Disk Write Bytes Persec

Distk write bytes per sec in the system. You could get the data per disk drive also. Module data module_begin  module_name DiskWriteBytesPersec  module_type generic_data_inc  module_wmiquery select DiskWriteBytesPersec from Win32_PerfRawData_PerfDisk_PhysicalDisk...

Active TCP Connections

Current active TCP connections in whole system Module data module_begin  module_name Active_TCP_Connections  module_type generic_data  module_wmiquery select ConnectionsActive from Win32_PerfFormattedData_Tcpip_TCP  module_wmicolumn ConnectionsActive ...

Current Printer Jobs

Get current printer jobs in the processing printer queue in the local printer server (the machine printing the document).Module datamodule_begin module_name CurrentPrinterJobs module_type generic_data module_wmiquery select Jobs from...


Get current printer jobs in the processing printer queue in the local printer server (the machine printing the document). Module data module_begin  module_name CurrentPrinterJobs  module_type generic_data  module_wmiquery select Jobs from...

PrinterJobs per second

Gets the printer jobs per second in a local printer server Module data module_begin  module_name PrinterJobs_persecond  module_type generic_data_inc  module_wmiquery select TotalJobsPrinted from Win32_PerfFormattedData_Spooler_PrintQueue  module_wmicolumn...

Process Memory size

An easy way to get process memory usage information, using native Windows shell command (I think this works only on XP or higher). Module data This is for the own PandoraAgent process. Replace with your desired process. Just executing tasklist show a full list of...

For correct visualization of the Pandora FMS library extension, you must have installed version NG 760 or superior