Computer Part of Domain Dec 15, 2017 | Operating Systems, Windows categoryDisplays the computer Part of Domain using WMI Module data SELECT PartOfDomain FROM Win32_ComputerSystem
Computer Network Server Mode Enabled Dec 15, 2017 | Operating Systems, Windows categoryDisplays the computer Network Server Mode Enabled using WMI Module data SELECT NetworkServerModeEnabled FROM Win32_ComputerSystem
Computer Name Dec 15, 2017 | Operating Systems, Windows categoryDisplays the computer name using WMI Module data SELECT Name FROM Win32_ComputerSystem
Computer Manufacturer Dec 15, 2017 | Operating Systems, Windows categoryDisplays the computer manufacturer using WMI Module data SELECT Manufacturer FROM Win32_ComputerSystem
Computer Model Dec 15, 2017 | Operating Systems, Windows categoryDisplays the computer model using WMI Module data SELECT Model FROM Win32_ComputerSystem
Computer Last Load Info Dec 15, 2017 | Operating Systems, Windows categoryDisplays the computer last load info using WMI Module data SELECT LastLoadInfo FROM Win32_ComputerSystem