized, said feature is silenced. |
N/A |
12077 |
Fixed the Log Viewer view (menu Operation → Monitoring) so that filtering options Last 24hr, Last 7 days, Last 15 days and Last 30 days may work and show the corresponding information. |
N/A |
12081 |
Added option None in custom reports (Operation → Reporting → Custom reports → View → Filters) (and set by default) to the date filter in order to prioritize the period of the report items. This correction is also included in the PDF report export. |
16249 |
12087 |
Fixed report display inappropriate closing at Operation → Reporting → Custom reports due to lack of memory for PHP. If the total memory available is not enough to carry out the requested job, it will show the message “You have no memory for this operation, increase the memory limit”. |
N/A |
12090 |
Fixed the unsolicited insertion of a time interval of one second in time interval editing (Visual style section of the general settings). |
N/A |
12097 |
Fixed the operation View summary that appears in each Discovery Tasks item. |
N/A |
12100 |
Fixed the export of combined graphs in Graph Analysis (you need to load a filter first before you can export). |
N/A |
12109 |
Fixed the error in searches in the external alerts of the monitoring policies. Now with this bug fix, when changing the page in the retrieved list, said results are properly displayed. |
N/A |
12113 |
Fixed the error in the Discovery credential drop-down list, which stayed open after selecting an option. |
N/A |
12115 |
Fixed the use of the corresponding regular expression in section Alert correlation, in the alert trigger conditions and for field Event user comment. |
N/A |
12142 |
Fixed the error message in PHP language version 8.2 when there is no connection between PFMS Web Console and its corresponding database. |
N/A |
12171 |
Admin and internal_API users are no longer required for graphs to be shown in the email alerts. |
N/A |
12172 |
Fixed column Event name in the event view (Operation → Events → View events) to show the full name in each item. |
N/A |
12174 |
Fixed several errors in VMware Discovery PFMS 2.0:
N/A |
12179 |
Fixed PFMS configuration file to store a new token: discovery_threads. |
N/A |
12185 |
Fixed custom field filtering in autoconfiguration tasks, which were excluded from the applied filter if they contained any blank spaces. |
N/A |
12194 |
Fixed script so that it takes into account port SSH different from 22. |
N/A |
12196 |
Fixed the Mobile view (module graphs were not displayed and visual consoles did not adjust to the display frame). |
N/A |
12205 |
Fixed credential configuration in Pandora RC to appear again. These fields will always be displayed as long as the connection is configured at user credential level. |
N/A |
12207 |
Fixed the error that appeared in task executions in Discovery PFMS: it now indicates correctly and at all times whether the processes are being executed or they are already finished. |
N/A |
12259 |
Fixed waiting time error in the visual indicator (spinner) for the list of monitoring policies in the Mozilla Firefox® browser (also verified its proper operation for Google Chrome®). |
16095 |
12281 |
Fixed the feature for moving agents in the Command Center (Metaconsole) so that it also filters by secondary agent groups. |
N/A |
Fixed several visual errors in the NetFlow protocol monitoring feature. Also fixed filters for IP addresses. |
N/A |
12297 |
Fixed error in Pandora FMS mobile with dialogues containing big titles, which were cut and made it impossible to close them. |
N/A |
12308 |
Fixed 500 error when accessing the NCM section of an agent in PFMS Web Console. |
N/A |
12326 |
Fixed the Log viewer feature to log and show the oldest data and not just the most recent ones. Also fixed the migration tool (OpenSearch supported). |
N/A |
12328 |
Fixed Syslogserver, Logserver and Eventserver being disabled by default given the case that the corresponding tokens fail or are commented in the configuration file (pandora_server.conf). |
Pandora FMS NG 773
New features and improvements
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
1495 |
Added the timestamp by 1-hour blocks to the pandora_server.error file if there are registered errors. |
10821 |
Added the option to add and remove event columns (fields) to the event widget (List of latest events). |
12115 |
Added the full path to the service names in the Visual Console if those services depend on other services. |
N/A |
9301 |
Added a new token that deletes the agents (together with the appropriate alerts, report items, visual console items, etc.) from the manually disabled agents. |
N/A |
Added the feature for alert creation and direct edition directly from the Metaconsole. |
N/A |
Added two new modules to PFMS auto-monitoring (Index Health and Index Status) for Elasticsearch daily indexes, which is necessary to be able to use the Elasticsearch database in the log collecting process. |
N/A |
9561 |
Added a hierarchy feature to the list of registered services, both in the Metaconsole and in the nodes, when a service depends on another. This is shown graphically in the tree view and with an information icon in the list view. |
N/A |
9610 |
Added a new agent filter option per Operating System to bulk operations. |
N/A |
Monitoring policieswere designed to contain lots of agents. A new feature was added precisely in the opposite direction: from an agent you now may add several policies and apply them only to that agent, separate from the queue of agents to be applied that said policy manages. Likewise, policies can be deleted from an agent; through the Metaconsole, you may only see the policies added to the agent. |
N/A |
9735 |
Added a new plugin inventory for software agents in Solaris operating system. |
N/A |
Added the possibility to scale statuses in Bulk operations (from warning to critical) based on a configurable number of intervals in warning state. |
N/A |
Discovery 2.0! The new extension system (.disco) is present in Pandora FMS with all of its common features, rewritten to simplify the future setup of systems, items and applications to be monitored. Throughout the deployment process, the existent features will stay operative. |
N/A |
9867 |
Improved Custom IP and Target IP field performance compared to monitoring policy application. |
N/A |
Added a new report option: Log report by period which is based on the report Log report, to which a time lapse and a period range were added. It has a limit of 12 columns and if it exceeds this value, the range selector will be changed. |
N/A |
added a combined graph for Log reports by period along with the options to display the table, the graph or both at once. You may also group the data in a table or divide it by agents. |
N/A |
By means of a list of allowed events and another list of not allowed events (processed in that chronological order) and by means of each token in PFMS server configuration file (syslog_blacklist and syslog_whitelist), it is now possible to filter events before sending them to the Syslog server. |
N/A |
Improved the previous state check up of muted agents before executing a scheduled downtime. |
N/A |
10144 |
Improved the agent information used by certain plugins in the centralized mode. |
N/A |
10147 |
Fixed and improved database queries when users log in. |
14986 |
10304 |
In policy settings, the alert action can now be set for several modules at once. |
N/A |
Modified the welcome wizard, to which new menu sections and quick setup utilities were added in a newly installed environment. |
N/A |
10691 |
Improved the Top-N Agent Modules widget with the incorporation of graphs of different types: pie, vertical and horizontal bars. In addition, the legend now has different modes:
N/A |
New widget: NetFlow. |
N/A |
10765 |
Added a confirmation message when deleting from a network map. |
N/A |
Added new configuration tokens of software agents (pandora_agent.conf):
It works similarly to the module_interval token, but it remembers the date of the last execution, when the agent was restarted and with day, hour, minute and second periods. |
N/A |
11012 |
Implemented the feature called Show experimental features, which is disabled by default. This will allow beta-type developments to be tested and verified by all customers, as a test, before releasing the final version. |
N/A |
11066 |
Fixed pandorawmic execution permissions to 755 in the RPM installer. Likewise it is enabled by default for new Pandora FMS installations. |
N/A |
11093 |
Added the option for Visual Consoles to display a grid with a variable size ranging from 10 to 50 pixels. Line and Network linkitems do not include this new feature. |
N/A |
11199 |
Added the option to validate only digits by means of the –onlydigits parameter to the Google Sheet plugin. |
N/A |
Added MySQL® plugin for Discovery 2.0. |
N/A |
11208 |
Created a new plugin for MS SQL server® that supports Discovery 2.0 PFMS (.disco format). |
N/A |
Created a new plugin for Oracle® that supports Discovery 2.0 PFMS (.disco format). |
N/A |
11210 |
Migrated the plugin for DB2 so that it supports the new Discovery 2.0 PFMS. |
N/A |
Sound alerts are now integrated into PFMS events, both in the nodes and in the Metaconsole. |
N/A |
New widget: Agent hive |
N/A |
11575 |
Added the feature for editing GIS layers. |
N/A |
10976 |
Improved agent search from the Web Console header search bar. Fixed also minor errors found during improvement. |
N/A |
11163 |
Improved the way and manner with which graphics for the mailing macro are generated, now they do not depend on the existence and authorization of any user but it is PFMS server itself that implements their authentication mechanism. |
Fixed vulnerabilities
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
Thanks to Oliver Brooks (NCC-Group). CVE-2023-41786 |
11779 |
Fixed directories where certain datafiles are stored in the Apache2 server, so that they have their own .htaccess file with strict access control standards (ACL). Likewise, restricted access to directories in PFMS web console just for admin users. |
Thanks to Oliver Brooks (NCC Group). CVE-2023-4677 |
11778 |
Added extension .gz (zipped files) to the list of files that can only be accessed through prior authorization in the Apache .htaccess file. Affects to file backup permission. |
Thanks to Oliver Brooks (NCC Group). CVE-2023-41787 |
11783 |
Fixed PFMS API checker 1.0 used in the web console so that it only accepts HTTP or HTTPS requests. |
Bug fixes
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
Fixed debug mode for the NetScaler plugin and, in addition, added a special parameter to ignore certificates in curl. |
N/A |
Fixed plugin wizard_wmi_module to use pandorawmic instead of wmic. |
N/A |
Fixed CLI PFMS, command –get_bad_conf_files so that it lists correctly the agents whose .conf files have some erroneous configuration. |
N/A |
Fixed CLI PFMS, command –create_event, to force the event agent to be successfully created by requiring to specify a registered group for the new agent. |
15036 |
Deleted name validation for new components for both remote and local components: they can already be created with the same name with no issues. |
N/A |
10424 |
Fixed fields HTTP auth login and HTTP auth password so that they may save their corresponding values used in the web checks of each agent in remote monitoring. |
15102 |
10507 |
Fixed the dynamic_snmp plugin to receive and work with negative values. |
N/A |
10625 |
Fixed the report graphs item to take the time zone configured for the user instead of the server time zone. |
N/A |
10627 |
Fixed PFMS notification system to accept the target group All. |
15255 and 15647 |
10729 |
Fixed the number of Agents reported in Metaconsole Tactical View when Agents have Secondary Groups. |
15263 |
10741 |
Fixed the filter in Agent setup view (section Management → Resources → Manage agents → Modules) to accept more than five characters. |
N/A |
10815 |
Fixed Bulk operations for module selectors to only display modules that were not created using policies. Selecting “Select all modules” excludes those created with policies. Fixed the same case if in the module selector the option Any is chosen. |
N/A |
10860 |
In module creation and editing, non-descendant modules from the same module will no longer appear to avoid circular references. |
N/A |
10861 |
Fixed UM profile (Manage users) and they now have permissions for the following API 1.0 PFMS call tasks:
15383 |
10875 |
Fixed an issue when validating or setting an event to in progress state. If a comment was added to the event and this comment exceeded three lines, it got modified when reaching the line in the event view. After fixing it, when the text is too long, it is fully shown when hovering over the comment. |
15405 |
10894 |
Fixed and limited the scope on the group All in monitoring policies: from now on users must explicitly belong to said group, otherwise they can only be displayed. |
N/A |
10921 |
Fixed the installed version report by both the form About and the notification system. |
N/A |
11025 |
Fixed the Templates section of Alert management from the Metaconsole so that the Search field of the filter accepts and keeps in memory between calls for when the search contains several words. |
N/A |
Fixed time period saving and text search (now it accepts spaces) fields in the audit viewer section. The text and control location and size were also visually enhanced. |
N/A |
11040 |
Fixed the default installed credential warning notification to work with the new password encryption implemented in version 768 NG. For this message to appear, you must be subscribed to system notifications. |
N/A |
11071 |
Fixed Alerts threads token display in PFMS server remote configuration. Checked that it can edit and save its value by means of the web console. |
N/A |
11121 |
Fixed several visual and logical errors in Metaconsole agent autoconfiguration, for example that of adding the Update button to modify and save. |
N/A |
11143 |
Fixed the pop-up window showing the data of a module in Tree view (Operation → Monitoring → Views) to perform proper pagination of hundreds of results. |
N/A |
11152 |
Fixed the Data type field of the filter in the Monitor detail so that it retains its value between different filters. |
N/A |
11153 |
Aligned the buttons indicating the steps performed in Alerts > Templates (Management menu) in both nodes and the Metaconsole. |
N/A |
11162 |
Added a new icon in Services (section Operation → Topology maps) for these elements and enhanced the list of services. |
N/A |
11161 |
Fixed several errors when a superadmin user modified the profile of a standard user. |
N/A |
11168 |
Fixed the feature in section Services so that the elements (agents and services) are not repeated in the same service. This fix avoids circular references. |
N/A |
11174 |
Fixed Diagnostic info section graphs for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, web browsers both for the default Light mode theme and for the Dark mode theme. |
N/A |
11191 |
Fixed the option to add users to PFMS notification system. |
N/A |
11205 |
Fixed and updated section Active issue on this agent (menu Operation → Views → Agent detail → Main) according to the style of the new PFMS interface. |
N/A |
11211 |
Fixed the editing of a backup task in NCM, specifically the Backup schedule field. |
N/A |
11218 |
Fixed, linked and adapted icons in the module and monitoring policy views for each state, as well as their combinations. |
N/A |
Fixed Spanish translation of the left-side menu, as well as several visual bugs. |
15600 |
11231 |
Fixed group filtering by parent in Remote components (Management→ Configuration → Templates) by adding a token that when activated searches for all “children” groups. |
15607 |
11235 |
Corrected custom string translation: Now the search is not case sensitive. |
N/A |
11251 |
Fixed the parameters of plugin macros called _ moduletags_ and _policy_ to display the data correctly, label name and policy name. |
N/A |
11256 |
Fixed the widgetIcon and Module Value in the Metaconsole to correctly read and display the critical module state with its corresponding representative icon. |
N/A |
11260 |
Fixed full transfer of an agent from a node to another, even if it is returned to its original node, in Bulk operations section, in the Metaconsole. Both operations are now executed cleanly and smoothly. |
15597 |
11262 |
Fixed Dashboard Module Reports widget so that disabled modules no longer appear in the list. |
15611 |
11267 |
Fixed both network and plugin remote components so that they correctly save the reverse interval token. |
N/A |
Fixed Provisioning server feature through the Metaconsole to search for .conf files by MD5 hash instead of its natural name. |
N/A |
11271 |
Fixed the Azure feature (menu Management → Discovery → Cloud → Microsoft Azure) to show the new PFMS interface. |
N/A |
11272 |
Fixed SNMP trap display (Operation → Monitoring → SNMP → SNMP Console menu), for the Mozilla Firefox web browser, to be visually the same as in the rest of the web browsers. |
N/A |
11284 |
Visually fixed the Tentacle options token in section VMware detailed, Discovery feature. |
N/A |
11293 |
Fixed the Reports option menu in the Metaconsole to redirect you to the report list where you may edit and create these items. |
N/A |
Fixed Custom columns and Event responses menu option in Events section to be selected according to the requested option and shown in the main section. |
N/A |
11310 |
Added a new class in CSS called “invisible_important”, for important messages; said new class replaces a class that had deficiencies in its use. |
15642 |
11312 |
Fixed the use of a public link when creating an item in a visual console, linked to another visual console, is created, to see the second visual console without authentication in the Console. |
14544 |
11327 |
Fixed the Plugin parameters area to be wider, thus allowing a higher number of parameters. |
N/A |
11331 |
Fixed the issue where the configured Google cloud® task led to the root of Discovery Cloud, rather than the task itself. In addition, another error was fixed in the connection of the task itself to Google Cloud. |
N/A |
Fixed the Google Cloud Platform Discovery to make it mandatory to enter a name in the task creation. |
N/A |
11333 |
Fixed the NCM so that the Device manager no longer has a preset value and the NCM template to be used field becomes a required field. |
N/A |
11339 |
Fixed the installation of the Sys::Syslog module in Perl language in the Linux agent installer to make it optional, that way it is installed only if Syslog is present. |
N/A |
11343 |
Fixed PFMS API 1.0 so that it does not create any modules in the cases of create_network_module and create_data_module. |
N/A |
11346 |
Fixed the informational module messages (unknown status, interval, etc.) as the case may be. |
15666 |
11347 |
Fixed the API token viewer in Japanese to correctly display those characters in that language. |
N/A |
11349 |
Fixed PFMS About window display from Dashboards since its content was not visible previously. |
15668 |
11351 |
Fixed Enterprise String, Custom Value/OID and SNMP Agent (IP address) fields to prevent errors in SNMP alert creation. Now they are mandatory to create the alert. |
15662 |
11353 |
Fixed the command planned_downtimes_add_agents of PFMS API 1.0 to add each and every agent specified in the corresponding parameter. |
N/A |
11378 |
Fixed webserver module editing, now it does not insert two carriage returns at the end of the module. |
15676 |
11379 |
Fixed filtering by operating system in section Manage agents (menu Management → Resources). |
15677 |
11380 |
Fixed the up and down arrow icons for the Black theme in the Metaconsole, section Monitor detail. |
N/A |
11383 |
Fixed the Autorefresh pages field when creating a user to correctly save the set value or values. |
N/A |
11398 |
Fixed the date and time format in the setup section “Setup → Setup → Visual styles” while the web console operates with PHP 8.2. |
15690 |
11404 |
Fixed the order (now ascending) presented for Interface information (SNMP), when an agent has two or more of them created. |
N/A |
11410 |
Fixed auto recovery in the Split Brain of the new PFMS HA due to the incorrect state detection of the secondary server. Fixed also an issue with passwords that contain special characters when connecting. |
15670 |
11413 |
Fixed the plugin to work with disks (data storage drives in MS Windows® ). |
15702 |
11415 |
Reinstated the HTML editor in the widget Panel with a message as it was missing from the new PFMS interface version 770. |
N/A |
11420 |
Fixed Remote configuration and Advanced editor buttons in PFMS remote configuration both in the Metaconsole and in nodes, in terms of name, appearance and destination (Management → Servers → Manage servers). |
N/A |
11427 |
Fixed the possibility to enable or disable autoconfiguration tasks on agents from the node without being centralized in a Metaconsole. |
N/A |
11428 |
Fixed informative messages about centralized operations in Metaconsole in the nodes, within the Bulk operations section. |
N/A |
11435 |
Fixed the width of each field list box in section Events > Custom columns. |
15718 |
11438 |
Fixed the search when creating a module in a policy, now it is possible to write in the module group and type dropdown to finish the task of creating a Data server module. |
N/A |
11440 |
Fixed the names of the actions in Alert details, section Alerts. With this patch now each one of them is shown. |
15692 |
11441 |
Fixed the warning “agent access statistics” to stop reporting false positives regarding the tokenUse agent access graph. |
N/A |
11443 |
Fixed the selection and the possibility to undo said field selection of the fields Inverse interval and Percentage and also the subsequent and correct saving of the chosen values in SNMP wizard and in SNMP interfaces. |
15719 |
11447 |
Fixed XML file reception and decoding of XML files and their custom fields for Software Agents when they contain any web link. |
N/A |
Fixed recovery so that the RECOVERED_ALERT variable takes into account whether there is a FIRED_ALERT to reset the counter to zero. |
N/A |
11451 |
Fixed widget Network map for the Dashboard section to correctly record the level of zoom used at the time of editing and saving. |
N/A |
11452 |
Fixed shared variables in section Dashboard for Network map and Service map widgets so that each widget handles its own unique variables. |
N/A |
11460 |
Fixed Top N events by agent and Top N by module in the Metaconsole to take into account the top N of nodes. |
N/A |
11462 |
Fixed Custom field alignment in the Metaconsole (section Custom fields view). |
N/A |
11465 |
Fixed widget Agent/Module view through the Metaconsole so that modules that have not been initialized may be received. |
N/A |
11467 |
Fixed message in the Tree view when there are no history data. Fixed Advanced information so that when there is no information, the section is not shown at all. |
N/A |
11468 |
Fixed the sunburst links in services so that by clicking on them they lead to the corresponding main view of each node agent. |
N/A |
11469 |
Fixed node module addition in the Metaconsola in the wizard intended for services. |
N/A |
11474 |
Fixed the inventory view in the Metaconsole to show all the agents of each of the nodes. |
N/A |
11487 |
Fixed the sunburst mode inOperations → Topology maps → → Network map network maps editorso that it correctly searches and displays the map groups, subgroups, agents and modules. |
N/A |
11492 |
Added the state icons for the Custom report widget in the Metaconsole. |
N/A |
11496 |
Fixed redirection to reports through the widget Custom report, both through the Metaconsole and the nodes. |
N/A |
11501 |
Fixed agent auto configuration filter to accept searches for groups whose names have spaces. |
N/A |
11505 |
Fixed buttons in Resource exporting and now their style is the same as the new visual interface. |
15747 |
11509 |
Fixed Real-time SNMP graphs for Remote SNMP network agent, incremental data(remote_snmp_inc) modules that host IP addresses by means of macros. |
N/A |
11515 |
Fixed the SLA Limit (%) field in the report section, SLA items, so that it does not accept null values, a numeric value must be placed in order to save the item. |
N/A |
11517 |
Fixed Custom field configuration saving (menu Operation → Monitoring) in the Monitor detail view. |
N/A |
11518 |
Fixed filtering by module name in section Tree View of Monitoring Policies. |
N/A |
11529 |
Fixed the PFMS API 1.0 update_module_in_conf call so that it decodes the texts entered in base64 format properly. |
N/A |
11530 |
Fixed favorite service view in the Metaconsole so that they are not displayed to users who do not belong to the service group. |
N/A |
11548 |
Fixed separators in the widget Module in a table (Dashboards section) to make the table to be inserted legible. |
N/A |
11550 |
Fixed the Tactical view widget to filter correctly by group, both in the Metaconsole and nodes. |
N/A |
Fixed the general operation of the Inventory item in the Reports section both in the Metaconsole and in nodes. This allowed to add another correction and a proposal for operation improvement. |
N/A |
11574 |
Network explorer (NetFlow) graphs now take 100 percent of the screen, thus correcting their visibility. |
N/A |
11581 |
Fixed the “Alert Group Alert Report” item in the Reports section to work in the Metaconsole as well. |
N/A |
11583 |
Fixed event type icons in reports, within the PDF export action. |
N/A |
11589 |
Fixed the histogram item in PDF so that it can connect and receive lots of data in JSON format, and therefore be able to see the export in PDF for its corresponding histogram report. |
N/A |
11591 |
Fixed the background color in the labels editor of the Visual Console (from white to grey), this improves the readability of the component. |
N/A |
11597 |
Fixed the header selection button in Templates (section Reporting →Custom reports) for all lines, which allows erasure operations to be performed more quickly. |
N/A |
Fixed item “Grouped group report” in the Metaconsole to show only the information expressly requested (nodes and groups). |
N/A |
11600 |
Fixed Templates wizard (section Reporting → Custom reports) so that in the event that there is no match with the requested agents conditions, the report is created “empty”. |
N/A |
11602 |
Fixed SNMP trap view and now trap width is not modified when opening the details. Now all the details from all the traps you need can stay open. |
N/A |
11603 |
Fixed Templates wizard (section Reporting → Custom reports) so that it correctly searches for agents through the Metaconsole (Agent alert report or Agent event report items). |
N/A |
11611 |
Fixed the tool written in JavaScript to show a Supernet Treeview in IPAM. |
N/A |
11612 |
Fixed Alert templates so that it does not allow to create templates with names only with spaces, likewise it will not allow to advance to the following steps without this requirement. |
N/A |
11604 |
Fixed Templates wizard (section Reporting →Custom reports) to add Inventory items if a regex search is performed by both agent name and module name. |
N/A |
11617 |
Fixed the option to edit labels in Bulk operations so that it first checks whether the module exists in the policy before inserting it, order to avoid null result errors. |
N/A |
11618 |
Fixed the header selector in the List of services (section Services in Operation → Services → Service tree view→Topology maps) to be able to select or not all the listed lines. |
N/A |
11619 |
Fixed new user creation (both by Metaconsole and non-centralized environments) to stop using the previous user identifier by default for the new user. |
N/A |
11629 |
Fixed Neflow filter to accept and include group All into filter configuration values. |
N/A |
Removed the “refr” token because it was used in PHP 7 and with PHP 8 it causes errors in the auto-refreshing of pages marked for that purpose. |
N/A |
Fixed error 500 returned in the web browser in section SNMP browser (menu Operation → SNMP), it now performs page check before launching the SNMP browser. |
N/A |
11648 |
Fixed email forwarding in case password encryption is enabled. |
15824 |
11649 |
Fixed the event widget with a filter previously saved by the user (Reporting → Dashboards). |
N/A |
11651 |
Fixed left-side menu when using alert details. |
N/A |
11653 |
Fixed Cascade protection modules field in aget setup so that it allows saving only if a “parent” agent was chosen. If the parent agent is left empty, the modules selected in the corresponding section are deleted. |
N/A |
11656 |
Fixed utility “pandora_encrypt_db” so that if it is executed in an HA environment, it connects directly to it or to the main data servers and encrypts and decrypts the content used by PFMS. |
N/A |
11660 |
Fixed changes to apply when selecting Select all modules of the same type in agent Bulk operations, both in Select modules first and Select agents first. |
N/A |
11662 |
Fixed filter operation, as well as other minor errors in the SQL query, in sections Remote components and Local components (Management→ Configuration → Templates). |
15842 |
Fixed the customized home pages that each user can set both in the nodes and in the Metaconsole. |
15840 |
11676 |
Fixed the error returned by SQL in the Warp online update process because some characters were not escaped from the query in the JSON. |
15857 |
11680 |
Fixed the visual error presented when two service widgets with radial representation were added in the Metaconsole Dashboard (sunburst). |
N/A |
Fixed alert template configuration section, so that the days where the configured alerts won’t be activated are correctly checked (according to the template selected in “Use special day list”). |
N/A |
11683 |
Fixed additional options in special days through CSS so that they appear again in the alert section. |
N/A |
Fixed the entire interface in Delete modules and Copy modules actions in section Bulk operations. |
N/A |
Fixed four HTTP 500 errors in Policy Alerts, this occurred when a module was not selected for alerts. |
N/A |
11692 |
Added the possibility of stopping periodic scheduled downtimes. |
15876 |
11693 |
Fixed the token “Inverse interval” so that it gets activated in “web server” modules with string data. Verified that this change does not affect the rest of the agent modules. |
15885 |
11694 |
Fixed an erratum in the formula to calculate the timeticks (Unit field in module advanced operations). |
N/A |
11695 |
Fixed the alert actions filter by both Metaconsola and nodes (menu Management → Alerts → Actions). |
N/A |
11697 |
Due to the new interface and PFMS style, token Click to display lateral menus (located at Management → Setup → Setup → Visual Styles → Behaviour configuration) stopped working. It was corrected in this ticket. |
N/A |
11703 |
Fixed the Custom Reports Wizard in the Metaconsole to add all items from the column “Elements to Apply“, whether or not selected. |
N/A |
11709 |
Fixed Delete and Edit buttons in the Metaconsole, section Extensions → Cron jobs, from backup tasks in the database so that they correctly perform their corresponding tasks. A verification dialogue was also added for item deletion |
N/A |
11710 |
Fixed alert commands in the centralized mode (with the Metaconsole connected to nodes), which were not properly displayed. Now they redirect correctly to the Metaconsole to manage alert commands. In addition, fixed list pagination in the Metaconsole and now there is access to all centralized alert commands. |
N/A |
11716 |
Fixed registration of a new plugin if no parameters have spaces so that there is a line break and it is visually shown in Command preview and Plugin parameters. |
N/A |
11719 |
Fixed the alerts view of the agents of the nodes that are centralized so that the existing modules are displayed in the dropdown (module selector in the Agent Alerts). |
N/A |
11720 |
Fixed the home page in the Metaconsole, which shows the shortcuts to the most used actions. |
N/A |
11723 |
Fixed the link that directs to the editing of each agent in the Tree view, in nodes. Maintained the Metaconsole feature that redirects to the corresponding node of each agent shown in the Metaconsole Tree view. |
N/A |
11724 |
Fixed icon to show or hide characters in seven different sections if the field is a password field. |
N/A |
11726 |
Fixed Agent column (name) in Alert details (Monitoring → Views menu) so that it is correctly displayed in each alert. |
N/A |
11728 |
Fixed the error when changing a plugin server module: now plugin server module fields are changed and modified correctly depending on the selected plugin. |
N/A |
11732 |
Fixed API-generated graphics for email at key points written in JavaScript. |
N/A |
11735 |
Fixed the list of modules in agent detail view (Operation → Monitoring → Views → Agent detail → Agent main view), now it correctly searches for the module identifier, reads them and displays them accordingly. |
N/A |
11737 |
Fixed the PHP minimum version detection function (8.0.27) in Ubuntu server 22.04 and Rocky Linux 8 operating systems, for the operation of the Web Console. |
15964 |
11749 |
Fixed agent counting in section Agent detail and Manage agents. Now the number of agents counted is displayed and correct. |
15966 |
11751 |
Fixed event export in CSV format in the Metaconsole with fields between quotation marks. |
15970 |
11754 |
Fixed paging in Custom graphs when there are lost of items and therefore they are divided into several pages. |
N/A |
11755 |
Fixed Summary graph generation in section Netflow live view when using the option Aggregated by ports. |
N/A |
11764 |
Fixed a JavaScript error in the filter form of the log view that prevented the advanced options and their fields from being shown. In addition, visually refactored the whole section. |
N/A |
11769 |
Fixed node view in the Metaconsole so that columns include null values, avoiding the node display error. |
N/A |
Fixed the process when the token Keep In process status for new events with extra ID is active and works properly and timestamp values from the Acknowledged by field are maintained by means of the API. |
N/A |
11767 |
Fixed item deletion in IPAM, VLAN section. Fixed the size of the deleted icon too. |
N/A |
11772 |
Fixed NetFlow server icon color in the server list, using a lighter color. |
15990 |
11771 |
Fixed plugin module setup in monitoring policies both in the nodes and the Metaconsole. |
N/A |
Fixed error in ticket11387 that affected all set calls from the PFMS API 1.0. |
N/A |
Fixed error in ticket11386 that prevented audio files from being played in the sound console in a decoupled way. |
N/A |
11834 |
Fixed button Update from agents. Now it is properly shown and allows saving modifications in the database. |
N/A |
11851 |
Fixed the time interval editor PFMS web console general configuration. |
Pandora FMS NG 772 LTS – Renaissance
New features and improvements
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
1270 |
Automatic cascade deletion of children, grandchildren, etc. modules. |
N/A |
1841 |
Added SO filtering to policies. |
8282 |
New feature to be able to choose the server (nodes and Command Center) when executing a CronJob task. |
N/A |
6290 |
Added an ID field to the Software Agent repository view. In addition, the text was changed in agent deployment. |
11510 |
7172 |
Added author field to XML file for RSS events. |
N/A |
7250 |
Improved the web editor display of pandora_server.conf . |
N/A |
7386 |
Modified API call management in order to hide the access credentials to it. |
N/A |
8535 |
Cluster monitoring for Enterprise to Open. |
N/A |
8538 |
Azure monitoring is improved. |
N/A |
8558 |
Inventory feature becomes open source. |
N/A |
8619 |
Added new widget to dashboards: “Data matrix”. |
N/A |
8755 |
Modified the possibility of editing server plugins once they are deployed. |
13329 |
8770 |
Added the possibility of having bandwidth in absolute value in the network-bandwidth plugin. |
N/A |
8809 |
Added Custom SQL report type to the Command Center. |
13468 |
8849 |
Added the option to create a custom Link agent field. |
13786 |
8854 |
Included audible event alerts in the Command Center. |
N/A |
8909 |
In reports, custom intervals for averages, minimums, and maximums can be modified. |
N/A |
9002 |
Deleted transactional monitoring (transactional server). |
N/A |
9047 |
Functional and aesthetic improvements in Audit View. |
N/A |
9059 |
Visual correction of label and input in the agent group view. |
N/A |
9069 |
The schedule downtime filter has been visually rearranged. |
N/A |
New welcome tips system when logging into PFMS Web Console. |
N/A |
9090 |
Added manual query to transform old “custom_data” from plain text to base64. |
N/A |
9113 |
Added HTTPS support for API CHECKER. |
N/A |
9120 |
Included the “not” button for a free text search in the events view. |
N/A |
9135 |
Included the possibility of searching by name and user ID in events. |
N/A |
9152 |
Added the option to enable modules in bulk in agent views. |
13829 |
9175 |
Password protection in modules to prevent their viewing by users who do not have rights to do so. |
13843 |
9196 |
Added service item editing to the Metaconsole. |
N/A |
9219 |
Removed configuration file editing in the collection holding or plugin in NMS licensed policy. |
N/A |
9220 |
NMS Enterprise license update. See their features at:
N/A |
9242 |
Spanish translation of the help text to register a new plugin. |
13884 |
9246 |
Added new macro _group_contact_ in event responses. |
N/A |
9270 |
In Monitoring Interface View a button has been added to display graphs made up by incremental modules called inOctets and outOctects. |
N/A |
9286 |
Deleted the service forcing button for child services. |
13830 |
9292 |
Improved trap saving and representation in the SNMP view so as not to lose performance when increasing the number of elements to be displayed. |
14021 |
9323 |
Added the possibility of choosing the ability to represent full numerical data in reports. |
14021 |
9325 |
Added the possibility of choosing the representation of the thousand unit. |
N/A |
9410 |
Improved the Enterprise Cisco Inventory configuration plugin. |
N/A |
9412 |
Making visual modifications to remote configuration of Satellite servers to make it easier to use. |
N/A |
9447 |
Added entry control to the CLI –create_event call. |
N/A |
9463 |
Improved network map linking. |
14144 |
9464 |
Enlarged the text box to display the full label in the Command Center event view. |
N/A |
Added module creation button in the tree view in Monitoring for the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
9505 |
Improvements in Omnishell interface. |
N/A |
9509 |
Alerts and messages on different places notify the user if libraries are needed for Omnishell. |
N/A |
9516 |
Modified agent plugin editing in policies. |
N/A |
Implemented a new template in custom SQL (Reports menu), which returns the name of those modules that do not have the safe operation mode field active. See more examples in the official documentation. |
14208 |
In the Enterprise version, the ability to configure User Timezone setup has been added for users who authenticate using LDAP. This allows you to set a different time zone than that of Pandora FMS server, in case there is a time difference. |
N/A |
9530 |
Reinstated triggered alert representation through orange boxes. |
N/A |
9535 |
The cluster monitoring feature becomes OpenSource. |
N/A |
9554 |
Changed pie chart representation. |
N/A |
Fully reviewed and improved Pandora FMS Web Console mobile view. |
14267 |
9557 |
Added private dashboard automatic removal when deleting the associated user. |
N/A |
9587 |
Added double search in the agents view to filter between modules and alerts. |
N/A |
9618 |
Added the option to be able to see the IP with which a remote module is running from the agent view. |
N/A |
9622 |
Each agent now has a section for Omnishell and can see the commands executed on it. It will only appear when there is a task for that agent. |
N/A |
Added the possibility of monitoring through SFlow. |
N/A |
9643 |
Pandora-exec implementation for modern Windows (such as wmic). |
N/A |
9645 |
It allows to add a separate SAP license for each agent for very detailed monitoring. |
N/A |
New widget: “Event cardboard” |
N/A |
9672 |
Added inventory plugins to monitor Aruba 3810M, Aruba 2930M PoE+ and Aruba 6300M 24SFP+ devices. |
N/A |
9673 |
Tentacle server installation verifies the dependencies in detail and shows which dependencies are required for the successful installation of the product. |
N/A |
9675 |
Modified unification notices so that they only fire in the strictly necessary cases. |
N/A |
9676 |
Inventory modules are now updated when an XML arrives named but without data. The goal is to create specific and well detailed reports. |
N/A |
9680 |
New widget: “Modules by status”. |
N/A |
9698 |
New plugin to send messages with Pushover. |
N/A |
9709 |
Changed the admin user to be created as local by default. |
N/A |
9713 |
Added button to show the actual path in a modal window in Pandora FMS file manager. |
N/A |
9740 |
Added the mail configuration feature to the Command Center. |
N/A |
9763 |
Improved asynchronous service performance and synchronization. |
N/A |
9778 |
Improved error log for agent plugins. |
Timestamp date and time merging in event creation with PFMS 1.0 API. |
N/A |
9819 |
Added an Acoustic Console to configure custom sounds for event audible alerts. |
N/A |
9859 |
New dashboard widget named Avg|Sum|Max|Min Module data. |
N/A |
9878 |
Added multiple server selection is added to event filter editing (Meta). |
N/A |
9801 |
Added block in PDF/CSV/JSON file generation so as not to be able to generate more than one in parallel and thus not affect the tool's performance. |
N/A |
9816 |
When sending alerts by email, macro _moduledata _X_ has been improved and if the data contains an image, it detects it and sends it as an image. |
N/A |
9847 |
Improved remote inventory plugin for Windows to use binary pandorawmic. |
N/A |
9868 |
Removed the footer and replaced it with the section “About”. |
N/A |
9883 |
Monitoring inventory reports have been improved both in their options and in their interface. Improvements are also included for the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
9884 |
Custom filters can be saved and retrieved in the monitor view, which implies applying MR number 61. |
N/A |
9903 |
Removed the possibility of having different profiles with the same name. |
14587 |
Added PANDORA_agent_SSL token for the online agent installation, which allows encrypted communications with PFMS server. |
N/A |
Submenu added for services checked as favorites in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
9971 |
The “Icon” element of the visual consoles can now be edited. |
N/A |
9984 |
Corrected/changed the recon parameter order with SNMP v3. |
N/A |
9987 |
Improved inventory view and its filters. |
N/A |
9991 |
Changed the “skin” label to “theme” in user editing. |
N/A |
10008 |
Improved search management in agent view, monitor view and event view, with the possibility to save queries for their reuse. |
N/A |
10010 |
New option for the Log viewer in the Search field: it is unchecked by default to show only the lines that match the search. If checked, the full log matching the search is displayed. |
N/A |
10014 |
Custom filters for log viewer, which involves applying MR number 61. |
14662 |
10016 |
Added new features for monitoring in the OpenShift plugin for Pandora FMS Enterprise version. |
N/A |
10017 |
Enabled the DRDA port for connection in the Informix plugin: this allows remote monitoring. |
N/A |
10025 |
Added option in the online installer to install the latest LTS version. |
N/A |
10037 |
Improvements in server auto-monitoring. |
14689 |
10039 |
Improved agent name display in the Metaconsole monitor view. |
N/A |
10053 |
By CLI PFMS the command delete_module now recursively deletes the descendants of the deleted module. |
N/A |
10055 |
Recursion is added in the module deletion notice, showing all modules that depend on the module to be deleted. |
N/A |
10057 |
Enabled the _agentcustomfield_X_ macro for use with ICMP Enterprise and SNMP Enterprise servers. |
N/A |
10067 |
Added the option to filter for triggered alerts both in the tree view widget and the triggered alerts tree view. |
14519 |
10070 |
In the Command Center (Metaconsole) the display of the execution status of pandora_db is added, specifically in the performance section (Setup -> Performance). |
N/A |
10076 |
Added direct link to the attachments (File manager) to the plugins section (new tab created for this purpose). |
N/A |
10082 |
Changed/improved the dual module search tooltip in the agents view. |
14739 |
10092 |
Not normal (covering states Critical and Warning) filter in both agent and module states for the Tree View widget in Dashboards. |
N/A |
10093 |
New policy maintenance mode when running database maintenance (pandora_db). |
N/A |
10096 |
Adapted plugin to be able to run it externally. |
N/A |
10098 |
Improved PHP version 7 Composer error control when upgrading to Pandora FMS 768 (PHP7 not supported). |
N/A |
10101 |
If it is intended to change from md5 to sha (access credentials) it is checked if the table is varchar(60), if it is not, it stays in md5. |
N/A |
10106 |
When deleting a user all their open sessions are also deleted, in real time. |
N/A |
10115 |
LDAP authentication accepts special characters. |
N/A |
Added an explicit save button for editing Visual Console elements. |
N/A |
10138 |
New graphical interface in the manual installer. |
N/A |
Added message to indicate whether Chromium Extension is not installed (required for graphics display). |
N/A |
10149 |
New Exchange plugin (2016 or later) to filter and monitor email messages (an agent with two modules in each run for each added filter). Enterprise feature in the online library, documentation in Spanish in BookStack. |
14544 |
Added an extra parameter to plugin pandora_snmp_bandwidth for the correct calculation of the bandwidth percentage when several interfaces are integrated. |
N/A |
10166 |
New indexes have been added to the database, especially useful for very large environments. |
14480 |
10175 |
Event information window updates status appropriately on the General tab when performing validation (Acknowledge by…). |
N/A |
10179 |
New wizard for deploying Software Agents on Mac OS®, Unix® / Linux® and MS Windows®. |
N/A |
A filter has been implemented that can be saved and retrieved in both data view and reports. |
N/A |
10186 |
Improved the message when merging events through the Command Center. Now it takes into account the history database and reports on it. |
N/A |
10189 |
Improved the visual interface of the sound console button. |
N/A |
10190 |
Alerts can be managed from the sound console. |
N/A |
10191 |
Incorporated into the new PFMS interface sound alerts which open in a new window to minimize, maintain above everything else and allow you to continue browsing and working in PFMS web console without closing. |
14895 |
The default value selected for Dynamic interval is set to none. |
N/A |
10215 |
Agent information when requested in heatmaps is now available in Pandora FMS Open version. |
N/A |
10228 |
Improved session management, particularly those related to API 1.0 PFMS which favors storage space in the database. |
N/A |
10235 |
Added new indexes to the database, especially useful for very large environments. |
14934 |
10236 |
In bulk operations on modules, unless requested by the user, Dynamic interval is left intact, unchanged, when saving the requested operation. |
N/A |
10248 |
Relocated the “Save custom report to disk” option in Discovery, in section new console task creation. |
14940 |
Added a token to disable orange boxes indicating alerts triggered in the Static image, Simple value, Icon and Group elements of Visual Consoles. |
N/A |
10259 |
Warning notice if there are more than 200 agents in the use of agent access statistics. |
N/A |
Limited to 500 the number of items per page in the event list. |
N/A |
Improvement in the XML entry process in Pandora FMS Dataserver. |
N/A |
10273 |
New parameters in the plugin for Google Sheets: –creds_base64 and –cell . |
N/A |
The “About” section loads faster. |
N/A |
10283 |
Visual enhancements for the filter in the SNMP Console. |
N/A |
Added the server time and date display in the “About” window. |
N/A |
New functionality that allows adding new server instances for very large environments and with powerful hardware available. |
N/A |
10303 |
Added an automated option to configure the location path of the fping command on the different operating systems used by PFMS server. |
14480 |
Added user information when setting an 'In process' event. |
N/A |
New favorites system in side menu for groups, dashboards, event filter, network maps, custom reports, visual consoles and agents. |
N/A |
Fixed a “healthy” limit for number of modules in unknown status that are processed in each iteration. |
N/A |
10347 |
Improved the usability of Group Tactical View. |
13815 |
10355 |
Added a maximum response time (token LDAP search timeout) when querying an LDAP server for authentication. |
15060 |
The event ID is now included when moving records to the history database for higher data control. |
N/A |
10441 |
Added package version in the head so that when updating the new JavaScript files will be added to the cache. |
N/A |
10474 |
Refined and visually enhanced the dynamic map (sunburst). |
N/A |
10483 |
Added the generation of a new CSRF token when logging out of PFMS. |
N/A |
10514 |
New plugin for monitoring clusters and SingleStore databases. |
N/A |
10524 |
Updated dependencies on Docker images for the Open version. |
15104 |
Fixed the display of all data for NetFlow, also removed the option to change the interval in the NetFlow form. |
N/A |
10589 |
Added an upgrade to SAP v1 Discovery to support new “Trial” licenses registered in PFMS. |
N/A |
10633 |
Added token (Check connection interval) for connection time with the server running the database engine. |
N/A |
10638 |
Network Links (Visual Console) show the value of data grouped in thousands and millions, as the case may be. |
N/A |
Added date of volume snapshots taken from virtual machines, in the VMware® plugin. |
N/A |
New Basic Chart widget |
N/A |
Added arping program as dependency needed for PFMS server. |
N/A |
Renovation and improvement of the login screen in Pandora FMS. |
N/A |
10714 |
Improved inventory view export in CSV format when filters are applied to inventory modules, as well as improved the visual interface. |
N/A |
10728 |
Plugin to detect changes in the configuration of switches (Alcatel®, Cisco®) through SSH. Enterprise feature available in PFMS Library, documentation in Spanish in BookStack. |
N/A |
In inventory reports, a REGEX keyword filter is added. |
N/A |
10740 |
In Heatmaps several improvements were added: in the agent view the information of the last contact and the progress bar in the detailed agent view with a graph included; in the module detail view when clicking now shows the date of the last data, value and status of the module; tag display now has better readability. |
N/A |
The detection feature of operating systems has been improved by using NMap. |
N/A |
Added dependency snmp-mib-downloader to translate the default MIBs and OIDs for the Ubuntu server operating system, when used to host and install Pandora FMS server. |
N/A |
Added feature in to support the new HA system for Ubuntu server 22. |
15230 |
10820 |
Added a new token in the general settings, which comes by default disabled: If there is any event “In process” with a specific additional ID and a “New” event with that additional ID is received, it will be created as “In process”. |
15134 |
10833 |
Fixed error in graphs in reports on chromium-111.0.5563.64-1. Checked that in prior versions chromium-common-109.0.5414.74-1 and chromium-109.0.5414.74-1 works correctly. |
N/A |
Generated and hosted Docker-independent images in the official Pandora FMS repository for Selenium 3 WUX.
N/A |
10929 |
Added new dependencies and new chromium version to the PFMS Docker images, both Open and Enterprise. |
N/A |
Added MySQL 8.x by default as the current version for the database engine from version 771. |
N/A |
11123 |
Renewed the image of message No data to show. |
N/A |
11124 |
Small changes and visual improvements have been made to the detailed agent view. |
N/A |
11128 |
Usability has been improved in the test connection buttons with integrations with eHorus and Integria IMS. |
N/A |
Added edit button to servers in Metaconsole. |
N/A |
11417 |
The sound console has improved the visual appearance and on-screen distribution of its elements. |
Fixed vulnerabilities
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A | 8297 | Improved Pandora FMS access management. |
CVE-2023-24515 Thanks to the information provided by damodarnaik. |
10159 | The API checker built into Pandora FMS Web Console only supports HTTP or HTTPS protocols. |
CVE-2023-24514 Thanks to the information provided by giri11408 |
10160 | Modules in visual consoles filter and avoid commands in JavaScript language. |
CVE-2023-24516 Thanks to the information provided by Gaurish Kauthankar. |
10162 | Module of special days in calendar limits and filters the use of JavaScript thus avoiding major problems. |
CVE-2023-24517 Thanks to the information provided by Gaurish Kauthankar. |
10163 | Pandora FMS file manager restricts the file type to GIF, PNG or JPG, thus avoiding the loading of any type of instruction. |
Thanks to the information provided by samsamurai. |
10217 | The CSRF is now generated in the attempt action itself to disable a user, which prevents editing. |
Thanks to the information provided by samsamurai. |
10219 | Changed data entry to syslog when a module is created. |
CVE-2021-41184 | 10229 | jQuery-UI is the official user interface library of jQuery. Before version 1.13.0, the option of accepted the value of the .position () utility from untrusted sources. The issue was fixed by updating to version 1.13.0. |
CVE-2021-23358 | 10230 | Update to latest Underscore (1.13.6) package version for Javascript. |
N/A Thanks to the information provided by ^MP. |
10261 | Deleted the upload_head_image.php file since it allowed uploading files with additional instructions. A suitable mechanism for such a file upload task has been implemented. |
N/A | 10294 | Set a maximum limit of attempts (Password Policy) for unknown users for Pandora FMS Web Console (nodes and Command Center) and also for the Mobile version. |
N/A | 10326
When the superuser “admin”, created by default when installing PFMS, changes its password for the first time, a new bearer token is also generated which replaces the default (“pandora1234”). |
N/A Thanks to the information provided by Edisc. |
11232 | An unauthenticated user can reset the password of other users. This was controlled when a hash was integrated into the restart form but a variable evaluation was missing which was corrected, now the vulnerability does not exist. |
N/A | 11233 | Corrected the default notification message in Dashboard when a widget has no data to display. |
15612 | 11241
The reverse intervals in the modules of the network server remote_cmd_string and remote_tcp_string were saved incorrectly so it was corrected and it now saves correctly. |
Bug fixes
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
12354 | 7936 | For users registered in a Command Center (Metaconsole) they can now select Dashboard as the custom home screen of the Web Console. |
N/A | 8047 | Fixed the blocking of the Kaspersky antivirus to the new WMIC version used by the Satellite server. |
N/A | 8148 | Administrative Tools -> System Audit Logs now shows in detail the changes made. |
N/A | 8578 | Solved visual integration errors with eHorus. |
13394 | 8793 | Solved a deadlock in pandora_db when using Percona XtraDB cluster. |
12537 | 8950 | Modified modules of the “MySQL Server Advanced Plugin” plugin that had erroneous data. |
N/A | 9061 | Fixed Discovery section views. |
12537 | 9221 | Fixed module type’s default value when creating modules in “MySQL Server Advanced Plugin”. |
N/A | 9251 | Added translation in sections that called function ui_print_help_tip. |
N/A | 9270 | Within the view of each agent, the Interfaces section is visible and accessible. |
14050 | 9349 | Modified the tree view in the Command Center so that it does not show the agent hash when hovering over. |
N/A | 9362 | Checking is modified to tagent_data table for data quantity. |
N/A | 9440 | Corrected count of “$bad_agents”. |
N/A | 9473 | The get total_modules command in PFMS 1.0 API correctly returns the total modules when a specific module group is requested. |
N/A | 9483 | Modified the correlation server to prevent its performance degradation. |
14178 | 9496 | Added input value validation in the creation of a new module using API. |
14180 | 9498 | Fixed API call add_permission_user_to_group, which left the assigned profile group empty. |
N/A | 9508 | Fixed text overlay in dashboards when setting up a new widget. |
N/A | 9523 | Erratum in pop-up title for registered plugin information. |
N/A | 9548 | Added certain fields in some database tables to avoid errors in the execution of pandora_db. |
14267 | 9556 | Corrected counting and paging in Dashboards view. |
N/A | 9586 | Modified the API call get_tree_agent, which displayed unnecessary information. |
N/A | 9597 | Fixed the default port in the integration with eHorus. |
N/A | 9600 | Fixed status display failure of Pandora FMS servers. Pandora FMS is present in more than 50 countries which have different time zones: for companies with offices with different hours this false positive was reported with the status of the servers. |
N/A | 9633 | Solved errors in alerts templates in French. |
14349 | 9664 | Removed the modules in “pending delete” from the module selection view in scheduled downtimes. |
N/A | 9677
Fixed history database automatic partitioning. |
N/A | 9679 | Fixed the information sample in the failed attempt log by obtaining a token. |
N/A | 9684 | Fixed connection error in NCM if the destination needs a prompt. |
14344 | 9690
Fixed when a module behaves intermittently and an alert threshold was set: now only an email recovery notification message is sent and received. |
N/A | 9700 | Corrected the links to the Web Console in the Visual Console public view. |
14417 | 9706 | Fixed the disappearance of drop-down menus in the module graphics view in dark mode. |
N/A | 9720 | Fixed module histogram widget by not displaying state changes correctly. |
N/A | 9721 | Fixed the CLI call –add_event_comment that did not add the event ID into the comment. |
14457 | 9738 | Fixed node change in SQL Reports after their editing (Meta). |
14463 | 9747 | Solved the lack of some events when display all is selected in filtering. |
14470 | 9758 | Fixed that disabled triggered alerts count in group view. |
N/A | 9759 | Fixed common agent load in module operations in bulk. |
14458 | 9780 | Fixed the lack of information display in Discovery tasks. |
N/A | 9783 | Fixed certain bugs in new network map refreshings. |
14480 | 9787 | Fixed status update of the event information window in the General tab. |
N/A | 9799 | Fixed the process of changing the owner of an event. |
14523 | 9811 | Fixed errors in reports that had availability type items. |
N/A | 9817 | Profile duplicating is controlled in agent creation. |
14535 | 9823 | module_logchannel is now supported in the module validation box. |
N/A | 9825 | Fixes image uploading by file manager in the Metaconsole. |
N/A | 9827 | Fixed bug related to external link with no value as user home screen. |
N/A | 9829 | Users can only access the Dashboards on the home screen if they are from the same group, those from the All group and their private dashboards. |
N/A | 9831 | Fixed password policy that only acted on the first occasion. |
N/A | 9833 | Fixed user search in general search engine in the OpenSource version. |
N/A | 9834 | In manual services, the weight of an agent with a non-initialized module now adds up to zero instead of the value equivalent to the unknown status. |
N/A | 9844 | Fixed bug in alert filtering (field content not taken into account in alert filter when selecting “mail to admin” in actions). |
14558 | 9851 | Fixed wrong display of custom images on the login screen. |
N/A | 9852 | Fixed user password request in the Linux CPU Remote Inventory Module (plugin). |
14560 | 9863 | In the links section, both in nodes and in the Metaconsole, users without PM permissions can view and use said links. |
14572 | 9873 | Fixed custom images missing in visual console service elements. |
N/A | 9881 | In the history database settings, even if it was disabled, it always tried to make a connection. With this correction it will only try to connect if all the necessary credentials are configured. |
N/A | 9895 | Fixed and added the following messages for third-party remote authentication: “User is blocked”, “Double auth error” and “saml error”. |
14569 | 9906 | Fixed auto-refresh errors in Command Center event view. |
N/A | 9908 | Fixed failure in the Metaconsole event filter when modifying auto-refresh. |
N/A | 9910 | Fixed visual bug in template condition settings/editing. |
N/A | 9911 | Fixed collection update when md5 is weight 0. |
14580 | 9912 | Fixed scheduled emails and report sending using Discovery tasks. |
N/A | 9913 | Fixed visual faults in “Service List” and “Service Table” view filters in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A | 9922 | Fixed not being able to filter by tags in alert view. |
N/A | 9924 | Fixed links between visual console items. |
14571 | 9931 | Fixed filtering in the event view when trying to select more than one server, where only the first one was selected. |
N/A | 9932 | Fixed errors in SNMP browser. |
N/A | 9941 | Fixed the colors in the odometers by public links in the visual consoles. |
N/A | 9949 | Fixed WUX widgets. |
N/A | 9953 | Fixed agent GIS information manual adding with PHP 8. |
14776 | 9962
In reports with SQL queries, the feature for querying one and/or several nodes and/or in the same Command Center (Metaconsole) has been restored; not only to display events but for any other database item. This feature should be used with caution because it may require excessive use of hardware resources. |
N/A | 9966 | Fixed problem with permission of users created by api (user with manage users) accessing nodes in Metaconsole environments. |
14036 | 9969 | Fixed errors when editing traps. |
N/A | 9972 | Fixed log message error when adding Satellite bandwidth plugin module. |
14623 | 9973 | Fixed the problem that did not allow to disable self-refreshing in the Metaconsole. |
N/A | 9978 | Fixed Enterprise ACLs to not allow configuration of a particular bulk operations page. |
N/A | 9980 | Fixed WUX executescript command error when response got 0. |
N/A | 9982 | Fixed bug in plugin. |
N/A | 9983 | Fixed error 500 in operations in bulk with PHP 8. |
N/A | 9985 | Fixed the use of the Deployment Center with PHP 8. |
N/A | 9986 | Fixed saving when creating an SNMP module that does not need a port, so that it is saved empty. |
N/A | 9988 | Fixed problem that did not allow access to logs view from the agent view. |
N/A | 9994 | Fixed problem that did not allow to select “module group” when creating module. |
N/A | 9995 | Replaced the awk command to gawk for the AD plugin to avoid usage error. |
N/A | 9996 | Fixed incorrect description correction when creating ssh modules. |
N/A | 9997 | Removed “using module component” in module editing. |
14484 | 9896/9275 | Fixed compilation of certain dependencies necessary for the correct use of NCM. |
N/A | 9999 | Fixed error in “full list of alerts” view of agents. |
N/A | 10000 | Fixed error 500 in “tree_agents” API call with PHP 8. |
N/A | 10002
Corrected user display in PFMS CLI command add_event_comment if the name contains spaces. |
N/A | 10005 | Fixed SQL errors when adding new node in the Metaconsole. |
N/A | 10022 | Fixed SQL error when adding inventory modules allowing to save without “Module” field. |
14544 | 10023 | Fixed plugin. |
14650 | 10026 | Fixed Command Center setup order. |
N/A | 10032 | If a user changes the database replication password after the main database was encrypted, that password will also be stored encrypted. |
N/A | 10034 | Fixed bug that allowed creating empty/null ACL Enterprise profiles. |
N/A | 10036 | Fixed visual error where the modules legend stepped on the circular graph in custom graphs. |
14569 | 10038 | Fixed auto-refresh problem in event view (Metaconsole). |
N/A | 10040 | Fixed AD connection error in the Command Center with PHP 8. |
N/A | 10041 | Fixed error 500 in old correlation alerts. |
N/A | 10043 | Fixed trap editing error that generated entities and did not allow editing. |
N/A | 10044 | Fixed SNMP trap view bug where the validated filter did not display traps correctly. |
N/A | 10046 | Fixed bug when deleting inventory modules individually. |
N/A | 10048 | Fixed error in “Monitoring -> Alert details” where filtering by “mail to admin” did not take into account the rest of the filters. |
N/A | 10049 | Fixed error 500 when editing the cluster agent from tree view (Metaconsole). |
N/A | 10052 | Solved the calculation count of the network maps where the dummy node was taken into account. |
N/A | 10066 | Added selector to recursively search subgroups to the Triggered alerts report widget. |
14705 | 10068 | Fixed node collection synchronization when using PHP 8. |
N/A | 10074 | Fixed error that did not allow modifying the “Content type” in SNMP alerts with “mail to admin” action. |
14724 | 10075 | Fixed bug that did not show % of SLA Compliance and Status in PDF reports. |
N/A | 10078 | Fixed error 500 when clearing correlation alerts. |
14706 | 10080 | Fixed SQL error when creating external alert with default action. |
1081 | Both in the Metaconsole and in the nodes, section Homescreen was reset for editing by the user itself (Edit my user). |
N/A | 10084 | Agent search in policies refreshes the data cache in a timely manner and also takes into account disabled agents. |
N/A | 10088 | Modified sample_agent query to improve its performance. |
14748 | 10095 | The alert details view can now be sorted chronologically, at the user’s request. |
N/A | 10100 | The RPM installer supports PHP 8 and installs MRs in the same way as with PHP 7. |
N/A | 10102 | Aligned columns in service SLA (Custom Reports). |
N/A | 10103 | The threshold section of the clusters now displays the names of each module (Active-Passive View). |
N/A | 10104 | Chrome is added to the Ubuntu installation for proper console execution. |
14765 | 10112 | Erratum in the source code with the use of the module_disabled command in software agents. |
N/A | 10114 | Solved error 500 in Command Center with the use of LDAP. |
N/A | 10119 | Fixed alert view bug in Open version. |
14783 | 10121 | Fixed error 500 when creating custom MySQL. |
N/A | 10123 | Fixed warning due to lack of a JavaScript file. |
14800 | 10127
Fixed node ID forwarding in PFMS 1.0 API call validate_events if it is applied to the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A | 10129 | Fixed visual error in the Create Percentile item form. |
N/A | 10131 | Fixed error 500 in module templates view within an agent. |
14762 | 10132
Fixed error when WMI queries were made, which returned more results than requested. The key issue was to avoid results from the IP address, which was registered and returned by the Operating System. |
14803 | 10133 | Fixed task import in Discovery IPAM tasks. |
N/A | 10135 | Fixed error 500 in the pagination of the Command Center collections. |
14804 | 10136 | PFMS CLI (pandora_manage) parameter –update_agent now updates node with Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A | 10139 | Fixed the default visual consoles that used nonexistent data. |
14825 | 10146
When sending an SMS alert using the macro _timestamp_ in the template, dates are now recorded homogeneously. |
N/A | 10152 | Restored the possibility of adding notifications by groups in the general settings of the Web Console. |
N/A | 10154 | Fixed preliminary network map view with discovery task completion. |
14771 | 10156 | Corrected the custom availability report display. Previously an item had to be edited and saved to be able to show the report. |
N/A | 10164
When using MySQL version 5.7 it is now possible to delete old data backups automatically. |
14779 | 10176 | Fixed false positive about a service status if one or more of its agents had disabled modules. |
14839 | 10178 | Reorganized and improved the autodiscover plugin for both MS Windows® and GNU/Linux® to improve agent performance. |
N/A | 10188 | In audible alerts server identifiers are received correctly. |
N/A | 10202 | Fixed the query in the event group report report filter. |
N/A | 10205
Fixed -f parameter in pandora_server/util/plugin/ plugin to process the offline duplex as full duplex. |
14360 | 10207
Fixed in Metaconsole (Command Center) the display of time units in alert templates. |
14875 | 10212 | Fixed editing permissions on custom reports if the ACL Enterprise System is used. |
N/A | 10222 | Image in the “About” section is now displayed correctly. |
N/A | 10227 | As for features, corrected their overflow in the NMS license. |
14931 | 10234 | Fixed error downloading collection files in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A | 10238 | Fixed the erratum in network usage calculation at |
N/A | 10240 | For PFMS servers that are still hosted in CentOS 7, support has been added for the Semaphore 2.13 library of Perl language. |
N/A | 10241 | Graphics sent by email are compatible with PHP 8, thus allowing their display. |
N/A | 10249 | Standard users now correctly calculate groups related to tags. |
N/A | 10258 | Fixed the option to send email to the administrator (Mail to Admin) in alert actions and it now allows you to select single options. |
N/A | 10274 | On Pandora FMS home page clicking on the link of the alerts launched (triggered alerts) now shows only those with such status. |
14923 | 10276
Fixed and improved the Unicode character encoding function in the creation of correlation alerts for Russian, Chinese and Japanese. |
14943 | 10284 | The plugin for Kubernetes successfully converts the data type returned by the API. |
N/A | 10290 | Event validation is shown accurately in field ACK. |
N/A | 10305 | Fixed the display of Pandora DB tool’s last execution. |
14976 | 10308
The query is corrected so that it does not return an error when modifying the user’s password by having Password Policies enabled. |
N/A | 10320 | Added an alert dialog to confirm whether you are sure of a user’s delete request. |
14989 | 10330
Fixed the Safe Operation mode in Command Center Massive Operations. It is back in operation. |
14620 | 10310 | Fixed the General group status widget operation in the Command Center. |
N/A | 10312 | Added data purge option visual configuration (“Max. days before purge”) in the Command Center. |
14975 | 10327
Fixed the saving process of the selected version in custom remote SNMP components, either v1, v2 or v3. |
14815 | 10328 | For Mozilla Firefox web browser a special exchange rate was created to hide special purpose credentials used by PFMS. |
N/A | 10331 | Excluded Discovery manual from the to-do list as they were presented as if their execution was delayed. |
N/A | 10334 | Fixed for pandorawmic that when it receives “none”, it retries the WMI query again to obtain a result other than “none”. |
15016 | 10335
Fixed change application to the modules and/or plugin in Operations in bulk with Modules. |
N/A | 10337 | Fixed credential forwarding for queries through the database interface, from the Command Center (Metaconsole) to the associated nodes. |
N/A | 10338 | Updated plugin to recognize current compilations (version nomenclatures) and thus stop issuing warning messages that are false positive regarding the version. |
15025 | 10339
Fixed search with spaces in the keywords in the SNMP Console. |
N/A | 10340 | Fixed Gotty’s performance with Quickshell PFMS. In addition, added a test button to verify service execution. |
14680 | 10342
Added alias and comments in node agent search so that the search is performed correctly. |
N/A | 10343 | IPAM, massive operations, meets and works with the PHP version 8 syntax. |
N/A | 10350 | Added the maintenance mode for the Command Center (Metaconsole)(file metaconsole_maintenance_mode.php ) to inform users about special processes. |
N/A | 10356 | In the Metaconsole configuration, LDAP authentication section, it was corrected to save the timeout value. |
15007 | 10359 | At the Command Center (Metaconsole), in bulk operations it now also displays (by default) disabled agents. |
15039 | 10362
To avoid failure recursion in Groups Items of Visual Consoles a token was implemented which is enabled by default. |
15056 | 10363 | In the advanced agent module options, the token feature of the cascade protection service (Cascade Protection Services or CPS) is restored. |
15058 | 10369
Fixed in event correlation, from a Command Center environment (Metaconsole), error by which it failed to decrypt information if the node’s database had encryption set on its content. |
N/A | 10370 | Fixed the node link to centralized agent management in the Command Center. |
15069 | 10372
Fixed line creation in Visual Consoles by which the circles were not displayed at the ends to be able to move or resize them. |
15070 | 10373 | Fixed policies with names: in Japanese they were not written on the configuration file (Software Agents with remote configuration enabled). |
15047 | 10374
Reviewed and confirmed the activation of the option to discard events in unknown status for remote components so false positives are discarded. |
N/A | 10384 | Fixed display failure when deleting modules in bulk (Bulk Operations). |
15079 | 10411 | Removed replication message that appeared when opening event details (false positive), now it allows you to add comments on events. |
N/A | 10416 | Included the selected agent identifier in the event list filter. |
14668 | 10420 | Fixed login with users who have apostrophe in the name and email fields for authentications with LDAP and AD. |
N/A | 10438 | Included the S3 Buckets monitoring shortcut again in Amazon Web Services. |
N/A | 10451 | Fixed PFMS server update with the Offline Update Manager in CentOS 7; also checked on Rocky Linux. |
15091 | 10455 | Fixed in the wizard_wmi_module plugin when it has character & in the password, it is now quoted before executing the credentials. |
N/A | 10458 | Fixed SQL query creation when changing passwords in non-administrator users. |
N/A | 10471 | In the SNMP alerts there was the problem that when deleting the group of agents the alert belonged to, it disappeared. It now prevents from deleting an agent group if it is used by an SNMP alert. |
N/A | 10473 | Fixed the error in the SNMP trap editor by which files could not be uploaded with MIB. |
N/A | 10479
Fixed agent identifier failure when creating custom report items with the SLA-Wizard, when filtering agents by keyword. |
N/A | 10485 | Fixed inconsistency between the server and console LAG calculation (latency). |
N/A | 10492
Fixed alert command display in a centralized node for Command Center with the new PFMS web interface. |
N/A | 10493 | In item pagination (Policies, Alerts, Groups, etc.) the user is located again on the page that triggered an action (editing, deleting, etc.). |
N/A | 10500
In the Command Center, in the advanced history database configuration options some tokens were not saved. With this patch said values are set to change and save the configuration. |
N/A | 10513 | Command center (Metaconsole): Added server_uid for authentication in PFMS 1.0 API for internal calls to Pandora FMS servers. |
N/A | 10526
Implemented a modal form for module type selection after clicking on “Go to create agent” from the tree view in the Command Center. |
N/A | 10545 | Fixed the zoom icon feature and its label in the monitoring policy chart. Additionally, the information in the table is displayed, which previously did not show anything. |
N/A | 10548 | In the Enterprise version: Access to the Satellite server collections without any restriction regarding the NMS license. |
N/A | 10550 | Fixed the Credential Store that showed fields for SNMP credentials in other types of credentials (AWS, WMI, etc.). |
N/A | 10551 | Visual Console names now accept spaces, previously they were saved as HTML entity characters. |
15096 | 10558 | When a module belonged to a service, cascade protection was disabled. Changed the operation so that cascade protection works correctly, avoiding spam email. |
N/A | 10559
Fixed faulty task import deletion in Discovery IPAM tasks. |
N/A | 10560 | For NCM responses function read_all() is now used instead of function read_line() of Perl language, library Net::SSH::Expec. This fixes the bug by which messages were saved cut by line breaks, reading and fully saving all NCM responses. |
15146 | 10564
Fixed the singularity by adding comments on events with character &. |
14584 | 10568
Comments not shown in events when requested in detail: fixed grouping by event and by extra ID with spaces. |
N/A | 10569 | PHP 8 supported when opening an agent display in the Console. |
15013 | 10579
Added patch to contemplate connections with no instances in Discovery PFMS tasks for MS SQL server®.
Note: Each instance is a full SQL Server® installation along with its own copy of server files, database engine, databases, users and credentials. |
N/A | 10583 | script is now able to find the MySQL configuration file in a certain way, regardless of the operating system used. |
15024 | 10585 | The Diagnostic info tool now correctly displays log file custom paths. |
N/A | 10591 | Fixed animated icon display in Review logs section (Pandora FMS Audit) after having selected the pagination of all the results (All option). Now once the described consultation process is finished, the animated icon disappears. |
15143 | 10592
Fixed for SMTP credentials that have special characters to be now properly saved in the database. |
N/A | 10597 | Added and fixed the PNG format image (maintenance image) used in nodes and in the Metaconsole when the merging process is being performed in the Command Center. |
N/A | 10604
For Ubuntu server 22, the xprobe program was compiled in a special way, which is used as an essential tool for IPAM tasks. |
N/A | 10623 | Fixed automatic description addition (“Checks port X is opened” message) when configuring the port to a network module. |
15185 | 10626
Vendor lists in NCM are now displayed immediately, allowing NCM operations to be performed with no delays. |
15172 | 10631 | Fixed last comment added to the comment column not being properly displayed when there were grouped events (Group events or Group extra id). This affected both the node and the Command Center and was fixed in both. |
15189 and 15681 | 10635 | Added dependency JSON::PP in Perl language for the 32-bit Omnishell executable file and compiled it as 64 bits. |
N/A | 10636
Fixed IPAM failure when clicking on a host and returning 500 HTTP error. |
15203 | 10646
In versions 767, 768 and 769 it was not possible to edit the threshold of an alert action to zero as it was replaced with a default value of 5 minutes. This was fixed in version 771. |
N/A | 10649 | Fixed issue by which when having alerts configured in a policy, and one or more modules that come from that policy are unlinked in an agent, those alerted on all the modules linked in all the agents became duplicated . |
14875 | 10653
Custom reports could not be created/deleted (Custom Report) with the ACL Enterprise system. It was fixed with two additional level 2 section options. |
N/A | 10665 | Fixed and recovered user editing for the Open version. |
N/A | 10666 | Fixed error in English in the column header tag text (Group Tactical View section). |
15195 | 10695 | Fixed rule “Is different” not working properly in correlation alerts. |
N/A | 10670
Fixed theACL error for users in Heatmap views: it now limits groups, item, and IP address display to those authorized based on user profiles. |
N/A | 10719 | Fixed incorrect tag field display when registering a plugin with Japanese characters and creating components with its modules. |
15229 | 10726 | Fixed collections synchronization with HTTPS in the Metaconsole (Command Center). |
N/A | 10727 | Fixed incorrect dates as well as column alignments in event reports. Fixed them too in reports, when there were no results for them (custom fields or custom data). |
15246 | 10737 | Fixed feature search error in the Command Center (Metaconsole) due to missing parameters when clicking on a Service Map service. |
N/A | 10743 | Fixed error by which if there was an agent assigned to a secondary server that only had the dataserver enabled, when creating remote modules on that agent, they never ran because they did not have a networkserver to process them. With this fix they are assigned to the primary server and run correctly. |
N/A | 10747 | Fixed and retrieved the main view of an agent for the Open version. |
N/A | 10750 | Corrected the logs view, it can now be selected accurately in both date and time, as well as other logical details solved. |
N/A | 10762
Reset the IPAM subnet to include all requested networks when networks are added massively to a supernet. |
N/A | 10769
Fixed the issue when an trap was edited on the SNMP console or when the name of a trap was clicked by the SNMP trap editor and it redirected to an empty view, without data. The feature was restored; in addition, several errors are corrected in the labels of the fields per screen. |
N/A | 10777 | The names of XML files with monitoring data for Pandora FMS are now set by hash MD5 as they previously caused problems if the agent name had special characters. |
N/A | 10792 | Fixed the All group display in Group View for the Open version. |
N/A | 10794 | Fixed collection addition and deletion in an agent for the Enterprise version. |
15305 | 10813 | Fixed graphic icons called “101” when using the search engine in the modules tab. In addition, icons were updated and the redirection to the modal form view was fixed and changed. |
15316 | 10819 | Alerts in alert views were fixed and now only the policy image will appear when the alert corresponds to a policy or when it is an external policy alert. |
15240 | 10839
Fixed error by which when there were two agents with the same string in the search, the request was corrupted and the results were not correct. |
N/A | 10851
Fixed inventory date display as well as result search and sorting by multiple parameter combinations. |
15337 and 15360 | 10865
Added the Target IP field in SNMP modules, for Custom Fields Macros, which uses the macro called _agentcustomfield_X_ . This Target IP field was precisely the one that was missing to complete the work with the respective macro. |
N/A | 10869 | In Agent Monitoring View, to avoid possible misunderstandings, group_id was removed from the URL, since by being a POST request it is unnecessary for it to be present in said URL. |
N/A | 10874 | Added the possibility to include sleep to NCM commands to avoid connection errors due to timeouts. |
N/A | 10896 | Fixed the error by which when adding a service item to another service and displaying the sunburst map and trying to access the child items of the added service the corresponding links failed. |
N/A | 10897
Fixed links both in the sunburst and tree views, in service modules: They now lead to the agent’s main view directly. |
N/A | 10898 | Fixed error by which when an agent was created or edited and an attempt was made to assign a secondary group to it, it was not assigned. |
N/A | 10899
Fixed issue with special characters when saving the fields in inventory modules by plugin. Now it saves properly in base64. |
N/A | 10901 | Fixed the size of the icons of the new PFMS interface in the SNMP wizard. |
N/A | 10908
Fixed character encoding to UTF8MB4 format through an MR file in several tables in the database, including the table used for the welcome tips editor. |
N/A | 10909 | For the new PFMS interface, agent group icons in both node and Command Center were displayed as unavailable or “broken” images. This was restored to normal operation and custom icons were checked and verified for normal operation. |
N/A | 10910 | Updated the icons representing each node to the new format and enhanced their display with matching colors in network maps, with the new PFMS interface. |
N/A | 10911 | In the new PFMS interface, the huge size of the icon for deletion in custom report item editing (SLA) went back to its normal size. |
N/A | 10912 | Links to agent in the group tactical view now lead to display instead of agent editing. |
N/A | 10913
The Command Center now properly displays the icon for web browsers (also called favicon tab). |
N/A | 10915
Fixed menu display in version 770 for the Open version. |
N/A | 10917 | Retrieved display of custom operating system icons. |
N/A | 10918 | On PFMS login screen, the images used as wallpapers were adjusted to be properly displayed in the different window sizes of web browsers. |
N/A | 10924 | Fixed the false positive message saved in the Audit Log when a module is enabled or disabled, the action is always performed but the registration is incorrect and it said otherwise. |
N/A | 10926 | The Add button in Manage Scan Scripts was not shown with the new PFMS interface. Added the button again recovering the feature. |
N/A | 10927 | Since version 767 if you had configured the Spanish language in the Metaconsole (now called Command Center in version 770) and worked on the application of monitoring policies, these returned an HTTP 500 error in web browsers. The issue was fixed and also used to check the rest of the languages. |
N/A | 10936 | In plugins and agent management views, multiline-capable text boxes were shrunken and trash icons were too large. Their sizes were enlarged and shrinked and they regained their visual harmony. |
N/A | 10941
In the alerts section where it indicated whether an alert had been triggered or not, it was only visible if you hovered over that column. With this arrangement, all triggered alerts are immediately displayed without the need for any extra work. |
N/A | 10943 | Fixed events icon color in Tactical View since it was presented with inverted colors. |
N/A | 10945 | Fixed item time stamp miscalculation in the event view. Now before calculating, the time zone of the different components (PFMS server, Web console, user preferences, etc.) is taken into account. |
N/A | 10947 | Fixed status colors and icons in the Agent View by Heatmap for when the status is different from the normal status. |
N/A | 10950 | The text size in policy names was increased to 9 points, thus improving their readability. |
N/A | 10955 | Fixed element errors in size, appearance and operation in the Discovery Netscan interface. |
N/A | 10960
Fixed error by which in new installations in version 769 the tsesion_filter table was not created. |
N/A | 10961 | Fixed the display of the status of the collections, now they are always visible if there are pending changes to be applied in the collection (now a yellow icon is shown) or when the folder of the collection does not exist (red icon). |
N/A | 10965 | Fixed tag creation in the Metaconsole and nodes, now it takes into account the use of spaces in tag names and checks if they are already created to avoid repetitions. |
N/A | 10967 | Fixed a visual glitch in the CSS when seeing an event detail from the event Dashboard/widgets. |
N/A | 10972 | Fixed error display when creating related alerts both in the Metaconsole and in nodes (conditions in simple and detailed view): The problem came from editing an alert correlation without choosing any date or time (handling null data). |
N/A | 10974 | Fixed the following bug: when applying the inverse interval in a module, it showed the changes correctly in the contiguous graph, however when clicking on update the inverse interval disappeared and returned to how it was previously. |
N/A | 10977 | Fixed the repeated warning message for HA Legacy in PFMS server log when verbosity is 5. |
N/A | 10981 | With this correction only fields TCP Send/Receive appear in the network TCP modules. |
N/A | 10984 | Fixed item name display in the Visual Console by hovering the mouse pointer over them. |
N/A | 10989 | Fixed the size of the editing icon, which was huge, in the Supernet section of IPAM. |
15445 | 10991 | Fixed both in the Metaconsole and in nodes, that a standard user with “Pandora Administrator” profile and with ACL Enterprise activated and granted could not see the Authentication view. Fixed also the size and appearance of generic block warnings to users. |
N/A | 10993 | Fixed error by which with the new PFMS 770 RRR interface, the buttons for adding and subtracting agents from Omnishell commands had been lost. Improved these buttons and updated the CSS class. |
15445 | 10998
Fixed error in the ACL Enterprise system caused problems when a user wanted to edit their own user (shortcut in the header) despite having explicitly been granted permissions. |
N/A | 11001
Fixed the tips at login. Now displayed in the language chosen by the user, as fallback remain in English for exceptions. |
N/A | 11002 | Fixed bug in Credential Store by which when modifying an SNMP credential it did not save the SNMP version type change. |
15459 | 11003 | Fixed the Command Center (Metaconsole) options for alerts that had disappeared. |
N/A | 11009 | Fixed special characters for event aggregation using PFMS API and PFMS CLI. Now they are coded correctly before being saved in the database. Six special types of event fields were added to the correction. |
15353 | 11010 | Fixed the automatic refresh of the Visual Consoles, rendering the feature available again. |
N/A | 11021
Fixed the token to activate the Inverse Interval in string modules that when saving became always deactivated. |
N/A | 11024 | Copying a Remote Component would throw an error when requesting a field from a table whose name was incorrect. Fixed the issue and now the copying process runs smoothly. |
N/A | 11035 | In graphs, the size of the tick is set at least to 0.5 for extraordinary precision in double precision values (four or more decimals). |
N/A | 11032 | Fixed the start date field for the filter in the log view (log collector): Now it is interpreted numerically and it allows to obtain results. |
N/A | 11036 | When the Paginated module view token was activated by Visual styles in the Setup of the Web Console, the results pagination did not work. Fixed this issue by properly activating the execution of a script written in JavaScript. |
15486 | 11044
Fixed drop-down lists in the Black theme, which were displayed in light color. |
15490 | 11047 | Fixed issue with the new interface where no more fields could be added to the plugins in the creation process or delete those added by editing. |
N/A | 11049 | Fixed the time range selector and hid the equalize field when the chart type is not Bullet chart, that way custom charts are displayed correctly and the filter keeps its values. |
15481 | 11050 | Fixed macro _alert_critical_instructions_ and _alert_warning_instructions_ issues in actions and alert templates since both labels with information were inverted (critical state and warning state). |
15479 | 11052 | When performing a Discovery task with application for MS SQL Server, the connection report presents special characters that prevent them from being saved in the database. |
N/A | 11054 | In correlation alert management, a check of the function’s existence in the memory is added before being used. |
N/A | 11064 | Fixed the button to enable the history database in the Metaconsole, enlarged the area to click on that button. |
N/A | 11067 | Fixed, for the network modules, that when hovering the mouse over the status icon, the corresponding IP address appears properly. |
N/A | 11068
With the new PFMS 770 RRR interface, the Change to critical status after field had disappeared in Agent Base options. It is already visible again and its operability was double-checked. |
15522 | 11095 | Fixed issue where a Web Check module was created by means of monitoring policies but when entering the module editing, said module was displayed blank. |
N/A | 11081 | Fixed cron option module types that could not be added to the execution in advanced module options (such as server auto-monitoring). |
N/A | 11082 | When a service was created through the service Wizard and a subservice was added, it was displayed as null value in the services tree view and also the wrong service was added. Fixed null value handling as well as obtention of the numerical values that are key for proper display. |
N/A | 11083 | The module creation form of the Prediction server using the average or synthetic arithmetic had its elements off-set with the new interface, the visual failure was corrected. |
15509 | 11087 | Fixed the error that did not allow editing items in scheduled downtimes. |
15510 | 11090
Fixed numeric error 500 returned by web browsers when entering the tactical view for singular environments that work without any tags. |
N/A | 11092 | Fixed excessive width in the Group Tactical View in the Web Console. |
N/A | 11097 | Fixed Service map widgets (Dashboards) to accept all types of quotes in the name of each of the services that make up the map. |
N/A | 11098 | Fixed button performance for SNMP Walks from the module editor to create the module in that agent with the OID information: it switches from using an autocomplete to showing a confirmation modal form to create the module (as long as it is from SNMP Walk, if it is from the SNPM Browser view, the operation is the same as always). |
15530 | 11099 | Fixed the Metaconsole so that the Service Map widget loads and displays the Sunburst mode correctly at the right time. |
N/A | 11100 | Fixed error 500 that was returned due to incorrect typing of variable in the Alerts menu of the Web Console, section Alert correlation. |
15529 | 11102
Fixed the Inverse Interval token since it was not configured after modifying modules in Agent by means of Monitoring Policies. |
15535 | 11103 | Fixed icon show-up in Metaconsole monitoring policy application section. The monitoring policy had already been applied to the agents, however the icon still appeared as not applied. |
15534 | 11104
Fixed the linking column header in policy management, module linking section, to select all modules and now you may select (or deselect) all items with a single click. |
N/A | 11106 | Fixed correlation alerts with field event agent, now they run correctly when agent events arrive, both with the equality operator and with regex with the Event server and with the Correlation server. That way the operation of the agent rule was fixed. |
N/A | 11109
Fixed the default value (mode enabled) of Power Supply token in the SNMP Wizard. |
N/A | 11110 | Fixed the second-order selectors used for item display and selection in drop-down lists in the Metaconsole. |
15539 | 11111 | Fixed issue by which when a Web Check module was created, when entering the module editing, said module was displayed blank. |
N/A | 11113 | Fixed bug in string modules, whose threshold warning could not be configured after creating them. |
N/A | 11117
When editing a user’s data in the Metaconsola you now have a conditional so that you do not overwrite the fields Event filter, User color scheme and Home screen in node databases. |
N/A | 11118 | Fixed “No GIS data” message was corrected and it is now displayed collapsed by default. |
N/A | 11119 | Fixed and improved module visualization aesthetics in the agent detail view. |
N/A | 11122 | Hundreds, and even thousands of false positive error message lines were being generated. This arose because they received undefined values that prevented their comparison and evaluation. The problem was solved with a prior evaluation of the data to be evaluated. |
N/A | 11130 | With the new PFMS interface the profile deletion button had become unusable in user data editing. After this correction the button returned to its place and works again. |
N/A | 11132
There was an HTTP 500 error when creating or editing scheduled stops and selecting modules. The issue has been fixed and this feature continues being improved. |
15511 | 11134 | Fixed the pandorafsnmp binary to save incremental SNMP module data as string. |
N/A | 11136 | Fixed the icon color in failed state in server view. |
N/A | 11140 | Some wizards had kept the previous graphical interface. They were now updated and adjusted according to the style of the new graphical interface. |
N/A | 11142 | Fixed several visual and counting errors in the Group view, both in the Open and Enterprise versions. |
N/A | 11145
In WMI, plugin and network modules the password used to perform remote monitoring became unreadable when editing some other module field. With this correction, credentials can be read and remote monitoring is always performed. |
N/A | 11148 | The function of copying to the clipboard the path for plugin execution in the File manager was fixed for different web browsers. |
N/A | 11150 | Fixed the Log viewer so that very long lines do not overflow but rather fit the screen. |
N/A | 11154 | The wizard for adding agents, modules or services did not work with the new interface. The problem was fixed and the operation that adds items to Service items summary was also adjusted. |
15439 | 11155 | Fixed user language loading error in the welcome tips. |
15531 | 11158 | Fixed NetFlow Filters to correctly return each agent identifier created by this path. |
N/A | 11164 | Fixed in Log viewer that when clicking on View it led to the log view instead of leading to Log source. |
N/A | 11167 | When deleting an agent a false positive message “Could not be disabled” was displayed but the agent was still deleted. Deleted the message and fixed the bug. |
N/A | 11170 | Deleting a module from an agent did not prompt for confirmation. It was fixed and it now asks the user whether they are sure of the irreversible module deletion process. |
15556 | 11171 | Due to a new syntax in PHP version 8.1 history database settings returned an error. Modified it to support that new PHP version, which solves the problem. |
N/A | 11173 | In the Inventory monitoring view, the button to navigate between pages did not work and only sorted by alias. It was fixed so that it sorts through all the columns and navigation by pages was double-checked, both are fixed. |
N/A | 11176 | With the new Web Console interface, the Execute query button had stopped working in the Debug form, in section Web checks, in agents. This bug was fixed. |
15577 | 11179 | In several Dashboard widgets public views delivered invalid identifiers. They were fixed and now they are correctly displayed through public links. |
N/A | 11181 | Section Resource exporting stopped working with the new GUI. The issue was fixed and it has been checked that visual console, report and policy importing and exporting now works properly, both in the Open and Enterprise versions. |
15581 | 11182 | Fixed the value shown in About, Support expires field, now it shows the correct Enterprise license expiration value. The error was only about display. |
N/A | 11190 | Fixed widget filtering of Tree View in Dashboard so that it accepts more than one word in the search field and also if you type in a single word it filters correctly, but when entering a space and adding another word the filtering breaks and finds nothing. |
N/A | 11193 | Fixed issue when adding a string module to Widget Color Tabs Modules. Now it loads successfully and immediately displays the addition. |
N/A | 11194 | Fixed SNMP browser display in real-time graphical views, when the SNMP Interface throughput option is selected. Now SNMP options can be changed. |
N/A | 11195 | Added automatic recursivity for dashboards to the Groups Status widget when selecting group All. |
15571 | 11201 | Fixed the variable identifier in JavaScript that caused the module name size to cause problems in the Graph builder. |
N/A | 11202 | In the Visual Console, after editing and saving certain icons of the added items they disappeared. Now after fixing it, icons are always displayed, both in editing and display views. |
N/A | 11212 | Fixed the Donut Graph of Visual Consoles so that it only accepts string modules, so now the graph is shown correctly. |
N/A | 11214 | In the Deploy agent wizard the Mac OS operating system stops. Fixed the download link for the software agent. |
N/A | 11215 | When adjusting the period of a new manually created module, the 5-minute interval could not be selected. Fixed the problem by declaring and setting the default value. |
N/A | 11217 | In version 771 when requesting to disable a user the error “Can not verify the origin of the request” appeared. The problem was in the CSRF Validator and it was corrected. |
15587 | 11221 | Fixed the problem of incorrect group merging in components in module template management. |
N/A | 11222 | The Home screen option for the Visual console was pointing to an incorrect address when no visual console existed, the error was fixed. |
N/A | 11223 | Failures in LDAP configuration and advanced permissions were corrected. |
N/A | 11224 | The selection button of all the items in the column header in alert correlation did not perform its function, said error was corrected. |
N/A | 11229 | Fixed the filter saving process in Netflow live view and improved to default values in fields other than the filter name. |
15608 | 11230 | Fixed module copying in monitoring policies: it no longer allows to repeat already copied modules and module identifiers are read correctly and the copy is made (if they are not duplicated). |
N/A | 11242 | Added the corresponding validation so that the autorefresh_white_list field (user table) does not generate an error and allows loading the user view if, the value of the field is null or 0. |
N/A | 11245 | Fixed blank display of service map items in the Metaconsole Dashboard when they were in the presence of network map as well. |
N/A | 11250 | Added a function that deletes spaces in IP addresses to be used in WMI monitoring (pandorawmic). |
N/A | 11252 | Fixed issue in the Ubuntu server environment, by which Script resync HA failed by SSH_CMD check. |
N/A | 11255 | Fixed the Widget Global Health info in the Metaconsole to show the real information. |
N/A | 11261 | Reinstated the delete items button in agent autoconfiguration, which had been hidden with the new interface. |
N/A | 11268 | fixed bug in the MetaConsole by which the long name of a Visual Console would unframe the full-screen interval view. |
N/A | 11270 | Fixed error by which Discovery tasks could not be added nor edited in the AWS S3® feature. |
N/A | 11275 | Reinstated the button to delete links from section List of Links in the Metaconsole, this button had been hidden with the new interface. |
N/A | 11276 | Fixed bug by which when a user with access to a group was created and logged in to create a widget in the Dashboards section, the Agent/Module view widget loaded all agents regardless of the group. |
15627 and 15577 | 11277
Fixed the public link to Dashboards when using authentication by SAML. |
15577 | 11278 | Fixed authentication by SAML for superadmin users. |
N/A | 11282 | The Simple Graph Widget in Dashboard did not work because it received null data, it was corrected to first check whether the data is valid. |
N/A | 11285 | Fixed SQL query, SQL pie graph, SQL vertical bar graph and SQL horizontal bar graph reports, since in the Metaconsole the item Server did not save correctly. |
N/A | 11289 | Deleted text auto-completion that mistakenly appeared when editing an agent, particularly in the advanced section. |
N/A | 11290 | Optimized nmap execution in the get OS feature in IPAM. |
N/A | 11292
Fixed the wrong operating system assignment when the device only responded to OS details. |
N/A | 11294 | Fixed, both in the node and in the Metaconsola, the general monitoring policies search engine. |
N/A | 11295 | Fixed dynamic reports and they now allow to be generated (nodes and Metaconsole). |
N/A | 11297 | Fixed bug by which reverse intervals were not configured correctly on Network server remote_snmp_string modules. |
N/A | 11298
Fixed visual bug in remote module filter by Metaconsola (monitoring policy management). |
N/A | 11299 | Fixed Advanced Options that did not appear in Agent configuration in PFMS Open version. |
N/A | 11300 | When a standard user was created by the Metaconsole and it was granted the right to log in to the nodes, when that new user edited their own Metaconsole profile, that user lost the right to access the nodes. This error was corrected. |
N/A | 11302 | Multilingual messages were visually corrected for the About view. |
N/A | 11303
Fixed the error that did not allow adding new items in an NCM. |
N/A | 11304 | Enlarged the modal window in module creation as well as the module option list width. |
N/A | 11317
Fixed the automatic logout error for users whose only assigned user profiles were RR, RW and RM. It now works correctly and the scope of other user profiles is in reviewing process. |
N/A | 11318 | Inventory report in the Metaconsole had a problem with SQL syntax so a special function was created that verifies whether the database request is valid; with this patch the error was fixed. |
N/A | 11320
Fixed the error in the Metaconsole whereby the PDF Histogram graph was not displayed, this was due to the lack of registration of a token which was then missing from the Metaconsole to access the node data. |
N/A | 11321 | Fixed Report Editor option bar missing from the report editor in the Metaconsole and nodes, an event that took place just after editing and saving a report item. |
N/A | 11323
Histogram graph report, when the selected interval had no data it caused an HTTP 500 error in the browser. Fixed the issue and now it shows value zero when data is insufficient. |
N/A | 11328
The filter subsection did not work in the Log viewer section, the problem was fixed and now the filters regained their operability in both the nodes and the Metaconsole. |
N/A | 11330 | Page-by is added to the network map list, thus solving the problem when the number of maps was higher than the user page-by. |
N/A | 11336 | Fixed error HTTP 500 in the Audit Log, which was caused by an unexpected variable type (code exception). |
N/A | 11341 | Updated software agents in MS Windows® and GNU/Linux® so that the data generated by a log module is in base64 format. |
15660 | 11345 | Fixed macro error in local components caused by a data structure expected by JavaScript, and that this structure was altered with the new PFMS graphical interface. |
N/A | 11354 | Login tips and the About form now open up as a modal form to avoid visual bugs with other messages and/or notifications. |
N/A | 11358 | Fixed Bulk operations with agents so that the database saves only values and not item data. |
N/A | 11361 | Fixed PDF SLA reports to incorporate horizontal graphs. |
N/A | 11362 | Fixed check between alertserver_queue and alertserver tokens to ensure they work in sync. |
N/A | 11365 | Fixed HTML button that was misnamed, making its content undeliverable. |
N/A | 11366 | Fixed the missing parameter in Bulk Operations section of monitoring policies, that prevented agent module copies from being generated. |
N/A | 11368 | Fixed naming error caused by the “Use prefix notation” field. Now when creating a report template you may add the “Min Value / Max Value / Avg. Value” both in Metaconsole and in the Console. |
N/A | 11369 | Fixed delete agent icon size. |
N/A | 11371 | Fixed errors at the database level and at the PHP language level in the Inventory View when sorting by agent. |
N/A | 11374 | In Users Bulk Operations when trying to add a profile with many privileges the process stopped. It was corrected to ensure that it obtains the information of the requested profile and if, for some reason not contemplated, it cannot add a profile, it continues with the next one and does not stop until it goes over all the requested profiles. |
N/A | 11381 | The “Show address instead module name” token was poorly consulted at the Availability report, now the agent IP address is displayed correctly in the report. |
N/A | 11382 | Fixed Event Cardboard widget so that it works in PFMS Open version. |
N/A | 11385 | Added a new software dependency to the Satellite server for MS Windows® and compiled it for its release. |
N/A | 11388 | Fixed SNMP bulk operations to require the user to specify at least a parameter in order to save the operation. |
N/A | 11390 | Redefined general Metaconsole and node searches for better grouping. |
N/A | 11394 | Fixed icons in group configuration in LDAP as they were too large. |
15646 | 11400 | Fixed groups icons that were not displayed in Visual Consoles due to a cache issue in the web browser. |
N/A | 11401 | Fixed the Discovery PFMS for MS SQL server® that only connected over the default port of that application. A port number different from the default one can now be specified. |
N/A | 11405 | Reinstated the button to delete plugins through the Metaconsole. This bug had been caused by the new PFMS interface. |
N/A | 11406 | Reinstated the button to delete operating systems in the Component Management section through the Metaconsole. This bug had been caused by the new PFMS interface. |
N/A | 11409 | Fixed several visual errors in Warp update Manager. |
N/A | 11416 | Fixed search recursivity by groups for Metaconsole authentication with AD so that it is enabled and disabled as appropriate to save time in user logins. |
N/A | 11424 | Fixed the Bulk Operations section in the Metaconsole so that it efficiently manages primary and secondary groups (automatic correction when detecting them). Also fixed the visual group logo for easier identification. |
N/A | 11429 | Fixed the error that prevented clearing policy alerts from bulk operations. |
N/A | 11430 | Fixed insertion error when trying to add a new user with a repeated identifier. |
N/A | 11431 | Debugged and fixed the profiles required to see alerts. |
N/A | 11444 | Fixed error when using the visual Console item wizard: it created as many items as modules with the same ID with several centralized nodes. There was no way to differentiate which node each module came from. |
N/A | 11446 and MR 64 | Fixed the database for template creation using visual consoles as references so that it holds information about recursive groups. |
N/A | 11453 | Fixed links to the corresponding agent and node views in the service tree view within the Metaconsole. |
N/A | 11456 | Fixed error whereby when changing the background image in Visual Consoles, it restricted access to the modified visual console. |
N/A | 11458 | Fixed node deletion button when listing the Metaconsole registered nodes so that it appears. It was a button display failure, which remained in hidden mode. |
N/A | 11470 | Fixed SQL query bug when getting into the inventory view. |
N/A | 11473 | Relocated the autoload feature in the correct loading order for Pandora FMS download and installation. |
N/A | 11478 | Enlarged the form to select dashboard widgets so that their paging is displayed. There are more than 40 items that must be displayed by sections or groups. |
N/A | 11479 | Fixed the module tab color widget in PFMS Open version and it now loads the feature properly. |
N/A | 11481 | The “Icon and module value” widget now lines up correctly the value and the tag in the the Metaconsole and the nodes. Also fixed the selected module list in the Metaconsole and now all of them are displayed. |
N/A | 11485 | Fixed paging in the policy view with an applied filter in the Metaconsole and nodes. |
N/A | 11488 | Fixed report width display in PDF log report exporting so that it is full-width. |
N/A | 11504 | Fixed Discovery Network Scan so that it correctly searches for WMI credentials, since it only listed custom credentials before. |
N/A | 11512 | Added the name of the LTS if appropriate to the About view. |
N/A | 11521 | Fixed SNMP graph display so that the filter bar stays anchored at the top of the graph and does not overlap nor block the graph display. |
N/A | 11523 | Fixed Satellite Server remote modification for MS Windows®: now no entities are sent to the configuration file. |
N/A | 11526 | Fixed and checked Visual Console permissions granted by profiles to users. In addition, visual enhancements were made to the interface. |
N/A | 11531 | Fixed service map display that contains a single agent item both in the Metaconsole and nodes. |
N/A | 11542 | Patched the code for the Module graph widget so that it dynamically takes up the full width (responsive). |
OUM Version | Description | Resolution |
OUM 772.1 |
Bug in dashboards when deleting agents assigned to widgets |
10/10/2023 |
OUM 772.1 |
Filter selector by status Monitor view metaconsole |
10/10/2023 |
OUM 772.1 |
Custom fields are not working properly |
10/10/2023 |
OUM 772.1 |
No HTML editor when configuring the widget “Panel with a message” |
10/10/2023 |
OUM 772.1 |
Order interfaces correctly |
10/10/2023 |
OUM 772.1 |
Incorrect number of Agents in Tactical View of Metaconsole when Agents have Secondary Groups |
10/10/2023 |
OUM 772.1 |
Page in custom graphs |
10/10/2023 |
OUM 772.1 |
Problems with Visual Consoles public URL |
10/10/2023 |
OUM 772.1 |
Unable to search in drop down menu of policy modules |
10/10/2023 |
OUM 772.1 |
Infinite load in monitor view / policies |
10/10/2023 |
OUM 772.1 |
Plugin module configuration in Metaconsole policies show empty |
10/10/2023 |
OUM 772.1 |
Alert actions filter does not work |
10/10/2023 |
OUM 772.1 |
Events are not exported in CSV in Metaconsole |
10/10/2023 |
OUM 772.1 |
The queues of a large policy (SERVER) are not applied |
10/10/2023 |
OUM 772.1 |
Error when changing a plugin server module |
10/10/2023 |
OUM 772.1 |
SNMP Browser broken |
10/10/2023 |
Pandora FMS NG 771
New features and improvements
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
14144 | 9464 | Enlarged the size of the text box to display the full label in the Command Center event view. |
N/A |
Pandora FMS Web Console mobile view has been completely revised and enhanced. |
N/A | 9672 | Added inventory plugins to monitor Aruba 3810M, Aruba 2930M PoE+ and Aruba 6300M 24SFP+ devices. |
N/A | 9816 | When sending alerts by email, macro _moduledata _X_ has been improved and if the data contains an image, it detects it and sends it as an image. |
N/A | 10053 | Through CLI PFMS, command delete_module now deletes the children of the deleted module recursively. |
N/A | 10067 | Added the option to filter by triggered alerts both on the Tree View widget and the Tree View. |
14519 | 10070 | Added pandora_db execution status display in the Command Center (Metaconsole), particularly in the performance section (Setup -> Performance) |
N/A | 10076 | Added a direct link to attachments (file manager) in the plugins section (new dedicated tab). |
14544 |
Added an extra parameter to pandora_snmp_bandwidth for bandwidth percentage proper calculation when there are several integrated interfaces. |
N/A |
Implemented a filter that can be saved and recovered both in data and report views. |
N/A | 10186 | Improved the message when merging events through the Command Center. Now it takes into account the history database and reports on it. |
N/A | 10179 | New wizard for deploying Software Agents in Mac OS®, Unix® / Linux® and MS Windows®. |
N/A | 10191 | Added sound alerts to the new PFMS interface, which open a new pop-up to minimize, keep overlapped over everything else and it still allows to keep navigating and working on PFMS Web Console without getting closed. |
14940 |
Added a token to disable orange boxes indicating alerts triggered in the Static image, Simple value, Icon and Group elements of Visual Consoles. |
N/A | 10303 | Added an automated option to configure the location path of the fping command on the different operating systems used by PFMS server. |
15060 |
Now the event ID is included when moving the logs to the history database for higher data control. |
N/A | 10474 | The dynamic map (sunburst) has been debugged and visually enhanced. |
N/A |
New Basic Chart widget |
N/A | 10714 | Improved inventory view export in CSV format when filters are applied to inventory modules, as well as improved the visual interface. |
N/A |
In inventory reports, a REGEX keyword filter is added. |
N/A | 10740 | In Heatmaps several improvements were added: in the agent view the information of the last contact and the progress bar in the detailed agent view with a graph included; in the module detail view when clicking now shows the date of the last data, value and status of the module; tag display now has better readability. |
N/A |
Improved OS detection feature by using NMap. |
N/A |
Added dependency snmp-mib-downloader to translate the default MIBs and OIDs for the Ubuntu server operating system, when used to host and install Pandora FMS server |
15230 | 10820 | Added a new token to the general configuration, it is disabled by default: If there is any event “In process” with a specific additional ID and a “New” event is received with that additional ID, it will be created as “In process”. |
15134 | 10833 | Fixed error in graphs in reports in chromium-111.0.5563.64-1. It is checked wether it works properly in previous versions chromium-common-109.0.5414.74-1 and chromium-109.0.5414.74-1. |
N/A |
Generated and hosted Docker-independent images in the official Pandora FMS repository for Selenium 3 WUX. |
N/A | 10929 | Added new dependencies and new chromium version to the PFMS Docker images, both Open and Enterprise. |
N/A |
Added MySQL 8.x by default as the current version for the database engine from version 771. |
Bug fixes
Support# | GitLab# | Description |
14344 |
Fixed error when a module behaved intermittently and had an alert threshold configured. Now a single message for recovery notification is sent and received by email. |
N/A | 9881 | Although the history database was disabled in its configuration it always kept trying to connect. With this correction it only tries to connect if all necessary credentials are configured. |
N/A |
Corrected user display in PFMS CLI command add_event_comment if the name contains spaces. |
N/A | 10066 | Added selector to recursively search subgroups to the Triggered alerts report widget. |
N/A | 10102 | Aligned columns in service SLA (Custom Reports). |
N/A | 10320 | Added an alert dialog to confirm whether you are sure of a user’s delete request. |
14989 |
Fixed the Safe Operation mode in Command Center Massive Operations. It is back in operation. |
N/A | 10258 | Fixed the option to send email to the administrator (Mail to Admin) in alert actions and it now allows you to select single options. |
14620 | 10310 | Fixed the General group status widget operation in the Command Center. |
N/A | 10312 | Added data purge option visual configuration (“Max. days before purge”) in the Command Center. |
14975 |
Fixed proper saving of the selected version in custom remote SNMP components, either v1, v2 or v3. |
N/A | 10331 | Excluded Discovery manual from the to-do list as they were presented as if their execution was delayed. |
15025 |
Fixed search with spaces in the keywords in the SNMP Console. |
N/A | 10340 | Fixed Gotty performance with PFMS Quickshell. Also added a test button to check the execution of said services. |
14680 |
Added alias and comments in node agent search so that the search is performed correctly. |
N/A | 10356 | Fixed the LDAP authentication section in the Metaconsole’s configuration so that it saves the waiting time value. |
15056 | 10363 | Restored in the agent module advanced options, the Cascade Protection Services (CPS) token feature. |
15058 |
Fixed bug in event correlation, from the Command Center (Metaconsole) where there was an error when decoding information if the node database had some of its content encrypted. |
N/A | 10370 | Fixed the node link to centralized agent management in the Command Center. |
15069 |
Fixed line creation in Visual Consoles by which the circles were not displayed at the ends to be able to move or resize them. |
15070 | 10373 | Fixed in policies with names: in Japanese they were not written on the configuration file (Software Agents with remote configuration enabled). |
15047 |
Reviewed and verified event discard feature enabling for remote components, that way this false positive is discarded. |
14668 | 10420 | Fixed login with users that contain an apostrophe in their name and email fields for authentication with LDAP and AD. |
N/A | 10471 | In SNMP alerts there was the problem that when deleting the agent group the alert belonged to, it disappeared. Now it prevents deleting agent groups if they are being used by any SNMP alert. |
N/A | 10473 | Fixed the error in the SNMP trap editor by which files could not be uploaded with MIB. |
N/A |
Fixed alert command display in a centralized node for Command Center with the new PFMS web interface. |
N/A |
In the Command Center, some tokens were not saved in the history database configuration advanced options. With this patch said values are fixed to change and save the congifuration. |
N/A |
Implemented a modal form for module type selection after clicking on “Go to create agent” from the tree view in the Command Center. |
N/A | 10550 | Fixed the Credential Store showing fields for SNMP credentials were displayed in other types of credentials (AWS, WMI, etc.). |
15096 | 10558 | When a module belonged to a service, cascade protection was enabled. Its opertion has been changed so thata cascade protection works properly, avoiding email spam. |
N/A | 10560 | For NCM responses, now function read_all() is used instead of function read_line() of Perl language, library Net::SSH::Expec. This fixes the error of saving messages with line breaks, fully reading and saving NCM responses. |
15146 |
Fixed error when adding comments at events with character “&”. |
15013 |
Added a fix to contemplate connections with no instances in Discovery PFMS tasks for MS SQL server®. Note: Each instance is a full SQL Server® installation together with its own server file backup, database engine, databases, users and credentials. |
15024 | 10585 | The Diagnostic info tool now correctly displays log file custom paths. |
N/A | 10597 | Added and fixed the image in PNG format (maintenance image) used in nodes and in the Metaconsole when the merging process is taking place in the Command Center. |
15185 |
List of vendors in NCM are now displayed immediately, allowing NCM operations to be performed with no delay. |
15172 | 10631 | Fixed last comment added to the comment column not being properly displayed when there were grouped events (Group events or Group extra id). This affected both the node and the Command Center and was fixed in both. |
15203 |
In versions 767, 768 and 769 it was not possible to edit the threshold of an alert action to zero as it was replaced with a default value of 5 minutes. This was fixed in version 771. |
14875 |
Custom reports could not be created/deleted (Custom Report) with the ACL Enterprise system. It was fixed with two additional level 2 section options. |
15195 | 10695 | fixed error by which the “Is different” rule did not work properly in correlation alerts. |
N/A | 10727 | Fixed incorrect dates as well as column alignments in event reports. Fixed reports when there were no results for the reports (custom data). |
N/A | 10743 | If an agent was assigned to a secondary server that only had dataserver enabled, when creating remote modules in said agent they never got executed since they had no networkserver that would process them. With this correction they get assigned to the primary server and get fully executed. |
N/A |
In the IPAM subnet, when networks were added massively to a supernet the first available network was skipped, this was reset to include all requested networks. |
N/A |
When a trap was edited in the SNMP console or when clicking on the name of the trap through the SNMP trap editor, in both cases it sent them to an empty view with no data. The problem was fixed and the feature was restored; in addition several errors in field tags by screen were fixed. |
N/A | 10777 | The names of XML files with monitoring data for Pandora FMS are now established by hash MD5 since they previously caused issues if the agent name had special charaters. |
15305 | 10813 | When using the search engine in the modules tab, the graphic icons called “101” were corrected. In addition, icons were updated, the redirection to the modal form view was fixed and changed. |
N/A | 10896 | Fixed the error by which when adding a service item to another service and displaying the sunburst map and trying to access the child items of the added service the corresponding links failed. |
N/A | 10898 | Fixed error by which when an agent was created or edited and an attempt was made to assign a secondary group to it, it was not assigned. . |
N/A |
In inventory modules by plugin, in custom fields, there was an issue with special character when saving the changes. The error was fixed and it now correctly saves in base64. |
N/A | 10901 | Fixed the size of the icons of the new PFMS interface in the SNMP wizard. |
N/A |
Through an MR file character encryption to format UTF8MB4 is fixed in several database tables, including the table used for the tips editor. |
N/A | 10909 | For the new PFMS interface, agent group icons in both node and Command Center were displayed as unavailable or “broken” images. This was restored to normal operation and custom icons were checked and verified for normal operation. |
N/A | 10910 | Updated the icons representing each node to the new format and enhanced their display with matching colors in network maps, with the new PFMS interface. |
N/A | 10911 | In the new PFMS interface, the huge size of the icon for deletion in custom report item editing (SLA) went back to its normal size. |
N/A | 10912 | Links to agent in the group tactical view now lead to display instead of agent editing. |
N/A |
The Command Center now properly displays the icon for web browsers (also called favicon tab). |
N/A |
Fixed the menu display in version 770 for the Open version. |
N/A | 10917 | Retrieved display of custom operating system icons. |
N/A | 10918 | On PFMS login screen, the images used as wallpapers were adjusted to be properly displayed in the different window sizes of web browsers. |
N/A | 10926 | The Add button in Manage Scan Scripts was not shown with the new PFMS interface. Added the button again recovering the feature. |
N/A | 10927 | Since version 767 if you had configured the Spanish language in the Metaconsole (now called Command Center in version 770) and worked on the application of monitoring policies, these returned an HTTP 500 error in web browsers. The issue was fixed and also used to check the rest of the languages. |
N/A | 10936 | In plugins and agent management views, multiline-capable text boxes were shrunken and trash icons were too large. Their sizes were enlarged and shrinked and they regained their visual harmony. |
N/A |
In the alerts section where it indicated whether an alert had been triggered or not, it was only visible if you hovered over that column. With this arrangement, all triggered alerts are immediately displayed without the need for any extra work. |
N/A | 10945 | In the event view the item time stamp had an incorrect calculation. Now after fixing it, before calculating, the time zone of the different components (PFMS server, Web console, user preferences, etc.) is taken into account. |
N/A | 10950 | The text size in policy names was increased to 9 points, thus improving their readability. |
N/A | 10955 | Fixed element errors in size, appearance and operation in the Discovery Netscan interface. . |
N/A |
For new installations performed in version 769, the tsesion_filter table was not created so this patch fixes that inconvenient. |
N/A | 10974 | Fixed error by which when applying the inverse interval in a module, it showed the changes correctly in the contiguous graph, however when clicking update the inverse interval disappeared and returned to the previous state. |
N/A | 10981 | With this correction only fields TCP Send/Receive appear in the network TCP modules. |
15459 | 11003 | Fixed the Command Center (Metaconsole) options for alerts that had disappeared. . |
15353 | 11010 | Fixed automatic refresh of the Visual Consoles. |
N/A |
Fixed the token to activate the Inverse Interval in string modules that when saving became always deactivated. . |
N/A | 11024 | Fixed error by which when copying a remote component it returned an error when requesting a table field whose name was not correct. Now the copying process is carried out with no issues. |
N/A | 11032 | Fixed the starting date field for the filter in the log view: Now it is interpreted in a numeric wat and it allows to obtain results. |
N/A | 11035 | In graphs, the size of the tick is set at least to 0.5 for extraordinary precision in double precision values (four or more decimals). |
15490 | 11047 | Fixed error in the new interface by which no more fields could be added to the plugins when creating them nor delete those added by means of the editing process. |
15479 | 11052 | When carrying out a Discovery task with application for MS SQL Server®, the connection report presents special characters that do not get saved in the database. |
N/A | 11054 | In correlation alert management an existence verification of the function is added to memori before being used. |
15522 | 11095 | Fixed issue by which when a Web Check module was created by means of monitoring policies, when going into module editing it appeared blank. |
N/A | 11110 | Fixed the second order selectors in the Metaconsole used for overall display and selection of several elements in dropdown lists. |
15539 | 11111 | Fixed issue by which when a Web Check module was created, when going into module editing it appeared blank. |
Pandora FMS NG 770
New features and improvements
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
8282 |
New feature for choosing the server (nodes and Command Center) when executing a CronJob task. |
N/A |
6290 |
Added an ID field to the Software agent repository view. In addition, the message in agent display was changed. |
N/A |
9047 |
Functional and aesthetic improvements in Audit View (System audit logs). |
N/A |
New welcome tips system when logging into PFMS Web Console. |
N/A |
Added module creation button in the tree view in Monitoring for the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
In custom SQL (Reports menu) a new template is implemented, which returns the name of those modules that do not have the safe operation mode field active. See more examples in the official documentation. |
14208 |
In the Enterprise version, for users who authenticate through LDAP, now the user timezone can be configured (User Timezone setup) which is different from that of Pandora FMS server. |
N/A |
9622 |
Each agent now has a section for Omnishell. It will only appear when there is a task for that agent. |
N/A |
New feature for sFlow monitoring protocol management. |
N/A |
New widget: Event cardboard. |
N/A |
9676 |
Inventory modules are now updated when an XML has a name but no data. The goal is that of creating specific and detailed reports. |
N/A |
9680 |
New widget: Modules by status. |
N/A |
9698 |
New plugin to send messages with Pushover. |
N/A |
9778 |
Improvement for the error log for agent plugins. |
Time stamp date and time merging in event creation with PFMS 1.0 API. |
N/A |
9819 |
Added an Acoustic Console to configure custom sounds for event audible alerts. |
N/A |
9859 |
New dashboard widget called Avg|Sum|Max|Min Module data. |
N/A |
9883 |
Monitoring inventory reports have been improved both in their options and in their interface. Improvements are also included for the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
14587 |
For the agent’s online installation, token PANDORA_AGENT_SSL was added, which allows managing communications with Pandora FMS in an encrypted way. |
N/A |
Added submenu for services checked as favorites in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
9987 |
Improved inventory view and its filters. |
N/A |
10008 |
Improved search management in agent view, monitor view and event view, with the possibility to save queries for their reuse. |
N/A |
10010 |
New option for the Log viewer in the Search field: it comes unchecked by default to just show the lines that match the search. If checked, the full log that matches the search is displayed. |
N/A |
10057 |
Enabled macro _agentcustomfield_X_ for use with ICMP Enterprise and SNMP Enterprise servers. |
14739 |
10092 |
Not normal (covering both Critical and Warning status) filter in both agent and module states for the Tree View widget in Dashboards. |
N/A |
10093 |
New policy maintenance mode when running database maintenance (pandora_db). |
N/A |
10149 |
New Exchange plugin (2016 or later) to filter and monitor email messages (an agent with two modules in each execution for each added filter). Enterprise feature in the online library, documentation in Spanish in BookStack. |
N/A |
10235 |
New indexes have been added to the database, particularly useful for very large environments. |
N/A |
10259 |
Warning notice if there are more than 200 agents in the use of agent access statistics. |
N/A |
Limited to 500 the number of items per page in the event list. |
N/A |
10273 |
New parameters in the plugin for Google Sheets: –creds_base64 and –cell. |
N/A |
10283 |
Visual enhancements for the filter in the SNMP Console. |
N/A |
Added the server’s date and time display in the window “About”. |
N/A |
New feature that allows adding new server instances for large environments and with powerful hardware available. |
14480 |
Added user information when adding an event “In process”. |
N/A |
New favorites system in the side menu for groups, dashboards, event filter, network maps, custom reports, visual consoles and agents. |
N/A |
10347 |
Improved the usability of Group Tactical View. |
N/A |
10441 |
Added the package version in the head so when updating the new JavaScript files will be added to the cache. |
N/A |
10483 |
Added the generation of a new CSRF token when logging out of PFMS. |
N/A |
10514 |
Plugin for monitoring clusters and SingleStore databases. |
N/A |
10524 |
Updated dependencies on Docker images for the Open version. |
15104 |
Fixed the display of all data for NetFlow. In addition, the option for changing the interval was deleted from the NetFlow form. |
N/A |
10633 |
Added token (Check connection interval) for the connection interval with the server that executes the database engine. |
N/A |
Added date of volume snapshots taken from virtual machines, in the VMware® plugin. |
N/A |
Added the arping program as required dependency for PFMS server. |
N/A |
Renewed and improved Pandora FMS login screen. |
N/A |
10728 |
Plugin for detecting changes on the switch configuration (Alcatel®, Cisco®) by means of SSH. Enterprise feature in the online library, documentation in Spanish in BookStack.
N/A |
Added feature to so that it supports the new HA system for Ubuntu server 22. |
Fixed vulnerabilities
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
Thanks to the information provided by samsamurai. |
10217 ^MP |
The CSRF is now generated in the attempt action itself to disable a user, which prevents editing. |
Thanks to the information provided by samsamurai. |
10219 ^MP |
Changed data entry to syslog when a module is created. |
10229 ^MP |
jQuery-UI is the official user interface library of jQuery. Before version 1.13.0, the option of accepted the value of the utility .position() from untrusted sources. The issue was fixed by updating to version 1.13.0. |
10230 ^MP |
Update to the latest Underscore(1.13.6) package version for Javascript. |
N/A |
10294 ^MP |
Set a maximum limit of attempts (Password Policy) for unknown users for Pandora FMS Web Console (nodes and Command Center) and also for the Mobile version. |
Bug fixes
Support# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
9523 |
Erratum in the title of the pop-up window for registered plugin information. |
14776 |
In reports with SQL queries, the feature for querying one and/or several nodes and/or in the same Command Center (Metaconsole) has been restored; not only to display events but for any other database item. This feature should be used with caution because it may require excessive use of hardware resources. |
N/A |
Improved history database automatic partitions by months. |
N/A |
9700 |
Corrected the links to the Web Console in the Visual Console public view. |
N/A |
9834 |
In manual services, the weight of an agent with a non-initialized module now adds up to zero instead of the value equivalent to the unknown status. |
N/A |
9852 |
Fixed user password request in the Linux CPU Remote Inventory Module (plugin). |
N/A |
9895 |
Fixed and added the following messages for remote authentication based on third parties: “User is blocked”, “Double auth error” and “saml error”. |
N/A |
9913 |
Fixed visual faults in “Service List” and “Service Table” view filters in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
14800 |
Fixed node ID forwarding in PFMS 1.0 API call validate_events if it is applied to the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
14825 |
When sending an SMS alert using the macro _timestamp_ in the template, dates are now recorded homogeneously. |
N/A |
When using MySQL version 5.7 it is now possible to delete old data backups automatically. |
14839 |
10178 |
Reorganized and improved the autodiscover plugin for both MS Windows® and GNU/Linux® to improve agent performance. |
N/A |
Fixed parameter -f in the plugin pandora_server/util/plugin/ for processing offline duplex as full duplex. |
14360 |
Fixed time unit display in alert templates in the Metaconsole (Command Center). |
14931 |
10234 |
Fixed error when downloading collection files in the Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
10238 |
Fixed the erratum in network usage calculation at . |
14923 |
Fixed and improved Unicode character codification in correlation alert creation for Russian, Chinese and Japanese. |
N/A |
10305 |
Fixed the display of Pandora DB tool's last execution. |
14976 |
Fixed the query so that it does not return an error when modifying the user's password by having Password Policies enabled. |
N/A |
10338 |
Updated plugin to recognize current compilations (version nomenclatures) and thus stop issuing warning messages that are false positive regarding the version. |
15016 |
Fixed change application to the modules and/or plugin in Operations in bulk with Modules. |
N/A |
10337 |
Fixed credential forwarding for queries through the database interface, from the Command Center (Metaconsole) to the associated nodes. |
N/A |
10350 |
Added the maintenance mode for the Command Center (Metaconsole)(file metaconsole_maintenance_mode.php) to inform users about special processes. |
15007 |
10359 |
At the Command Center (Metaconsole), in bulk operations it now also displays (by default) disabled agents. |
N/A |
10411 |
Deleted the replication message that appeared when opening the event details (false positive). Now it allows adding event comments. |
N/A |
10416 |
The selected agent identifier has been included in the event list filter. |
N/A |
10438 |
Included S3 Buckets monitoring shortcut icon again in Amazon Web Services. |
N/A |
10451 |
Fixed PFMS server update with Update Manager Offline in CentOS 7. Tested in Rocky Linux too. |
15091 |
10455 |
Fixed in plugin wizard_wmi_module when it has the character & in the password, now it is between quotation marks before executing the credentials. |
N/A |
10458 |
Fixed SQL query creation when changing passwords in non-administrator users. |
N/A |
Fixed agent identifier failure when creating custom report items with the SLA-Wizard, when filtering agents by keyword. |
N/A |
10485 |
Fixed inconsistency in LAG calculation (latency) between the server and the console. |
N/A |
10493 |
In item pagination (Policies, Alerts, Groups, etc.) the user is located again on the page that triggered an action (editing, deleting, etc.) |
N/A |
10513 |
Command center (Metaconsole): Added server_uid for authentication in PFMS 1.0 API for internal calls to Pandora FMS servers. |
N/A |
10551 |
Visual Console names now accept spaces, previously they were saved as HTML entity characters. |
N/A |
Fixed faulty task import deletion in Discovery IPAM tasks. |
14584 |
Comments not shown in events when requested in detail: fixed grouping by event and by extra ID with blank spaces. |
N/A |
10569 |
It supports PHP 8 when opening an agent display in the Console. |
N/A |
For Ubuntu server 22, the xprobe program was specifically compiled, which is used as an essential tool for IPAM tasks. |
N/A |
Fixed failure in IPAM when clicking on a host and getting error 500 HTTP. |
N/A |
10649 |
Fixed issue by which when having alerts configured in a policy and an agent unlinked from one or more modules from that policy, the alerting on all of the modules that stay linked became duplicated. |
N/A |
10665 |
Fixed and recovered user editing for the Open version. |
N/A |
Fixed the ACL error for users in Heatmap views: now it limits the display of groups, elements and IP addresses you are authorized according to your user profile. |
15229 |
10726 |
Fixed collection synchronization with HTTPS in the Metaconsole (Command Center). |
15246 |
10737 |
Fixed error by which the Command Center (Metaconsole) returned a function search error due to missing parameters when clicking on a service from a Map service. |
N/A |
10747 |
Fixed and recovered the main display of an agent for the Open version. |
N/A |
10750 |
Fixed the log view, now it may be selected precisely both regarding the date and time. Fixed also other logical details. |
N/A |
10792 |
For the Open version, corrected and fixed the display of the group All in Group View. |
N/A |
10794 |
Fixed agent collection deletion and addition in the Enterprise version. |
15316 |
10819 |
Fixed alerts in alert views and not just the policy image will appear when the alert corresponds to a policy or when it is an external alert policy. |
15240 |
Fixed two agents with the same string corrupting the request and results being mistaken. |
Pandora FMS NG 769
New features and improvements
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
11510 |
7172 |
Author field added to XML file for RSS events. |
N/A |
8909 |
Custom intervals for averages, minimums, and maximums can be modified in reports. |
N/A |
9069 |
The schedule downtime filter has been visually rearranged. |
13829 |
9175 |
Password protection in modules to prevent their viewing by users who do not have rights to do so. |
N/A |
9220 |
NMS Enterprise license update. See features at: |
N/A |
9270 |
In Monitoring Interface View, a button has been incorporated to display graphs made up by incremental modules called inOctets and outOctects. |
N/A |
9410 |
Improved Enterprise Cisco Inventory configuration plugin. |
N/A |
9505 |
Improvements in Omnishell interface. |
N/A |
9509 |
Warnings and messages in several places notify the user if libraries are needed for Omnishell. |
N/A |
9545 |
It allows to add a different SAP license for each agent to get very detailed monitoring. |
N/A |
9673 |
Tentacle server installation verifies the dependencies in detail and shows which dependencies are required for the successful installation of the product. |
N/A |
9684 |
Error in Expect with NCM if prompt was not found. |
N/A |
9713 |
Added button to show the actual path in a modal window in Pandora FMS file manager. |
N/A |
9884 |
Custom filters can be saved and retrieved in the monitor view, which implies applying MR number 61. |
N/A |
9971 |
The “Icon” element of the visual consoles can now be edited. |
14689 |
10039 |
Improved agent name display in the Metaconsole monitor view. |
N/A |
10106 |
When deleting a user all their open sessions are also deleted, in real time. |
N/A |
10014 |
Custom filters for log viewer, which involves applying MR number 61. |
N/A |
10017 |
In the Informix plugin, DRDA port is enabled for connection: this allows remote monitoring. |
N/A |
10055 |
Recursion was added to the module deletion notice, showing all modules that depend on the module to be deleted. |
N/A |
10115 |
LDAP authentication accepts special characters. |
14662 |
10016 |
Added new features for monitoring in the OpenShift plugin for Pandora FMS Enterprise version. |
N/A |
10118 |
Improved user interface for network map creation and editing. Fields support more information with brief help messages that encourage you to check the official documentation. |
N/A |
Added a specific saving button for editing Visual Console elements. |
N/A |
10138 |
New graphical interface in the manual installer. |
N/A |
Added message to indicate whether Chromium Extension is not installed (required for graphics display). |
N/A |
10166 |
New indexes have been added to the database, especially useful for very large environments. |
14480 |
10175 |
Event Information window updates status appropriately on the General tab when performing validation (Acknowledge by…). |
N/A |
10189 |
Improved the visual interface of the sound console button. |
N/A |
10190 |
Alerts can be managed from the sound console. |
N/A |
10195 |
In network map generation through methods Spring1 and Spring2 it has been tested amd checked that hundreds of agents can be managed. |
14895 |
The default value selected for Dynamic interval is set to none. |
N/A |
10215 |
Agent information when requested in heat maps is now available in Pandora FMS Open version. |
N/A |
10228 |
Improved session management, particularly those related to API 1.0 PFMS, which favors storage space in the database. |
14934 |
10236 |
In bulk operations on modules, unless requested by the user, the Dynamic interval is left intact, unchanged, when saving the requested operation. |
N/A |
10248 |
Relocated the “Save custom report to disk” option in Discovery, in section new console task creation. |
N/A |
Improvement in the XML entry process in Pandora FMS Dataserver. |
N/A |
The “About” section loads faster. |
N/A |
“Healthy” limit for number of modules in unknown status that are processed in each iteration. |
Fixed vulnerabilities
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
Thanks to the information provided by damodarnaik. |
10159 ^MP |
The API checker built into Pandora FMS Web Console only supports HTTP or HTTPS protocols. |
Thanks to the information provided by giri11408 |
10160 ^MP |
Modules in visual consoles filter and avoid commands in JavaScript language. |
Thanks to the information provided by Gaurish Kauthankar. |
10162 ^MP |
Module of special days in calendar limits and filters the use of JavaScript thus avoiding major problems. |
Thanks to the information provided by Gaurish Kauthankar. |
10163 ^MP |
Pandora FMS file manager restricts the file type to GIF, PNG or JPG, thus avoiding the loading of any type of instruction. |
N/A Thanks to the information provided by ^MP. |
10261 ^MP |
The upload_head_image.php file has been deleted since it allowed uploading files with additional instructions. A suitable mechanism for such a file upload task has been implemented. |
Bug fixes
Support# | GitLab# | Description |
12354 |
7936 |
For users registered in a Command Center (M etaconsole) they can now select Dashboard as the custom home screen of the Web Console. |
N/A |
8148 |
Administrative Tools -> System Audit Logs now shows in detail the changes made. |
N/A |
9270 |
Within the view of each agent, the Interfaces section is visible and accessible. |
N/A |
9473 |
The get total_modules command in PFMS 1.0 API correctly returns the total modules when a specific module group is requested. |
N/A |
9600 |
Fixed status display failure of Pandora FMS servers. Pandora FMS is present in more than 50 countries that have different time zones: for companies with offices with different hours this false positive was reported with the status of the servers. |
N/A |
9701 |
The calculation of delays that do not come from the data server was faulty and it corrects and updates in a new way. |
14535 |
9823 |
In the module validation box it now supports module_logchannel. |
N/A |
9829 |
Users can only access the Dashboards on the home screen if they are from the same group, those from the All group and their private dashboards. |
N/A |
9924 |
Fixed links between visual console items. |
N/A |
9941 |
Corrected the colors in the odometers by public links in the visual consoles. |
N/A |
9799 |
Corrected the process of changing the owner of an event. |
14560 |
9863 |
In the links section, both in nodes and in the Metaconsole, users without PM permissions can view and use said links. |
N/A |
10032 |
If a user changes the database replication password after the main database was encrypted, that password will also be stored encrypted. |
N/A |
10084 |
Searching for agents in policies refreshes the data cache in a timely manner and also takes into account disabled agents. |
14748 |
10095 |
The alert details view can now be sorted chronologically, at the user's request. |
N/A |
10100 |
The RPM installer supports PHP 8 and installs MRs in the same way as with PHP 7. |
N/A |
10103 |
The threshold section of the clusters now displays the names of each module (Active-Passive View). |
14765 |
10112 |
Erratum in the source code with the use of the module_disabled command in software agents. |
14803 |
10133 |
Fixed task import in Discovery IPAM tasks. |
14804 |
10136 |
PFMS CLI (pandora_manage) parameter –update_agent now updates node with Command Center (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
10152 |
Restored the possibility of adding notifications by groups in the general settings of the Web Console. |
14771 |
10156 |
Corrected the custom availability report display. Previously an item had to be edited and saved to be able to show the report. |
14779 |
10176 |
Fixed false positive about a service status if one or more of its agents had disabled modules. |
N/A |
10188 |
In audible alerts server identifiers are received correctly. |
N/A |
10202 |
In the event group report report filter, the query was corrected. |
14875 |
10212 |
Corrected editing permissions on custom reports if using the ACL Enterprise System is used. |
N/A |
10216 |
PFMS installer ensures that perl-threads-shared-1.43-6.el7 version 2.13 is installed before installing Thread::Semaphore, showing the corresponding warning message. |
N/A |
10222 |
Image in the “About” section is now displayed correctly. |
N/A |
10227 |
As for features, corrected their overflow in the NMS license. |
N/A |
10240 |
For PFMS servers that are still hosted in CentOS 7, support has been added for the Perl language Semaphore 2.13 library. |
N/A |
10241 |
Graphics sent by email are compatible with PHP 8, thus allowing their display. |
N/A |
10249 |
Standard users now correctly calculate groups related to tags. |
N/A |
10274 |
On Pandora FMS home page clicking on the link of the alerts launched (triggered alerts) now shows only those with such status. |
14943 |
10284 |
The plugin for Kubernetes successfully converts the data type returned by the API. |
N/A |
10290 |
Event validation is shown accurately in field ACK. |
N/A |
10343 |
IPAM, massive operations, meets and works with the syntax of PHP version 8. |
N/A |
10384 |
Corrected the display failure when mass erasing modules (Bulk Operations). |
Pandora FMS NG 768
Changes & improvements
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
9847 |
Improved remote inventory plugin for Windows for using pandorawmic binary. |
14021 |
9325 |
Added the possibility of choosing the representation of the unit of a thousand. |
14021 |
932 |
Added the possibility of choosing the power to represent full numerical data in reports. |
N/A |
9412 |
Made visual modifications to Satellite server remote configuration to make it easier to use. |
13830 |
9292 |
Improved trap saving and representation in the SNMP view so as not to lose performance when increasing the number of elements to be viewed. |
N/A |
8558 |
The inventory feature becomes OpenSource. |
N/A |
9535 |
The cluster monitoring feature becomes OpenSource. |
N/A |
7386 |
Modified API call management in order to hide the access credentials to it. |
N/A |
9763 |
Improved asynchronous service performance and synchronization. |
N/A |
9624 |
Added the possibility of monitoring through SFlow. |
N/A |
9554 |
Changed pie chart representation. |
N/A |
9530 |
Reinstated triggered alert representation by orange boxes. |
N/A |
8619 |
Added new widget to dashboards: “Data matrix”. |
N/A |
9740 |
Added the mail configuration feature to the Command Center. |
N/A |
9675 |
Modified merging notices, so that they only fire in the strictly necessary cases. |
N/A |
8809 |
Added Custom SQL report type to the Command Center. |
N/A |
9709 |
Changed the admin user to be created as local by default. |
14267 |
9557 |
Added private dashboard automatic removal when deleting the associated user. |
13884 |
9246 |
Added new macro _group_contact_ in event responses. |
N/A |
9801 |
Added block in PDF/CSV/JSON file generation so as not to be able to generate more than one simultaneously and thus not affect the tool's performance. |
N/A |
9286 |
Deleted the service forcing button for child services. |
N/A |
9120 |
Included the “not” button for a free text search in the events view. |
13468 |
8849 |
Added the option to create a custom Link agent field. |
13329 |
8770 |
Added the possibility of having bandwidth in absolute value in the network-bandwidth plugin. |
N/A |
8755 |
Modified the possibility of editing server plugins once they are deployed. |
N/A |
9135 |
Included the possibility of searching by name and user ID in events. |
N/A |
9516 |
Modified agent plugin editing in policies. |
N/A |
9447 |
Added entry control to the –create_event call of the CLI. |
N/A |
9152 |
Added the option to enable modules in bulk in agent views. |
13786 |
8854 |
Included audible event alerts in the Command Center. |
N/A |
1270 |
Cascade automatic child, grandchild… module deletion. |
N/A |
7250 |
Visual enhancements in pandora_server.conf Web editor. |
N/A |
8535 |
Cluster monitoring from Enterprise version to the Open version. |
N/A |
9002 |
Transaction monitoring extinction (transaction server), |
N/A |
9059 |
Label and input visual correction in the agent group view. |
N/A |
9113 |
Added HTTPS support for API CHECKER. |
13843 |
9196 |
Added service element edition into the Metaconsole. |
N/A |
9219 |
Deleted configuration file editing in collection or plugin ownership in policies with NMS license. |
N/A |
9463 |
Improved network map linking. |
N/A |
9878 |
Added server multiple selection in event filter editing (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
9903 |
Deleted the possibility of having different profiles with the same name. |
N/A |
9984 |
Corrected recon parameter order with SNMP v3. |
N/A |
9991 |
Renamed “skin” label by “theme” in user editing. |
N/A |
10037 |
Improvements in server auto-monitoring. |
N/A |
10082 |
Improved module double search tooltip in agent view. |
N/A |
10098 |
Better composer error control in PHP 7 when updating to Pandora 768 (it does not offer support for PHP 7). |
N/A |
10101 |
When changing from md5 to sha (access credentials) it is checked whether the table is varchar(60), if not it stays as md5. |
N/A |
1841 |
Added SO filtering to policies. |
N/A |
8538 |
Improve Azure monitoring. |
N/A |
9090 |
Added manual query to turn old plain-text “custom_data” into base64. |
14021 |
9323 |
Enhanced 4-figure number display in reports to show the full number. |
N/A |
9587 |
Added double search in agent view to filter modules and alerts. |
N/A |
9643 |
Implemented pandora-exec for modern Windows (such as wmic). |
N/A |
9868 |
Deleted the footer and replaced by “About” section. |
N/A |
10025 |
Added option in the online installer to install the latest LTS version. |
N/A |
10096 |
Adapted plugin to be able to execute it externally. |
N/A |
9618 |
Added the option to see the IP with which a remote module is being run from the agent view. |
Fixed vulnerabilities
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
8297 |
Improved Pandora FMS access management |
Bug fixes
Support# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
9684 |
Fixed connection error in NCM if the destination needs a prompt. |
13394 |
8793 |
Fixed the deadlock in pandora_db when using Percona XtraDB cluster. |
N/A |
9995 |
Replaced the awk command by gawk for the AD plugin to avoid usage error. |
N/A |
9985 |
Fixed the use of the Deployment Center with PHP 8. |
N/A |
9983 |
Fixed error 500 in operations in bulk with PHP 8. |
N/A |
9982 |
Fixed bug in plugin. |
14484 |
9896/9275 |
Fixed the compilation of certain dependencies necessary for the correct use of NCM. |
N/A |
9833 |
Fixed user search in general search engine in the OpenSource version. |
14523 |
9811 |
Fixed errors in reports that had availability type items. |
N/A |
9783 |
Fixed certain bugs in new network map refreshings. |
14458 |
9780 |
Fixed the lack of information display in Discovery tasks. |
N/A |
9720 |
Fixed module histogram widget by not displaying state changes correctly. |
14417 |
9706 |
Fixed the disappearance of drop-down menus in the module graphics view in dark mode. |
N/A |
9677 |
Fixed history database automatic partitioning. |
N/A |
9597 |
Fixed the default port in the integration with Ehorus. |
N/A |
9586 |
Modified the API call get_tree_agent, which displayed unnecessary information. |
N/A |
9548 |
Added certain fields in some database tables to avoid errors in the execution of pandora_db. |
14180 |
9498 |
Fixed API call add_permission_user_to_group, which left the assigned profile group empty. |
N/A |
9483 |
Modified the correlation server to prevent its performance degradation. |
14050 |
9349 |
Modified the tree view in the Command Center so that it does not show the agent hash when hovering over. |
N/A |
9978 |
Fixed enterprise ACLs to not allow configuration of a particular bulk operations page. |
14580 |
9912 |
Fixed scheduled emails and report sending using Discovery tasks. |
N/A |
10000 |
Fixed error 500 in “tree_agents” API call with PHP 8. |
N/A |
9986 |
Fixed saving when creating an SNMP module that does not need a port, so that it is saved empty. |
14571 |
9931 |
Fixed filtering in the event view when trying to select more than one server, where only the first one was selected. |
N/A |
9911 |
Fixed collection update when md5 is weight 0. |
14569 |
9906 |
Fixed auto-refresh errors in Command Center event view. |
14572 |
9873 |
Fixed custom images missing in visual console service elements. |
14558 |
9851 |
Fixed wrong display of custom images on the login screen. |
14463 |
9747 |
Solved the lack of some events when “Display all” is selected in filtering. |
N/A |
9721 |
Corrected the CLI call –add_event_comment that did not add the event ID into the comment. |
N/A |
9508 |
Fixed text overlay in dashboards when setting up a new widget. |
14178 |
9496 |
Added input value validation in the creation of a new module using API. |
12537 |
9221 |
Corrected module type's default value when creating modules in “MySQL Server Advanced Plugin”. |
12537 |
8950 |
Modified modules of the “MySQL Server Advanced Plugin” plugin that had erroneous data. |
N/A |
9061 |
Fixed Discovery section views. |
N/A |
9251 |
Added translation into sections that called to function ui_print_help_tip |
N/A |
9362 |
Modified tagent_data checking for big loads of data. |
N/A |
9440 |
Fixed “$bad_agents” counting. |
14267 |
9556 |
Fixed counting and pagination in Dashboards view. |
14349 |
9664 |
Removed modules in pendingdelete from the module selection view in scheduled downtimes. |
N/A |
9679 |
Fixed information sample in failed attempt register when obtaining a token. |
14457 |
9738 |
Fixed node change in SQL reports after editing it (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
9759 |
Fixed common agent loading in module operations in bulk. |
14480 |
9787 |
Fixed status update in the event information window in the General tab. |
N/A |
9817 |
Controlled profile duplication in agent creation. |
N/A |
9825 |
Fixed image upload through file manager in the Metaconsole. |
N/A |
9827 |
Fixed error related to external link without value as user home screen. |
N/A |
9831 |
Fixed password policy that only worked the first time. |
N/A |
9844 |
Fixed bug in alert filtering (it did not take into account “field content” in alert filter when selecting “mail to admin” in actions). |
N/A |
9908 |
Fixed failure in the Metaconsole event filter when modifying autorefresh. |
N/A |
9910 |
Fixed visual bug in template condition configuration/editing. |
N/A |
9922 |
Fixed the impossibility of filtering by tags in alert view. |
N/A |
9932 |
Fixed errors in SNMP browser. |
N/A |
9953 |
Fixed agent GIS information addition manually through PHP 8. |
N/A |
9966 |
Fixed issue with permissions from users created through API (user with manage users) of access to nodes in environments with Metaconsole. |
14036 |
9969 |
Fixed errors when editing traps. |
N/A |
9972 |
Fixed typo in the log message when adding the bandwidth plugin module in Satellite. |
14623 |
9973 |
Fixed error that did not allow to disable auto refresh in the Metaconsole. |
N/A |
9988 |
Fixed visual issue that did not allow to access the log view from the agent view. |
N/A |
9994 |
Fixed issue that did not allow to select “module group” when creating a modules. |
N/A |
9996 |
Fixed incorrect description in ssh module creation. |
N/A |
9997 |
Removed “using module component” from module editing. |
N/A |
9999 |
Fixed error in agent “full list of alerts” view. |
N/A |
10005 |
Fixed SQL errors when adding a new node o the Metaconsole. |
N/A |
10022 |
Fixed SQL error when adding inventory modules allowing to save without “Module” field. |
N/A |
10034 |
Fixed error that allowed to create empty/voisd ALC Enterprise profiles. |
N/A |
10036 |
Fixed visual error where the module legend overlapped with the circle graph in custom graphs. |
N/A |
10038 |
Fixed auto refreshing issue in event view (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
10041 |
Fixed error 500 in old correlation alerts. |
N/A |
10043 |
Fixed trap editing error that generated entities and did not allow editing. |
N/A |
10046 |
Fixed bug when deleting inventory modules individually. |
N/A |
10048 |
Fixed error in “Monitoring>Alert details” where when filtering by “mil to admin” it did not take into account the rest of the filters. |
N/A |
10049 |
Fixed error 500 when editing the cluster agent from the tree view (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
10074 |
Fixed error that did not allow to modify “content type” in SNMP alerts with “mail to admin” action. |
14724 |
10075 |
Fixed error that did not show Compliance SLA percentage and Status in PDF reports. |
N/A |
10078 |
Fixed error 500 when deleting correlation alerts. |
14706 |
10080 |
Fixed SQL error when creating external alert with action by default. |
N/A |
10104 |
Added Chrome to Ubuntu installation for proper execution in the console. |
N/A |
10119 |
Fixed alert view error in the Open version. |
14783 |
10121 |
Fixed error 500 when creating custom MySQL. |
N/A |
10154 |
Fixed network map preview view with Discovery task performance. |
N/A |
9949 |
Fixed WUX widgets. |
14544 |
10023 |
Fixed plugin. |
N/A |
10139 |
Fixed default visual consoles that used non-existent data. |
N/A |
8578 |
Fixed visual errors in integrations with eHorus. |
N/A |
9980 |
Fixed WUX executescript command when the response obtained 0. |
N/A |
10068 |
Fixed node collection synchronization when using PHP 8. |
N/A |
10040 |
Fixed connection error with AD in Command Center with PHP 8. |
N/A |
10114 |
Fixed error 500 in Command Center when using LDAP. |
N/A |
8047 |
fixed Kaspersky antivirus blocking to new WMIC version used by the Satellite server. |
N/A |
9633 |
Fixed typos in alert templates in french. |
14650 |
10026 |
Fixed Command Center configuration order. |
N/A |
10123 |
Fixed warning due to a Js file being missing. |
N/A |
10052 |
Fixed network map calculation counting whew the mock node was taken into account. |
N/A |
10129 |
Fixed visual typo in the percentile time creation. |
N/A |
10088 |
Modified sample_agent query to improve its performance. |
N/A |
10131 |
Fixed error 500 in the module template view within an agent. |
N/A |
10135 |
Fixed error 500 in Command Center collection pagination. |
Pandora FMS NG 767 LTS – Hope
Fixed vulnerabilities
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A | 9862 | In the module library |
N/A | 9861 | In event filtering |
Bug fixes
Support# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A | 9960/9890 | Fixed error 500 when entering massive operations having php 8 |
N/A | 9948 | Fixed display errors in some php 8 visual console elements |
14085 | 9917 | Fixed error 500 when entering the Active-Passive Cluster view when you finish configuring it |
N/A | 9741 | Fixed software agent autodiscover plugin malfunction when some default dependencies are not installed |
N/A | 9954/9952 | Fixed error 500 when entering and editing GIS maps with php 8 |
N/A | 9947 | Fixed error 500 when using wizards on visual consoles with php 8 |
N/A | 9943 | Fixed the error when creating templates in visual consoles |
N/A | 9939 | Fixed SQL error in dashboard Top N widget |
N/A | 9937 | Fixed the dashboard event list widget for which it did not show any value |
N/A | 9933 | Fixed error 500 in AD configuration with php 8 |
N/A | 9923 | Fixed visual error in agent configuration view |
N/A | 9919 | Fixed alert counter that returned wrong counting results |
14470 | 9904 | Fixed wrong group view URL in latest versions |
N/A | 9901 | Fixed tag non-display in event views when attempting to filter by them |
N/A | 9900 | Fixed error adding profiles to a user when they include tags |
N/A | 9899 | Fixed user profile display errors in Command Center |
N/A | 9894 | Fixed error 500 in LDAP configuration with php 8 |
14538 | 9880 | Fixed wrong agent display on network usage maps |
N/A | 9875 | Fixed error when applying default filters in event view |
N/A | 9874 | Fixed error 500 when editing users in the Command Center |
N/A | 9864 | Fixed unsaved event filters in the Command Center |
14554 | 9849 | Fixed error in custom chart creation |
14528 | 9842 | Fixed AD connections error with certain group namings |
N/A | 9836 | Fixed bug by which new items could not be added to existing custom charts |
N/A | 9830 | Fixed time lag in graph widgets in dashboards that always take server time |
N/A | 9828 | Fixed error 500 when creating a user in the OpenSource version |
14537 | 9826 | Removed non-critical constant errors in server logs |
N/A | 9824 | Fixed Command Center self refreshing by which it returned a 500 error with php 8 |
14530 | 9822 | Fixed creation errors in certain widgets in dashboards |
N/A | 9813 | Fixed visual errors in the counting and heatmap agent view |
N/A | 9808 | Fixed taf counting in get_events call where it always returned 0 |
N/A | 9807 | Fixed remote inventory script execution by which it did not take the configured route but the one by default |
13905 | 9798 | Fixed SLA drawing in the graph availability reports in the Command Center |
N/A | 9793 | Fixed background image loading in visual consoles if it contained a namespace |
N/A | 9786 | Removed non-critical constant errors in the error server logs |
14429 | 9716 | Fixed display error of the first and last event when grouped by extra ID |
14417 | 9705 | Fixed event tab display within the dashboard event widget |
N/A | 9683 | Fixed tag bug in SNMP charts |
14393 | 9678 | Fixed “time_down_human” and “time_down_seconds” macros |
N/A | 9668 | Fixed custom unit configuration of module data |
N/A | 9650 | Fixed week day cron function error |
N/A | 9646 | Modified discovery tasks so that when they have credentials they do not all count as the same task |
N/A | 9620 | Fixed bulk item deletion on visual consoles |
N/A | 9581 | Fixed translation errors in console configuration |
14202 | 9514 | Fixed ACL errors for which even when having permissions alerts could not be cleared |
14183 | 9513 | Fixed snmp_strom_protection performance |
N/A | 9501 | Fixed possible permission duplication in a user |
N/A | 9499 | Fixed automatic backup deletion made from the console |
N/A | 9494 | Fixed event search by custom data when a space or uppercase is included |
N/A | 9487 | Fixed agent miscounting when performing global searches |
N/A | 9466 | Fixed visual icon overlay in agent configuration view |
N/A | 9417 | Fixed visual error in the extra autoconfiguration actions |
13944 | 9276 | Fixed line limitation in NCM configurations |
Pandora FMS NG 766
Changes & improvements
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A | 9184 | Included notification and an event when trap processing malfunctions. |
N/A | 9376 | Added the possibility to skip testing and creating non-operational interfaces on an SNMP device. |
N/A | 8733 | Created the possibility to add external alerts in policies without them replacing each other. |
N/A | 4822 | Added new visual console status: Maintenance. |
N/A | 9659 | Optimized pandora_db on certain database maintenance blocks. |
N/A | 9233 | Created the possibility of incorporating trap history. |
13682 | 9153 | Added agent status in “Quiet” mode in Command center agent view. |
N/A | 9105 | Created the possibility to add collections to the Satellite server. |
N/A | 7914 | Included status scaling based on time. |
9778 | 5584 | Added bulk user editing for both the Command Center and nodes. |
N/A | 4043 | Created credential store for modules. In this first stage they are used for WMI and SNMP modules. |
N/A | 9506 | Enhancements in user display for better view performance. |
N/A | 9648 | Modified default notifications when creating new users depending on the type of user created. |
N/A | 9641 | Improved HeatMap display in agent view. |
N/A | 95914 | Improved satellite agent management view. |
N/A | 9547 | Add node ID macro to be used in event responses. |
14121 | 9460 | Modified the necessary permissions to be able to use the module_data API call. |
N/A | 9425 | Added the possibility to group events by the id_extra element. |
N/A | 9391 | Changes have been made to the remote inventory, adding new dependencies to include new ones and the option to include the path where the script or plugin is located to be able to launch them from alternative paths. |
N/A | 9306 | Modified event comment sorting to see last comment first. |
N/A | 9300 | Replaced the label “Inable Sunburst” by “Show sunburst by default”. |
13891 | 9254 | Improved password replication in databases so that they are not shown in the navigator search engine. |
13815 | 9178 | Modified management of access by LDAP to improve performance when the secondary LDAP is not available. |
N/A | 9087 | Included a warning with the corresponding failure when using the online software agent installer. |
13156 | 8597 | Added new options for event filtering in the Command Center. |
14061 | 2133 | Included recursivity in event filtering by group. |
13503 | 9098 | Created the insert_gis_data call for CLI. |
N/A | 8725 | Added a list of exclusion of passwords so that the system does not let users enter certain passwords. |
N/A | 8646 | Improved SNMP management to be able to include different modules by default in SNMP module generation through the SNMP wizard. |
N/A | 8620 | Including new widget in “Grouped to put graphs” dashboards. |
N/A | 2190 | Added the possibility of filtering agents in the agent migration option in the Command Center. |
N/A | 9722 | The expired license notification will only be shown for Super Admin users. |
Fixed vulnerabilities
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
14398 | 9687 | Execution of certain codes in the search bar |
N/A | 9592 | User session management. |
N/A | 9593 | ajax.php file |
N/A | 9717 | Network maps |
N/A | 9729 | Module free search |
Bug fixes
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A | 9691 | Fixed Command Center slow down in any view when the node does not have access to the database. |
N/A | 9647 | Fixed syslog server issue by which it did not take all the log lines as it should. |
N/A | 9630 | Fixed some API calls that use the module ID. |
N/A | 9606 | Fixed the lock that pandoradb generated when connection with the data base was lost while running. |
N/A | 9538 | Fixed resync for pandora HA in EL8. |
N/A | 9536 | Fixed index desynchronization between the Command Center and its nodes. |
N/A | 9526 | Improved SQL report performance when edited. |
N/A | 9500 | Fixed user synchronization between the Command Center and its nodes when the user is created or modified through a CLI call. |
N/A | 9470 | Fixed error when trying to use timeouts in Omnishell. |
N/A | 9430 | Fixed the double authentication request once this option has been disabled. |
N/A | 9406 | Fixed the desynchronization of certain user tokens between the Command Center and its nodes. |
N/A | 9394 | Fixed policy ID synchronization failure when using the autoconfiguration of agents pointing to the Command Center. |
N/A | 9390 | Fixed translation failure on some database maintenance elements. |
14016 | 9377 | Fixed erasure of old Netflow elements by means of pandoradb. |
14036 | 9339 | Fixed SQL error when editing trap that contains simple quotation marks. |
N/A | 9521 | Fixed MySQL SSL connection issues with Azure. |
14411 | 9702 | Fixed errors in LDAP connections in the Command Center when symbols are used in the password. |
N/A | 9695, 9667, 9611 | Fixed errors in Pandora FMS console when using PHP 7.2. |
N/A | 9671 | Fixed failure by which not all possible mass operations appeared in the event view. |
N/A | 9665 | Fixed permission failure on users with “Pandora Administrator” profile. |
N/A | 9642 | Fixed SQL error when ordering the events by timestamp. |
14356 | 9632, 9631 | Fixed failure when trying to modify certain details in the database maintenance. |
N/A | 9626 | Fixed display of all visual consoles as favorites in the Command Center and nodes. |
N/A | 9613 | Fixed inventory report exporting to CSV by which it added characters with nonexistent symbols. |
N/A | 9612 | Fixed inventory report exporting to PDF by which it was illegible by not adapting the text correctly. |
N/A | 9579 | Deleted the option to activate the event history in the Command Center setup since it is no longer managed from there. |
14208 | 9578 | Fixed the ACK date of an event when this one is not validated. |
14226 | 9541 | Fixed event display when a comment is added through an API call. |
N/A | 9527 | Fixed API call when creating a user. A user can no longer be created without parameters. |
N/A | 9525 | Fixed alert sending error when modifying only the starting time but not the ending time in the template. |
14213 | 9522 | Fixed add_event_comment API call in the Command Center. |
N/A | 9519 | Fixed “Agent/Module View” widget in a dashboard when several modules from the agent were attempted to be added. |
14190 | 9511 | Fixed the module_data API call that always modified the module interval. |
14170 | 9493 | Solved the lack of critical element service display in the service tree view. |
14173 | 9492 | Fixed “Password Policy” option saving where it appeared always disabled although it was correctly enabled. |
14127 | 9490 | Fixed agent auto configuration error where it was not possible to type in when choosing the group or server name rule options. |
14165 | 9485 | Fixed alert filtering in the Command Center. |
N/A | 9468 | Fixed visual errors in the Omnishell view. |
N/A | 9467 | Fixed threshold modification in certain specific boolean module cases. |
14121 | 9457 | Fixed API calls on users that have the “Login Error” token enabled. |
14108 | 9434 | Fixed agent insertion or deletion in scheduled downtimes through the CLI call. |
14085 | 9431 | Fixed the error when trying to add a webserver module to an Active-Passive cluster. |
N/A | 9424 | Fixed overlapping between certain visual console elements. |
N/A | 9423 | Fixed event response executions in the Command Center. |
N/A | 9422 | Fixed the success view when configuring the double authentication factor by which it was not possible to exit the modal window. |
14084 | 9405 | Fixed agent duplicity in the Command Center by being changed in the node before passing the agent_caché of the Command Center. |
14085 | 9402 | Fixed the Active-Passive cluster status by which it always stayed in normal status. |
N/A | 9396 | Fixed the aid of the CLI for certain calls. |
N/A | 9392 | Fixed duplicate agent insertion in scheduled downtimes. |
14068/14114 | 9365 | Fixed icon sampling on agent plugins when these come from policies. |
13968 | 9364 | Fixed the icon for reapplying collections in the Command Center although it is not necessary. |
13917 | 9332 | Fixed LDAP authentication when passwords are encrypted. |
N/A | 9324 | Fixed the Command Center agent Wizard by which deletion was not possible. |
N/A | 9322 | Fixed parameter modifying error when the “Unique IP” token was enabled. |
N/A | 9316 | Modified tentacle error when the error is by lack of permissions in its configuration file. |
N/A | 9303 | Fixed the “Show extended Info” icon in the log audit system. |
N/A | 9302 | Modified label to Warp Update Online in the Command Center. |
N/A | 9297 | Fixed false error of ACL violation when erasing a favorite visual console. |
N/A | 9289 | Improved certain Pandora FMS console messages of success and error that could be misleading. |
13916 | 9266 | Improved user management after making a mistake in its creation, not having to enter again all data from the beginning. |
N/A | 9259 | Fixed error by which when using the icon to clean agents from a policy, the groups assigned to that policy were not deleted, returning therefore a deletion error. |
N/A | 9252 | Fixed the absence of certain images for different dashboard widgets. |
13760 | 9166 | Fixed the NCM view by which standard users with their corresponding permissions could not see this view. |
N/A | 9117 | Fixed the differences of styles in mouseovers in the service tree view. |
N/A | 8956 | Fixed the HTML character insertion in user creation by means of CLI. |
Pandora FMS NG 765
Changes & improvements
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A | 8898 9347 9343 9344 9348 |
Performed multiple network map enhancements. |
N/A | 8659 | Modified the display of the event owner name to show the Name (user_id). |
N/A | 8217 | Added the possibility of sending a report as a Pandora FMS alert command/action |
N/A | 7827 | Added the option to control access to the console through IP and user. |
9412 | 5319 | Modified scheduled downtimes to increase interval and date customization. |
N/A | 9334 | Added host management section for remote configuration on Satellite servers. |
N/A | 9143 | Included the possibility of encrypting the license sent by the Satellite server to Pandora FMS server. |
N/A | 8934 | Added _start_data_ and _end_date_ macros for SQL reports. |
N/A | 8775 | String data have been separated from the rest of data when being sent from the main database to the history database. |
N/A | 7146 | Added the temporal_max_size, tempportal_min_size and temporal_max_files parameters to perform an XML buffer file control in Pandora FMS software agent. |
N/A | 9201 | Added a database lock when the Metaconsole merger is running, so that pandora_db cannot be run. |
N/A | 9159 | Added the possibility to enter machine names in the list to perform a Discovery task. |
N/A | 9154 | Included in Pandora FMS console setup the possibility to connect to the database through SSL certificates. |
N/A | 9046 | Moved option from Setup -> “Edit OS” to Resources -> “Operating systems”. |
N/A | 8885 | Ubuntu 22.04 is officially supported by Pandora FMS server. |
N/A | 8281 | Added group recursion option for Dashboards widgets “Groups Status” and “General Group Status”. |
N/A | 7749 | Moved the mass operations option on services to the services wizard in Node, just as it is in the Metaconsole. |
N/A | 8791 | Created the history database feature for the Metaconsole. |
N/A | 8745 | Added the possibility to enter how many days a module must stay on uninitialized to be automatically deleted. |
N/A | 8564 | Added the option of editing agents in mass operations within the Metaconsole. |
N/A | 8459 | New report type “system module inventory” added. |
13106 | 7774 | Added new option to disable modules in scheduled downtimes. |
14081 | 9395 | Added the possibility of applying policies to secondary agent groups. |
Fixed vulnerabilities
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
13366 | 8753 | Vulnerabilities with unused docker files. |
Bug fixes
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A | 9456 | Corrected sorting in the alerts view in the Metaconsole. |
N/A | 9420 | Fixed wrong status display of the last event when it was grouped. |
N/A | 9350 | Fixed loss of synchronization between node and Metaconsole due to duplicated Metaconsole ID saved in the node. |
N/A | 9331 | Fixed the creation of WMI modules saved by default in Pandora FMS where they were created by ID instead of by name. |
N/A | 9269 | Fixed error message in offline Update manager even if successfully updated. |
N/A | 9255 | Fixed SQL error in notification of max_input_time variable in PHP and mysql 8. |
N/A | 9229 | Fixed interaction in Dashboards widgets when deleting the item the widget was pointing to. |
N/A | 9167 | Fixed data format change when modifying server plugins using mass operations. |
N/A | 9124 | Fixed the non-deletion of scheduled downtimes in the database when they have already been completed and are configured for a single use. |
N/A | 9119 | Corrected module view sorting in the Metaconsole. |
N/A | 8978 | Added the necessary dependencies for the use of certain external tool commands. |
N/A | 9453 | Corrected limit error when creating module groups. |
14123 | 9450 | Modified the IP check in the Metaconsole agent Wizard to be able to enter an IP that is not accessible from the node in the agent. |
14125 | 9446 | Fixed SNMP trap editor view with Php 8. |
N/A | 9444 | Added the sound console option to the enterprise ACLs. |
14113 | 9442 | Fixed SQL error in Pandora FMS default summary view for non-admin users. |
N/A | 9432 | Fixed agent safe operation mode malfunction. |
14100 | 9427 | Fixed launched-alert view filter when accessed from the tactical view. |
N/A | 9426 | Fixed SQL error in event data for non-admin users. |
13950 | 9421 | Fixed pandorawmic failure when using domain users. |
14049 | 9413 | Fixed bug 500 for reporting PDF with event items. |
14089 | 9411 | Fixed bugs that prevented the correct use of ssh modules on Satellite servers. |
N/A | 9407 | Fixed error 500 in DB Interface view in Pandora FMS OpenSource version. |
14062 | 9384 | Fixed event filtering error when applying tag filtering with namespaces. |
13999 | 9381 | Fixed the tactical view counting depending on the profile assigned to the user where secondary groups were not taken into account. |
14070 | 9373 | Fixed the notification of the Font error in the Metaconsole, whereby it led to the node instead of leading to the Metaconsole options. |
N/A | 9327 | Fixed correlation server for log processing. |
N/A | 9321 | Fixed several visual errors in visual consoles. |
13905 | 9308 | Corrected color painting in SLA reports when it is 100% in the Metaconsole. |
N/A | 9299 | Fixed auto-refreshing in certain Metaconsole views. |
N/A | 9271 | Added SNMPv3 options on Windows Satellite Server installations. |
13905 | 9262 | Fixed warning time calculation of a report module. |
13905 | 9261 | Fixed availability report with show 24/7 Item option. |
N/A | 9235 | Fixed encryption in Discovery VMWare task options. |
N/A | 9194 | Fixed the status count of modules in an agent when they were disabled. |
N/A | 9189 | Corrected item editor within a service in the Metaconsole. |
N/A | 9185 | Fixed visual mismatch error in the alerts modal window in the tree view. |
N/A | 9183 | Fixed filtering loss between pages within the agent’s alert menu. |
N/A | 9182 | Fixed filtering loss between pages within the policy alert menu. |
13822 | 9169 | Fixed the error when editing an agent when it is in a group with the maximum number of agents within the group. |
13753 | 9149 | Fixed mail configuration in Pandora FMS console when the password had special characters. |
13745 | 9130 | Corrected the data processing of an agent that was disabled when the data came from Discovery tasks or plugins, it no longer processes the data no matter where the data came from. |
N/A | 9122 | Fixed bad counting of the API call total_modules. |
N/A | 9118 | Corrected the appearance of entities in the response to Pandora FMS CLI –disable-group call. |
13723 | 9114 | Fixed the alert command creation for users with Pandora Administrator profile. |
13702 | 9107 | Fixed several issues when saving, loading and applying different filters in the event view. |
N/A | 9092 | Fixed URL errors in several aids within Pandora FMS console. |
N/A | 9091 | Fixed visual error in Pandora FMS console Setup view. |
N/A | 9008 | Corrected error message translation when creating a custom chart without assigned group. |
N/A | 8862 | Fixed visual error of certain slider buttons in the agent configuration view. |
N/A | 8834 | Fixed menu visual error within the different cluster views |
13377 | 8798 | Fixed service monitoring when including a stress mark |
N/A | 8715 | Fixed unnecessary folder generation in the software agent repository when there is an error when uploading the file |
13244 | 8696 | Fixed agent plugin reference when they have been created through policies |
N/A | 8506 | Fixed Host Alive module with inverted threshold management |
N/A | 8359 | Modified webserver management when memory is missing so that modules go into unknown instead of skipping false criticals. |
14237 | 9550 | Fixed lack of button in the VMWare view. |
Pandora FMS NG 764
Changes & improvements
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
9151 |
The width of the selectors has been increased in the scheduled shutdowns |
N/A |
7683 |
Enabled token to disable automatic update of agent primary IP and for only secondary IPs to be updated |
N/A |
8942 |
Added button to filter secondary events with recursion |
N/A |
9355 |
Modified the IPAM view to be able to create tasks without selecting a server |
N/A |
8756 |
Including the ability to perform IPAM tasks from Satellite servers |
N/A |
8545 |
Added satellite agent management remotely from Pandora FMS console |
N/A |
8544 |
Added satellite agent management remotely from Pandora FMS console |
N/A |
6367 |
Added token for performing reporting tasks at the same time in an external console so as not to reduce the performance of the main console |
N/A |
9045 |
Modified the restricted access message when it is not logged in to redirect to the console login URL |
N/A |
9044 |
Improved the interface of the copy tool of remote configurations |
N/A |
9043 |
Improved the error message when it is not possible to display a File Manager file from console |
N/A |
9199 |
Added TIP in event alert recovery to indicate that macros are not available in recovery |
N/A |
9175 |
Modified the "Administrator" token in user editing so that only administrator users can modify it |
13875 |
9156 |
Reduced "processing" sales in event view loading |
N/A |
9129 |
Extended Top-N reporting feature for bulk agent/module inclusion via regex |
N/A |
9095 |
Modified event sound console interface for better configuration and display |
N/A |
9093 |
Increasing the width of the alert action selector |
N/A |
9089 |
Moved the event settings option to the console settings menu |
N/A |
9033 |
Modified the validation of grouped events so that they are all validated by giving that option |
N/A |
9029 |
Refactored agent view for better information display |
N/A |
8939 |
Modified the information load in the event view to increase its performance |
N/A |
8929 |
Added the group recursion option in the "General group stats" widget in Dashboards |
N/A |
8889 |
Added the option of redirecting the external user link in mobile version |
N/A |
8884 |
Added OS update through network recognition if obtainable by SNMP |
N/A |
8827/8750 |
Visual changes made to Dashboard widgets for better data representation, as well as improvements to widget settings |
N/A |
8812 |
Adapted Wizard WMI for using pandorawmic binary |
13405 |
8797 |
Added the possibility of reordering fields in the alerts view in Command Center, as well as redirecting agents by clicking on it |
13353 |
8769 |
Modified user permissions on node to be able to edit the agents of any node when being an administrator user in the Command Center |
N/A |
8768 |
Removed status dot in the section Setup -> Enterprise since it is a node not linked to a Command Center |
N/A |
8763 |
Added ability to filter by group in tactical view widget in dashboards |
12679 |
8249 |
Added text filtering in the services tree view to search by name and description |
N/A |
8043 |
Changed event grouping so that it does not only group by status |
13230 |
8732 |
Added the ability to apply agent auto-configuration rules on a scheduled basis |
N/A |
9204 |
Updated log_event_open_plugin plugin |
N/A |
9174 |
Added new event when a failure is obtained in the execution of pandora_db when it has been in failure for more than 1 day |
N/A |
9096 |
Added Cisco Ironport Antispam plugin |
13679 |
9075 |
Added Cisco IPSLA plugin support for snmp v3 |
N/A |
8762 |
Added token for alertserver alert queueing control |
N/A |
8621 |
Creation of new "Color tabs" widget |
N/A |
8618 |
Creating a new "Block histogram" widget |
N/A |
8536 |
Added Azure monitoring improvements |
N/A |
8302 |
Added token in visual styles section to only show groups with data in group view |
12671 |
8252 |
Included the option of classifying fields in the configuration of event custom fields |
N/A |
7960 |
Added the possibility of saving filtering in the event sound console |
10715 |
6357 |
Improved SAP HANA plugin to add custom queries |
N/A |
1419 |
Added the possibility of including thresholds in graphs in PDF reports |
Bug fixes
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
9357 |
Corrected result display of IPAM tasks with PHP 8 |
12764 |
9310 |
Denied possible creation of invalid IPAM networks |
12764 |
9309 |
Fixed removing range from a network when creating a supernet |
13952 |
9282 |
Fixed loss of IPAM filtering when switching tabs |
13837 |
9207 |
Fixed patching using regex on web modules |
N/A |
9191 |
Correction in title of user notifications |
N/A |
9062 |
Translated certain warning message pop-ups |
N/A |
8814 |
Fixed the installation of windows satellite server |
N/A |
9238 |
Changed translations in report widgets in dashboards |
13986 |
9307 |
Fixed error 500 in mobile view with php 7.2 |
N/A |
9305 |
Fixed event incorrect grouping failure in event comments |
N/A |
9304 |
Fixed event view custom data column sampling |
N/A |
9290 |
Fixed Mysql error when searching for events by custom data column |
13964 |
9284 |
Fixed event creation using API calls |
N/A |
9283 |
Fixed redirection of a visual console of the Metaconsole to a node agent in mobile version |
N/A |
9281 |
Fixed error 500 in the agent view in the mobile version |
N/A |
9280 |
Fixed access to users without permissions to nodes in mobile version |
N/A |
9279 |
Fixed double refreshment by having the auto refreshment function in Command center |
13735 |
9278/9121 |
Fixed non-representation of agent/module name when creating a graph in agent view |
N/A |
9273 |
Fixed the configuration display of the history database when it is not possible to access its configured IP |
N/A |
9272 |
Updated the event merger process in the Command Center |
13720 |
9264 |
Fixed the creation of scheduled reporting tasks so that invalid agents cannot be entered |
13892 |
9257 |
Modified report creation so that there is no error 500 if any of its items do not have data |
13886 |
9245/9231 |
Modified event response view so that it does not include privileged information |
N/A |
9230 |
Fixed code version update in footer |
13851 |
9224 |
Solved policy auto application by group when a group is assigned to several policies |
N/A |
9223 |
Fixed Sunburst display in the Command Center |
N/A |
9213 |
Fixed dashboard blockade when a report that was included in dashboard is deleted |
N/A |
9212 |
Fixed the lack of options in the extensions menu of Command Center |
13849 |
9210 |
Fixed SQL error in the tag view with PHP 8 |
N/A |
9187 |
Fixed the "Os quick report" widget in the Command Center |
N/A |
9158 |
Fixed clock display on a visual console when resizing |
13709 |
9157 |
Fixed rounding to the minute in the creation of alert templates where the established seconds were not taken into account |
13774 |
9147 |
Fixed error changing values in the list of elements of the visual console when modifying some element |
N/A |
9145 |
Corrected the change of new license in the corresponding files when it is made from the expired license option |
13912 |
9140 |
Fixed comment display for LDAP users in grouped events |
13732 |
9132 |
Solved the display of modules belonging to other groups when making scheduled downtimes with restricted users |
N/A |
9125 |
Corrected graph creation from the agent view where they were always created with the same type of graph |
13723 |
9114 |
Fixed alert command creation option error for Pandora FMS Administrator users |
N/A |
9104 |
Fixed multiple selection on filtered items in mass operations |
13724 |
9101 |
Fixed widget editing with a user with operator write permissions |
13692 |
9085 |
Fixed special-day list editing for a Pandora FMS Administrator user |
N/A |
9079 |
Fixed SQL query items in Command Center reports using the node history database |
13559 |
9019 |
Corrected "case sensitive" in user login through LDAP |
N/A |
9009 |
Fixed bug of displaying different statuses in dashboard widgets |
N/A |
8990 |
Fixed filtering in software agent repository |
13630 |
8984 |
Fixed alert template counting to take into account user permissions |
N/A |
8955 |
Added error message for Satellite server SHH modules to warn that they cannot be created on servers with MSWin32 |
N/A |
8954 |
Corrected WMI recon for disk modules on the Satellite server |
N/A |
8943 |
Fixed SNMP v3 recon for Windows on the Satellite server |
12538 |
8845 |
Fixed issues in Pandora_Plugin_SQL.ps1 plugin |
N/A |
8836 |
Fixed error creating macros on base64 |
13023 |
8792 |
Changed the agent log rotation so that the pointer starts again at 0 |
N/A |
8787 |
Fixed backup creation from Command Center using discovery tasks |
N/A |
8588 |
Corrected report filtering so that when filtering by text it takes into account group filtering additionally |
13078 |
8522 |
Modified element editing of a service to be able to change any parameter thereof |
Pandora FMS NG 763
Changes & improvements
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
13033 |
8661/8675 |
Refactored Command Center merger synchronization to include autoconfiguration mechanisms |
12134 |
7926 |
Added token to change service evaluation performance |
N/A |
9032 |
Visual enhancement on the event view when the "event name" field is very long |
N/A |
9031 |
Change the display of advanced event search options to align horizontally |
N/A |
9030 |
Changed the height of the severity filter event display |
N/A |
9000 |
Update Manager visual changes |
N/A |
8912 |
Improved performance in retrieving event alerts |
N/A |
8896 |
Added more default monitoring on equipment detections using Discovery or Satellite network checks |
N/A |
8860 |
Improved SNMP wizard for dynamic elements |
N/A |
8838 |
Uploaded the Tuser user field to be able to create users with up to 255 characters |
N/A |
8730 |
Changed version check between console and server so as not to launch notification if it is in the same major version |
13173 |
8690 |
Added trap management via pandora_db |
N/A |
7348 |
Modified MySQL default settings for better service optimization |
N/A |
8587 |
Created new Sunburst service representation in Pandora FMS |
N/A |
9086 |
Eliminated event replication |
N/A |
9041 |
Unified styles in input-type controls |
N/A |
8767 |
Added the ability to disable recovery in alerts |
N/A |
8537 |
Added azure monitoring improvements using a new agent plugin |
N/A |
9004 |
Changed the Metaconsole footer to be exactly the same as that of the node |
N/A |
8999 |
Changed default filters in Metaconsole mass operations to improve loading performance in the first instance |
N/A |
8882 |
Added warning message when loading agents using CSV that warns that it is only for loading empty agents without monitoring |
N/A |
8806 |
Added pagination in inventory view |
13221 |
8723 |
Built-in the possibility in the Metaconsole to disable the "realtime stats" for the deployment of leaves in the service trees so as not to show the count and thus improve the performance in its deployment |
12225 |
7850 |
Added search engine for agents in the report wizards |
12115 |
7757 |
Added TIP in the service trees where parents appear directly above the service to be consulted through a mouseover |
N/A |
9038 |
Modified the filter in the module view to leave basic filtering visible and add the rest as advanced parameters |
N/A |
9021 |
Added cascading protection control so as not to generate loops when the child of one parent is in turn the father of the other. |
N/A |
8928 |
Created new OS Quick Report widget to display a table of agents by operating system |
12764 |
8657 |
Added mass network creation in Supernet Config in IPAM |
N/A |
8153 |
Implemented extended event field display in reports |
N/A |
7811 |
Created a token in collection management to be able to recreate directories within, as well as a button to be able to recreate all of them |
9442 |
5385 |
Added module_type log option to the Advanced log parser plugin |
Bug fixes
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
13760 |
9137 |
Fixed NCM bug where the same template could not be used in multiple agents simultaneously |
N/A |
9134 |
Added the missing "disabled" field in the tautoconfig table |
N/A |
9067 |
Fixed links from Pandora FMS console notification system |
N/A |
9034 |
Fixed system event naming as "SNMP Alerts" in tactical view |
13668 |
9026 |
Solved the search engine within the button to add actions on SNMP alerts |
N/A |
9022 |
Fixed the update history when doing it online |
N/A |
8994 |
Fixed correlation server performance degradation |
13608 |
8971 |
Fixed custom threshold definition in Oracle Database plugin |
13499 |
8899 |
Fixed entering passwords with special characters for history databases |
N/A |
8897 |
Solved the appearance of entities within the name of the dashboards with special characters |
N/A |
8888 |
Fixed rotation in visual consoles in mobile view |
13422 |
8871 |
Fixed data processing with datalist by having to enable the option "use_xml_timstamp 0" |
N/A |
8861 |
Fixed the erroneous conversion of Hex-String data to String in the SNMP wizard |
N/A |
8857 |
Fixed the API call new_agent when performed from the Metaconsole |
N/A |
8856 |
Fixed component creation using API in metaconsole |
13377 |
8798 |
Fixed the monitoring of services that include a stress mark on Windows systems |
13365 |
8758 |
Solved the translation of strings when doing it on the word Login |
13211 |
8643 |
Fixed shortcut creation in the Windows menu in the software agent installation |
N/A |
8630 |
Fixed the message when you bind a node to a Metaconsole when this one is not registered in the Update Manager |
13067 |
8514 |
Fixed the addition of the prefix established in the Oracle Discovery tasks so that the modules are not stepped on if you point two tasks to the same agent |
N/A |
8061 |
Fixed netflow display in dark mode |
13158 |
9116 |
Fixed new bugs in local component creation and their subsequent use in policies |
N/A |
9115/8803 |
Fixed the use of the Advanced module_plugin |
N/A |
9108 |
Fixed the use of the Odometer widget in Pandora FMS OpenSource version |
N/A |
9078 |
Fixed critical state drawing for module charts |
N/A |
9077 |
Fixed error 500 when accessing the Wizard section in the Metaconsole |
N/A |
9074 |
Fixed the online installer in the gotty installation |
13652 |
9060 |
Fixed ACL error when using mass module operations |
N/A |
9036 |
Fixed visual errors in the inventory view |
N/A |
9035 |
Changed the agent inventory tab where it should not appear in display mode if it has no inventory |
13732 |
9011 |
Fixed permission failures on scheduled shutdowns |
N/A |
8970 |
Corrected the legend in SQL graphs using report templates |
N/A |
8967 |
Fixed visual error in dataserver module creation |
13577 |
8958 |
Removed "none" option in action creation or edition to include a command |
13576 |
8952 |
Removed the google check in the installation script |
N/A |
8892 |
Fixed Top-N widget visual error in dashboards |
N/A |
8890 |
Fixed visual error of recognition tasks with many elements |
N/A |
8872 |
Fixed visual bug in the service maps in the Metaconsole when not being able to access any of its instances |
N/A |
8853 |
Fixed error messages on certain calls |
N/A |
8844 |
Fixed delete group call using CLI in Metaconsole |
N/A |
8843 |
Fixed disable group call using CLI in the Metaconsole |
N/A |
8822 |
Fixed redirection for new suggestions from Pandora FMS console links |
N/A |
8766 |
Fixed errors when adding event comments with line breaks |
13359 |
8751 |
Fixed the appearance of entities in the name of agents that have been created using API calls |
13341 |
8737 |
Solved the loss of event filtering by switching to full screen |
N/A |
8721 |
Fixed the agent browser in visual consoles |
13294 |
8710 |
Fixed the box size to delete alerts using mass operations |
N/A |
8709 |
Increased the character limit to enter in the Update Manager URL field |
N/A |
8708 |
Fixed disabled alert display within Pandora FMS mobile view |
N/A |
8660 |
Solved that when adding a group to a policy, it did not affect its not-applied state |
13206 |
8647 |
Fixed the faulty creation of the field description in a plugin server module in policy application |
N/A |
8641 |
Fixed visual styles in HA server view |
N/A |
8636 |
Fixed visual error of triggered alerts in correlation alerts |
N/A |
8632 |
Modified recursion button location in agent view filtering |
N/A |
8626 |
Fixed visual error when re-enabling an alert in correlation alerts |
N/A |
8582 |
Added zoom on "radial dynamic" maps |
N/A |
9040 |
Fixed visual errors in the agent/alert view |
N/A |
9037 |
Fixed visual bug in the agent detail view |
Pandora FMS NG 762 LTS – Akira
Changes & improvements
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A | N/A | PostgreSQL plugin added to the library |
N/A | N/A | Openshift Enterprise by Red Hat plugin added to the library |
N/A | N/A | IBM Websphere plugin added to the library |
N/A | N/A | Veeam plugin added to the library |
N/A | N/A | Influxdb plugin added to the library |
N/A | N/A | Redmine plugin added to the library |
N/A | N/A | Zammad plugin added to the library |
Bug fixes
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
8974 |
Fixed remote SSH modules which could not log in to the target machine |
N/A |
8949 |
Fixed Netflow visual error when using PHP 8 |
13158 |
8926 |
Fixed the application of template components in policies when the component used a macro |
N/A |
8914 |
Fixed for SNMP v3 calls without filling in all fields |
N/A |
8617 |
Solved OpenStack plugin issues when having to iterate between different Hypervisors |
N/A |
8923 |
Fixed obtaining SNMP metrics for OID's from branches not defined by default |
N/A |
8948 |
Modified the Office365 plugin with the latest updates to the Office365 API |
N/A |
8941 |
Fixed installation script for Pandora FMS on Spanish operating systems |
13558 |
8940 |
Fixed bug in event view when accessed with a non-administrator user |
13541 |
8932 |
Solved the disappearance of elements in a dynamic service |
13524 |
8930 |
Fixed visual bug in treeview elements of a dashboard where, after applying a filter, elements that should not continued to come out |
N/A |
8927 |
Fixed policy queue summary in the Metaconsole |
N/A |
8922 |
Solved adding the context in SNMPv3 in the SNMP Wizard |
N/A |
8920 |
Fixed inventory reports that didn't show the information |
N/A |
8919 |
Fixed SQL charts created using grouped SQL query and report templates |
N/A |
8903 |
Fixed the size of the Tactical View graphics |
N/A |
8901 |
Fixed permissions error when accessing the tactical View with a non-administrator user |
N/A |
8895 |
Fixed updating legend data when traversing a module graph |
N/A |
8893 |
Modified bar chart color for better display |
N/A |
8892 |
Modified Top-N widget framing for better display |
N/A |
8891 |
Fixed VLAN creation using Wizard in IPAM |
N/A |
8873 |
Fixed Update Manager option for LTS versions only |
13476 |
8859 |
Fixed the export to CSV of networks in IPAM by previously applying a filter |
N/A |
8840 |
Modified the drop-down of the auto-refresh since the possible values did not appear |
13399 |
8821 |
Fixed the correlated alerts since their fields were not saved |
N/A |
8771 |
Fixed the forcing of the tasks scheduled in the Metaconsole |
N/A |
8735 |
Fixed agent references in the interfaces view |
N/A |
8376 |
Fixed inconsistency of non-initiated agents in the tree view summary and then in its subsequent deployment |
Pandora FMS NG 761
Changes & improvements
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
8400 |
Added feature to delete backups created using console tasks |
12134 |
7926 |
Created new token for service-element asynchronous calculation |
N/A |
7690 |
Added Update Manager warning capability for LTS versions only |
12764 |
8607 |
Added custom ID column to VLANs in IPAM |
N/A |
8300 |
Added console task enable/disable token, which will be automatically activated when a task fails to be performed |
N/A |
7928 |
Generated Update Manager update history entry in the audit log |
N/A |
8557 |
Created new mail templates for warning and OK and modified the critical template |
12117 |
7699/8761 |
Changed the way to generate Satellite agent configuration to differentiate it from software agents and be able to do parallel monitoring on the same machine |
N/A |
7169 |
Added certificate to digital signature in Windows software agents |
N/A |
8540 |
Added new Custom Render report in Pandora FMS reports |
N/A |
8521 |
Updated windows agent wmic binary to support new Windows security policies |
N/A |
8463 |
Added pandora_ha monitoring to the tentacle_server to activate it in case of failure |
N/A |
8243 |
Added new TOP-N connections report |
N/A |
8777/8496 |
Added summary notifications of successful and failed discovery tasks in case of lack of configuration |
N/A |
8399 |
Added new token for phantomJS cache cleanup to prevent mail sending and reporting failures |
12855 |
8374 |
Added disabled agent view in the Metaconsole |
N/A |
8102 |
Added database interface for the Metaconsole |
N/A |
7933 |
Added new filtering in external alerts in policies both in node and in the Metaconsole |
N/A |
7398 |
Added the option to export events to CSV in the Metaconsole |
N/A |
7225 |
Added tokens to reject within VMWare monitoring tasks in Discovery |
10105 |
5886 |
Created a table in the active scheduled downtimes to be able to see their agents/modules |
12689 |
2152 |
Added secondary group editing options when mass editing agents |
N/A |
8340 |
Added custom fields option within the event view |
N/A |
8338 |
Modified custom field saving to be JSON instead of Base64 |
12001 |
7653 |
Added new module and agent status report |
N/A |
7063 |
Added new service SLA report |
11774 |
7461 |
Changed the way to obtain the OS of the installed software agents |
N/A |
8706/8704 |
Added the option of monitoring with SNMP in the recon task of the Satellite server |
N/A |
8622 |
Changed the way to manage alert server queuing by having a non-master server |
N/A |
8594 |
Changes to permission management in errorlog_file |
N/A |
8547 |
Added new macros for the response of events: _owner_username_ and _current_username_ |
N/A |
8780 |
Improved the plugin to add outputs to the plugin in case of success without result |
N/A |
8614 |
Added improvements to pandora_ux plugin: phase addition, description and error correction |
N/A |
8541 |
Modified licensing management on Satellite servers |
N/A |
8533 |
Added new data display options on agent/module views, on the dashboard widget and on reports |
N/A |
8458 |
Added heat map view |
N/A |
8339 |
Included new macros to include custom data in events |
N/A |
8332 |
Added the possibility to configure a second LDAP server |
13378 |
8800 |
Improved Metaconsole and node event view performance |
Bug fixes
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
13250 |
8760 |
Fixed inventory view loading for Metaconsole environments with mass inventory |
N/A |
8759 |
Fixed opening agents from the inventory view from the Metaconsole |
13270 |
8693 |
Fixed the general search in Pandora FMS console so that it is not case sensitive |
N/A |
8432 |
Fixed automatic history database partitioning using pandora_db |
N/A |
8394 |
Fixed errors in Pandora FMS audit log when using the Update Manager |
N/A |
8359 |
Fixed Web server false critical points when the machine runs out of memory |
N/A |
7621 |
Fixed the use of API users for environments with external authentication configured, where only the API user can now be used |
N/A |
8782 |
Fixed policy alert application in new installations |
N/A |
8764 |
Fixed new SLA item creation error in reports |
N/A |
8742 |
Fixed GIS map new generation, where it could not be displayed |
13348 |
8740/8719 |
Fixed the SQL error in the agent view when searching |
12903 |
8739 |
Fixed error 500 in module and SNMP real-time graphs using PHP 8 |
13325/13257 |
8736 |
Fixed WUX checks when the recording has an accent |
13310 |
8727 |
Fixed authentication in the AWS view when containing a space in the ID tag |
N/A |
8724 |
Fixed API calls to the Metaconsole, by which all failed |
N/A |
8722 |
Fixed visual console name updating when going to another from the link |
N/A |
8714 |
Fixed policy view in the Metaconsole in PHP 8 |
N/A |
8703 |
Fixed package loading/downloading error in the file repository. Added also an error message in case of failure due to apache configuration |
N/A |
8702 |
Fixed the “db_maintenance” token updating in the history database when passing the pandora_db |
N/A |
8699 |
Fixed SQL error when creating a new user to which profiles are not added |
13244 |
8697 |
Fixed event actions when performing through the Dashboard widget |
N/A |
8694 |
Fixed excessive CPU usage and policy self-enforcement error by group when there are non-existent policy IDs due to previous failures |
13244/13259 |
8692 |
Fixed lack of remote agent configuration display |
N/A |
8689 |
Fixed the lack of display of agent wizards |
N/A |
8688 |
Fixed the lack of agent collection display |
N/A |
8687 |
Corrected the schedule editing in alerts to be able to edit on weekends |
13205 |
8683 |
Solved agent generation duplicity by means of the syslog server |
N/A |
8681 |
Fixed autologin in the node when clicking on an element of a visual console in the Metaconsole |
N/A |
8676 |
Solved several failures in visual consoles in mobile devices |
N/A |
8670 |
Corrected new Supernet IPAM creation when trying to create them without required fields |
N/A |
8667 |
Fixed the possibility that there are two pandora_ha processes running so that it can no longer happen |
N/A |
8664 |
Fixed disabling/enabling modules when using PHP 8 |
N/A |
8662 |
Fixed the non-appearance of items with an assigned parent within the tree view |
N/A |
8656 |
Fixed the search engine in event responses when trying to change its owner |
N/A |
8654 |
Fixed manual policy enforcement to a single assigned group |
N/A |
8651 |
Fixed visual bugs in the console settings section |
N/A |
8649 |
Fixed report wizard creation for the Custom Graph item |
12800 |
8648 |
Fixed SLA report creation for non-Latin languages, as well as their submission in scheduled tasks |
N/A |
8645 |
Changed the setting of Dashboard widgets |
13199 |
8634 |
Fixed action filtering in creating and editing created alerts |
N/A |
8627 |
Fixed supernetwork assignment in IPAM when having different sites |
N/A |
8624 |
Modified the display of command snapshow view captures |
N/A |
8612 |
Fixed several report display errors and exported them to Netflow item contenter |
13165 |
8609 |
Modified the agent installation perl package for RHEL 8 |
N/A |
8605 |
Fixed the multiple-choice box in the custom charts view |
13158 |
8599 |
Fixed the module creation bug in a policy if it contains a macro |
N/A |
8596 |
Fixed calculation of state by critical elements in visual consoles |
N/A |
8591 |
Fixed the error when sending feedback from Pandora FMS console |
N/A |
8583 |
Fixed visual errors when forcing the status of a service |
N/A |
8577 |
Fixed not being able to create an IPAM task without location that could not then be deleted |
13127 |
8573 |
Fixed tactical view count whereby child groups were not well taken into account |
N/A |
8569 |
Modified the link of visual consoles so that it is enabled by default |
N/A |
8566 |
Fixed several visual bugs in the mobile version of Pandora FMS |
N/A |
8565/8283 |
Modified pandora_db performance so that they do not generate blockages when being passed in the history database |
N/A |
8562 |
Fixed overlay of aids with the main menu in the Metaconsole |
13097 |
8555 |
Fixed Field1 deletion in alert templates by which they did not take into account whether the field was empty in the actions |
N/A |
8530 |
Fixed scheduled task generation in the Metaconsole by which agents were not saved in reports forwarding by mail |
13084 |
8524 |
Fixed event response creation by which they could be generated without a name |
N/A |
8511 |
Fixed visual error in IPAM user creation for user “none” |
13243 |
8494 |
Fixed custom check performance in Discovery SAP |
N/A |
8447 |
Fixed counting users created in Pandora FMS tactical view |
N/A |
8415/8390 |
Fixed visual error in the template list when the user does not have RM permissions |
N/A |
8386 |
Fixed server icon display for users who do not have permissions to see it |
N/A |
8381 |
Fixed agent filtering in the interface view where agents that did not have this type of modules appeared |
N/A |
8351 |
Fixed visual error of success message when changing to a report item |
N/A |
8282 |
Solved entity errors in software agent repositories |
N/A |
8112 |
Fixed visual errors of the portable version of Pandora FMS |
12525 |
8100 |
Fixed the size lag in graphs between visual consoles and dashboards |
N/A |
8077 |
Fixed source mirroring when the syslog server is enabled |
13300 |
8713 |
Corrected translation deficiencies in multiple menus in Spanish |
13445 |
8833 |
Fixed the menu for new users in environments with php 8 where it could not be displayed |
12868 |
8851 |
Fixed the non-display of agents for standard users when generating reports in the Metaconsole through templates |
Pandora FMS NG 760
Changes & improvements
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
8455 |
Extended character limit on alert commands |
N/A |
8161 |
To improve synchronization between Metaconsole and Node, agent-to-node auto-configuration can be disabled on demand from the Metaconsole |
N/A |
7821 |
pandora_db utility for executing a history has been modified so that it only executes the part corresponding to it and not everything as a whole, optimizing working times |
12588 |
8173 |
Modified report “last value” item so that it takes the value of the data when filtering by time is also performed |
N/A |
6375 |
Added auto-application of policies when adding an agent to a group that belongs to a policy |
11207 |
7049 |
Added option in LDAP and AD to choose whether the user can log in or not by local authentication in case of failure |
N/A |
8551 |
Renamed the migration file by pandoradb_migrate_6.0_to_759.mysql.sql, being this version the last one that keeps this file |
N/A |
8470 |
It is now possible to hide both the command and the response in the eventResponses to not display data for security reasons (it is optional) |
12427 |
7999 |
Added index for service elements, optimizing their calculation in case of large services |
N/A |
3943 |
Added the possibility of adding several alert schedules in alert templates, through a visual calendar / schedule |
N/A |
8436 |
Created plugin for integration with Zendesk |
10715 |
6357 |
Added the possibility of launching custom queries to the SAP HANA plugin |
N/A |
8008 |
Added delete options on the list of agents moved between nodes |
N/A |
7974 |
Changed timeout messages when launching an alert, where they can now be seen when using the verbosity token to 3 |
N/A |
7313 |
Translated all SLA items in reports both in node and in the Metaconsole |
N/A |
8103/8422 |
Added view of audit logs in the Metaconsole |
N/A |
8290 |
Added agent deletion in mass operations in the Metaconsole |
N/A |
8206 |
Added search by modules within module insertion in custom graphs |
N/A |
8295 |
Added spinner in custom charts when selecting a time range until the full chart is loaded |
12588 |
8233 |
Modified history data collection for the increase item in reports, where it takes the last data of the selected period |
12711 |
8276 |
Added the possibility of copying scheduled downtimes |
N/A |
8549 |
The syslog server has been left disabled by default for new Pandora FMS installations |
N/A |
8119 |
Created the get_is_centralized api call to find out whether a node is centralized or not |
N/A |
8026 |
Replaced the autocreate_group token in server settings by autocreate_group_name so it is created by name instead of ID |
N/A |
7251 |
Modified server notifications so that they do not notify servers down on servers that are manually disabled |
N/A |
8115 |
Modified the Metaconsole migration server so that it changes the status of the agents to disabled when moving from one node to another |
N/A |
7301 |
Improved information visible in the console task summary |
11432 |
7076 |
Added the possibility of forcing remote checks inside a visual console |
7804 |
3763 |
Added new alert macros: _time_down_seconds_, _time_down_human_, _warning_threshold_min_, _warning_threshold_max_, _critical_threshold_min_, _critical_threshold_max_ |
12764 |
8330 |
Modified IPAM subnet list to be more manageable and viewable |
N/A |
8222 |
Added new histogram graph for proc modules or with defined thresholds |
12717 |
7485 |
Included report type generation buttons directly in the HTML view |
N/A |
8419 |
Migrated docker images from CentOS8 to Rockylinux |
N/A |
8356 |
Developed inventory plugin for MacOS |
N/A |
8238 |
Updated Kubernetes plugin |
N/A |
7978 |
Added error messages for token verbosity 3 for plugin timeout errors |
5917 |
2359 |
Added token forced_add in satellite server to add a new agent without having to go through the satellite recon |
N/A |
7169 |
Included digital signature in Windows agent installation |
N/A |
8319 |
Added checks for applying OUM files so that you cannot use non-consecutive OUMs |
Fixed vulnerabilities
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
11626 |
8435 |
jQuery mobile update |
N/A |
8437 |
SQL injection in API |
Bug fixes
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
8578 |
Fixed visual bug in integration with Ehorus |
N/A |
8500 |
Updated IPAM page translation to Spanish |
N/A |
8410 |
Updated NCM translation |
N/A |
8155 |
Fixed visual bugs in the visual styles tab |
N/A |
8570 |
Fixed SQL error when using the visual console wizard when there is a module with a % in the name |
N/A |
8563 |
Solved error in tree view where agents with uninitialized modules did not appear |
N/A |
8561 |
Fixed VMWare CPU calculation using Discovery |
N/A |
8532 |
Fixed the agents/modules widget by which it was not possible to select the modules once the agents were chosen |
N/A |
8509 |
Fixed error 500 when trying to generate a report with any type of SLA leaving it empty |
N/A |
8505 |
Fixed the count of disabled agents from the Metaconsole where the agents disabled in the nodes were not taken into account |
N/A |
8304 |
Fixed policy application performance where a failure is displayed if the policy could not be applied due to timeout |
N/A |
8116 |
Fixed crash of the Enterprise network server when the machine lacks memory to launch the checks |
N/A |
7921 |
Fixed call to pandora-cm-api when including user and pass parameters for buckets |
11965 |
7790 |
Fixed temporary file mass creation in each JMX plugin execution. |
N/A |
8508 |
Modified correlation server queuing so that it queues alerts in the alertserver |
N/A |
8568 |
Fixed SQL error when loading an event filter |
13103 |
8560 |
Fixed the histogram item by which it did not take the rank of assigned time |
13092 |
8559 |
Fixed disappearance of web module creation |
12738 |
8553 |
Fixed pagination in external alerts in policies in Metaconsole |
N/A |
8552 |
Fixed plugin upload in Pandora FMS console |
N/A |
8518 |
Fixed graph linking bug by which in the Metaconsole the histogram appeared instead of the data graph |
N/A |
8512 |
Fixed visual error of operator users in IPAM |
13049 |
8507 |
Fixed arithmetic prediction module creation |
12981 |
8502/8460 |
Fixed SLA calculation for string data |
N/A |
8501 |
Fixed the appearance of graphs in visual consoles when the graph points to another node |
N/A |
8486 |
Fixed SAP Discovery monitoring so that elements were passed backwards, always giving an error |
N/A |
8293/8485/8453 |
Fixed bug where secondary groups could not be removed from agents |
N/A |
8469 |
Fixed visual error when clicking Delete selected elements when there is no element selected |
N/A |
8468 |
Fixed HA view failing to connect via SSH when having EL8 package installed |
13016 |
8461 |
Fixed blocking caused by Discovery Oracle tasks |
N/A |
8454 |
Fixed SQL error in mass operations in module copying |
N/A |
8452 |
Fixed vertical bar filter on custom charts |
12986 |
8450 |
Fixed policy application through CLI in Metaconsole |
12904 |
8448/8429/8407 |
Fixed pandora_db application error in the NCM part |
12959 |
8443 |
Fixed login via SAML to Pandora FMS console |
12953 |
8441 |
Fixed state of linked network maps |
12945 |
8434 |
Fixed the possibility of creating custom SQL templates without a name so that it does not allow it |
12934 |
8433 |
Fixed event filtering when more than one tag is selected in filtering |
12925 |
8430 |
Fixed visual message when changing thresholds in SNMP modules |
12919 |
8428 |
Fixed visual error showing modules in massive operations whereby the full name of the module was not seen |
N/A |
8427 |
Fixed api_checker which did not correctly used user or apipass passwords |
N/A |
8436 |
Fixed several issues when editing the relationship between network maps |
N/A |
8423 |
Fixed visual error when adding a module to an alert template where even if there is nothing added, it appears as new created |
12906 |
8421 |
Added again the list of backups generated by the Discovery task |
N/A |
8417 |
Fixed base64 fill up when creating a WUX module without its HTML |
12900 |
8414 |
Solved WUX module editing whereby the .side that is being executed does not appear |
N/A |
8413 |
Fixed pandora_db_data to version 760 |
N/A |
8412 |
Fixed visual bug in group item on visual consoles |
N/A |
8405 |
Fixed bug in alert actions report where it does not show data if it has more than one action |
N/A |
8397 |
Error correction in agent search |
N/A |
8395 |
Fixed report generation by means of a template by which the agents were not taken by the regex |
12803 |
8389 |
Fixed hour mismatch between the different menus of Pandora FMS console |
N/A |
8388 |
Fixed event criticality when generating an alert |
N/A |
8387 |
Fixed visual bug when linking agents to each other when they should not be able to see each other due to permissions |
N/A |
8384 |
Fixed SQL bug when trying to sort events by agent ID |
N/A |
8383 |
Fixed automatic combined graphs in report templates |
12864 |
8380 |
Fixed password reset in the Metaconsole |
N/A |
8379 |
Fixed visual bug in module tree view |
12848 |
8372 |
Fixed rounding in SMART services |
10666 |
8369 |
Fixed new cluster creation from Pandora FMS console |
N/A |
8367 |
Fixed visual bug of the menu in the Metaconsole |
N/A |
8366 |
Fixed scheduled downtimes to be able to enter 1 month of scheduled downtime with the same day |
12837 |
8363 |
Added the possibility to edit Quiet scheduled downtimes where the modules could not be seen |
12828 |
8357 |
Fixed password reset in Node |
12800 |
8350 |
Fixed report forwarding by mail template, for which the selected source was not correctly taken |
12809 |
8341 |
Fixed get_events api call |
N/A |
8337 |
Fixed bench refresh on network maps |
N/A |
8336 |
Fixed a problem with migration between databases whose name is not “pandora” |
N/A |
8322 |
Fixed the application of selected values when creating SNMP modules through the wizard |
12738 |
8317 |
Fixed the availability report so that it correctly takes the decimal separator parameter for CSV |
N/A |
8280 |
Fixed Update Manager in the Metaconsole so that it does not take into account disabled nodes |
N/A |
8272 |
Fixed visual bug in inventory alert creation |
N/A |
8270 |
Fixed bugs in relation deletion in network maps |
N/A |
8263 |
Fixed group coloring confusion in the Visual Console when the group has an alert triggered |
12695 |
8262 |
Fixed filtering actions in the Metaconsole when moving from one result page to the next |
N/A |
8260 |
Fixed visual bug when editing actions in the integration alert with Integria IMS |
N/A |
8258 |
Fixed Metaconsole uninitialized wrong module counting |
N/A |
8255 |
Fixed alert editing where the chosen item does not appear correctly in the created boxes |
N/A |
8253 |
Fixed the owner and added comment of the person who validates an event from external actions |
N/A |
8232 |
Fixed the “hide” button in default values in server plugins |
N/A |
8230 |
Fixed console general search scrolling when performing a search |
N/A |
8229 |
Fixed policy icon appearing where it shouldn’t in general browser |
N/A |
8227 |
Fixed service tree view for which it did not show all the services |
N/A |
8211 |
Added bar at the end when it is not set by default in the public URL in the Metaconsole |
N/A |
8208 |
Fixed alert view filtering when searching for a specific action |
N/A |
8207 |
Fixed group item mismatch in visual consoles |
N/A |
8202 |
Fixed visual error of imbalance in the horizontal bar graph item in the visual console |
N/A |
8201 |
Fixed the latest dashboard events widget in the Metaconsole |
N/A |
8199 |
Fixed donut graph performance in visual consoles when the data is a 0 string |
N/A |
8195 |
Fixed visual bug in full screen visual console menu |
N/A |
8188 |
Fixed visual error when unlinking a module/agent in policy in the Metaconsole, where the change to be made does not appear correctly in the queue |
N/A |
8187 |
Fixed error whereby removing an agent from a policy in the Metaconsole did not automatically remove the external alerts generated in said policy |
N/A |
8186 |
Fixed the Dashboard general visual maps report widget by which it was not properly linked to the visual console |
N/A |
8180 |
Fixed display of the selected network map when editing a Dashboard network map widget |
N/A |
8177 |
Fixed visual error where the name of the collections file being edited from Pandora FMS console did not appear |
N/A |
8171 |
Fixed monitor view filtering in the Metaconsole where only the servers activated from the Metaconsole were displayed instead of the nodes |
N/A |
8170 |
Fixed visual bug in tree view when having low screen resolution |
N/A |
8156 |
Fixed collection forwarding from Metaconsole to node in PHP 7.4 |
N/A |
8147 |
Fixed Dashboard Service Map widget display issues |
N/A |
8141 |
Fixed visual framing bugs in cluster view |
N/A |
8137 |
Fixed the error by which in a report template the disabled modules appeared when they met the regex |
N/A |
8131 |
Fixed visual bugs about SQL items in reports |
12566 |
8122 |
Fixed Dashboard “show a top N of agents modules” widget where the name of the agent was mixed with that of the module |
N/A |
8118 |
Fixed timeout for ping check through Satellite server |
N/A |
8110 |
Fixed text typos in services |
N/A |
8108 |
Solved event display in the view of an agent by which the last 24 hours were not shown |
N/A |
8085 |
Fixed error message when only changing the skin in the user’s own options |
N/A |
7988 |
Modified user synchronization between Metaconsole and node so that users can change the skin if they want to |
12380 |
7956 |
Fixed appearance of entities in Japanese characters in WUX transactions |
N/A |
7925 |
Fixed agent selector in GIS map layers where when editing, it appears “none” instead of the selected agent |
N/A |
7903 |
Fixed visual errors when coloring the states in the tactical view in the Metaconsole |
N/A |
7897 |
Fixed visual error in the head in the dashboard modules/agents widget in Metaconsole |
N/A |
7896 |
Fixed alignment on report items within the Dashboard Custom Reports widget |
N/A |
7889 |
Fixed nameless server notifications when the transactional and alert server crashes |
12108 |
7754 |
Added notice in Dashboards to warn that you can only have one network map per enabled Dashboard |
N/A |
7686 |
Added notice in AWS EC2 tasks to warn that if you create a new task with credentials that are already in use, you will edit the old task instead of creating a new one |
N/A |
7430 |
Fixed several visual issues on GIS maps |
N/A |
7899 |
Solved the merge of autoconfiguration rules from Metaconsole to node |
11882 |
8378 |
Fixed the external actions search engine in policies in Metaconsole, where it was not possible to type in the search engine |
N/A |
7879 |
Added warning message in a node when it is not in the same version as the Metaconsole for its correct operation |
N/A |
8325 |
Updates through the “yum update” command in Pandora FMS installation through ISO have been corrected |
Pandora FMS NG 759
Changes & improvements
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
7995 |
Modified the general search criteria in both node and Metaconsole so that it is NOT case sensitive |
N/A |
7947 |
Added the necessary fields for editing the integration action with Integria IMS from the Metaconsole for centralized environments |
12114 |
7784 |
Added search for child groups for report templates in Metaconsole |
N/A |
8312 |
Added the option to sort the list in the IPAM view by description, name or location |
N/A |
7351 |
Fixed module library view |
N/A |
8308 |
Added link for supernet edit on the supernets map |
N/A |
8242 |
Added option of special days within the Metaconsole |
N/A |
7316 |
Modified combo selectors in correlated alerts so that text search are possible |
N/A |
4711 |
Added the option to order tickets in the integration with Integria IMS |
N/A |
8307 |
Added the ability to display items on supernet maps |
N/A |
4710 |
Added the possibility of adding attachments when creating tickets in the integration with Integria IMS |
N/A |
8101 |
Added the inventory view within the Metaconsole |
N/A |
8311 |
Added network filtering by description within IPAM |
N/A |
7994 |
Added filtering inside the custom fields view in Metaconsole |
11039 |
6757 |
Increased the number of characters to be able to use in labels in a custom graph |
12436 |
8065 |
Modified name change management in services, by which new modules were created instead of using existing ones |
N/A |
8017 |
Added features within the alert view in policies |
N/A |
7874 |
Added alert server settings within the remote server configuration in console |
N/A |
7379 |
Added the ability to use the _addressn_n_ macro on network and plugin servers |
N/A |
8309 |
Added IP column in the sites of the VLAN views in IPAM |
N/A |
8069 |
Added warning message in Command Center when the task queue has a failure in a node or the task is delayed in time |
N/A |
8123 |
Disabled the possibility of automatic creation of users by remote authentication when having a centralized environment |
N/A |
7892 |
Modified forwarding parameters for agent deployment to take into account its OS |
N/A |
7503 |
Added new features for special days, including a calendar |
N/A |
8310 |
Added location field as selector and added to the Sites view in IPAM |
N/A |
8075 |
Added new type of alert actions report |
N/A |
7456 |
Added new type of trend predictive module |
N/A |
5188 |
Implemented new tab “Sites” in IPAM |
5173 |
1931 |
Added percentage-based status change thresholds |
N/A |
6375 |
Added policy auto-enforcement by group |
N/A |
8130 |
New improvements added to Network Configuration Manager |
N/A |
3220 |
Added new capacity planning modules |
Fixed vulnerabilities
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
12549 |
8111 |
x frame options options in php files |
11626 |
8099 |
Jquery Mobile |
Bug fixes
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
12795 |
8335/8210 |
Fixed module alert action editing once the alert is created |
N/A |
8323 |
Fixed AWS RDS monitoring whereby it returned a constant failure even with the discovery task correctly configured |
N/A |
8318/8324 |
Modified the transactions made from Metaconsole to node through Command Center to avoid possible desynchronizations due to Mysql |
N/A |
8314 |
Fixed patch application through Update Manager Offline from Metaconsole to nodes |
N/A |
8306 |
Fixed item editing in File Repository Manager |
N/A |
8301 |
Fixed pandora_manage execution without elements that did not show the help correctly |
12744 |
8296 |
Fixed web module creation in policies both in node and in Metaconsole |
N/A |
8294 |
Fixed display of graphs where it took a general token from the setup when it should first take the specific one from the graphs |
12220 |
8292 |
Modified password retrieval in Update Manager Online and Offline by which it did not decrypt the password if necessary |
N/A |
8278 |
Corrected agent graph display in Pandora FMS OpenSource version |
12706 |
8277 |
Fixed filtering by more than one field within the alert list |
11845 |
8269 |
Fixed alert correlations when filtering by secondary groups was used |
N/A |
8267 |
Fixed dynamic service calculation |
N/A |
8266 |
Fixed the SQL error in Metaconsole policies when adding an agent to a policy when there are two or more nodes |
12655 |
8265 |
Modified agent migration checks between nodes with Metaconsole to ignore policies with empty elements |
N/A |
8257 |
Fixed the visual error of user profiles where those referring to visual consoles could not be seen |
N/A |
8254/8169 |
Item filtering error when using group filtering, since child groups were ignored |
12677 |
8251 |
Fixed deletion + simultaneous addition of IP in an agent whereby the agent’s IP was left blank instead of entering the new IP |
12677 |
8250 |
Fixed agent deletion in console |
N/A |
8247 |
Added the resolution and closed by fields in integration with Integria IMS when closing a ticket |
12653 |
8239 |
Fixed data resolution through SNMP Wizard when using a satellite server as destination server |
12645 |
8237 |
Fixed error 500 in a service view if you have an element with the option of Command line Snapshot active |
N/A |
8236 |
Fixed discovery task in ARM for satellite server |
N/A |
8235 |
Fixed SAML-based authentication method for centralized environments |
N/A |
8228 |
Modified the use of CLI for operations on users when it is a centralized environment |
12636 |
8226 |
Modified the display of the Netflow report by which it was seen with a reduced size |
N/A |
8224 |
Modified the use of CLI for operations on users when it is a centralized environment |
N/A |
8221 |
Fixed visual error whereby when creating an agent in Metaconsole it always came out as having been created in the first node of the metasetup even if it was correctly created in another |
N/A |
8215 |
Fixed user creation where any user could select any group instead of just their assigned groups |
N/A |
8203 |
Fixed entities appearing in custom graphs |
12568 |
8200/8184/7688 |
Fixed agents, module and alert counting in tactical view for administrator users |
N/A |
8197/8192 |
Fixed inventory alerts, both editing and filtering by blacklist |
N/A |
8191 |
Fixed event redirection from a service map where filtering was not applied correctly |
N/A |
8190 |
Fixed visual bug when cleaning agents from policies where despite cleaning correctly, the failure always came out |
N/A |
8185 |
Fixed asynchronous data type module creation without filling the data configuration field |
N/A |
8175 |
Fixed the inventory template item in Metaconsole reports |
N/A |
8174 |
Fixed policy import errors in Metaconsole |
N/A |
8172 |
Fixed editing event comments in Metaconsole |
N/A |
8168 |
Modified the tactical view in Metaconsole to take into account group ACL propagate |
N/A |
8167 |
Fixed node access for user without permission in its first login |
N/A |
8163 |
Fixed Agent Alert item in Metaconsole reports |
N/A |
8159 |
Modified migration of agents between servers through Metaconsole that would cause the server to crash if there was a history database |
N/A |
8154 |
Fixed non-synchronism of visual style options between Metaconsole and Node |
N/A |
8146 |
Fixed event filtering in the latest events widget in a Dashboard |
N/A |
8144 |
Fixed the visual error of displaying the full name of Dashboard or favorite visual console |
N/A |
8143 |
Modified the general Pandora FMS search engine to obtain correct data |
N/A |
8142 |
Modified label filtering by which, if it did not return any results to the specified filter, it would remain in a loop without returning anything |
N/A |
8139 |
Fixed case sensitive in report items |
N/A |
8138 |
Fixed counting in module group view |
N/A |
8136 |
Fixed deployment in policy tree view in node |
N/A |
8134 |
Fixed filtering by modules in tag tree view |
N/A |
8133 |
Fixed filtering by modules in tag tree view |
12574 |
8128 |
Fixed agent display in report templates in Metaconsole with proper permissions |
N/A |
8125 |
Modified the auto deletion of global administrator user when all profiles are deleted at the same time |
N/A |
8124 |
Modified authentication for global administrator user by which it always has to go through local and not remote verification |
12553 |
8114 |
Fixed the macro moduledata_X_ for modules that have history enabled |
12546 |
8109 |
Fixed call to the add_agent_policy_by_id api in Metaconsole |
N/A |
8105/8039/8040 |
Revised and corrected several items in visual consoles |
N/A |
8098 |
Fixed filtering in agents/alerts view |
N/A |
8088 |
Fixed visual error in event alerts in selector combos whereby the default option always appears even if it is properly configured |
N/A |
8073 |
modified the install.php which failed to give the last permissions in the database |
N/A |
8066 |
Fixed LDAP authentication errors when using the PHP option |
N/A |
8063 |
Fixed group recursion filtering in bulk module operations |
N/A |
8053 |
Fixed visual failure of the header in the public URL of a dashboard in its first load |
N/A |
8052 |
Fixed the data display of a module in the services tree view in Metaconsole |
N/A |
8049 |
Fixed the editing of the visual console widget in a dashboard where it gave a 500 error when switching between visual consoles |
N/A |
8044 |
Fixed visual bug of event ID in event details when it is grouped |
N/A |
8041 |
Fixed the inclusion of module graphics through wizard in visual consoles |
N/A |
8040 |
Fixed visual error when editing a module graphic in a visual console whereby the background changed to transparent |
N/A |
8039 |
Fixed network link item editing in visual consoles |
12442 |
8037/7884 |
Fixed the creation of new items in visual consoles in Metaconsole |
N/A |
8023 |
Fixed the visual error in policy view whereby group filtering does not disappear once chosen |
N/A |
8019 |
Fixed visual errors in the modal window of adding networks to a supernet |
12425 |
7997 |
Fixed coloring in service tree view when an item is disabled |
N/A |
7986 |
Added again the option to disable the event generated by an event alert being triggered |
N/A |
7966 |
Removed the “none” option for the service item in a visual console |
N/A |
7962 |
Fixed visual error of the new “not condition” token in the modules view |
N/A |
7959 |
Fixed the display of the modal window of audible alerts |
12350 |
7929 |
Policy cloning modified to keep the force application token active |
N/A |
7918 |
Modified save text in SLA items in reports that led to saving errors |
N/A |
7917 |
Modified button change in Custom SQL editing |
N/A |
7916 |
Modified the _agentgroup_ macro to show the group name instead of its group ID |
12337 |
7912 |
Fixed filtering in tree view widget in dashboards |
N/A |
7905 |
Fixed visual glitch in agent/alert view in dark mode |
N/A |
7904 |
Fixed visual glitch in tag view in dark mode |
N/A |
7902 |
Fixed visual error in the modal window when editing alert actions in modules |
12309 |
7895 |
Modified the incremental item in reports so that it gets the decimals correctly only if necessary |
12272 |
7875/7729 |
Fixed the report in CSV to preserve the structure in case of querying SQL |
N/A |
7844/7839/7838 |
Revised, corrected and added the elements of Pandora FMS console for the correct operation of its Enterprise ACLs system |
N/A |
7843 |
Fixed warning message when activating the event read only token in centralized node |
N/A |
7807 |
Fixed editing agent plugins from the console for Windows agents |
11001 |
7799 |
Fixed action and command hierarchy for SNMP alerts |
N/A |
7593 |
Fixed redirection in remote components when performing a search after having previously edited one |
N/A |
8156 |
Fixed collection forwarding in environments with php 7.4 from Metaconsole to node |
N/A |
8116 |
Fixed the status of network modules when the server runs out of memory |
11965 |
7790 |
Deleted temporary file mass creation in the jmx plugin |
12154 |
7787 |
Fixed debug mode of web modules that cut URLs |
N/A |
8042 |
Fixed event comments bug for grouped events, so that it shows all comments |
Pandora FMS NG 758 LTS
Changes & improvements
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
8011 |
Modified event replication from Node to Metaconsole. It will only be necessary to configure it from the console instead of also in the server configuration file. |
N/A |
7449 |
Added the same auto refresh configuration possibilities of the different Pandora FMS views in the Metaconsole. |
N/A |
7651 |
Added group recursion when adding agents within a node in network maps. |
N/A |
5198 |
Added filtering in the general list of networks in the IPAM view. |
N/A |
5197 |
Added the ability to export and import networks through CSV. |
N/A |
5189 |
Added option to sort supernets by rank instead of just creation. |
N/A |
7514 |
The network map feature becomes fully OpenSource. |
10650 |
6296 |
Added service list widget to dashboards. |
N/A |
5194 |
Added the possibility of adding a network to a supernet by IP and mask available ranges. Additionally, if a network is added to IPAM and it belongs to the range of a created supernet, it is added to it automatically. |
N/A |
4969 |
Added secondary group recursion in event alerts. |
N/A |
7815 |
Changed the method for deleting a node in the Metaconsole, where once it is deleted, everything associated between the node and the Metaconsole, will be deleted, including the license and its data display in the Metaconsole. |
N/A |
7068 |
When unlinking a module with an associated alert in a policy, this alert will also be unlinked. |
N/A |
8032 |
Added verification in email sending alerts, where the emails must be valid to try said delivery. |
N/A |
5193 |
Added tree view on IPAM supernet maps. |
N/A |
5192 |
Added pie chart for the details of an IPAM supernet. |
N/A |
5171 |
Added Discovery error logs when having the server configured with “verbosity 10”. |
N/A |
7869 |
Added auto-recovery feature for HA environments. |
9848 |
5693 |
Added the ability to update custom agent fields to the CLI/API. |
N/A |
7060 |
New configuration system for network computers. |
N/A |
3407 |
New type of IPAM report to display all the information associated with an IPAM task according to customizable filtering. |
N/A |
7582 |
Added filtering option by hours in the event view. |
N/A |
7168 |
Integrated warning status option in availability reports. |
12357 |
7595 |
Modified the alert server to parallelize and optimize alert triggering and recovery. |
N/A |
7927 |
Added online patching systems using Update Manager to correct errors between versions. |
N/A |
7273 |
Added new simple graph element within visual consoles. |
N/A |
7972 |
Added history of alerts launched in Pandora FMS to be able to see its associated alerts in an event. |
N/A |
7722 |
Modified the way of dealing with the name change of a service, whereby when it is changed, the name of the associated modules are changed instead of creating new modules, thus mass filling the database unnecessarily. |
N/A |
8012 |
Modified the Centralized Management menu so that by default it does not lead to the Command Center but to agent management. |
N/A |
8079 |
Added RHEL8 support to the cloud agent installer. |
N/A |
7979 |
Updated kubernetes plugin to update the used API as well as non-used element auto-disabling. |
N/A |
4060 |
Added Spark monitoring plugin. |
N/A |
2444 |
Added the possibility of managing links in Metaconsole just as it existed in Node. |
N/A |
1400 |
Added the possibility of SNMP monitoring with IPv6 version in the Satellite server. |
Bug fixes
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
12445 |
8022 |
Fixed the bug whereby the IDs of the policies were not changed in the configuration of the software agents, but rather were added as new. |
N/A |
8021 |
Fixed policy agent filtering when having selected a group. |
N/A |
8018 |
Fixed visual errors in several selection fields within the Metaconsole. |
N/A |
8014 |
Fixed the appearance of entities in tags within the event view. |
N/A |
8013 |
Modified the way to alter visual console items in Metaconsole when the associated module was deleted in the node. |
N/A |
8004 |
Fixed policy representation in Metaconsole where, even when correctly applied, they did not appear in green. |
N/A |
8003 |
Fixed label display in their tree view. |
N/A |
8000 |
Fixed the problem with entities in LDAP authentication whereby Pandora FMS did not convert it and returned an error in the login. |
12421 |
7993 |
Fixed Metaconsole API call create_alert_template. |
N/A |
7992 |
Fixed logging into a Pandora FMS console for the first time after installing an ISO. |
N/A |
7987 |
Fixed visual error in services when deleting a service. |
N/A |
7980 |
Fixed plugin inclusion inside the Metaconsole Command Center Merger. |
N/A |
7976 |
Fixed the counting Metaconsole agents created through services so that they do not count within the license. |
N/A |
7969 |
Fixed visual errors of inclusion of HTML tags in the list of modules in visual console wizards. |
N/A |
7961 |
Fixed visual error of the advanced graphs inside the log view. |
N/A |
7952 |
Fixed XML handling performance where only the agent’s name in XML will be taken into account and not the IP it has. |
N/A |
7949 |
Fixed alert correlation editing where if only one of its operators was changed, the final result was not saved. |
N/A |
7943 |
Changed error handling in Discovery Oracle tasks so that when one fails, it does not fire in bulk but in the next test. |
12356 |
7942 |
Fixed module ping processing in Windows agents so that it does not return OK when the network is “unreachable”. |
N/A |
7924 |
Fixed the group_id_by_name API call when the encoder separation option is chosen. |
N/A |
7893 |
Modified error handling in agent deployment from the console so that possible errors appear in the console. |
N/A |
7867/7865 |
Fixed the interface view where only the first letter of the interface was taken into account to retrieve information, incorrectly retrieving data from others that shared that letter. |
N/A |
7785 |
Fixed white backgrounds still visible in Black theme. |
N/A |
7766 |
Added tags correctly in WMI modules when extra fields are set in WMI queries. |
12083 |
7726 |
Fixed LDAP attribute saving in its advanced permission options. |
N/A |
7721 |
Fixed triple creation of enterprise ACL conditions in the console. |
N/A |
7711 |
Fixed failure when deleting a static image item in a visual console when it had a network link associated. |
N/A |
7697 |
Fixed visual errors when editing dashboard widgets in Metaconsole. |
12036 |
7695 |
Fixed visual failure of entities appearing in the event view when they are customized in the server configuration. |
11970 |
7675 |
Fixed disk filling due to parallel execution of dynamic_snmp plugin. |
N/A |
7591 |
Fixed visual error in the SNMP browser when there is a connection timeout. |
11796 |
7473 |
Fixed percentile calculation in custom graph display. |
N/A |
7371 |
Fixed text editor performance on ElasticSearch interfaces. |
N/A |
7362 |
Fixed visual errors in the collection view in agents. |
N/A |
7339 |
Deleted warning in the module templates view. |
N/A |
7330 |
Fixed display of agent name in vertical SQL charts in PDF/HTML reports. |
N/A |
8062 |
Fixed combined graphs in Metaconsole visual consoles where data are not displayed correctly. |
N/A |
8055 |
Fixed disk storage scheduled tasks when upgrading version. |
N/A |
8050 |
Fixed checking the API when starting the server, which could cause it to fail and cause constant reboots. |
12446 |
8035 |
Fixed custom event filter inclusion so that they do not leave the user without permissions, and that the loaded one is correct regardless of the group the filter belongs to. |
12449 |
8028 |
Fixed AR permission restriction by which the user could do more actions than allowed. |
N/A |
8027/8030 |
Fixed the Metaconsole merging performance to avoid modifying the default Pandora FMS IDs. |
N/A |
8024 |
Fixed source IP filtering in netflow view. |
N/A |
8016 |
Fixed the link to the module library from Pandora FMS console. |
N/A |
8006 |
Policy handling changed when an agent moves from one node to another through the Metaconsole. |
N/A |
7990 |
Fixed service display if the Metaconsole environment is configured with a reverse proxy. |
N/A |
7982 |
Fixed field and template editing within event correlation. |
N/A |
7963 |
Fixed data sampling bugs in real-time Netflow view. |
N/A |
7950 |
Fixed source duplication errors in the logs view. |
N/A |
7937 |
Modified error messages in Metaconsole when you have nodes in a non-centralized way. |
12220 |
7910 |
Fixed pandora_db errors when having password encryption in the database. |
11965 |
7790 |
Fixed temporary file creation without control in jmx plugin execution. |
N/A |
7743 |
Fixed groups due to module faults created by network discovery tasks to Network group. |
N/A |
7669 |
Fixed SNMP checks using pandorafsnmp when the password has “,”. |
N/A |
7621 |
Fixed user authentication with only API permissions even when having external authentication. |
N/A |
7309 |
Fixed button to mass expand items in SNMP Browser view. |
N/A |
8140 |
Fixed Cluster view in the display of clusters created in old versions. |
12586 |
8090 |
Fixed template creation error in visual consoles. |
N/A |
7982 |
Fixed condition assignment in alert correlation if you choose the option to load by alert template. |
N/A |
7951 |
Modified user auto-creation in nodes in centralized environments with Metaconsole so that they can only be auto-created when logging into the Metaconsole, but not in nodes to avoid synchronization problems. |
11965 |
7790 |
Solved temporary file mass creation in each execution of the JMX plugin. |
N/A |
8132 |
Fixed IPAM supernet tree view if no supernet exists. |
12552 |
8113 |
Fixed update by Update manager Online when having a history database configured. |
N/A |
8104 |
Fixed file deletion when updating from one version to another using the Update Manager online/offline. |
N/A |
8095 |
Modified synchronization with the command center by which it deleted the inventory modules with the same name even if they were from different operating systems. |
N/A |
8094 |
Fixed visual bug in Dark mode in policy modules view. |
N/A |
8093 |
Removed the Data::Dumper dependency in the inventory plugin which was no longer necessary. |
12492 |
8087 |
Fixed BADXML creation in windows agents when the debug option is enabled. |
N/A |
8086 |
Fixed visual bugs of icons in the Metaconsole tree view. |
N/A |
8084 |
Modified disabling icons in dark mode to be able to differentiate a disabled element from one that is not. |
N/A |
8082 |
Modified the logging path in the Metaconsole by which they led to the node path instead of the Metaconsole. |
N/A |
8078 |
Fixed general selector tokens within the SNMP Wizard so that it only creates the elements if the token is selected. |
N/A |
8071 |
Fixed collection synchronization in policies using the command center. |
N/A |
8067 |
Fixed agent migration between nodes using the Metaconsole when agents are in a policy and they have the same ID assigned in their node before being migrated from one node to the other. |
N/A |
8060 |
Fixed the modals of adding agents to a node in network maps. |
12473 |
8056 |
Deleted function in the SNMP Browser that was not used and gave an error in versions with PHP 7.4 or higher. |
12471 |
8054 |
Modified agent counting in Discovery tasks that took into account disabled items when it should not. |
N/A |
8051 |
Fixed prediction graph report in the Metaconsole. |
N/A |
8050 |
Modified API check at server startup so as not to create latency in it by having it wrongly configured. |
N/A |
8002 |
Fixed visual error in reports list in the OpenSource version. |
N/A |
7968 |
Modified filter selector size in the alert view for its correct display. |
N/A |
7964 |
Fixed entity appearance and name truncation in the module tree view. |
N/A |
7938 |
Fixed visual error in the Odometer item of visual consoles. |
N/A |
7922 |
Modified filter selector size in module creation for its correct display. |
N/A |
7822 |
Fixed agent/module view framing in incomplete window. |
N/A |
7781 |
Changed certain white icons in dark mode in the event filters view. |
N/A |
7780 |
Fixed visual bug in dark mode on transactional maps. |
N/A |
7764 |
Entity correction in inventory alerts in combo selectors. |
N/A |
7760 |
Fixed visual error in the alert correlation section when adding a new alert and selecting a custom threshold. |
N/A |
7748 |
Fixed visual error in SNMP Interface Wizard. |
N/A |
7694 |
Increased the image in the SAP view by not having any task created. |
N/A |
7565 |
Modified selector in the file editing view in collections. |
Pandora FMS NG 757
Changes & improvements
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A | #7883 | Allow the use of patches (.oum) in Opensource console. |
N/A | #7786 | Improved synchronization of policy agents in metaconsole. |
#11428 | #7073 | Modification of VmWare plugin to add the option of not updating IP addresses. |
#11184 | #6911 | Adapted Active Directory monitoring for Windows environments in Spanish. |
N/A | #4759 | SSL support and certificates to protect MySQL connections. |
#11172 | #6885 | Added search filter in Monitor Detail with “NOT” rule. |
#9234 | #5100 | Updated MongoDB plugin. |
N/A | #4546 | Modification of Cisco Plugin allowing login to devices. |
N/A | #7612 | Implemented messaging system in Metaconsole. |
11346 | #7036 | Added IP column in the event view. |
#4702 | #2592 | FTP plugin now supports SFTP. |
Fixed vulnerabilities
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A | #7801 | File execution using File Manager. |
Bug fixes
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
10121 | 5981 | Fixed bug in web module execution with “cron” configured. |
N/A | 7315 | Fixed bug in the group selector in event alerts. It did not appear sorted by recursion. |
N/A | 7352 | Fixed error in module filter inside the “label view”. |
N/A | 7366 | Fixed bug in massive operations, tag modification/addition in policy module edition. |
N/A | 7387 | Fixed visual bug in “netflow live view”. |
N/A | 7392 | Added cron configuration warning in Discovery, even if you remove the warning. |
N/A | 7397 | Fixed visual bug in item “Module graph” within visual consoles. |
N/A | 7429 | Fixed bug in import/export of policies with inventory modules. |
N/A | 7437 | Fixed bug in Metaconsole widget “Agent WUX transaction” that could not find the WUX transaction. |
N/A | 7440 | Fixed visual bug in Metaconsole dashboards, where the “Group status” did not show the colors correctly. |
N/A | 7441 | Fixed bug in Metaconsole dashboards, item “Tree view” where uninitialized modules were not included. |
N/A | 7442 | Solved bug in Metaconsole dashboards, in the widget “Wux transaction”, where the WUX transaction was not found. |
N/A | 7443 | Fixed bug in dashboard, both in Metaconsole and node, widget “Top N events”, where no information was shown. |
N/A | 7445 | Fixed bug generated when storing string data in “Alert fired” events. |
N/A | 7447 | Fixed bug of user with permissions to access policies, specific groups assigned, that could not see policies with group “All”. |
11802 | 7489 | Fixed visual bug where outdated icons appeared on dashboards. |
N/A | 7491 | Fixed visual failure in the servers view where the server image was not displayed correctly. |
11853 | 7531 | Fixed bug where the side menu was not hidden correctly. |
11853 | 7532 | Modified tag performance in the last events widget, where when more than 1 tag was configured, instead of searching with “OR”, it was done with “AND”. |
11855 | 7534 | Fixed bug in log viewer when adding “-” in the name. |
N/A | 7537 | Solved transaction status bug, in transactional maps, where it always showed OK status. |
11882 | 7542 | Fixed bug in the action search engine of an alert. |
11772 | 7543 | Fixed visual bug in “Command Snapshot view” if the dark theme is set on the console. |
N/A | 7563 | Fixed bug in group icon dynamic loading in agent creation. |
N/A | 7564 | Fixed bug in the general policy search engine. |
N/A | 7566 | Fixed bug by which “Data configuration” did not appear if the module name had a space at the end of the line. |
11898 | 7568 | Fixed visual bugs in visual consoles, the lines could not be moved like any item and the size of event graphics was reduced. |
11928 | 7581 | Fixed bug referring to service SLA configuration where the option to configure the “SLA Limit” did not appear. |
N/A | 7589 | Fixed bug when setting dark theme, where this theme was only set in some console menus. |
N/A | 7592 | Fixed bug in the network component editing menu, where the “Tcp Send” box was auto-completed. |
N/A | 7613 | Fixed bug in new installations where it did not allow to complete the “Timezone setup” of the initial form. |
N/A | 7615 | Fixed alert command bug where if you set the “hide” option it would not hide the field. |
N/A | 7619 | Fixed bug in snmp walk parameter modification of a module that totally changed the module’s configuration. |
N/A | 7633 | Fixed visual bug in custom graph group selector. |
N/A | 7642 | Fixed syntax error in report and template “SQL horizontal bar graph” item. |
N/A | 7648 | Fixed visual bug where HTML entities appeared on behalf of Integria ticket created from Pandora FMS. |
N/A | 7659 | Fixed writing errors in correlated alerts. |
N/A | 7666 | Fixed bug in the relationship boxes of a node in network maps. |
12011 | 7668 | Fixed bug in tags within the last events widget of the dashboards where the selected events were not loaded. |
12038 | 7676 | Fixed SQL error in users with administrator profile in the “Users connected” view. |
N/A | 7689 | Fixed paging bug in users view. |
N/A | 7692 | Fixed visual bug in the owner change selector in the Metaconsole event modal window. |
N/A | 7702 | Fixed visual bug in agent view, agent status image. |
N/A | 7723 | Fixed bug that showed error 500 when creating services without assigning an agent. |
N/A | 7725 | Fixed bug where SLA items were duplicated. |
N/A | 7728 | Fixed visual bugs when creating/editing correlated alerts. |
N/A | 7738 | Fixed bug in Pandora FMS cloud where the password change notification led to an error screen. |
N/A | 7747 | Fixed bug that did not allow downloading plugins. |
N/A | 7755 | Fixed visual bug that showed the font with a very small size in the email. |
N/A | 7758 | Fixed warning log of pandora_server.error referring to snmpserver. |
N/A | 7767 | Fixed bug when assigning secondary groups to an agent. |
11981 | 7773 | Fixed bug in tomcat plugin when it has only one connector. |
N/A | 7805 | Fixed bug referring to the status of pandora_server. |
N/A | 7814 | Fixed bug when selecting independent virtual machines in Discovery> Azure. |
12139 | 7816 | Fixed bug in which historical events were not obtained in the Metaconsole. |
N/A | 7817 | Fixed visual bug that did not completely show the license entry window. |
N/A | 7819 | Fixed bug in the report view when classifying items. |
N/A | 7823 | Fixed bug in the “Interface view” where the value of the “Last data” field was shown erroneously. |
N/A | 7832 | Fixed bug by which users created in Metaconsole could not log into nodes. |
N/A | 7852 | Fixed bug that checked the “memory_limit” of the file “php.ini” |
N/A | 7853 | Fixed bug where there were LDAP authentication errors. |
N/A | 7854 | Fixed console warning where the memory value was not detected correctly. |
12235 | 7856 | Fixed ticket creation bug in Integria through integration with Pandora FMS. |
12238 | 7857 | Fixed visual error in Odometer on dashboards. |
N/A | 7859 | Fixed bug in IPAM where the ping action was not executed correctly. |
N/A | 7860 | Fixed bug where the pandora_ha service did not exclude the Main Frame server from the check. |
12249 | 7866 | Fixed bug in which the value of the _snmp_f1_ macro was not collected. |
12015 | 7876 | Fixed visual bug where “webserver string” data could not be displayed in 101. |
N/A | 7878 | Fixed problem calling the API from Metaconsole to node. |
12282, 12271 | 7880 | Fixed bug where the “Command center” was not sending collections to nodes. |
N/A | 7881 | Fixed command bug instead of actions in SNMP alerts. |
N/A | 7884 | Fixed bug that did not allow to create items in Metaconsole visual consoles. |
12305 | 7894 | Fixed bug in Agent/Module widget where modules were not shown. |
N/A | 7907 | Fixed Metaconsole “Command center” bug where the backup action did not work properly. |
N/A | 7908 | Fixed visual error of the console’s main menu where the text appeared misplaced. |
N/A | 7909 | Fixed bug where the “Data” field where the string module values were not shown in some console views. |
N/A | 7913 | Fixed bug in “Command center” where dates were not synchronized. |
N/A | 7915 | Fixed bug in “custom field” filter in inventory reports. |
N/A | 7920 | Fixed bug in managing local users in Metaconsole. |
N/A | 7940 | Fixed bugs in open version report items. |
Pandora FMS NG 756
Changes & improvements
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
6963 |
Improved performance of policy enforcement in Metaconsole environments with many agents and multiple nodes. |
N/A |
7272 |
Added new widget: Odometer for visual consoles |
N/A |
7143 |
New automatic adjustment field for full screen in visual consoles. |
N/A |
7494 |
Fixed and improved synchronization between Metaconsole and Node to solve desynchronization problems. |
N/A |
4759 |
Added the possibility of communication from Pandora FMS server with Mysql through SSL and certification. |
8865 |
4782 |
Added the ability to register server plugins in Metaconsole. |
N/A |
7038 |
Added the possibility of introducing agent filtering through regexp in report generation by template in console scheduled tasks. |
N/A |
6990 |
Added the ability to make report copies. |
N/A |
7144 |
Added token to be able to change the legend in the “event histogram” item in visual consoles. |
N/A |
6661 |
Added the possibility to mass create/edit/delete Service items in both Node and Metaconsole. |
N/A |
7775 |
Removed all reference to event alerts from the Metaconsole. |
N/A |
7127 |
Added alert server. |
N/A |
7772 |
The Metaconsole wizards will not be able to be used if you do not have centralized mode enabled. |
Fixed vulnerabilities
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
11626 | 7390 | Fixed vulnerability when performing a forced password reset. |
11626 | 7389 | Fixed vulnerability when trying to access the event view directly and having to login. |
N/A | 7663 | Fixed server hash vulnerability in the database. |
N/A | 7603 | Fixed vulnerability in file manager. |
Bug fixes
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A | 7732 | Fixed the agent auto-discovery plugin error by which it retrieved information when the service did not even exist. |
N/A | 7708 | Fixed collection replication bug from Metaconsole to node, when the latter has smaller php permissions than those of the Metaconsole. |
N/A | 7608 | Fixed the bug of not editing trap alerts in centralized environments, where the alert parameters could not be configured. |
N/A | 7253 | Introduced the possible types of reports when sending via template by mail in scheduled tasks. |
N/A | 7734 | Fixed operator saving in alert correlation rules in the database. |
12068 | 7707 | Fixed mismanagement of SNMP wizard with special characters in module names and descriptions. |
N/A | 7673 | Fixed visual error in the mail forwarding test from console. |
N/A | 7655 | Fixed certain visual console items that could lead to its entire failure. |
11985 | 7654/7637 | Fixed alert synchronization (templates, actions and commands) from Metaconsole to Node. |
N/A | 7644 | Modified element display in service maps when these are disabled. |
N/A | 7639 | Fixed alert action renaming by which the same name of another existing action could be set. |
11977 | 7635 | Fixed trap processing when having multi-threads where they could be processed in parallel, giving an error when two consecutive threads from the same source arrived. |
N/A | 7630 | Fixed visual error when editing report items. |
N/A | 7629 | Fixed mass item deletion error in reports. |
11955 | 7614 | Fixed policy synchronization in Metaconsole, where now if a node cannot be updated, its changes stay unprocessed in Metaconsole, giving errors only in the Node that failed. |
N/A | 7610 | Fixed agent creation in Metaconsole where it did not display an error when not assigning a group to it. |
11930 | 7594 | Fixed the ACL Enterprise custom profile with shortcuts to a dashboard. |
11910 | 7575 | Fixed massive operations on agents when centralized mode is enabled. |
11881 | 7559 | Increased the number of _snmp_fx_ macros that can be used in trap alerts. |
11820 | 7555 | Fixed the bug when choosing an event filter within a dashboard that was not applied correctly. |
N/A | 7553 | Fixed login error to administrator users through SAML. |
11889 | 7550 | Fixed the non-appearance of the node where to create a user if it has the token active in its user configuration. |
11819 | 7547 | Fixed the filtering bug in the tree view within a dashboard. |
11821 | 7512 | Fixed error when renaming a service in Metaconsole which gave an error when trying. |
N/A | 7508 | Fixed the macro _timestamp_ for alerting alerts about Unknown modules. |
11819 | 7505 | Fixed the bug of the tree view in dashboards if you choose a group with children as a group. |
N/A | 7499 | Fixed the display of certain elements in the Metaconsole despite having the PM permission on the user. |
N/A | 7488 | Modified the error when having the installer active when a config.php file already exists in a Pandora FMS installation. |
N/A | 7469 | Fixed not being able to stop transactions in transactional maps. |
11723 | 7451 | Corrected wrong permission application in the files of a Metaconsole collection when applying it to the Node. |
N/A | 7422 | Fixed the deletion of OS in Metaconsole whereby it was not deleted correctly in the Node when synchronizing. |
N/A | 7421 | Fixed module group edition and deletion in Metaconsole whereby they were neither edited nor deleted in Node. |
N/A | 7420 | Fixed tag deletion from the Metaconsole whereby they were not deleted correctly from the Node when synchronizing. |
N/A | 7417 | Fixed plugin synchronization from Metaconsole to Node where it gave an error despite doing it correctly. |
N/A | 7416 | Fixed Metaconsole local and remote component creation/editing/deletion in Metaconsole and their subsequent synchronization. |
N/A | 7415 | Fixed Metaconsole component group deletion and their subsequent synchronization. |
N/A | 7410 | Fixed web module creation with advanced parameters in Metaconsole. |
N/A | 7409 | Fixed Metaconsole module creation where the list of components created did not appear. |
N/A | 7407 | Fixed Metaconsole agent creation when the label field in the node configuration does not correspond to the name of the node’s server. |
N/A | 7403 | Fixed agent and module macros for log correlation. |
N/A | 7286 | Deleted warning from pandora_server.error when having a web module with the check_string parameter. |
11643 | 7277 | Deleted error messages from agent log when not using omnishell. |
N/A | 7244 | Fixed data display errors in network tools. |
N/A | 7230 | Fixed label application in policy modules from Metaconsole. |
N/A | 7179 | Fixed call to update_agent through the CLI where it duplicated the agent’s IP in certain database tables. |
N/A | 7142 | Fixed editing buttons missing in a visual console if there is a serialized donut item. |
N/A | 7115 | Fixed visual bugs in the SNMP Interfaces Wizard. |
11092 | 6793 | Fixed tag deletion from Metaconsole. |
11056 | 6770 | Fixed the possibility of adding modules through the SNMP wizard of a policy on the node despite having the centralized mode active. |
N/A | 6458 | Fixed profile synchronization in the Metaconsole. |
9207 | 5072 | Fixed creating/editing/deleting module groups from Metaconsole. |
N/A | 7731 | Fixed minor visual bugs in agent view. |
N/A | 7783 | Fixed blank text on login screen with Black Theme active. |
12119 | 7762 | Fixed external tool feature “snmp interface status”. |
N/A | 6964 | Fixed agent synchronization to Metaconsole when they were created by uploading by CSV. |
12209 | 7841 | Fixed warning inverse thresholds. |
12182 | 7808 | Fixed promotion between master and slave servers when the master server fails. |
N/A | 7818 | Fixed alert action editing. |
N/A | 7809 | Fixed subgroup deployment in tree view. |
N/A | 7820 | Modified tree view in Metaconsole by which the content was not displayed properly. |
12113 | 7798 | Fixed wrong saving in database with the LDAP option as authentication method. |
12132 | 7795 | Fixed console ralentizacion when the environment has no access to the Internet. |
12145 11876 |
7541 | Fixed sound alert error by which the fired when they should not. |
Pandora FMS NG 755
Changes & improvements
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
7138 |
Added a message when trying to apply a policy on an agent that already has a policy applied on the same module to notify the changes. |
N/A |
7121 |
Modified functions when creating a new service to improve performance problems in environments with many created services. |
N/A |
7482 |
Added credential fields in users once the integration with Integria IMS is carried out. |
N/A |
6704 |
Changed interface changes in the enterprise ACL configuration. |
10875 |
6541 |
Deleted the appearance of the user ID in the URL when editing any user both in node and in Metaconsole. |
4031 |
5791 |
Added encryption in password type custom fields. |
N/A |
5278 |
Controlled the application of policies on agents that are within a scheduled downtime so that the quiet type of the downtime is not skipped. |
N/A |
5264 |
Modified email sending by mail with a report template so that all are sent in a single email. |
N/A |
6858 |
The web server becomes part of Pandora FMS OpenSource version. |
N/A |
6085 |
Added interface view in Pandora FMS console. |
11462 |
7099 |
Added ability to create groups with password in create_group API call. |
N/A |
5401 |
Modified redirection in visual console elements to search by ID instead of module name. |
N/A |
7308 |
Added options to see the server, agent and satellite version in the shell where they are installed. |
N/A |
7216 |
Modified the filtering of the tree view to be able to apply several filters simultaneously. |
N/A |
7104 |
Visual enhancements for rules within alert correlation. |
N/A |
7027 |
Added log rotation for the trap log, as well as being able to choose the path of its logs. |
N/A |
7000 |
Modified the group import view using CSV. |
10108/8529 |
4839 |
Added improvements in the Jolokia Enterprise JMX plugin. |
N/A |
7107 |
Added improvements for the Active Directory plugin. |
N/A |
6873 |
Added “max. macro data fields” in the Metaconsole configuration. |
N/A |
6618 |
Added possibility to create services with a random name to avoid problems. |
9884 |
5680 |
Simplified the update_agent call via API. |
9137 |
4991 |
Added the API calls of: |
N/A |
6917 |
Menus and Metaconsole header visual enhancements. |
11564 |
7198 |
Added verification code for the SSL_plugin. |
11184 |
6911 |
Updated Active Directory plugin for the Spanish version of Windows. |
N/A |
7122 |
Added new Update Manager Online system. |
N/A |
5785 |
Added new type of reports to see an inventory of the installed agents. |
N/A |
4058 |
Added LDAP monitoring plugin. |
N/A |
7519 |
General changes made in Pandora FMS console sources. |
N/A |
7631/7525 |
Pandora FMS console translated into Russian. |
N/A |
7596 |
Modified web modules to hide authentication fields in the module display. |
Fixed vulnerabilities
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
7141 |
In those functions related to the HTML PrintFrom item. |
N/A |
7139 |
On the login screen. |
N/A |
7602 |
In the names of visual consoles. |
N/A |
7604 |
In file manager file creation. |
Bug fixes
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A | 7590 | Fixed error when trying to add web modules to services. |
N/A | 7586 | Fixed visual error of critical and warning value exchange in the list of services. |
N/A | 7584 | Fixed new user window in Black Theme with dashboard as home page. |
N/A | 7570 | Modified the number of requests in a visual console to be able to connect with the server. |
11891 | 7560 | Fixed the Exception item with the NOT OK option for which the exception was not made. |
N/A | 7558 | Fixed errors of event items in reports when looking for them within Metaconsole events. |
11891 | 7557 | Fixed agent filtering by group in Metaconsole report templates. |
N/A | 7549 | Fixed first loading of visual consoles in public link. |
11866 | 7544 | Increased the number of possible characters for data of the incremental type. |
11793 | 7536/7307 | Fixed the error that did not allow creating new IPAM tasks. |
N/A | 7527 | Fixed plugin. |
N/A | 7522 | Fixed duplicating module with remote_cmd type data which did not copy the IP correctly. |
N/A | 7521 | Modified the deactivation of the Dynamic Threshold Max token when it should not. |
11735 | 7517 | Fixed visual error when displaying Agent interface graphics in Black Theme. |
N/A | 7516 | Removed Informational Warnings from VMWare plugin. |
11830 | 7515 | Fixed the error of not saving the service interval in Metaconsole. |
11735 | 7502 | Fixed several visual bugs with Black Theme in alert list view. |
N/A | 7492 | Fixed visual error of the agents/alerts view when there are no alerts created. |
N/A | 7479 | Fixed uploading attachments in integration with Integria IMS. |
N/A | 7478 | Fixed ticket editing in integration with Integria IMS. |
N/A | 7477 | Replaced “Description” field by “Incident Body” in the integration with Integria IMS. |
N/A | 7476 | Fixed visual error in Black Theme when searching for users in integration with Integria IMS. |
N/A | 7475 | Added tooltip in the configuration of the integration with Integria IMS to correctly add the full path of the API. |
N/A | 7474 | Fixed visual error in Update Manager Online |
N/A | 7470 | Fixed bug in Metaconsole policies where modules external to the policy were not loaded in order to add external alerts to them. |
N/A | 7467 | Fixed SNMP Wizard bug for modules that use braa. |
N/A | 7465 | Fixed group selection within transactional maps. |
N/A | 7460 | Fixed visual error when creating new users. |
N/A | 7459 | Fixed visual error in event responses in the additional information of an event. |
N/A | 7455 | Fixed check token inside exec server configuration. |
N/A | 7453 | Fixed alert filtering in agent view. |
N/A | 7300 | Corrected the mail test so that it uses the data provided instead of the one previously saved. |
N/A | 7296 | Fixed visual errors in Metaconsole event management. |
N/A | 7294 | Fixed visual error in the Metaconsole log view. |
N/A | 7285 | Fixed visual message bug in tree view filtering when no data is found. |
N/A | 7284 | Modified warning token in the creation of an agent so that it only pops out if the token is chosen in the normal way. |
N/A | 7259 | Modified ticket table of integration with Integria IMS for better display. |
N/A | 7439 | Fixed public link of Metaconsole dashboards. |
N/A | 7408 | Fixed deleting modules using Wizard in Metaconsole to be able to delete more than one module at the same time. |
N/A | 7405 | Fixed the creation of modules by means of a template using a Wizard in agent creation in Metaconsole. |
11704 | 7394 | Fixed WUX check queuing when there were many running simultaneously. |
N/A | 7361 | Modified Agents/alerts view in full screen for better display. |
N/A | 7353 | Fixed multiple deletion of local components. |
N/A | 7344 | Fixed visual error of Dashboards selector inside one in Metaconsole. |
N/A | 7340 | Removed console logs when having a visual console open. |
N/A | 7337 | Fixed display of tree view by OS where the uninitialized ones did not appear. |
N/A | 7321 | Fixed visual error in the configuration of alert correlation rules when leaving an empty field. |
N/A | 7312 | Modified the Update Manager Online so as not to fail with a timezone in UTC. |
11602 | 7302 | Modified macro _moduledata_X_ by which the module with exactly the same name that appears in the database must be entered. |
N/A | 7258 | Fixed visual error of infinite spinner in SLA type reports when adding a new agent. |
N/A | 7240 | Fixed ACL error when displaying graphs in the tree view in Metaconsole where there was no access despite having permissions. |
N/A | 7237 | Removed scroll bar in Metaconsole report templates when not needed. |
N/A | 7235 | Fixed indentation of several buttons in Metaconsole. |
N/A | 7234 | Modified the help in the Metaconsole provisioning window by tips. |
N/A | 7227 | Fixed LM profile so that you can modify actions and alert templates. |
N/A | 7211 | Modified visual errors in the agent view with the appearance of certain SQL errors. |
N/A | 7184 | Fixed the possibility of duplicating web-type modules. |
N/A | 7183 | Limited lateral expansion of data and web type modules. |
11250 | 7182 | Fixed general search of Pandora FMS console. |
N/A | 7178 | Fixed alert triggered icon in tree view in Black Theme. |
N/A | 7176 | Fixed data display in the interval column in the creation of modules in Black Theme. |
11484 | 7156 | Fixed not deleting conf/md5 files when deleting an agent that sends its data directly to the Metaconsole for the first time to perform auto-configuration and provisioning. |
N/A | 7140 | Modified filtering in the agents/alerts view when the public IP is forced. |
N/A | 7133 | Fixed several help text in Discovery tasks. |
N/A | 7117 | Fixed network component creation through SNMP Browser, whereby the port from which the call was made was not saved. |
11507 | 7114 | Fixed calling add_user_profile through API to be able to assign the ALL group to the profile. |
N/A | 7113 | Deleted error message when executing the command pandora_server in the server shell. |
11488 | 7109 | Fixed the option to duplicate SNMP alerts. |
11465 | 7108 | Fixed get_all_agents call using filtering by aliases. |
N/A | 7097 | Modified visual errors in the view of User Messages. |
N/A | 7096 | Unification of the naming of scheduled downtimes. |
N/A | 7087 | Fixed visual error in mail tests when you set an invalid email. |
N/A | 6978 | Fixed inverse thresholds by which conversion was not performed correctly. |
N/A | 6143 | Fixed the possibility of uninstalling a software agent that was previously installed in a custom path. |
N/A | 5895 | Added the ability to recon WMI on satellite servers in Windows. |
9399 | 5321 | Modified the fields to use the software agents in proxy mode with the SSL option configured. |
N/A | 2926 | Modified reboot of Pandora FMS server so that it always closes all active threads. |
N/A | 7002 | Unification of menu names with their corresponding headers. |
N/A | 7345 | Visual bugs corrected in the diagnostic view of Pandora FMS console. |
N/A | 7481 | Fixed event detail views with Black Theme. |
N/A | 7606 | Fixed error 500 when deleting an item within a service and then going to the tree view or service items. |
N/A | 7510 | Modified interactions of the different servers to the database to avoid errors of massive connections. |
N/A | 7468 | Fixed Bandwith, InUsage and OutUsage module creation that did not save data properly. |
N/A | 7432 | Fixed counting for the status of a service when it has unknown elements. |
N/A | 7409 | Fixed module creation using Wizard in Metaconsole. |
N/A | 7310 | Modified visual errors in the transactional map view. |
11490 | 7111 | Fixed the introduction of additional actions in SNMP alerts. |
11014 | 6812 | Fixed HyperV plugin encoding issues. |
N/A | 7598 | Fixed display in AWS S3 tasks where only the first cube was listed. |
N/A | 7617 | Fixed the _address_ macro for use in network modules both manually and in policies. |
N/A | 7650 | Fixed visual bug whereby the different tabs did not appear in the custom graphs. |
N/A | 7342 | Fixed general user search by which it incorrectly filtered by profiles instead of by name. |
N/A | 7652/7472 | Modified Discovery icons for better display in Black Theme. |
N/A | 7609 | Fixed trap alerting problems for which subsequent events without agent name were generated. |
Pandora FMS NG 754 LTS
Changes & improvements
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
7378 |
Modified the alert actions, where only the option “Create work unit on recovery” will appear when choosing the action associated with Integria IMS integration. |
N/A |
7373 |
Deleted the option of exporting module graphs to CSV in Pandora FMS OpenSource version, since it is an enterprise feature. |
N/A |
7349 |
Added explanatory error message in the Resource Registration section when trying to import an empty or poorly formatted resource. |
11618 |
7248 |
Added module_wait_timeout token to improve plugin and exec module performance in Windows agents. |
N/A |
7005 |
Added error message when trying to generate a plugin module by generating a data module, so that it is generated correctly by agent plugin. |
N/A |
6859 |
Modified LWP use to curl to obtain statistics in WUX modules. |
8573 |
4536 |
Removed autocomplete in browser for custom fields. |
7938 |
2685 |
Added the Dashboards feature to Metaconsole. |
10821/10953 |
6457 |
Added the possibility of adding custom event filters in the event widgets of a dashboard. |
N/A |
7385/7435 |
Removed the transactional_threads token from the server configuration, as well as from Pandora FMS Wiki as it is deprecated and is not useful anymore. |
N/A |
6332 |
Added a module search engine in the agent view within Pandora FMS mobile console. |
N/A |
4264 |
Added ACL resources to event responses so that users with restricted permissions on specific groups can only see event responses from that group. |
N/A |
6591 |
N/A |
4475 |
Added API and CLI calls to be able to validate alerts. |
N/A |
6271 |
Modified the console setup structure to take into account the screen size and thus not have to display everything in a single column. |
11304 |
6986 |
The results obtained by recon tasks by Discovery now sorts SNMP results alphabetically. |
N/A |
7057 |
Created agent installer for cloud environments. |
N/A |
7028 |
Custom field selectors modified to be able to search for them. |
N/A |
6377 |
Added new monitoring in Discovery. Amazon S3. |
N/A |
7265 |
Visual enhancements for dark display mode. |
N/A |
6133 |
Added the possibility of encryption in the Sybase plugin. |
9725 |
5544 |
Added API calls to know how many agents are licensed and how many remain to be used. |
N/A |
6387 |
Added the possibility of limiting agents by group. |
Bug fixes
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
7446 |
Fixed visual error when generating WMI or network modules when using the remote component template option. |
N/A |
7434 |
Fixed the error of not being able to select the ALL group when creating collections in Metaconsole. |
N/A |
7414 |
Fixed CLI call to create events in Metaconsole. |
N/A |
7411 |
Fixed SQL errors when creating a module event report in Metaconsole. |
N/A |
7404 |
Modified the read event permission by which previously a read-only user could launch event responses. |
N/A |
7400 |
Fixed ACL permissions for discovery tasks whereby users with permissions on a group could not see it unless they were administrators. |
N/A |
7399 |
Fixed eHorus integration with Pandora FMS by which the drop-down of actions to be carried out did not appear. |
N/A |
7396 |
Fixed misalignment of event auto refresh in Metaconsole, as well as its proper performance. |
N/A |
7393 |
Fixed event filtering in Metaconsole, whereby when going through the pages it stopped filtering if filtering by severity. |
N/A |
7391 |
Fixed _data_ macro in event alerts by which it did not show data. |
N/A |
7384 |
Modified RR and RW profile permissions with which, despite having said permissions, it was not possible to see the reports correctly. |
N/A |
7382 |
Fixed configuration data of an HA cluster appearing when editing it. |
N/A |
7380 |
Fixed visual bug whereby when editing the interval of a module, it always appeared as seconds even if it was not the appropriate measure. |
N/A |
7377 |
Fixed new GIS map creation. |
11735 |
7376 |
Modified certain sections of Pandora FMS with the dark display mode by which they could not be properly seen. |
N/A |
7375 |
Modified the first group appearing when creating a new policy being ALL. |
N/A |
7372 |
Fixed not deleting remote agents when deleting their associated clusters. |
N/A |
7370 |
Removed modal message when editing a cluster node. |
N/A |
7369 |
Fixed Server SNMP Wizard plugin performance. |
N/A |
7368 |
Fixed event filtering by event comment with special characters. |
N/A |
7367 |
Fixed the API call to create groups where a field of maximum number of agents had to be added when it was not mandatory. |
N/A |
7363 |
Modified the copy of visual consoles for which configuration information was lost along the copy. |
N/A |
7358 |
Fixed agent selection when generating a report through the report template wizard. |
N/A |
7356 |
Fixed SQL report item display when generating the report using the report template wizard. |
N/A |
7355 |
Fixed API call to create agents. |
N/A |
7354 |
Fixed bar graph item creation in visual consoles. |
N/A |
7350 |
Fixed custom chart selection in the item wizard in a custom report. |
N/A |
7347 |
Fixed sending mail through SMTP when credentials exceeded a certain extreme length. |
N/A |
7343/7239/7332 |
Fixed counting in agent/module views, groups, tactical view. |
N/A |
7341 |
Modified visual errors in the report view in Pandora FMS general search. |
N/A |
7338 |
Fixed infinite spinner appearance when searching for an agent in a general item in a custom report. |
N/A |
7333 |
Fixed configuration errors in Pandora FMS setup where the path of the attachment directory, the pagination and the text size are not changed. |
N/A |
7331 |
Modified the error whereby the background of any widget in dashboards could not be modified. |
N/A |
7328 |
Fixed javascript error when trying to create favorite and private dashboards. |
N/A |
7327 |
Fixed item count in the transaction list view when you do not have permissions to see the existing items. |
N/A |
7325 |
Fixed .data file draft error in temporary folder when having VMWare Discovery tasks. |
N/A |
7324 |
Fixed Pandora FMS console notification system. |
N/A |
7323 |
Fixed visual and operational errors in event filtering. |
11651 |
7320 |
Fixed incorrect mass XML creation in Discovery VMWare tasks. |
11690 |
7319 |
Fixed visual console editing in legacy mode. |
11651 |
7311/7288 |
Fixed correlation alert generation where complex rules could not be generated. |
N/A |
7306 |
Fixed visual errors when users without ACL access the alert command view. |
11651 |
7303 |
Modified regex rules within alert correlation to take special characters into account. |
11667 |
7298 |
Fixed sending email alerts with module graph. |
N/A |
7293 |
Fixed visual bug in the agent editing view. |
N/A |
7292 |
Fixed errors in agent group creation. |
N/A |
7287 |
Fixed visual errors in the user’s own editing when selecting a default welcome screen. |
11535 |
7283 |
Fixed the dynamic_snmp plugin not taking into account the “:” of the OIDs. |
N/A |
7278 |
Fixed agents showing up in report dynamic generation from templates. |
N/A |
7268 |
Fixed inventory synchronization problems of Integria IMS integration. |
N/A |
7267 |
Fixed the inclusion of not fully displayed comments in Integria IMS integration tickets. |
N/A |
7260 |
Fixed mass operations on agents in edit mode. |
N/A |
7257 |
Fixed header visual error in the item list in a report template. |
N/A |
7256 |
Fixed visual error of the modal screen when the support license has expired. |
N/A |
7255 |
Fixed visual bug of ACL Enterprise configuration view. |
N/A |
7254 |
Fixed visual bug in the console task list for saving custom reports to disk. |
N/A |
7242 |
Modified the icons of the agent editing view. |
N/A |
7241 |
Fixed visual errors in the configuration to subscribe to Pandora FMS newsletter. |
N/A |
7238 |
Fixed visual errors in user edit view. |
N/A |
7200 |
Recovered critical and warning threshold options on IPAM supernet nodes. |
N/A |
7195 |
Fixed visual errors in Pandora FMS mobile application. |
11545 |
7158 |
Fixed migration error between servers in Metaconsole when the setup label does not match the server name. |
N/A |
7100 |
Fixed software agent systemctl service installation. |
N/A |
7095/6946 |
Fixed error displaying tree view elements with restrictive ACLs per group. |
N/A |
7093 |
Fixed event group item error in custom Metaconsole reports whereby it was looked for in the wrong table. |
N/A |
7092 |
Fixed a bug in the SNMP Wizard where modules could not be generated where the OID returned a value between quotation marks. |
N/A |
7091 |
Modified cluster creation when an agent with service modules is added, being able to see them added now. |
11410 |
7079 |
Fixed the issue of using special characters in calls to Pandora FMS API. |
N/A |
7072 |
Deleted Metaconsole centralization message in remote component group view in the Metaconsole itself. |
N/A |
7070 |
Deleted console log file that was generated empty. |
N/A |
7066 |
Fixed disabled alert filtering within the alerts view. |
N/A |
7055 |
Fixed visual errors of SNMP Wizard result filtering in Metaconsole. |
N/A |
7052 |
Fixed entity display in different event view sections, as well as that of their details. |
11370 |
7050 |
Fixed alert activation during a scheduled downtime when reapplying a policy with alerts on an agent included in the downtime. |
N/A |
7048 |
Fixed tab bugs in IPAM feature. |
N/A |
7042 |
Fixed versioning error of node setup in Metaconsole where the oldest version of the servers registered in the node was taken. |
N/A |
7040 |
Fixed the option to force public URL within the Metaconsole. |
N/A |
7039 |
Generated error message in the creation of the different console tasks at the time of generating it with lack of configuration. |
N/A |
7035 |
Corrected the download of the module library plugins directly from Pandora FMS console. |
11317 |
7030 |
Fixed audible event alerts when the event is generated through API. |
N/A |
7022 |
Fixed netscan custom path for OpenSource version. |
N/A |
7011 |
Fixed the appearance of ceased alert events even with the alert event generation disabled. |
N/A |
6999 |
Added headers in SAP and Cluster views when there is no configured item. |
N/A |
6998 |
Fixed visual error in agent migration in Metaconsole. |
11307 |
6997 |
Fixed visual error in summation data generation in general reports. |
11307 |
6996 |
Fixed CSV export of general reports by which it came out empty. |
N/A |
6994 |
Fixed changing item order within a report template. |
N/A |
6993 |
Modified the option to select the report logo within the report template. |
N/A |
6991 |
Fixed the group selector within report templates to be able to write in it. |
N/A |
6989 |
Fixed the screen loading failure when creating tasks to send the report by mail or on disk in Metaconsole once the task was forced. |
11259 |
6982 |
Modified the agent event report item configuration template in the report wizard. |
11287 |
6969 |
Fixed event refresh once the support license expired. |
N/A |
6967 |
Reduced log creation due to the lack of dependency of YAML tiny in the software agent to only when it is restarted. |
N/A |
6962 |
Modified the display in the tag box with long names. |
N/A |
6952 |
Fixed the display of agent groups with users restricted by group, as well as the creation of new groups where the ALL group can no longer be selected. |
N/A |
6942 |
Fixed agent deployment in the Metaconsole report template wizard when you only have permissions on a particular group. |
N/A |
6941 |
Improved user view and visual console optimization in environments with many agent groups. |
11170 |
6883 |
Modified Pandora FMS server update so that it does not overwrite the log rotation files. |
N/A |
6808 |
Fixed API user login when using a call. When a call is made, the user is logged out and the user with whom the call is made cannot log in. |
N/A |
6788 |
Fixed visual error for scheduled downtime generation and configuration. |
N/A |
6564 |
Solved module mass editing in Satellite server. |
N/A |
6561 |
Fixed SNMP filtering in mass SNMP operations to not be able to update if no matches are found. |
N/A |
5370 |
Pagination correctly created for the alert command tab, both in node and in Metaconsole. |
N/A |
5326 |
Fixed Metaconsole modal window coloring to its default color. |
N/A |
5179 |
Fixed service upper submenu being missing when going to their view. |
N/A |
4228 |
Fixed System Uptime module so that it takes the “timeticks” display configuration. |
N/A |
2287 |
Fixed SQL server plugin. |
N/A |
2177 |
Fixed bug in server plugin. |
N/A |
1949 |
Fixed report display with average values with multiple results. |
N/A |
1516 |
Fixed day and month element translation in SLA reports. |
N/A |
7270 |
Fixed visual bug with dark display mode within services. |
N/A |
6782 |
Fixed mobile console view styles and features. |
N/A |
7266 |
Fixed the integration view with Integria IMS in dark display mode. |
N/A |
7262/7269 |
Fixed agent view in dark display mode. |
N/A |
6933 |
Fixed LM permission on alert templates/actions/commands so that they can now use them but not edit/create/delete any. |
N/A |
6801 |
Modified the possibility of manually adding actions to alerts that have been generated through policies. |
N/A |
7264 |
Fixed visual bug in custom charts in dark display mode. |
N/A |
7263 |
Fixed visual bugs in different dashboard widgets in dark display mode. |
N/A |
7428 |
Fixed _module_ macro in inventory alerts. |
N/A |
7413/7402 |
Fixed log display elements to take into account more than 10 logs in alert correlation. |
N/A |
7395 |
Fixed event filtering in Metaconsole by which this filter was not saved correctly. |
N/A |
7161 |
Fixed Skin options in the user’s own editing where not all the options appeared. |
N/A |
6936 |
Fixed translations in module template creation. |
N/A |
6924 |
Replaced name “Event text” by “Event Name”. |
11014 |
6812 |
Fixed HyperV plugin encoding problem. |
N/A |
5022 |
Fixed translations in Metaconsole menus. |
11647 |
7281 |
Increased total number of characters in SQL query in reports. |
11772 |
7450 |
Fixed adding actions within external alerts configured in a policy. |
N/A |
7426 |
Fixed Metaconsole event alerts. |
Pandora FMS NG 753
Changes & improvements
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
11165 |
6877 |
Increased the limit of characters that can be used in a label in a custom chart. |
N/A |
6648 |
Added agent limit configuration token that can be added to a policy simultaneously in Metaconsole. |
10863 |
6583 |
The elements of the visual consoles that are disabled will not count for the SLA of the same. Additionally, these elements will be seen transparently both in editing and visual console display. |
N/A |
6440 |
A token has been added to the Metaconsole to be able to configure the remote configuration path. |
N/A |
5537 |
Added “select all” token in snmp browser and report templates. |
N/A |
2561 |
Created API calls for creating/editing/deleting modules for policies. |
N/A |
6865 |
Added the ability to use groups configured with password within discovery tasks. |
N/A |
6846 |
Network tools configuration location change. |
N/A |
6232 |
Added new metrics available within the SNMP Wizard Interface. |
N/A |
5276 |
The steps for creating planned shutdowns have been changed to not add agents/modules once created but during creation. |
N/A |
7010 |
New event widget configuration fields added to dashboards. |
N/A |
6968 |
Changed the order of the service tree view, where it is currently sorted by description. |
N/A |
6890 |
Conditions for detecting SAP-type agents have been improved. |
N/A |
6879 |
Modification of ACL permissions on inventory alerts. There will be 2 different ACLs, one for visualization and one for application. |
11105 |
6839 |
Added API calls to enable or disable a discovery task. |
N/A |
6817 |
Added load spinner in module graph display. |
N/A |
6307 |
GetValue command inside a WUX module generates a module with the obtained value. |
N/A |
5284 |
Added new permissions that control the creation/editing/deletion of alert commands. |
N/A |
5140 |
Added new token in availability graph to get the average result. |
N/A |
5032 |
Added agent filtering in Omnishell. |
N/A |
4659 |
Added the possibility of mass disabling modules within the module management view of an agent. |
N/A |
7098 |
Added new report item “Histogram”. |
N/A |
6852 |
Unified credential view of satellite servers within the general configuration. |
8257 |
4336 |
Added the ability to enable or disable system status notifications independently. |
11207 |
7031 |
Modified 2FA forcing, where if the forcing is imposed by the administrator, the rest of the users must configure it without the possibility of rejection. |
N/A |
6892 |
Added ACLs in discovery task list |
N/A |
6888 |
Removed button to create network map once clickedfor the first time to avoid a double click in case it takes time to generate the map. |
N/A |
6660 |
A tooltip has been added within services, maps and tree views to show the name of the element even though it appears by description in the view |
N/A |
6559 |
When creating a policy module through the SNMP Browser, it will be created with “Force Primary IP”. |
N/A |
5929 |
Performance and filling improvements have been made in Pandora FMS console and server logs. |
N/A |
5766 |
Added pagination inside the collection view in Metaconsole. |
N/A |
5760 |
Modified counting modules for each server for the notice of queuing, having to have a minimum of modules for it. |
N/A |
5700 |
Added data deletion trace from tgraph_source table in pandora_db. |
N/A |
5269 |
Added the ability to filter by alert status in the alert management view. |
9304 |
5229 |
Added possibility of filtering in Group Event report in reports to exclude elements that match what was entered. |
N/A |
2689 |
Ldapsearch dependency included in Pandora FMS ISO. |
N/A |
6958 |
Added new plugins to the module library for integration with: telegram, google chat, discord, MSteams and Slack. |
N/A |
6910 |
Added width token to use in get_module_graph api call. |
N/A |
4755 |
Modified the management, configuration and review of the historical database. |
11184 |
6911 |
Updated Active Directory plugin for the Spanish version of Windows. |
10108 8529 |
4839 |
Updated JMX Enterprise plugin. |
N/A |
5331 |
Added monitoring through MSSQL discovery. ** |
10365 |
6106 |
Added explanatory help for CSV export from graph/module data table |
N/A |
6898 |
New integration features with Integria IMS. Tickets can be generated from Pandora FMS alerts, associating inventory objects with them. |
Fixed vulnerabilities
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
7062 |
In the section for creating new messages |
Bug fixes
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
7233 |
Fixed bug of lack of filtering by agent in policies on agents already added there. |
N/A |
7232 |
Fixed visual bug in alert command view in Metaconsole. |
N/A |
7231 |
Fixed visual bug in the visual console views in Metaconsole. |
N/A |
7229 |
Fixed the option to add an SQL query in those report items where it should not appear. |
N/A |
7228 |
Fixed visual bug in visual console list in the button to create a new visual console in Metaconsole. |
N/A |
7226 |
Fixed the visual bugs of the icons in the general search bar of the console. |
N/A |
7224 |
Fixed item redirections within visual consoles in Metaconsole. |
N/A |
7223 |
Fixed the inability to exit the Update Manager Offline window in case of uploading the wrong package. |
N/A |
7222 |
Fixed scaling of the Defined Custom Graph widget in dashboards. |
N/A |
7221/7164 |
Unification of icons in Pandora FMS console |
N/A |
7220 |
Fixed the Advanced menu of the Metaconsole for users with the ‘AW’ profile. |
N/A |
7219 |
Fixed the Group Status widget in dashboards where it was always blank. |
N/A |
7215 |
Fixed visual bugs in event detail view as well as the execution of event responses both in node and in Metaconsole. |
N/A |
7214 |
Fixed visual bugs of SLA reports, templates and service table view in Metaconsole. |
N/A |
7213 |
Removed sidebar in visual consoles when the entire visual console can be viewed without scrolling. |
N/A |
7210 |
Fixed the count of the configurable limit token in the last events widget in dashboards. |
N/A |
7209 |
Fixed creating new layers within GIS maps. |
N/A |
7208 |
Fixed visual glitches in group view. |
N/A |
7207 |
Fixed visual bugs in the relations section in the network maps. |
N/A |
7205 |
Fixed visual bugs in the default tactical view of Pandora FMS console. |
N/A |
7204 |
Fixed visual bugs in the Agents/Modules view. |
N/A |
7202 |
Fixed visual bugs in the different Discovery features. |
N/A |
7201 |
Fixed visual bug when wanting to show the last data of a module in the view of an agent. |
N/A |
7197 |
Fixed visual glitches in group view. |
N/A |
7196 |
Fixed visual bug in the creation of item SLA within reports. |
N/A |
7194 |
Fixed visual bugs in Metaconsole messages, as well as visual errors in agent wizards, modules and alerts. |
N/A |
7193 |
Fixed the submenus within the different discovery tasks whereby they were not always open when clicking on them. |
11466 |
7192 |
Fixed the error whereby if a Group contained blank spaces, it could not be used in agents autoconfiguration. |
N/A |
7191 |
Fixed dimensioning of string modules in tree view |
N/A |
7150 |
Fixed visual icon of WUX modules. |
11573 |
7189 |
Fixed the massive filling of pandora_server.error when having the Eventserver active without having alert correlation created. |
N/A |
7168 |
Fixed visual glitches in the tactical view in Metaconsole. |
N/A |
7185 |
Fixed visual bug in the display of additional information in the SNMP Browser. |
N/A |
7180 |
Fixed visual bug whereby the spinner was not seen within the SNMP Browser while the information was being loaded. |
N/A |
7174/7173 |
Fixed the display of the items to add in a visual console with the Black Theme enabled, as well as the items within them. |
N/A |
7171 |
Fixed the display of the icons within the monitor details view with the Black Theme enabled. |
N/A |
7170 |
Fixed visual bug of alert coloring within the tree view with Black Them enabled. |
N/A |
7167 |
Fixed visual glitches in several views of the Metaconsole. |
N/A |
7165 |
Fixed not displaying agents in policies both in node and in Metaconsole. |
N/A |
7163 |
Fixed the view of acceptance of terms and conditions in a new Pandora FMS installation. |
N/A |
7162 |
Fixed visual bugs within the list of remote components. |
N/A |
7160 |
Fixed the non-appearance of advanced options for v3 within the SNMP Browser. |
N/A |
7159 |
Fixed the creation of new local components. |
N/A |
7154 |
Fixed visual bugs inIntegria IMS view. |
N/A |
7152 |
Fixed visual glitches in user edit view. |
N/A |
7151 |
Fixed visual bugs in agent detail view and agent list. |
N/A |
7150 |
Fixed visual bug when canceling the edition of a dashboard whereby the edition of the dashboard appeared as a dashboard element. |
N/A |
7149 |
Fixed the impossibility of adding new cells within a dashboard. |
N/A |
7148 |
Visual bug fixes in Custom Graphs item in reports. |
11543 |
7147 |
Fixed the impossibility of creating web modules through policies both in node and in Metaconsole. |
N/A |
7145 |
Fixed button scrolling in report item list. |
N/A |
7134 |
Fixed PDF icon in report view. |
N/A |
7132 |
Fixed Agents/Alerts view. |
N/A |
7130 |
Fixed visual bugs in transactional map view. |
N/A |
7126 |
Fixed theme selector token being missing in visual console settings. |
N/A |
7125 |
Fixed visual glitches in group view. |
N/A |
6781 |
Global review for styles unification within Pandora FMS console. |
11478 |
7119 |
Fixed display of OID data in SNMP Browser. |
N/A |
7112 |
Overview of visual consoles and dashboards items. |
11452 |
7102 |
Fixed disappearing refresh window on full screen visual consoles. |
11454 |
7101 |
Visual console display fix in dashboards. |
11457 |
7094 |
Fixed the “link enabled” token in visual consoles whereby it was always active. |
10771 |
7090 |
Fixed hyperlinks in visual console labels. |
11446 |
7089 |
Fixed the appearance of code traces in Pandora FMS console. |
11447 |
7085 |
Fixed the labels within the combined graphs within the agent where the names of the modules were not displayed. |
11436 |
7084 |
Fixed deletion of agents through agent wizard in Metaconsole in HA environments. |
N/A |
7081 |
Fixed visual error when trying to create a large number of modules using the SNMP Interface Wizard. |
N/A |
7071/7069 |
Fixed the Metaconsole “Block size for pagination” token. |
N/A |
7064 |
Fixed system messages and notifications appearing after creating a new system. |
N/A |
7058 |
Fixed display of license type. |
11345 |
7033 |
Fixed event filtering in dashboard widget when tags were used. |
N/A |
7017 |
Fixed non-appearance of visual console buttons when creating a new visual console. |
N/A |
7007 |
Fixed visual crash when changing the font on a label. |
N/A |
6984 |
Modified the Pandora FMS log permissions for their correct display in the console. |
11254 |
6979 |
Fix discovery tasks with special characters. |
N/A |
6976 |
Header correction in dashboard creation. |
N/A |
6975 |
Visual fix of “not” element of tree view widget in dashboard. |
N/A |
6974 |
Fixed SQL error in widget TOP N events in dashboards. |
N/A |
6973 |
Fixed the count of triggered alerts within the Group Status widget in dashboards. |
N/A |
6966 |
Fixed not displaying the validation date of an event in its details. |
N/A |
6965 |
Fixed deletion of agents through wizard in Metaconsole with standard user with Pandora Admnistrator profile. |
11282 |
6955 |
Fixed visual bugs of event history widgets in dashboards. |
N/A |
6954 |
Fixed Module in table widget in dashboards. |
N/A |
6951 |
Fixed the cluster view for users who did not have permissions on the ALL group, despite having them on the necessary groups for display. |
N/A |
6950 |
Fixed visual glitch in netflow filtering. |
N/A |
6946 |
Fixed display of elements in Metaconsole with user with Group Coordinator profile. |
11219 |
6945 |
Fixed SAP/HANA plugin for both Windows and Linux due to syntax errors. |
N/A |
6931 |
Fixed visual bug of header duplication in the list of remote components. |
N/A |
6929 |
Fixed the unit configuration within the creation of modules in policies. |
N/A |
6926 |
Fixed the display of master servers within the servers view. |
N/A |
6925 |
Fixed visual glitch of alert recovery preview in alert actions. |
10347 |
6921 |
Modified the possibility of creating IPAM tasks without localization. |
N/A |
6918 |
Fixed obtaining the IP of the machine when installing a software agent on Solaris and AIX. |
10248 |
6907 |
Fixed rule configuration errors in alert correlation with tag filtering. |
N/A |
6899 |
Modified the Metaconsole Console Setup token to accept URL without http in front. |
N/A |
6894 |
Fixed “Done” status in AWS tasks when finished. |
N/A |
6887 |
Fixed ACL error in SAP view where all agents could be seen without important assigned group. |
N/A |
6878 |
Fixed the creation of services when using the character “in the description. |
N/A |
6874 |
Fixed the substitution of macros within the display of items in a report. |
N/A |
6872 |
Fixed visual crashes when adding a module to a service if the module name is too long. |
10444/11412 |
6868 |
Added all SNMP options (v1, v2c and v3) in massive operations of both modules and policies. |
N/A |
6848 |
Last contact field modified in connected users view. |
N/A |
6840 |
Fixed visual glitches in group view. |
N/A |
6838 |
Fixed displacement of creating rules in agent autoconfiguration. |
N/A |
6835 |
Fixed visual bug of Retry send token in discovery VMWare tasks where it always appears active. |
N/A |
6833 |
Fixed option to select any agents within the scheduled shutdowns. |
N/A |
6832 |
Fixed the event or agent selector in the event history item in a visual console. |
N/A |
6830 |
Fixed the service item in visual consoles for which it did not get the SLA information from it. |
N/A |
6826 |
Fixed visual bug when choosing the console resolution 1920×1080. |
M/A |
6810 |
Fixed visual bug in Metaconsole policies where agents never appeared as applied. |
11055 |
6789 |
Fixed asynchronous mode in Windows software agents. |
N/A |
6784/6771 |
Fixed the error message in the creation of console tasks when not entering all the necessary data. |
N/A |
6754 |
Fixed the services token in the services item in visual consoles where not all the services created would appear. |
11033 |
6751 |
Fixed the edition of module units where once changed it could not be left blank again. |
11031 |
6749 |
Fixed deletion of plugins with advanced option when dealing with multiple lines. |
N/A |
6745 |
Fixed “node radius” and “node separation” tokens in VMWare view. |
N/A |
6733 |
Fixed the elimination of lines in remote configuration of agents when disabling the module by policies. |
N/A |
6729 |
Fixed the “Unique IP” token within the agent options. |
N/A |
6710 |
Fixed the unattended installation of the software agent in Windows where the selected group was not applied correctly. |
N/A |
6633 |
Visual correction in the view of adding groups in a policy in Metaconsole. |
N/A |
6610 |
Fixed help inside creation of local component in Metaconsole. |
N/A |
6602 |
Fixed group recursion in filtering in bulk operations. |
N/A |
6574 |
Fixed the appearance of a validation message when deleting an agent in Metaconsole. |
N/A |
6568 |
Fixed user/password token removal in module library. |
N/A |
6528 |
Corrected ACL errors in services, where a user with permissions to see the service will be able to see everything it contains regardless of the element, but will only be able to access from the service the elements in which it has correct ACLs. |
N/A |
6527 |
Fixed the redirection of a module in a service, to see only its events instead of a list of modules with the same name. |
N/A |
6525 |
Fixed the painting of service alerts status when recovering. |
N/A |
6522 |
Fixed visual bugs in the file collections section . |
N/A |
6519 |
Fixed the total service count when applying a filter.. |
N/A |
6517 |
Fixed filtering by server in tag view. |
N/A |
6516 |
Fixed sql error when using a custom sql query in the report templates. |
N/A |
6514 |
Fixed sql error in HTML report view with a vertical graph sQL item. |
N/A |
6492 |
Removed tokens that do not correspond to the SQL query item in reports. |
N/A |
6474 |
Fixed the name of child elements within Metaconsole services. |
N/A |
6464 |
Fixed ID error within Discovery tasks when a new server with another name is raised and the previous one is deleted. |
N/A |
6414 |
Fixed the display of events in the mobile console by which the window would be twice. |
N/A |
6401 |
Unification of user information display between Metaconsole and node. |
N/A |
6386 |
Fixed visual glitches in group view. |
N/A |
6378 |
Fixed CSV download issue in custom fields view for non-admin users. |
N/A |
6364 |
Modified result message when trying to stop a planned stop when it is periodic. |
N/A |
6326 |
Fixed ability to create unnamed module templates. |
N/A |
6136 |
Fixed visual bugs in alert correlation. |
10142 |
5930 |
Modified error messages for UX and WUX type modules. |
N/A |
5475 |
Fixed SNMP_Bandwith plugin. |
9526 |
5417 |
Fixed the error of eliminating a policy module whereby, if it had an alert also associated, it was not eliminated when eliminating a demarcated module and the agent removed from the policy. |
N/A |
5352 |
Fixed the height token for SQL graph type items in reports, where it was not affected for PDF reports. |
N/A |
5347 |
Modified message when changing the language in Metaconsole where an error appeared although it was modified. |
N/A |
5163 |
Fixed header naming in an agent’s Network tools view. |
N/A |
5131/5113 |
Fixed visual glitches in the tactical view in Metaconsole. |
N/A |
5123 |
Fixed translation errors in the custom field data in the custom fields view. |
N/A |
5014 |
Fixed the bug of modifying the WUX module range where it was not updated correctly. |
N/A |
5012 |
When clicking on a custom graph within a visual console it no longer takes you anywhere instead of just the first element in view |
N/A |
4992 |
Added error message in create_event CLI call on non-existent module |
N/A |
4672 |
Fixed file deletion problems when installing a SAP agent again |
N/A |
2828 |
Fixed the problem of migrating agents from one node to another using Metaconsole, where the policy table was not updated in Metaconsole. |
N/A |
2563 |
Overview of API calls OK and error messages. |
N/A |
2530 |
Fixed the disappearance of httpd auth tokens (login and password) in web modules. |
N/A |
1783 |
Fixed sql error when introducing an invalid regex inside the graph containers. |
N/A |
7025 |
Fixed the error whereby if you pass the limit of massive operations it does not let you continue. |
N/A |
7100 |
Modified Systemctl service creation method of the software agent that was in conflict in current versions of CentOS or raspbian. |
11014 |
6812 |
Fixed HyperV plugin encoding issue. |
7805 |
4058 |
Generated new plugin for LDAP monitoring. |
Pandora FMS NG 752
Changes & improvements
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
6922 |
Removed .vstafs and MYMETA.json files, which are not required but imply dependency conflicts. |
N/A |
6889 |
Removed IP column from the list of connected users in order to comply with RGPD regulations. |
N/A |
6886 |
Deleted the possibility of adding the Permissions report item within report templates. |
N/A |
2948 |
Added a new form to modify Pandora FMS server configuration. |
N/A |
6849 |
Removed Visual_console_manager extension. |
N/A |
6665 |
Added new macros that can be used within event responses. |
N/A |
5840 |
Modified the install.php file so that when a random password is generated, it complies with Percona password policy. |
10974 |
6825 |
Added token to control the maximum elements in custom charts and to see a warning message when more than the configured ones are included. |
N/A |
6351 |
Deleted the possibility of generating Metaconsole log reports. |
N/A |
6048 |
Modified WUX file upload text notifying the possibility of uploading .side files for Selenium 3. |
N/A |
7037 |
Fixed regular expression matching in the Agent field of certain items in report templates. |
N/A |
6985 |
Visual enhancements made in the settings of the mail to be used by Pandora FMS, changing the SSL/TLS option to just SSL and adding a warning text box for SMTP cases with specific ports for Gmail and Office365. |
N/A |
6915 |
Modified license types, in the license view, by Perpetual or Trial. |
N/A |
6913 |
Improved WUX tool performance in DOCKER environments. |
N/A |
6862 |
Added all dependencies, both OpenSource and Enterprise, for Pandora FMS docker public image. |
N/A |
6847 |
Added pandora_db.sql and pandoradb_data.sql files within Pandora FMS OUM files so that they are updated with the changes of each version. |
N/A |
6845 |
Deleted the backup extension since it is within Discovery feature. |
N/A |
6844 |
Deleted event statistics view. |
N/A |
1175 |
Updated copyright texts of Artica Soluciones Tecnológicas in all Pandora FMS files. |
N/A |
6815 |
Modified the SAP HANA plugin for Windows to avoid controlling the .exe files that Windows performs and not be able to use the plugin correctly. |
N/A |
6384 |
Created new brutus elements in visual consoles of dynamic input/output interface elements. |
N/A |
6652 |
Modified maintenance of main and historical database through pandora_db. |
N/A |
6158 |
Dynamic service improvements to be able to use regular expressions and custom agent fields of agents in configuration drawing. |
N/A |
6126 |
Added report type selector when using a scheduled task to save the report in disk. |
N/A |
6933 |
Changed display of alert templates, actions and commands based on group permissions. |
N/A |
6779 |
SNMP tag “event criticity” visually replaced by “event severity”. |
N/A |
6280 |
Added certificate and sign within software agents for MacOS |
10181 |
6146 |
Improved Kafka plugin to return an output supported by Pandora FMS, as well as new options to include thresholds. |
N/A |
6932 |
Increased the amount of characters to be able to use in tag naming. |
N/A |
5265 |
Modified regular expression matching for the agent field within report items, by previously having a match within report creation in the template. |
10801/11254 |
6908 / 11254 / 6959 / 7020 / 6938 |
Optimization of the SNMP Browser feature, where timeouts are deleted for interfaces with many devices, limiting MIB translation by default. |
N/A |
7003 |
Added new filters for Oper Status, Admin Status for SNMP interface wizards. |
Fixed vulnerabilities
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
4025 |
Added the need to re-enter the password for the user who wants to change their password within Pandora FMS console, except for administrator users. |
Bug fixes
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
11176 |
6896 |
Fixed ACLs error when trying to see a snapshot of any type of module, automatically logging out from the console. |
11192 |
6930 |
Fixed alert firing bug for module templates in unknown state. |
N/A |
6920 |
Fixed string data display with snapshots activated for the mobile version. |
N/A |
6902 |
Modified pandora_db performance to remove uninitialized elements by leaving the token empty within performance configuration. |
N/A |
6901 |
Fixed introduction of custom graphics within Metaconsole visual consoles. |
N/A |
6897 |
Modified certain styles of some views of the Metaconsole that made their features fail. |
N/A |
6895 |
Fixed the possibility of creating scheduled tasks to send reports by email without choosing any report template. |
N/A |
6893 |
Fixed the possibility of creating event filters without a name, where now an error window will appear when trying to create them. |
N/A |
6863 |
Fixed the styles of the service massive operation view. |
N/A |
6854 |
Modified a warning when starting the server referring to pandora_db as it does not have a history database. |
N/A |
6822 |
Fixed an error in the SNMP view when not having any agent created in Pandora FMS. |
N/A |
6819 |
Fixed an error in tag view when not having any agent created in Pandora FMS. |
N/A |
6804 |
Modified the error when trying to access an Enterprise feature in Pandora FMS OpenSource version. |
N/A |
6799 |
Fixed dashboard widget width management error. |
N/A |
6798 |
Fixed dashboard display priority, where it always prioritized the first widget created no matter where it was located. |
N/A |
6797 |
Modified the default timeout for generating reports in PDF to be able to see large reports. |
10869/ 10704 |
6792 |
Fixed the interpretation of the WMI modules where the capitalization of the elements was taken into account. |
N/A |
6791 |
Modified the performance of pandora_db, which deleted all sessions from the console when it was executed. |
N/A |
6786 |
Fixed SNMP remote component creation when using dynamic scan option. |
11050 |
6765 |
Fixed the change of SNMP password data when changing any token in SNMP v3 in massive operations. |
N/A |
6755 |
Modified data retrieval of the group report item in Metaconsole to obtain data from the Metaconsole table instead of that of the first node. |
10398 |
6744/6142 |
Fixed the rescanning field of VMware tasks whereby when editing it, the rescanning would always be enabled. |
11010 |
6737 |
Fixed group status widget to take into account secondary groups. |
10925 |
6736 |
Fixed Quickshell working when using self-signed certificates. |
N/A |
6727 |
Visual bug fixes in SAP view. |
N/A |
6719 |
Fixed the warning when starting the server in the OpenSource version not having the correct Enterprise parameters. |
N/A |
6718 |
Fixed visual error in the software agent installer in Windows. |
N/A |
6707 |
Fixed data compaction in the history database whereby entries in tconfig were duplicated. |
N/A |
6705 |
Modified policy enforcement errors through Metaconsole when using agent auto configuration with centralized mode active. |
N/A |
6698 |
Fixed Metaconsole default visual consoles display. |
N/A |
6689 |
Fixed group selectors in Metaconsole module view. |
N/A |
6687 |
Modified the install.php file to take into account when it is a Metaconsole. |
N/A |
6682 |
Fixed the problem where the same component could be created more than once, giving an error when using it later. |
N/A |
6681 |
Fixed multiple SNMP network component creation when using SNMP Browser. |
N/A |
6675 |
Revised and fixed Metaconsole visual console items. |
N/A |
6674 |
Added default field in service size in visual console to avoid errors in services with many elements. |
11001 |
6670 |
Fixed SNMP alert priorities. |
N/A |
6666 |
Fixed Mainframe extension to be able to access with a standard non-administrator user. |
N/A |
6664 |
Fixed errors in service editing and creation with brackets in the name in Metaconsole. |
N/A |
6653 |
Fixed visual console public link display when they are linked to other visual consoles. |
10560 |
6651 |
Fixed agent filtering in Metaconsole policies. |
N/A |
6645 |
Changed the Discovery task view so that tasks from groups you do not have permission to cannot be seen. |
N/A |
6643 |
Fixed the summary of Discovery VMWare tasks, whereby it always indicated that the task had not been executed. |
N/A |
6637 |
Fixed fired alert counting in Metaconsole tactical view. |
N/A |
6636 |
Fixed pie graphs element display in visual console public links. |
N/A |
6634 |
Fixed the visual error that appeared after deleting a recognition task in Discovery. |
N/A |
6632 |
Modified the favorite Dashboard view in the side menu, where all dashboards were favorites previously. |
N/A |
6631 |
Fixed ACL widget display issues within dashboards and added information about it in the documentation of Pandora FMS wiki. |
N/A |
6628 |
Fixed title and subtitle deletion in Pandora FMS OpenSource version. |
10909 |
6627 |
Fixed alert correlation rule updating bug. |
N/A |
6623 |
Fixed module editing filtering in Metaconsole whereby only modules created in Metaconsole were displayed instead of all modules. |
N/A |
6614 |
Fixed error message when deleting a plugin in the Metaconsole. |
N/A |
6613 |
Fixed network component filtering in the Metaconsole. |
N/A |
6609 |
Fixed visual bug in agent auto configuration in the Metaconsole. |
N/A |
6605 |
Fixed Pandora FMS general search to locate network maps. |
N/A |
6582 |
Fixed module filtering in mass operations using status filter. |
N/A |
6562 |
Fixed SNMP alert deletion through mass operations. |
N/A |
6539 |
Fixed visual error when creating a service in manual mode instead of smart mode. |
N/A |
6534 |
Fixed visual console displacement when using visual console migration from legacy to current mode. |
N/A |
6515 |
Fixed collection message when there are no agents included. |
N/A |
6509 |
Fixed total module counting and counting by state in agent view. |
N/A |
6507 |
Fixed Metaconsole policy application during Metaconsole agent auto configuration when having centralized mode enabled. |
N/A |
6446 |
Fixed visual error in visual console when using the dark fullscreen mode. |
N/A |
6425 |
Fixed visual error when deploying the advanced options of Metaconsole module creation. |
N/A |
6407 |
Fixed the possibility of making SNMPWalk checks by means of the console’s SNMP Browser choosing a Server Satellite as server to be executed. |
N/A |
6405 |
Fixed the deletion of the conf and md5 files of the agents in the node when they are deleted from the Metaconsole with centralized mode enabled. |
N/A |
10771 |
Fixed visual console widget display in dashboards when dealing with large visual consoles. |
N/A |
6403 |
Fixed Pandora FMS active user display to only be able to see those that belong to the same permission group. |
N/A |
6388 |
Modified script paths where two different paths appeared, leaving only /usr/share/pandora_server/util/recon_scripts |
N/A |
6355 |
Fixed widget messages in an ACL display dashboard; additionally added ACL display information in dashboards. |
N/A |
6347 |
Fixed the erroneous possibility of choosing multiple agents for editing within the Metaconsole. |
N/A |
6506 |
Fixed normal-state module counting within the group view. |
N/A |
6505 |
Fixed total monitor counting and server performance within tactical views, so that inactive modules are not taken into account. |
N/A |
6503 |
Fixed alert counting in the tactical view so that inactivated alerts are not taken into account. |
N/A |
6501 |
Fixed the possibility of entering external links by default as a user’s home screen. |
N/A |
6498 |
Modified email alert templates so that the icons take into account the type of status of the module itself. |
N/A |
6490 |
Fixed the action selector to add to an alert when editing it to add new actions. |
N/A |
6449 |
Fixed collection folder deletion failure when deleted from Metaconsole with centralized mode enabled. |
N/A |
6447 |
Fixed visual help bugs in visual console elements. |
N/A |
6340 |
Fixed visual bugs of additional agent information within the Metaconsole tree view. |
N/A |
6339 |
Fixed visual errors in the monitor view within the Metaconsole. |
N/A |
6335 |
Fixed bugs referring to the “waitForText” command within web checks using Selenium 3. |
10681 |
6321 |
Fixed the maximum limit of labels in a graph for which all were previously shown without respecting the maximum number of elements to display. |
N/A |
6319 |
Fixed the problem in getValue and asynchronous web module creation, whereby they were created as image mode when they should not. |
N/A |
6292 |
Fixed service creation through massive operations. |
N/A |
6282 |
Fixed creating module templates without entering any data. |
N/A |
6209 |
Fixed screen mirroring error when using Quickshell in Firefox. |
7654 |
6091 |
Modified errors within Pandora FMS console log to avoid fill-up with non-critical information. |
N/A |
6065 |
Fixed visual errors in graphic generation for the correct display of labels. |
N/A |
5983 |
Fixed visual errors in the different tree views when displaying alerts, data and graphs. |
N/A |
5489 |
Fixed filtering the general search engine by groups, where secondary groups are now taken into account. |
N/A |
5351 |
Fixed visual problem of PDF graph generation of custom SQL queries. |
N/A |
5115 |
Fixed Metaconsole monitor view filtering by which the submenu would disappear. |
N/A |
4953 |
Fixed admin user login through LDP in Metaconsole whereby it only logged in with local data, not through LDAP. |
N/A |
4491 |
Modified the colors used for value representation when hovering over a bar graph in a visual console. |
N/A |
3661 |
Added the possibility of choosing which server will execute certain Discovery features. |
N/A |
6856 |
Fixed server warning: “Use of uninitialized value $retries in numeric lt (<) at /usr/lib/perl5/PandoraFMS/ line 1586.” |
N/A |
7001 |
Fixed latency modules for OpenSource servers. |
10973 |
6723 |
Fixed the color of the lines between visual consoles showing the status between elements. |
N/A |
6151 |
Modified RPM packages for Suse for which there were dependency errors even though they all existed. |
N/A |
6876 |
Fixed Export Server erroneous operation. |
N/A |
6855 |
Fixed network scanning errors in Pandora FMS OpenSource version. |
11094 |
6800 |
Fixed deletion of fields 11 to 20 in SNMP alerts regardless of the action to be taken. |
N/A |
6790 |
Fixed summary view in Discovery Oracle tasks. |
10891 |
6624 |
Fixed SQL errors in Discovery VMWare tasks when dealing with old tasks. |
11359/ 11363/ 8763 |
4704 |
Fixed boolean web modules which did not give critical results when obtaining timeout on the page to monitor. |
N/A |
6864 |
Fixed graph forwarding by mail, where graphs are cropped or do not appear for Gmail and Office 365. |
Pandora FMS NG 751
Changes & improvements
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
6565 |
Added new tips in the HA node view. |
N/A |
6542 |
Modified alert/agent view. |
N/A |
6493 |
Optimized Metaconsole provisioning server performance, as well as Metaconsole autoconfiguration rule compliance. |
N/A |
6489 |
Modified trial license performance, where no server will work when the license is expired or exceeded. |
N/A |
6445 |
Optimized Pandora FMS console loading when a server is down. |
N/A |
6363 |
Modified eventserver performance when log collection is disabled or deleted even though there are still active log alerts. |
N/A |
5266 |
Modified latency module performance by not having an IP configured, where it will not be initialized. |
N/A |
6291 |
Modified macro conversion for its correct use in report templates. |
N/A |
6148 |
Added Pandora FMS user permission display report type. |
9894 |
5719 |
Added possibility to force double authentication. |
N/A |
6435 |
Modified display permissions for network maps in OpenSource version. |
N/A |
6398 |
Added possibility to see the password being added in any field. |
N/A |
5316 |
Changed credential store location to configuration view. |
N/A |
6424 |
Modified the 1-item inventory report display, now seen in table mode instead of list. |
10593 |
6253 |
Added option in massive operations to be able to select all agents/modules. |
9287 |
6179 |
Modified the setup token “csv_decimal_separator” so that it is taken into account in all Pandora FMS CSVs that contain decimals. |
10528 |
6226 |
Added Metaconsole event message when the agent belongs to the Metaconsole instead of a node. |
N/A |
6061 |
Added downsizing possibilities in network map creation following Discovery VMWare tasks. |
N/A |
5949 |
Added real time SNMP v3 graph display. |
N/A |
3653 |
Modified scheduled downtime creation performance, where now you may choose an end time and an end time the following day. |
N/A |
6764 |
Added the possibility of creating a policy with group ALL. |
N/A |
6452 |
Created a button within the Discovery task creation/update to return to the task list. |
N/A |
5368 |
Modified the collection editing header so that its name appears. |
N/A |
6436 |
Changed the default size of the name column in the Discovery task list. |
10500 |
6020 |
Added module_group field to rabbitmq plugin. |
N/A |
4231 |
Added new discovery task for Google Cloud monitoring. |
9693 |
5835 |
Modified the quantity that can be exported to CSV in the log view, where when exceeding this quantity an email will be sent instead of exporting it directly in the browser. |
N/A |
2323 |
Added Debug method in web modules when creating or editing them. |
9625 |
5572 |
Added token in the server configuration to be able to enter a time slot to deactivate SNMP trap protection muting. |
N/A |
5786 |
Created new type of alert: Inventory Alerts |
Fixed vulnerabilities
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
6530 |
Fixed display of agent logs you do not have access to. |
N/A |
6619 |
Fixed vulnerability of php file upload to a location other than the usual console. |
N/A |
6741 |
Fixed Discovery network discovery task vulnerability. |
Bug fixes
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
6820 |
Fixed AWS task group selector if they did not have the “AW” profile. |
N/A |
6809 |
Fixed predefined module selector missing when creating a new module. |
N/A |
6803 |
Fixed editing/creating modules in a new policy. |
N/A |
6794 |
Modified “UM” profile permissions by which changes could be made to other users with the same permissions. |
N/A |
6787 |
Fixed execution problems of server plugins that reached the plugin timeout. |
N/A |
6775 |
Fixed the group selector window of any widget in the Metaconsole dashboards. |
N/A |
6774 |
Fixed several errors in WUX executions against selenium in Standalone. |
N/A |
6773 |
Changed the graph icons in Metaconsole reports that were displaced to the middle of the graph. |
N/A |
6769 |
Fixed module/agent selector error on first load of a report that needs both fields filled. |
10981 |
6762 |
Fixed the call to the “module_graph” API as well as updated its documentation for a proper call. |
10560 |
6758 |
Fixed Metaconsole Update Manager Offline view. |
N/A |
6750 |
Removed log traces when creating a report. |
N/A |
6746 |
Fixed service dynamic item deletion when entering pandora_db. |
N/A |
6742 |
Fixed delays in WUX checks that caused its queueing. |
N/A |
6736 |
Fixed SNMP ifInErrors and ifOutErrors module creation when using the SNMP interface wizard. |
11007 |
6735 |
Modified SNMP module creation through the wizard interface that created the modules with wrong OIDs. |
10965 |
6724 |
Fixed agent creation by API call set new agent to create agents with duplicated IP even if connection is not enabled. |
10964 |
6721 |
Fixed policy appliance in Metaconsole when agents have been added by means of API call. |
N/A |
6703 |
Fixed visual bug where Metaconsole menus appeared duplicated for non administra- tor users. |
N/A |
6700 |
Modified correlation alert misplaced buttons. |
N/A |
6696 |
Fixed log errors that applied the WUX server even when disabled. |
N/A |
6692 |
Fixed update_group CLI call. |
N/A |
6691 |
Fixed delete_group CLI call with groups that had blank spaces in their names. |
N/A |
6688 |
Fixed discovery SAP tasks when passwords were made up of certain special characters. |
N/A |
6686 |
Fixed wrong permissions error when trying to see an agent in Metaconsole tree view. |
N/A |
6683 |
Modified the create module button misplaced in SNMP wizards. |
N/A |
6668 |
Fixed Metaconsole policy appliance by group. |
N/A |
6656 |
Fixed inventory timestamp view with items containing old changes. |
N/A |
6655 |
Fixed possibility of updating a group and setting the same name as that of another existing group. |
N/A |
6654 |
Fixed tree view item count in its different versions. |
N/A |
6590 |
Modified console checks when you have a node in HA. |
N/A |
6585 |
Fixed agent selector error Metaconsole alert management. |
N/A |
6566 |
Fixed HA server view when the window was downsized. |
N/A |
6560 |
Fixed module selection in massive alert deletion in policies when choosing a template. |
N/A |
6536 |
Fixed service view where the status of the child service agents always was represented in unknown status. |
N/A |
6532 |
Fixed smart service performance if they have been created with prediction server disabled and it is then enabled. |
N/A |
6499 |
Fixed satellite server performance when having an expired key. |
10782 |
6422 |
Modified SQL report queries when HTML entities are entered. |
N/A |
6411 |
Fixed duplication of remote modules that contained special characters in their names. |
N/A |
6406 |
Fixed string data view in tree view. |
10763 |
6400 |
Fixed email forwarding by agent in Discovery scheduled tasks. |
N/A |
6399 |
Fixed Pandora FMS Google Chrome extension with special characters in the password. |
10757 |
6396 |
Fixed get module_data API call. |
N/A |
6393 |
Modified wrong “last modification” field in multiple Pandora FMS views. |
N/A |
6353 |
Modified system news creation by which they could be created without subject. |
N/A |
6348 |
Fixed view of agents with the same name from different nodes in the Metaconsole, due to which it was not possible to differentiate them. |
N/A |
6344 |
Fixed advanced event filtering options in Metaconsole whereby filtering by module did not appear. |
10661 |
6310 |
Fixed export inventory view CSV. |
N/A |
6281 |
Fixed search paging of modules whose names contain a space. |
N/A |
6269 |
Modified correlation alert deletion by which it did not ask for deletion confirmation. |
10471 |
6188 |
Fixed filtering of events where From/To fields were not saved properly. |
10434 |
6175 |
Fixed creation of local components to which a custom UNIT field was to be assigned. |
N/A |
6157 |
Fixed input and performance problems in smart services when making changes to thresholds both manually and in massive operations. |
N/A |
6132 |
Fixed map key being missing in the first load of pie charts. |
N/A |
6059 |
Fixed Discovery SAP and VMWare task settings where the interval was changed to always defined. |
N/A |
5416 |
Modified Metaconsole policy appliance when modifying a plugin policy, even though there are no assigned agents. |
N/A |
3131 |
Fixed event filtering by information source. |
N/A |
6827 |
Omnishell dependencies embedded in agent packages to avoid failures. |
10822 |
6831 |
Fixed error when creating modules in the SNMP Interface wizard when the port name is similar between them. |
11025 |
6747 |
Fixed fields 15 to 20 in SNMP alerts that never got the value correctly. |
Pandora FMS NG 750 LTS
Changes & improvements
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
9854 |
5644 |
The number of characters to use in the agent plugins field has increased. |
N/A |
6267 |
Modified correlation alert wrong creation flow. |
N/A |
5328 |
Added icon for OS Mainframe agents on network maps. |
9147 |
5056 |
Added the possibility of choosing the agent group created by the plugin. |
N/A |
6185 |
Modified UM profile performance. A user manager can work only with the users of the group it has permissions on. Fixed several minor issues related to super users and users without profile. |
10176/10180 |
5944 |
Updated the Sybase plugin to use the DBD::Sybase library. |
N/A |
6119 |
Changed text string “critical/warning status” to “critical/warning threshold” to avoid misunderstanding. |
N/A |
6050 |
Modified the size of the report fonts within the visual styles setup. |
N/A |
5296 |
A “Save passwords” button has been added in the Active Directory login configuration that allows to decide whether you want to store the passwords in the local database, just as it exists in the LDAP login configuration. |
N/A |
6153 |
Enabled by default the “reset counter for non-sustained alerts” token in alerts. |
N/A |
5230 |
Created a pop-up to be displayed when a valid license is deleted or expired. |
9411 |
5435 |
The possibility of including a default filter in Pandora FMS trap view has been added. |
N/A |
6257 |
Added new images for groups and visual consoles by default. |
N/A |
6145 |
Added a selector in the module graphs to show/hide the AVG/MAX/MIN data. |
N/A |
6299 |
Added statistics controls per container and separated docker and docker_swarm libraries. |
N/A |
6297 |
Added the necessary competences to the Oracle plugin to support CDB/PDB. |
N/A |
6462 |
Modified Marklogic plugin modification so that port checks are not blocking. |
N/A |
6459 |
PDF report creation with lots of graphs performance has been substantially improved. |
N/A |
6434 |
Modified the default names of the agents created when installing a Pandora FMS ISO. |
N/A |
4054 |
Created a new Cloud Foundry plugin. |
10265 |
6013 |
Added the option to customize the Y axis of graphs. |
N/A |
6448 |
Created the failover token in report wizards for the availability item. |
N/A |
6318 |
Added option to accept insecure certificates in WUX checks. |
N/A |
6370 |
Added the options to create/remove the covers and indexes of Pandora FMS reports. |
10018 |
5847 |
Added recommendations for creating new indexes in the database. |
N/A |
6366 |
Added combo for selecting the type of charts in reports. |
10364 |
6104 |
Increased the maximum number of fields that can be entered in a command. |
N/A |
6579 |
Included agent name and alias macros in response to events. |
N/A |
6594 |
Added AD documentation regarding Windows password policy. |
N/A |
6572 |
Added more information about events, including API calls. |
N/A |
6352 |
Modified the documentation of the VMWare plugin adding some additional tokens that were not documented. |
N/A |
6606 |
Added description in service tree view. |
N/A |
6538 |
Modified the documentation on the report Monitor report item. |
N/A |
6644 |
Created a plugin for Office 365 monitoring. |
N/A |
6410 |
Added list of agent IP addresses when using SNMP and WMI wizards, in case you have several. |
N/A |
6577 |
An administrator user will no longer have to add any type of profile to be able to be created. |
N/A |
6550 |
Pandora HA documentation has been modified and extended. |
N/A |
6391 |
Modified dashboard documentation to explain the impossibility of adding two network maps, failing in displaying one of them. |
N/A |
6359 |
Fixed documentation bugs in API and CLI calls where the examples were incorrect. |
N/A |
6287 |
Added in the VMWare documentation the new dependencies necessary for its correct use. |
N/A |
5633 |
Added documentation of node configuration to be able to see the custom fields in the Metaconsole. |
N/A |
6304/6324 |
Added Pandora WUX documentation section with the commands that can be used in selenium. Also added a section with recommendations for proper monitoring. |
N/A |
6511 |
Updated the SAML documentation both descriptive of the tool and configuration in Pandora FMS |
10018 |
5847 |
Optimized pandora_db performance through database indexes. |
10364 |
6104 |
Increased the maximum number of fields that can be added to alert commands. |
Fixed vulnerabilities
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
N/A |
6279 |
In editing operating systems, network scan scripts, special days, remote components, template configuration, user description and private company numbers. |
N/A |
6278 |
In the ajax.php used for Pandora FMS console |
N/A |
6316 |
In the indexing of certain pandora folders. |
N/A |
6616 |
In password reset in Pandora FMS login |
Bug fixes
Case# | GitLab# | Description |
10385 |
6320 |
Fixed the “Rollover” console timestamp operating mode where the date format was displayed incorrectly. |
N/A |
6289 |
Modified the wiki to specify how to use the “Item import text from url” report element. |
N/A |
6288 |
Fixed Log Report element in reports. |
10617 |
6276 |
Fixed the display of SNMP graphs of Metaconsole modules. |
10666 |
6327 |
Fixed “add_cluster_agent” API call. |
10483 |
6250 |
Deleted PHP Warning errors from the Pandora FMS console log that overfills the log. |
10501 |
6234 |
Fixed autorefresh in the event view that modified the filter it had at that moment. |
10520 |
6212 |
Fixed module template creation in Spanish. |
N/A |
6200 |
Fixed the visual bug of the advanced LDAP parameters without having them active. |
10465 |
6189 |
Deleted the execution errors of the plugin. |
N/A |
6186 |
Modified the links of the OpenSource server installers. |
10390 |
6176 |
Fixed the actions to be carried out with restrictive permissions within the dashboards. |
N/A |
6138 |
Fixed the ability to save credentials without an identifier. |
9761 |
6129 |
Fixed log correlation problems where any log triggered the alert with the configuration by agent. |
N/A |
6083 |
Modified log viewer display when no log is found by filtering. |
N/A |
6077 |
Fixed the non-differentiation of agents with the same name coming from different nodes in Metaconsole. |
N/A |
6046 |
Fixed the change of operators in the correlation alerts already created. |
N/A |
4292 |
Fixed a visual bug in Pandora FMS rich text boxes. |
N/A |
6361 |
Fixed the display of events of a standard user with administrator permissions on the all group, where any action on system events can be performed. |
N/A |
10688 |
Fixed the user editing error when after pressing “enter” when entering a new password, a warning would appear to delete the user. |
N/A |
6275 |
Modified collections visual bug showing that a collection was correctly created when edited. |
10615 |
6274 |
Fixed “get inventory_module_data” API call. |
N/A |
6270 |
Fixed the error of deleting user profiles with accents or spaces. |
N/A |
6254 |
Fixed the display of rule templates in alert correlation. |
10560 |
6237 |
Modified agent filtering in Metaconsole policies where all cases were shown regardless of the group. |
N/A |
6227 |
Fixed Monitor View visual error that misplaced the console. |
N/A |
6221 |
Changed the “thresholds” token error that should be “weights” in services. |
10488 |
6197 |
Fixed changing the login screen background in Microsoft Edge browser. |
10482 |
6195 |
Fixed HTML entities that were displayed in the audit table. |
N/A |
6190 |
Fixed the services message when a service module is disabled. |
10444 |
6169 |
Fixed SNMP module version modification through massive operations. |
N/A |
6159 |
Fixed policy export by which HTML entities were created in CSV. |
N/A |
6134 |
Visual change in the report checkboxes to match the new Pandora FMS buttons. |
N/A |
6127 |
Fixed a visual error in the error report in Pandora FMS console. |
N/A |
6118 |
Fixed user editing visual error that misplaced the console. |
10211 |
5971 |
Fixed the display of the event within module graphs. |
N/A |
5898 |
Fixed section title duplication in Pandora FMS diagnostic view. |
N/A |
6262 |
Fixed bug of user permissions necessary to use mass operations, with the UM permission is enough. |
10704 |
6342 |
Fixed new modules CPU, Disk, Services… through the WMI wizard. |
10701 |
6338 |
Modified the error message when the server is down. |
10699 |
6336 |
Corrected the data obtained by means of the IFHXXXX SNMP Wizard. |
10699 |
6334 |
Fixed the problem whereby the SNMP Wizard did not add the selected modules correctly, but added modules by default |
10183 |
6630 |
Fixed server and console failure when adding a new node in HA servers view. |
N/A |
6325 |
Fixed network map creation when created using an empty network map. |
10688 |
6322 |
Fixed the error in editing a user’s passwords that gave the option to delete the user when pressing “enter”. |
N/A |
6349 |
Fixed log reports so that matching logs appear correctly. |
N/A |
6430 |
Modified Pandora FMS console suggestion/issue forwarding. |
10786 |
6428 |
Fixed service reports when exported to CSV. |
N/A |
6423 |
Fixed module copy error between two different policies. |
10756 |
6421 |
Fixed the permissions of a standard user with administrator profile. |
10786 |
6420 |
Fixed service report PDF export error. |
10451 |
6382 |
Modified the checks performed on each lPandora FMS console loading, removing unnecessary HA checks. |
N/A |
6369 |
Modified Pandora FMS header for better display. |
10493 |
6251 |
Fixed an incorrect error message when installing a software agent on CentOS. |
10572 |
6244 |
Fixed format changes when creating/sending a report with a general item. |
N/A |
6242 |
Fixed log filtering error when two agents have the same log source. |
10512 |
6208 |
Fixed agent automatic deployment in the console. If the target machine does not have any dependencies to install the agent, it will send a descriptive message. |
N/A |
6177 |
Visual changes to public dashboard links. |
N/A |
6063 |
Recognition task timeouts in satellite server have been modified to avoid blocking. |
10145 |
6049 |
Fixed errors that block SNMP module execution in the Enterprise server through pandorafsnmp. |
N/A |
6022 |
Modified Windows Uptime Module measurement using policies. |
10245 |
5995 |
Corrected the indexes of the general reports when being sent by mail. |
9399 |
5317 |
Fixed the error whereby proxy agents could not modify the listening port. |
N/A |
6328 |
Fixed icon display in Pandora FMS mobile console. |
N/A |
6285 |
Fixed the error of the percentile item of visual consoles when it had a tag. |
N/A |
6471 |
Fixed availability item naming in reports when created through wizards. |
N/A |
6468 |
Fixed default module creation for Cisco systems detected by Discovery. |
N/A |
6467 |
Fixed reports selection in Metaconsole, where it always selected the first node in the list. |
10825 |
6466 |
Fixed event deletion when they move to history, by which even without having that option enabled, they were deleted if the number was not 0. |
N/A |
6463 |
Modified sql vertical graph item in both node and Metaconsole reports. |
N/A |
6456 |
Fixed agent group change when using mass agent operations. |
N/A |
6453 |
Fixed sql Metaconsole report map key to adjust to report space. |
N/A |
6450 |
Fixed Oracle Discovery tasks, where if the first task failed, the rest were not done. |
N/A |
6444 |
Modified tconfig synchronization between Metaconsole and nodes, so that it is done straight away. |
N/A |
6443 |
Fixed Pandora FMS Windows server failure when using the agent deployment feature. |
10509 |
6472 |
Fixed graph creation failure with SAML. |
10749 |
6439 |
Fixed the report availability item when enabling the option to show summary statistics. |
N/A |
6433 |
Fixed default API settings for new ISO installations. |
N/A |
6432 |
Fixed the default configuration of console mailings for new ISO installations. |
N/A |
6416 |
Fixed missing percentile token in simple graph items in reports. |
N/A |
6412 |
Modified WUX checks with comments, by which before, when reading a comment, it stopped performing checks, validating them as correct. |
10747 |
6409 |
Fixed getValue command in WUX checks in Google Chrome. |
10747 |
6408 |
Fixed getScreenshot command in WUX checks in Google Chrome. |
N/A |
6395 |
Fixed agent deployment on debian and ubuntu systems. |
10756 |
6394 |
Fixed the delete_agent API call in Metaconsole. |
N/A |
6383 |
Modified event filters, where the tags field was always taken into account even without being selected. |
10183 |
6330 |
Fixed the node adding to HA causing the console to crash. |
10340 |
6273 |
Fixed module duplication by policies when the node already existed, where the module was not deleted in agent conf. |
10340 |
6273 |
Fixed data module settings with thresholds created through policy, where if something was changed in the module in agent, the thresholds were modified. |
N/A |
6222 |
Fixed WUX failures when using the webdriver recorder. |
N/A |
6199 |
Added PerIO:encoding dependency to Marklogic plugin. |
10407 |
6173 |
Modified policy enforcing in Metaconsole, increasing their performance. |
10436 |
6168 |
Satellite packages created for CentOS 6. |
N/A |
6076 |
Fixed duplicate metrics using oracle plugin. |
10641 |
6373 |
Fixed going to normal events with modules with the active FF threshold. |
N/A |
6360 |
Modified the Hyper-V plugin to retrieve the used memory correctly. |
9940 |
6346 |
Fixed secondary group filters in events and reports of alerts and events. |
10691 |
6337 |
Fixed Syslog server performance issues for large loadings. |
9663 |
6043 |
Fixed the SQL query error in Metaconsole, where it points to the Metaconsole database. |
8979 |
4867 |
Fixed FF interval performance in WUX modules. |
N/A |
6397 |
Visual review of node and Metaconsole reports. |
N/A |
6385 |
Modified the default display size of module graphs. |
N/A |
6678 |
Fixed node selector error in Metaconsole reports. |
N/A |
6677 |
Fixed SQL error when trying to make reports with ALL group. |
N/A |
6626 |
Modified custom event filters, which did not save certain fields properly. |
N/A |
6586 |
Fixed owner section in events when performing an action. |
N/A |
6508 |
Fixed node and Metaconsole event reports. |
N/A |
6524/6526 |
Fixed HTML views of different reports both in node and console. |
N/A |
6569 |
Fixed reprt export and import. |
N/A |
6599 |
Modified module view filtering whereby filtering by group and recursion gave back errors. |
N/A |
6629 |
Fixed group counting in tree view, where child groups were not taken into account. |
N/A |
6657 |
Fixed zooming error in module graphs using the divide-by-two option. |
N/A |
6587 |
Modified event comments, where when an event was validated, they were deleted. |
N/A |
6578 |
Fixed issues with sound events when choosing groups. |
N/A |
6576 |
Fixed several event macros to be used in alert commands. |
N/A |
6658 |
Modified tags in graph export to CSV. |
N/A |
6556/6557 |
Fixed module post processing. |
N/A |
6601 |
Fixed tag deletion whereby they could not have less than 4. |
N/A |
6546 |
Fixed font size editing in Metaconsole reports. |
N/A |
6554 |
Modified events export to CSV since it always took out the empty state of all events. |
N/A |
6495 |
Fixed the limited number of characters in the IP field in the node server view when updating. |
N/A |
6497 |
Fixed the alert report by group when choosing the ALL group. |
N/A |
6518 |
The options that can be selected in the network interfaces item in reports both in node and in Metaconsole have been modified. |
N/A |
6483 |
Fixed group recursion bug in the group report item. |
N/A |
6488 |
Fixed error of the possible creation of agents with the ALL group. |
N/A |
6487 |
Fixed refreshing error of the favorite visual consoles view. |
N/A |
6469 |
Fixed name saving in remote component creation that was saved with entities. |
N/A |
6470 |
Modified remote component creation with the token of “execution type -> plugin” by which it was not properly created. |
N/A |
6482 |
Restructured event grouping to show first the last event to arrive. |
N/A |
6485 |
Corrected children recursion to show within report item agent selectors. |
N/A |
6555 |
Modified the message when deleting the last user profile, which is deleted if there are no profiles left. |
N/A |
6477 |
Fixed group selection bug in dashboard widgets. |
N/A |
6496 |
Modified the map key of certain report items where the word “Array” appeared when it should not. |
N/A |
6478 |
Corrected the sources in certain report items for their correct display in both HTML and PDF, both data and map keys. |
N/A |
6476 |
Modified report SLA item export to CSV. |
N/A |
6531 |
Fixed simple graph item in Metaconsole reports, where the agent could not be properly selected once the node was chosen. |
N/A |
6484 |
Fixed permission error while being the administrator of the WUX transaction widget of the dashboards. |
N/A |
6481 |
Fixed Metaconsole event self-validation. |
N/A |
6552 |
Fixed templale HTML view in Metaconsole SQL graph items. |
N/A |
6512 |
Fixed ACLs problems in alert view. |
N/A |
6580 |
Modified group editing so that a group cannot be its own parent. |
N/A |
6549 |
Fixed the insertion of item custom graph in reports using a wizard. |
N/A |
6592 |
Fixed errors caused by the deployment of Metaconsole plugins. |
N/A |
6413 |
Fixed checks section in SNMP and WMI wizards where not all were selected in the general checks. |
N/A |
6604 |
Fixed connection loss in visual consoles with public link. |
N/A |
6575 |
Fixed user synchronization error from Metaconsole to node when a profile with subgroups is added. |
N/A |
6513 |
Modified the MacOS agent for High Sierra, where the agent stopped working if the path “/usr/local/bin” did not exist. |
N/A |
6571 |
Modified pandora_ha performance when a thread of a single server died, so that it does not restart completely Pandora FMS. |
10872 |
6551 |
Fixed error whereby if the type of a module was changed, then the modules created by default in Pandora FMS could not be displayed. |
N/A |
6256 |
Fixed the postgress plugin when custom queries with special characters were used. |
N/A |
6680 |
Fixed disconnection window appearing when opening the sound events window. |
N/A |
6573 |
Fixed the error where when using AD and changing the password for the first time, it gave a permission error when trying to log in for the first time. |
10219 |
5982 |
Modified HANA plugin performance to work correctly locally. |