Update in: 8 August 2024
Enterprise policy with SNMP modules for Eaton Powerware 9130 UPS.
This policy provides following modules:
- Eaton_Powerware_9130
- upsAlarmsPresent
- upsAutoRestart
- upsBatteryStatus
- upsBatteryVoltage
- upsBypassFrequency
- upsBypassLineIndex
- upsBypassNumLines
- upsBypassVoltage
- upsConfigAudibleStatus
- upsConfigHighVoltageTransferPoint
- upsConfigInputFreq
- upsConfigInputVoltage
- upsConfigLowBattTime
- upsConfigLowVoltageTransferPoint
- upsConfigOutputFreq
- upsConfigOutputPower
- upsConfigOutputVA
- upsConfigOutputVoltage
- upsEstimatedChargeRemaining
- upsEstimatedMinutesRemaining
- upsIdentAgentSoftwareVersion
- upsIdentAttachedDevices
- upsIdentManufacturer
- upsIdentModel
- upsIdentName
- upsIdentUPSSoftwareVersion
- upsInputFrequency
- upsInputLineBads
- upsInputNumLines
- upsInputVoltage
- upsOutputCurrent
- upsOutputFrequency
- upsOutputLineIndex
- upsOutputNumLines
- upsOutputPercentLoad
- upsOutputPower
- upsOutputSource
- upsOutputVoltage
- upsRebootWithDuration
- upsSecondsOnBattery
- upsShutdownAfterDelay
- upsShutdownType
- upsStartupAfterDelay
- upsTestElapsedTime
- upsTestId
- upsTestResultsDetail
- upsTestResultsSummary
- upsTestSpinLock
- upsTestStartTime
Only enterprise users can view the download links.
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