定期リリース (RRR) は、多くの変更と新機能をまとめた月次リリースです。 これらは、最新版を好み新たな問題を見つけることを恐れないユーザにとって理想的です。 LTS バージョンは、RRR バージョンのすべての変更を統合し、最大限の安定性を提供することを目的としています。
このバージョンから、Pandora FMS はユーザのパスワードを CRYPT_BLOWFISH アルゴリズムを用いて暗号化しています。
Webコンソールのフッターに代わる “About” モーダルウインドウ。
新たなネットワーク監視: SFlow
フロー管理で SFlow を介した監視情報の取得が可能です。
新たなダッシュボードウィジェット: データマトリックス
新たな “データマトリックス” ウィジェットが追加されました。このウィジェットを使用すると、指定された間隔の値を考慮して、指定されたモジュールの情報を展開した方法で表すことができます。
新たなマクロ _group_contact_
イベント応答に新たなマクロ _group_contact_ を追加しました。
ビジュアルコンソールでの新たな表示: オレンジのボックス
バージョン 6 の機能を復活しました: エージェントまたはモジュールに発報されたアラートがある場合に、視覚的に特定のコンソール要素にオレンジ色のボックスを表示する機能と、他のビジュアルコンソールの状態を再帰的に反映する機能。
新たなパラメータが追加されました。モジュールにプレフィクスを追加する –module_prefix 、Tentacle でデータを送信するための –tentacle_address および –tentacle_port 、また、プラグインをインストールする前に Pandora FMS でこれらを見ることができます。
ライブラリを見る →
バージョン PHP 7.4、7.3、および 7.2 の EOL により、バージョン LTS 767 “Hope” は、これらの PHP バージョンをサポートする最後のバージョンになります。Pandora FMS 公式対応する PHP は最新バージョンです。
Case# | GitLab# | 説明 |
N/A |
8297 |
Improved Pandora FMS access management |
プロセスのトランザクション監視を廃止しました。この機能は、現バージョンでも継続して開発している WEB トランザクション監視やアプリケーション監視 (WUX、UX) とは関係ありません。
Case# | GitLab# | 説明 |
N/A |
9847 |
Improved remote inventory plugin for Windows for using pandorawmic binary. |
14021 |
9325 |
Added the possibility of choosing the representation of the unit of a thousand. |
14021 |
932 |
Added the possibility of choosing the power to represent full numerical data in reports. |
N/A |
9412 |
Made visual modifications to Satellite server remote configuration to make it easier to use. |
13830 |
9292 |
Improved trap saving and representation in the SNMP view so as not to lose performance when increasing the number of elements to be viewed. |
N/A |
8558 |
The inventory feature becomes OpenSource. |
N/A |
9535 |
The cluster monitoring feature becomes OpenSource. |
N/A |
7386 |
Modified API call management in order to hide the access credentials to it. |
N/A |
9763 |
Improved asynchronous service performance and synchronization. |
N/A |
9624 |
Added the possibility of monitoring through SFlow. |
N/A |
9554 |
Changed pie chart representation. |
N/A |
9530 |
Reinstated triggered alert representation by orange boxes. |
N/A |
8619 |
Added new widget to dashboards: “Data matrix”. |
N/A |
9740 |
Added the mail configuration feature to the Command Center. |
N/A |
9675 |
Modified merging notices, so that they only fire in the strictly necessary cases. |
N/A |
8809 |
Added Custom SQL report type to the Command Center. |
N/A |
9709 |
Changed the admin user to be created as local by default. |
14267 |
9557 |
Added private dashboard automatic removal when deleting the associated user. |
13884 |
9246 |
Added new macro _group_contact_ in event responses. |
N/A |
9801 |
Added block in PDF/CSV/JSON file generation so as not to be able to generate more than one simultaneously and thus not affect the tool's performance. |
N/A |
9286 |
Deleted the service forcing button for child services. |
N/A |
9120 |
Included the "not" button for a free text search in the events view. |
13468 |
8849 |
Added the option to create a custom Link agent field. |
13329 |
8770 |
Added the possibility of having bandwidth in absolute value in the network-bandwidth plugin. |
N/A |
8755 |
Modified the possibility of editing server plugins once they are deployed. |
N/A |
9135 |
Included the possibility of searching by name and user ID in events. |
N/A |
9516 |
Modified agent plugin editing in policies. |
N/A |
9447 |
Added entry control to the --create_event call of the CLI. |
N/A |
9152 |
Added the option to enable modules in bulk in agent views. |
13786 |
8854 |
Included audible event alerts in the Command Center. |
N/A |
1270 |
Cascade automatic child, grandchild… module deletion. |
N/A |
7250 |
Visual enhancements in pandora_server.conf Web editor. |
N/A |
8535 |
Cluster monitoring from Enterprise version to the Open version. |
N/A |
9002 |
Transaction monitoring extinction (transaction server), |
N/A |
9059 |
Label and input visual correction in the agent group view. |
N/A |
9113 |
Added HTTPS support for API CHECKER. |
13843 |
9196 |
Added service element edition into the Metaconsole. |
N/A |
9219 |
Deleted configuration file editing in collection or plugin ownership in policies with NMS license. |
N/A |
9463 |
Improved network map linking. |
N/A |
9878 |
Added server multiple selection in event filter editing (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
9903 |
Deleted the possibility of having different profiles with the same name. |
N/A |
9984 |
Corrected recon parameter order with SNMP v3. |
N/A |
9991 |
Renamed “skin” label by “theme” in user editing. |
N/A |
10037 |
Improvements in server auto-monitoring. |
N/A |
10082 |
Improved module double search tooltip in agent view. |
N/A |
10098 |
Better composer error control in PHP 7 when updating to Pandora 768 (it does not offer support for PHP 7). |
N/A |
10101 |
When changing from md5 to sha (access credentials) it is checked whether the table is varchar(60), if not it stays as md5. |
N/A |
1841 |
Added SO filtering to policies. |
N/A |
8538 |
Improve Azure monitoring. |
N/A |
9090 |
Added manual query to turn old plain-text “custom_data” into base64. |
14021 |
9323 |
Enhanced 4-figure number display in reports to show the full number. |
N/A |
9587 |
Added double search in agent view to filter modules and alerts. |
N/A |
9643 |
Implemented pandora-exec for modern Windows (such as wmic). |
N/A |
9868 |
Deleted the footer and replaced by “About” section. |
N/A |
10025 |
Added option in the online installer to install the latest LTS version. |
N/A |
10096 |
Adapted snmp_remote.pl plugin to be able to execute it externally. |
N/A |
9618 |
Added the option to see the IP with which a remote module is being run from the agent view. |
Support# | GitLab# | 説明 |
N/A |
9684 |
Fixed connection error in NCM if the destination needs a prompt. |
13394 |
8793 |
Fixed the deadlock in pandora_db when using Percona XtraDB cluster. |
N/A |
9995 |
Replaced the awk command by gawk for the AD plugin to avoid usage error. |
N/A |
9985 |
Fixed the use of the Deployment Center with PHP 8. |
N/A |
9983 |
Fixed error 500 in operations in bulk with PHP 8. |
N/A |
9982 |
Fixed bug in pandora-snmp-bandwith.pl plugin. |
14484 |
9896/9275 |
Fixed the compilation of certain dependencies necessary for the correct use of NCM. |
N/A |
9833 |
Fixed user search in general search engine in the OpenSource version. |
14523 |
9811 |
Fixed errors in reports that had availability type items. |
N/A |
9783 |
Fixed certain bugs in new network map refreshings. |
14458 |
9780 |
Fixed the lack of information display in Discovery tasks. |
N/A |
9720 |
Fixed module histogram widget by not displaying state changes correctly. |
14417 |
9706 |
Fixed the disappearance of drop-down menus in the module graphics view in dark mode. |
N/A |
9677 |
Fixed history database automatic partitioning. |
N/A |
9597 |
Fixed the default port in the integration with Ehorus. |
N/A |
9586 |
Modified the API call get_tree_agent, which displayed unnecessary information. |
N/A |
9548 |
Added certain fields in some database tables to avoid errors in the execution of pandora_db. |
14180 |
9498 |
Fixed API call add_permission_user_to_group, which left the assigned profile group empty. |
N/A |
9483 |
Modified the correlation server to prevent its performance degradation. |
14050 |
9349 |
Modified the tree view in the Command Center so that it does not show the agent hash when hovering over. |
N/A |
9978 |
Fixed enterprise ACLs to not allow configuration of a particular bulk operations page. |
14580 |
9912 |
Fixed scheduled emails and report sending using Discovery tasks. |
N/A |
10000 |
Fixed error 500 in "tree_agents" API call with PHP 8. |
N/A |
9986 |
Fixed saving when creating an SNMP module that does not need a port, so that it is saved empty. |
14571 |
9931 |
Fixed filtering in the event view when trying to select more than one server, where only the first one was selected. |
N/A |
9911 |
Fixed collection update when md5 is weight 0. |
14569 |
9906 |
Fixed auto-refresh errors in Command Center event view. |
14572 |
9873 |
Fixed custom images missing in visual console service elements. |
14558 |
9851 |
Fixed wrong display of custom images on the login screen. |
14463 |
9747 |
Solved the lack of some events when “Display all” is selected in filtering. |
N/A |
9721 |
Corrected the CLI call --add_event_comment that did not add the event ID into the comment. |
N/A |
9508 |
Fixed text overlay in dashboards when setting up a new widget. |
14178 |
9496 |
Added input value validation in the creation of a new module using API. |
12537 |
9221 |
Corrected module type's default value when creating modules in "MySQL Server Advanced Plugin". |
12537 |
8950 |
Modified modules of the "MySQL Server Advanced Plugin" plugin that had erroneous data. |
N/A |
9061 |
Fixed Discovery section views. |
N/A |
9251 |
Added translation into sections that called to function ui_print_help_tip |
N/A |
9362 |
Modified tagent_data checking for big loads of data. |
N/A |
9440 |
Fixed “$bad_agents” counting. |
14267 |
9556 |
Fixed counting and pagination in Dashboards view. |
14349 |
9664 |
Removed modules in pendingdelete from the module selection view in scheduled downtimes. |
N/A |
9679 |
Fixed information sample in failed attempt register when obtaining a token. |
14457 |
9738 |
Fixed node change in SQL reports after editing it (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
9759 |
Fixed common agent loading in module operations in bulk. |
14480 |
9787 |
Fixed status update in the event information window in the General tab. |
N/A |
9817 |
Controlled profile duplication in agent creation. |
N/A |
9825 |
Fixed image upload through file manager in the Metaconsole. |
N/A |
9827 |
Fixed error related to external link without value as user home screen. |
N/A |
9831 |
Fixed password policy that only worked the first time. |
N/A |
9844 |
Fixed bug in alert filtering (it did not take into account “field content” in alert filter when selecting “mail to admin” in actions). |
N/A |
9908 |
Fixed failure in the Metaconsole event filter when modifying autorefresh. |
N/A |
9910 |
Fixed visual bug in template condition configuration/editing. |
N/A |
9922 |
Fixed the impossibility of filtering by tags in alert view. |
N/A |
9932 |
Fixed errors in SNMP browser. |
N/A |
9953 |
Fixed agent GIS information addition manually through PHP 8. |
N/A |
9966 |
Fixed issue with permissions from users created through API (user with manage users) of access to nodes in environments with Metaconsole. |
14036 |
9969 |
Fixed errors when editing traps. |
N/A |
9972 |
Fixed typo in the log message when adding the bandwidth plugin module in Satellite. |
14623 |
9973 |
Fixed error that did not allow to disable auto refresh in the Metaconsole. |
N/A |
9988 |
Fixed visual issue that did not allow to access the log view from the agent view. |
N/A |
9994 |
Fixed issue that did not allow to select “module group” when creating a modules. |
N/A |
9996 |
Fixed incorrect description in ssh module creation. |
N/A |
9997 |
Removed “using module component” from module editing. |
N/A |
9999 |
Fixed error in agent “full list of alerts” view. |
N/A |
10005 |
Fixed SQL errors when adding a new node o the Metaconsole. |
N/A |
10022 |
Fixed SQL error when adding inventory modules allowing to save without “Module” field. |
N/A |
10034 |
Fixed error that allowed to create empty/voisd ALC Enterprise profiles. |
N/A |
10036 |
Fixed visual error where the module legend overlapped with the circle graph in custom graphs. |
N/A |
10038 |
Fixed auto refreshing issue in event view (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
10041 |
Fixed error 500 in old correlation alerts. |
N/A |
10043 |
Fixed trap editing error that generated entities and did not allow editing. |
N/A |
10046 |
Fixed bug when deleting inventory modules individually. |
N/A |
10048 |
Fixed error in “Monitoring>Alert details” where when filtering by “mil to admin” it did not take into account the rest of the filters. |
N/A |
10049 |
Fixed error 500 when editing the cluster agent from the tree view (Metaconsole). |
N/A |
10074 |
Fixed error that did not allow to modify “content type” in SNMP alerts with “mail to admin” action. |
14724 |
10075 |
Fixed error that did not show Compliance SLA percentage and Status in PDF reports. |
N/A |
10078 |
Fixed error 500 when deleting correlation alerts. |
14706 |
10080 |
Fixed SQL error when creating external alert with action by default. |
N/A |
10104 |
Added Chrome to Ubuntu installation for proper execution in the console. |
N/A |
10119 |
Fixed alert view error in the Open version. |
14783 |
10121 |
Fixed error 500 when creating custom MySQL. |
N/A |
10154 |
Fixed network map preview view with Discovery task performance. |
N/A |
9949 |
Fixed WUX widgets. |
14544 |
10023 |
Fixed pandora_snmp_bandwidth.pl plugin. |
N/A |
10139 |
Fixed default visual consoles that used non-existent data. |
N/A |
8578 |
Fixed visual errors in integrations with eHorus. |
N/A |
9980 |
Fixed WUX executescript command when the response obtained 0. |
N/A |
10068 |
Fixed node collection synchronization when using PHP 8. |
N/A |
10040 |
Fixed connection error with AD in Command Center with PHP 8. |
N/A |
10114 |
Fixed error 500 in Command Center when using LDAP. |
N/A |
8047 |
fixed Kaspersky antivirus blocking to new WMIC version used by the Satellite server. |
N/A |
9633 |
Fixed typos in alert templates in french. |
14650 |
10026 |
Fixed Command Center configuration order. |
N/A |
10123 |
Fixed warning due to a Js file being missing. |
N/A |
10052 |
Fixed network map calculation counting whew the mock node was taken into account. |
N/A |
10129 |
Fixed visual typo in the percentile time creation. |
N/A |
10088 |
Modified sample_agent query to improve its performance. |
N/A |
10131 |
Fixed error 500 in the module template view within an agent. |
N/A |
10135 |
Fixed error 500 in Command Center collection pagination. |
Caso# | GitLab# | 説明 |
N/A |
10003 |
Fixed CLI call --create_event information. |
N/A |
10001 |
Added documentation of the tables used in the Command Center merging process. |
N/A |
9998 |
Added documentation of server plugin modification even if they are deployed. |
N/A |
9993 |
Added documentation about the use of email encryption in the Command Center. |
N/A |
9835 |
Updated Selinux documentation. |
N/A |
9803 |
Deleted transaction monitoring documentation. |
N/A |
9795 |
Added the documentation of the new "Data Matrix" widget. |
N/A |
9767 |
Updated information for installing software agents. |
N/A |
9743 |
Added documentation for the new event response macro _group_contact_. |
14195 |
9533 |
Modified SQL report documentation to help perform correct queries. |
N/A |
9967 |
Updated information about visual console icons. |
N/A |
10113 |
Added cusom_data on base64 documentation. |
N/A |
10109 |
Added the new menu option “About”. |
N/A |
10145 |
Fixed support to Windows devices. |
N/A |
10060 |
Added documentation on dependencies included in ALT packages. |
N/A |
10128 |
Added IPAM documentation for importing through CSV. |
N/A |
10072 |
Updated new pie chart documentation. |
N/A |
10142 |
Updated server token “Dataserver_threads x” documentation. |
N/A |
9696 |
Added documentation to be able to use pmacct as alternate probe to that of Netflow. |
Caso# | GitLab# | 説明 |
14771 |
10156 |
The availability report content cannot be displayed without first clicking “Update Item”. |
N/A |
10152 |
It is not possible to add some groups to notifications. |
14825 |
10146 |
The timestamp macro shows different date formats. |
N/A |
10147 |
There is some login slowdown in the node. |
N/A |
9866 |
Certain notifications are not fully displayed in descriptions. |
N/A |
10051 |
By setting a timeout to a module sometimes the module process is not stopped, therefore leaving a zombie process. |
14803 |
10133 |
There are issues for Discovery IPAM task deletion. |
14804 |
10136 |
pandora_manage does not modify the agent’s primary group from the Command Center. |
14762 |
10132 |
There is an error in registration of a Windows machine when carrying out WMI requests. |
N/A |
9253 |
Failure in the usage of certain languages in the Command Center. |
14800 |
10127 |
It is necessary to add the “id_nodo” field to the call to validate events from the API in the Command Center. |
14417 |
9706 |
Menu display error in the module’s graph with dark mode. |
N/A |
9677 |
Failure in automatic partition creation in the history database. |
N/A |
10102 |
Visual typo in columns of service SLA reports. |
N/A |
10115 |
Login issues through LDAP when using special characters. |
N/A |
9924 |
Errors in visual console links. |
14765 |
10112 |
Certain module types belonging to policies keep on running even if disabled from policies. |
14735 |
10085 |
Lack of data time correspondence between graphs and serialized data. |
N/A |
9600 |
Server wrong status when there is a time zone difference between the server and the console. |
N/A |
9164 |
Process duplication creation in VMWare tasks. |