Windows Monitoring Manual

This is a manual which helps you to monitor Windows based devices using Pandora FMS. Module data 1. CPU Load This module returns the percentage of the CPU in use. The syntaxis for the module would be the following: module_begin module_name CPU Load module_type...

FTP Connection from windows agent

How monitor with a simple module to check ftp connectivity from windows agent to ftp server. 1.- Create a bat file with this setup: @echo off REM Generate the script. Will overwrite any existing temp.txt echo open servername> temp.txt echo username>> temp.txt...

Filehandles in Windows

This module will count active filehandles in Windows. Can be modified to count specific kind of handles, or handles for a given process. NOTE: you need to download “handle” from NOTE: The first execution (on the agent) will require...

Password change on Windows

This module searchs the event that informs that the password has been changed. Module data module_begin  module_name Password change  module_type async_string  module_logevent  module_source Security  module_eventcode 4723  module_description Password change ...

For correct visualization of the Pandora FMS library extension, you must have installed version NG 760 or superior