Update in: 29 July 2022
Ver. 21-06-2022
With this plugin you can monitor a storage account and extract data from it such as the number of transactions, the capacity or the latency used by azure to process a successful request.
Tipo: Server plugin
Modules created by the plugin
Storage account
UsedCapacity |
Ingress |
Egress |
Transactions |
Availity |
SucessE2ELatency |
SucessServerLatency |
BlobCapacity |
BlobCount |
ContainerCount |
Availity |
Indexcapacity |
Ingress |
Egress |
Transactions |
SuccessE2ELatency |
SucessServerLatency |
FIleCapacity |
FileCount |
Availity |
FileShareCapacityQuota |
FileShareCount |
FileShareSnapshotCount |
FileShareSnapshotSize |
Ingress |
Egress |
SucessServerLatency |
SuccessE2ELatency |
Transactions |
TableCapacity |
TableCount |
TableentityCount |
Transaction |
Availity |
Ingress |
Egress |
SucessServerLatency |
SucessE2ELatency |
QueueCount |
QueueCapacity |
Availity |
QueueMessageCount |
Transaction |
Ingress |
Egress |
SuccessE2ELatency |
SuccessServerLatency |
Datalake storage
BlobCapacity |
BlobCount |
ContainerCount |
Availity |
Indexcapacity |
Ingress |
Egress |
Transactions |
SuccessE2ELatency |
SucessServerLatency |
EN: Pandora Azure Storage EN
ES: Pandora Azure Storage ES
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