They were able to monitor multiple parameters in real time from a single console
Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid, S.A. (EMT), a company wholly owned by the Madrid City Council, has a Head Office and six Operations Centers spread throughout the city of Madrid from which the different transport lines are distributed. In terms of fleet volume (2,100 buses) and service offer, it is one of the largest companies in the world and one of the most technologically advanced. It is currently collaborating in several international projects.

Due to the growth of machines and users that has been experienced, the objective is to have the most reliable control possible over the status of hardware, processes and systems, being able to adapt to both the growth in number of systems, as well as their variety.
Why was a system like Pandora FMS necessary? EMT has gone, in relatively few years, from a system based on a central HOST, SNA and Novell networks, to distributed processing systems, TCP/IP communications, web services, etc.
Expectations and objectives: Spread over the Head Office and the six Operations Centers, there is a fleet of more than 100 servers, 70 WIFI access points, switches, etc.
In addition to these teams, more than 500 of our own users and several hundred thousand customers use the service availability query systems on a daily basis via client applications.
Due to the need to offer a high availability service for both the systems and the end user, it is necessary to implement a monitoring system.

A system such as Pandora FMS allows us to monitor multiple parameters in real time from a single console, and allows us to unattended certain systems by being able to program the agents in process watchdog mode, a task that before the arrival of Pandora FMS required a periodic review of the system or to act reactively when problems were detected.
Before making the decision to implement Pandora FMS, other alternatives based on proprietary systems of the equipment manufacturers were evaluated.
Other systems are complete in terms of their functions but do not allow monitoring different platforms from a single application. As a test, the Open version of Pandora FMS was installed and the potential of the tool was evaluated. Due to the particularities of the systems and applications, it was decided to acquire the Pandora FMS Enterprise license in order to have technical support.
What kind of users benefit from Pandora FMS?The users that benefit from the services offered by Pandora FMS are both internal customers (operations, workshops, HR, etc.) and external customers (travelers) through the services provided by EMT in its mobile applications, web, etc.
You need a system that adapts to new needs and is able to grow in a simple way. They have many applications and services designed by programmers and analysts and the monitoring system is required to offer the possibility of developing new functionalities to obtain data from these applications while controlling them.
“A system like Pandora FMS allows us to save costs compared to similar solutions.”
Ignacio Uría Echevarría. Head of Technological Projects and Infrastructures, Subdirection of Technology and Information Systems.

Unified and universal interface to access information.
Cost savings compared to other similar solutions.
Unify monitoring in a single tool.
Real-time information via e-mail and/or SMS on the status of relevant information.
A much greater integration with our way of working and philosophy than with other available solutions.
Performance inventory in addition to status information.
Establish different access roles to the tool, to allow all types of users to benefit from the information it is capable of displaying.
“Pandora FMS offers good technical support, as well as the possibility of developing modifications or adaptations to the system in order to get the most out of it. Any reported incident is attended in a very short period of time and in a close and fluent way.”
Ignacio Uría Echevarría.
Head of Technology and Infrastructure Projects, Subdirectorate of Technology and Information Systems.
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