Plugin for monitoring the list of IIS APPPOOL Status. To make it work, place the two files in: %PROGRAMFILES%Pandora_Agentutil and declare it as module_plugin: module_plugin “%PROGRAMFILES%Pandora_Agentutilpandora_iis_apppool_plugin.exe” It returns one...
En muchas oportunidades nos interesa conocer el estado de uso de discos expresado en GB (Giga Bytes), para poder resolverlo fácilmente podemos utilizar este plugin de agente que nos mostrara el espacio total de todos los discos en GB Requerimientos: Windows Server...
This module reports the % capacity of zfs zpool as returned by zpool list. Creates modules for all local zpools. Requires the local Pandora agent installed. Requires the zpool command and perl. Copy the plugin script (see below) to the folder...
With this plugin you’ll be able to monitor event logs in your Windows systems based on the Source and the Log name of the events on the last N minutes. It is possible to create a single string module whose content will be all the logs matched with the Source and Log...
El modulo es un script de auto instalación del agente de PandoraFMS con un solo comando el mismo soporta las siguientes distribuciones de Linux CentOS 7 CentOS8 Debian 9.x y superior Ubuntu 18.x y superior Raspbian 9.x (RaspBerry Pi) Raspberry OS 10 (RaspBerry Pi)...
Basic local checks to monitor Windows Systems. Requires Powershell 3+. Includes: Bytes per second (Received) Bytes per second (Sent) CPU % Total processes Uptime WMI Service A plugin to dinamically monitor disks (pandora_df_used) A plugin to dinamically monitor memory...