Unix Swap Out Rate

This script show Swap Out Rate in all Unix systems. Module data module_begin module_name Swap Out Rate module_type generic_data module_exec Pandora_Script_Perf_SwapOutRate_UNIX_v1r1.sh module_end Files:...

Unix Run Queue

This script show run queue in all Unix systems. Module data module_begin module_name Run Queue module_type generic_data module_exec Pandora_Script_Perf_RunQueue_UNIX_v1r1.sh module_end Files:...

Unix Page Scanning rate

This script show page scanning rate in all Unix systems. Module data module_begin  module_name Page Scanning rate  module_type generic_data  module_exec Pandora_Script_Perf_PageScanRate_UNIX_v1r1.sh  module_end Files:...

Disk usage monitor

This plugin uses free to fetch the used disk from the different partitions and swap performance metrics from a linux server. It should detect almost all kind of partitions and where they are mounted. To install it: Verify that your system has free and df installed: $...

Memory monitor

This plugin uses free to fetch the memory and swap performance metrics from a linux server. To install it: Verify that your system has free installed: $ free -V Download the file “memory_plugin”. Copy it to your agent plugins directory. F.ex. on my system...

Netstat snapshot (Linux)

This snapshot plugin, send netstat information as Command Snapshot (generic string module). Module data Change permissions (chmod 755) and execute as: module_plugin netstat.sh Files: netstat.sh

For correct visualization of the Pandora FMS library extension, you must have installed version NG 760 or superior