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An easy way to get process memory usage information, using native Windows shell command (I think this works only on XP or higher).

Module data

This is for the own PandoraAgent process. Replace with your desired process. Just executing tasklist show a full list of process running. This makes use of grep and gawk tools provided by Pandora FMS Windows agent.

module_name PandoraAgent_Mem 
module_type generic_data 
module_exec tasklist | grep PandoraAgent | gawk "{ print $4 }" | tr -d "," 

In Windows 2008, we need a slight modification:

module_name PandoraAgent_Mem 
module_type generic_data 
module_exec tasklist | grep PandoraAgent | gawk "{ print $5 }" | tr -d "," 
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For correct visualization of the Pandora FMS library extension, you must have installed version NG 760 or superior