Pandora Azure Storage
With this plugin you can monitor a storage account and retrieve data from it, from the blob storage, queue storage and file storage.
Ver. 09-05-2022 With this plugin you can monitor a storage account and retrieve data from it, fr...
Compatibility matrix
Systems where tested CentOS 7, Fedora, rocky linux Systems where it should work Any linu...
Pre requisites
- Pandora FMS Data Server enabled- Have the Pandora FMS Plugin Server enabled.- Know some of your...
Previous configuration
Obtaining credentials necessary for the use of the plugin. The plugin makes use of a .conf file ...
Parámetro Descripción --tentacle_port Tentacle port (default 41121)(optional) --tentacle_addr...
Manual execution
As an agent plugin ./pandora_azure -c <path_conf> As a server plugin ./pandora_azure -c <pat...
Configuration in pandora
As a server plugin Installation from console To register the plugin, from the console, go to th...
Módules generated by the plugin
Agentes Agente Storage account UsedCapacity Ingress Egress Transactions Availity SucessE...