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Update in: 4 November 2024


Pandora FMS IPAM DHCP tool provides DHCP monitorization modules for a Windows DHCP server and also complements the information shown in IPAM extension.

This is an agent plugin.

You must create a collection in your Pandora FMS console. For instance, use a custom shortname ‘ipam’.

Upload the IPAM agent tool to the collection.

Rebuild the collection.

Assign the collection to your Windows DHCP server’s Pandora FMS agent.

Register the execution in ‘Plugins’ tab in the Pandora FMS agent manage page:

C:Program Filespandora_agentcollectionsipamipam_agent_tool.exe

After a while, file will be transferred to the agent, and executed, providing following modules:

  • [network] dhcp usage
  • [network] dhcp available ips
  • [network] dhcp free ips
  • [network] dhcp assigned ips
  • [network] dhcp reserved ips

Information given in IPAM extension is not overwritten if target IP addresses are in ‘managed’ status.

Only enterprise users can view the download links.

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For correct visualization of the Pandora FMS library extension, you must have installed version NG 760 or superior