Trap extractor from Network Node Manager (NNM)

Module data: Extract snmp trap information from trapd.conf file of network node manager and writes a line per trap to output, can be easily modified to execute commands. Example output uses pandora cli (5.0 version) to create SNMP Traps into pandora. Files:...

Web Content Parse

Module data This server plugin parses a web, supports http basic authentication. The plugin returns: * ERROR (<error_content>) if an string like this ERROR (disk error on sector 45) was found, * If there were no errors the script will return OK if a string like...

Samba file stat

Module data This plugin allows you to determine various properties of a file on a Windows shared drive: – Existence – Days since last modified – Days since last changed (probably not what you want) – Size in bytes This can be used, for example,...

HTTP view

Module data Permite conectarse al agente, desde la vista detalla del agente, por HTTP. Por ejemplo, si tenemos, un gateway de voz o un PBX, y falla algún módulo, nos podrías conectar a él directamente desde la consola. Es una modificación de la extensión, VNC, pero...

Firefox Plugin

Module data Firefox plugin to see events in realtime, with popup. This uses the API password to connect the server and get the events. Files: pandorafms_firefox_extension.xpi

For correct visualization of the Pandora FMS library extension, you must have installed version NG 760 or superior