Pandora FMS

Media Kit

Official Pandora FMS resources for digital and printed media

Pandora FMS log

Our name is Pandora FMS, where the acronym FMS stands for Flexible Monitoring Solution and they must always be used in uppercase.

Colores de Pandora FMS

HEX: #82B92E
rgb(130, 185, 46)

Pandora FMS log

Our name is Pandora FMS, where the acronym FMS stands for Flexible Monitoring Solution and they must always be used in uppercase.

Colors of Pandora FMS

HEX: #82B92E
rgb(130, 185, 46)

Pandora FMS PNG Logo

logotipo de pandora
pandora logo negativo
logo pandora positivo
pandora logo negativo

PNG vertical logo Pandora FMS

Pandora logo vertical
Pandora logo vertical negativo
Pandora logo vertical positivo
Pandora logo vertical negativo

Pandora FMS PNG Isotype

pandora logo
pandora logo blanco
pandora logo
pandora logo blanco
Use of the image
Bits must always be white. We have two variants of the logo that you may use, depending on the background color.
pandora logo
pandora logo blanco
What you must not do when using the logo
It is necessary to keep the Bits looking as best as possible. do not switch the colors nor modify the logo in any other way described below:
Aspect ratio swap

Anamorphosis or proportion deformation.


Frame the logo or place it within another random element.


Frame the logo or place it within another random element.

Gradient swap

Changing colors in gradation.

Aspect ratio swap
Color swap

Incorrect use of the image or against protocol.

Stroke swap

Bordering the logo.

Ratio swap

Disproportion in the isotype or the logo.

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