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Update in: 14 July 2022


Plugin to integrate the zammad ticketing system into Pandora

Type: Agent plugin

With this plugin you can create, update and delete tickets, from terminal, or from the PandoraFMS console.


-m (put)

-i (host)

-us y -p o -t (user y password or token)

-id (id ticket)

-tn (name ticket)

-tg (name group)

-tp (priority

-ts (status)

-tsub (subject)

-tb (content)

-tt (type)

-tc (customer)

-tnote (note)


Open issue:

python3 pandora_zammad.py -m post -i pandoraplugin -t -tn "ejemplo creación" -tg Users -tp 3 -tt note -ts 2 -tsub subject -tb "el contenido de la incidencia" -tnote nota -tc customer

Update issue:

python3 pandora_zammad.py -m put -id 3 -i pandoraplugin -t token -tn probando123 -tg Users -tp 3 -tt note -ts 2 -tsub -tb "el contenido de la incidencia" -tnote nota -tc customer

Delete issue:

python3 pandora_zammad.py -m delete -i pandoraplugin -t token -id 13


EN: Pandora Zammad EN
ES:  Pandora Zammad ES

Only enterprise users can view the download links.

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For correct visualization of the Pandora FMS library extension, you must have installed version NG 760 or superior